4 - Call Up: 2800 Palo Parkway Minor Subdivision (LUR2006-00012) . MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Karl Guiler, Planner lI DATE: August 22, 2008 SUBJECT: CALL UP I'I'I;M: 2800 Palo Parkway; MINOR SUBDIVISION of existing 9.7 acre lot into two parcels of approximately 4.6 and 5.1 acres. The roughly 4.6 acre lot would contain the existing Manor Care facility and the 5.1 acre lot would be used for future residential development (not yet proposed). Attached is the Notice of Disposition for subdivision #Lt1R2006-00012 to divide one lot containing the Manor Care facility, into two lots as described above. Staff has found that the application meets all zoning requirements and standards for a minor subdivision (Sec. 9-12-5, B.R.C. 1981). No development of the south vacant lot is proposed at this time. The application has been delayed since 2006 due to the city requirements for sidewalk improvements to be completed along Kalmia Avenue prior to recordation of final plat and also due to applicant dealings with their lender. The proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on Aug. 22, 2008 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before Sept. 5, 2008. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14-day call up period on Sept. 4, 2008. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Karl Guiler at (303) 441-4236 or guilerk Cn~bouldercolorado.gov. f CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services ~ ~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-12-5, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: APPROVED PROJECT NAME: MANOR CARE SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION: MINOR SUBDIVISION of existing 9.7 acre lot into two parcels of approximately 4.620 and 5.093 acres. The roughly 4.6 acre lot would contain the existing Manor Care facility and the 5 acre lot would be used for future residential development (not yet proposed). LOCATION: 2800 PALO PARKWAY COOR: N06W04 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Exhibit A APPLICANT: DAVID WAUGH OWNER: HCR MANORCARE PROPERTIES, LLC APPLICATION: Minor Subdivision Review, LUR2006-00012 ZONING: RM-1 (Medium Density Residential) CASE MANAGER: Karl Guiler THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Approved On: v-~~-08 Date By; - ~ Ruth McH ys r, Ac ng Planning Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: 1-~-~8 Address: 2800 PALO PY a Exhibit A A tract of land located in the NE I /4 of the N W 1/4 of Section 20, T 1N, R70W of the 6`h P.M., Boulder County, Colorado, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of the NE1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 20, thence N89°39'58"E, 61.24 feet along the North Line of the NW I/4 of said Section 20; thence S00°20'52"E, 100.00 feet to the Southerly Line of Outlot "B" in REFILING OF PALO PARK FILING NO. 1, a subdivision in Boulder County, Colorado, according to the plat thereof, and the Easterly line of that tract of land conveyed to the City of Boulder for additional right-of--way for U.S. I ligl~way No. 36 (28`x' Street) as described in instrument recorded on i~ilm 1547 as Reception No. 00942755 of the records of Boulder County, Colorado and the _TRUE POINT OF BEGII`'NING; Thence N89°39'58"E, 234.94 feet along the Southerly Line of said Outlot "B"; Thence N80°02'41 "E, 50.76 feet along the Southerly Line of said Outlot "B"; Thence N81 °31' 19"E, 99.27 feet along the Southerly right-of--way line of Palo Parkway in said REFILING OF PALO PARK FILING NO. I to a point of curve to tl~e right; Thence Souiheasterly, 25.68 feet along the Southerly right-of--way line of said Palo Parkway and along the arc of said curve to the Westerly right-of--way line of Paseo Ucl Prado in said REFILING OF PALO PARK FILING NO. 1 to a point tangent, said arc leaving a radius of 15.01 feet, a central angle of 98°01'35" and being subtended by a chord that bears S49'25' 13"E, 22.66 feet; Thence S00°27'06"E, 240.33 feet along the Westerly right-of--way line of said Paseo Del Prado to a point of curve to the right; thence Southwesterly, 171.27 feet along the Westerly right-of--way line of said Pasco Del Prado and along the arc of said curve to a point tangent, said arc having a radius of 340.00 feet, a central angle of 28°51'44" and being subtended by a chord that bears S 13'58'46"W, 169.47 feet; "I'hencc S28°24'38"W, 151.57 feet along the Westerly right-of=way line of said Pasco Del Prado to the Northwesterly corner of Outlot "C" in said REFILING OF PALO PARK FILING NO. 1; 'I~hence continuing S28°24'38"W, 15.93 feet along the Westerly line of said Outlot "C"; "!'hence S61 °43'36"E, 1.00 feet to the Easterly line of said Outlot "C"; Thence S61 °43'36"L', 15.11 feet along the Northerly line of that vacated portion of Paseo Del Prado as described in instrument recorded at Reception No. 2020068 of the records of Boulder County, Colorado; Thence continuing S61 °43'36"E, 54.23 feet; Thence Southeasterly, 14.09 feet along the arc of a curve concave to the Northeast to the Southerly right-of--way line oI' Loma Place in said REFILING OF PALO PARK FILING NU. I, said arc having a radius of 255.54 feet, a central angle of 03°09'33" and being subtended by a chord chat bears S63° 13'03"E, 14A9 feet; Thence 15.35 feet along the Southerly right-of--way line of said Loma Place and along the arc of a curve to the left to the Northeast corner of Block 2 of said R1:F11.ING OF PALO PARK FILING NO. 1, said arc having a radius ot~ 255.54 i'eet, a central angle of 03°26'33" and being subtended by a chord that bears S66"31'06"E, 15.35 feet; "I~hence S00°23' 1 I "F., 598.81 feet along the Fast Line of said Block 2 to the North right-of--way line of Kalmia Avenue and the North line of that tact of land, as described in instrument recorded on I' elm 1547 as Reception No. 0094276 of the rec~~rds of Boulclcr County. Colorado;