2 - Draft Minutes - Planning Board - August 7, 2008 C[TY OF BOULDER PLANNING BOARD ACTION MINUTES August 7, 2UU8 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers A permanent set of these minutes and a tape recording (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). Minutes and streaming audio are also available on the web at: http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/ PLANNING BOAIZU MEMBF,RS PRESENT: KC Becker Bill Holicky Elise Jones Andrew Shoemaker Phil Shull, Chair Adrian Sophcr PLANNING BOARD MN;MB[';R ABSENT: Willa Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Juliet Bunnell, Administrative Specialist David Gchr, Deputy City Attorney Karl Guiler, Planner Katie Knapp, Planner Ruth McHeyser, Acting Planning Director Elaine McLaughlin, Senior Planner Sandy North, Deputy City Clerk Robert Ray, Land Use Review Manager Susan Richstone, i,ong Range Division Manager Reina Sifuentes, Administrative Specialist Paula Weber, Administrative Specialist 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair, P. Shull, declcu-cd a quorum at 6:04 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL, OF MINUTES (fin a motion by E..lones, seconded by A. Sophcr. the Planning Board approval (S-0. P. Shull abstained. W. Jolu~son absent) the ,lone 19, ?00~ Planning Board minutes as amended. On a motion by 1?..loncs, scconclcd by Sophcr, the Planning; Board approved (S-U, P. Shull abstained. W. Johnson absent) the .luly 1(1. ?0O5 Planning Board minutes as amended. 1 3. PUBLIC PART'ICIYA"I'lON Kelly Davis, 2455 10'x' St. requested that Planning Board move Item SB, 1580 Canyon, to a future date. On a motion by F.. Jones, seconded by A. Shoemake?•, the Planning; I3oard continued (6-U, W. .Johnson absent) thepublic hearing and consideration of Site Review au~lication IILl1R2008- 000l2, 1580 Canyon to November 6, 2008. Bruce Dierking, 2595 Canyon Blvd. Ste. 200, spoke about the relocation of the North Boulder Armory. 4. DISCUSSION OF DISPOSITIONS, PLANNING BOARD CALL-UPS Call-up items: 1850 30`f' Street and 350 Ponca Place. The board did not call up either of these items at this time. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: ITEMS A. PuUlic hearing and consideration of a recommendation to City ('ouncil on rezoning of the property located at 3(103 Valmont, the 27-acre Orchard Grove Mobile Home Yarl: from Residential Medium - 1 (RM-I) to Mobile llomc (M11), I,UR2008-00069. Additionally, City Council requested that the Planning Board make a recommendation to the City Council on whether to initiate Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan land use change for the five-acre vacant Medium Density Residential (MDR) parcel located immediately to the northeast of the site. Applicant: City c?f Boulder Owner: Orcha?•d Court Development Company Case Manager: Elaine McLaughlin Staff Presentation F.. McLaughlin presented the item to the board. Owner/Applicant Scott Sinclair, 4847 Silver Sagc Court, Council for Orchard Court Development Company, presented the item to the board. I Ie noted that the. infrastructure of Orchard needs to be redone and the costs of improving the infrastructure arc substantial. Rehabilitation of the infrastructure is necessary in the near future and rezoning will preclude the ability to do this.He expressed concern that the City Council is seeking to down-zone the entire series of properties they own. 'fhe city's housing department is interested in purchasing the property for pcnnanent affordable housing which makes the applicant question council's agenda for rezoning the property. A. Sopher asked 1). Gehr to speak to Icgal issues about the timing of the rcroning. U. Gehr responded that the housing authority and the city arc separate organisations that work independent of each ~lhcr. Public Hearing The following members of the public spoke in support of recommending to City Council that Orchard Grove be rezoned to MH tuning. Ginger 'Lukowski, 3003 Valmont # 120 Greta ':Thompson, 3003 Valmont Rd #62 Lisa Ferreria, 3003 Valmont Rd i#2l 7 Paul Segal, 3003 Valmont Rd #41 13 1Vlark Robbins, P.O. Box 1024 (speaker pooled time with Matthew Kurek, 3003 Valmozat Rd #158 and Sam Alschuler, 3003 Valmont Rd #219) Rita Bowman, 3003 Valmont #1 S8 (speaker pooled time with Gretchen and Richard Williams, 3003 Valmont ~f78) Jim Paton, 3003 Valmont #123 F,li~abeth Allen, Boulder Justin Louder, Orchard Grove resident 1~liriam Parsoner, 3250 Oncal C'ir Jefiry Buechler, 3003 Valmont Rd #98 Nichole Kenneally, community member Ann Hunter, 3035 O'Neal Parkway Shelly Slinkard, 3003 Valmont ##161 Lynn Segal, 538 llewey Kristen Suppan, 2575 Glenwood Drive Mariana Yimello Ruben Garcia Board Discussion Board Discussion on Item A W Flolicky stated that because this item meets all of the criteria he supported the rezoning. Ile recommended that the land use code's definition of Manufactured Housing be considered further by City Council. A. Shoemaker agreed with W. Hoiieky. E. Jones agreed with both W. ;l.