4 - Call Up: 1850 30th St - Use Review (LUR2008-00028): Request to locate a PetSmart PetsHotel within the relocated PetSmart store currently located at 2982 Iris Ave M I',iVIORnN ll U M
'1'c>: Planning Board
FROM: Jessica Vaughn, Planner I
DA~rE: July 24, 2008
SUBJECT: Call Up Item: 1850 30`?' Street
US1'? RE;VIE~V: Kequest to locate a PetSmart PetsHotel within the
relocated 1'etSn?art store currently located at 2982 Iris Avenue. "Phis
approval is subject c~?11-up o?1 or 1~cfore A??gust 7, 2008.
Attached is the disposition of approval for a Use Review to allow a PetSmart PetsHotel
within the relocated PetSmart store at 1850 30`x' Street.
'CI?c site is zo?ied BR-l , Business Regional- l ,which is defined as "business areas of the
Boulder Valley, containing a wide range of retail and commercial operations, including
the largest regional-scale businesses, which serve outlying residential developn~ient; and
where the goals of the I3oulder Urban Renewal Plan are implemented" (Section 9-5-
2(2)(H), B.R.C., 1981). PetSmart is proposing to locate a PetS~nart PetsHotel within the
relocated PetSmart retail store. Animal kewlels may only be approved in tl~ie BR-1 zone
district th?-ough the Use Review process.
Existin;~ (:ozzditions:
PetSmart, Inc. proposes to relocate the PetSmart retail store currently located at 2982 Iris
to 1850 30''' Street, the Conner Albe?tson's New Market Square location behind 29'x'
Street. Approximately one-half of the former Albertson's retail space (56,168 square
feet) is currently occupied by Ross Dress for Less; the proposed project will consist of
the remaining 23,992 square foot retail space, to be comprised of a retail sales area, a
veterinary health facility and a PetSmart Petsl-~otel, including boarding, grooming and
training facilities, and supporti?~g offices and storage.
Adjacent cone districts to the site include, Business Regional-} (BR-1) to the north, west
and south, General Indust?•ial (1-G) to the east, and Public (P) to tl~e southeast. T'he 29`x'
Street retail center is located directly to the west, and an additional retail strip is located
directly to the north; both inch?de retails sales and eateries. Within the I-G zone district
there are office, warehouse and research uses. The P zone district is comprised of uses
for the City of Boulder Police Department.
Adclitiozzal Use Review Use lletails:
The hours of~operation for the new store will be Monday tlu•ough Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to
9:00 p.m. and Sunday, 10:00 a.?n. to 6:00 p.m. with drop-offs for grooming appointments
and hotel reservations as early as 7:00 a.m. The peak transaction time across thirty-four
Sto]"CS 111 C;OIor~Ido IS at ~:0~ p.Tll. ~~londay throug~l I'l~lday and ~:0~ p.m. on ~atLlI~day Lind
Sunday. "I'he Petsl iotel drop-offs generally occur in the morning hours between 7:U0
a.m. and 9:00 a.m., before most retailers are c~hen, and pick-ups typically occur between
4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.
The Petsl-Intel will be open to the public during the regular business hours of the retail
store. The PetSsrar-t PetsHotel is staffed by at least two trained associates 24-hours a day,
seven days a week.
Additionally, the PetSmart PetsHotel will operate under a Management Plan that
addresses noise and odor mitigation, please refer to Exhibit A of the Disposition.
Staff finds that this application meets the Use Review criteria set forth in Section 9-2-
15(e), I3.R.C., 1981 in terns of consistency and compatibility with the existing zoning
district, providing a direct service to the surrounding neighborhood, and not adversely
impacting the existing infrastructure.
This proposal was approved by Planning and Development Services staff on .1uly 24,
2004, and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or befoz°e August 7,
2008. There is one Planning Board sleeting within the 14-day call up period on August
7, 2008_ Questions about the project or decision should be directed to Jessica Vaugi~n at
(30 44l -4161 or vaughnj~~bouldercolorado.gov.
/~/~,`j~~r, Planning and Development Services
`7~ ,
1 /39 f_3roudwuy; Third door P.O. ~',ox 791; Boulder, GO 80306-0791
phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web bouiderplandevelop.net
You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the
standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to
the proposed development.
