4 - Call Up: Use Review for 1124 13th St (Abo's Pizza) LUR2008-00071 MEMORANDUM
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Charles Ferro, Case Manager
llATI~;: August 22, 2008
SU[~J>F;CT: Call Up Item: Ilse Review approval for Abo's Pizza at l 124 13°i Street to
allow a restaurant with late-night hours of operation from 1 1 a.m. to ?:30
a.m. daily.
Attached is the disposition of approval and managerent plan to allow Aho's 1'iz~a ai 1124 13i°
Street to operate a 3,010 square toot restaurant with daily hours of operation from 11 a.m. to 2:30
a.m. T'hc proposed restaurant will have a maximum of 65 interior scats and serve alcohol. No
outdoor seating has been proposed.
Abo's Pizza is currently located at I 1 ] 0 13`h Street and operates daily from l 1 a.m. to 2:30 a.rn.
(without alcohol service). Staff consulted with the City of Boulder Police department and
examined police calls to Abo's current location for the past seven years. Since 2002 there have
been 13 calls to the site for service. A majority of the service calls were placed by management
of Abo's for lighting, medical calls and theft.
"I'he project site is zoned BMS, (Business Main Street). Section 9-16, 13.R.C., 198} defines areas
~.oned l3MS as properties and uses generally anchored around a main street intended to serve the
surrounding residential neighborhoods. It is anticipated that development in the BMS lone
district will occur in apedestrian-oriented pattern, with buildings built up to the street, retail uses
~m the first Moor; residential and office uses above the first floor, and where complementary uses
may he allowed.
Per Section ~>-(~-l(d), I3.}ZC:., 1'.)41, restaurants and taverns operating })~rst 11 :00 t_~.n). in the 13iv'1~
coning district require Use Review approval. Since the applicant proposes to move to a new
loC:atl01] at 1124 13`h Street that would remain open after 1 1:00 p.m., a new (Jse Keview
application is required to evaluate any potential impacts on the surrounding neighborhood.
"I'he applicant held a neighborhood meeting on August 13, 2008. Neighbors expressed concerns
related to neighborhood impacts resulting from the }ate night service and consumption of
alcohol. Neighbors and University l fill business owners also spoke in support of the proposed
application. A summary of the neighborhood meeting as well as al] neighborhood
correspondence is attached. As noted in the attached analysis, staff found that the proposed use is
within the established character of the neighborhood and consistent with the intent of the BMS
lone district and all applicab}c Use Review criteria.
The proposal was approved by staff on September 21, 2008 and the decision may be called up
bcforc Planning Board on or bcforc Septenil)er 4, 2008. 'There is one Planning Board meeting
within the 14 day call up period on September 4, 2008.
Questions about the project or decision should be directed to the Case Manager, Charles Ferro at
(303) 441-4012 or ferroc(c~r~bouldercolorado.~ov.
A: Vicinity Map
B: Disposition of Approval dated September 21, 2008
C: Staff Analysis of Usc Review Criteria
D: Neighborhood Meeting Summary dated August 13, 2008
E: Neighborhood Correspondence
- - - - _ ATTACHMENT A
_ City of Boulder Vicinity Map-
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Project Location: 1129 13th St -1
Project Name: Abo's Restaurant c;ry of ~'i~'
N 0 RT H -8ou[der
Review Type: Use Review The .nrormaGon depi~tetl on t1~s rnap is provWeJ
Case Number: L UR2008-00071 2 as graphical reDresentabon only iha Gty of Boul+ler
I 3 equals 200 feet provrtle; nc wcrranly. expressed or irnp4od, a< K,
i. .r -r-~n[: „1;.~~,,. i rho in .:a..h•~r
Applicant: Bar Mar, LLC ~ -
~~~~~r Planning and Development Services
~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791
phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net
You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the
standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to
the proposed development.
DESCRIPTION: Use review for late night restaurant with hours of operation from 11;00 a.m. to 2:30
a.m. daily.
LOCATION: 1124 13`h Street
COOR: N02W06
LEGAL DESCRIPTION: South 8 1/3 feet of Lot 5 and alt of Lots 6 and 7, Block 6, University Terrace,
City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Colorado
OWNER: Gary R. Cook
APPLICATION: Use Review #LUR2008-00071
ZONING: Business Main Street (BMS) ,
CASE MANAGER: Charles Ferro
VES-rED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right
under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981.
Da e
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By. ,1~
uth McHeyser, Acti g Planning Director
This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning
Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be
deemed final fourteen days after the date abo e mentioned.
Appeal to Planning Board expires: ~ ~ d8
Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant
must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final
approval [or in compliance with the phasing plant. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in
Section 9-2-12) the development within three years [or in compliance with the phasing plan) shall cause
this development approval to expire.
Address: 1124 13t`' Street
1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with
the plan dated August 19, 2008 included in Exhibit A and on file in the City of Boulder Planning
Department. Further, the Applicant shall ensure that the restaurant is operated in compliance with
tine following restrictions:
a. The size of the restaruant shall be limited to 3,010 square feet and a maximum of 65 interior
seats. (No outdoor seating has been considered or permitted by this approval).
b. Regular hours of operation shall be from 11:00 a.m. to 2_:30 a.m. daily.
c_ The Applicant shall operate the business in accordance with the Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Management Plan dated August 2008, which is attached to this Notice of Disposition as Exhibit B
and incorporated herein by this reference.
2. The Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Section 9-2-
15(h), B.R.C. 1981.
3. This approval is limited to Bar Mar LLC, a Colorado limited liability company, d/b/a Abo's Pizza on
the Hill, the owner of the restaurant. Any changes in ownership shall be subject to the review and
approval of the Planning Director. The purpose of such review shall be to inform such subsequent
user of this space that it will be required to operate the restaurant in compliance with the terms of this
Address: 1124 13"' Street
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Management Plan for Abo's Pizza on the Hill
The purpose of this management plan is to address the following:
A. Purpose of this Use lleview
B. Intensity of ~.ise, noise generated, and the amount of traffic generated
C Coordinated times for deliveries and trash collection
D. Mitigation of noise impacts
E. Graffiti Removal
F. Employee education
G. Responsibilities as Good Neighbors
H_ Methods of dispute resolution with surrounding residential neighborhood
I. Neighborhood Outreach
J. Hours of Operation
K. Client and visitor arrival and departure times
L. Security
M. Drug and /\IcoI1o1 Policy
N. Lighting and Parking
O. Loitering
A. The purpose of this Use Review
Abo's Pizza on the Hill is applying for a Special Use Review to maintain its current and standard
operating hours of l 1:OOam - 2:30am seven days a week at the new location ~f 1124 13"'street. Abo's
Pizza has been on the I Iill in Boulder since 1977 serving food until 2:30am. Abo's Pizza has moved its
location three times since 1977, each time operating under its standard hours of a 1:00am until 2:30am.
This would be the fourth (and we hope final) move for Abo's Pizza on the I fill. We feel the new location
o[ 1124 13'" Street is an ideal location for Abo's Pizza because of its proximity to the Fox Theater;
undoubtedly the most popular venue on the Hill and a slice of Abo's after a show at the Fox has been a
tradition since the Fox began.
B. The intensity of use, the noise generated, and the amount of traffic generated
l he intr~nsity of use, noise generated, and the amount of traffic generated would change very
little as ~1bo's has been on the Hill and operating with late-night hours since 1977. We stay open until
there arc no more cuslomcrs to sell tu, no more pizza to sell, or 2:3O whirhevcr ronu~,ti f irsl.
The new lucalioi~ of I I?~# 1;3 `-~trcet has an increased seating, capa~•ity of I(, seals (or total of (~,`i.
