4 - Call Up: 4051 Broadway Site Review (LUR2008-00053) MEMORANDUM `TO: Planning Board FROM: Karl Guiler, Planner II DA`l'F.: August 22, 2008 SliI3JECT: CALL. UP ITh~VI: 4051 Broadway; SITF, REVIEW #LUR2008- 00053: Request to construct a new 10-unit townhouse structure, as permitted by the RL-2 zoning, and to relocate the existing granary towards Broadway. The new stricture would require no modifications to code standards, although relocation of the granary would require a height modification, since at 32.5 feet; the structure currently exceeds the 20-foot height limit for accessory structures. Attached is the disposition of approval to permit the redevelopment of a site coned for low density residential development. As an RL-2 property, the density of the site is determined by the amount of open space provided: specifically, 6,000 square feet of open space per unit. The 2.48-acre site contains one single-family dwelling, an historic granary building, and several outbuildings. The site is rectangular in shape, contains mild slope, and abuts the city's Wonderland Lake open space to the north (See Attachment A}. Existing detached residential development is to the south. A condition of the property's annexation in 1995 required any development on the site to undergo Site Review approval. The applicant has submitted a Site Review application to allow for removal of the existing single-family home and smaller outbuildings and construction of a new 10-unit townhouse building. The proposal requires 60,000 square fec;t of open space. RL-2 zoning permits attached dwelling units, so long as the permitted density is not exceeded. In this case, the proposed density is 4.04 dwelling units per acre, where up to 6 dwelling units per acre are permitted. The granary is proposed to be relocated from a central location on the site to a location closer to Broadway. This relocation requires a height modification, because the 32.5 foot tall granary does not conform to the 20-foot height limit for accessary structures. 'The movement of the granary has been reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Board. The landmarking of the structure, as required by this Site Review approval, is scheduled for City Council review on Sept. 16, 2008 and Oct. 7, 2008. Aside from the height modification, the project would conform to all other aspects of the code (e.g., setbacks, height for the principal building, open space, parking, landscaping etc.). (See Attachment C) Staff has found that the project would be consistent with the Site Review criteria of Section 9-2-14(h), B.R.C. 1981 (see Attachment B for staff responses to all criteria) based on the following stand out issues: I. Open Space- Given the compact design of the building and minimal surface parking, open space is assessable and distributed throughout the development. The spaces would also be functional with inviting passive recreational seating areas around the granary and a more open greenspace on the west side of the property, which would be more conducive to active recreational activities. 2. Landscaping/environmental preservation- The project is well-buffered from Broadway with a generously landscaped area of approximately 30,000 square feet or almost 30% of the site. The area would be attractively landscaped and would compliment the context around the existing granary building. The existing natural environment of a wetland is incorporated into the project and appropriately protected by easement and a 50-foot buffer. Predominantly native plantings would enhance the project's interface with the adjacent city-owned open space. 3. Parking/Circulation- The circulation is limited to a narrow looped drive, parallel parking along said drive, and driveway access to garages. Othervuise, there are no parking Lots or superfluous areas of pavement within the development. The amount of land devoted to the street system would be minimized. The proposed alley would be at a lower elevation than the neighbors' backyards to the south, which in addition to landscaping and tree plantings within an &foot buffer, would nunimize any negative effects between the properties. ~1. Building height, location, and scale- The building's height, at 34.E feet, would not exceed those in the area. The building's massing is considered compatible, because instead of a singular building with uniform masses, the building is broken into a variety of modules, many of which are; pulled back from the driveway streetscape and alleyscape to minimize mass and to create the appearance of several buildings, rather than one massive building. Li addition, the building would conform to all setbacks, and in all cases, would exceed required setbacks by double. For example, a 35-foot building in the RL-2 zone would require a nunimum setback of 17.5 feet from the side setback to the south. In this case, the building's closest point would be 36.5 feet from the southern lots and roughly 100 feet from the nearest structures. Tn terms of building size, the total building and granary (two levels assumed) would total approximately 52,363 square feet, which would be less than a 0.5 FAR [tile IZL-2 zoning district lta.s no FAR limit] on the site. If considering the amount of floor area above grade only, the total t7oor area, including the granary, would be approximately 40,071 square feet, or roughly a 0.37 FAR; both of which are not found to be excessive compared to the neighborhood. Building design and compatibility with the surrounding area- The area has seen development over the past several decades and thus, has an eclectic character. The project would incorporate l~igti quality masonry materials, including stone and limestone panels, as well as metal paneling. Although this does not match the predominant usage of materials in the area, which is generally, wood and clapboard siding, the project would be consistent with more contemporary residential projects and single-family residential remodels in North Boulder. The use of earth toned materials would provide an appropriate far~ade adjacent to open space. Tlie building would face an internal driveway and the adjacent city open space; it would present an attractive streetscape, by orienting to the driveway and open space, having facades and entries that are located closer to the driveway, and incorporating an interesting variety of building modules of disparate materials that minimize repetition, rather than uninteresting, repetitious uniformity. These elements, including a nicely landscape streetscape, all lend to pedestrian interest, orientation, and scale. Strong attention to the alleyscape appearance of the building has also been paid to make the building attractive from the south. The relocation of the granary closer to Broadway would make the building more prominent and provide an interesting entry feature to the site. The granary and the landscaped open spaces along Broadway would present an attractive streetscape and better connect the granary to the context of the adjacent city-owned open space. 6. Height modification- The evaluation of the height is mostly pertinent to the context, as a reduction of the height would diminish the historic status of the building. It's height in a new location will effect the views of some residences to the south, but no more than a circumstance where a by-right second or third floor were added to the single-family structure on the site, which would be permitted up to 35-feet in height. Nevertheless, it is not expected that full view loss would occur, since the granary is set back almost 60 feet north of the south lot line, and the neighboring structure to the south would be an additional 60 feet to the south. The proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on Aug. 22, 2008 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before Sept. 5, 2008. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on Seut. 4, 2008. Questions about the project or decision should he directed to Karl Guiler at (303) 4411236 or guilerk@bouldercolorado.Kov. Attachments: A) Vicinity map. B) Staff responses to Site Review criteria. C) Proposed plans. ~f~i L/~ CITY OF BOULDER ~~`j~~ Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floar P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 ' phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS PROJECT NAME: GRANARY TOWNHOMES DESCRIPTION: SITE REVIEW: Request to construct a new 10-unit townhouse structure, as permitted by the RL-2 zoning, and to relocate the existing granary towards Broadway. The new structure would require no modifications to code standards, although relocation of the granary would require a height modification, since at 32.5 feet, the structure currently exceeds the 20-foot height limit for accessory structures. The granary's relocation has been approved by the Landmark Alteration Certificate associated with Case #HIS2008-00114. LOCATION: 4051 BROADWAY COOR: N07W07 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Exhibit A APPLICANT; Dean Thedos -Cornerstone, Inc. OWNER: CORNERSTONE, INC. APPLICATION: Site Review, LUR2008-00053 ZONING: RL-2 (Low Density Residential) CASE MANAGER: Karl Guiler VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Approved On: ~ Date Ruth McHeyser, Ac ing Planning Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date anbove mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: VI'"~'~~~ IN ORDER FOR A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO BE PROCESSED FOR THIS PROJECT, A SIGNED DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND SIGNED MYLAR PLANS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT WITH DISPOSITION CONDITIONS AS APPROVED SHOWN ON THE MYLAR PLANS, IF THE DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT IS NOT SIGNED WITHIN NINETY (90) DAYS OF THE FINAL DECISION DATE, THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPROVAL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRES. Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant must begin and substantially complete the approved'developmentwlthin three years from the date of final approval. Failure to "substantially complete" (as defined in Section 9-2-12) the development within three years shall cause this development approval #o expire. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. The Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that.the development shall be in compliance with al! approved plans dated August 18, 2008 and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as may be modified by this approval. 2. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit a Technical Document Review application for the following items, subject to the approval of the City Manager: a. Final architectural plans, including materials and colors, to insure compliance with the intent of this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. b. A detailed landscape plan, including size, quantity, and type of plants existing and proposed; type and quality of non-living landscaping materials; any site grading proposed; and any irrigation system proposed, to insure compliance with this approval and the City's landscaping requirements. Removal of trees must receive prior approval of the Planning Department. Removal of any tree in City right-of- waymust also receive prior approval of the City Forester. c. A detailed lighting plan showing location, size, and intensity of illumination units, showing compliance with Section 9-9-16, B.R.C. 1981. d. A detailed parking plan showing the arrangement, locations, dimensions, and type of parking stalls (including any areas of the site far bicycle parking or reserved for deferred parking} to insure compliance with this approval and the City's Parking Design Standards. e. A detailed shadow analysis to insure compliance with the City's solar access requirements of Chapter 9-9-17, B.R.C. 1981. f. Building elevations for any trash enclosure, including materials, to insure compliance with this approval and compatibility with the surrounding area. g. A final utility plan meeting the City of Soulder Design and Construction Standards. h. A final storm water report and plan meeting the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards. i. A final transportation plan in accordance with City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, for all transportation improvements. These plans must include a signage .and striping plan. 3. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall ded'+cate to the City the following as part of Technical Document Review applications, subject to the approval of the City Manager: a. Right-of-way for Broadway in a width and location satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. b. Utility easements in the widths and locations satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. c. A 20' Emergency Access and Utility Easement in a width and location satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. d. An Access Easement (1' behind back of proposed sidewalk along Broadway) in a width and location satisfactory to thc; Director of Public Works. e. A Drainage Easement for detention pond purposes in a width and location satisfactory to the Director of Public Works. 4. Prior to building permit application, the Applicant shall submit a financial guarantee, in a form acceptable to the Director of Public Works, in an amount equal to the cost of providing eco-passes to the residents of the development for three years after the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for each dwelling unit as proposed in the Applicant Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan. 5. The Applicant must comply with all of the conditions set forth in the Landmark Alteration Certificate associated with Case #HIS2008-00114 to relocate the granary. Prior to submitting a building permit, the Applicant shall submit the following to the City: a. A detailed moving plan, reviewed and stamped by a licensed Colorado Professional Engineer, and narrative illustrating the moving technique, support steel lay out, technical specifications to insure .compliance with this approval, the building code, and demonstrating that the building can be safely moved to its new location without causing damage to the building. b. A foundation plan, prepared and stamped by a licensed Colorado Professional Engineer, and other supportive documentation confirming that the proposed foundation is adequate to support the building in the new location. 6. Those proposed improvements shown on the approved plans within the area proposed to be iandmarked for the relocated granary shall be subject to approval of a Landmark Alteration Certificate. 7. Prior to certificate of occupancy for the new structure, a surveyor shall confirm that the height of the building does not exceed 35 feet per the definition of "Height" set forth in Section 9-16-1(c}, Boulder Revised Code, 1981. C EXHIBIT A I_t~_;a~ c 4051 BROADWAY, BOULDER, COLORADO LEGAL DESCRIPTION i THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALFOFTHE SOUTHEASTQUARTER OFTHF NORTH EAST QUARTER OFTHE SOUTHEASTQUARTER OFSECTION THIRTEEW tJ.3), IN TOWNSHIPONE(1) NORTH, RANGE SEVENTY-ONE (71) WEST OF THE 6TH P.1~1., TOGETHER WITH OUTLOT B, AMBERWOOD: A, EXCEPTTHAT PORTION DESCRY.@~U IN DEED RECORDED AUGUST 25, 1995 ON FILM 2072 AT RECEPTION N0.01542377, COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO. rTUOio t--~•-r :445 pearl street j suite 208 boulder co 90302 303 247 j 0405 303 247 (0410 /J ATTACHMENT A City of Boulder Vicinity Map I ~ I ~ ~ 1 (-T~ - 11111 , , _ I 1 1 ~ i - ~ ~ RE t:~ ? ~-rb , - - - - - - - RL'2 Tamara_c=k`Aw 7 \ ~ , _ _ ~ _ _ 1-- ~ ~ ~ RL-2 _ P Sumac AvI I_I ~ - ; ~ i I I i , A _ ( P - - - - Redwood.Av- i c~ ~ - - -Subject Area RL'=2 ~ ~ - - _ 4051 Broadwa ~ ~ i a r -1-- ' ; m Quince Av _ - , ~.tt, _ - 1- RM=1 c ca ff~ _ r r C ~__.1_~ J i o _ WW~~ 1 . , , -1~ t , - ~ - - ~ Lf Subject ~ _ Poplar Av l~ t ~ _ I ,a,~~i - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Location: 4051 Broadway Project Name: Granary Townhomes City of -?~~r~~"~ Review Type: Site Review Boulder N 0 RT H The ;nformation depicted on this map is provided as graphical representation only. The City of t3ou;der Rev lew N um ber: L UR2008-00053 nrrnides ao warranty, expressed or implied, as to 1 inch equals 300 feet the acauacy and/or completeness of the information Applicant: Dean Thedos- Cornerstone, Inc contalnedhereon. ATTACH +,NT B CRITERIA FOR REVIEW No site review application shall be approved unless the approving agency finds that: (1) Boulder Valley Comprehensive Ptan: X (A} The proposed site plan is consistent with the purposes and policies of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. As an infill project, the project would be consistent with the BVCP, including but not limited, to the following policies: • 2.04, Compact Land Use Pattern. • 2.33, Preservation of Historical and Cultural Resources. • 4.09, Wetland Protection. • 4.40, Energy-Efficient Land Use. Because of adjacency to existing development, consistency with the following policies is imperative: • 2.13, Support for Residential Neighborhoods. • 2.39, Sensitive Infili and Redevelopment. The project would exceed all required building setbacks for the property, new development would conform to the height limitations, and would be well designed and articulated to reduce mass and would be made of high quality design materials to increase overall aesthetics. The project, although an intensification of the property's land use, is designed to be consistent with the policies above. Policy 2.42, Enhanced Design for the Built Environment, requires projects to fit into their context, relate to the public realm, be designed for human scale, have permeability, have well-designed on-site open spaces, and have buildings with inviting entries etc. Many of these design aspects would be met, as discussed in the Site Review criteria below. Compliance with the North Boulder Subarea Community Plan, is also required and discussed below: North Boulder Subarea Community P1an_ The project is located in the `Wonderland Hills' neighborhood of the North Boulder Subarea Community Plan, which does not have specific guidelines and policies applicable to that neighborhood, but is otherwise subject to the general guidelines for the entire subarea. In summary, the "NoBo Plan" encourages the following characteristics in new development: • Affordable housing; • Diversity of housing types; • Walking distance to transit and parks; • Connections to existing and future pedestrian and bike path systems; • Streets should be designed to be as narrow as possible; • Streets should be comfortable for cyclists, motorists, and pedestrians; • No new cul de sacs; Cl • Use of alleys, except where they would have a negative impact on existing neighborhoods; • Appropriate house size to lot ratio (no more big houses on smalt lots); • Development of FAR or bulk plane regulations to preserve neighborhood character; • Compatibility with surrounding context; • Fronts of buildings and lots face the street; • Avoidance of large homes blocking views from public spaces and private property. Narrow streets, varied house sizes and styles, detached rear- loaded garages are also encouraged. • Sensitivity to riparian and wetland areas. Overall, the project would be in line with the intentions of the Plan, as is feasible for the development of a site of its size. Obviously, Larger sites would be expected to meet more of the characteristics outlined above. Consistent with the overall goals of the area, the project would provide convenient access to the adjacent Wonderland Lake open space, would protect sensitive wetland areas, and would contribute to the diversity of housing types, sizes, and policies in the subcommunity, as a whole, with higher end townhouses. The affordable housing requirements would be met through in-lieu fees. More specifically, the project is found to be consistent with the `Development Guidelines for All Neighborhoods' (Page 10), as follows: • Homes are positioned with their front doors and yards facing a street. • Front yard spaces are provided in front of units. • Garages are positioned off an alley, which is strongly encouraged, and do not predominate the front facades. • The project does not have a monotonous building design, but rather varied building facades and modules to create pedestrian interest. ' • Changes in design from surrounding development occur along side and rear yards, rather than across streets. • Streets are designed to be as narrow as possible. • No cui de sacs are proposed in the design. X (B) The proposed development shall not exceed the maximum density associated with the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan residential land use designation. Additionally, if the density of existing residential development within a three hundred-foot area surrounding the site is at or exceeds the density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, then the maximum density permitted on the site shall not exceed the lesser of: X (i) The density permitted in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, or, At 4.04 units per acre, the project would conform to the density limits of the BVCP Low Density Residential land use designation, which permits two to six dwelling units per acre. The proposed use of the site as townhouses is consistent with the RL-2 zoning, which permits a variety of attached and detached housing. Cj ,__.