PROJECT NAML: PetSmart-PetsHotel
DESCRIPTION: USE REVIEW: Animal kennel use for PetSmart/PetsHotel, including
overnight boarding of animals and doggy day camp in 4,883 s.f. area of
PetSmart retail store.
COOR: N03W03
City of Boulder, County of Bouider, State of Colorado
AF~PL.ICANT: PetSmart, Inc.
OWNER: Boulder Market Square U3, LLC
APPLICATION: Use Review, LUR2008-00028
ZONING: BR-1 (Business Regional-1)
CASE MANAGER: Jessica Vaughn
VESTED PROPERTY RIGI-IT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right
under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981.
Approved On: , - U
Ruth McHeyser c it Planning Director
This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning
Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be
deemed final fourteen days after the dale below mentioned.
Appeal to Panning Board expires: August 7, 2008
Pursuant to Section 9-2-12 of the Land Use Regulations (Boulder Revised Code, 1981), the applicant
must begin and substantially complete the approved development within three years from the date of final
Address: 1830 30TH STREET
:approval. Failure to °suhstanti~rlly cort~,~lcte" (a;: defined in Section 9-2-12) the development vdithin three
years shall cause this development approval to expire.
1. Tt~e Applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be in compliance with
all approved plans dated Jrrly 24, 2008 and on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department.
Portlier, tl~e Applicant shall ensure that the business is operated in compliance with ltie following
a. The Applicant shall operate the business in accordance with the Management Plan dated
July 25, 2008 which is attached to this Notice of Disposition as Exhibit A and incorporated
herein by ll~is reference.
2. Tl~e Applicant shall not expand or modify the approved use, except pursuant to Subsection 9-2-
15(h), B.R.C. 1981.
Address: 1830 30TH STREET
t?~tut~rr ,a
Mai~a_;~ement Plan,_PetSnrrrt with PetsHotel
PetSmart is pleased to announce that we evil) be relocating our existing store at 2952 his ,Avenue
approximately two miles south to 1550 30th Street the former Albertsons Space near Crossroads
Mall. This move will allow us to offer our full range of merchandise and services, including otn•
PetsHotel, front a new more convenient location.
PetSmart is the leading worldwide operator of retail stores specializing in the sale of small pets,
pet food, supplies, accessories, veterinary care, pct grooming, training, and boarding services.
The vision of PetSmart is to be the preferred provider for the lifetime needs of pets. In this
respect, PetSmart provides the total lifetime needs of pets such as adoption, nutrition, health care,
shelter, and proper pet and owner education. In keeping with our vision, in lieu of selling clogs or
cats in ow stores, 1'ctSmart offers a portion of ow- space to local animal protective agencies to
facilitate the. adoption of pets. This is an ongoing endeavor to enil euthanasia of tmwanted pets.
PetSmart is committed to being a good neighbor to nearby residents as well as neighboring
tenants in the shopping center. Any concerns or complaints from neighboring residents or
tenants, whether received by the store, city staff, or- our corporate oftice, will be followed up and
addressed promptly. If the store receives a complaint., and it can be addressed by the Manager on
Duty, the problem will be con~ected within 24-hours. if the problem is not addressed in 24-horns
it will be escalated to the Store Manager, District Manager; and Regional Manager accordingly.
If the natw•e of the problem outside of the Manager on Uuty's or Store Manager's immediate
control, the issue will be escalated to the appropriate Property Manager at our corporate: of#icc.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, our Facilities Department and/or Legal DeparUncnt
will work diligently with the Property Manager to resolve the issue. In additions to the normal
channels, issues can be submitted to our Customer Care [iodine at I-558-539-9635 twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week.
Petsmari currently operates approximately 1,000 stores throughout North America; approximately
100 of which include our PetsHotel boarding service. "fhe new store will be open Monday
through Saturday, 9:00 am to 9:UO pm and Sunday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm wish drop-offs for
grooming appointments and hotel reservations as early as 7:00 am; the same as our existing store.
This location will employ approximately sixty-five safety and pet behavior trained associates. All
PetsL-lotel staff undergo pet safety recertification annually. The PetsHotel will be open to the
public during regular stare hours, and for the security of our guests, will be staffed by at least two
trained associates twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
PetSmart's peak transaction time across all thirty-four stores in Colorado is at 5:00 pm Monday
through Friday and 2:00 ptn on Saturday and Sunday. With the PetsHotel we generally get drop-
offs in the nx»-ning Prours between 7:00 am and 9:00 anr; before most retailers are open which
helps with parking load. Pick-ups generally occur between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm-
Product deliveries generally occur twice a week between the hours of 5:00 am and 5:00 pm.