L)ue to the nature of serving pizza by the slice and due to the nature of serving food to people coming
from the end of a show at the Fox rI'hcater, there is often, after shows, a period when all seats, inside and
out, are filled and often the line to buy food is duite long. These "seatless" patrons must then take their
purchases outside to eat on the sidewalk, or on their way home. The staff at Abo's is trained in noise
rnitif;ation, and peacelul confrontation resolution, but once a pah•on leaves our slrcrt, we c~~nnot do
iLla~agement Plan - Ahu's I'i»a
mtuh to keep lt~em safe, to keep others ~a(e, or prevent these people from making noise in the
neighborhoods. We feel these 16 extra seats will help mitigate potential noises entering the surrounding
blocks of residential homes.
The proposed business hours for each day of the week are 11:OOam - 2:30am. Please the
following paragraphs for a mathematical breakdown of intensity of use (at the current location of 1110
13~'' Street)
Abo's Pizza on the Hill generates most of its daily income catering to the late-night crowd. A
breakdown of peak periods is as follows;
Lunch 1 I :OOa.m. - 6:OOp.m. 35`%
Dinner 6:OOp.m. - lOp.m. 25%
Late-night IO:OOp.m. - 2:30a.m. 40%
Please remember that Abo's Pirza sells pizza until there are no more customers to sell to, no more pizza to sell, ar 2:30am
whichever comes first: Meaning that there are many nights when we close the doors well before 2:30a.m. and STILL the how-s
of 10pm - 2:30am are STILL our biggest grossing hours.
If we look at these numbers from an hourly perspective, the lunch period is 7 hours long, giving
an hourly average of 5% per hour. The dinner period is four hours long, giving an average of roughly
h% per hour. I,atc: night is shown as lasting 4.5 hours, giving an average of 8.9°/<> per hour.
From this breakdown, we can see that the late night period is the most valuable (i.e. generates
the most revenue) to Abo's as it represents nearly 1 I/z times more sales than any other period.
Further proof of the value of the late-night period was provided by the Flatiron Meal Plan. Tn an
analysis spanning from April 6"~ to April 12°i, 2005 it was found there were 121 transactions: 90
transactions before 11:OOpm (a span of 12 hours each day) and 31 transactions after 11:00pm (a span of 3
1/i hours each day) this shows that approximately 25% of sales for 1='latirons customers alone took place
after 11:OOpm.
The proposed business hours for each day of the week are 11:UOam - 2:30a1xt. Abo's wishes to
continue to sell pizza until there are no more customers to sell to, no more pizza to sell, or 2:30am
whichever comes first.
C. Coordinated times for deliveries and trash collection
All deliveries are coordinated with the vetxlars to take place at the same time as other businesses
on 13'h Street receive their deliveries. Trash, compost, & recycling are collected by Western Disposal.
Furthermore, Abo's has always participated in the 6-day review offered by Western Disposal. `('his
ensures that our alley is kept clean during the peak periods of use (particularly student move-out and
move-in times). With respect to neighboring apartments, recycling and other noisy items will not be
moved to outside containers during the flours of 11:OOpm - 7:OOam.
1VlariagCri1Gt11 Flail - /~EIO'S P1!.`L8
D. Mitigation of noise impacts
The intensity of use, the noise generated, and the amount of traffic generated would change very
little as Abo's hours of operation for the past 31 years has been until 2:3U every night. Abo's wishes to
continue to sell pizza until there are no more customers to sell to, no more pizza to sell, or 2:30am
whichever comes first.
E. Programs for graffiti removal;
Graffiti will be removed by the tenant in a timely manner.
F. Employee education
An employee meeting is scheduled once a month to discuss employee safety, conflicts &
behavior, scheduling, and potential problems/resolutions to customer relations (each season; fall,
summer, school breaks and holidays, etc., brings a new category of customer to our business, thus
requiring a new technique to handle these challenges.) See also our Alcohol Management Plan
G. Responsibilities as good neighbors
Abci s Pizza has been operating on the I-Iill for 31 years with current owners operating since 2002
with no complaints or disputes. Being a 31-year old institution on the I Iill, we feel a great responsibility
to our community. 'lhc owner works on site and is sensitive to the interactions between the restaurant,
the Hill community, and the surrounding neighborhoods.
H. Methods of dispute resolution with the surrounding residential neighborhood.
Abu's Pi~.~a has never had a dispute with the surrounding neighborhood, law enforcement, or
ether regulatory agencies Abu's staff recognize the duties and responsibilities that come with operating
a restaurant and are committed to working openly with all agencies to achieve a safe and harmonious
neighborhood. If one should occur, the owner, the manager, and/or ashift-leader would participate in
discussions and find resolutions io the problems cited. An employee meciing would then be scheduled
to implement these resolutions. Irreconcilable differences will be handled first through mediation, then
arbitration, then court proceedings as necessary.
I. Neighborhood outreach and methods for future communication;
Abo's Pizza is open to communication from any interested party. A representative for Abo's
Pi•r.ra strives to attend neighborhood meetings, Hill Alliance meetings, Rl IG meetings (Responsible
[ lospitality Group) and other discussions pertinent to business on the f till.
1\larrat;eincnt Plan Al~o'~ 1'ii.r.:r
J. Hours of Operation
/1bo's Pizza on the Hill has held the operating hours of I 1:UOam - 2:30am seven days a week
since 1977. We stay open until there are no more customers to sell to, no more pizza to sell, or 2:30
whichever comes first.
K. Client and Visitor Arrival and Departure time
Client and visitor arrival and departure times will rema?n the same as normal operating business
L. Security
Abo's Pizza already employs responsible, well trained staff and security persorulel for busier
nights. We will employ more if the need arises. There are hidden cameras.
M. Drug and Alcohol Policy
~1bo's Pizza has no tolerance for employees or patrons who use drugs.
N. Lighting; parking;
The restaurant lies within the UHGID parking confines. And while we have never achially
taken a survey, we would venture to guess about 70% of the total business is foot traffic.
O. Loitering
tlbo's Pizza has never had a problem with loitering and holds a zero tolerance on loitering inside
or outside the restaurant.
In consideration of our patrons and the time it may take away from serving them, please do not
inquire on these matters at the current store o£ 111013th Street. PIease direct all inquiries to Barbra
1-hmtting cell phone 303.908.3268 or email abosonthehill@comcast.net
Thank you from the entire staff at Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Management Plan - Abo's Pizza /
Amendment A
L:mpIoyee I.ic~uor Agreement
As a part of the condition of my employment by Abo's Pizza on the I fill, 1 understand and agree to the following
rules concerning the sales of liquor, beer, and wine (alcoholic beverages):
1. I will not sell alcoholic beverages to any person less #han 21 years of age. If the person does not appear to
be at least 65 years of age, I will ask that person for identification (LL).). If there is any doubt about the
person's age, I will not make the sale. I am aware that the only valid forms of I.D. are:
a) An operator's, chauffeurs, or similar type of driver's license containing a picture and signahre
issued by any state; and
b) I.D. card containing a picture and signature issued by any state for the purpose of proof of age.
c) A passport, rnilitary Lll., or immigration card with a birth date, signature and photograph.
2. If there is any question as to the LD. presented, I am to inform a manager immediately and allow
management to make the determination whether the identification is an acceptable form of identification.
3. I will not knowingly sell alcoholic beverages to any adult for use by individuals under the age of 21. If I
suspect Thai this is the purpose, 1 will not make the sale.
~l. f will not sell alcoholic beverages to any person during restricted hours. The restricted hours axe 1:35arn to
I I :OOam.
1 will not sell alcoholic beverages to any person who is acting disorderly or who appears to be intoxicated.
When in doubt, simply say "Nn."
7. I will not come to work after drinking alcoholic beverages.
I understand the consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages during my shift.