(ii) The maximum number of units that could be placed on the site without waiving or varying any of the requirements of Chapter 9-8, "Intensity Standards," B.R.C. 1981. X {C) The proposed development's success in meeting the broad range of BVCP policies considers the economic feasibility of implementation techniques require to meet other site review criteria. The development would not be rendered infeasible in meeting the BVCP policies or the Site Review criteria. (2) Site Design: Projects should preserve and enhance the community's unique sense of place through creative design that respects historic character, relationship to the natural environment, and its physical setting. Projects should utilize site design techniques which enhance the quality of the project. In determining whether this Subsection is met, the approving agency will consider the following factors: X (A) Open Space: Open space, including, without limitation, parks, recreation areas, and playgrounds: X (i) Useable open space is arranged to be accessible and functional; Given the compact design of the building and minimal surface parking, open space is distributed throughout the development and is accessible. The spaces would also be functional with inviting passive recreational seating areas around the granary and a more open greenspace on the west side of the property, which would be more conducive to active recreational activities. X (ii) Private open space is provided for each detached residential unit; There are no detached residential units in the development. Nevertheless, private open space in the form of yards in front of units, courtyards between units, and roof decks are provided for all units. X (iii) The project provides for the preservation of or mitigation of adverse impacts to natural features, including, without limitation, healthy long-lived trees, significant plant communities, ground and surface water, wetlands, riparian areas, drainage areas, and species on the federal Endangered Species List, "Species of Special Concern in Boulder County" designated by Boulder County, or prairie dogs (Cynomys ludiovicianus) which is a species of local concern, and their habitat; The site is mostly open, but does contain some mature trees. Most are proposed for removal to achieve the proposed site layout, but would be replaced with more deciduous shade trees. The project would preserve a wetland area that flows into the city-owned Wonderland Lake open space. X (iv) The open space provides a relief to the density, both within the project and from surrounding development; ~f' Large areas of open space would exist along Broadway and on the west side of the structure. Open space is also found around the building within setback areas and on the buildings in the form of decks -all of which, would provide a relief to the density. X {v) Open space designed for active recreational purposes is of a size that it will be functionally useable and located in a safe and convenient proximity to the uses to which it is meant to serve; As noted above, the greenspace on the west side of the project would be of a size that is functional for active use and is conveniently accessible to residents within the development. X (vi) The open space provides a buffer to protect sensitive environmental features and natural areas; and Open space within a required 50-foot buffer is provided around a wetland area on the northwest side of the site. This area would remain protected in its natural state. X (vii) If possible, open space is linked #o an area- or city-wide system. The open space on the site is immediately proximate to the Wonderland Lake city-owned open space north of the property. Residents would have convenient access via a pathway on the northeast corner of the site, which connects to multi-use paths that enter the open space. X (B) Open Space in Mixed Use Developments (Developments that contain a mix of residential and non-residential uses) .X (i) The open space provides for a balance of private and shared areas for the residential uses and common open space that is available for use by both the residential and non-residential uses that will meet the needs of the anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property; and Not applicable. Residential use only. X (ii) The open space provides active areas and passive areas that will meet the needs of the anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property and are compatible with the surrounding area or an adopted plan for the area. Not applicable. Residential use only. X (C) Landscaping _X_ (i) The project provides for aesthetic enhancement and a variety of plant and hard surface materials, and the selection of materials provides for a variety of colors and contrasts and the preservation or use of local native vegetation where appropriate; fl The applicant has provided a landscape plan that indicates an appropriate variety of plantings, native and non-native, that would provide for color and contrast on the site. Native vegetation around the existing wetland would be preserved. X (ii) Landscape design attempts to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts to important native species, plant communities of special concern, threatened and endangered species and habitat by integrating the existing natural environment into the project; The existing natural environment of a wetland environment is incorporated into the project and protected. Predominantly native plantings would enhance the project's interface with the adjacent city-owned open space. X (iii) The project provides significant amounts of plant material sized in excess of the landscaping requirements of Section 9-9-10, "Landscaping and Screening Standards" and Section 9-9-11, "Streetscape Design Standards," B.R.C. 1981; and The project includes a variety of well-landscaped areas including shade trees and shrub plantings that exceed code standards and effectively define the entry to the site, the space around the existing granary, and enhance spaces around each of the units. X (iv) The setbacks, yards, and useable open space along public rights-of-way are landscaped to provide attrac#ive streetscapes, to enhance architectural features, and to contribute to the development of an attractive site plan. The project is welt-buffered from Broadway with a generously landscaped area of approximately 30,000 square feet or almost 30% of the site. The area would be attractively landscaped and would compliment the context around the existing granary building. X (D) Circulation: Circulation, including, without limitation, the transportation system that serves the property, whether public or private and whether constructed by the developer or not: _X_ (i) High speeds are discouraged or a physical separation between streets and the project is provided; Connectivity of the site to other sites is not practical or possible in this instance, since the site is situated between existing residential development and city open space. Therefore, aone-way loop driveway has been proposed. The narrowness and absence of tong straight-aways of the roadway, which ultimately loops into an alley, would not be conducive to high speeds. Also, on-street (parallel parking along driveway) parking would discourage high speeds. X (ii) Potential conflicts with vehicles are minimized; Driveways into the proposed garages are of adequate length that visibility of automobiles backing out would be sufficient to avoid potential conflicts. The one-way design of the driveway would also reduce the potential of any accidents. X _ (iii) Safe and convenient connections accessible to the public within the project and between the project and existing and proposed transportation systems are provided, including, without limitation, streets, bikeways, pedestrianways and trails; The project would provide pathway and sidewalk connections to sidewalks to sidewalks along Broadway. Several other pathways are provided within the development in the open space areas. X (iv) Alternatives to the automobile are promoted by incorporating site design techniques, land use patterns, and supporting infrastructure that supports and encourages walking, biking, and other alternatives to the single-occupant vehicle; The applicant would provide bike racks to encourage residents to use bicycles, rather than vehicles to get to their destinations. Broadway and nearby city open space provide connections to other areas of the city. The more compact nature of the development is also pedestrian friendly and would not discourage walking like more suburban styled developments may. X (v) Where practical and beneficial, a significant shift away from single- occupantvehicle use to alternate modes is promoted through the use of travel demand management techniques; The applicant has agreed to participate in using travel demand management strategies such as, providing bike parking to encourage bike usage, providing brochures and maps related to transit options, and providing residents of the site with Eco-passes within the first three years following Certificate of Occupancy. X (vi) On-site facilities for external linkage are provided with other modes of transportation, where applicable; As noted above, bike racks would exist on the site and sidewalks would connect to the city sidewalk system, which allows pedestrians convenient access to bus stops along Broadway. X (vii) The amount of land devoted to the street system is minimized; and The circulation is limited to a narrow loop drive, parallel parking along said drive, and driveway access to garages. Otherwise, there are no parking lots or superfluous areas of pavement within the development. The amount of land devoted to the street system is minimized to the furthest extent while providing for the safety and convenience of residents. U X (viii) The project is designed for the types of traffic expected, including, without limitation, automobiles, bicycles, and pedestrians, and provides safety, separation from living areas, and control of noise and exhaust. The project would accommodate automobiles, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Most automobile activity would generally be confined to the proposed alley away from living areas and pedestrian circulation on the northern frontage of the units. Noise and exhaust from the alley would be insolated from the neighbors to the south by setting the alley roughly 8 feet north of the mutual lot line, grading the alley to a lower elevation than the neighbors back yards, and buffering the alley from neighbors' rear yards with a retaining wall and landscaping. X (E) Parking _X_ (i) The project incorporates into the design of parking areas measures to provide safety, convenience, and separation of pedestrian movements from vehicular movements; Parking areas are limited to parallel parking and garages served by driveways. The garages and driveways are completely separated from pedestrian areas and the parallel parking spaces are separated by sidewalks with curbs -atypical on-street parking condition. X (ii} The design of parking areas makes efficient use of the land and uses the minimum amount of land necessary to meet the parking needs of the project; With no surface parking other than parallel spaces and all other parking confined to two-car garages, the project does not have a superfluous amount of land dedicated to parking. X (iii) Parking areas and lighting are designed to reduce the visual impact on the project, adjacent properties, and adjacent streets; and Most alleys have a utilitarian appearance and generally receive the least design attention by architects on buildings -mostly because they are not as visible as other sides of buildings. In this case, the alley would be largely visible from neighboring properties to the south. As shown on the south view rendering, the applicant has devoted much attention to the alley elevation and has created an attractive alleyscape that includes a variety of building modules and building materials. Garages and upper floor building walls have an assortment of setbacks and for an alley elevation are visually interesting. Further, the alley and garages would be slightly obscured by neighbors view by being set down below the elevation of the neighbors rear yards and would also be screened by landscaping. These elements would effectively reduce the visual impact on neighbors. X (iv) Parking areas utilize landscaping materials to provide shade in excess of the requirements in Subsection 9-9-6(d), "Parking Area Design Standards," and Section 9-9-12, "Parking Lot Landscaping Standards," B.R.C. 1981. Landscaping is proposed around the alley and in between the garages, which would soften the appearance of the alley facades and would provide moderate shade. Various trees and shrubs are proposed along the northern facades of the building and nearby parallel parking and would appear as an attractive streetscape. Once mature, trees would provide an appropriate amount of shading in those areas. _ X (F) Building Design, Livability, and Relationship to the Existing or Proposed Surrounding Area X (i) The building height, mass, scale, orientation, and configuration are compatible with the existing character of the area or the character established by an adopted plan for the area; The building's height would not exceed those in the area, as discussed in more detail below. The building's massing is considered compatible, because instead of a singular building with uniform masses, the building is broken into a variety of modules, many of which are pulled back from the driveway streetscape and alleyscape to minimize mass and to create the appearance of several buildings, rather than one massive building. In addition, the building would conform to all setbacks, and in all cases, would exceed required setbacks by double. For example, a 35-foot building in the RL-2 zone would require a minimum setback of 17.5 feet from the side setback to the south. In this case, the buildng's closest point would be 36.5 feet from the southern lots and roughly 100 feet from the nearest structures. In terms of building and unit sizes, the total building and granary (two levels assumed) would total approximately 52,363 square feet, which would be less than a 0.5 FAR [the RL-2 zoning district has not FAR limit] on the site. If considering the amount of floor area above grade only, the total floor area with the granary would be approximately 40,071 square feet, or roughly a 0.37 FAR; both of which are not found excessive compared to the neighborhood. Individual units would total between 4,625 square feet (including unfinished basement space) and 5,106 square feet with an average unit size of 3,700 square feet above grade. To evaluate scale, the floor area above grade is most useful; thus, it is found that the average unit size of 3,700 square feet is appropriate and consistent with the floor area of residential units in the area. The FAR at less than 0.5 FAR above and below grade reflects a project that is not presenting excessive mass and scale as compared to the surrounding neighborhood. Orientation and configuration are elements that are influenced by the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan. These elements are found to be consistent with the plan and surrounding area for the following reasons: • Homes are positioned with their front doors and yards facing a street and closer to the streetscape. • Front yard spaces are provided in front of units. • Garages are positioned off an alley, which is strongly encouraged, and ~5~ do not predominate the front facades. • The project does not have a monotonous building design, but rather varied building facades and modules to create pedestrian interest. X (ii) The height of buildings is in general proportion to the height of existing buildings and the proposed or projected heights of approved buildings or approved plans for the immediate area; The building's height would not exceed the 35-foot height limit. The height of 34.5 feet would be consistent with other structures in the vicinity that are over 30 feet. Given the fact that the building spans a large portion of the site (approx. 