(olicky and A. Shoemaker. She stated that rezoning this land is an obvious way to protect and maintain a lifestyle and diversity with affordability. K. Becker agreed A. Sopher also agreed. P. Shull questioned if it was possible for the homeowners to purchase the park and if it is feasible to repair the infrastructure to create a resident owned mobile home park. He recognized the need to repair the infrastructure while maintaining and eziliancing the community. Motion On [l ]llOtl011 by W. Ilolicl:y, seconded by E. Jones, the Plannin~~ Board rcconunendcd approval {(~-0, «'..Iohnson absent) of Rezonin~~ RNVIe;\V #I,UR2008-00069 incorpciratin~ the staff memi?randum dated nu);ust 7. 2005 and the rCVIC4V Cl'ltel'la checkllsl as lindin<~s of fact and recommended that City Council direct staff to analyze the BVCP land L1Sf; dCSif;natlolt ChitllL~C t ii•om MDR (Medium Density Residential) to Manufactured Housing (MI-[) I~n~ consistency with RVC;I owls, policies, and elf zg'bility criteria. Board Discussion on Item B W. Holieky stated that the definition of Manufactured Housing might need to be revised to reflect the fact that mobile homes generally are not moved. IIe suggested re-evaluating whether or not residents should be allowed to take advantage of new technologies that might turn their mobile homes into permanent housing. 1-fe noted that once you remove the Chasse, the home becomes pcrntanent. A. Shoemaker wondered if mobile homes are actually more or less expensive than other affordable housing. P. Shull noted that mobile homes are not subject to the same regulations as permanent housing. He emphasized the importance of understanding the kind of compliance that should be expected from mobile homes vs. permanent ltousulg in energy efficiency regulations. Right now these housing developments are not subject to the same regulations due to the fact that they are on entirely private property. K. Becker expressed her confidence in the residents' capability to work with planning staff to resolve/address certain issues surrounding this item. She was impressed with the residents' ability to identify the questions, regulations, technical/legal use, financing, etc. surrounding these issues. A. Sopher mentioned that tote property owner and his stake in this item must be taken into coztsideration. He noted that if the board's decision does not please the owner, the owner will still attempt, to get what he needs. He pointed out that the owner has indicated a potential rent increase. It is important that this be understood in tcrnts of the board's recommendation to council. P. Shull suggested that Planning Board use a broad perspective and consider how mobile home communities can be redeveloped. He recommended making sure that council's actions result in some flexibility. The decision should be broad, and yet restrictive, to give people confidence that their investment is protected and make sure that owners are not denied their property rights. K. Becker asked if A. Sopher had thoughts or suggestions about how to ensure this protection for both the owner and residents. A. Sopher stated that if there is an interest in affordable housing the city should exercise some responsibility in making this happen. 'The land in question is not city property. It is privately- owned property, so it is not the property owner's responsibility to provide affordable housing. E. Jones asked why the five acre parcel is treated differently than the rest of the land. She asked for clarity as to why there was special treatment for Orchard Grove. ll. Gchr explained that in the mid 1980s the land use designation MDR was applied to some mobile home parks but that Orchard Grove and several others objected to the new zoning and there was a deal reached by council stipulating that the city would buy an annual option or first right of refusal and in exchange denied the re-coning request at that time. A decision was made not to enter into that option. P. Shull asked if there was any payment ever made. D. Gehr replied that there was no evidence that a check was issued by the city for this and it is not being paid now. E. Jones interpreted that the city intended to maintain this area as a mobile home park. D. Gehr agreed with this interpretation. 