5C - Discussion of Impact Fee/Development Excise Tax Study CITY OI+' I3vULllL+'I2
MELTING DATF,: September 4, 2008
Discussion of the Impact Fee/ Development Excise "I'ax Study.
Ruth Mclleyser, Acting Planning Director
Susan Richstone, bong Range Planning Manager
The purpose of this item for Pl~~nning Board to discuss and provide input on the Impact Fee/
Development Excise Tax Study. The board received an update and a copy of the study for its August
7 meeting. At that time, the board requested that an additional meeting time be scheduled for the
board to provide feedback on the study per Council's request that staff solicit board input.
At its July 22 meeting, City Council reviewed the draft study and decided not to place an item on the
ballet this fall to increase development excise taxes. Council requested that staff:
• Move forward to look at implementing as impact fees the six categories that used the
impact fee methodology (fire, police, human services, parks and recreation; municipal
facilities, library). These should be considered in a more comprehensive manner together
with plant inveshnent fees, looking at the overall cost of our development-related fees, and
economic competitiveness issues.
• Explore how a combination of excise taxes and impact fees might work together.
• With the consultant's help, identify data needs from the departments and lxit in place the
mechanisms to collect the needed data to update the study in the future.
• Seek additional public and advisory board input on the study results.
• Provide a more in-depth look at the development-related infrastructure and f~~cilities
requirements in other jurisdictions.
A City Council Study Session is scheduled for October 14 to discuss this study together with
proposed changes to Plant Investment Fees (PIFs) and other development-related fees.
If you no longer have a copy of the study, it maybe found online at:
httu:~'w~ww.bouldercolorado.~ov/tiles/PDSicie~•elopment excise tax study/tischlerbis~ study US•]xll•
or please either c-mail or call Paula Weber to request a paper copy at ~vebert~~{>,bouldercoloraclo.gov
or 303 441-4404.
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