320 feet) and the site's slight grade change, the building would still conform to the height limit. As a result, the building would be more compressed by the city's more restrictive building height measurement of calculating the low point 25 horizontal feet out from the building's tallest side. Other structures in the area would not be as restricted with their smaller footprints and resulting height measurements. The average height of the subject structure would be roughly 33-feet. A height modification is required for the granary, because the granary does not currently conform to the 20-foot accessory structure height limit at approximately 32.5 feet. It's movement triggers reconsideration of the nonconforming height. The evaluation of the height is mostly pertinent to the context, as a reduction of the height would diminish the historic status of the building. tt's height in a new location will effect the views of some residences to the south, but no more than a circumstance where a by-right second or third floor were added to the single-family structure on the site, which would be permitted up to 35-feet in height. Nevertheless, it is not expected that full view loss would occur, since the granary is set back from almost 60 feet north of the south !ot line and the neighboring structure to the south would be an additional 60 feet to the south. X (iii) The orientation of buildings minimizes shadows on and blocking of views #rom adjacent properties; Shadows from the structure will fall to the north into city open space, but within the allowable 25-foot solar fence shadow. No structures or recreational areas are found within that area and thus, there are no significant impacts to the space. Views from neighboring residences to the south would be impacted. However, the impact is minimized by the fact that the building would conform to the allowable height limit, the building would be at a slightly lower elevation than the structures behind, and that the building's uppermost floors (i.e., third story observatories) are confined to only 18% of the footprint of the building where the building would have several "valleys" with two-story elements thus, preserving views vis-a-vis a solid, expansive third floor. The movement of the granary will impact other views from properties, but no more than a circumstance where a by-right second or third floor were added to the single-family structure on the site. Nevertheless, it is not expected that full view loss would occur, since the granary is set back from the south property line almost 60 feet and the neighboring structure to the south an additional 60 feet. X (iv) If the character of the area is identifiable, the project is made compatible by the appropriate use of color, materials, landscaping, signs, and lighting; The area has seen development over the past several decades and thus, has an eclectic character. The project would incorporate high quality masonry materials, ircluding stone and limestone panels, as well as metal paneling. Although this does not match the predominant usage of materials in the area, which is generally, wood and clapboard siding, the project would be consistent with more contemporary residential projects and single-family residential remodels in North Boulder. The use of earth toned materials would provide an appropriate facade adjacent to open space. X (v) Buildings present an attractive streetscape, incorporate architectural and site design elements appropriate to a pedestrian scale, and provide for the safety and convenience of pedestrians; The building would face an internal driveway and the adjacent city open space. The buildings would present an attractive streetscape, by orienting to the driveway and open space, having facades and entries that are located closer to the driveway, and incorporating an interesting variety of building modules of disparate materials that minimize repetition, rather than uninteresting, repetitious uniformity. These elements, including a nicely landscape streetscape, all lend to pedestrian interest, orientation, and scale. No aspects of the design are found to be contradictory to pedestrian safety. The relocation of the granary closer to Broadway would make the building more prominent and would provide an interesting entry feature to the site. The granary and the landscaped open spaces along Broadway would present an attractive streetscape and would better connect the granary to the context of the adjacent city-owned open space. X (vi) To the extent practical, the project provides public amenities and planned public facilities; No planned public facilities or amenities have been incorporated into the project. Such facilities are not required by any city plans. X (vii) For residential projects, the project assists the community in producing a variety of housing types, such as multi-family, townhouses, and detached single-family units as well as mixed lot sizes, number of bedrooms, and sizes of units; The size of the site is not conducive to providing a variety of housing types; however, the project does incorporate several different unit r configurations and designs. The North Boulder Subcommunity Plan requires that projects, on the whole, add to the variety of housing types and sizes. This project would provide a higher end townhouse project to the overall mix of the area. X_ (viii) For residential projects, noise is minimized between units, between buildings, and from either on-site or off-site external sources through spacing, landscaping, and building materials; The project contains mutual unit watts of varying length. The applicant notes that standard construction techniques will be used between the units to minimize noise. Noise from Broadway would be buffered by the granary, which is proposed to be closer to Broadway. Units would be located 180 feet from Broadway. Noise would be minimized to off-site units to the south with a greater than required setback. In this case, the building would be located nearly 40 feet from the south property line and approximately 100 feet from the nearest single-family residences, which would decrease noise impacts between the properties. X (ix) A lighting plan is provided which augments security, energy conservation, safety, and aesthetics; Alighting plan is not required at this stage and will be evaluated at time of Technical Document review for compliance with Section 9-9-16, Outdoor Lighting, B.R.C. 1981. X (x) The project incorporates the natural environment into the design and avoids, minimizes, or mitigates impacts to natural systems; The proposed building is Located central on the site and will not overwhelm the character of the adjacent open space. The general site design provides for the protection of a wetland on the northwest corner of the site. X (xi) Cut and fill are minimized on the site, the design of buildings conforms to the natural contours of the land, and the site design minimizes erosion, slope instability, landslide, mudflow or subsidence, and minimizes the potential threat to property caused by geological hazards. Grading on the site will be necessary to fit the building into the mild stops, to create basements, a drainage basin, and to construct the proposed alley. The building will fit appropriately into the natural contours and the alley will have landscaped walls along it that are not excessively tall. Grading will not be excessive and will not be any more than other approved projects. No significant environmental impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed design. X (G) Solar Siting and Construction: For the purpose of ensuring the maximum potential for utilization of solar energy in the city, all applicants for residential site reviews shall place streets, lots, open spaces, and buildings so as to maximize the potential for the use of solar energy in accordance with the following solar siting criteria: X (i) Placement of Open Space and Streets: Open space areas are located wherever practical to protect buildings from shading by other buildings within the development or from buildings on adjacent properties. Topography and other natural features and constraints may justify deviations from this criterion. No additions or buildings would occur south of the structure where the alley is proposed leaving no potential for on-site construction to block solar access. Potential off-site impacts are discussed below. X (ii) Lot Layout and Building Siting: Lots are oriented and buildings are sited in a way which maximizes the solar potential of each principal building. Lots are designed to facilitate siting a structure which is unshaded by other nearby structures. Wherever practical, buildings are sited close to the north lot line to increase yard space to the south for better owner control of shading. The building is sited central on the lot and would not be shaded by any other buildings. Given the rear yard setbacks of neighboring lots to the south, it is unlikely any buildings would be built shading the subject structure. X . (iii) Building Form:.The shapes of buildings are designed to maximize utilization of solar energy. Buildings shall meet the solar access protection and solar siting requirements of Section 9-9-17, "Solar Access," B.R.C. 1981. The buildings are proposed with the limited third floors close to the north parts of the building with ample flat roof space along the south exposure where solar panels are proposed to maximize solar energy for the units. X (iv) Landscaping: The shading effects of proposed landscaping on adjacent buildings are minimized. The trees that are proposed along the alley were chosen with the intent to provide screening of the alley, but not to grow to the extent where views from neighboring properties would be diminished in the future or solar panels becoming shaded. N/A (H) Additional Criteria for Poles Above the Permitted Height: No site review application for a pole above the permitted height will be approved unless the approving agency finds all of the following: Not applicable to this project. N/A (i) The light pole is required for nighttime recreation activities, which are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, or the light or traffic signal pole is required for safety, or the electrical utility pole is required to serve the needs of the city; and N/A (ii) The pole is at the minimum height appropriate to accomplish the purposes for which the pole was erected and is designed and constructed so as to minimize light and electromagnetic pollution. I~ N/A (I) Land Use Intensify Modifications Not applicable to this project. N/A (i) Potential Land Use Intensify Modifications: (a) The density of a project may be increased in the BR-1 district through a reduction of the lot area requirement or in the Downtown (DT), BR-2, or MU-3 districts through a reduction in the open space requirements. (b) The open space requirements in all Downtown (DT) districts may be reduced by up to one hundred percent. (c) The open space per lot requirements for the total amount of open space required on the lot in the BR-2 district may be reduced by up to fifty percent. (d) Land use intensity may be increased up to 25 percent in the BR-1 district through a reduction of the lot area requirement. N/A (ii) Additional Criteria for Land Use Intensity Modifications:Aland use intensity increase will be permitted up to the maximum amount set forth below i# the approving agency finds that the criteria in Subsection (h) "Criteria for Review" of this Section and following criteria have been met: (a) Open Space Needs Met: The needs of the project's occupants and visitors for high quality and functional useable open space can be met adequately; (b) Character of Project and Area: The open space reduction does not adversely affect the character of the development nor the character of the surrounding area; and (c} Open Space and Lot Area Reductions: The specific percentage reduction in open space or lot area requested by the applicant is justified by any one or combination of the following site design features not to exceed the maximum reduction set forth above: (i) Close proximity to a public mall or park for which the development is specially assessed or to which the project contributes funding of capital improvements beyond that required by the parks and recreation component of the development excise tax set forth in Chapter 3-8, "Development Excise Tax," B.R.C. 1981: maximum one hundred percent reduction in all Downtown (DT) districts and ten percent in the BR-1 district; (ii) Architectural treatment that results in reducing the apparent bulk and mass of the structure or structures and site planning which increases the openness of the site: maximum five percent reduction; (iii) A common park, recreation, or playground area functionally useable and accessible by the development's occupants for active recreational purposes and sized for the number of inhabitants of the development, maximum five percent reduction; or developed facilities within the project designed to meet the active recreational needs of the occupants: maximum five percent reduction; (iv) Permanent dedication of the development to use by a unique residential population whose needs for conventional open space are reduced: maximum five percent reduction; (v) The reduction in open space is part of a development with a mix of residential and non-residential uses within an BR-2 zoning district that, due to the ratio of residential to non-residential uses and because of the size, type, and mix of dwelling units, the need for open space is reduced: maximum reduction fifteen percent; and (vi) The reduction in open space is part of a development with a mix of residential and non-residential uses within an BR-2 zoning district that provides high quality urban design elements that will meet the needs of anticipated residents, occupants, tenants, and visitors of the property or will accommodate public gatherings, important activities, or events in the life of the community and its people, that may include, without limitation, recreational or cultural amenities, intimate spaces that foster social interaction, street furniture, landscaping, and hard surface treatments for the open space: maximum reduction 25 percent. N/A (J) Additional Criteria for Floor Area Ratio Increase for Buildings in the BR-1 District Not applicable to this project. N/A (i) Process: For buildings in the BR-1 district, the floor area ratio ("FAR") permitted under Section 9-7-1, "Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards," B.R.C. 1981, may be increased by the city manager under the criteria set forth in this Subsection. N/A (ii) Maximum FAR Increase: The maximum FAR increase allowed for buildings thirty-five feet and over in height in the BR-1 district shall be from 2:1 to 4:1. N/A (iii) Criteria for the BR-1 District: The FAR may be increased in the BR-1 district to the extent allowed in paragraph (ii) of this Subsection if the approving agency finds that the following criteria are met: (a) Site and building design provide open space exceeding the required useable open space by at least ten percent: an increase in FAR not to exceed 0.25:1. ~l (b) Site and building design provide private outdoor space for each office unit equal to at least ten percent of the lot area for buildings 25 feet and under and at least 20 percent of the lot area for buildings above 25 feet: an increase in FAR not to exceed 0.25:1. (c) Site and building design provide a street front facade and an alley facade at a pedestrian scale, including, without limitation, features such as awnings and windows, well-defined building entrances, and other building details: an increase in FAR not to exceed 0.25:1. (d) For a building containing residential and non-residential uses in which neither use comprises Tess than 25 percent of the total square footage: an increase in FAR not to exceed 1:1. {e) The unused portion of the allowed FAR of historic buildings designated as landmarks under Chapter 9-11, "Historic ' Preservation," B.R.C. 1981, may be transferred to other sites in the same zoning district. However, the increase in FAR of a proposed building to which FAR is transferred under this paragraph may not exceed an increase of 0.5:1. (f) For a building which provides one full level of parking below grade, an increase in FAR not to exceed 0.5:1 may be granted. N/A (K) Additional Criteria for Parking Reductions: The off-street parking requirements of Section 9-7-1, "Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards," B.R.C. 1981, may be modified as follows: Not applicable to this project. N/A (i) Process: The city manager may grant a parking reduction not to exceed fifty percent of the required parking. The planning board or city council may grant a reduction exceeding fifty percent. N/A (ii) Criteria: Upon submission of documentation by the applicant of how the project meets the following criteria, the approving agency may approve proposed modifications to the parking requirements of Section 9-7-1, "Schedule of Form and Bulk Standards," B.R.C. 1981, if it finds that: (a) For residential uses, the probable number of motor vehicles to be owned by occupants of and visitors to dwellings in~the project will be adequately accommodated; (b) The parking needs of any non-residential uses will be adequately accommodated through on-street parking oroff-street parking; (c) A mix of residential with either office or retail uses is proposed, and the parking needs of~all uses will be accommodated through shared parking; (d) If joint use of common parking areas is proposed, varying time periods of use will accommodate proposed parking needs; and (e) If the number of off-street parking spaces is reduced because of the nature of the occupancy, the applicant provides assurances that the nature of the occupancy will not change. N/A (L) Additional Criteria for Off-Site Parking: The parking required under Section 9- 9-6, "Parking Standards," B.R.C. 1981, may be located on a separate lot if the following conditions are met: Not applicable to this project. N/A (i) The lots are held in common ownership; N/A (ii) The separate lot is in the same zoning district and located within three hundred feet of the lot that it serves; and N/A (iii) The property used for off-site parking under this Subsection continues under common ownership or control. ~3 LC-CHID . .pr,----- L~„~~ p FOUIO r~n91o a NP UI ' EriTiK M711 rAkra Ecsns Ywm Icarl IINF iAfllF _ _ NftVi IAQU ~ ~~A~~ VK Ilh4pl BrAMIW CUM If110111 pLLIA NMVS ~p a'O U A4WG OIaAI DSIMQ .li l0 P!' 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KGLTADN COAI SHALL DE APYLVD YMW IA DAYS ID OKAreIfD NRAS D1a01 WY N61 A III; PRAY"0 ~5 HA5[p Ox A liFl? 9rRNY DT SCOIt tDr tr AAIXiAlf1 IIA I!o A COMA 9u11 DL ANY HO TATIw 11 UAK 10 MACnYF SIX SIOC1PlCS. AM 9141 DE OC AI IM4 6N/.p(, W I Mll /r Ul I DaINMI Fal l¢VQA nUY f0 OAY$ 0 IS .'9 W NAMrNM? Il,l $ipfNl'Af 5 N1AI ME PRWO$FU Ip R[YNN N HALT IdNtM THAN 50 0/9/07. GILNOM DArS. 11NI'athYr N.'vUA4Y1 CVIVL SN4l CUN9TI W ANNUAL Ri1W1A53 Al AU IN; NS/ACNI. 9TMU ANG$ 91µL XF 1110RO41AGI1II A1pl A lll%:0 EIDER MU IACIOnN Al I lal/AFAI .S III IOCAIIpN a nlf MDN' ¢NIA%1 VI'URF$ 910AN INNIaI Af0. OAV6 OH Dl IY ID $aIN[T Bi SCOrI, [OA ~ A$$pvARS MC Dl IUGRa15 a ON WNANarlA1N0 5 aN'T 91ALL /C IYNIYCNIID 10 VNLWAI pE NfIFAY a SLUWNT PM11 Ca151MFAUl UDYIYS 910rN MMCAI Aw /ASID ON 5ND' KY 40 nTOwAI'.rw PRONaU Dr 9R5. HIICIE IAA0IMG a NuD $xAU Npi a 41DVLO IO rxl1A Ra $R1D1 MIRt PLHYAl9N! KfLIM¢ 04118 91AU CUN95f a AN MVRUNU UNOUGNI IUINMI SQO SRR31 DN NAAAS a Dl 51AIk SIIwLAI UACNl0 a1t0 PUBIC SAaIR WAIL & N¢iLNC Dl CONaUCial 5Hµ1 YIDAAI SL9 YIAi11NL IO Olf PIT ION M+Y N AND ODNxS IYAaI VAT AILTUa Dl ULNIn pYd, W U¢IIT IOCA nN4 'l NYQS) $LU'1- IaNOND. APPxOVAI COR t ASSIXAARS. ML h N01 R15PGNSl,I 1pR U¢JiT x1l CNVAI.IV 1r1UVpU OY PRELIMINARY GRJYiA- ~r^, ONaRS $COII, COR k ASSODARS DA:. NI COUNLN05 IIIAI L4( lIM Arrn U III C Tt:IHIU.VS SHALL U VSED TO ININNI WSI, APNCnf al MFeNS MUND1p IRON D! D All g1RVNYD MEAS $NALL N[[EM fYANANFNi N(1IAHN CI1NH A$ M511NDI0 ARON UINInS a Ilflll N'RfxU I'NQN LO ANr UGPNG qx, UN MNCINI III DA $D,LALI DRAINAGE AND EROSION vn Au al Ix1 lu 9prrs Y1H ] Ip 1 Lw uDAnN uoa 91µL pl coYTw6 Nm u+ovpv 1'NOPFRLY cavlxu x,rtwG w NnworunlD rlx A wlral IrotA IHp IAaAAR Ai , 1aA/ARR r PVI+N DA IOi p51)IMGFS PAaI CONSiRpCi1(M ACONAE$ Y1ALL N01 Cµ19 W nl4ARx A1Mr- N!~ :LIT a NUAaN (I-I~]f Grv uL 'ti Lo~ARO AI oN Salm.N yl to uuY PDUUn¢Y, cDNiwwnna w DEa1A0.1na a r,,n Rs a mL sun. ^ Au wuslprl cvlma Nrls;als sH4L e[ MsPICrtD tlr LM oYArx, ar DAwx AWNOND I.fMNR c A A'LN DA9N IaARp AI :•.x;DlHtsl r~.N1Aa n D,I INIENVrI CON ~ROL PLAN AnMI. N11D ALL S101W IYTNLS. Ml 1A05tCN Ca11R¢ VGSUNLS AA.LH AM DANA[Ep a UNOAUNAY'MG aJNa ANNUE [UYA:~IM 5518 OM1 ICILY a 9aAlMN DA ZUNI e AU fMlll ¢SIURPMfZS SMLL a pESgx p, CIMINUCRD AIN) G1MPlf nD Ip UWI 6Y r'RIpN lU NC-CSIAW9M N1 a Kf7 IAlIK COMP $HAIl B[ NiAAC[D IYYfaARlY. TV J~ BROADWAY F%POYD ARG a Aµ1 p51URBF0 LAND ip D1L 91fNIC51 Ig5!iIPE P[A100 p~ RYI- '1, II XFUAwU, 41 APRMAMI Cln MV/ON STAR AYNNIIT PIRINNNG ID M- '^~1~111~~/~~0/~/ MDrMCC Of GKVhDWA'll YUSI Bf WIA,NED r'MOR 10 PPFPMAIMN a WYLHC BOULDER, COLA/' ~1? ~ 9 flUN 51LAACE 571wCIURFS FpR %INUIUY PNWlIC15 MO UDDA CMN4Al5 941 HAN PLNnt HAM$ MCWAIF PNORC nOrl 50 AS 10 CONIAA Nl SMLLS IlD PAM MI Mr T'.IFD uA1LN'N rRN INILNNG ,Hr $IOMV DARA SIS;[V OR DAI!N5 a r.V $lAll A A I:N4 5I(IMYNAIIx OIAN Mq FFPpAI Mt}IAp A! II OVAC4 pV:WfNI RIWr _ ID ANY a5NN0ANC[ 10 RNPORMY AND P'QiAIA/A NI DYP'S 91N1 U NEPAR(D M wPGnn t SU(A lF. .0 ~1'll II A P'. w! AUn IIAO':IM1S', rn1N n n un uAD1 w.nuH b HMwS L, c r a ~ n sx A m I iatv.