1 will not engage in the use, sale or trafficking in controlled substances on the licensed premises and will
immediately notify management if I observe such a violation.
l l). As an employee of Abo's Pizza on the Hill, I understand that if I fail to ask for identification, Iwill be
terminated from my employment. '
17 . l also understand that if I knowingly serve alcoholic beverages to someone under the legal drinking age, 1
will be terminated imrediately.
L)~~le•: Employee Signature:
1'rintc•~1 N.~mc:
L;rtipl~rycc I ,iquor ~lgrccmcnl ~ r
Amendment B
1. One person with valid ID per alcoholic drink served
2. Identify at-risk patrons.
3. Talk to patrons at the door to see if they are intoxicated.
4. Talk to patrons at the counter to see if they are intoxicated.
5. Have the patron pull nut their i.d. to check their dexterity.
6. When in doubt, simply say "No."
7. Make sure all staff members are communicating with each other to avoid potential problems.
8. Communicate and identify problem patrons with the surrounding restaurants and bars.
9. Have a phone list of surrounding restaurants and bars phone numbers.
1U. Monitor the amount of time between rounds of drinks.
11. nbo's Pizza will enforce a drink limit.
12. ~1bo's Pizza will not sell liquor at a reduced or "special" rate; only food will be subject to
"specials" or coupons or reduced prices.
13. Don't serve liquor in high quantities; when in doubt, simply say "Nv."
14. Control how much alcohol a patron is served; observe the patron. If a patron appears intoxicated,
cut them off.
15. Cut people off. When in doubt, simply say "No."
16. Have water easily accessible.
17. Be consistent with pouring liquor and serving beers. It is easier to know how much someone has
18. Recommend non-alcoholic beverages and food
19. Train staff on the signs of intoxication.
2U. Encourage staff to feel propriety about the business.
21. Provide alternate methods home, like cabs, Night Riders.
22. Contact Boulder Police with problems - 303-441.3333 -non emergency
23. When cutting someone off, be polite and courteous yet firm in your decision
24. Bring the blame back to "this establishment" do not place blame on an individual; "the manager
says I can't serve you'
25. If confrontational, ask them to leave the premises.
26. Recruit the friends of the intoxicated person to aid in caring for the patron.
27. The Abo's staff shall constantly walk around the restaurant, observing patrons
28. Constantly take empty bottles/glasses off the tables and counters.
Date: F_.zxrployec Signature:
Printed Name:
1?mployee Liquor Agreement ~O~
Amendment C
Each employee is to read, understand and sign this Responsible Alcohol Service Guide
Abo's Pizza on the Mill is committed to creating a safe and inviting environment for every guest.
Alcohol service is an important part of our business. Abo's Pizza on the Hill believes that only
individuals who are of legal drinking age and can demonstrate responsible moderate consumption will
be served alcohol.
It is the job of every employee of Abo's Pizza on the I-sill to live up to that philosophy. In order to
maintain the integrity of Abo's Pima on the Hill practices, your responsibilities will be discussed in the
following sections.
Excuse me, I'll take the keys.
No Guest who is intoxicated should ever be served alcohol. If the Guest is intoxicated, we
should do our best to prevent that individual from driving under the influence. This may mean calling a
cab to Abo's Pizza on the Hill, or calling a friend of the Guest.
You• look old enough.
Yes, we ID. While it may not be polite to ask someone's age, asking to see an IU is a different
story. The law states each individual should carry a form of ID. So coven if they look 99 years old, check
that 1D!
If someone ordering an alcoholic drink looks under the age of 100, ask for an III. Take a few moments to
check for telltale signs of falsified IDs.
When in doubt, simply say "No.,,
t)[~.[~1N[NG ALCO[IOL
/~lrc~hol is a chemical substanrc, drug, and a food.
intoxication is the decrease of physical and mental abilities. Intoxication is the depressed functions
of the Central Nervous System, due to alcohol and/or other drugs. "I'he cortex of the brain, the area
responsible for thinking, reasoning, and decision making, is affected first. The cerebellum, responsible
for posture, motor control, and coordination, is affected second.
Intoxication increases as the amount of alcohol in the body increases. This occurs when a person
consumes alcohol faster than the liver can break it down. The average body breaks down alcohol at a rate
of ahhroximately one ounce of pure alcohol per hour.
When a person drinks an alcoholic beverage, there are specific and predictable changes in the
persc>n's body and behavior.. As the amount of alcohol consumed increases, the changes become more
exlrc•me. 't'his holds true for everycmc~.
[:mplr~ycc [.iclur~r n~;rcerr~ent
`There are many factors which determine the rate at which a person reaches intoxication. However,
dme is the only factor that reduces intoxication.
Determining Intoxication
"There are two measures to determine intoxication:
Blood Alcohol Content. The amount of alcohol in the bloodstream. i3AC continues to increase for
30-90 minutes after drinking has stopped because the alcohol is still being absorbed.
Visible Signs of Intoxication. As the person SAC increases, his/her behavior changes visibly.
Visible intoxication, rather than [3AC is what the servers and sellers arc required to recognize zn order to
determine whether a Guest is intoxicated.
It is imperative that every Abo's 1'irza on the I Till employee know and obey the law. Every
employee responsible for alcohol service must attend the City of Boulder Liquor Awareness Training
Date: Employee Signature:
Printed Name:
hmployec. Liquor A~rccmcnt Pti~e 6 of l~
Amendment D
Definition: A private party MUS"I' be registered when ALI, four of the following qualifications occur:
1. A single point of contact (either an individual or a group of individuals) that represents a group of people
who arc gathering for social and/or business reasons.
2. "['he event will beheld past 10:00 ptil
3. There will be BOTH of age and underage people present.
4. The group uses a private room or a portion of the establishment designated for the privacy function only, not
open to the public.
Best Private Party Practices:
1. Stay under capacity (seating capacity 65 persons)
2. Identify underage patrons: A) wrist bands on those over 21 and B) X the hands of any underage patrons.
3. Adequate security staff: (Ratio being l :50 A) i.d. EVERY person 13) prevent outside liquor from entering the
premises C) walk around to prevent passing of drinks D) control exits and entrances, for both access by
people and to prevent alcohol from leaving the premises.
4. Adequate general staff (ratio totaling 1:25)
5. Contact person shall be owner or GM.
6. Register with BLA.
7. 1 lave a sober party member to contact if need arises.
8. Ilave a signed contract that explains: A) any deposits or fines B) any termination policy C) that the
establishment WILL NOT serve visibly intoxicated or underage patrons.
9. Inform the party hose by providing them with A) a map to the establishment B) cab numbers, bus routes,
Night Riders C') parking p}aces and tips.
10. Serve fiuxi and non-ale~holic beverages.
L;mpluycc I.iyuor r~greemcnt
Amendment E
Each employee is to read, understand and sign this agreement to work at Abo's on the Hill
Employee Management Ylan & Employee Handbook
Who is A GUEST?
As paraphrased from Hapa Restaurant; a respectful, prosperous business worthy of replication.
? A GUF,ST is the most important person who enters our restaurant. They furnish the
money for our operating expenses, including our tvayes.
A GUEST is whom we are employed by.
? A GUEST is not an interruption of our work; the~are the r•eason~for it.
A GUEST is not someone with whom to argue. You cannot win an argument with A
GUEST' and expect them to come back.
? A GUEST is someone who will influence others to come if satisfied the first time.
? A GUEST is someone doing tIS a favor by visiting otlr restaurant.
? A GUEST is willing to pay fairly for the services they receive. The better they like
the service, the better they will life OUI' restaurant.
A GUEST is you! Treat our guests as you would like to be treated yourself!