4 P. Shull asked how the current zoning of this parcel and the adjoining property (tlie area surrounded by residential Tones) became as it is. Ile questioned the logic and timing of this zoning. R. McHeyser replied that she would need to research this zoning. P. Shull stated that it looked as if there was a pattern of residential zoning. R. McI-Ieyser stated that the Mkt zoning was established alter this park was put in. "There was no MFI zoning at that time, RMl was closest to the residential planning of the time. P. Shull speculated that the owners might have fought the rezoning due to the fact that they wanted to re-develop or have it rezoned at a later date. He requested more information on this, specifically if the owners expected to have it re-zoned or re-developed. E. Jones asked what the date of purchase was for the five acre parcel. A. Shoemaker stated that the current owner's statement date of purchase was 1963 for the 27 acres and 5 acres in 1972. Then asked when the agreement occurred. Staff members answered that the agreement occur-cd in 1985. C. Pieropan noted that the Mobile Home zone was created when Boulder Meadows was annexed to the city and the zoning standards were largely based on the conditions of Boulder Meadows at that time. Vista Village was the only other park that was willing to have MH tuning since it was a condition of annexation for Boulder Meadows. Branding Iron objected to the MII zoning but the city rezoned it to MH despite their objection. P. Shull asked about the current condition of Branding Iron. C. Pieropan explained that Branding Iron no longer exists. She said that it was part of the Goose Creek Flood Control Channel that the city bought as part of an agreement with the owners. The city zoned it as MH. A few years later, the city acquired land for the Goose Creek Flood Control Channel project to the park. The owners sued the city for inverse condemnation. A settlement was reached and the property was subdivided. I'he part that was needed for the flood control channel was zoned public zoning and the part to the east was zoned commercial. P. Shull asked if it was by location or if it was due to the fact that the mobile home park was going away that the city chose to upzone the property as opposed to keeping it zoned as MH. C. Pieropan responded that according to the record, residents came to the City Council and asked that their park be saved by zoning it MH. P. Shull asked why the city allowed this area to become commercial since the criteria exists to maintain mobile home parks. C. Pieropan replied that, at that time, no policies existed to preserve mobile home parks. She stated that these preservation policies resulted from the lawsuit. W. Holicky said that the area needed for the required open space might impact the available development area. E. 1VIcLaughlin stated that there is a requirement for eight percent of this site to be designated for recreation. W. Holicky stated that it would be helpful to understand the site better and whether eight percent of the; 27 acre site must be used for recreation. >C. McLaughlin stated that the open space would net out to be 2.5 acres for actual area that could be developed. Roadway, right of way, the eight percent recreation area requirement as well as separation between units and 604 square feet per unit of open space would need to be removed in order to net out developable area. W. Holicky questioned if that would eat into the five acres by about half. 1!;. McLaughlin replied that it zmight, but the numbers would need to be verified. 5 W. IIolicky asked if it would he looked ai as non-conforming. A. Shoemaker supported the staff recommendation for further review. He stated that we need more information regarding the five acre parcel. E. Jones felt that they were lacking some basic information that would be useful in guiding us and giving greater understanding of the relationship of this five acre parcel to the 27 acre parcel. P. Shull weed that more information is needed. E. Jones suggested making a motion to council to postpone until a(ier the study session. P. Shull added that we should recommend t0 postpone judgement and asked if this were investigated under a normal process from the comprehensive plan update, when would that OCCUr. R. McI-Ieyser said if it were incorporated into the next major update it would be starting next year. It could be a concurrent request for comprehensive plan change and rezoning that could happen at any time A. Sopher asked P. Shull to explain to the community what the options are for the five acre parcel and the approval process for development and what the nature of site review would be. P. Shull stated that if there was a purchase contract and redevelopment opportunity the project would be