~..u ~'1,w1. „~pT7, COx AG A930CJA7F~ NC- 1. pk i'RCVIRtt oA,NN AND SlIRV1RNHt Rtprw lr DAHLRS MI D[ afsPwvMl r _ / Lonsu'linG rnq~neers save7ors ca1MVD coutlANCI DtrH M wOWNCVpI$ a pvs YcIroN• uuRVU EuN',c~,.- J / 1sw 5we w..l Dale.. ¢r+~ n; nNlr ON of 9R. ~ ) r1I AN,I +.u II YPatMY INM'al ANO SCDIYfNI CONING YGSVRLT SHALL it fne,~,t li - _ I ' . H:~F'I ~SIU 'NOUN a0 DAYS N'7LR IMAI 910 S1ApllUllal l5 ACHY\•L, LH n~ Iln lHt I ~ - I! urt>RANT YCASURFS ME NO LaM1R NfEUD, WII[DIEKR OCNN$ EF'~t • SrT -aiZ 3 m w Nei oio r,_u_ ~ GAns S!e Mro 101.92Btl ~ vd.ai:baad~n nz/6a ia.^'oro bnps.n 7!,175! Gmay lmgrnl t,979a MLenaW AOsaaB I,B7la N!t!samarnM1511fYa 7650f ' DDA'Sir+~e 18.501! Bata1 on 10~~-unWF(iL2 De~lie0 Hv.10a1 18,507 a of i 17116 san Apila! ~2ll~llll Tdl aponyw 60.000! 61,1178! W 7r1 W 7N 0abinra Fr669MpAe PMgfTadaa W 1 B 16iFi6M 7 W 2 D / lipyby 7 W 3 C / pp461i 1 WI B ipWlLli ] W 5 A 1 pillbb ] W 6 B 1 pirBy 7 W T D 1 poYl54 7 W B A 1 poriNe 7 W s o 100/11de ~ W 1B o 1 OoMi01i ~ 70 of rntl.aic 70 a.r.d mbhgrapa nvwwoaak7 r iAr~ rAN sOaOA Nde:lAaly (7f0lunq suu r<IepWN. Olfaao, parrM b9166i)(1MOJ. /B%a tt sub unN+tWulmpWi 7hRin nwarWbN nrdm YneaT iM9rgR AribnlawtWdrdsWl Tinari 11ts6wr mrgW rynNPNnBfpmin Ce ro915R6]n N fa 1Aq d*+e rtai?9 -^afN d 710~K sPm M M ^ Oa_vly tipy q G~ss~t a~ra 10I !ll5a=2YCn•V T„nrorc: rcnhs.l +0 Globs anmy a w iwsae r y Ivr .SMalvW.elap aea / ~ b 7 ~ wtloyyro tt 8 \ ~ ~ . 1 b Ow"~raY ggg 1 a) . _ c°°~ b- g - .-b - - - - - ~ - -twrh6mritrnar - - - - Willa- - @ "iirtwrwd+q J I I_ _ _ _ I~ ` S.+!_i. _ _ n - _ _ - _ _ _ J 4r IeN151006LW16 I I /SOGM..wUW41 ~ /i ' b-h b r~~ ~ r ipmip tawm+n I s 6+u ~ ~ -1C~. _ insAnowYmn ~ ~ ~ ~>r ^ ,gyp ~ ~ it y ~ I i 5 1 I M I - Naamai tMam - ^~s, ~ ~ - _ i .a - Nipusd dine ~ ~laiwn ~ iei ew ~ ~ i - ~ 1r~' F ~ f \ ~ m • v sfnan9 Sibr? i I ~ I _ I - ~ ~ \\>P./7/ ' snb,a v -71- i I I I 1 I" I I ~I ~•a Fnmpn•1'Aans [i1`µlvl~rc.-. - --t_ I Ir h ~ml~ WAS 1 ~/~V// 'a ~ 3'. N'.tr P..I~Ij ~ I _ J ~ t~~. \ ~nuni\Y\Illd'sf~'. WdvsR'enry,irl t m~leto1l ~0 ~ I C'. 1Ai tlrt Yi6[a Nryaa7 Um tO lha9 Un16 Urii WB WB Unsl _lud] Un7 WI :i i~--, _ 1 I II I t•lr Yial bTwalmew n.:t btlnllel/ a•o• ~ t I ~ rki~+c.a.rsara* daooee'+rsr. 1 ~ 1 I IIG CAcwlTa+emr5hooq _ f / ~.v ~~e.alwwrc6.~~k1 i 7'(!~I'- 1 i ~j I °I I ti;- ~ i a l i$ ~ ~ I ~ 1 1 t~ I i 'S, till h 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ a9g F f ~ 1 ~ 1 ~ ~ i - S ,f1+ ~ I~~1 ~ o: ~ , ~ ~ .,,ilk / rvn~+roama~Bmon,hry rn.^,I ~ r ~ .yam ~ ~~~5,'T'~ 3 q----~~.-ier v - _ ~ _ - _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - - n 5~ I Prns .,l t?++5 n ~ I WI Si a~ . 1. - i'I~\ ~ I51TEPROPOSED _ - , _ _ - _ _ _ _ i I~ - 3~ 'r r t . . ; ~ ~ \ • FO~IND ALUMINUM ( ` " " - . y ~I - _ _ , _ _ - ~ ~ {S3 a0 39'`rJ D.1T) r i ~ _ - - . _ ,k i ` 1 4f ~ ~ . , . 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D' Rr.. ere w~ RR AaEe ecr+caaR 7a rn¢ nrx) ururr E.IDOOr rro'~d7 ~ ~ tJ ~ c n F ~ I '1 c r t l ~ ~ t , I ~o I D.B r+DdICN PDE rwD L'DW.Ie ~ / IED b bM [CHAFER rtDJORA .IHWEIa ANIECr81D DCg9AOF171 FEDORA' lo, CLFA4IOM {RU1 ALL UbttDCfE01CW UBLRIED INO TI'~EDI I~~ ~ '~`'s , Lh~lt~ / ~ ~s7./ ~ L •.111 F ` y~ ,L`E'I II ~ I ~ ' Y j ! I D I R.XIOE CORiI' DEEIOIL .Y~srRD~ Dllll/J V t`y` /t< A f ~4 ~ rol¢rauFCwunw ~q~o~tsn>e~ ccce'7lque ewaF» ~ m a.tu rnE Rx» ALL o.Fie•EAD wLRIEe nn rREEe~ ~ t v, ~ ~ X +:./'t ~ f ~ I A I ~J}y ~ _ _ \I I ta~xue Alr~+ 1 n ~Arrs/wet>~ • ouc n " ~ / ~ ~ -f I U -f, ,i T~ J ~ ,n ~ <~'< ~~-..irk ,~•1~, p~ a4~' 1_ • e CCNTAFER cau]ux atrxTRaa, rawtJb FAAHDILA rauwRro' ®oEmmoR HCFa P teFTfM ~ ~ - ~ - ~I~{ ' , \ { lt~~~ _ ~ ~~tl . ' ® eER E ,-F a.lT'P aID eex.A~eooer' ~ ~ ~ ~ C-0PYRIGtR~ Aunrn eaL.' anAV~+:ER cYFAYDaLCRA rxeKStATeo ue:tLARO Ar~A rt+o oaneaaklcE~ 1 I` t , - I - \ \i r( G ~ ~ Q ~ coR 7e •DCptfANCR aa.~eDUx IIDEre•uArLe LaucERAxnoe•EaceD ~ cmuenaoewacnaoleltsmeNCE, ~ ~ 4~ t I uclA.n~cA'EAS>.nalarA~JUrI~RS~ NN D •D CQYCAMER DIADLO NFQyp@C AlY9CCd6Ve DIADlO I, ~ ~`1. fiL~~/~ `J .`.AR\ , I ~ I OCtf'rRGRf NiOI[GLBINa~f ~'i ® ,'U D •9 COYfAD2R EIG+:k:W NPgJM YBlVDJ11 LAY]AK4 'tONiCA`7' 6'kro'e1'M LAf iRIRLi1.EDM0 nAdre OhR ]M NKAI7 ~ t,.kl~jl~k ~ I y ~ O I t, dfJCA7NE IDFM.lfD1] ~ 0 RAD •eca:ruYER - k } ~ t J_ ~ ® RDD RAenTr>~. aJareon+AnueRAwEOeuea.D ~ -r Gs~_r~, 2 `r •yy~~ ,{J M •9 CGN]AP¢k 2Yi00A RCtE RCDA RYKkA t.;'~ IRRXWTED I1lBfRA90 ` _ ~ _ Jl~.i ~ ~ 0 ~ \ ® RObR D •l CC+IrAPFR IOkJCX fJJr RCK rffD RJDAT(JJ?RNI ~'•,+J ~~'S y fy'~• ~ I-~•.I I r. N'a1~NdaICJiF1)IN11yE 4RABD (DEEDED 4`O BLAVCFT'Ul I yly ~.,h ~ ~ ) I 1~` DLr, T •e CCHAFIER RE~TUK DCCJIUf.V I. ~ - 4 4\~`.:. 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IT GF 90ULOCR 9Df1EfGL rnl PLAY'FY [Y'D9 Nm 1rEi RRGD N NSIY.(J AhEM~ ~ ' ~ y 1 Y"' \ ®Lh 7 'D CCNIAEER IV90 Ktl LILK DrkNW PIn1A r , CiiY q[iAlt.Of_R(~!fI,]3lTTAL D4. 9 ' 6 Cp]rADfR CK]Lll.D ;~1~' G CRIDICR FFEe tRNL . 1 I ~ I l <1/.r /i ~ ~n ~ t I ~ I ,)C~ 9EE DETAIL I I 4 \ ~ ~ f. _ VRLW L0.AC DYADYd PrEeiCNIAF 1J(714LD W]IiAN' " / I ~ - 0 PVf JI •e CCNTAD•fR I.WDbE PIONT ' ~y ~ l l~ L'4W1R1'I N]GAE ~ ExIDrpG >~ED dkNN fcR R~E,D;~Cr:• A I 4f ~ t~ 1. f'~ 4~ W/~ ' jt1.Y, ~ ~ I ~4. , ~i ~ `:IIY fv @OJLDF72IF?i.&?•T7AL ~ 0 ARV y •D CCHAmER I Imo, 'i s': ~!r!1 "I ~ ~ } ~ ~ /I. ~ F A'a~nuero,neuraun vltuaWt oEHnnM _ oc>rwr~ s~n]RI i ""1 ~ f~ l''411 ~ A ~ ~,T ' j { r 0 FtlI 6 • D fLMIAMR D.uc0T4 eweroT rYREH11l1A POrFMM1IA ER171CODA FA/yp' I I OFM1OADLEA• AVD EVERC~] eN9D8 ~ PHNIC lAalE 11 dXTI]V/ ' ^ . ~ ~ "~7~Y 1 1 ~ ;I'. ~ y~ 1 ~ ~i. ( ~ f~III I f}~ J Q RFD Fl.K-0TGEE WALL - e¢ DFIAP. v I }IY/ P ~ ~ ~ ~ \ W v _ .UI 3] • D CHHAFER BLIE OLD AHNER AHIFER NDRI7vRniD TiLUE CHIP 1M (MW~ 1 ' " { 1" ~ ~ i~ C \ T~ly ~ ~ - I Il~.~ 1 < , I • aEr n • ~ CCNrADffR necxeur aROCn cTnDUD scorsawl;u *+aN1K+n Rw wcsaA ueu cedtiarla ~ .it ~ \ 1' n ~ 7,' • I 7.. • DA^ A • 4 CtN1Artl.R [ARCt EIAOCIF PAPMJ: OAPtaIE DlIRQIT,1Til 'CAflJL HACKIE' I ~ ' I ~.T J . I ~I 1 • MAY a •9CGHA?Ek IvxwlRµ FUG7rTtie EICHRAN gADTDC.gvCA `1 < y~~Y\•~ `~1~fI aaag7+rn caADecDy\1 \ .\l~` n \ h`~ I.t ~\t~ . t ~ \ y , 1 / 1. • eev nm •ICpItAn2R evt;a~artnw.eee R.9pC1'CYiRICEFU~II ; ~ ~ \ M • • . a,y z ~A ~ f t?)t~ ~ir•. t 1 ~ ~ ~i~i. ~ ! ~ I .DA~ » •ICarAxER d.IEAVENAGRADD ~E]w]Dtwc,+atDErrEr~Re ~ FF _ y,~~~ _ LANDSCAPE 1RY. L •I CDNTAVB'.R VARIEGATCD rEAT1ER FkED CiRADe CSLA'fAGKNDI1DAMiLORA \ I r~ n~ ~ t I w` I~ Xis N •ILQRArER DIDIAY RICE CRA00 ACHLI1NERti NTEQ:N;)IDED ~ i /(I~, .~Il{~1~~~ '(jt ~•I .4+a'ATOCD,A~,wD(fi•1MALD i 1` "~1 _ t, fNJ=r;I•~._{ "h t[-LSYI ~ C _ PIA N • LEGEND e~,w~ o Eaw YDRteort As w® + 0051ND MEpe NHK [AISiNO MTFA AIEIER LINE 1AERF CURI£ TABEf - - ~ ~ ~ DoefF POIL UMC tlFDIII _ f InNNG WqK L[YGM gt1A gAdUS aKND HAInMG a+ORO d5f_µ_« It M.BJ~ SeD 911'r a py y,?7C22 61.90 T677(79T t2 77 F A E7651NO n€ RYDgANi U R4.9C $e9'7vl'. Ct t W Nbz74']p1 R}7Y_ ~ -t-q-a ODSSIIO tFACE U %3 Q9' _NM' S y'r, Cb !I W 'IB' 1300' S+5'02'.$J'r ~!7' e iA AB$ ur1'oL{ u A nrtr _s2~DO' NWS61A'F 13X(__ i t]asnfs o+[Sac1o roFa u[ _r? stw' M9Y~_.~ro' F]i7a_'?rr _w,97 ~ I cmLNC OK7meAO mF»Ige u[ C8 SY 'b' 00' xN'AB'7~C 4 ~ ~(7----w- pnSiNG SWIMr 9:rER F/YNN~[ i,b ....9_,._....,._..- E7057ND wA1LA w/{R[ HYORANI -F r,._.._...x- oDStwD star 9:Iwn w/wAlelgt _ a PNa05FD CONIpwI , . ~ I ApD two ro Au CDFEdAa Des All[A Lo AzaolooAi~ aa ~ S~ roN7 F[oR PaalagD qAD[ euwai N oxrss « n+[ ~ R ^ I wn5 EDSralc gAOE UNFLh"('TA7 OPS]V (P,iCF loo-Ywl n[Srr ~ I I i i z rgaPOSrn swT nfvAnaF raaro(® ro ann stqueloR[ 'X° i j Aoo woD ro Nt 9>0, unAnge3 IDY-'Alxw s( . A an. w+ - esceSD _ ~ ro ~'r,°~' Ezs1NC mot LLFNAENN FAlEll aAUrr PCNO MU SSW.. l ~',,fA I ~ If6IddC 9Etf Rpl ~ . N ,~.y51y C1.1 .1 PWVAR OmK y~FWL AC«35 NX PROWm•2n] O ~ ? PROP0.~D 9tE7 Row ~f ~b ~ °N, 3, L d 'G, ° d ° ~tj c y5 y11 by Cpl kYY\ rAUI all ; Iw TIr AAA, ~ , rgrF ;uu. -u ~8xa BMDE \ A4 '!'l10CATU~aUD` _ l~ 'IM14, y W ¦rrrr~lrrra ouw BASF eoaom U6,o4 . \ i / Y f ,]c4 L : ~ - ' i . r PIQCiIaA.a s1 t- q-TIRFIT' e• ~ ~ ,t\3I~~u~~c~' - Iro ) ~ PRaOAD BASN BQNDMr t• / + nakt re ~'DDr SLt11N% ~ ~ T \'1 A i ~ / , ( ) 'p[~peO • ,wren - - _ - - _ ntv se~25 l o q .}-10., 11 , q ; ~ \ ~ , / , i i / . _ ....me 89'4}'Ol. c u ut ~s lsAIAN 621 40 I} %-~-St. ~ _ } rwvot le' auF Bc ntp ~"'.....=a7 mreosty P[tMaA~c wui _ \ Y~` \ v sl * / i i , j r~ r--~- . rtl0 ErI~rAO,N4 .~1 _ - b - ` -_`.1Sd V , / : , s - _ - '~i RA r ro 74 ~ ' f , ? 9oFrNx No vnnr PaL[ ,it~1l , i < ~ ~ ~ 14- ~ h w ~ n r , ~ e n. ~ ® se-BA9w IA9gAYNY prsmleq I •II 1,' ' i i, / '~'•1 - - ~ - - - ~ c=-. - J Y Nr (h= nle rFANAOlFS g' I II ! 1 i ~ / - ~ r / / ~ ~'bx ~ \ N rgaa® awe wIYVS wM a PFOPOSEO wseASN ouuLAn~ BI I ` ' i 1 ' / ~ ~ DBMGIED Oa4S ISW) o]D AREA N Aa6S ~~,-I 111 Nrc r I F~ .J le 3 I \e4 <Y Fxslvrc si«d sEYen ./YNngt I .•T-Yik?- I I ~ ,awe ~ '"1 - J ~1 ~ 1 ~ ) i i.' ~ / amn I I I r_ - \ ~ %iIPOSID SSgY SEMC71 w/YAMY[ I . / J r fM), I _10.5 Ic rs I .w. G:. _ , a ~o I ~'n y» ' x q~wt ~ xmreF euT iF ElEV. Fr+9an fwa utvAnoN / I i 'TJ ~ a nn-wuss I _ , DrS1APID LAKE h L ~ I i' I 1 1=. ~ ~ C Al ~ •i} b« ~ • - ' r I ea oYl~Sywb ,r auxt oamaocnaN wmlNa LD7 9 ~ g'AJ" I I- - ~At 2<a I ~ l.ul ')nay ~ ~ r d> WnI~A s- a, runt Y.~:.lo-. ~ . I ,Y_ " ' _ ~ , pia I \ i~. ;l; -w wTti'REDUgCY1 A~fNUf' 3Fme;r, °D Y,: ~ ~ J _ ~ I ~ ~ ~ 1 i ~ ~ , ~ Pna >~r I ,r~, ' ~ _ T sr rU1? 1 I 17 JI,D r7 r2r 0 I t( ]0.0 fF tAdJ F- •,0A T ew IF IRCO ~ I7 )t IY' )O' } ! j S CM l CONS q A ,I'N' N J. ' + ( Iw za rll t C PROPOSED DEtS I t 1 w r eo tl , F K I i r m1 ~ u I t l r~ a g y~; J.',. ~ br - ,,(1ere.wrs. - 1 r fwwdstntYPE _ ~ . I - I r Y - s ~ I a ~ . 3 3 f~ f'-" IrY.fD y~~ ~7~~ ,M'74T3 PM 7'r47S i AI , 9 ( T MEYgE I.D'Da/Q ^Cw I FLF ~ILe7Sr I I CIJI Cn i I I 195 k}A'1B eS0 'aCM . ! t~ ITA4 I b ~ I ` I v / I a $IOEF wv qtr-ssw ss n.l c l ~P~~t l f I { , .A I ~ jA ~V:4 ' ,...c..,, ~ 4 r~ I I ,y~ s ..I x Y.y}.._ ~o FgDY w~ RY ei Y 1' / I ii- 9 ~ILwC.~{' • O ~ F 1 ~I ~ ID IY'd. " 16' 121 I I .z1 ~ T. 0 ~ i ,d``IN I `~~M ~ R, r/ .1 (1 s ~5~ 1 I li \ N k V ~ _ N - N ` N _ I~ - P - _ _ =yam/ i r i 4r E: 'r'~]0.~ ~ 1 ! . ~ ~ _ u ~ L, _ ~ _ yip ~ , rPim o~wES (~,m.) 7N ""-.nUNryiT.~ A\ i~ttxat~~~ Lr _.-te9d r ~ --~A _ A• ~..p ~ ~ D ~1 ~3~~ ` xy I:r~r.`).{7ogtTlAlw) LavN:F: \ _ ~ ~ r' ~ I Y NN,.,~ '"S`t~`TM1"~7 ec 321->"d"am -7 a Po - Po __Po V Po_ _ ~P ,,.t..l , . A : I l J£RIAPX) 1LNCE POLMT - _ - I Cn u.o I - 1 I - - - - - I ew Iv.y i L-` ~ Bw,ni.l sF leg n ~ ~ >IQ Lx CIJ C2.f LpT I ldf ~`E O' 3 ~B.)n~ LO b l0i . jui'$oaDi 9 SAl' 7 0~ 8 ~ LOT 9 I ::li t0 I LOT .1 .G ~ fAT 1J I ~q\F r - - - ~ ' t-' I -1' - - - - - I - - - -I ;r n.c - r - - '--1 .W I a ~ I m r - I"- ~r,; .Y ADV wex Row ro a n u.0. aK-FAr EYO t~iier n un Pawosrn oFTsAq q ~ • 01111. A ~3 „ I ,,,a,; omxAlm ro na aLr n x+ tlr a.o C Access LANE n leB YmAAA a IIE7AWe1D Fw n.c ~ ~ - a Bounce i,)/,~T{ A: wN3.le]aFr APoES CIF BY1 uD I I;t.t C .tl I A„ wl.~ ~ I I p I p ~ [ 3~ n5 fqE Fwlt-u-wAr wlErloustr 0T 1 I ~ • ~ i,l A:. h.:;I 1 I ~ 1 I , ~"iawra ntD.,~SASSnaDUttR 1- STORM WATER OUALfTY NOTES . N. ILND1NMr rNDVIN [DNINq IAGIrD[S y4U BF Y6fAUjD «Adw MT EROSION CONTROL NOTES GRADING NOTES CIMS:RI~f:I1N AI:11NiNS IANf PI A(L 1 '1100 WA'>I1, 1N111~}lulu WA`~Ir, YNV11 WASIt NNI M'Y on IQ1 Pq]II'Ax1T CYI FASIC UN ?I µY C(Ny11ND0d1 911 `JINl N CaliNgltO IIINWaI M USE a B4PS FASiL AND/ON I all0( AFAT fFW 4NWH;5 A' A 4MYV4 IPF Alit N 'IN ANSI IU IUI A: l• Nf C1C1W0 Cg11NNR5 LINE N PRON«D MD YA'NINtQD Bi iNC UNI[N Oq LgMACIq 1. ALL I(p501. MN;NL hlryCN1Y 111Alll VYwl. 9W1. « SNVAgD Al1D NO laSOl 9WI LANpSW't NCAS NO Ar A VHYUY ]A 30Pf N nR ferSf 1D Ill l AI IYVFNNdlS (W CCNSINUCDON LILT MNA[ IIIt NI: iS nA POnnIIN 1'q RLIiASt a FASIC RF R[YOYFD FAW AIE 91E IDFSCd ANO DNrAeugnF 91ALL B[ SrawWI1D A'q ARMS, fAC07 AS ND1EU 1MC(NINMO WA1lL DIAI YAT tlltlw, wA91 OR DArt XMSt' FR AuFAAD INW D4 9R a S1DCM%lID SLPNUSIlY, iVP'.IY, AAO tlVf10FNLYN LINE & N[IXSDNa11FD ND4N ?Y PRgeglfD. SN111MT FASIf fAOVilfS SIIAIL & VFpN«D MD 4AN1AN(D Dr D4 OWG OIAOm MFA Af1Or NOVCYI gUPNO ID %iDASk A SUTAaf BASF fq ARU.S Nlldl M-L 1 fAN1E ADJA«Nt `O dAAI4ID SHNl BC Ai UASE O$' «ltlW la « IwhOAgq AI q CCNMACiq BC SEEDED AND PL/N1FD. AVN«T TROY SIDLNPSID AMA 9AN1 BL CCNIPgI]D '0 DIEY,R31Y fA09 [N AIO AE91LIM7 5(DMN1AllDl1 a WgMwO FAIfN IAIe51'AP( ARC/d 1 RFADr-YlzrD Cg1LMT, q µr YAErNALS NLMINC INa DR aFAMAlG a vnnaFS q 1 BN.1D OF n[ WONDtIeµD Cfalt AFmor Dlti?Nm Br lo'.l . ASSOOANS oArtD Scale: 1~ - 30~ fOpD1wM CWIANNG q V9D N 7NNISPORDND q NNt YL'ID U, 9411 K Cg11AWED Ow 2 FFWINiNr KCCTADK OOAfl2 91ALL B[ AIPLN 10 gSILMBLD AgrAY AAD $EOOPIIES ,.pn[ lqp, Dw IFORE 97E IS aLSU IAF IOD-TfM ROWPIN1l Cp.51AVCOq Y1LS Iq PAapl Df5VU5N, kL1FA5F a f/e'SE YAIERIALS b NMS.eI1E0. MINK 11 DAK AFTER rY1N gAOC IS I(AOAD W AM PgDgl q ML 91E IOIPa1MT K(ETAM CONA 9.N1 BE MRfD ¦INN II DAYS 2 dyN1eED ANFAS MNOI WY RDI l S BASED q A i1f1D 5(RYFY Br SCTm, COq Y ASSOOAI[$ OA40 1. CONA 94LL OL APWLim MDM N GAYS ID NACDK $ql SIDCPPA[5. A7D SNAII a BC Af PNN CAAOE, BUi Ilnl B( lFf r DaNAFI Eql Ldl[U DNw /0 DAYT. B/9~ 0 q ]0 fD 4ANTNKD rq SIUCwr11T MAf Aq[ DROItI5E0 10 REYNx N qAt[ lON«A Mµ ]O CN[NDM OATS IOIPOPw9r Ka/AIFt LQffi 9W] Cp,S51 a A'4AIN wtLPASS A7 AG :y3 RS/MAC 4mL7 AgUS 9W1 « NYgCanAaIFD MM A FDw ffKe ANO 1ACW~(o A ; :dl/A[AC 3 nK IOUfON a M ABDN 4AA.^r0 VIAlnIT 91De11YAI ON 4e BALD OM r.r rxlU 5. Au?S 9f All BL Nw1111NgD 10 IM[KFl M FF4'ASC a SLOWENt TROY C015FN[IIOI SJg1EY Br 3[tlrl, COI a aS50CAD~ n^.- n( LOGrrNl a Re 4NpIXItNl.:rr+ ADS NNC7{ niACNND « AFQ MINI NOT BF NlO1w0 10 (FIEF IItF 51«r FAI[A PFe4AFfwi KaIADN (~3 SMALL Co195i a M AVNROAtD gwafi NAFNAAi 5Q0 V11U Iw5 SPOMI r(PfW AP[ na5m DN 5N4 9AYY['f AW NfaYAnOY iRON)(n, IY STSRN q FAIRS « TNI $lAR SLm[NI TIIAVID d10 PUBUC 57P[(I$ 9411 r rIDWE. DE C«IRMiq $NAU SUBLeI StLD YIIM[ ID Ile: an Fq gCYNw NND VDg1iS (rla YAT Naltl[ ly V1Un OwNEF q UNUn I OUTwO ANNIl'.) ApIOKD. M%roNAt CCA . ASSDaAI$. NC 5 MUl P[SPq.Sdf fJll V1U Ir NI g1YA'IDN PNOVUI II II+°•~ PREL~INf-f e I GRADING, onexs soon, cor a AS$daert5, nlt PE[WIASaS out ne ILUntln a P~~ e n'owvaRS 9rat r l1YD 10 PgKNI DIISI, $ygwwi q o®Ra RLOfwo TROY nt 1 NL a5neleLD AAFA$ 91Nt w[aM D[1WAF011 KgIADK CDxn AS usaeem MOYL Dtllte5 ~ IttID NAwnD PAON 7D ANr DOD.ND a.:~ aDU«N I ID ,w ~..FA ~ I DRAINAGE AND EROSION 9R. ALL wi q Flll Aa6 MIN 370 1 q CAIARR gal 9011E BF caAnrD FM fA090t YRgtMn. CaIRq YAIiNG q NYDRPMRPD MRI A Flwq IMN INII IACAe1FP A11 lON/ADR a aNGI YNp: CITY a B0.ADr 1'~ I-]) G+3W 7' lD[AIIO AI INl iW IIIN',I Tw~y~p~ P S'lhM FADN ISTdMgS ITIDM CWSAAICIIOI. Af nNlllS SNAU M01 CAU51 q ANFAnr ('OIMIN p A fn7CN BAT01 ItlCARD AI ME TDJgIM 11 fWNN p r1 INII N'!~ CON 11 NL 1 LAN I CA49 VaI UINI, CONIA41xAIgM W DI WADA BCF a WARNS a M[ ylAi[ Atl [AOSIgi CCNRL>. YfASURCS T11N1 « NeNECIIU UY ilw VAN[F, q OYh1P aDVN(IND ' ACUII, AfICR Nl Sig2Y LkNR µY (AOSOM CgrFlq YLASUXFS Mq1 APE 4WA(ED 11 tN1UWWAT µD aNrt ASFNVf- FLFVAI~IgI SyNW (ql, IR IIINRgN DAItiNi ~ 4051 1.lINADWAY F A11 FMDI pSNpeANOS 91ALL N D[9CN1U, C«ITIXVCrQ1 MD CgA0.(t[D 10 WI nP DRN7R IO RE-ESTABU9'YFJIi « KQ:7AlIVE COKA AIMI to NFPIAaO WYCpAI[LT 1 m05[D ARfA « MY MDNBFD <.ViD ID 111E 91gI51 Pp$SAIC P[SeW a 1G[. II NI gANIU, Nl APNICMU CITY MO/M $TAn: RAN7$ PIRINFINC 10 1N! DSgIMa « CAWNDWAIA YUSi Bf OBiANIFiI Mal TO VFLI'MAllq « (AII.1!NI I: BOULDER. COLORADO a UJIN S7gAff SIAUC111NfT iq DrfMAfU4 PNODIICI$ µ0 OMEn aILNM;AI$ SYINI MNT rINWI BANS. AL WAIF VPU 111'. Vlkl yD A:'. ID ftlNIAM Nl SPe15 AND VREAK41 AMY SPII.IFD 4ARHIN I lr,.w UIII MINI. INI S10PN Wn 1111 S1lRY d( FAUNS « D[ 97AI B A IINN SIgWWAIA PIRA AND HLPg175 gLWRO AI Ill Iti11:N Dlxl)YI t1l n1 Vn'N _ _ _ - III. ANY pSILFDANC[ 10 I4IYAMY µ0 %A4ANfN1 BYPT SHNl D[ gFPAWII OR RFPLA«tl V NL SOLWAUS µD VLtlESn1IM AwIT 9~A1 0l MA ElA1Pi: µl, X~II n 1S uAx u~l4 ~oTT, oox & AS9pC1ATE9, MC. rIIIN Ae IpUH'; c4ocs Hour nxn A sP wznl.Y (ON'CIUOwN vat 1.Onsull.Ag wlzginccrs surveyors II !~l 1'XWLNIT OF4LP AND St05[aFNI pRq'fn1Y OrNINS WAl BE RCSPOV$1BLJ ruN 15:1U SSF FNM BWJOn, Cda.eo ep]D] flu qN«D COYRIAN« MRI OW Nl gAP[Y[NIT a MIS SECIICN. D4Rew; CONSDB1Ct10N AcIINIY Dx IN[ vn. - ~ ~1 µ ` I: A.L utiDCpnar rqu51n1 ANV SE GNI NI rLw~+a uEA5e1IS slut D+- N,4onD AND O SDfflO ,A ll llv vl Oni', N IIN I.,al `A I! SIN1L]AT4W 5 ALH.Rt C, (q Af1CR Dif / UNIrW Sy YAIK d1Y 9W a0M9 na 91/.y1 '~~~CgAgr 41 A'iIN[: NIt xO IONIIft Nf FL(D, Mf.011NA OU,UkS 1IP51. ~ SIR/n!/~ tf.+r/ n7aM1`_A e.11 • S ITI o'~~ nU.oe. I 3 0 a ,~r. ~ D>v T.d. o um~ti+~:n~ 1o/9~i tt rrr~l~iam ap niws m ivMbre Wigir! n 17ss Gr,wilpy.t 1l19d N~AAQtl9 ,,srra UI r~aat>,nnl9~s~ _TVn~ ~ op~»»~ ,ems a Dpw Sac. Dc4laNe, Umola lows-in FL2 rsegwnl Pwiuea ieso2da~ )352 @ s! ~h ps m X11? t41 ! 1 Tgp1,Pm5i6Ct 6D,IN! 61.WSTf UN PWnO ill, Ui Typc DMrpOmf Pihi~RgreC PaOr,Pmwtled Uii B /pc,616b J Ui? D ,posaEk 3 Ui3 C ,pW9DY ] IMN, B Cp~-0ple 7 Ui5 A ,p~de ) UA6 D Ip06Ybin ] UYT U ,ptW'D78 ) tope n ,yosam ] UM9 D 9poS9Me ] Ut 1p B ,pao2w ~ 30dYeelsWas XJwWd3Ywhtp.gn Q tmal cv mnAi ~ a0~ • 79mW5botl~Axsf TrNy Ib1wMM zak ertrepwed area p~eM m9~iMX2N6x auXn a :Uhcmacrarc>roYrw TAm wrocmpr eu~wtrfanwrnwv:.~. mrzmlameIDtawsms TAre aeIIa:gl edr a~+A~ /1wMpoAiirg6acesa Un rom xvaendTo kuDtlma'~i6'7~ amml or 31w~M>Iww mr M dewgmenl fk~glf TaHe GrteedC Vn tpi.99]fl=7faus•F IpelipnAtpSQpp~y 10 c~aml7 ,ao+eoe y-N8^71501'F R~tl ~ l Flte appa2An7iuD~are'o gS I aI~'j~ Eq ~ Peratei {uAU~121V~r. a~t `y~ii•, r: / ~ e _ _b _ _ _ Hnug Grmarywelwn b ~~11q+xeEmmfMYMnOwy~~ I I ~ b, d f - 7 - - T .nns/amsouoll~y_\vnI 1 I /A OIM tlxd WEn ~ f ~ ~~b, -p±4- a ,ll!' - ~_..I--I- , _ ~ ~rr ~ I \\'1 it I ~ ! 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TAI ~ ~ ~ I I 1 I I I STORM WATER QUALffY NOTES I NL RYPONANT FRUSIpY CpIMp (AU1,:eS 91ALL Fr n$7µ1(0 BlTpif ANr ~~•151~Jf~°' ACH0f5 r"'r EROSION CONTROL NOTES GRADING NOTES - r. I rN+ rA_.'; ?hp Atir U .N Pp1)'AN : tw AASR dl AYT R•4'ly[tCYI 41L 91N1 Or CvlIM0.LLD MNfNd1 M USI pIrpNS MASR NIO(//,~pp~Y N 1FCrRn4 CMiNMRT 9WL a IRONpD Ar0 YAMIAN[D BT Mr ymlR (n CONn1ACroA 1 NL IC17V M'(Nf (1nS•rALL} FY-A.II:I.:I C, : yl '2 }N YA(A J C -.7_ S'NI !A A]F AAA M E:Ip N„S AI A YN'.W ~Y 'Cx S d4 N nlF rAi1 1D rl(1 AI M CPS`AVCI;LII 9n5 MYM nQM LS A( 1`p11NAµ (pl PRLASL d rASiT, BE R[YOND INUM I~IL 47 I(PSJL MD V"Y?-.YtlN ALL Lr (rN' .AIIL A,p !M;.S~uL A`R A; u~;l A, A M,YIU LS ;LCff IN 9rt fl4$1 10 'ri t AI rvr'+NgiM1 p+CONTAN4? rASfC nlAi YAT BIpM, M.191 a OnNAMY BC RIl1A5(D IMOY n( 94 b S1000RIID 41'ANAIfI Y.:pSC.t M'0 OYTAOJRLfN SUNI w gUGOM/JRU YRUN fNt AR(AS rxC(PI AS NOILD. PRp1dITD. $AMITARY TeAT2 fAg1A[S 91ALL Uf PRUNaD AND YAwTAfrO DT Ilr OMrM CAAp? ARU AI'IN NOlp1 (AA1DNt :0 FRON01 A 9JITABL[ BAY IUR ANEAS MAUH ALL 1 fMAOC ADA1C9ii ro BUII)AiC SNAtl BC AT 11A51 a5' BF10M i?I a IOYMDAAOI AI OR CpITRARpiL K 5[lap AND RAYIFD. AUNpT fAdl STpdyLrp AAU 91N1 BC Cp1IA0LLiD 10 UrASCMC NrAS Pfr1[NI (A(1SON ANO R611lTAXl SIANIN1A0p1 a Rr CLNMC RARA ! a`I?•-YAUD LdILRf7E DR AMT YAIf1EA1$ N!'SLl1wG FNOY 01E drAYNG a NIAdf3 d1 1 BAS© CN M[ AOrgmAIID CMfN RLSTWY W07Alir? BT LOvL N AS.SOpA1CS UA-U ,UPYUUII Cp17ANWC a'I U9D M IMAN9NM'NG OR APn.TWG II, SIWL UC CONINN(U CN 2 PFRMAMN' NpIAPN CONK SHALL BC N'PIIrD 10 OISNNBLII FACAS NJD $IaxPxFS SC11~ 3U WNSRM:nJN 9'15 ra YRORA a9'USU. RrIEASE Cf ;1RY MARieuS 6 PMUNA 7I0. MRUN I/ HAYS VILA I1NlA. GRAOC 5 flLLOU.O LN ANY PpiTION a THE 91L TpIPpR1AY AVML 2p)a OH fN1Ar 9R: R W11rR IN( 100-YTAR RDOa1AM. 1~ N441A0N f.ONA 91ALL BE APPLIED MMIN II RATS N OSTUNLlO ARf AS McIN MAT NOT 1, ne5 MAMNG I$ BA9U (M A IIFW ;ANMT UY $COrI, COK 6 ASSOdAR$ nAilU n l~ . CJNA WAIL Br API'lJtp MAM I/ tlAYS 10 NACnVE SpL StOCNPIfS, AM) N1µ1 N[ BE At nHµ p1A0L ft11 M{I a IAT DORNANI la LUNUA IIIAN 80 pATS. 0 q ]0 M1V uAHTNNEU fpl SRxYIPN$ nMl ANf I'NWp9? TO flO1NN N InACr IOML[R nlul x tl/e/07. ~NshOAR pAYS (fyPQ(6HY„y1.I~f~fIK-LP5$ SNALL CUV951 Of ANMIAI HNaASS Ai IO lB2 NS/ASE 5 DI[ IOCAl10N a 0f AADN WI%Mp UIIUMS 9N)MI NQaCn M[ DA30 ON II•I I'I-U Sr1aD ARfA9 Sllul Br IlYpnaAACN(D RI RI A MMID IIBEA AND TAIXI(Nfl Ar 1 lON/ACPF SURNFT BY 1COt1, CO% A A55rA'JAII INC Ilp. IUCA IN%IS p Or IAOAJ1ptVUMI 5. UW'S 91µL BC NPILYfNRD 10 IMfNNI AM nLIfASC a SEgYENI fAOY CpISRAICBM UTIUMS S40rw IrN(OM APE HASID pl 5µD SuRNT Nq WrORMAlION PRONDU, IIT A0S Y[LYCLL wACNNO a MW Shut N01 Br NtOACD TO ENifR ?r $ICIW MAIM L'[NNAMLNi-LtLLIAI!Yl.