Employee I.iqucn~ A~,~~eement / ~
Job Outline
1. Show up on time for your scheduled shift
2. Make delicious pi~~as and ot}Zer food
3. Keep the store clean
4. Treat our guests in a professional and courteous manner
Job Details
1) BF. OBSERVAN'' - if it's busy, make more pies for the Hotbox. If it's slow, don't.
2) Be courteous, kind, and forgiving to the customers.
3) Keep the customer area as clean as possible -Take an~and all opportunities to get out there and wipe tables,
gather the spices and restock the spices and coke-lids.
4) Wipe tables as soon as they are abandoned. Nobody wants to sit at a dirty table!
5) Keep the patio free of trash and debris. Umbrellas come in at closing time. Umbrellas, tables and chairs are
brought in at night.
6) Prepare prep and stock well for next shift -again, BE OBSERVANT- if it's busy, cut more vegetables, stock
more dressings, etc.
7)Keep the bathrooms well-stocked with'I'.P. Paper towels clogging the toilet plumbing will end up costing us
MUCH, MUCH more than a couple of rolls of T.P.
8) CLEAN! Remember the tacky motto; "If there's time to lean, there's Hme to clean!" It is the nahire of a
restaurant to get abused & dirty during each shift- clean it up!
9) Each shift has Super DuNcs to be done before the shift ends - I have made sure that none of these take longer
than 20 minutes and are appropriated to certain shifts for certain reasons.
10) `['he End of Shift Checklist is not up for nef;otiation! This list is to be executed faithfully at the end of EACH
1 1) Disgruntled customers are not to be argued with, only treated fairly and u~ the most professional and
courteous manner possible. A free soda or a free slice is worth it!
I?_) A single guest who leaves with a sense of satisfaction will come back again and again, and will bring
f ricnds
13) A single guest who leaves in disgust will never come back.
14) Theft and/or vandalism arc to hr: reported to the police immediately.
I?atc . _ 1(n~ploycc Si~;nahire:
I'rinlc~~i Nai11c
Amendment F
L.~ I L NI(~1IT 11oliRS OPLIZATION ~;1i11~1~.
(;mhloyec Liquor Agreement
Uefinitivn: Late night hours are these hours of operation between 11:OOpm and 2:30am.
1. Abo's Pizza on the Hill reserves the right to serve food and non-alcoholic beverages during its
legal, normal operating hours of 11:OOam to 2:30am.
2. Outside amplified sound will be silenced at 11:OOpm.
3. E16o's Pizza on the Hill reserves the right to close at any time during these hours; (i.e. to close early
for the night in times of student vacations, etc.)
4. Abo's Pizza on the I
Iill employees will encourage the sale of food with every alcoholic beverage
5. Abo's Pura on the Hill will not sell alcoholic beverages during the restricted hours of 2:OOam to
h. Abo's Pizza on the Hill will have a last call of 1:15am.
7. Abo's Pizza on the I-Iill will not sell alcohol to minors, persons with improper LD.s, persons
appearing intoxicated, or anyone deemed unacceptable.
8. Abv's Pizza on the I-sill will staff as many employees as needed to keep the premises operating in
safe manner.
F,mployee Liquor n,greeznent /0
USE REVIEW CRITERIA (9-2-15, B.R.C. 1981)
(1) Consistency with Zoning and Non-Conformity: The use is consistent with the purpose
of the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-5, "Zoning Districts Established," B.R.C. 1981,
except in the case of a non-conforming use;
The project site is zoned BMS, Business Main Street. The BMS zoning designation, as
defined by Section 9-16, B.R.C. 1981, provides for business uses generally anchored
around a main street that are intended to serve the surrounding residential neighborhoods
and the University of Colorado.
The proposed restaurant is located within the most intense area of the University Hill
district. Staff finds the proposed use will serve the surrounding area and is consistent with
the intent of the BMS zone district.
(2) Rationale: The use either:
(A) Provides direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the
surrounding uses or neighborhood;
The subject property is located within the "Community Business" land use
area identified in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). The
BVCP states that "community business areas are the focal point for
commercial activity serving a subcommunity or a collection of
The University Hill commercial district serves University of Colorado
studentslemployees as well as University Hill area residents. Restaurant
uses provide a direct service and convenience to the surrounding
neighborhood, University and its users. Additionally, area residents
benefit from the availability of many dining options within walking distance
of both the University of Colorado as well as the University Hill
With regard to adverse impacts to the surrounding uses or the
neighborhood due to late night operations, staff finds the amended
management plan will contain sufficient policies and procedures to
address any impacts that may be directly attributed to Abo's Pizza. ,
N/!~ (B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity
N/A (C} Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the Boulder
Valley Comprehensive Plan, including, without limitation, historic preservation,
moderate income housing, residential and non-residential mixed uses in
appropriate locations, and group living arrangements for special populations; or
N/A_ (U) Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted
under subsection (e) of this section;
3) Compatibility: The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed
development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably
compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties or for
residential uses in industrial zoning districts, the proposed development reasonably mitigates the
potential negative impacts from nearby properties;
Abo's Pizza is an existing restaurant which currently operates daily from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30
a.m. nearby at 1110 13`h Street. The proposed location is within the most intense portion of
the University Hill district and does not maintain any residential units directly above the
proposed location and the applicant has not proposed an outdoor patio; therefore staff
finds that the proposed hours of operation will have minimal negative impact on the use of
nearby. Additionally, staff finds the amended management plan will contain sufficient
policies and procedures to address any impacts that may be directly attributed to Abo's
Abo's proposes to continue to serve a full menu during existing operating hours of 11:00
a.m. to 2:30 a.m daily, while maintaing a primary restaurant use. Staff finds that the
proposed location and the proposed hours of operation will not result in any additional
impacts to the surrounding area and will remain compatible with the University Hill
Further, Abo's has been operating on University Hill in various locations for several years,
most recently at 1110 13"' Street. In 2005, the applicant was granted a Use Review approval
to extend hours of operation until 2:30 a.m. daily at the 1110 13"' Street Icoation. City staff
reviewed police service calls for~1110 13"' back to 2002 and has found that there have been
only 13 calls since 2002 for police service to the property. Incidentally, the service calls
were initiated by the management of Abo's Pizza for assistance.
(4) Infrastructure: As compared to development permitted under Section 9-3.1-1_,
"Schedule of Permitted Uses of Land," B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing
level of impact of anon-conforming use, the proposed development will not significantly adversely
affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area, including, without limitation, water, wastewater,
and storm drainage utilities and streets;
Suitable infrastructure exists in the area to support the proposed restaurant expansion.
(5) Character of Area: The use will not change the predominant character of the
surrounding area; and
The established character along Broadway and 13"' Street within the University Hill
neighborhood is defined and characterized by a number of late-night establishments
including taverns, restaurants, and concert venues, many with outdoor patios. To the west
of the commercial corridor along 13`" Street lies ahigh-density residential neighborhood
containing apartments and fraternitylsorority houses. Beyond the high-density
residential neighborhood, to the west and southwest, is an established low-density
residential neighborhood. The specific restaurant site is located along the most intense
portion of the University Hill service I retail corridor. No residential units are directly
above to the proposed restaurant and no outdoor seating or speakers have been
requested or permitted as a part of the Use Review application.
Staff finds the impacts of the proposed hours of operation will remain compatible with the
established character of the area and the intent of the business main street zoning district.
Staff also finds that the proposal will not alter the predominant character of the
surrounding areas.
N/A (ti) Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses: There shall be a presumption
against approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts set forth in
Subsection 9-3.1-1(a), B.R.C. 1981, to non-residential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use
review, or through the change of one non-conforming use to another non-conforming use. The
presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to be
approved serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or recreational need
in the community including, without limitation, a use for a day care center, park, religious
assembly, social service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio space, museum, or
an educational use.