subject to the city's site review process. D. Gehr confirmed that it would go through concept review and site review and would be subject to the full zoning review. He also stated tllat the comprehensive plan notes that the land use map is advisory in nature and the rules that apply to a piece of property is under zoning W. Holicky questioned if it would have to go through concept and site review due to the size of parcel. W. Holicky asked if the 27 acres has additional potential or is it currently non conforming in terms of the eight percent recreation requirement amenity. E. McLaughlin stated that it is eonforning. C. Pieropan stated that the calculations of the 27 and five acre sites do have additional potential. R. McIIeyser added that the only caveat would be the reconfiguration that would be required. A. Sopher added the issue of the review process would require a major public hearing process and suggested that all of the neighboring boundaries be considered. W. Ilolicky stated that right now, he would not recommend that this five acre parcel be zoned to MI-I. If there is no rezoning now then it would come under further review from the Planning Board and council call-up before anything could be clone on those five acres. Motion On a motion by F,. Jones, seconded by A. Shoemal:cr. (6-0, E. Johnson absent) lie ['lannlnr~ Board recommended to City Council that it is premature to initiate a land use dcsl~;natlon chanr;e until we have additional information from staff and until City Council Study Session on August 12. The Planning Board offered the following comments and questions: A. Sopher Said should not wait until the Comprehensive Plan. Becker asked why the history of this agreement would affect zoning F.. Jones added that she would like staff to clarify the question about zoning A. Shoemaker stated that it was irrelevant that the city did not pay the fee. G A. Sopher said he iclt ~h-angc about rc~oning the property because of a }car of sonrelhing being built under the current zoning and said it undermines the land use code anti review processes in place. He questioned if we wanted to change this zoning. P. Shull stated that owners most likely made improvements to their properties under the assumption or expectation that they had an agreement in place. A. Sopher asked fbr clarity on the process of zoning and zoning changes. K. Becker stated her concrnrnl with unintended consequences. P. Shull questioned why it was ever zoned RM1 and what justified changing the land use. A. Shoemaker asked what arc the long term affects of mobile home housing vs. traditional affordable housing and what will stay viable over the long terra. Which one stays affordable Ionger and therefore will provide the most long term affordable housing solution for the city. A. Sopher asked to hear from the Affordable Housing Department and what the options arc for a joint partnership between the city and homeowners. E. Jones agreed with A. Sopher in terms of a joint partnership between the city and land owners in the area to maintain affordability in existing housing stock. R. McHeyser restated the question to address the issues and concerns of the residents and the long term viability of the site. P. Shull suggested including the buyer in the process. E..lones asked staff to explore ways of maintaining affordability and sufficient infrastructure. A. Sopher raised a umcer~ of how we are connecting these ncighbo?-hoods. W. Holicky under both scenarios asked what can happen long and short term and asked what is allowed anti what is not by right and by review. R. Mcleyser stated under mobile home zoning there would be regulations. A. Sopher requested that lire board review the draft minutes before being sent to City Council. R. McHeyser noted that council will not get the minutes in the next packet. G. `'[ATTERS rROM `I'HF. PLANNING BOARD, PLANNING DIRECTOR, AND CI`CY ATTORNI4:Y The board recessed at 8:58 p.m. and resumed at 9:03 p.m. S. Richstone provided the board with information on the DE'I' Study. R. McHeyser updated the board on the City Manager search and Planning Director selection. ll. Gehr updated the board on the Thunderbird Burger case. The board commented opt the llowntown Design Advisory Board (DDAB) and Planning Board process of review re: 1580 Canyon. P. Shull recommended that this item should return to Planning Board for another Concept Review prior to Site Review. R. McHeyyser did a calendar check-in to dcter~nine if board members are available for a lius tour Sept. 18 and or Sept. 25, 2008. 7. DF,I3RIEF+/AGH;NDA CH1?C'K 7 8. ADJOURNMENT "I'he Planning Board adjourned the mccting at 9:42 p.m. APPROVED Bl' Board Chair DATE