[OY111 9WL C4µ5131 a AN MPNUKD ORWGHI 1IXENN11 Sr[D OOrAS IM1b1 YAY u1dUUL hY UIIIIIT OwiLN fM IIOUfT IoCA',IG YRNO SrSRY aR MA7[AS a A4 SIAR. 90µI NI iRAC100 ONTO PUBUC SRIFf1S 91µI. Ui NI%IVP[. Ilr Cpl niAf.11N 91AL SLIpMT SE[D YIxnA1l 10 IIQ UlY rM flCYAN NNJ " ~ PRELIMINARY GRADING, wYpnp, evlrrnvA~ cox a Assocunr, Mc. rs YMI MwavS,BU ran unun »roxwlttM Rrow:t.l I. ~,I, OnrAS SCUM, Ca% ? ASSOUARS, INC RFC4MNLND$ INAI Mi lOCAOaN IX ~•1 N IIO~NIWL$ 91µL B[ UYU 10 %nµµ1 [UST. 3auFNr a D6RnS BLDMM: fNW AY 1 W aS7LRw0 ARLAS $HUL Y[¢IN F[RYANWT NGLIAON C0191 AS aSCPIU[p ABOLE U11UIr5 BI nP~ NPMIp MuON 1p ANT 00,7µG a, OR ADlµENI 10 INr SuIU i ~ DRAINAGE AND EROSION vA- NL ar m rAL SIePLS MM 1 ro I w eAUTIA sLaR vuul % coNNtp MM tA0$ON PRa[Rn. CdlwQ YAIiNO OR NTfnaAAd1E0 M1µ A MOCp IAMR ANU IACMfOA AI I IAI/ACS. 6 aA01 YMII: piT a BWIDIA / 5:001 YuTFA PSOIARUS ITAY CW$1PUC fqN µ'.nNIIES SNNl MOT [µIR d RArAMN (I'I 1) lHY1LD 'r LOURD AT INL you llM' ~ CON I1l~JL PLJ1N ra VNSE PaLU71pA CaIWAUxoN rM pLaN7A0011 a Ml[R5 a INL 51AR. 1 NL [AOSNN nAlnla Y[AS0Ar5 91µL BE WSPfCI[p NT 11A DANU. a DMI[R APpp(N[? Cd7xR a A GTGM RASW lUGRO AI n,t SWnOA ST [01µ[R a Ml MR+~:: I AQNT, ArnR ALL Snr1N [µµ7S ANT @0S10µ CpIM0. Yt A51RS Madl AR[ VAwd? a BROADMAT Nip OlAlrf ANMr. [1f.VA0pR .3118.06 (pN 6 OOa?(R DA'.~u~ A +U (AKIN pSIMBANCr$ 91µL IY g9p(0, CfnSlrNClm AVD CO'0'II1fD 10 UVU Mr PP1a+'0 R[-f 57ANULIMNI U NQIADVr CO%[R ylyl a MPLA(fp IvYLOARIT BROADWAY ixrroSCO APf/, a ANf DSnNaD IA1q 10 MC 91dit[51 PUS561f KM00 p IIN( ! N RYpAR(D, All .w'IrAdl ail NW)/IM STAR PLRW 13 PIAIAaN+t IU U11 NJJ( SiatAq SOAICRWI$ IIP If OfpljW YA WUCR AY?0 OTN[p CMYKµS 91µl NAN r{k lyl Pl.ANSa fA01M)WAnA W1I 0L C01µµ[0 PRION 10 pR[PARAfION p prl1. AXWA? rADRC,IpI 50 A$ 10 CpIfAM NL SPIVS NVp PACY'FN7 ANY SR1L0 MAA1pI1 BOULDEf~ COLORADO rRW ENTpIWG IM STORY Mi?f $7S11µ pl MATINS a M SIATC fl A IIN.1L 510RI11MMR PLAN AND M.PMI 15 AFplydD AT I[CNNICU DOCT/ylNi MI NI N 015RIABANIX t0 II IVONANY µ1D µR4µµµ1 pYP'3 Wµ1 Br NIPNMD ON MI'LA(la ~ NL SV(NAIeS NN HnISIN~AN uVLn15 91µI UI AlU C(YAPVAN I, MIH A unml,I,I ' ~ M1N 56 Nouns a+au Arlr; Axp . s% NANUUN lullul[gNN vpPr ) ",1(',OTT.COX dC A990gA7E5, NC:. 'I nr PRroEAn ovmfA ANO 91ns[aa Nl rwArNlr pMrAS nr1 az AtsaDNSar nn eonsulliq enginuers surveyLNs JalnNU[o (oynuy4r MIN p:L AlplnnurNls n. Nns sc(na, oIXlwc coeslxr¢rrr, 1110 xn y.1 n.rl, caaou• epJn1 ~(IINn off nr 9R. fia7 . a ul ¢uRO'+ANr I raLx+ ANU TI u1Hl cn+mn mAS NL` S1µ1 nr mvpmu ANTI LIY'akp w H M pAY. N I It ~ I glAl IN ]1 Af a :rt N'I N F•1 t ~ ~ 1 r yMH Oeb Soh anal Irur:anN uu J Is tin r JI ntllp rn unn va .cam. r ea ~ INI~~JA$ 6~07~05 Y ~3rY ~ONOIC B bar Di - Mean -TTSPnr~. ~DDI1 h7M1ata LECEPD u ~>m R ~ ~I.TL NALYr O'M oaNS.OLICIEx z Fas>)LC r'aoL Pat UNE TABLE CUR4L TABLF. - uNE u>tcN EIAN_VC NRAC E1xGn1 MtiA ws us wwo 1rAxnc ouND usrula =1 P6~c ll _Ip.4f S63Tv'1~'x CI__6foY-]]]4'10' RI D,q' _RTrt_'J9T-42.50_ _.x=x-x-x- O61N0 FpKf ~ ?T9~9Y. ~yY °i w a ~D_IY' sq ,n'..?P'1.47 HGn<JV'.... n_.?Y.~. e U ~3:4Q NS9 ] VYF W -~R9]S IR~ 00' S, -rlIl'x - tC.}11~_ ~ - F761NC O'E1EIG10 P'OfA I?7E l/ SY NI9~)r,,. CA ~7'1~1' TJT 5?~I?9' II(}.97Y'C,. 1?}~__ ~ p I DAT)Yw' 5507 SSAZO A'Yf Ah 97 1161NG EIl7rEA0 IUfAiWE If,E -W Y 6~N 34' IeW N,,,R7uY 2507 ~ t._. _.'a- [76FDW ArTMY Sl1EA W/YANHOIF [067BK IQA N/rrE MIGRANT r.•- LsApt 9DfE1 4WDl r/YNaolf yv r!.s ~ ~ Im xa~o rAU camuNs nr$ A>'SA ro ADainiooAiE\ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~rs t aY(( cNAtt AuxaF w pass DF nIE~ llh`~; rS ~ F:a; i~f,?E ;n°,1Cr +oo-ttw nRtlr ~ ! i i i ~ x "A e~ro9n srar ncvAiDv PRCP0.+'fD r? oAmn slAUeNRE ;tX 3 ADD ss?o to HL SWi nnnnws pY - ssl2oo _ - I we ar - ssoNw it! j 3 D FwnBC soF FicvAml A swT. - ~ a I ~ f~ xsumc 9Ef:r as IFR WWTY _ t P~ MOC EaE Aoi~RFD~ s9o X07 J'~~ lu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o `try ETA ulb - yu t,A I, C2~ J, 'tor A4 Art upPoY[. ENI WA Sn Pxow[D-zn~ ~ _ - w} ~•1 w ~ m DT an ~ sf sN w»~ s aawAa eN9r(T IearorxY ([FSTaec) ~roA ° ' ~ • rJ i ~ ~ ~ ~ 'uR[c?la a._.. . yu-... r Nrr' . a ,wo s'~MO[ An~ii67m- ``~wurAr• ".-'74~ ; p 1ss~ s~.;+,, 4 1 - {ID rmbw) ~ wvosta eF VI BaACwY x Y \ St:i t),1A~, ,M-$IIQT'I '007. SD[WN)f [LFN uSeF?,S - Jt..1.0+77 =u A t5 ~ - r ; ~ 1RA1'SL DAR)a/1L CVi11A - - . fi2).4~' - ..r w1e _0.5 1 I A \ ~ 89 .0 ' ti.• 1r ~ FRNhDE 1r aF~A eE7faTl rvnsm ~-rNNNC NAu „x,. x` E'-~r--A'"]`, : i ' . ;+oD "`Y"^--..___,.. _ _.y;ae - . X_ x~:A , sncvu Aw unurr Po[ • ` Y 1 't ~x \ K ~ ~ r P .sc ~ _ . b _ ~5 ao ~'sTAoNC o . _ , m ~ ~p~ 8 9a eAy ~9a+Ana pYSroRK) A \A it ;l~~ ~ id - c I ~ N iN6~- !r ~ f' \ ` xl ~ T PoNU 3"ea o.Ie AtA N Aae$ s ~ ~ J >d l - I •,ssy ~ ~ aTA ~'i A e~nse-e7s~DEaLruna I ; , FNavosn 0.WA A,1P5 flDl Gt I`' tl 1 J. / ~ _ x ` \ I~ \\e iMpICA1CD DpE3 CI17J nJ0 JEtA M.1R5 i T i, ~ - _ f - , _ ~ I ~I 1 I ffia fA ~ ! I'. \ ' . ~ ` I ' J Ikl '.Ar- _ 3N• dsl%C AWY Y1[R 11/YAMIUd 1.J~~.~I AAA` PRC-F} 1I ',~1 95' 10.r• ~ IU. I > ) - N III ' ~ ~ I ~ ~ T \ ~ r wDFrss sra+u srm w/YAAto[t AnuN I i~ 11,. ~ I"_;,._ rape 1II I _ 1 I I / 'N~ I IqS IV 7] I f0.`0- AXS - Il ii. A '`~%I { 55 EAQY'fAM , ~ lY 51[~Y M ~ QFV• fM91ED MCiC k1EMnM .I ; i : ~ ~ OGKL WKIRUL1Nll FV ituN[E I ~ ~ 11 l~ ~ ~ ~ I r I 1 ~ ~ I, ~ r jl \ p~ Ixv our-s5ou..~ r'" (;!_A:'S.eZFiJ FAKE PQI ' ' g~~,,'V I I I ~ ~ 1~ i ! r1 i, \ f ~ ~ 9 Y > qP AA»!!I e A ^ I Ar 'rui; i , w ikav ~klc rxp i j ~ \ ~ ` w w /PfDMDI'i9 AbfM'/E 5E1 ruNa IQT 9 I XT r. I Ins AM.lRt ~ f 1 a.' Ro,rB 'evic 1 d \~/,1 1/ .yy i~' T 'x ` PCtiNRY t~ !v 4 :I. ..T I, ~ ,li_': V Y~ I ~ 0. M /f aU L C kll';' 4~V ':~u*R > No'CRl TR[FS AS d ' r1C? ,.I T »Zb.O .<,.~X.O T 1A~1 !v,atCW t~;z t?5 r';*le:d ~ !9' f7P fY 17,p 3` t>') " I. J' ,F"i -/7V_ !(I II ..x+ '~ll~ 1 W I . (j 1 (y Ai~~ ~ 45;`. CN I` ~ I I I~C ~ 10. } wl T 9 rM.1aYtC5 F ~ ~ ~ + ~ ~ J `DO 1 I _ ~ PRDP090 TRC f I A I LN aa. , PRLt{RL ALa tt sties BacT SG*1 X 'SRg X I y . 1 a ~ { I ~ AR)gCT p.D eErnD~ I nawz7s A I ,31 3 i~~CLAg t-' B ~A'ns Inc `~'s0 + T14,a -.7y' z;• a» sl~vl. ~ / aWrryG~DSUr nn al-swB.u \ I ~~r ) I I I ;y f v, 'r,Ah,u.= Ct.t cif a r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , r 1 ~IAS. sMET sccnM~ ssau+ ,r"t l ~ x ~I, Y~~(1 ~ 1 I ~ I ~ ) • I, 1 ~ ~ '`y 5 N,sy~N ywSS= ~cm rnoY 9ornl d (°p~ A , ) I ~ ~ I I ~ D~'A !r ~ x ~ ' \ i ~ I ~5 1J,• ~'~{RnISD?i_ I . o ? w.aN I '10 AT f i ~ t \ I' tr'_S?.. [y+ IM? 1161] ~ ~ 1 I"] 1 . I IG~S$0 \ly 1 N ~ / l vi t, .::.`s I~ 4 L 5'' CI / ~ \`L \ ~!L_ ~ 1N-__ -to P ~\~1^_ _ x _ >L ~ -y_-- _ ICY' p/\ ,A?f 'tI i PACP73D alA AAYPS YIH 1~t1 IN / ` Y Y ~ )I I \ \ ~H_ - ~ _ _ ' ' ~ - ,3'~ 7RLNCA1Fp DOZES (M.) ,1 vtiy_N.\/~ 1\\ ~IV[ .u.n ~ ~ ~ ...1eaD. ~ ~ ~ .A S / nq. ~I :r "",.-..LxvnnR: two ~;B,ot ! o ` .!_t. \-Po- 'PO-PD Y P -~Po -..D-P' ~ ~ 1 I ,.`~{TD muNN w _ r ~ ,P r ~ -62 - - It1,~,fa~L- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~r, ~ ~ waa~ v nnz nfzua I, ~ - am 12 p.. In?` CLI C2 n2R.0 ' - , -U 'n"W ).DYT V'0`} I E.1~T UN IB a BW IB.7 UW 1RB ,S - JfRl.AtFD lF6'(E AQW ~ I 1 z 1N Aes TW ]5 _ I I ~ Tv I i.b} i6 I l0~( 11 ! b 1 I T 1 ~ ~ w7 we xor n LQ7 12 . , 1. ~ ins E.pY 4 I LOT 5 do 5~.:, TqT ; lJI ;d L¢T ~ _ _ ~ ~ _ ~ >w a - - - ~ - - _ - r' - - TNrt - - - I - oNt-NAY EvFt~cFAltr tw zz7s I PRDPOaD oN,r nha M -I emiv too ` OU'Rq')7 ~S 3 I I> " DF~RawFA ~ n TS.A BW n.D ~ ALass UK DW IE5 yCOIAAR~~00(Q~(( FnANwc I " Dw zD.? /t5!NF,lii1~ A. I WAt1. INIXf tARC7 } I F ~ _ CL1 c .I ~ ~ ~ Ds nor mart-a Nnr ~~usY h .u r ar,x,l \ DFLMGTFD ~o ?r an a BolAOeA i ~ LOT 1.1 1 ~ I I ~ ~ ~ PLA AfaA110N No. IsAUn_ STORM WATER QUALITY NOTES ' N1 7CYPpUIiY IADSM `DNIRDI F"°~DIS wN1 RF NSTAIIf? BE1LN AAY EROSION COt~ROL NOTES GRADING NOTES CMSIAULAM ACDNTfS 7ANf PIAff ,r 2- SG110 WASH, INUUGIN N WAS14 YARD WA51[ ANU ANY O:NIN PalU'AH`C tXi WASTE M i• ANS I:INS'RI,GT~(M 9T 9•NI RF CM INq If? iHNGKN IIiE I1.Y a EAIV'i NAS:E NIU/M 1. aIADE ANAY FAW BUIC9NGS AI A YMVL'Y 102 AWC M nlF IiNSf 10 ?CET AI ICCY[l MG CMTNWNS AWL NC PRDYDFU AVD NNHINNFII BY THE OYAifN OR CONDGLGOP I. Nl IW;.UI. MV:P! NITSCNIY P[NC1IGNlF, 91ALL FS SµVAGEU MD NO Fp?Sgl 9ULL LANOSGPf. AREAS AAD AI A YNNDY TS ROPF IN ME fFST 10 FTCI AT INPINNWS CN CCNSiNVCIION 91C5 MIfAF A•tle IS nr I'ORNIIN. FM A(1EAY 6 MASK Bi kCYOYFD FNCN nN 9rC ICPRxI AND 7KADURCEN 91 A11 DC SF4AFCAlr1! IMO Ei~(yT ,V$ NOI~. UNCA111:NCD NAS If llul YA• ULON, NA9f M UII1CNwY Bf ItILf'APD LNOY TIC PIE 5 $IDCNAli? 5[RIJIAT(LY 1(PSpt ANO OYINWNOEN PIN,1 Ix RID'SIk2WTID MAUN 111E {]iq'IFAIS. SMIIAAi NASIE FAOL'il ES 91NL N PFOVUtD Ah0 4AWTANED BY nR OYM(1: pIAG[D AAG KIIA NDUaI CNApNG iD !'f10Y1[ A SNIADJ. UAA~ (M ARW MO01 ITAl 1, LAME ADJACENT m LNIIDiNG PIALL BC AT IfASI D.5' BELOW TOP Of FOUNOA1gN Al CN CCN'NAGTCR. OC SCCMD AND PUVTCO. RJNDFF fFW SIOCRPAFD AIQA 91N1 & Ca7ROCifD f0 N12YWT IADSM A40 MA'L'ANi :,iD 4p.'TA71CN p 16aINNG WAIIIt 1 RCAJY-YpED CONaSI[ LA ANY NAI}yRNS RC.5T11 :VIG FHOY n~ aFANNL Q NIIIUFS GA A BASm M MC xWOF%AN0 WLN ACSNOT PRE7'AREO BY LOY[ d ASSOaAILS OA1Fl) Scale: I~ _ 30' FG:IYYI NT CCNTNNNG M USLD !N TRNiSYai ONG M A°PIYNG Ii, 91N1 UE CM fAMD tN 7. I"I RYNiCNT N;GETADK C%TR 91ALL LC APVUfD 10 GSNt~(0 A16A$ AN? SID(x!'AJS APmL 30DS, 1ME CN11.RC PTE IS W790f 1NE 1W-TEAR ROUO[7XN. - CMSIRULDM StFS FM Pfla[A UI'y05N. MFA9' a THESE Mh:FmNS ES PRRI9IAU. WPIN TA DAYS /JIIM FINN, a1A0E LS NEALIiFA M AVT VMna Q DE 91E ItA1PMAFY Kf~A?VE CDYFJt 91ALL BF MPU[D MOU.V 11 DAYS 70 UISIlRmCO AAEAS Mfal NAY HUI n!I$ WAWNG R BASED UV A fliT0 9JIMY BY $W ll, CO% tr ASSOaAIE$ DAAO A. C-0NA 9IALL BF MPVFU MIDEN 11 GAYS 70 r(ACDVE SCR. SIDCNPRFS, MU PINT UE UL Af ItNN CAADC, BUf ML BE lFFI UCWYAVL Fat lMCJA IIIAN AO DAYS. D ~ ~ ~ N/9/G/ YNMIANiO IRt S11xMYAf$ n!AT ARE PNOPUSTD 70 Hb1A1N M PIACL 1.Mq-N TAN 10 CN fNJAR MTS TpUfBixgT_1OSdSLDYF SOYFF P1A11 LYX,PS' CV AHM/A'_ NYLwASS AT b IF6 PLS/ACNf_ 5 n4. IOGAM M nl( UIOK 070UN0 VOUix$ 917m1110KCW ARC DASCD M IHC I1CW 9COCD ARFAS 9fAU BF ~IYUAOyJLCh EU M`N A YqW F1DfR AVD TACRUICA A[ 1 FM/ACNE. SNMY UY SCDT7, CVX tr ASSDCIAIES. NG OC LOCAAM$ p RC UNOINON(ASPJ s. !IMPS PWL BE IYFRLYENiW TO PIN1[NI iNE RClEASE a 9DIY1117 TROY CYx(SiRUCxM URU U(5 91UM! ufM'UN ART' BARD M SNO RIRKY NtD INFCVAIA7tM PR0.1LtD 0Y SIl S. KIIICIE IIUCNMC of ARNI PuW N01 BE NLOAED 10 [MIFF TIE S70Ry WhrlR PfNIAAxFy~TEOtLAIIY(,alyE$ PVlI LMPS OF AY AP?ROVE.D ORWwi IULRAN7 SRO DNNAS (MVOI YAY VIaUOC Alf UAIIIY OMAN CN IIRUIY IOCA?xO 9PVaS) SCbn, S'YSIE}I OA WATCPS OF ME S1AIE SEMENI 1RACNCO MiD MIOlI[ 51RL'CIS 3NNL NE yIXNAL nr CMIRACiM SNAU SWMi SEED WXTURF 70 nif a.Y !CR REN[W AND OJX tr AS1JCuILS, RIG fi N01 RiSAMS'CCk IM VDU ii :'nONUAilp1 VLIOYAJFD UY PRELIMINARY GRADING, 1RNOK0 APPROVAL DnARS SCDiI, COX tr Ass0aNi s, 111t F(CWYTNOS IIIAI n0. LOCAIIM Q MC A. n alH!WES SNAIL E[. USED N PAE1QBi WST. RDWENI OR DCURIS ULDWNG FPW Ad L ALL pSNRBCO AV[A$ gull fICaIN PERYAMNI KafAOK COVD! AS L[SCAIBL? A80K. UTNN.S IN IIIID KNRYO PA',M ID ANr 1YLOxL M. M NNAaRI IU Oa SIIDICI DflAINAGE A!~ EROSION tilt. Nl Nl M FLL ROPES M7N ,1 N 1 M wFAIfA YMC 91N.E DF CONNFD MN EROPa '~Iat41Y. CGViRa 4ACIMC CR IIYDRCMaCW.D Mlll A NOCO IIB(F AVD lAa1r1ER A11 iM/ACRC U. Bww YARA: CITY C< BWCDEA (i-:-3) adP11D -lf LVG!tU A- Rlf SWI; DISC ~oA~ E~ N l ;'CWA WATER UISCHAA4C3 rRgA CONS INULIIM AL11Y7 TIES 91A11 NOT CAUSE M ?tAEA7CN CInVE.R a' A GATgI RASH LOCAIEO h. IrE S'W :NMS7 CMxCA N Ink iN1LN.v CiCV IYT' (~u ~ tU CAU$ PCx1V110N, LONtANNAIIM M U(WnUARa lr MAtERS Uf DIE S1AR. S. ML fNOPM CCN TRW YFASUFE$ SlIN1 Ei IxSPFCIFD OY DI[ IYxNER. CR DNhTF AP"AON'D AGENT, N IFA ut SION4 EV[xIS ANT ER17Rp1 CMIROI N(ASUNES MINXI AFL OAUAao a' BNOMWAY AND 0UT'C£ AILNJE. FlflA1TM - 5518.06 (qr OF BWlDfii DAlU4). B AIL UAM DISIUHBANa: S' S4Nl BC W9aVF0, CCNSIHVCfEO AND CCYP3 DD ID IlYll NE PFNIXt 10 AC-CS UNt15N4ENT d KU IAAYC CON:N 91A,1 Bf RCPUCFO IYUF:IlA1711. 7 Y NEaNtEO. NL APPI1CNkf CITt AND/OA S7AR ItA4H5 PCATNNNC 70 AE fxP0R0 ARU Gr ANY OISNNACD lNIU 10 ME 91M7EST POSSOIf PW W (X NY(. pSCFWtGC OF GAWxDNADR yUSI BE OBIABNO PRxM IO PA(PAAAINM 6 UDIW~NG Wlx SIOAAGE $nNCNACS (a P[txlx(VY PAOWCIS PNU UnkN wtux;ALS P1NL HAUL ItNY'( PLANS ~oU~D~I COLORADO ADEWAIE PROIECIIOV SO AS TO CONIAW NL SPIt1S AND PREA[N7 ANr SPxiED yATF1OAt rxDY FNIERMO TILE STORY WA1FH Sl57EY OR wA7EN5 fF iNE S[A7[. e. A fIxA1 S10mAWAIFF PUN ANO Nf]'MI IS NfWHEO AI iEOMICAI pVCVYfNI RLYFx _ _ _ '0 ANY p51LADnNGI IO RUPOAMY ANp PCAMAANNI D4P'S 91A1( e[ AI PAW[D OR xEPl ACfO R AL' !;RNWAIA$ AHFI PFDf57PoAN RW AS PIN1 Gt AOA f.CM?UNIT, MM n'f2 MA,Y NGM wn,w AA ,wx.. faDSS Sort ANr. A sx unxnn;M (D.xGluan n: xuF ) SCDiT, COX & IIS'4OCUTFS, INC. •„Ilrq engiT'ru<_ m.vcyors '.I 11[ PAOPfRr,' DNNIA ANO SUBSCWFN/ PAOMA7Y OYNEFS wtt UC R(SPONSIBIf fCR l~ Is.'a Yin tUwl 1Ay1w. [nom 1rG V1 CcYI?NIN'0 CONPCIANC[ MDI niC Pf WIRCAI(N7$ OF N~S'~k GDOR, UVNNC CONSTAVCIICW ~ I~7 µ - ]NSr ACP,NIY LN Ir. 9'E. _ ~2 AI_ IIYPOf ARY FH(151p1 ANU YC.M.hI CCN Jl YI A UHtS HNL OC NEYGKll AhU Dnl. 4W. DrwK U.M 01~suah Mn v . unr 1 N FwN tilE slut uuuv [ cKU, rn A' rN r•~f U~I~,~A yx NTAN ° 1lurcu,w N r,uar.. nxr I oN,,;rl nt rl rD w c r.:A aaR I+-: 6 D'1~RL 1' x' ~ UI.aAC 6 _ 5 Dro.n 5 K1Ji( JAS , _ ` I X 'nrvo:N+ _D..vylv__- I Dalr ~v,Pe< th.a.d b7 UPA I _ arY aW Ml oi~oi(ca D7A0 a an taNC%1 5 iIB S :.I ?f a~ o>~~ I.e~ c-~sman e,i~.rzb,~ s n:.,.w:lmt aaamw,n rJ71e,+ ~ ic.•~sune ioopN rz+ss zr Lr~ba7nl 1,9190 /r1n~mEAO VoB /,9/2J ~wu 1~ ~ r ~ ~ ri9 T,pb Iniilal0 NJd-2 ~h.~,ie.i RvnIM b SG2 sl a sb r r,/d ucnssaca GB,CUDO 61.mB~~~P~~spIL) ` Vid pw 0 I,til 1)pe IOOM1 i'MNpRmikE f'nrhr !'-i,~na ~t Ildf B IpmOW !M2 D IpmoNe - iHJ C 1(o1e~ 7 lN1 6 IpanW J r lN5 A Ipieoi4 ] lN6 B /~N 7 Ln17 D /pg1e11 1 L'~+a A / psyley 7 uA9 D Ipa®NI J lay is B 1 {oaEb o~w•.eri w„Q, marstira n.,ISn~nar, ~azn; u_Ndl,~~ 71 k/aloB~lrnd fpxN IbM n.+rGO1wMa nulwe iwpnd. a,rrse.w>oNi b 9 sc W%r%aF axe i; SYltMMvntl to <apbl! TMinMMtm(6"/1WtlW :tlA1M iYAVM O+'M~'. 1orl bWd70 dMdarO qah ih11 MI IraWacupbMDYIeMD~t~7J^910em1a wwn tits„ a wapa+n AI.~9 w 1 baapP,n19 solcw an aeMSV~ca n~.~7w~ c ,waa +m,9~a=rlelm•t Ic-.~rores eAa~a 1B 8 c~~,as„Bt Iaar,t,r f{£I W ~tNB9•IS 01'E W ° ~ iln lpPlrNN/Mip aea ro ~ _ i o -Y _ _ _ otLn - - - Ei^In7 Grnsry IW 9a- - H ydyAly1y,01ry 1 I ~ ~ - - - .rW- S'~ i~71~ -~/r/i~.Of ~ I - _ j _ - - - I/K Nsrooaooolo I / _ h ^ - a J , - - \~Mbq anu raw bona ~ n19 j ~ \ ti \ ~ Agpudrolr lrytblM 1. ~ - _ ~ '~~~y~,? 111111 WdAQSOa1f4~na•sMW ' ~ I I ~C~ J ~y - 4. Il rf - \ f ~\hopppJO~M ~ 111 aD"o•DI / _ / ~ •V Enur ~ I ~ - r ~ W 1 ~ ~ ~ _m B~ Buwq seiud 1 I P°"rY tan. E.tn,1„1 Z ? -rRtmabum,q gorm'~ 1 ~ , r.o tr n ~ I ~„a9oBB000~o ` i - - y«h urNio uM9 IN~+a wlr ure r"j P- 7 -I~a~wts9ea~i I li ule_. UVI u.r w. ~ _ 1 1 _ 1'Laenrs blo+mneW 1i~ I_Ll la v ~ ~ rrmrn~J,.~;~ow ~ onsclpearrjae. I I i,c. 9•nslad ra,rv,un se ~ II ~ / Y ~ wr-- q FIX,'~~j ,~J 1 1 _ I.1\ R < 1 1 h~n~ -1 ,2. 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L~ eI'F~ ~EIOOI~LOT i0T4 RFDER OP PARtDY DiALtB fo `~~1y~1~ I y KGT 1 CAl .DID KEN)IY]CJ CQFFPifEC GTNILCLArAk gCCA TOEAI lil'DER q' iREE6 'O D Y{ y ! , - • ~ Jr. '/~~~9 ` ~F~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ _ 'I • • ` I DOI~aI.AO ~i. o.+~ B r cAl - ertl 1aa¢noa+ r~ oac aE~w ~ ~o. ! -~y ' „ v r. ~ ~I; ~ . ~ ~ I ~ ,I,RU, eacFrr ar.otc~ H.~ OpWUitAL TREED TmA1 NtEER Gr DTI•:ll llffFe T J ? -x' ~y 1 ~ t G 'V,`v ~ i~':~~~~ ~ ~ .1 ~ ~ { 8'l~ I~ ~ , 1 E~,Aa. oc+e~a~sm ~l yb ~ tJ _ Z A' ~r ~~.i I ~ ~ FAw eos.T>.wn GRT A I y' LAL • D•D K%Dl?1RAM iRLC Kptl RiLfEF6A PMML'JL.ATA TmA1 OthVItTT' LP Pl.YT rydTf%CN. ~ _ - ~ ~ ) 1 I, - ,,p~~ / ~ j ~ c ~ I I ~ t t~ ~ ~ ~ prat: eosro,rw r.t}~ f4R MD 7' CAL • D.D CH4YT.0.fLR PEAR PIAk CN.IERYNid RE.EO 10 '16 ~Y Y ~I ~ / l ~jC ` ~ l I I, ~ I Y( 1 I r N C' , errs D IM'rx.-ae rrwwQ~cw+car+~E ruilx flvADetrRt' aeabe vo )eT 1 f ,,nRry,\ >~~'r~kf~ hir ftill~ ili f~?~ I~ elNDr eORTY , Hazy ~ I y rx - Oro wnDHErtcH rwun+aa¢ raL.ATAEGb nwo.oE•TTar+ ~ I"~ ~r/ ` ~ s'rJ I . ~ ~ ,t~~ t E+uc, ccaerr.RmeErs*+ \ Ft• 1 ~ ~ F~~T}, / ~ - j~l~'7tifl, S • Iffll>i~lT-~ l ° rAwwB-tr~T4~ t ~ h` 1 d 1 I r RlD6' lDYT1D-171D t~>~» b• Hr. • om ca oRAno d.ue ePacE PIUA rurew LEGpVD ~ j ti \~l ~ ~ v s. r~~`~~"i ~ ~~,ti ~ , I ~ I l ~ } , I ru a v~r.•oftl w~rePOL oelEecceeaoR ~'~)m'~AmuvmEml*nrtrTOr~m ( I_~ ~ ~ Tv ~~~~11 w~>~v~~'9 C~IIP { ~t i.i~9r i~ 1~''1 1~1 ~ ~ero~coler~~ewrcasel+a~~'O PR B v lR. • ow PNiCN Pblt t'ruD Esula lo• uFAR 7af Rm oll us>t:R~atAO+o ~rLrrEe nn naLe, 4~~ t ~}-{r, ' '1 1 , ~ ~~NIr~ L+"1~ 1 - ~ ~ I rqt Trrc uscwt+TUew®anuar~se« f/0111 `'r~ ~~J~st- ~I'~1 I ,r~l \ LNlDeGw'E .noatTa DL..bA,..s'ti raa D • n cattAetD¢ rF.mRA ANIIfA ALYPE)F!D DCCPJL.ONtt r[DC:TA' L 1 I M ~ ! 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W F - 5500.CL / 3 ,.umr CNSTMC SDOT FIEYAn0l1 A WARP WNC'f Pp:O AREA ~ D ~ 1167LYLC 4~T ]LOW pYC~NAY %'OCY W31 55120 SSOa /~K' ~ f ii 1.1 C2. ~ SYD - ~ 'Ci 8 1•r d 'b ~J ti 1 A!5 C I IVAIC OMH FA i0X N7 AiE ACCESS 39L~PPOHI4B-1,7JJ [f : W: 4 ~ PP01'OSD 91CEI (tOW o yl _.91a SY a $q ssu - . 3{ i c w' 7<)° w y i ~ - Y r t'`. Z5] r`' A4 - _ i?~+ - { s iVi W] a Wr'N 3N 1Y AF OPAwAG( 9A4N OOUIWI,AFF o-6'J4G~ iyh 'b~ 3WV , ~ I i SA $ a •7 r j OIdC7Nl/ a bl] ~ ON-sRCEi ~ L. G~,ANO vct Ar,.nlm - _ _ - _ _ _ `s'AL~AY x''2i-tfb' )n 1xY ~-s'SC r q CG•: ifin REY/JNI ~ PROPDSED OASa OWNUae A 152 A , W. 4. ) / f " -"NAA4 (117.) 'P ND WnFR 'O.OI.-.__ SAY.'YN% >J11,S l~'!S% - ~ 4 I . s• ~ ` / \ / ~ ~ _ - - s,m _gg•4g'D1' ~D - 62L40~ _ ..Y s.r:; 'Y` I ^ - LIE _ ~ IS I S~. 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I I , I ' I ~ ~l• ~ ~ ' ' •b J 5?t!_FXgL!4 H' 1.'_ FsFERU+aD ma sNDAN a4 ~ ,),D 1 ~ ; ~ ,v F' 10 ~ i ;f ! 1 \ *ID'a-. ` v ~ In.S , n r e I w ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ e> ~ i ~ - - - I, ~ 1 , ali ) ~ ~ r -n- .1~ ~ - I'~- t--- - -1"' ~ r~ I, wrovosEn0.PnRAw3~ w M v LJ _ v,99( K ~ I' ~ : 5 mWCaoDWrs trn, I ^ I;•.,\ )~J c t r S r ~ _ 1 - - - - ~1 =ice` _ ~ \ «v ~ ,./y.a:lTO RwNN) ' LN Ih s s ~ t ~ „ r 1890 - ~ . ~ 1 `R uD '`I J r . A v azu 11 , _ m r-.- - r .PR~I'\ yll +.-T - - .l' ' n~~~ ~iYDl57 J2 I ? tS;f 49'38 `VI' !tf,,:; -M r.33 --p' ~ P 1 P, 1 - PD ~ Po ~ P' ; -fit ~ ,usP r.ll G ,WD/I (s,,•n \ ~iWa]. ~ . ~ / r5 ~IN ]a.D 17 - N !I~', -o'n n70.1 - StTOO~u' 10. CL1 CZ.1 DW 1DS u, Tl: OW ID.] BN 1eD } 3 iW 263 N tai _ I I ~ I ,~Li L~ lFti~ FCkNT Cdr 1 I C~~ I a1" t ears L~?` S I LOT is ~2D~I ~ tAr 7 LJI B Mt1Y L+ E~~"{ SO i SST ,.A I :.L~' I 1 _ a0ruxow LOT t2 - - - - - - - I- - - - I - - -1- - - r~ . - I- - r- .I lw 1DO - .1- - -1 v I Y4 ~ I w r - - n . n I- - - r rW xa as NAY EYE>SaBrr TW an famPOSU DRr srea w v ` („11L 'T A \~3 F I Er 72N; Dmlul[D m Tf[ mr n ]e., Acass LANE BN Ina YW TD,o ~ I ~,-.v-- v DolnntA DA v.a ow a.o YooLAAR EADQc NFTNNNG t- ;.a ~•}-~I lly2i ~ y , ri. WNL INL117 ARIES CS cj OS Mp[ F6piF-p~ X11 HQM WRY C1.1 C2.1 ..i ~ J J Imo' C ~ OmICAim TOTIF ITIT?BOL4D(R or t - o: e I I III I ~ f PiR RECEP,OF ND. ,MJF,. I STORM WATER OUALfTY NOTES 'r~ Nl. 1TVPIFARY [N09CW LIX:1ROl FAUtIAES 9tN1 H WSINL'J 6f1 DNE ANY GRADING N01 LS GDNSINVCTDN AGRNTF$ TANS PfAQ. _ EROSION CONTROL NOTE5 ] UXID NASiG IAOUSTP.Y WAS'IF, YNiO NASN A4U ANT 0-'I:P P0.1G7N11S W WAS; fA N ANY LWSIMICOW 9IE Y'.A1L B: CW'.Hp11U nIPW91 Rl U9 p PN+S WASH ANO/qi I. [ANJE ANAY FAW BVIlDINL$ AT A 4'MYIN 10.E SOPC W THE FlRSI 10 R2T AT RFCTCIJNG C[NIAINFS 9Wl DC PPOY.Dm AND MAIN (N4FU UY n'( OWY!R CP CW IRACICA 1. N1 IL1'S(M., NRAC i'IIYSCNIY RMI1CNIi t, SIW L !D $ALVAE2U A4U hO IUPSgL 91NI U40SfJPL ARMS AND AT A YNXMW 2A SOB' IN me FWSi 10 RI'i A7 UBXAYIWS W C[NSIHUCIIW 11F5 M'CNE DRPE IS M; IroTW11N. f0R NflEJ3, p WASTE. Re RIYOV'.D IRW II'C 9TE. Tp ,'UL ANU UKNOllHC4N' 91ALL U: 4CRfCAIW NIO AREAS, iQCEVI A$ NOIm. I)hCgRNNFD WAS1F THAT YAY GLOW, WA91 CN OINERWIS UE NFIEASED (IA:4 A6'. 