Not applicable.
Public Comment from Abo's City of Boulder Site Review Meeting
August 13, 2008
- What is percentage of food to drink? Could be 85% food which will be served
until 2:30 am; not looking to be a bar
- Abo's currently open to 2:30 am
- At Thunderbird burgers, alcohol accounts for less than 10% of sales
- Scope of tonig}Zt's site review: opening hours
- Looking at new location and use of alcohol Iicense down the road
- Questions about health inspection -it's required and Abo's has passed regarding
' county health requirements
- Health department is strict and unforgiving with respect to restaurant inspection
- Abo's landlord offers a historical context; beer had been served at the first Round
the Corner restaurant at that location and other businesses have come and gone
since then. Peels that Abo's management is responsible and doesn't anticipate
future problems. l-Ias an interest in tenant businesses not causing problems.
Historically has been a pizza place with a liquor license. Doesn't wish to waive
what he believes are the rights of Abo's with respect to what they can do at this
- What is the rated capacity (occupancy) of location? 70 people.
- What has been the history of police calls at Grammazio's?
- Concern that problems could escalate with additional alcohol; related to concerna
that neighborhood is becoming a "bar area."
- Management plan for Abo's includes l :l S last call, so as to prevent 2 a.m. rush.
Abo's employees have received voluntary alcohol training and there has been
high retention among these employees.
- How is Abo's going to deal with underage (including bringing pitcher back to
large ~-oup) and excessive drinking? ID policy will restrict one drink per one ID
and putting an "X" on hands of those permitted to drink.
- Expression of concern about fairness of limiting what certain establishments can
do. Dz-inking is a personal problem and business shouldn't be penalized for this.
Safer for people to drink in an establishment. with a management plan than .
- should allow for businesses that monitor students versus l~tivate homes that
provide no monitoring.
- Support k3arb (Abo's owner) as she has shown commitment to the Hill. Peels
confident in her abilities.
- Speaking as a parent ofbelow-drinking age children, participant sees Abo's as a
responsible operation, like to see it maintain long hours; isn't concerned about
bringing children to restaurant where alcohol is available.
- Speaker involved in Hill business association, feels it's prudent to bring out
questions about alcohol. Feels Abo's is qualified and that it's important to have all
the facts before making conclusions.
- Will there be hard liquor'? Ycs. Won't be offering shot specials, however we did
pay for a license that allows us to serve hard liquor.
- Boulder Fire Department changed occupancy level from approximately one
hundred people to scvei~ty.
- Outdoor seating? No plans for that naw.
- Observation that it's hard lix- businesses such as restaurants to sustain downtimes,
and that being able to serve alcohol is very helpful with respect to generating
revenue. We should be careful about limiting successful businesses, as it could
cause harm.
- Another business owner questions the assumption that police calls should be used
as evidence against a business. if a business owner is proactive and calls the
police to prevent problems from getting worse, that shrntldn't be held against
them. Inrwcent until proven guilty?
- Former owner ol~site believes that Abo's can serve alcohol hasecl on use by right
it should be allowed.
- }imployee offers support for Barbara, owner of Abo's. Concern that limits will
lead to tip revenue decreases and he may no longer be able to work there.
- Whether a place is a bar or not doesn't change perspective of someone that has
personal issues with drinking.
- flan to keep current menu for now, but it could be expanded with full kitchen and
some customers have asked fir pasta, subs, etc.
- Residential neig}~bar doesn't have a problem with Abo's, but ~~otes that many at
meeting may not live on the Hill and haven't had to hear past noise and deal with
past negative impacts from other establishments. Things like shot specials create
concern, and we don't want bars to rule the neighborhood.
- Abo's owners understand the problems associated with overserving alcohol, and
do not wish to become a bar.
- Owner of neighborhood shipping business feels barriers to entry (i.e. hour and
serving restrictions) should be removed as they have negative impacts on business
and if there is a curfew, it should be city-wide.
- Expression of disagreement about bar impacts; house parties create problems, not
- Don't want businesses to think neighbors are anti-business, but need assurances
that there won't be hard drink specials and things change in a negative way from
what's being represented by the owners now.
- Some problematic businesses are no longer open.
- Neighbor expresses concern about how they've sometimes had to put up with
problematic business far three to five years before they shut down.
- Neighbor requests written assurances that Abo's will not deviate from what's in
management plan with respect to serving alcohol. Owner notes that it is in writing
in the management plan.
- Some residents support Abo's change
- Drinking is a lifestyle issue outside of scope of regulating businesses.
- Business owner with same experience as Abo's (wanting to serve late hours and
alcohol}, hasn't had any post 11 pm incidents.
- Success of business due to fact that it's a university town, students seek. out
businesses like Abo's, people that buy homes here should he aware that this is
part of neighborhood.
- Response to above: some that have bought homes purchased long before much of
local growth occurred, population of Boulder has doubled since some have
- Casmo's Pizza put a no drink specials pledge in writing.
- Landlord notes that the place has a full co??una-cial kitcl?en and that Who's needs
to appeal to students. He needs good quality tenants.
- Most bar/restaurants serve 90%, food, 10% alcohol. Need to serve to survive.
Curfew bad for business.
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - RE Abo's Management Plan Documents (1124 13th) . ^ _
From: "Jan Ottc
To: "Charles Ferro" <Ferroc@bouldercoloradc. _ ,
Date: 8/15/2008 10:03 AM
Subject: RE: Abo's Management Plan Documents (1124 13th)
Friday, August 15, 2008
I am opposed to granting Abo's request fora 2 AM closing with afull-service liquor license.
I have r~o objection to a 2 AM closing without liquor service, or to an 11 PM closing with liquor license.
I want to remind you that this decision involves the use of the premises, and not the qualifications, or lack
thereof, of the applicant. Once the use is granted, the applicant is free to sell the business, and there are
no guarantees that the new operator will be any better qualified than the applicant.
History has shown that the greater the number of AM liquor licenses on the Hill, the greater the noise,
vandalism and discomfort for the adjacent neighbors. As the number of 2 AM licenses has declined, there
has been some abatement in the undesirable behaviors that occur when a large number of inebriated
adolescents are dumped into the neighborhood at 2 AM.
BMS-X zoning was created to allow some measure of control over the undesirable side effects arising
from late-night liquor corisurript,on in private business establishments. Ihope you will take this into
consideration when reaching your decision.
Thank you.
Jan C. Otto
960 Lincoln Place
Boulder, CO 80302
Original Message
From: Charles Ferro
Tn~ s -
` _
Cc: Lauri Wegscheider
Sent: 8/14/2008 10:18:40 AM
Subject: Abo's Management Plan Documents (1124 13th)
Dear University Hill Neighbors:
Thank you all for attending the neighborhood meeting last night. As promised, attached is the applicant's
proposed management plan. Please feel free to forward any last minute comments or suggestions to me
via email.
Staff will render a decision on the application by the end of this week, therefore, it would be helpful to have
any remaining comments as soon as possible. Please note that staffs decision is subject to appeal to the
Planning Board within 14 days of a decision.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Charles Ferro, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department
303.441.4012 -Direct
((8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Re: [UHNA-ECJ Abo's_Piua Use Review -Neighborhood MeetingReminder
h' - ~ - - - - - - -
To: "Charles Ferro" <Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/8/2008 11:40 AM
Subject: Re: [UHNA-ECJ Abo's Pizza Use Review -Neighborhood MeetingReminder
Thank you for your reply.
Susan Marine
Original Message
From: Charles Ferro
To: Susan Marine
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: [UHNA-ECJ Abo's Pizza Use Review -Neighborhood MeetingReminder
Hi Susan:
Please find my responses below in bold.
Please feel free to contact me with any additional questions.