91E 5 $IOCNI'l}U SI'AJURIT. TOPSIyL AND 01t3a:.fJNDE]V 91A11 RC NF13S1MWItll WRI.N R'E ^NOMIBIIFD. SANNAPi NASIF EApllllf$ SINI ik PNOYOCD AN0 YANTAWCD BT iNE OWNER LRA?CD AAFA Ff7LR RW01 WNYHC TO PRDYIX A $UIIAiAF DAY F(Xt ANfAS MiICH TWIL fH CYXIpACipt Pf 3FDfO AIRI I'WI'F?. M;NpF IRDM STUCKPILFD ANFA A1Nl DF CCN INq t[? 1D 2 OIAO( ADJAR'VF 7U W%DNL 91N1 CN A7 IEA51 0 S' uCLOW 10P OF f WNDAiIDX Al NtEVQIT CRUYIW ANU RfSU. TNNT A?IYWTAI'LH p l0 Ct1NNG WAl11L LAN05GY'i AAGS. ' J. RCNl7-YUED CIWGIEIE, OR NIT VATLR!NS NESULTMiL RiCY AiE CUJNCIG aY YCINflCS ON J. DASFD CW RA: Wa40EAlANO CRCFIf PESIWY 7ALPARED BY LD1C d ASSOCAIE$ OAl1D ScaIC: I~ _ .iD' F WIPYFJlI C0111AWWG pl UYO IN 7NANSNOA':wG W NN'IYNO N, yFAll BC CONFARIFD DN 2 14NYANLMI 1ELY IATIVE CDN?i SNA;1 E!F APPLT? i0 DSNNRD A4FAS AND $IDIXPoIES CtWSD1UCRU4 91[5 FpE VNCPER CIS'VYL NT.lEASL q' nIEST MARwNS S PNWtMiED N'll'.N t, ?AY$ N"TFR FlNN p+wE IS R}ACNID ON ANY Pp1n ON LY n!E YIF, i(LPpENtf AJtAt 2W3, 114 (NfiA'. SRE I$ MSIOC 1NC 100-TTAIt F1.OWRNN. N Ct iARNE CUYER 9fALL NL AVYUFD Mn'.N t1 OAYS .U W51V~f.U ADEN MXW MA7 NDT 1, LIDS p1AMND K OASED ON A fIEN 9X1111' B7 X017, COK Y hSSOpA1E5 pA:FU CONX SMALL DC APDuU1 WMIN 1, OATS 10 WACnK SOL $IDCNI7FS, AMO SHAU B( [4 AT FINN, CPAO(, BUT YHL BF iEFI DONYM'T (dt LIwUP DIAN 6D DAYS. O IS JO 60 MNXTNA'QI FCR SIOC1LIAltS 1MAT ARE PROPOQA TO NF7DAA1 W RAQ LONCER nWN JO 6/9/0/, CNLRONI GAYS 1EYPFSEIA8T.1fGL]AIIYL.CDYtH SNAll CON95i W ANNUAL RYECNASS AT W IBS f45/ACPL S P4 LOCARLl4 p R4 ADOSS p101%W! VnunES 910WN I~EHFpI N°' 00.51E p; nP rRltt SEIIND N4A5 SNNI BC 110.90VVLCNED M IN 0. W000 (btP AWJ tACAY1EA Alf I(w/ACPC SUNYLY BT SCOIi, fA% h ASSOLIA7(S, wC TML IOLA ,pls a 'FL UN90iWaMD Y UN •5 9iN1 BE INRLN[wRD IU PRINWI MC NFLEAS' p XOIMCNI fNOM CONS7RUCnON u UDFS 9IOWN NFAfON ARC BASED ON SARI S11RN Y ANL INI JNNATCN PNUND[D DY `A IFS. St NLlf WACNWG a MUO SNNL NOI BE W OWTD TO FNt[R nY $ipR] NAIIN L1$MAHCtiI.YLDLIAllY}. G41G.II 511ALL CWSISI Di AN APPNOVED UHIAW117 11AENANI SfFO Ul:fi{5 (MnUI NAY INLT.UDT. TN( UAlltt (IWMN W II III ITY IOCA ANG 9.NY(+}} SCO--. ,r5rw UP Wn'i.RS p RR SinlF. SfDA1EM niACKE.D W70 ]X)8YC 5'N(EIS SNNT BF Y!%NPf. ME CO41RACipt 91N1 SUBIAT SEED wxnlRC 10 nlC ptt FOP PEYEW nN0 C(IK A AS'4CU:[S, INL. IS NW xCSPlrisut I I',N u'I'.II" ",'DxuAOpl : a YIyD P, PRELIMINARY GRADING, Rrurv(p- AWADYAE n IrRS scDTT, GoK A As'$OnANS. INC_ xECONNFNDS ~ u LK:AnLW p ~ut Q1.^FE,1,{' n. 1LOINIWPS 9UN1 BE USED ID PICAFNi WP, SAMFNT OR OIIARLS BIONNG iRW 114 J. A[L p1$RIIC40 APCAS SMALL RECUYT PERMANW7 YTGEfAANf C-0NTt AS DLSCMDED ABOYE. UGUL(1 DL I'Il0 VfAIP.IC P3.U4 'U ANY DILLIXG fN. I)1 nJUn NI +U nR A?AT DRAINAGE AND EROSION sn.. w. Wi W (KL soPES Mnl J m I OR GACAIIA snrC 9WL az LovtNED Nlm Eao9oN PRWCRtt. CONniCA 4ATONC OR IIYOPUn4(.HEO MYN A'MXJO FlBCR NiD iACNMIFR AI 1 iW/AWE. 6. OtNIM HANK CII7 p UOI,l Df.4 (T I J) pN.`il (D 'i I(KA7F0 Al PA $PITr:WE31 1 $ipN WAl[R aSCTIARG[5 FXOY COXSiNUC110N ACONRES $HNL VIII CAUSE W INgCAIEN CLwN~T p A CAT01 NA9N U;nlf, A. "11 ;U1111Wi5~ CI:.NNfX tll 1111: Ix f(4•FCINY: C01 W 1 ROL PLAN m CAVE 1N%lUROM, f,(IIIIAMWAnIKI W DCO+AOAPIW p' WAICR$ p MC STAR. S Nl fAOSCN CONWUI MEA$'dIFS SIINL PE WSPECIFD B7 PIE pWr(P. pi DWNIR APPNOND p BNpA?WAY ( 1 AfFN T, AfiCfl All STOPY L1EMI5. MY LROSNxI CW/NGl MFAGNX,S WNIGII ARl OANA(NO A40 DURICF ANNLIt III.4A IN) 5510 U6 CIY D( OV':LXN OAfJV 4051 BROADWAY N A,A FNTRI UISIUADAXCES 9tNA Ri. 0[SINEO. CONSINUC,E'J N+II Ll'nAPLLTCO 1p UMIi INE PRIOR 10 Rf-CSIABUS4L4N1 a YCGE IAOAf COrLA SNNI flf ACPlACEO IMYEbAIf LY. ] p(gNRED, Nl A?PUCAHiL ON AA. / kT i 1'!NN t I FT1N41NQ IJ f rPU90 NA'A p PNY UI$IUR(a:R IN:U 1C IHL 41W ICSf PO55'O:l PCMW OF DNC. DISCHARpC Of CRWNOWA7[A NU51 D[ W INlN U CkfW 1 fR 7ANAnaV P' EV.LUMG l B81A SNRAIX. SDiUC7UXC$ /CW PYIPUJUN PRWL'c'iS.wU OMIN (SIEU4nl5 SNAIL IIAN PERYII PLANS BOULDER, COLORADO ACi.WAY PHDIECIION 50 AS 10 CmIIAIN N1 SPILLS AND PA(N9111NY 9'AIID MATERIAL rRCV h+UAING INf SiORU Wnl-x $YS'~lY W WACiNS CY '.LIT S1A1C 6 A FlVN SfIXiMWAIEN PLAN ANO AfDORi 6 PL?IpFO AT ICWNFAA UOCIIYFNI 4CY7W - IL_ Ayr DI$R+NRA4LI 10 RNi OxNiY AI:O RRUANENI BNV'3 51N1 P.F IXPNPfD IMt REPLACED Y NI. SIW:WµNS AIA RD(StmAN xpJiCS 91ALL BE AOA CWPIIANI, Wlh A 1A NA%INUN w.nw /a I,awS CROSS vp`c AND A SK NAnMUM Ia4pM11Nq 90PF 1 SCOTT, WX & AfiSOC',iAT;=S, ~1C. II. 114 PRWEPIY IYNNFS AND $UDSCWIN ITiOPENTY fykARS WNL BC RESPWSIBIE FON (l~ rrlls~'~IIUt) 1.OfJPICer'.: . ':urry0ry CCNRNVEO GQN%1Nrt[ MM RQ flEW1A1 NENIS OF Af6 Sf C110N. WRINL CON51RUCnM I,SJC 3SU: $I,M Onuhsr. C~AUi~a 4XU] (JLLl) NI -)Kil AC".NIY P4 114 SIC It A'1 ii upORARY EROrAION Nq SUN[NI CCN7ROL Yf ASUAC$ AIAtI UL "+IL'J\1U htiU f. V'OYD WRIIN JO DAYS NIiN lNN 91L i7ADAIfARpN l$ A0f'INU.:Mi N-1t I'~tF Urignna Oy 1YMk Ooh k~'x DIO..q ro 5]a ILN%'LKARY NFA9IRI$ ARE NO .CNOR NII UI U, M~C+NN OC'IIRS Ilfl`.I wTatc/JAS/a/~ I'=w' m+D,cs C 6wn>y - AMWn_ _ Mw'ofm _ ni A'Y ~/A FloA I ancowar og~ ~ SI - } Q 51L A:v f),~ Table P+ival:::btcl aik dmcx'd ya 21716H I'oYOMm lodynnl 71.1.15 ~ r GrawylarlMJ 1,5135} L Amhr+crd A UuLU © 1.!77 tl AmetW rvrxM IM615%NOM i s~'A # Ul:n: r{noi /ft.567 of Oa.n8re1 Ono Tede B;eglm l0 unilsFRi•1 RpaW ProitlcA JB,SOt ~m sL•. 12'v 155(an dgdt Pfl'.69; 11 1 TgAl Oien }p>Cd R),OOp e1 fi1,0Itl t1 U fMA TaE 1011 T1Pi MMJr.3AnNNetl Pu:Yi:g AOriJM - Urd I B A DeM11'bb 7 - Ut2 0 IpOeelEle 3 UrA3 C 1 ~'b1 3 S.. 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A YNIYVY ICS 96E N IIN ftSi '0 JFTI AI RFCIAING COH INNCRi 91NL NC {'NONg0 kA MNN7NAYD OT 711E aA1CA OA (:a11RACICk t. NI 'Li'S(MI. MtFRF P1119:,llIY mHACfICAOtf, 91AII LG SAIYAQD AW NU ~[WSIXL :7fAU IANO;CAFC ANU$ AAD AT A WNNDY IS YOFL d I1R51 ¦ IfF 1 AI iYF'WNq.I ql CCNS1NVl:IIW 91[S wNEl+t 1N[Nf IS llt ROIFNIIK Fai Nk1EAS: a NASR. BE NEYOK? FALW l~,E Sll. lWSgL AND VVFNBllfIDFN SHAll "Nr SFLNrGIrO A'.7 AkIA.S, CxCW l A$'IO71Il lR1CON1AWl? NASR mAI YAY B_lNl, NASN DR OIV(RMSC AC RD rASF? fAtl/ IlE SlF Oi $IOpRUll SF.NAWALY. IDPSp. AND O14ABJR?EH 91NL Ef HF?ISINNIUIE? M'rUl gip. (ROIYBfIED. SANRAAY WASR rADllpfS SIAIL BC PRONgL ANO YA.YtApIED Br 9k OMkN CRAg11 ANCA N IW HWn1 AVNXXG f0 PRUVLE A SUIINAE BAY rqt Mril$ Weal NAL 7. GRAOF. ADUCF7IT 70 B11pBaEG 91Ill BE AT !CAST aS H10N a a 1 WNDAR aI Al fq CCN'fPACIOA BE $ErMI ANp PIANIFD. RUNaT IADN SIOCXPh[? AREA SINL BE Cg11Rg1E0 f0 PFENNI WOSON AYO RFSVLIAXI $kll1YW IAl10N a NE C}JYNG WA7ER ~~R''~~ ] READ?-YORD fWaN7F. 0R ANY YA7SNa15 AEStATMG IAW OiE CIF.WWa a YEINak3 OR 1 BASID pN 711E PAA9(JRAYD CRCIX RESIUOT P76 PAIED NY L04E ~ ASSOCIATES OATUI SCB~C. 1• = ECUWYfNT fPJIMNp qE V9D w IAANSPORARG OR NNLn4G R, 9iN1 8E Ca11NNED DN 2 PEANHiENi VEQUIIST COYFA 9iALL BC N`PU[? IO Li51VIi0ED AAFAS ANU SIOpWfiII A°N0. 2W5. RIE FNRRE SlE IS WiSpIC nlE 100.YY4Y1 1101MN1Afl [fNSIFOICIIDV 9T5 Nt PRO{[R OISPU$IL ANASf a' PIFY YAAJtlgS 6 PIt011pAiCn MININ 1/ DAIS N ICJ7 fRW, CpNIE IS REApQb LW ANY PORfdN a mE 9'E TFNPORART VECl7AnVF COMA 91N1. BF APNEU MiM-N f4 OAY$ N DISN.RUfL AAEAS M:IaI 4AY NOT 4, plpS DNANNG IS NAyO ON A tIFL11 '.:IhEY NY '[DTl CD% A A5<DCt Al15 DARO 1. WYER 9w1 BL APAVID MMN N DAYS 70 wACfIYE Sal 51006'LES MO SMALL B[ BF AT /:NAL GRADE. WF MIL UE t(FT CORIIN/J i0R LONCCA mAN 60 OATS. d/9/07. 0 IS !D ~ YIVNTNAm fqE Sf0a0AU.3 mAi ARC PROPOY? 10 H1YNN w PUCE LMGER mAN JD CNL9AR DAYS IL111P0[NBT_KGCIA?eI 91NL CJNAST a AXNUN NTEgEASS Ai 10 lB5 PLS/ACRE. 94Xn ANkAS 9'N: NC IIY'gidl'Jlal© rAm A WDOD f18EP 0.4a TAC1(IBCR AT 1 Tat/ACAS i n6 ILf.1tl(%1 a nIF N!U4f aiglNO u11U:'FS vNnN ANRE W a BAYO CW I!f flClp J. BNYS 9LYp. BC IYREYEMFD TD i'RCYf1fT RE 19CASE a SE?IYE/1T fACY OLNS7MICRW SJflY[Y UT SCAI f, COX n ASSOGAl1.5. WC Tt~E lDC1Nx.NS a t! UNf1FPCAQWO 4AS YLiRnC 1ftAalwC a MUD SMALL N01 Hf NLOWEO 10 lNAA mE SNPN NAT[A CExYYAAY71i KR[A¶}Y. GD1L4 91A11 CUN957 OF AN APPROKO ORa1CN1 7gIXAHY y'[A Ul'.U71FS 910NN NIREgI AAf BASFD ql S.VU SL9fK4 wMp M'aM":LW YNOYLYD tlY Ny~~~{~•~~~~~~ SYS'LL OR NA16I5 a THE SUTF. 5T?MCN7 IRACxED ON70 PUBUC STRCTTS 91N1, RE YIX'UNL Rl CONINAC-C9 GNNL SJDWi $EN Y%Bipf. 10 mE q fY fUR AfYiEW AND OPIE)t$ (11HICf1 YAY INCLUa Rli UCIITY OWNIA fR MY11Y LINNPMC $(RYaI). X077, PRELIMINARY GI YV>• ~M NLYO`.f0. AYi'NOVN COx n A$$DC'A:FS. I4C I$ NOl AE$PONSARt 'qt V;aAIY Na1NRaJ FRGNg0 0' On!rR$ $fa77, COX n AS$OOAIL~ INC. NECWANMNS PUI AE IOCAIICN OF 111 T 6 A UIX{~ 91AU NE 1190 70 PA[Y?11 IXISC 9aYWl DR OFBPoS aONNG VRpI R6 1 All aSIUHOrC AAfA> LIAI AEC<Sf A~RMAN[NI N'LETAN`k COVAF AS RESfXi$EO AB04f. URUII[S BF. FlFIO RR~ FO PNOI1 ?O ANY IkUC:HL OIC q+ AOMQNI IIJ IM tiLB2ll DRAINAGE AND E~0610N 1'l. ALL Wf OR IIU :l DPfS MITI ! i0 1 CH GHIAIW SIOPF 91AJL Bf CONR[R Mm (RD9QY NRw'fit1Y CON1Na. YA"wC tlk ~,.111NWULCIRO MIII A YANxI n0[H AMU IACK911A AI 110N/ACIR. 6. BEAQI YAXK q7Y a Cq%.DlA (I-1-J VI1:'71ED Y IIXARO AI I`IE SWiNM S' SIWY NAILA aS61Mg5 fNpA C(NSIRUDnON ACIINIIES SiN1 NO7 GuSC CR RROCAICN ' CONTROL PUW 10 CADY PglUilaV, CON,AYwAAUV IR apAWAPW a NA7LA$ a nrt SIAIE. $ ALL fR04a7 CGf4Rl0. YEAS:MFS 91NL BE INSP£C1ED nY 111E OMJEA. OR OMIfR ARPRO4ID C(WNfR a A G1CT1 BA9N LOCA?ED AT RIE SWINNRSI CgRRN a I)I[ NiFRYCIICN AGENI, ATRR NL S1a9Y L1LN75, ANT W0510N Ca11k[L M[ASLRE3 MAUI ARC OUAAg0 a BNOWWAY AND txlwCE AY7NUF. CICYAlla1 + SJIIl06 (CTI7 a O,.^.'.ILgli OAIUY). e ALL fMw OISTUkBANCES 9VLL BF DL9pkD, CONSINBCiN AND COYNFIfD 10 Wn TN PflJOR 70 RC-CSIABUSNNFNi a VCQIAnYE COYEN 9WL t[ AFRLAUD WYfaA7nT. A/'~C~ BRO~MN~~ EXAfhLD ARU a ANY DISnIpBED LAND 70 1!N 9{?RI[Sl aOS9gC PC,a00 a DYE r d AEWtPN, N:. APPUCA81( att NW/Ofl STAR Pe3bl1IY WtaDi!NC IIl Ild; A'IVJ pISMA9Cf q fRWNDNAI[A 4u5T flf q)TA'Nf0 PYiN9e TD P®Al1ARON a U'JihNf, BOULDER, ~/./L~ADD 9 11011( SIgtAQ $7HUCNRf$ f0R ?CmgLVY I'HOOVCIS A40 O1HIA PIEWCN.S SNNL ruYl PERMIT PwiS AOEWAR PROIFCRM SO AS 70 GONIAIN NL SPINS AND PNEISN7 NIY S°AtCO YA1fNAl (Hl'y ENRAWG RIC 510RY NATU4 SY51[Y QY IYA1[f15 a RN S7An 8 A nNAL 570PMWAlER PVw ANO RCPORI IS Rf OINNd Jil AOf9GAL UOCUYENI Rf'/~1'+. 70. ANr 015ILROANCE TO IEWORART AMD ACAMA7q/11 tlW5 91NL BE RFPNRfD OR pEPUn'0 Y. NL StlYNAUS AND ROCSIRUN RWRS 91AU tlE ANall CtlKYWi, Mn1 A A YAxIMUN NmIN AB i:CWS. CRO55 SLOPE A)q A Sx YAXMIW LUNGINOINN Oaf SCOTT, COX $ Ax8OC1ATE3, I' 7Hf ?Ra`fA fY DYNIR AND $URSfOJEN1 PROPCN IY DMRA$ NAl q RE $PONS!&L fOfl ( COFlSUilln9 engineers 91ney715 CW1'.NDFp [a4a lAxCf. MBI 7ME RCOUTAEYfNIS OF Rp1 SI fIION, pIRMC CONS7RtW:1NN1 SN).StA Sl~nl be1r, C.?,vb e91oT 1101) JN . >W ACIIVn ON Il": Y'IC li. NL I7MPORART [HOY(W ANO YOuINI fW7x0. NCASUNES SINI BF A[MD41U 0.40 Dal kan IYeaaN ~yC OI ,POR71 M'M'H Jp DAYS NIEk lt!IN. LR eIANN(A~IIW 1$ ACINE 4TD. LW PJ RN i!~.I DMIgmE LY w1AR ItNYL'NA4f YFAStlRfS MF ND LUM1'LfR NFECf0, M11'JI[YiR UCUJR$ flA.t wa.Rbr WNN/JAS 6/07/0.9 f•-Jff p4Ni7C-6-_ ' S~ a,laLaY br . DPA I _ o1Y calf a/urlm p101G oV 7 ` aTr cols cn sn Do a) t ~,r.w~e~ <'.aa srr Im:,G,r 1'dnlor6elanD bM1ewgr. 7.7 71B s1 fMJVm~a'nt Ti,1J5 s: fsruryrya.t 1,519y Mlrr~alADuIbIB /,9725f /yy; ,_lsr~ar lAIn l9Aslme 15503! Ilrnregau 18.502 sf I r1T'I_ TIBY DawaaW Yril2 Pepiald :'r•~~ 16,.`A7Cm I.: +e ~>6 d?a!4 I..~ n : ~ ~ 111 rma8~~lw 60.000 s1 67.018! IM Ui Bdmen DarYeg Rc ,u"~! Ailp~f~~~nM.i W I ~ tAlotY 1 Wt O 1p~tk Uae J C 1 pow6r 7 ud 1 8 1 p®t4 a Ud 5 A / paeeap J ltl6 1 Ip~Lb J 1^ IN 1 D 1 pmda 7 u I Ilid A 1pOMit10 T LMY D 1{a6AM 7 0 IM IDS 4 panLk l .ill ~~n.0e_I5(.x_ :D L1.V~I.IIal ~.n r.~;.rgf~ I: ~,i, D r•r P:aF3 ~ l7'e1,Y OD Wu! ~AK~ rbl. TtiYf>Pi Nie„9 va4 wm0wo0. a n ea w~a*I M D9 a ID>7NDMo>vo la f1all rant unA: roe rmpbt IMm ma na emp6aN rLVdxB dalh w axA wyrsy4 b a Iudd70 aonbrD:LYa ilwe xo 12 uNlw [onp4M Wwotiprlaq 4aea'f w Ab l~npetlun N Y brgi~eensuUlg n a bW o:71 pxtlnD eµrta M Or rtwA4~~ Dme88}~? f .~wa IOP$t5d=2/B atRG•F Tleaetaepadd N GmYrr IDlppoa k F A fa applnNn walp arr. _ yB80'U'0_PE l"v R ~ _ _ _ -r ~ ~ - - - ~ m-~_ ` - ~ _ _ ' EmWCrarlwTbrarr _ ^ ualem- - o t~ 'D lononemuww,:y1 - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 ~ro115700600010\ I ~b008M ~IWtl bAla - I~ h-" S 10 D' I WMwOTamMl+a_ ~-.IW ra4 1 ' ~ -~I(.n~.wn Mrwc bralon ~ 1 I v UIEm,DI+<r,a.,r ra1+L~«. I ~ m Il~~ia~7o ~ o~ ' _ _ :~r,~„y I , r J II P~.p ~~l _ _ J k \ /100re.wcW~~/d~f~L ~ rK.trsDPplrl9rq a l balm ~ raf W I ~ry I i ~ I ~i,: - - 4 5 L~_- - 7M,rarDaecalxaixi - ? Imuo UnID u,le udr we u,as_ ulaa ~2_ u,q UrMI e i f t ` - - ri-mewl wiw :xol 1 ' I. ~ • Iel I ' al ID.o• ' ~;j ;mss o,m,wm t l,~~l~'e,ry~- 1 aal r 11`J' f• 1 ~ ~1. 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BAV 7J •I CONIAPFR BUE AVENA U}tAee 1?E,LICTOTWU,a CET'T-EV4~I+o , u~\~~~~\w~ A\ 1 \ t IJ-' q~~ ` ~•'I 1 Nei N • I CONSAR.Dt VARaa61ED 1flReq REED GRA•4 CAL171A[AYleib, 4C11"RaRA ~ ~ _ - a l(~ - _ LANDSCAPE ? RG el '1 CGHfAtda MDIAV RK'E C+u» ACJN411EW1:RItNfM)EC \ ~ - ~T C (I ~ aggt~CprERa as rtRt~+aAt a '~-~~-X' _ P r l~ w' . , . 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ENSr:+G $IOlul SEYAA W/x,varotE ,.;u:N: l 1 I % , } e cvae r '1 I v \ r I ` i I / ~ ( I i 40 \ Te PROPOSCD SCRY 4FFR W/YANNOIL I 'P ~li ,J ""TTT lTm). Islas ols'.. ,r~..,..ty, n-0 Tro os LwANACE ~ PRroDXDrrP[ h ~ ? ~ ~ ~ I rASn N 4 x slw4 Nxfi Fi F1EY. NrASREn f1ocR tEtvnnpn ~ I T ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~c n a-xiu» ~~L.~1a~LAK~PO!!~' I ~ ~;j~' ~ I ~ I LJ l~~nl' ;'J v \ y - c " I wNk}50D.35 ~ r~AAUCpxsmpcnawiR,wa MrrE. T EUy xx99M'' ~'Ies i WacAiAnD ~ ` 7~. ~ \~s'a'vrjY Af 2,F 1 X..1 Y.'I \ 't~'-' I. } CRN+aSY I \i 1 ~ ~ W- ~ -c-1--~1r-~~.~/~{~1/ULr L- w ShT FLMEE N 7Q0 yt 4aD ~ ,Fif 1{Ii , dl e~1,,. ~ k ,.L,..:: ~,~i , pi t f ~ fl ,a>t• E Fr It7: ;r «ila ` \A w. a ~Px 5'v- 1 I. ..1 v t RW rT woy AP tSC ~ ? P rN ~ ~ ~ - ' PAavostra ors ~ v ~ 111 EEE ~ \ ~h~t ~ ~ ~..,d., to ~ 'Ic~s I ~r~v Mara t ; F oo~ i ~x 4 X83, I ;t - PawasfnlmE t' ~3 r. '1l.Y.r. X zl 1 IN - _y \PA ~ 1Y STCRY PXEI YCllal J `uuup,~~~ S' ' AStYI1T 1.7 ~pD IL t1-551275 I } bi A3 rf+ ctA 5 I' ~a 'says a~ r.~o lE~x`' f~: .7`w ! n:s a^s gal ) .t•P: ~ / J of ~ ErvouT.ssw.x J ;Y~ LETmF I~ \~DI 0 7 ~"I ~ ~ I ? p ..-'y - / / ' I h IArvcak /CLe C2.1` io: ~ (1 I la a ~ ~ T 1 ' - , ~ ~ r ~ srET snrnat srtn sfcnoN I ro; ` f I I , . , I D43 , ),1 ,,,,,_,;I~;, tr ~ Y _ . IurcPrNCED fRCV $NmAN oN '\O li I ~1 ! 1 \ rv'.D-.' ~ y ~ 1 ~ I :a I •Ia ` ow \ A•.u / r r \x;. v ~ I , v ~ IIN ~ ~ 1> I i ~u , v ~ ~ . ~ ~ t,, _ ~ \ ~~i ~ 1~ ~ I~- -I, - I _ I I~ - c-- - ~ ~«•r fWOPO$maNeaw _ \ i d \ ~1 u a ~P~(- - x ' l mu+DnrtD Days {T vj TM - LI u;AD. ~ yl• ~ s ~ _ -I -y i <-d - ,,,p - ~''4- - III \ - ~ ~a Y~ ~ , ~ v u~~~`1~\ A'Nf m~.-"i1 _r:.~ ...ye.so ~ t - - -i--w- a '`'~°f'N ~:svT;{:u IrtYAN7 ~'-5~ _ - .0'R. I sw '~i I A d wI ~ .:ids ..x Y~~~,~~[y(u,~~ ~ \ ~ '~9 ~t5'36,"W r .Po Po--PY y'I,-[~~,'y-`P~o~~-W Po, --P - D . - . ' "tr l 444/// NASA'i ~OJ ~ \1. ~-I J-.:' i'I! IA , I. r.{.."... ~ 1 - i I - \ IW 17.7 VIA,-- `i:':1 ) I lY~ ~rw 26D i 7 11. I 1 s p tW u I K c nL - rW m~ - UN 10.5 A, N DY 19 7 BW 769 j •I. / , _ D 1a I Cl.l (,`2.k ~E31AND LAHtr r(AS~1T LJT 9 I Lf~~i7 I l.OT 3 e~i~ 1.Li 4 I f07 ~ b:w~i~ ~ tLtT 7 ~ E.i9T i9 Lai ~ I 1.:)'i Yp ~ t.'u~~T S.4j Ld ~ ivT 13 I ~ q (.OTIZ - ~--I -1--- -I- -T---I a I :~I D9 L.--.n„ 1N.~ Y gtl'TOF RDW 10 ~ I - C"' iWr2t.: - - i-- - I - aA-WAY [eY TW n.75 pw iao ~ OUR A t ~ u! eYa „ n,E aTY OW 210 WW 1L0 ACCCSS LVIE OW la! Y~ OA SAETANMG v ~ >.T:-n " hSt.,Efli A: ww. Nf~dit ~s t~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n5 E r¦orw-YWa rrt»waY cr.l c4.1 ISL? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OT T u-c-!' oA a;. t::a; l ~ ~ - OFADD® TD 8 t1T1 BOUOFTI I ~ ~ 1 I I I R[R lemma Wu smn, STORM WATER QUALITY NOTES 1. NL ntiParIAAY fAOSON Crx1TN01-~AUUTCS YIALL HE NSINUO MrfLYV[ µY GRADING NOTES LCN5IXIN:'R%! "`?NTES,ARk YLA0.. EROSION CONTROL NOTES 2 SO110 WN 14 Nf.LP1RlA WNII, YAAU WASik µU µY Of4flF I'UlUTAN IS rN WNik W µY CYJHS?1UCTCN 91F EHNL BF CUIIni0.lLp TIPWRI THE UY: Of aIY'$ FNR AND/GA N RECrC11NL CUY[AINfAS 41AL1 pF FNOYID[p µD MAN INNEp BY IIIE OWN[R DR [QY1RACrOR 1- Nl IDI'Sgl WIN RI li!YSCAIIY IXAL i:CNXf yINL fA SALVA'XD AND NU IU`:UIL 'r lAl'. I GINC AWAT IkJV Wit N'.Vfs AI A Y.N W.,L IDS 96'f N Illf FR$I 10 Flll AI CN CWSIAJCIN%V SI IFS NAFIa INtAF IS 111E POIWPN. I W Rt1EASF U WASTE 9E IF.]IDK? FRCN 7NE S1E ]LwSaL ki0 OV[NBUHDEX y1N1 BE SE(OtI CA-[0 AND LL40SC/SF NGAt null AI A NI\MUY lx AO~k N IIiC IN41 .U ILII' AT INPFNV U,1 lA4CMFN.YFD MAST. PUT MAT HCW, WASH OR DnIFRWY BE talTAXO ftiON tIC 9rE IS SIOGtPI(p SIRAAAnlY. rDPXI µ11 DS4tBJRDW SNNL BE REDISTNIdU ItU M;11'4 of AAEAS FxCkFf AS NORO. FFOOB IrD. $µ!!A47 WASR F'ACUIIf$ 9!Nl BE f'Np14x? µD MANTANFD BY Ilx OWNFA '.1IALYJ AJaA NIW kWW (NAANL 10 RtOM.P A SUTNNf BASF fUA AA VS Wh:RI WRt 2 alA?f AIAB1CU/i TO WNDWG SNNl BE Al IfA57 0.51ROW i0P Cf CWIDATON AT OR CnN1PACr[R AF 4EDFD Nq0 Plµnp. %A'qF FNdI STOCNPLF? MSA SHNL BF CCN IkOLLID TO lANCSCN'E ARFAL f'M\'rNf EN090N µU aSULlµ1 4gYINSAn(N DF AFLTIY.HG AAnR 1 NCAD7 Y.I® CCNGSC OR µ7 YA'FAIN$ RFSIAANG fAON M CRANWG Q KMGES OA FWIPNFM CWTA6YNG rN USFD IH rPANSPa1ANG CA AHITNG Il, WNl BE CpN1ANAD OV 2 PEAYANW I KCCTAnK COKR 91N1 Ek N'iRJE? iD pS1UPoiED AAEA$ Ni0 $COCNPNE$ D. dASFD CN DIC 60NUE.R.U10 GREEN RESnOY PfmARfD 8Y IOK. x AAOgA1kS OAIID .SC31C:: CO.SINVCIWI 9 nS f OR FA01'pt D!SYUS/1 IRIEASL U UIE.S[ NA7ERIN5 IS PRftABIRIl W IN:N IA DAYS AF1GA ANN RIACE I$ HARIm ON µT PpITON U MC 97F. AYPOPANY APR! 2005, n+E W Aw Ott 6 afiSOE nR IDD-YEAR fi000FANN. K.GLIAUN [UVfR 5'INl BE APFl1fD MTIEN 14 DAT$ 10 0.5NABEp AREAS WHO, MAY NDi / MIS DRAWNO I$ flAXU CN A fIFlO SURKY IfY S('DTi, Cal $ ASSOCIARS OAtEU 4. CO"R 91N1 flF APPUCD M1NN I{ DAYS 101NAC In( $Ol SIOC%Pkl$, NN MINI UE BI: AC (1NN LAADI, d'JI MIL dE 1111 DORYµT E[R IDVCF.k 711AY 60 OATS 0 IS b 00 MNN ~NNED IqF S,O[XP4E5 nlAl µl PRW(IyCU rC (CYNN M PUCE 10NCER nUN OO 6/0/07. " CNFNDµ DAIS QYPS2idIlLYCSEIA)lYL C06fH 9INL LLN51$T p µNUN PILLAAS$ AT 4018$ YIS/ACRE. 5. BNI"5 SNAIL BE nwLENtNTED 10 PRtIENT nA PEICAY OF XOWEN7 fROU CCNSIXUCDON SCpC? MEA$ YINL BE H7tY+d1ULCNm MTH A YAL00 I£dP µD IACXIRX AI I TUN/RCRt. 5. nlE LOCAMIN M M[ µ0K GROUND UAUBE$ SkgWN INAECN ANL BASFA W 1Nk flE1p S1FS KHICFE 7NA[RINL OF YUD $NNL NOl BE N106fD ID EN RA 1NC STORN WAi[A WIK7 tlT SWR, CDK k rSSDGARS NC ni! lOCA7lUN3 p n4 uNBlAatanO E'LIW.NYNLIGCTAIIlL.E0.1ER SkIN1 CCN55t BI An AopAONFD DPOUGHt rClfV.µl 6LFD UIIUMS SHOWN NTAECN nRf DRXT4 W SND S1ANtr AlL1 IN, ORNAP[N PROVOf? 97 $YSifY Ofl WA1ER6 0. DIC $1ArE $FLAi1ENl IPAGtEO ONiO PUBUE SiM(iS SHAM BI ulxiWU 'I,E CCNINACUX SIUU $119MP `{ID u'X'.UNL' 10 'i'F G1Y FOR AEYEW hN0 OnxNS (MI'C[1 NAY NRUOE lll( URUTY LYmFR UP I.nll'T ICCA n"f. yp S'0.3). $L(1R, N!MpKD. AYYNDYAI- LDK A Ats~,cln,LS. ND A nD, Nf$PD,,:"tl,7. r~R D-IIn,,.IBhYFB:ri Y~I:Wwp Br PRELIMINARY GRADING, OlllfJiS SCOT i. CC% x ASSOCIATES, 'NC, H!CVMNI NUS IIIAI 11+f IDCA IICN U llf 6 y pINIDY[5 $I,ALL Bf DXD ID PfRKNT WS[ SEDWWt DR DEDPo$ IPDMNG iXDN nlE ~ w"~E~ ; ~;r5 Mn. ~"o , ~ ~f~''R ~~~'p;ALL a ~o~ o w ° I~~~N „;I~pr k III ~T~IfD FRIDR Tp A,7 BI:I,NI: L~ nD.AGNI IG T.n $YflE~I DRAINAGE AND EROSION cq+ma wrnne DR NrpkwuLRYD Mm A WD00 neL4 ANO ucexlLx AI I TCN/noa'. 1 SICfM WA1ER gWIAPGE$ fPVM CONSnaICnCN ACAWnCS XUYL NOT CAUSC LYi nIRCARN A- BWO' MA4R~ QIY UT BWIDfN (/-1-,Y) Cl11yIJD'K" LOCAn'? AI 7NC SU1n+Y£S[ CONTROL PLAN lD GUX P0.LUt10N, cDNrAMmAnDN I;N DElRN1AlI1M Cf WAR.AS Of M[ S1AIE 6. NI OVO$ION CONiNa MCASVAfS 41A11 DF INSPI Ci[q BY INC ONNVR. CR VµER NN'ROKn C(wNFA Cf A CATL, BAS1H I OCARD At R,C $WRIM51 Cq+N[R Ix tr? '~NIFRSfRICY ACENI, AFNR ALL "ICRN fKNIS µT OIOS'DN CgViX0. N[ASUAES MAO, ARS OAMACED q RAUP~WAY M«0 WN:Cf AVCNJC Fli'VATXMI = 5116.06 ((177 Uf ODYiDCA UAitINA P. A'I LANAI OISTUiBAHCE$ yUll RI OI51INFp, CDN$TNUCim ALAI CDMINIICD IU 11711 1NE PA~1 D At-FSiPBU41YCNl DF KO[rAnK CCKN 91N1 BC flF?UCED ~4NEOUIEET 4051 BROADWAY IxFOSED APIA µY pISnIAREp UND 10 1HE LIOAr[Sl PO55'NU PfPI(p Of IAIC I u Nl Wt+IU. N1 PPPUCABII Cltt ANO/R1 A1nY 1'INYIIS P[RINNINf 10 RN ,,^,:$:;,ArGf (6 f.RWNOwAIEP YUSI BI OXINN[D VRAP IO PRLPµAIN)N U WIID~.n'O B NIIIN $T09ALf $NaICWRi$ FDA PFIkDtTU4 PRaxILTS NIU DnxA RQWLN$ SMALL IuK uEANO PANS. BOULDER, COLORADO Au! WAIC PROTECTION 50 N TU CONIAVI NL SPRLS ANp PR(KNi µY SPtILD YAIENIN ' 4W W IFA:NC MF STDAN wniCN SKIER CR wA1FR$ Cf Ra STAiC 6 A flNAI $IOPMWATFR PIAN µ0 AFPCRI IS A(OUxiU Al RRNKN OCNYF)Fr RENLY¦ V v Anr nls"l.ROANEf r0 Nurna.wr ANO oprNnNFNr BNP'S 6NNL et REPAm[p W PCPV.UC A:I x',li xNx~, Arvl: ITI'a S.-AnN HW ~iS sIN: Ix A:n LuMI'-'rvl, wnl A n Mnxunw - - W~tn~ ,B 'ro1R$ c11BC. +opr nnn n u x"z-NUr -c4um~Aal scA^ ) SCOTT, COX & ASSOCIAiEu, INC. 1', K YkIA2NTr GNNFk nNU AVBS[WEN7 PRLx4Att pWNFRS MYL 8( P[SPp4$IBl[ fOk ralvU.ti,ly Dllginee[s swxryD~s cceln4urG %:oMVL.nNCE MIN T,h Rt'DLRXELIEnIS a n+ls s[enoN, amlNC LDNSIRpenkw 11f, +,I, sb..l B<MO=. ea~.oex H 1DB Acn"1~ av ntt vTE I. ) Im) µe _ I7 nLL Tl.M Y;MiANY tAU510N µC 2gNCMr CGNIN01, YEAamfS SHALL Bf RCYOY(D ANO DD>'LSEJ W'~YIN ]0 VAK N'T?11 FNAL 9TE SiABIL17ARR415 AhIBKO. nl AIPN 1Nk ,W 14 W. ~ kd. DfwhO mi ICNPDRAAr 4IASl1PfS µi NU IONCi'N NEEDED, WrI,GIfNTA LfAlikS fIH51 Grnlq~v2 by Oraw, by WMK_JAS 6/Q2/ft8 I'=3D' UI4CAC~6 C1.I xa111Kn DNAV~dm _ _ Dy PIN)KI rY F f i - nPA k CITY CWYEXt OF/p2%06 n7xOxC Ji ~ aI da ttr. • ~~.u Ain m•. ru+. r.;~al+eYtt1 ~a mAe.r,A ra ile n 7wnlpmE wp~w a1 au~ Gamy lo0p'nl 1519 Y NpberMtEA OwdB 1,971>I Arte+d Dean lwn 1511 Yens ~5ru yl Opriyrs 19„'AI)!I I~ro 9plq OW TMN Bu101a t0unbMR47 NpueM IhaN,n u.so1 a~~ -:A~ !231b s,a~'YryY^'I:I ~~~lt') Tohl Open epB[e t0,000Y 6I tI79N yxrrul.T.u. W TTp Bllram~/ FrAep Rphd Prpr?flo.dta IA11 B 1 pe1kY tli2 0 IppW lH3 C IpmiY 1 1m71 B I pspe l 19119 A /poallfe ] 1916 8 Ipu1Nb lW/ 0 Ipd1i0Y W E A 1 pewR19 ] DM9 D 1ponY4o ] UJI70 B /poaWo a boX lbe(l spies 20 cnn16111ripM9e~ 1~'lAv'ILaMD.t~d sl.~ . _ RIGJdIda111un la.m Itiry l~l?rM'91~rnlpaW. Ol9s+r. a,~b99c I/IPMB6+7f4r V7 atr~n Elvrel al wno4r ilrn ur«o1wnEeae atrr•xn wA py~, lu, aY a Zo Atuand A11. T9r1 re t1 vnli u w~purAN'~+w~Y~'Iroe+n, u„~~m>~nw.n Ta btgelYn VnrA9g M 1 uu/w as prin9 soelee b u. b.e~n c.n+i.Y.T~A. «sr mr 19T,9V9Y•TN I[t![•A 11.-ronEY rm: a 19 ,~newy Iaawvl J. ~ ~ IYC D(arav sYl~ u yy _ _ ~~i, ~1-_ - ~ b o'y~F - ~ ~~"'~'a".IAlei ~iz„>a, I a.,,,,e,m.~$~~ ~ F 4.. _ _ _ -E.u k+o AIY em' - r\. "proroaeauMmxlM r f 22 i ORIe11.brd WM 1 ~ JO~Ol opo,N lo.rMres Bee r.A G ~ mrA AOUSrb +aw AppmYrM tryOrl I „ ~ h h itweon•e«W I L. I 4 nA I,.ia. /I ~~E~r'Y A4e'11f~ I H_ _ ~ IIl51D(BCUDIG' ~v/ f j1F _ INr~,eH II I LI `I ~ 4. /~ILLOM1ib AllaN'~ ~~}fmlr'CMITi ,i , ro ,r.U. 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I ~ . ~ ~ 7 ~E t Y'' n ~ >t 7 11','; I ~ t F.r:: ~ vii I t i ~ 't'' T J 7 ~ , ~ ~ ~ 4051 NORTH BROADOIA~ I ~ ' i e ~ / _ ~ BOULDER COLOR~SDO 1 I>r,t: I \ -z.-i e'7 , f r J ~ f-.~ F~/__ ~i ' / Lx - f4~~~~ ~ / f i ! f-/ ~ l ~ / _ _ ( Ili L= , r,E..~, \y`•~ _•i• Iq iyyr-( ~ ~ _ _ ih'~) itr'•,~ n,,.,~ I h• I•~ , I I i ~ z s .x' _ ` ~ r r I >r`} t~~:t'} .tw, 7 . ~ ~ _ f ± 1, '1' ~ i1 .1 { i ~ ' ~ i I - y,j,,J I i : ~,L t t tit. ~ t F - :~~~ih_ + ~:/{r. 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I~ ~t I--- - s a9.4 '3s" w "x`21". = n ~ ry~ %I- ~ 7C sd - ~ f ~ ~ ~ I~ •T I ._o .a. 1 ~ pULC I• • 70 PIAN'TUST SUMMARY CHART I ;>;i~t - I I I • erren~tcoe aAVrrn evrt~oT faro RA'E eo-Awc Ras Tmxtgr dJ>= IOI.BU eF •s+ `ti ~ I gym,. cecmuo.DU/Ane'tEte rmAlAREAROtca+Era:DDrrwuoRa - ~ 1 na• , r cAl • DID AitiI,PN r>aaaJS I,A4E Ame il'QL^W1.u'AUIInh elA7F~ oR ralEaFU Lm 1L1e, a - ~ ` - - ~ I n. LM D J y' . 3• CAL .DID fI2711M`IFE LRe)E71 <LLIA COPDA'A RE4711~b FlEDVIDED - _ l ` _ ` I - _ - _ _ I LAFD <0.AM6 p ,I~f `r._ ~ ~ f~-' ~ r7 I II I . ~ Q.' D ~ I PaOT cFf1CE WR 9354 - f~,RMK~CRPR O IbR 5 7' CAL • DID BiRE717PoT RpET10CVET C1IDnE1A tl'dACalagE 4N01.R07' TmA1 RRLEA 6 PMIrMr B1Aild 10 31 - ' ~{"r•~,-~\ I }I IV I t I ~ ~ 4 lFD 0!IF, WL~',WEW1 KLT + 7' CAL • DID Kl?AKXt CCIKt'rllEf GtttILY1M' b gCLA 1 t ~ 1 j imAl NJ}7ER a ifEEp 40 T t ~ I .111.1 I . 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I„I nraE. 30}Tte-DM 400T ePR D 1'Rr.•eID eaoRADOellgenRlrx PrEafvGERE ~ti:~'%j '1 5 Ir ~ i t - FlR 0 1' RT. • DID aNfIE FW ADIEO CONCCL011 70• FARE NNe) UfE.nT EAOEiF]rt fN01tA-FD) ~ ~ ~ A ~ I ~ } f I • I'. h ~ I , R"W E caen DEDCI{ q;, Aeen• RVeA[M ~Prt 3 1•ID..ere PPlKNI'aD! PelsFSUle •v\ 4 S - ( n~`,' 1 y i,j} 4- • I Fae„sRrcwuTlnwlE»<twueu,a>~•rEa _ 7 e' aE.w xcerE r~+ Au uatx~acwo mltmee nu Hasa ~ ,t';1~,1 ~ c? ~ ° ~ ~ 1~ ~ f 'r + ~ ~ I g L: (l tavicerxs Araal c7 e,ar DAIFE®107>• t j7 l'U i w 'l _ DEGW We EIFLIDB • ID GORfAEER t'~CAA AN.~EC .1WIfAN OCGA0.0R77 tEDCAA' ~ l0' CLEOR ZQE f'1~11 ALL O.EIpfM YI1111E01R0 R7FE61 ~ I. I 1 ~ ~'C~ ~ ~ ~k ~ ~ 11 S Z n ~t" C~ ~ ~ ~.Ll r t ~ ~ • Drs n • n CCNrAEER eournaE D7DCiH'hp! 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' I ~ 1 ~ I 1 I STORM WATER QUALfTY NOTES NI IfYxD,AXY INCS'(rl tDMxlll 1A1111.t5 91NL EY 151A11f11 IiIIfNI An. EROSION COMROL NOTES GRADING NOTES (i rl'. INf Ik"N A~". i1,tM5 -ANI AI I SUID WA51I, 1NW$11UM wASlf, YANU wAXll NM) ANY OININ ?aIII IANIS LW NAS1L CN AMY CCNSIM/Cndl 91[ 91NL IN. CCNIXOLLtp 1NNLVGI nN VA d Uw''S WASII NN/Cw I. LAADL AWAY INpI EAAIdNYS AT A rrw4 101 A(if N 01i fIA51 IO IRl AI MC1'CI VIG CCN INNLAS 91ALL a ITIONOfU hM0 NNNTNNLD BY nl[ aWNfA DR fOMIRACiCA I. ALL 1(43CY, r1fNL nIISICMIf YNACOfN)li:, 9NLL a SurAa U AMU NO IaSOI 4W1 uWSI'NL ARLAS AAp Al A eANYVY 7r AfV(w M EAST 10 FLCI AI 14PpNW5 fN CCNSINULiA',N 4n'S wNAC AIlNI IS nI[ POnN1U1 IW a1LAY a MASK. a PLYDNp IRLY n1L 91f. IpPSdI AXO ONRmlRCEN AIMI a' YarCAI{D kq NLAS fJ61Di AS NORa ' UNCCW INMfU rA$IE nut 4AT maA MALI aR OnrAMA a AfIfASLD IAfY A[ 9A a SIOptYYLD 9PAAAnLT. IOP:QI NO OVEiCgIRp(N 9041 B( NIUSIN.W IIO rMN n( 171GAIrIfD. SANRMY RAM fA0UM5 SNALL a PAdNCFD AMO 4ANTANTO BT M OrrtA a7ADm AAU N11M NPNJI a1NrNp N INOYAt A SDIIAm( UA4 ICN AACA$ MAW ArL OA CCNptACid( R SfFap MU II NERD. AVxdT ixOY $fOCUPIIp AAL1 LINE a CdIIROWD 10 2 PACE ADMRIR TO aRDNC SMALL BE A71fAST 01' aLOR IpP a fdrWOW AI Rd'ANI [AG.'(N A J MSIA IAVI AITY!N1AOM V MRMMa AA:IA LNOSGPC AMM N! 1J'. Yi SLR CCNCNLir, CQ ANr YAl'Ilfµt M:117kG }R(r 'ELI CUAhNG a 5N110.fS CF I J.f,. YfMi CCTI'AWNp CN UAD M 'NAN5?L1t1MO OR A"it1'YAC n, 9Wl a CfM1ANfp [N i. PLRYANFXI N~AnX CONK $NALl a APM,'f0 IO dSRMaD AIRA$ ANO $IOatPaLS 7. BASID ON nR wX:amAND fR!% MSAAT PAfPNrD BT lON A ASSOOAl13 DARp i11P.. 1 • - CCNSINUCrtlIA 9`(S FlA PAarA mgp$AL ACI[AY a 111LSL YAR/AAl5 l5 PAUNH.nD. MMN 11 pAY$ N IU I1NM (AAa IS FTAGQD M AIIT POgfON tl nN 9R. 11N?OIARY NrN 1005. 'IN ENnM 511. 1S W:9a 1M IOIF `fAfl ROGWCNN NLi1AnN, Camf 9W1 a NIUIp rMN N OAK 10 U5NrrD AMAS rrM WT Mal 4 CONA 9W1 E[ 1?PUfD r»W 14 OATS 70 rACDK SaL SIOaU7f$, AND SNNl U. BL Al ItMN alAa, BUf Ml BI ILfI DwYAyI f(N l(rYN 11W1 60 DAIS . R65 DNA"NL 6 AA40 fx A IIE.U 91NN • Itr 'tUR. COS k ASSODARS UArD p 11 ,0 W 4NNINHD f0A S700SVitS MAi AAf PIIOP~ RI AaIAM r PIAR IIMQM nlAr 00 B/S/n 7. [NINON DA15 TLY"VAMT NQI/allYl UVNN 91NI fIN':SI Lf ANNlIA} NYI I.NA\'., AS /D .DS fly/RCAF. Yia) AViAS YIAI: Ilf MYUNOYJ.aILll Nlll A Ml)DII f;;XN AAII IAC%IRffl AI I IdllACAf 5 111[ lOCA1NW a nN AUON 6ldlllfl VIIU)115 Nll)W 11lN[ON AM DAYU aY IIN Illy DIN'S 9WL Bf NHL WNRU 10 PNINNI M ARFASE a AONr)AI rNa CONSINUC^[W SLINKY Ul SLOP, [OR A ASSOUAII I, Ml'. nN I. Cr:ANGIS a nV uMUl/lCHWAI 9R5 'RIIIaT IAAGrWC a enq 91A11 N01 U( NIOwD N CN RA nlf. SIGMA WAiIN FLNkkYf1AJR4CIARY( Ca7A'll 9UlL Cd1SISl a AX MVXUNU OflWGII TGIAAMT SIED VDUBfS 910AN I1fA[ON AM AAYD OV SNU '.UXN1 AND rIr DAYAlIat PNOV-0III IlY S/S I1'Y UI NARA$ a M $IAR. SIDVIfII INAfNCO ONN PUAVC SAn LIS SNNI D1 MIANAE nX CONMALIat 91ALL $UBMII SCFD 41XNA! 10 11V OY !al NEV1Cw NAD UUA NS (w~'GI YAr 'yR[til: IIII VDUIY UAMA Ux UIIIIIY lOE'AIYIC. 'i H'ALIS) '.[1111 P ~rr-~(Y ~~r'•~1II M YONU APfMOVAL CUM A AS'X,N:'A IIS, INC hf1U1 MSPdA4Nt1 IlN UMIIJ VUVYA IY'N 1'NtiVA71D UY 1 RELIMIN/"11 A 1 Ili AIL1a L/~ DnlfA$ i[UII, CDI A A$jpaAlCS, ,'NC AICWYIArI$ I/IAI nw IOCA UOM a IIr ~~~a~rr III)ml-,,,s vwL a usfD ro NN(NNI rAm, Adetxr DA p®AAS amio fMdl n~l 5. NI u1s1uADED AALAS vlAU wa1N PFNYANFNT NatAnle rnta As ascaap ADakE. umllN$ a lino memo PArw to ANT otoNC IW, w AoYAtTxI m nr. AeACI DRAINAGE AND EROSION 'III. ALL W7 OA RLL Aat3 4M 3 101 Of WFAtfA ROPE 9WL B( [ONALD rLN [ADydl PROIYAn Ca11A0. YAtlDlt CN nY0A0YLSCNCD MM A wD(0 FlBFN NAD IACNIIM All 70N/Af7~r. J 80;:DFA I fl Ull'311U 'i IOCATU AI 'IR SO,InM SI '.IGOA wAl[A USCMAAGS final L(NSIAUCnON ACONDCS SHNE M01 GYA dl IµLARM ' ' 5. LtFUI YARN C' w' U CAUA POLLUAON. [tlN1ANr1ADLN p malA0A1rN a rAI[AX a M 37AR. a NL [PO$tr [OMw4 YCA9w[S 9Ull ~ m5?EC1[D BY nl[ OwIP. OA pwrA APMIpNm I.wnIN U' A [Alo~ BASx lCCArtU AI M! SW MM SI (GiNFX (r 1'IE ~A Ty'JL'.:... CON 1 ROE' IJ~Y 1 AGNI. NRA u( SIUAY nrxls Avr l1nlS10N co"mpl rASUfQS woe ARC DA4Kio a a+YAOWAr Aw oYacl ANNUL IavA1rW »leu lolr a DanaA YA',;.Y' 1. fAN1I 1)SI..AVArCFS MINI UE D',,Mn Cn15IMlC1[U ANp [ONPIIRD 10IW1 D4 PRgR 10 PE-[$IAAI19111MI V 5AG IAIIVE CONN 9Wl a AfA1ACtD NYFOARIT, ~fAl~~ BROADWAAY -.~o Ayu a Nrc u5r,"Aio IxID lD nll 91LNTts+ PossAat rtMOO a nut. / r xtaAaD, N( Aflil[AmT on Ay0/pN slArt rti NIU151'(AtAMWG :o p[ arsovAa a CrWNUrARA YU51 a OOINMO Plea 10 PACPAAAnaI a HVgf'r'. InnA SIQiA(( SntUCNA(S ltw PI IMdt YY xNWUC1S AYO OMEA a1[YULS LINT wAN Pf MrI IS,VIS BOULDER, CVL~DO ADf GUAR PN01[CnW TO AS 10 CONIAN Nl sRUS ANa PAfN111 AN7 SPAI(D 4AT(RUl P h I,NN SllwurARA PLAY ANO 5[PORI IS MOUINfD AI II LWAILN DOCUYI MI N~ vfa - fYW IMRRND IIR $IOA11 rAILN S15nY fYl WAnFS a M $TAn ANY ViIVAAANC` 10 'tYl'DNMI Anll "I NNA•.INI 0YP'S 91N1 fll N11'AIxIU OA WVI AIYJ ) nll VII» wALAS MU HD[SRNAN AWRS MINI a MA CfMPUANt, MN A 7X NA1.4..Y - - - ~I~ NwN w pWNi CNpSS aa'I Ndl A sX uWmIN EDnGnMIMW st,r( Cpl I, OOX kr~4fJCW1ESec clNlSUlllnq rngip(e sunk 'I IIII ?NfRfA T OrNCJI ANLI SUOA mANI PRUI'fILIY OYM[A$ AYl Bf Rf wlN9mf ION I?`c i51~• Sr..l rrlr_ [AYrIWba :.(XI ^NUCD l'OfYPUANCL will nu NEOUMII Yf NIS a nOS SLLnON, dJAINC fUN5111U[INN 15AW iu rw nI.IINfY ON R4 5R µl IpIPgtART E1N)9CN Nr0 Ad41Nl CM1A0. YFASURE$ SNNI N N(1lONn Ayp SMr~I n'~I`USIn wMW b pAY$ NRR !NN VII. SIABM117AtlUH IS AdrfN A, pI N Ilv D1L Dwq~AY Jf _WVK DW 4J. I U~;UI A-~ WASUUS AFf h01MUN nl[ii!U, WI~.(N ('r<.A K'VA; !"1',1 _ n.~ N. NYR/JAS 6/U7/lIH I' A' fII~4C-i _ ` SITE -~._.I, rnloe.l a~ ~ QI 3F °r a( ,.w o 1ol.m4r a I ~»lo>Ytrard rlYeeT ?]2Nd m I to.mmelmmrr nfUd GrYrwrlm{eYrt 1,519) MpemeOdAQril~ 1,97711 h I ~damlcema A6daa 1XA~ Q Opm nPO ID !dqd Q I (1P^^~nuDW 71AD I [ISaJ~IOunisilM@ 0.9uiY1 Proved I " N,502 sTm9Ik 11514 fs~deAY nn 9sel IIII~ Thal oP»aeB 69,40011 614fe sf u~c vtiy.Tr~ uA $9e er.f¦ PNAq P1AWeE Pa/kq PradM UnA1 B 1^Y61p ] I LH2 D IF~rep 7 Lhi3 C ILIA 7 Led1 1 Ilk 1 U'd9 A i^IbY uY6 0 Ilk 9 lN7 0 /p~U ] Uw8 A 1^IY ] V'i9 D I~ib ] lkil l9 B 1~ ) 7u uefblfpxn filwnhA StvAln9sauel sli+ Jz Irn±2ew mndYl J7 Y>f,d dl dTd7l0fK Nae TNty(JD) Pw7J+Ib dYY'radsW. Olkpe, Wawnl q 444(aJl)(OJ,q%a 17 E sl1M w,IC,mdYrlarywA 1TlcrewrAnneawa ferdad wlh„nadlwnl9aYP. ryl faew.wd2of:,rnd,t,o1 nr.ea.l7r~roornw>"IWrowpal,~w,a+m Ipe mn+sam n lebro er..bm.~oe~.1At1 .d ]x ya.+,r~ f~ccs la e. drAdopfret 4~t-ter. Gros de xl td7j6J•7NaC •F TpdefePale~1 ID Groin d.my 1411,Irrr ~ u ~ fre appaaLf aoby sea _ , x ~ ~ uN09'/S'01'F 3# _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ $ _ - - ~1 ~ 'T' " _ _ b ~~~N ti r PM 2spaYS - .y__ r na rvd~ - ^ 0 t . r ~ n ' b ~ _ _ del l - ' - `i 11 n d J 0 _ _ _ _ _ Y s- ),1 _ _y _ [minO Wawry pcNon~ - nwde- - ~ ' ~PnpoeM lYMmYd,Id eaWaA / -n.: r ~ b I I l ~ ~ 1ui ~ ~ n = \ _ _ ~ _ - a \ v41,' (c Ills ]0040DD1 I / ^ ° u.P _f.~__ - eprH,owdwcs , ~r ~ • , ~~!~ai\s~~°1~a1 7P~a 0wue59e~ ~u. eer •I I I ~'~ill I I ~ ~ 4' a,..~ r \ /I ~ 0' Eme'4^ Y A4Ya1 E I L-(a ti DboAm~ - yknfbNf ~V/ ~ r I I - rei I 1 u'•v -aTt{ _ J-- , t~.,.. 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T ~ '7,^. ~`4" r C f x { ~4 r ~.t~ ~ ~ ~ ~r ,1 OLI NORiN BROADUI4Y I Ir ° i'l ~ Y' S' f /Y~ , ~T . / //1/XY /~(`4~~>r~ ~ /4fY~/ ,C ~ ~ ~ i'/ ~ j 8 'LDER COLORADO ~ _ I I n`t•r \sL rI a.r ,d' ~C~{r~.,/~ ~ ~I ~\\,~•~"4i, ~`l rl ~ i f _ \ ~ l'i I Y I ~ I I j~l''.1 r[' I , i', :x,_ ! T ~h,i~ 7 I m~Y `i ~ 4r . Y ,y~, ~,y, ~':{f ( •r'~`~ t i I ~ I I 1 ! i~ 17 ~ .'Y, 'ft. ui r'. z F i ~4ft :..:1 i•~w.F_~ -t `1;. lli~" .I 4 ~ t. f ~~~1 A f~ I !I ~ lD h ` 1 nom. - - - Y'x. ~4fvr~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 1 ~ ~E{1 ~ - ( l ~ I ~ ; ~ ;'~k;~; i I ~•~~~h ~ " ~ 'L~=~ I iii ~'•7 r/ ~Y•- ,,n`k~' a,r~.. P~ -.y ~ ~ ie~.~' ~ .'?~~~~I"~ - j ~ ~ ! \ I I r ~;`.'-•i. _ .1~'~ ~Y...~~L~~ l'A.1 ~ l'r t f.X(`~ ~ J~ l r' ~ (~`K ' ~ v J ^ 'j > r' ~ - a - ~ ~ i_j r'!~< LANDSCAPE PWVS • - I •:r: ~ tl ~a ~ ,d ~ w FOR SUBMiTTAITO _ ~ E `=<<' ~ - - - - ) r ~ .i, . - Illl ~ ~ _I: '1 f - - ~ Cl1Y OF BOULDER I s• ~ ~ \ rpnn •:J L i yf. - _ _ - 1 max` • i. f~.-.. - • iY IL` ~ . . ..::1. /1 ! I Ct i I I J [ r,t ~ ~ ~ \i'~f r f ~~~i.=.-. ~ i- ~ 1. 1 , - I ~ ~~1, ~ l 7 s I~ ~ ~.i~ gyn. ~ a~- ~ f I ht 1 ~f~t ` , j ,fl i .I_I I :E ~.f 1 ~ I ~j r~[4-~ ~ ,1 i~~i~-~I}1~, 1 ~ ~ ® I l l~~ 7 I t t ~T l ~nA\1 r.`X irk ~ ~ l D _ '\~.1 I rr~ `nlv~~,.. ~.li } ~ Y ~ ~ ~ 1, • - r ' , t • _ „ _ ~ _ . ~ , - • - _ . _ 1~ S 89'4 '38" 4V 621 ~ 3' t-~,,, ea - a 7• se ,K euat . 70 %hlJf USi SUMMARY CHART y.! - I 1 I eTTrea) eax ouartrt7 elatmot coma RA•c ec*avir. RA'E Tma Lm ag fDtms ee I 5 alt \ n ) i I IK<it1AL1'StlJFV DECftuale erLrD! rtaie 1mAL AREA Rot covEREO er Duwoea ' ~ ~ - _ I I ~ rw t r uL • ere amen eLAra nwe dCER erg~E+aRO'dVI1RR ti d„' oR PARKRYa Lm AIODi K - I - I ^ W D ) N• . 3• C.AL .ere fiREIIfDPIRE LPDFN 71LIA CORpatA REOARED PROrrDFD lll,,,»> _ _ I~~BLAPL~ MY.NfiEGll1~, P1~~>r k ~ J Na 5 fJL • DID OUIDIFDT /Kx!'Y{,pp10! QLmrceu TPo.ncAVn+oe'eteleuiDr TmAI WUER [F PNMDY 8141! 90 77 ` - ~ ~ , - i _I ~ I ~ I ~ ~~l ~ l ~ • p• spt ~ I F'C8i aFICF D0I 3354 - CH7101i1. ~11R KC7 4 i'r.Y •DrD IGIIRGL7 CaffFfPfE O7tt10C1Xhb DlCCt ~ I JJJ -"1rp 7FD atF.. luY.avoEU111 TmAL rU9CR DE' iF4E0 4• T9 , J ~ ~ ~ E I ~ 1~~ I! ~ ; ! 7, I od7c J r c4 • ere rhanEl•1 R~'o onK aK0.w tnmea ~ ~ 1 i. F I j 1-~ I ~ DO11Ci.AB G. Roclog oExvENr417>k'E'te rmAt ru'mER cr; e7Rre1 TraEe a 7 ~ +(f, ~ x X~ : zr ~ i r.: r i r: ~ I t~,~~ ~lil,f l ~ IY I i K.nrw •ocar ovwerrt A.o.rx. G F l^~x ~ 4~ ` ~"~r~' ~ ~I~~ 1 ~ ~ ~ I e.nd:l. DcR.wao~tan ~ 1074 OW)1RY 6PLa`R IMiL10AL ~ V ~ 'r 1 11 ~ P1J4303~nc.a7n ~ fiRl t I N• CAL ~ UID oLLOENtAN TREE KO4)O:VIE7DA PatOLArd W - v ? ~ ~ ( ~ - Y y j t ~ 1 >j 7°ER n rw •ea aWrtN.LFe)¢FE.aR PnueuuFRrnw TwlEe 40 ~ l1l/1~1; j; /f~ ~ ~~Y, ~~I i~ t Y • ~ p ' ~ 1 ~ ~ n~ ~1 (i~~, ~~•(r~ f ~ n+af~ w~~neaw o r cre e 1 N' u>_ • am rxa~w>tu~ cxAaasu r+Aiye rw,ww~ua• eNaee 7m m~ tJ~~ r 1 .,r ,{y~ ~ ~y~~~ ` ~ ~1g r~,11 ~ 1 ~ 1 , v J v i• l 1 I aS, t S ! cwor color • ,.ow rwu 4 I h' cx. • eb weue~Ta wum+ow¢ gPATA(f>A1e nuaonan ~ ~ ~ n ~fi qt )1 d~ ' I ~ ~ . ~ y, tr r t { ~ t [4 i q 5 l.nat. cca)nI•oaoeccn - g, EvE~7d~V iREFd e, N7. •DrD caoRAno eLrB ePalcE PKEA wGElm LEGEND ~ ~ ~ ~ •x` 3 ` ( yr, I ~ ~ IF ! ~ rw. Jm-Tor .70 \ r ~ 1, 1 t I f! y ~ - • nom, zJ.Ticm ~fl? FIR a r M. • ere ururE Env derze carcocct¢ 7a ~ am anon e.~rert rao 7Rrre1 l f s S~ ~ V f ~ y- - / S l' \ ~ 1 f 4 - I I R~C/OE CORK' otDr+t ele, dee11'ED wR~'aw PN B Y M. - 6q PNlai POE /'YiL9 ESXLIe ' _ -1'1 ~ ~'c~ t- 1 1 ~ 4 (fffff~ ~ac~ezaera~.+uua)or,IaaenmEmaenalrarnl ill ~ ~ ~7 I fp¢ irE `i04UiW IElffa IIlEOD A=.~ p IUD a •wccxrANER rHwRAaa+~vx 11XpoaweccvuopnrEDCRA• r `~si ""(ll y } r t. ~,w~ ~ 17 , i. J Luseu`FAA)acrel.v~b.v10mro1a~ ccclDUaLp enacts C-~ IC afaR lC1ff NCM A11 oEfa•JO UrLLR1Ee RY1114tEP1 V4 ' 1q r F Y 1 I ! I tale A •b CON1AeL'R C0.U?LW CUfXIlIOnI RHaWlFPMYAA Y,autuftm• ~~L.~xrema lL"e1D EAEFJETR I ~ ~1 VI ~ ~f/'`~/.~ -!;T i,~~~ s - l~ +T } 'v M1' eLR ~ D'i'CL1M Dle eoMCx7avr'aiI1PN _ r IA ~ ~ ~ ~a t- ~ ~ 1i COPY'RI[dn W DRI4' a4l.A4CN&7e flF.MDdiCRA ~ OEOYNA?ED UER.•b afEa rrlJ OleilYR7WYU J.\A •1~ 1 ~ ~ 0 CDN M •O CGNfAP~R CUO£Ta LOL4sF HCTETdCXLF. LaifER4 JfYL0efEOtDEB I ` ~ ~ "'k \ 1)t LNCOCAlF .110YR:R ICTADtl /LL•1YI~ ~ E'~ w uEnao eu)w rRO ow7wrsaval ~ ~ i L~ ~ t S \ ~ n°a`aroi a D~Rrrnre a aeu~uu~a~`o..~Rr r+a a •ecarao~R DtADIOUM)angc 1 ~?v f ~r;~k'~ i n+reoeAe•w DLea.o ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ / '...111 \ Q uN a aEA17.E ezAe niu~7RAlEa asarw B va a •DCart.umR roll~avv,eae+rT >7ewan+.anaat+cRKS»' ; 3 ~ ~ t , <S(. ~ E'xv,•e~:.ururflwaraeeMOPra+reo,~7rHV~1 I _ tP>?~, ~ ~ ~ I . Q PAD 'S CQ+R.UNER RAefn(iP.RWI LF,Rt'eOTMA'NIB IYLDEpIN dID. I'' ~ RCD 19 • D CGMAR2R 1CIC~ed Rox ~ 1? - I ~ \ / , {j)(~~ I •I ~ R?04 FiX.00A IIaLCCrllEp llRSfE>nDD '•l, ,,r~ _ _ _ {~y~~C[.p~Y~ x~~'}~~'a 1. ./~~~y'-1 ~ ~ ~ ^i\• ® HCbR D •3 COMA42R IP1CXX ar FIYEIZD ~ IF~II f :^'i R74 ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . RttY.RN7W1)Z' Na.p~+ESAIED Rdlhf fdtdDe lK_FliEU 4VD al+Kk R'DI - _ I I 1 (~Qr / ~.I-y ~ _i• DCG n •e CarAMER r7roww DCfaeX:O CCRIM DERCFA YARDN4' l'~_~~". _1 ~ ~ N ~ } ~ '.7 - _Q~_I~ -t i ~ggW_: ~arED. m ~~j5~rr~~~{T~,tt~ 4'~D'TANf.ODDLFetp?: af.RtlEE0 C1NSdFF FA7WC. ~ V ,p D0.R d •B CGN7ANER dDP+)G NJ04 EW}I+TUe .1:AtlIB a:PdtR+'~d1 1 1 _ \ t • DDD t •0 CQ7rAEtle UJIAQ aIa)nY aC1r OKNrtxU 4dND CQTACI4 WA OMEDDFD CEDAR rNLCN III l fl~\ \4 ~-ln T I T r1}` ITi YCW FWD ClJ0274"LAiIGN np• TALL ILaniYi DEUO ANU irg R'M.'0 M 117a1eEID AREADI ~ / \ ~ l \ ,~i ' I L\ I 1 ~I f7 OF 50111DkR SUB"7IfTAI ~ ) •SCCNIM@1Q nlx,o,ux e,Rnc,Arfru ~.l..l1~I~ ~ ti/ 31 ~ ,'~~1 i "'rC~ l Lr7ayaJlnrRRF~r7H~na O r;' cfelacA rmEe r*xniL - nE oE'AI l l` V r / ~ . 1 f l ~ ~ A1Z.U9 OR 0 •6CCMAEER DCt1a.D w'nl.VL4Ae eTR*ew PRF.B1alAE i)aND U1'11A4' ~ !i7 AEib~l7lfR FE3UP`fl„A p0 M q •OCMtAltR LGC.tiaLF PR1N7 LKLLIld11 N17s4RE E'7r Ie1eG 71ffE8 WrDL: rac ESil Fti rcrt rn_y / 1 ~1 ~ r I ~ J •F 1 y.' ARY 9 ' S CCMA)ER A)aeL4tl1'XfJ Y10URJa+ ?.D,Ra`t fXA1AflM DENLLI 14 DrrprN) i ~ '~I I ~ ~ 1; , ~ ~ M^ +f ~ ? ~ r f I j7~, 1 ~ ` I i 0 Fm 6 •0 6a1dN7<R OArmA a/N/Vi POTEt1TIl1A Pmpll:l l4 RaliKOea SAR'A' ~ l ~ ~ ~ fi! ~ t~. 1 I - Fn0eG iAaE a BNOJNI 1 ~ L' T) ( ~ e>ROAnLEdF N+D EvTKrll&E)) aMBOD * s ~ I _ Xl \n 1 f ~ C/ ! y p fGU FIAGOTGT¢ nNLL - PEF ~ErniL Y" ~ f ~ I Y AN 3> ' 0 CGNId1ER Ol1F CAMP JNIlER He1R{R r1ORilar4r0 MUE CHIP' 4m+•o~P~o) J ~ - l 1 k _ l O CKJ D ' 0 CaLAASR MCCK,v 11 OrL~D't C711eW eCGQ`AWIW TGCtYGr•I wn lU\J6J DELL DEBICN4f::.r+ { ~ '11 { + ~ I j - I ~ • D/P 4 •5 Carta)tTV f.A~ r,ADU! DAFNHE DA°r0f EkRCUCCDI tiA7a1. HApCE' ~ ) ~ ! A rlar ! '9Ca14~R naWAT1aJEW1iTW flILNY7IJB KIaJtK.ElOYK/ ~ i.. ~f~ ~ t L`~• I ~ r 11'- _ 04 coeneoee \ , ~ ~i s AI~~\ ~ ~ I' 4 A 1l'•. A 1 • \ ~ ~ ~ NS ~'Yti '~A~~~~rc~'C \ , ~ ~ ~ t 1 ~1,;1 1J ,v • nro em • I coHrnetR D~ e~~em+c+xsss aa~FaflDro+etaEennu ~ . ~ v i `V ~ V A' T t ~ ~jv! dl eAV )7 •I CCNrAKR e<~ AvfW GRACO rLLIUD'IC:e.q! eFfY6v1~.'D K ~ \ \ ~ ~ ~ \ ~ ~ . ~ LANDSCAPE •iRr. :r •ICCNidNER VAWEf.~4tCD ICAl1!'.R k[D GRld9 Ca q^A(fyjBilO ACL'1 ¢t r,NA '~\~~1,}~~~.!'~ ~ \,~S ~ \ ~ Ty, ~ q~ lf~ 1 ~ ~7~ • A)G el •ICCN1Ae>fR MDIAN RICE CfiAe9 ACNUIV~ntt llTl!lO:?ED '+r.NI+.V^+4:ir+[[ ~n~~~7. i' _ u? ~ ~1~ r~~~ ~__I VIE%_~ I -''~I ' I 171 A nRnlr7rnsRe eEn Ror...n • - ` FO~1NOj Af(9MIN~JM GAP ~ ~ , ~ - - - ~ ~ v - - - _ T O . Z, _ . - ~ N sy~~'of _ ~ - - 671 4p' \ T T I_ -JAY-- < - - ' ,,77 ' ~ e. ~r r_ ~ _,C _ a• •7~' ~n• ~~A, n ~t'. 7 - . ~ . -t ' . ~ 4~ NOR i 1 TH ~ I„i I ` r d' 7 1 ~ ~r ~ BROADWAY i ' ~ ~ ~ O .=r ~ i\ ti ~ t ~ _ - _ ~f~ a ~ /.//1' ~~LY~ l; ~l~!/ L ~ ~ BOULDER COLORAD rFI ~ i i _ ~ - , _ ~ ~~:-.7 r ~ ;~;~I + ~ I - is-- 1:1` { Y:~ •I~~~ ji ~ ~ _~~7/-- , s ~1~:- - - Z~~-- - ~ ;'.A _ _ } NNE I V, ~ i r 7. ' '-•r _ - ~ - - - - l l.{XT' ~ t , i 1 E . a1~~~C~~ i`~ ~C~(f 7 i ~ ~ ~ ;,:3':.r.~.,.-'.-'~~r. ~.t:~.: ~~Z~ ~ v~C, ~rt ~j. 1~.. ,~"1,1., L 1. i I ~-'~AF?7yt. tf?