Charles ~
Charles Ferro, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department
303.441.4012 -Direct
303.441.3241 -Fax
"Susan Marine" ~ 8/7/2008 12:02 PM
Thank you for the update.
Please clarify: 1) does the application request a change in hours of operation?
No. Currently Abo's is open until 2:30 AM at their existing location
at 1110 13th Street.
2) is this a new request to serve liquor, or is Abo's already serving liquor?
Abo's does not currently serve alcohol.
3) does the application request an increase in the number of hours for serving alcohol?
Yes, since Abo's does not currently serve alcohol, the request
would constitute an increase.
Thank you.
Susan Marine
Member, Executive Committee, ULNA
1005 Lincoln Place, Boulder
Original Message
From: Charles Ferro
To: Lisa Spaldii -
gent: ~ nursoay, r.~y,.~, , _ _ _ _
Subject: [UHNA-ECJ Abo's Piva Use Review -Neighborhood Meeting Reminder
(8/22/2008).Charles Ferro - RE: Fwd: Abo's Use Review :-1124 13th_ _ _ _ _ ~
From: "William M. t~.w...._
To: "'Charles Ferro"' <Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/15/2008 8:57 AM
Subject: RE: Fwd: Abo's Use Review - 1124 13th
Dear Charles: Thanks for this info. I simply can't get the Mamacitas
"disaster" out of my mind and must register my opinion that I oppose the
late closing even with the reduced occupancy load. The near certainty that
the liquor license will follow makes it imperative that you take into
account that the result of a ruling for approval of the current application,
in effect, gives us an additional location that will be serving alcohol
after 11 PM. The order of the process seems to penalize us for speaking out
now on this matter -yet the meeting you held did allow for input on the
alcohol issue so I feel it is necessary that you bring that into your
I hope you will bring to the attention of City Council and the riew City
Manager the difficulty that the required H & R license puts the owner who
wants simply to serve beer in, when a Beer License is all that is needed for
this establishment as testified to by Barbara Hunting.
Bill Marine
----Original Message-----
From: Charles Ferro [mailto:Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 15, 2008 8:07 AM
Subfect: Ke: t-wd: Abo's Use Review - 1124 13th
Below is an email from David Lowrey, Fire Marshall confirming the occupancy
load of 70.
Have a great weekend.
Charles Ferro, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department
303.441.4012 -Direct
303.441.3241 -Fax
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - RE: Abo's Management Plari Documents (1124`13th)
From: "William M. Mari.._ _
To: "'Charles Ferro"' <Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/14!2008 2:41 PM
Subject: RE: Abo's Management Plan Documents (1124 13th)
Thanks, Charles, for sending this document which includes the appendices
that I did not see last night. I suggest that your office confirm with the
fire department that the capacity of the location has been changed to the 70
figure Barbara told us last night. If that turns out to be incorrect, then
I think it calls into question the matter of "telling the truth". Mind you,
t simply am wanting some assurance that what we all heard last night is
correct since, despite their proposal's statement that they consider their
capacity to be 65, if the fire department has the 100-128 capacity in its
record, then we have no way of expressing concern.
Bill Marine
PS: Susan was unable to attend as she is out-of-town taking some personal
-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Ferro [maitto:Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov]
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2008 10:18 AM
Cc: Lauri Wegscheider
Subject: Abo's Management Plan Documents (1124 13th)
Dear University Hiil Neighbors:
Thank you all for attending the neighborhood meeting last night. As
promised, attached is the applicant's proposed management plan. Please feel
free to forward any last minute comments or suggestions to me via email.
Staff will render a decision on the application by the end of this week,
therefore, it would be helpful to have any remaining comments as soon as
possible. Please note that staff's decision is subject to appeal to the
Planning Board within 14 days of a decision.
(8122/2008) Charles Ferro - RE_Abo's Management Plan Documents (1124 13th) _ _ - y
Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Charles Ferro, AICP
Senior Planner
City of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department
303.441.4012 -Direct
303.441.3241 -Fax
www. bouldercolorado.gov
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza on the Hill
From: "Ian Ber
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/8/2008 11:09 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. 1 am
urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester.
Ian R Bennett
Mortgage Banker
Mutual Security Mortgage
2019 Tenth Street -Boulder, CO 80302
Office: (303) 443.2050
Fax: (303) 447.6816
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro Abo's hours of o eration
To: <ferrac@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 5:46 AM
Subject: Abo's hours of operation
Mr. Ferro,
. I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Fiill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
George E. Nickerson
Resort Maps
866 634 9933
Fax 866-632-9770
(8/2212008) Charles Ferro - Abo's on the Hill
From: flynn cc
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5!2008 6:24 AM
Subject: Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abos Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abos Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Flynn Conlin
(8/22/2008) Charles_Ferro - Abo's on the Hi11
From: Esri <
70: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8!5/2008 8:54 AM
Subject: Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in
support of Abos Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night
of tf~e week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abos
Pi-r1a has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has become
an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Esri Allbritten
(8/22/200 Charles Ferro - Abo s Pizza on_the HiIL hours of operation _ _ a _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 8:52 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza on the Hill: hours of operation
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo?s Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street.
Abo?s Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location
are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you
to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM
daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for
the fall semester.
Derek Kumm
6978 Wapiti Court
Boulder, CO 80301
(8/22%2008) Charles Ferro- Request for new Abo's Pizza to stay~operi~until 2:30 AM.
From: "Debbie and Mike Hur;
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/4/2008 11:41 PM
Subject: Request for new Abo's Pizza to stay open until 2:30 AM.
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Debbie Hurst
- -
~ 8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza ~ _ ~ ~ - - ` ~
~ ~ - -
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 9:53 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began
in 1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the
new location are no different than the hours they currently maintain.
I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of
11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the
students return for the fall semester.
Dan Galperin
._(8%2212008) Charles Ferro - Abo's
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 12:23 PM
Subject: Abo's
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30arn every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am
urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester.
David S. Wein
David S. Wein
Mutual Security Mortgage
2019 10th Street
Boulder, CO 80302
Ph.: 303.443.5575
Fax: 303.443.5585
- - _
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Comment
From: "Dan Hen
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/11/2008 10:25 PM
Subject: Abo's Comment
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in support of Abo's Pica on the Hill slaying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Dan Hereid
459 Blue Lake Trail
Lafayette, CO 80026
_ - ~
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -Abos Pizza on the -Hill
From: "JANA REED" _
To: <ferrocLbouldercoiorado.gov>
Date: 8/6!2008 10:07 AM
Subject: Abos Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
i am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street.
Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza Late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain.
am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall serriester_
Best Regards,
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Pica` _
From: Karla Conl... _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 10:18 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abos Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abds Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM #o
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Karla McCaulley-Conlin
L(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo s planning application meeting_ 4
From: Karen Sperry , _
To: <Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>,
Date: 8/11/2008 11:?_7 AM
Subject: Abo's planning application meeting
To Barb Huntting and Charles Ferro:
I'm sorry that I won't be able to make it to the planning meeting on
Wednesday (I've just found out there's a "graduation" party Wednesday
for my son's preschool before they start kindergarten next week!).
But thank you, Barb, for giving me your email and Mr. Ferro's email
address, as I wanted to make two points at the meeting:
1-- Abo's has been serving pizza until late at night since before
arrived in Boulder 24 years ago, and along with a handful of other
businesses, has been an anchor in maintaining ANY sort of
economically healthy commercial district on The Hill. I think the
only way to survive the vagaries of doing business on The Hill is by
being a quality, well-run business which is needed and desired by the
local community. The simple fact remains that there are more than
25,000 students who attend the university across the street who
require local services I Hope the city will not drive away
businesses which have shown that they are stalwarts, simply to be
replaced by newcomers who come when times are good and go when times
are bad.