~J}~'•, ~ ~ ~ ~w' ' ~.~7 y ~t ~ "_C. ~ I air^~~~'i' ` ~ _ ~E ~ ~ `'1~ ' I ~ -:1:_ : v,T ~ ~ is _ ~ i ~ ~ " i = ~ - ~i I ~ LANDSCAPE PLANS ' ~ t {l _ ~ _ , I ' ~ FOR SUBMfiT ~ ~ ~ ALTO- _ _ - CffY OF80ULDER _ ~ 1n ~ ~ ' . , i r~ I _ - ;I - i i„~ _ ?!r ;tit ~~1. ~ I-. I ~ ~ i s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 I ' • _ ~ 1 ~ I ~ i I'- i .I. ! 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STORM WATER OUALffY NOTES n •'~VN~. N: TYPGNARY FAU10N Cp1INR VAOUIIES SIINI NE INS'NIFR t[I G7 AN• GRAVING X01 LS CDNSTNLM.'?fM ADTIN'IE5 IARt ~'ufE- EROSION CONTROL NOTES a solo NASIr, .NDUSIwnL w^s A, rurJ wA3it AND AAY mma Puuu'N+IS DN wgvt oN AYY CViSiHUCI~W 9'1 VINI yC CfIN INJIIEII :'IAl%Ipl ASE uY IK (YIPS NA51[ .WR/LNt 1. LNA[N AWA7 (PW WI,pNOS A' A NIMINAI ICS Ap'E W 1111. IIP51 10 r:l AI iSG1'CLNL CEN INAEAS 9V11 NE 150X[10 AN) YNNIANED BT RIC DWNEfl W CON IHACION I. W- iLY1f11, lAl1 Nf !^iYCIG1IY 3NACiICAtILF, i'NI iiC SN YAftJ AHO VO IUI'SgL 9W t W1USf.V'E NF'AS AVO Al A NNINUN L[ SI OVE :N il~C I1RST :U ittl AI iNl'tAV WS CN G1N5-RUCM11 9R5 W.ICAE TNNf_ IY NIC POIiNiIN fpi Aft FASC C( WASiF- Ilf kN0'AU IYLW IHC 97E TCP.DL AND OKR6URDEN SHti1 BF YLRFGAIIiI AND AACA~ CiQTT AS HD:ID. UNLUNINNfll WAS it R~AI YAY tlIUM, WA9! UR OiNFAW¢ f!F Ht IfAYll /NON IFE 9R IS SIUp(1}I fl) 5[PARAIR7 IOPSDL NA OAtMAJR0IN 91X1 ill RID'.SIRIIAIIN WIHN IK liiON: BIIED. SAN;iA9Y wASi[ IApIIiIIS 91A11 Y ?PONOCD AND YAWTNNED O7 Dt OWN F.4 CRNxD NNA N IEH HCUp1 C3WMNC IU 1'NUNIE A SWIADIi BAY fCQ NU'AS WAGi W11 2 CRADE /DJACEAT f0 DOIIDNa MALL DE AT IfAST QS• IELDW SOP 6 FWNDAnpI AI ON DWIRACICR HC AEllfO A7N PllU11ID RUNCPF IR(XI 3ICCINS[? Nifh 91X1 BE CCMIROLLID 10 IMRYLVT IAD9fM Ax0 NtVR'ANI 4D N!.V1AlIIXA NECtIY91O WAIQt I.VlOSCAPC ANLAS. 1 PCADY YI#D C(MplEA, UR AMY YAICFWS HtAATNC IPW 1111' GEAHML Df YCIII0.ES OR T Rg9D ON ?.1 NV;Df IQANO Gtt EN Rf~ LqT 1'I+Fl'A4[ll UY LVK t A.'.S{%:A'fl OA II? c]C~ 1~ ~ " JV !C%IIPNI NT COIATAN9A: OP U9D I4 71NSP0(tONS DA APPl11NC IT, 9Wl OE CENTNNfD M 2 f'tPYAVFNI KCFIA^.K CI:KA YIALL BE N'fLFU 10 UIS Ill HC€11 AAFAS .WD SIOCAPIIES C(MSIRVC110f1 91E9 h1N PHLi'fN DI~O'iN- 141fAA Q MF3 NAAfANa I5 PRCMB!DD. W111N 14 UAYi AfRR i1NN IRµE IS RCApfD ON AVY PCFnON OE iNf A1C 1(YRGCAR7 APML 1JUS. IIIE Vlfile- 91C h tW I91W lH( Iw-1fA9 i100p4NN. N (~AIIK IX1NA S'.ALL UC N'PLFD MR1iN !A UAK 10 DISIUNERB AIIfAS WI:LM NAT ry0t 4, DNS DRAWN[ IS BA9D iW Ar:11 R :~iHKY BY SCOIt, COx b ASSOCA-l5 OAIIll e, CUYJI 91ALL RC A?PIIE? Mn'w f1 OAYS 70 WACnK SUL SIOCNWES, AxD AWL BE OE Al t':Nµ CAADF, CJI wttl Iw Itft pOANANI FCR LOxeFA D41N 60 GAYS, eroro7 e q 0/ • W1N'ANETI fDR 3'DCN?-',E1 INAt AFE PROPOAD ID k1NM W RACE EpICFA 11fAN JO CAEINOAN DAYS AyCf71dBL5ECflAllll'RCOYEIE 9INL aDx9sT a ANN,7µ RKCMSS Ai AU IBS PS/ACRE. YETA.D MEAS AUII. H! 1111W04UlGIW MDI A WDOD fECR NIO fAC1UFl[R AT i TON/ACRE. 7- {NE LOCAnDN OF IHt NIIIK fFWND ll)Ill :£S 910MH HFAi:CH AHE DA9D ON hIE f:.;D 5. PYi`3 9INl Uf INREN[NIW :0 PRCKNT 1N( N[IFAY C( SCIXWNI IRON COMSTAVCApY 3LRKY 0" SCCR (DA A ASSOGA:t S, NC. INE LUCAilONS Ix l! Ile]tApYJINU 9R5. KN:CIF iRAC%Wa M MUp yWL NOC A N10NC0 IO FNRx ME SIIktN WATER pjy,By1Q1)_VL(~fAIlYfSO'D!S SMALL CCM9SI OF AN AYVflOVED ORWCNi I0.FAAMI yi0 U:IUIIES 910NN IIEAEOX fN+t DASFD fn SND SllNVFY ANU HkDRNAIIaY PRDND(D 8Y SYSTfN UR WA NtS OF THE S1AIE SFDigNT 7NAIXW 1M 10 NDDpC SIACEIS 91ALL BC 4IXNAC. nt I,pxiAAC10P 91ALL SUllwi $SD Yl]NAI 10 nl( U1T EON QEVCW ANO 0 N PS (WNpI NA IHp.,U- ME J: L'IY DWItA UN II t 1T I pG-.HL vAYgYt- SI:O' I, FfNOND. N'RHOVAt fq% A ASWC'A .S. IM[ IS NDI XESPRN!iNAF i0R U ll Y NP URYAItLw f`RIINIXD UY ~RELJIIIINAi AY 1ARAYII,~IY OIH[RS SCOT I, lRN A A53ubA/C3, Mf.. NI,CONM!Vl "I At Pif IRLATCYi O 111E p/~~ N '(olNlg4i SNNl H US[D 10 VRCNMT (}J$I, YDINENt OR 0~5 RLOIYNG IRON IHC J. µl DISIVA$O NifAS 91X: PIttM PCRMAN1i1 KOTUSN' OONA AS W:3CHIilO AOVYL V~I~I~STML ?IIR NinN'liD ?~ulyN TO µY C'.LGAG ,Th, CH AUTACtNI 10 :'.N S,ICN.CI [7RAINAGE EROSION .I_ M[ CUl ON fN. A0?F5 W1H J IU 1 Oft CRtUICk SLOPE 91X1 BC CON:FTA WII~ lRD9W [UNINQ NATi:~NC Ofl IIYJALAIULCIIEO Wlil A NIXx7 IIBCk AND IACRRIEN AI 1 fGl/Apf. fi BENEM MARx. CITY U yWIOQi (I-1-D) Cw'S(lLR 'R lOCA1FV A! IIIE EpJI:~IM :I I~y~l n~ S,DIIM WARA pSCNAAC[3 fRW CIk7S1RVC110N MANnCS MALL NDt CAUSE ON IM7EA1[N WIY I I'1UL r 10 CWY POl1URUC, CONIANWADOtI Lw OFCRAOAAON IX wADPS a ny 51AD. 5. Nl 17t0A0N Ca+1PG MEA$UM5 SHNE BE IN3('CCIID D7 IHC DWNfA, CN UNNfP AVPROKD CORNEA O' A I:AICM UA94 lOCA1LD A7 HIE 50JiNW45Y COANEN Of INE IN1fR5l C':M ALtN 1, VIER N.l SIViu EKNIS hYY FRb9W CCNIRIX- NUAMES YRPCH ARE OANACfD Of (At0A0wAY ANO WNYCE AKINIf EILVAIICxI SSID,06 (p1Y Of DpADfA oAIIIN) AA99//~~~~'' }A~~~ v R 7,II I:AN RI IM3NNDANGS 91X1 M UE9CY~T 0. CONSIIN[lm AND C[NPtC RD ID UWI AIE PXIM TO Rf-t SIAM{91NEN1 CY YtQ IAIIK COKR gull BC REPUCED VINIOIADIY. A}~/~J~ ~E T.//"~UWA Iti'OSED AAU a ANY ffSNAIKD lN1O t0 INE AIORR51 POSS1BlC PCAIW Of RNE If REUTANN, ALL Mldl[ABLI GI7 Nq/OR SIAIC PCNNI6 ITA INNING 1D 1NC fNSCIlA9Of Of CNGNx)WAICR WSI 9E OBTNN[D IryApl 10 PRfVARAII(W a p~.DRI': I~OULDE~ CtJL^„•. 'i ;IUJI SIWA(S, 51RN11NR'S fOR P[TRIXEVY PkWUC15 ANO OIM0.' pYNKµS $NALL NAK P[NN~I NUxS /VYIJYA,IVM`/1 Nx WAiC PNO~ICCIION SO AS IO CONfAW All $X143 AND PRMNI IVY SPwIED 4AIfAW rNW fNTFAMG DIE STONN WARA 5131[11 OP wAl[PS OF AE SIATF. B A HNµ 51CAMwAICR PLN7 AMJ NEPORI IS REWIRED AI IECNNICAI DOCW9N1 R:~'nfw _ _ 10 nN` DISIWTOANC[ TU ICY?OkNti AND Pf1alAMNl BNP'S $NALL BE PFPAYKD OR RCRACCU B All 90fWN1tS ANU FTDISIRIAN NW ICY SHAD Bt' ADA COAMIINI, WITH A az NA%INJU c~cw~• p 'w I~~Y 4B IICNMS EADS$ NO?C ANO A 1x NAWWM LONGNpNµ 9URL AY'SOQATF35 II III[ NRCP[Nn OW:CR Ax0 SUBS[WCNI PROPERTY RWIFAS WLL BE PFSPON9BlI IOR cRll::Ull91g rN;t.ncCl; SHf NG)Ors c'(ri'WtfO COM+L AtiZ W1N A[ R[WINFNENIS Of DNS SCCAON, DlN+N1C aa+slNUCna, 1Y.: 5'YN 9..1 Uwle., rWCCO IgsJ ACIIN IY UN I'(S 1 ~ - ~ tII1) W ml 17- All ;tNl'„ItANY EA(ISION AND 9UMfNf DQYIANL NfA9iRf3 ;N.N_ HI NINI:KU AS. - - D]P01!U W;i1T .}0 RAYS N IIR LNµ 9n SiADIIIAADN IS ACl~it 4TC, pi AI "IN ;1•f N1,IR 0.1e SNM IN9•ry ~ 9 'EYPI;NNtY M(ASIINCS tilt 90 ION GM1R NI tDER, WI.(?II YFN [K:C .PS f•NS'- 4<n'Tep YY NTAN~JA$ 6/[I:/OE T-T 7l~ OTIINC~~6 Dran 'R_NNin ORNOgNon _ 0.lw _ R / I Ia.n.e N. OPA I__ _ arr cl~liYf Nr~I[-or(m_/ni 0 --i- Y• M2~ 511. M Dxh TsDL Rmx SRr Ne0 107,925 tl r'w*,sroi x,V amr~r.+)s 'J.2o6 s7 inwdmslodpuu n.ly5y ~ frxoykNyant 1,519) 1 Amt.raaAOdWe 1,712>I ` N nrox.,osm I+gy~ ) 5S0 il ~'w~ 45.501M ~ oo.ao.c.~aT.61o Baader 70aabhRL-2 Requiea PrrriaN 95,507 s1 ar In 125 >761~,na~.s re1J9 111111x` Tdiapsn slVOB g1,g70d 51,Ofa.A ~ TY?C Bedrma Pa AI:~Rrdlrea Pa'kirg PrwdoA UrN t B 4 i~ 7 14si2 0 4yrm~ 7 UM3 C 4p~ga J UrN4 8 41xb~ ] e. thd5 A 4ynnEla ~ J µ46 8 4po-s,44n J U 11 0 1 pns~ipp J Uru ft A 4D'x7srtb J UM 9 D 4 uasde J Uil 10 0 1 poulph is JD dlsaa vexes 20 nIBMaV dnkhyoprt ljxmat ra;gx,~„q J11cY I pfl slmet.•pxn C - /bb, iMy (VO) Wrs+9 +J n<iwoma. gansn, Wnuml l0 990 )aK1MB), x071 n 12 aLils aah'vao~fr Gxrptva. laern s•C Motpayi~ra sWdeN aulh ro rrlr uN pxaJe. Ip a laid?D daroara sWS lnrra rn 17 rmsl csr mnNma lur,~l4iuisn9;pagn M IM roR sttDm d M boPdaiae mm9s'g h a loll oa32 pvASg sp;rm Ip Pr ' dcm'op1eK ~111r1'7Wk Gruv dl ata 101,92$x(-I46dm`5+F Tw.rayprsprma 10 Gma Qaarty 4.OIdWaue 7,1167'45'01' ~a. ~ li - - _ - _fyreaCD2raws wNDar6a _~`J - - - - - 5 ? ~ PnoaalPeNm 12>pm . ne \ c I _ _ 1 - n - _ '6rstw)Grxwy h-~em. - - Mai hv- `P.. m J -J ifL / ~ i - _ _ e I'Nwcadlommvl un aa.ree I /!Aqua aw0.snOdrlla ~ / w-~ o~i ~ ~ ~ _ _ - H ImMIS 2(OB0UDS0 ry I ~ ~ 1_t~\~Y . ~ v' , ~ - - fr~~A ~ 3 7/-~~Er r«w~ ~iav~a I 1 • _ / Appomran ^7d'~ _ ~ ti - j'! ~1 - - ~ Y ~ 7 7 I ~began.aaecml ~ ' _ _ 20.0'Bu~ 5cm 1,~~ ~ ~ I _ I .I ~ ~rtf y~ 1,n~/r~,~ i \~WV.N arm I T / / I _ I I 7v ~ 7U ' 7 7 r 70.p I '!p, ~ - ~ ~ 7 ~~~W~~ r~St~D. ~ iE capr+piAaal6,mm,f~ - ~ ~a r;l ~ ~ I I ~ e I )))s ~ ~\A _ ~ , tr.v I ~ _ In JJJ m~~} ! I L, M1 nrlns2ro6ooBlB 1 ~ .I I , _ _ - ~ . 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't. l ` {',G~( • F i I ~ >`~'Gl~~ ~t' ~ A <i"k~~~ _I_ I t r - _~l~ ,y C t,C. - - - 7. r I.. . I I t'.~•, 'ay~~Y f nl`~ ~I ~ F,'F t ~S~r I I I It ~ ~ ~~r• h~lt~s. ~I ~ ~ .a~l. vv ~5.~^I"~~i~~Ci',I~ ~t ~ Ir ' ~ ' ~ ~ ~ _ _ - '~•i~ c ~_.r LANDSCAPE PUIi~ C~ ` f . _ . \ ~ I - - - ~ - ~ I_I. f_ ~ 1t~;- _ _ ~ - ( FO• R SUB~AITfAL~ 4..~~.~/• ~ ~ _ - y yv~%. ~r ~ {J I. 'll _ TI - _`.i ( ~ ( ~ I I ~ ~1~ ~li 1 E~~ 0/V~ I _ j - - L I -~I CI 111 i~C ~ . - ~ ~ .1~~: ~ ` I ' ~ , t„ _ - . rI ' t ~ \ ,1l i F:'~~f, ® IvT(1~~~} L^{. ~I'. ~ ~~ill ` ~ \ ~ k - t - _ _ _ - ' a _ I _ _ G . S 89'4 '38"IW ~Z1 .~:i' I ~ ~ -7fA~ i~ -i I ~ ~ r P' . tr .aw ,wr . ~n< - aeon r.7a PtANfU5T SUMIMARYCHART is k . ] DttTfCI~ LOLL nWlTfiT DIIPIR^OT CUe'CN 714E DOIN:IL Na'E 1DTa LOT D!ff 101,97! lF n.ll ~.y ew -~i~ -man n. r'\I,\ + ~ LfC.IL11Ok DHADE 7RELe IOTK At4J. NOT DOVEfBD DT DNLDPY+ \ _ OR PAAtOY LOT OUDt DP ~ ~ ~ _ - ~ ~ \ I ~ 1 {{~j~y7{/F~~ r.AP l 7' LA. - DtD a'nt++ DIME 1U71°lE ACF]G TwfpVNll'AlllllN nlAffi' f _ ~ E' _ _ _ LD7 e 7 l7' . 3' CA(.. DID fAii9lBPll2 LD7JFN i~LIA LLADATA 4 ' ~ ~~r I I 1/F 1 I I Q SD F~ ~ ~x g~ - NLaI D 7' CAl • Dln dNIXMDf IkltTj.CYiMr YA mIID1A TFVLAN1N00'D101NDT' torn Nu9DER0° PARLAY. DTALLD D0 D7 ~ Z- v ~ \l{ I NLT ~ r La. em Kvmmr CGiilFR1£D om+DCUara D ou ,t . `C yy \ ~ \ ~ I "h: ~ DoIt1MCa 12UC1aE iOTa NVMROF TiDFE9 b A % ~ 1,~ OAK ) TCAL-DID NA°ILENI FED ObC GIFmbRARa ~V +y 1 ~ ~~`I ~~.t i '1'/ •~i~l~i~.~ 1'~; Cli WtMK 11T~ED tOfx It°CEa LF eTREEi TFEEe a 7 ~~`~\(JJJJ~~~`S X ~Tf ~ ~ ~ v -r - K- ~ ~ e} ~ 1 L ~ ' ~ ~ ~ k ' ' a\ ~I ~ ~nw .¦a,. u ~.vc ..D.~a fora GIWLIffT LF ItIHr ;1ATE7tla . \ 1 T I }IIN7It( yyy! GRT 4 I'S'CAl•DID G0.DCMNTFSC KOEL9.MRIA PRitlLATA ~/'7~(~)My \ 4- -1 ~~1 ' t i V I ~ I ,~f"j ~~~I. fAk lp-~si43 ~ p~~ ._fy'/ l ~ ~ ~ ~~~~I~ ~ u111 r5?~~~,.OTf? 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BJ n5 LUt d 0T : Y 7x79( ~ - - - _ -I - - - ---I r I n ~ I m i- - - "I' n: a DLau7ED ro 1K oiY LOT 12 - - - r C - - r ` - lr(na - - t- - - , olc-AAr r7r7ia77c,' - rir 7a.7s ~ PADPa~ oN,Ts7Aa w n II D OUILOT A s Y. 7r slxc a BDUDOt TA M1 rr S1A AO(737 IAA[ YA ,L3 I YOOeM 0.0QI ISTAMq I OR ta0 i ~~1 (1,. ~ II 1. , r:v.' . Br 75.0 I I /~A(B~RRRT~7 A: 'INL IIOOfI 1ANti O I C7 J ¢5' MOC RW1C-Of-MI NSMQ7A1 Cl.l C J,•l wro I r'',,... ~ DmcA7m 7D nc on a BaADEN i~, N:. c:1<•1:1 iNF a[canoA No ,SA75n. CT! N ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 1 I I STORM WATER QUALITY NOTES I N, -w•(Nw. EA~~N (.~IX~ IAll,l,,- .alAl: I: N•."Ilrrt E[rt(e A„ EROSION CONTROL NOTES GRADING NOTES - „ (N A':IINMS IANE i'IACt N i SCI:D YAYII, iIWW SIMµ •ASIL• TANV YAS II NN AVT OIINN PdIUTANiS 011 AA51C dl 1 CAAa ANAY rAW FIUTANG$ Al A WYW 10; AO4 A 1Y HNS: 10111' AI ANY CONSINUCOPI SR YUIl Y CW INP.1lU INNWM 11Y VY a HY?$ AASn NOON 1. Nl 1w'SOI, MNN( RIryCN IT INUCNCNaf, 4WL ~ SNYAaD NO AV] ttYSPt YVlI LANOSLAP[ A0.'AY A'q A7 A YNNAM 7r SIAPC a AN IYKf 10 llil AI UN'IxYW; Frt CiR7G CWiNMAS 9Ull P( PAO'AaD A4? YNNINMID 0[ nIC DYMfA (K [WAlAC10R qE NyOy,p INW 110 91[, 1CYSPl AND DVINBUPaM 91NL 9f YCREG7m Aha ANCAS, F71[fPT AS NOm W CONSiNUCIIPI 985 MIfNi 11018 IS U¢ IVIINAN ION N[LLA,[ a YAY2 S10CMNLL0 YPAMILL Y. IP'$Cl AND OK1elYaN 91ALL UE A[DSROUnD YOOM 04 NNtWINMO YA51C MAi YAT BlOA, YASI IM DIIN NMY a R[lLARO INW IIE 9n IS wIAw,D MI A N IIN AOWI CNAANC ro PMORI[ A 9NTAI7l1 VNT IPI AAE/S M101 Iql 2 ORAOF APNCFNT ro 8Y4DW¢ 9NLL E AI ILASf QLDr /ro a 1 WNOADOM A' RIp119RD. $NNIAAY YA,Sif rA(AJ IIfS 91µI Uk PAOY1a0 ANO YABIIAM[O UT O!t OVMOI ~ YFD(D AW RAYI II D. AUNOR IAW SIOCNM40 ARA 91µl 9E CON mOLLlD f0 [N CJIIIHAC [lM. IAND54~Pf AflFAS. RBx71r IxoYW AND Insu7AM1 RPIANwNIN a AEmYNC YARx Scdlt: 1" = 30• NFADY NIAD COVCRf R, OA AMY MA'IlNN 5 MSW IING IRW '71L afAVNC a x1111ZCT ON , BAS[D ON IFY AOIOtk.,ND U¢T1( eSIUOr Ig7A1ND BY IOx Y 0.S5DPA7 % DAIN CWN'YCMI CW iFNNG OR IIYD UI 111N19'OIIIINa CM NN'l YhO II, 9ULL BC CW iNNfU W 8 MNYANINi YfJ IAOH C01TH MINI BE APPU[D 10 MSIUADEa AREAS AVD p0.^117NIB /PIIL IDOS. TIE fHTNE 97C IS WISLE rr I W 1[AA ROUOPWN. - - - - CCNSIMCiNM 985 (UR PN/HN IN9'OSN. RCII AR aANA YAifAINS R PPa1Y11L0. MAUN IA DAYS N NA IWN p1Aa IS IaACM7D a4 !NT POAMN a ,71[ 92 11Y11'1Y7N1Y xaTA,1N. CONK YIALL a NHRIfO WANN 11 DAYS iD a57lNIN0 ANFAS M00, YAY N01 A INS OAAMNO 6 BA40 bl A IA1D 51AiHT BV SCOII, COA d ASYAYA'il UArtU q IS 70 60 1. COxA 9fALL DE APPIIUI MNIIN IA DAYS 10 YIACOH SpL SIOCNAll S, ANTI SHALL BE BE AI IIIIN CVAOr. WI Wll LLTl UMYAMI fwi lplaA MA4 60 GAYS a/y/W. NNN iNAND f0A SIOa~6f$ n1A1 ME PMW09U 10 faYNM W FlAII IONQN 1HAN 50 CN LNONI UAYS ll)IPl81N(, YLDI.AIIYI l:OxN 'v1AL, (UNiISi 0/ ANNUµ RVFGNA;Y AI AO LL1S RS/A(FC- 3. IYI lVG1NYi a DIC NNM CNDJIO UIIUII($ 910'AA NIMCN ANL IYSD M IN( IIIID YIUID ARIAS 41A11 I! IIYLwOWACCIrD MTI A MJCD 11AEA AVU rAlAIIIU A, 1 ION/ACHE SUNNY BY SWIi, CVM d AS30C1AnS NIO. II1 IUCAIIwlS a 111[ WIOrRa10.wD NYP'$ 9WL BC nIR1YfNlID 10 PNINLMI IK MICAY a YDANxi IAOY CWSIAUC110N MINI p]IySI a AN AVVNOVlD CNWCN7 iQCAANi RI U Villl n[S YIOMI IIIXFpI AA[ BARD M SAID !AgKf AND YIf OAYAl10N 1'NUYDID DY 91ES. xmat nfAGWC a WD 91A14 NUl a NLOrcO ID [NI[R AIC T10RY WAlF71 4 ~ ~~(~H~ ~CImOR~9 AIL 91[/~N, SRD YIXiVAE ,a tIK 0,Y r011 BF11EY NA, DHNAS (M l,al YAY INaWL Nx DLIIY aMl[N IW UnI,IY IUi:AULD YNNCI'Y,. SCDII, PRELIMINARY GRADIN~ S,$R~ W YMnX$ a NN $IAII. Sl1NYl NI INAWD w110 RIBIIC TNYFIT 91N1 Df COA A ASSOC'A'l\'NC. 'S NVI MYRlSY1r ION VINIIY NI (AIYAHI l VNDI:INU UY «iYVKD NNNtOVµ 01111 NS sear!, f.OV R A}SOOAIr( etC M((WIH(IS IHAI DN IOCATCN (I t1~1 III~uD(Sa 11.11. },ND,O rNi(Y ID AAY accrx: ,x1. a, ADAaNI IN L, ,uHACI DRAINAGE AND EROSION e r:Pwla;fs s1AU a u9D ID rNtvrMl Wsr, YmYLNI IM oleos eIDMND rAW n+t ~ w wsluaxn AM a 31AII. Rlcnx [Yxu AnfNl xelunx caYA u asauueD ADDK I'iilY'I N'T Y,C ALL WI ON III! 'A CLAYS wIH ! IU 1 DR pEA DL SIOM $NAU, BE COx,¢0 Nnl [NG`VUN GDNIUa 4AlIAL tVl UY'UNINI'CllO MOI A Mw f!BW AAO 7APA9YR AI t ,W/AOII I. h~lSS' YMA. CIIY a BWLV!T I OIIYIIU ~a laARa Al IIIf SW MM 31 CONTROL PLAN 7. Si01a1 lA7EA PSCIIAAa51ApA CON5INDLDM ACOYIYS SHALL N01 WSC DN 7X7IAID1 ~ CURVIN p A CA7P1 BARN IQAILll Al IHE SW MN[51 CYWeN DI MI. INn Nk C'Itx1 '0 GAIISE POLLUiIpI, CDN,w1u1NW oN o[aaADADwI a AARk3 a DIE SEAR. ! NI 1 ND9W CpV1Aa IN ASUM$ sNNL BC aSPFCim BT IM OM+FA. oN IAIALR AWAON O a [wOAOAAr ANO OI/NCL AKMA. l1tAARP1 - !318.06 (CITY a tlOUID[A OAHU) 4051 BROADWAY ACIN,, NNN NI YtpIY Ix NIS ANT n10510N CCWIA0. N[I GINfS WNI N¢ OWAaD a ALL !ALAN O',5'UNBAN(FS YINI YC a51wA D. COIISTM7CIID AM [WPIL AD 10 WIT TN[ INIIOA 70 NC fSIAhINN[NI (I xaIAOK COKe SNNl Ep RERACFD IYYfrNA7llY 7, Y R[ppND, ALL ARLCABU Gn /IO/01 SIA1 W AY'IS I'1NINNtlIC 10 M [,PfpFA ARU tY ANY wA1DNaD IMO 10 DN gwltRTi IYxse7 PIA a aY[ [NSOIAAa a ORIIVAONAI[A YUSI K pB1AM0 IYAON ID vNf9ANA1XN w BIIILP}I, BOULDER, COLORADO ?(AYII RAN3 9 81AA $iwlACf SINUCMNS fal P[nlwW YIOOIICIS AIO ODYA MINwT y1/Ll NAx _ - ADFOUAR IN10RC11011 50 AS 10 CONIAe ALL SP11S ANO PA[xNT AY1 51'ALSD W7N8Al ¢ A NNN SIwMYAtEA RAN ANO ALPDRI O NLOUIYD Al 11 D1NCµ DOpNINI N[vd A _ _ - - - - - fAW fx1EAA10 nN' AONV IIA101 SYSnY al MAl1AS a 0f $TAlC 9. ul soEYUAS Aw Rtam6AM NWRS 91NL Yl ADA CfAYLAVr. YM A 7x YA,IwY / > ITT, ~x h A.9SOCIpT~Y ~ IU ANV wS ~:RNANU ID 1CYPVN/Al ANO YfNYAN(NI eYPT 91AU hC Af PAM[D OA NFI;ACLO MOSS SIDM AY:1 A SS YAYMAI IfAAtl,MNN 4p'1 F Ih1V 48 ~~WNS / SVIf ~'i+) fll [I OI V.C". a L rvtyC'' n0 VNUMRIT O,YN[A ANU SUBY'(Alall VAdNPTY pdY115 All Pr NFY'ON59I (ON / ~ -~5x INr. SI•n Bu,A+.. •i a~ ADAf C:r1iINUED COYRNWU Mh1 Ill! AfaRl[YI MIT a 11,T YCEN)M, pINNti CONTOM.IKN ~ - - ? I>o» xAA 1051 - CiMIY W M 97f - - - t FY"CNAHY LVP-T AM) `LUYI (f IN' N ~I ~I ]Y( .D w0 MMN Dv1~ $IYN ~w<.T m w'..N I ~ q-inlN i ~ r 1,. nN en qm<>r 6~02(OB 1'=50 OND<C G <xr u:A~.N Iw. .I 1~1. M~~A r.1n r_- / NYA~JA$ _ - NPA I (r11 e(WYfNI D)~Sp . NNCAN 7 OIY (GYVI)li ~/1J/~ '1 5 ~T ~ rol.lx i I ~+a!!~P![~2 1 iw>:.bemo wr,ned I rm~wMl.waronr 1J11ed ta,nnme kdfnm Rrl)d (naryy lcoeml !St9d MNnwo0A0uk1B l011y ~ Pwtdo.Ywnn~ ~ s~ T.e4 ~4<Eg1 BOq.~d hMnl a1,lDlslmae us,.~ rualt, t,u elMlee4 W,000~ f1.011e1 u~.t P ilA Ip Bedoau VaK'q RnyJM RN9RwY tlw I B 1 poebY J iH7 D Ipstle 7 lH7 C Ipos4lh J lM1 0 Ipasseb ] UM) ~ Ipaet~eb 7 tT16 B 1 paYlde J Ud 7 U 1 prwde ) Urt e A / pCWgl ) Ulil9 D / ~etl 7 uli to 9 / nmlde ~ 30 dl WCll SpYa 20nY~r6 Yi~prMln u«+a0r+.+e Y W dl sNYtpla Ikro IAMI (JOj(orHq WbYl rpolMl d/KfO,e1RYY/b?PE 16pb1 tl710 R tldt Unb Yr01 Gtr <mDeri IIFe M eroom0~n11uMbd Wk YeN W rrrp, W IkWd70FrdaJ Wh Itwerr ll~omgiidD>~P~BW~'1 M rMr uteo. d IpbopMm rtlu0rq Y a tddd7l pN.p 1p>o'f b/e dndoprvn t Gm lb ne 'Cn 4]5.1-113:><+n ~F ty.nlYiHtlr'urp: IQ awn dn~.k ~ rA p,,/mc e 8 -rimaclydu,seNVxz _ _ _ ~ o _ vp6715 BIE _ ~ n _AIk 3 _ -1- - - - r \ ~ ~yt J _ _ o j]!dF A2 ~ - ~b + _ _ - ~Un.. xv(v.rtc ~a1{ ---r i - r/L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r~7h$.1~t\~'tS{ _..b _ _ _ (uuq Graury buew~ =ualen -`B ~f.~ ~.fhoDwaiW^"14 kwY1, _ C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ rv 11671pB 0001 I w` a 666 j / ~ I 1 r / ~ _ - - - - /a F^,L~e~~ _ n p o _ _ ~ wow,wwrm.t I ~ j. ~ `i 4. \ ~eerrt:b~,w / r~ ~ r 1 ~ 7 ~ 1 vropar ana i~..reme / ~ I L ~ ~ ` m.o ss.o 1o •o•Buwp6dMCe~ i I i a I~ ? .,f.. u r.. (m.r _ _ I ~ ro~70010(OIO_ ~ Inwrwfl I ~ +r~.,,e I -;l t1 ~ .nssmcr~as V ' I I I I _ I it al~~ ~ _ p... n u+ I" q~; uM io uMV une urr twe Irrw>_ UNi/ Iraq, t,.ri Iwt } .I l_.. ,n~ J \ t.-~,.~frw~ ur iw.w~a w I ;?~~j_^ I 1~ pM~ ~I ~ .(t~~ ~ ~ -I ~ lu o ~ s• o.Wwro~nvyr+~n,n,l o~ar.p~+e~e I ~ f'r 1 ,..r ~ -av t J~.~ ~I I nu o•Mwlloennuve&m+d~ ~ _ I~ I'-?/'13'~1(y I ~ 'I' ,~~~rt\--r-nu-/(((mrs.ouc~ 1. / w I ~~r 0 , L _ I - - ~ v ~ ~cr~e ~..~i.~c 1 ~ ~rtoux~rwmnraduren- _ ire. r.rd e t u u -1 - i 4 - J I'ri~ ~ j _ O ~L'~~ _ _ Y~•t~~ - e t v h ! ~.t' - _ _ - - - .r. t a ~ - - ` rr % =1V~ . ~~"'1 SITE -PROPOSED _ - ~ -0u'li - - - ~ _ • _ S. 'v = ~ - M1 s ~ ~ FO~1ND; ALUMINUM 6AF' j _ . - _ - _ _ ~ ' _ - _ , ~.s _ ~ , T I . ~ t' _ ~ i G r ~ ~ * ~ 4051 NOR N BROADWA 7 7. 1 E90L1 E GO. 'r R ~ ~,y.~ 1 I i ; A. >,,I.e.-_ L , .y . / ~ ~ ,N{~:{{~. Il ' I ;-I t}Y I'-, : t`i! t h! 1' l ,16, y i t ~ i- '1'~ .'S : l1 1 ~ fr• 1~ { T +1J' i~ -a . I a .J. ..i.. fI ~.•~ylJ,f 7;T~~I 1.T ~ 1 i ~ f ~1 A~ -,pl. I. l t lfl L I li~,~,, I f;~ t ~ E ~ .I~I~iM : ~ I ~ __i~'- }~-k t~~~~ ~ I ~c ' i I ` . - , (T- I ~ } y •''f'. TV's - f,. 4 "I - $r l',fl' j4~ ,~1,7r .p t'~,n.tp .l'~ r^~1''~V I - a _a,~~r~~, ~ ~ ~ _ ~r'~ ~.i. _ LANDSCAPEPLAI I ~ - ~ _ - r ' i. ~ FOR SUBMITTAL' - _ s a I ; ~ _z- :,~i , a I ~ } ,r j ~ ~ . CITY OF BOULDE - . _ - ' s ~ y \ II I ~ UfU ~ , ~tr ~v~nl~` - I ~ ~ ~ ~ .~`e . ~i ~ ~ ~ Z l . -i t , ~ I ~ 1 ~ I I E~ I •.E ~ 4 ~ ~ t r ~ .:zv rl I ~ .All I, I 1 ( c ~v ~ ~ ~Y' r 1 -~7 ~ \ ~ ~ t- _ ~ . ~ ~ n i _ - _ - F .ti:..,. Fowl ' `tl , r 7 .I ~ - = S~89'4 '38" W 21. ; ~ ~.I ~`j~ "~r ~ o r - ~ euLS r.7r PU1NT USf SUMMARY CHART I » i V - . - ~ - OtttOl• r.Q•.E GLWifFt 111P/R0m CCt7"LN NAIL DOfANIC NA"[ .e .eo _ • F?° \ \d I , TmAL lm eiJF ~01,TS OF DECOUN• 1FIN' L 1132• imAl AREA Nm 40yBRED DT EICLON! ~ ~ _ ~ DRfAROrr Lm •IIe18F _ FNY 1 7' CAL . DtD M1PN IX.VR F41FLE ACER iIR~D1A4'~1'AIfNH B/n7E' n - - I _ _ LNOBCAPE~ARLN~ LIIMiF . I ~ -I F'L0T LFiIC - CETABIMI, RFGUIIFED F187rIDED _ III., .fl'[ Q.SO LM • 7 l0' • CAI. • D•D UfEDLM'IRE L00E}/ IRIA fOlB>AiA ~ - ~ ~ ~ 'f~ _ 1 ~ YEa'~i AU:Ie?ODCL071 ~ [ ~y , C k' ~ ) Na+ ! r e.w • aIe Dumas>T uaftt.aueT aamlreu rtaxmnae'dlmtner rmN I+roER DF r'~acn~ eidu.e ~o a7 ~ ~ / ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~ " { ~ - - ~ { - KGi a 7' ex • ew IcE7mAxr co+~E G11t10C~nDUe DIOGA 1ma N1TER a 1REee +o ~ ~ I 1 I ~ I r f ~ ~ DWCiAB A ROCt~iE owe ! r cAt • am NDRneRN RED oAx a~Elave RARd Tma FiRR:ER a elFeer mee 7 Y ~ < ,~{`~r 1 a C I ~ ~ t ~e.c.., eu,r c Laoec.•r:.~me,. 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