2-- Regarding the city's liquor licensing issues, my understanding of
the process is that a business is required to go through an extensive
application process, pre-defined paperwork, background checks, etc.
and stating their intent as to how they intended to operate that
license. If they fulfill those requirements and present a reasonable
plan, the establishment is granted a liquor license. One of the most
important aspects of that license being granted is that it is subject
to review each year, and if the business doesn't fulfill its
requirements or if they operate outside the plan they present, then
the liquor license is denied the following year. It seems to me that
if a business is not granted a license after presenting a complete
application and a reasonable case, it's the same as assuming guilt
before a trial.
I wish the best of luck to all of you. My home address and phone
number are below.
Kind regards,
Karen Sperry
Karen Sperry
1916 Spruce Street
Boulder CO 80302
303 579 9700
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro- Abo's Pizza on the Hill
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 7:05 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Joe Flygare
Your PC, mobile phone, and online services work together like never before. ,
- - -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -
From: jhunttin~
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/11/2008 4:29 AM
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo/~s Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30AM every night of the week in
their new location of 1124 13th street. AbofEs Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. The 2:30AM closing is no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Judy Huntting
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro Abo's Pizza -new location
From: "Jessica Brennat >
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 9:46 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza -new location
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester. I have
patronized Abo's pizza at all hours ar~d feel that they should continue to be able to provide food until
Jessica Brennan
Mutual Security Mortgage
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,_(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro: Hours for the riew Abo's on the hill
From: "Jefferies, Michael
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 8:52 AM
Subject: Hours for the new Abo's on the hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing as a CU Alumni and member of the Boulder community to
support Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of
the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has
been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has become an
institution on the Hifl. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I think it is
essential to offer late night food to students and other members of the
community whether they are up late studying or just need something to
put in their stomach before they go to bed. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so
they may open at the new location before the students return for the
fall semester.
Michael Jefferies
- -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -Abos Hill
_ , - - _
From: "Mark Van Gra
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov
Date: 8/13/2008 4:13 PM
Subject: Abos Hill
Dear Mr. Charles Ferro,
I cannot attend the meeting tonight but would like to speak in support of
Abo's Pizza and their move from 1110 13th street to 1124 13th street. As a
fellow restaurateur 1 have known Barb Hunting for several years. She runs a
very successful operation and is a great neighbors. The Hill's continued
viability is dependent on having good business operators, such as Barb, who
have the community, the students, and Hill residents best interest in mind.
Abos has operated until 2:30am for many years and should be allowed to
continue such hours.
-~liank You,
Mark Van Grack
The Hapa Group Inc
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza
From: "Mark Kramer (G~ ....,..,,....v__~,
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov.>
Date: 8/7/2008 2:20 PM
Subject: Abo's Pizza
Asa 1990 graduate of CU Boulder I have many fond memories of getting
slices of pizza from Abo's after, or during, a long night of studying. I
can not think of a reason why forcing this long term establishrnent to
reduce their operating hours at a new location could be disruptful to
the Hill neighborhood and would actually consider it a loss of a
landmark tradition for the students, as well as citizens, of the Boulder
community. Please approve the Use Review and hours of operation to
ensure the next generations can continue to enjoy this institution and a
tasty late night break.
Mark Kramer
Manager-t_ift/Electrical Maintenance
Copper Mountain Resort
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strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please
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and any attachments from your system. Thank you.
(8/22/2008~ Charles Ferro - Abo's on the -Hill - - ~ - - - - - - - ~ - - ~ ~ ~~"9
From: "Mark Heinrit
Ta: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/8/2008 9:28 AM
Subject: Abo's on the Hitl~
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the ~lill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. 1 am urging you to move
quickly and approve.their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Mark Heinirtz
Mark Heinritz
The Sink Restaurant and Bar
1165 13th St. Boulder, CO 80302
303-444-7465 x12 303-449-3123 fax
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Mr. Ferro, ~ ~
From: Lisa Lai
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> .
Date: 8/14/2008 12:20 PM
Subject: Mr. Ferro,
Mr. Ferro,
1 am writing in support of Abos Pizza on the Hill - I am very interested in seeing them stay open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abos Pizza has been serving
pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. 1 am urging you to move quickly and
approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before
the students return for the fall semester. I know you are close to a decision... please support them in this
Many thanks,
Lisa Lai
- - - -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Ori The Hill
From: Leah Winsk~ _
To: <ferroc~c~bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/12/2008 8:58 AM
Subject: Abo's On The Hill
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Leah Winski
Senior Account Executive
the ONION Newspaper
o. 303.449.9785 x15
c. 720.530.5141
f. 303.449.6233
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's on the Hill ~ - -
From: "Larry Rasmussen" < _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 7:19 AM
Subject: Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
1 am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am
urging you to rnove quickly and approve their, operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester.
Larry Rasmussen
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's On the Hill
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/8/2008 9:31 AM
Subject: Abo's On the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street.
Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location
are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you
to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM
daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for
the fall semester.
Thank You,
Kurt Defines
Biz Physicians
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8!7/2008 8:01 AM
Subject: Abo's
Mr. Ferro, v
am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Kary Michael Ohan
University Townhouses Property Manager
Cinema Realty and Investments
1065 University Avenue #212
Boulder, CO 80302
- - _ - _ _ _ _ _ 1
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -Regarding Abo's Pizza on the Hill
From: >
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8110/2008 8:55 AM
Subject: Regarding Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
1 am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pi77a late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Kristen and Dalton Rasmuss8n
,_~8/22/2008~ Charles Ferro - Iri_support of Abo's_ _ _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/11/2008 1:58 PM
Subject: In support of Abo's
Mr. Ferro,
i am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Nill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
' become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. 1 am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Pablo Kjolseth
International Filrn Series
ATLAS 326, 316-UCB
1125 18th St.
Boulder, CO., 80309
PH: 303.492.4494
FX: 303.492.1362
- - - -
' (8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -Abos on the Hill
From: Nick Middlebro~
To: <ferrac@boufdercolorado.gov>
Date: 8!7/2008 4:49 PM
Subject: Abos on the Hill
I am writing in
support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the
week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been
serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has become an institution on
the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating
hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the
students return for the fall semester.
Got Game? Win Prizes in the Windows Live Hotmail Mobile Summer Games Trivia Contest
Maa..,./R._._.. .
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro -Abos in Boulder
From: _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 1:04 PM
Subject: Abos in Boulder
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pica late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Michelle Clifford
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - ABOS - - ~ _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 7:32 PM
Subject: ABOS
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the #alI semester.
Matt Hoskins
303 475-4578
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's on the Hill
To: <terroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8!12/2008 2:01 PM
Subject: Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo?s Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo?s Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began
in 1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the
new location are no different than the hours they currently maintain.
1 am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of
11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before
the students return for the fall semester. Thank you for your support
in this matter.
Matt Clark-Johnson
Cheba Hut Toasted Subs-Boulder
Ph: 303.413.3494
Fax: 303.413.3480
. ~ l~
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza on the Hill
From: Matt Holmbe~
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/4/2008 10:57 PM
Subject: Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in
their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the
hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of
11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Matt Holmberg
- -
,_(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's on_the Hill _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7!2008 6:10 AM
Subject: Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Charles Ferro, AICP
Senior Planner
Boulder Building Department
Dear Mr. Ferro:
Please approve the request of Abo's on the Hill for operating hours of 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. daily at their
new location of 1124 13th Street. As a frequent visitor and former property owner in Boulder, I believe it is
important to continue the tradition of Abo's in the business community, which began in 1977. With the
opening of the fall semester at the CU Boulder Campus rapidly approaching, it is important for this
decision to be made quickly. As a former elected municipal official in charge of economic development in
the community where I live, I know how vital the impact of these decisions are one the overall health of the
business community.
Thanking you in advance for your favorable granting of this request,
Marti King Tracy
520 South Madison Avenue
LaGrange, II 60525
- - - -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -Use Review for Abo's on the Hill
From: Ray Wrigl~
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/8/2008 9:11 PM
Subject: Use Review for Abo's on the Nill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. These hours at the new location are no different than the
hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to approve their
operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the
new location before the students return for the fall semester.
1 understand that the Planning Board must balance the needs of local
residents with those of businesses, but the closure of several high-
profile Hill businesses in recent years indicates that the area has
become a difficult place to do business. Allowing Abo's to continue
receiving a revenue stream from late-night customers will have a
significant effect on the viability of the business, but seems very
unlikely to have a negative effect on the quality of life for the
residential blocks surrounding the Hili.
Many thanks for your time in considering this input.
Best Regards,
Ray Wrigley
Ray Wrigley
1916 Spruce Street
Boulder, CO 80302
ph 303 859 3392
- - - - - - - - - - - - n,
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Piua on the Hill
From: "Stillman, Da
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 8:41 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am
urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester. I support this 100%! It is a great local
Dana Stillman
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro,PLEASE approve Abo's Pizza operating hours! _ _ _ ~
From: "sarah thompson"
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 5:25 PM
Subject: PLEASE approve Abo's Pizza operating hours!
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began
in 1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the
new location are no different than the hours they currently maintain.
I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of
11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before
the students return for the fall semester.
Sarah Bird
(11 year Boulder resident, CU Alumna, Corporate Professional, Abo's Enthusiast!)
- _ _ _
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's on the Hill
From: Sarah Fi
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 10:30 AM
Subject: Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13"th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am
urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester.
On a personal note, having Abo's open late is very important to my
business. Several times a week bands will request food after they are
done loading out their gear and Abo's is often the only place open at
that time. Although pizza for the crew doesn't sound like an important
part of what we do, but you would be amazed how far a couple pizzas go
after the band and crew have been working 15 hour days. And keeping the
bands and crews happy is why we continue to be one of the best live
music venues in not only the state but the country.
Sarah Finger
Sarah Finger
Talent Buyer -Fox Theatre
1135 13th Street, Boulder CO 80302
303-447-0095 ext 20
303-447-1095 fax
CL~ tO
L(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's after work!! _ _
From: "White, Shil~_
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 3:04 PM
Subject: Abo's after work!!
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am
urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester.
Shilo White
shilo white service express agent the Westin gaslamp quarter, san diego
910 hrnariuiav r.irclr can riieao. California 92101 tel 619239.2200 fax
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(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Plzza_
From: "Valerie Simo:.
Yo: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/9/2008 11:05 PM
Subject: Abo's Plzza
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Valerie and Kristofor Simon
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza _ _ _
From: Tammy Raiswell
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/14/2008 5:35 AM
Subject: Abo's Piua
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began
in 1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the
new location are no different than the hours they currently maintain.
am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of
11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before
the students return for the fall semester.
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro -Save Abo's on the Hill
From: susannah varlet
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 10:26 AM
Subject: Save Abo's on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Susannah Carleton
1010 euclid ave boulder, 80302
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Landmark
From: "Susan VI__ . .F _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 7:40 AM
Subject: Abo's Landmark
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza fate night since it began in
1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new
location are no different than the hours they currently maintain. I am
urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM
to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students
return for the fall semester.
Susan Vlietstra
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(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - (no subject)_ _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/6/2008 10:03 PM
Subject: (no subject)
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has become
an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different
than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and
approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at
the new location before the students return for the fail semester.
Kathleen Wilson
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Read reviews on AOL Autos.
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro- Mr. Ferro,
From: xavier gronrc
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/4/2008 11:42 PM
Subject: Mr. Ferro,
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. 1 am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Xavier Gronros
Boulder resident since 1985
- - - -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's
From: Zane Blackmer
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/1 3/2008 1 1:44 AM
Subject: Abo's
I support Abos request for open hours through 2 30 am. Zane Blackmer
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza
From: "Cindy Hoke"
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 10:32 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza
Mr. Ferro,
am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Cindy Hoke
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza on the Hill
From: "Christy Nedrow' .
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 8:43 AM
Subject: Abo's Pizza on the Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill_ These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urginy you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
semester. Thank you!
Christy Nedrow
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's Pizza
From: "Chris Emma" <c~......_.,~..,__.
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 7:50 PM
Subject: Abo's Pizza
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. { am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Chris Emma
Store Manager
Liquor Mart
Resposible Hospitality Group
• 303-449-3374 xt.108
- -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's On The Hill ~ ~ ~ -
From: Cheryl Liguo~
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 9:36 AM
Subject: Abo's On The Hill
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until
2:30am every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th
street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began
in 1977 and has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at
the new location are no different than the hours they currently
maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their
operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they may open at the
new location before the students return for the fall semester.
Cheryl Liguori
General Manager
Boulder Theater
Now Open...
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Visit our newest addition to the south, THE LOUNGE, atrattoria-
inspired cafelbar featuring an array of fresh and authentic
bruschette, panini, and antipasti. Offering a warm and simple
atmosphere to relax and enjoy a glass of wine and a bite to eat.
Happy Hour 4pm-tipm.
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2028 14th Street
- -
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - Abo's
From: "Cathy Fletcher , _
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/6/2008 11:18 AM
Subject: Abo's
Mr. Ferro,
1 am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am
every night of the week in their new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's
Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and has
become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no
different than the hours they currently maintain. I am urging you to move
quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so they
may open at the new location before the students return for the fall
Cathy Fletcher
Cathy Fletcher
Digital Imaging by Design
1325 Broadway Ste 212
Boulder: CO 80302
' 720-565-6003
8/22/2008 Charles Ferro - Mr. Ferro
From: "Bryan Dear. v--._
To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/7/2008 7:15 AM
Subject: Mr. Ferro,
Mr. Ferro, -
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. Abo's Pizza has been serving pizza late night since it began in 1977 and
has become an institution on the Hill. These hours at the new location are no different than the hours they
currently maintain. I am urging you to move quickly and approve their operating hours of 11:OOAM to
2:30AM daily so they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
-Bryan Dean
bryan dean
"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."
-Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1891
(8/22/2008) Charles Ferro - ABO'S PIZZA ON THE HILL -OPERATING HOURS
From: _
To: ~ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: 8/5/2008 9:45 AM
Mr. Ferro,
I am writing in support of Abo's Pizza on the Hill staying open until 2:30am every night of the week in their
new location of 1124 13th street. As you no doubt realize, Abo's Pizza has become an institution on the
Hill and has been serving pizza to students and other customers late into the night since it began in 1977.
It is my understanding that there is some question as to the hours of operation at it's new location -merely
a few doors down from the location that it has been operating at for several years. The new location's
hours are under dispute despite the fact that they will be no different than the current hours that Abo's
Pizza on the Hill maintains. This seems to be a strange point of contention as nothing is changing for
this business or the Boulder Hill community except the location of a well established and beloved
restaurant. In addition, I have great concern that my tax dollars are being spent on such a ridiculous run
around issue, while there are greater issues in Boulder county that deserve immediate attention -far more
than an address change of a restaurant that students, alumni, and citizens of Boulder County greatly
enjoy. As you are aware, the students will be returning soon for the fall semester and this issue needs to
be resolved in a timely manner to accommodate that return. I am urging you to move quickly and approve
their operating hours of 11:OOAM to 2:30AM daily so
they may open at the new location before the students return for the fall semester.
If you have any questions or would like further input regarding this issue, please feel free to contact me at
any time.
S.E. Brits Hakonson
1626 Francis Way
Longmont CO 80501