Trash pick-up usually occurs after 7:00 am and is initially scheduled for twice a week but may be
adjusted as required. Both delivery and trash pick-up times can be adjusted to ensure compliance
with city ordinance and any private covenants that nr<ty encumber the property. Petsmart will
make a reasonable effort to align trash pick-up with our regular delivery days, with the
understanding that trash pick-up is provided by and is subject to an independent service
provider's schedule that is not ?eeessarily in the immediate control of PetSmart.
Manager~lcrtt flan
PetSmart Store H 1915
July 25, 2008
Page 2 of 3
It is important to PetSmart that our store does not create a negative impact upon the Shopping
Center or our neighbors. Accordingly, PetSmart spent seven years designing, constructing and
operating 10 PetsHotels before launching this exciting new service in 2004. Cun-ently, there are
more than 100 PetsHotels in operation throughout the United States and Canada. We have
incorporated our key lessons into our current design and operating procedures.
Sounc~_ "The PetsHotel will not cause a negative impact upon the Shopping Center,
surroundinh residences, or ow• store customers attributable to sound. The Petsllotel is
designed with numerous full height fully insulated metal stud fi-an~ed partitions that break the
hotel up into smaller isolated groups of dogs (sound). Compartmentalized sound source coupled
with dropped acoustic ceiling and block exterior walls, prevents any nuisance caused by sound
from within the PetsHotel on the sales floor, in adjacent tenant space and outside the building.
Our design and corLStruction utilizes:
¦ bull height 6-inch metal stud walls that are fully insulated.
• llropped acoustical ceiling. Creates an air-gap between the sound source and the
insulated roof deck, an excellent means of sound deadening.
¦ Typical commercial construction ($-inch CM1J block exterior walls) provides enough
sound deadening that "sound proofing" (scientifically speaking) is not necessary.
In order to confirm the above inti~rmation, PetSmart commissioned a sound study by Dominion
Environmental Consultants, Inc. The sound study measured whether there was any impact in an
adjoining tenant space when all dogs were barking. The study concluded "Sound levels fi-orrt the
dogs barking at both locations were either not audible or were below the ambient noise level..."
Odors. The Yetsliotel will not cause a nctiative inrpacf upon the Shoppin}; Ccntcr,
surrounding residents, or our store customers attributable to odor-. -1-lie Petsl-iotel and the
operating policies and procedures are designed to prevent any nuisance caused by odor to other
tenants in the shopping center, surrounding residences, and most importantly, our customers and
guests. Odors become offensive when the source is confined and the smell is left to concentrate.
PetSmart prevents the huilct~uy of odors in our stores .and PetsHotels by installing top of the line
roof top heating ventilation and air-conditioning {I(VAC) units provided by our national account
vendor, which ensures consistency and duality. All of the roof top f IVAC units that supply the
Petslfotel are heating and cooling units with hospital grade filters as welt as ultraviolet light
treatment to destroy odor causing bacteria that may be in the air. The entire HVAC system is
balanced to the proper air turnover rare to ensure that any odors in the facility can not concentrate
to offensive levels. All of the HVAC units are thermostatically controlled and monitored by our
electronic energy managenrcnt system.
Another measure that goes a long way in ~rLevenjitig odors is the prompt and scheduled removal
of pet waste. All pet waste that occurs in the PetsHotel is picked up and Flushed in the sanitary
sewer system via dedicated toilets in each of the relief rooms. Solid pet waste is collected as it
occurs, generally in the relief room, and flushed into the sanitary sewer system. t~lushing the
waste prevents offensive odors one would expect from your typical boarding facility that collects
the waste and disposes of it in a dumpster.
Additionally, the PetsHotel is designed with a sanitary waste Line shat connects directly to the
sanitary sewer line. The PetsHotel design includes a Relief Koom, a room with unique floor
textures and odors designed to encourage pet waste to occur in this room. Solid pct wastr (dogs
Managenrcnt flan
PetSmart Store #1915
July 25, 2008
Page 3 of 3
only) is pic!<ed up as it oecuz-s and flushed directly into the sanitary sewer system via dedicated
toilets in each of the relief rooms. Biologically, dog waste is no different than human evaste
therefore it does not require treatment any different than what is ah-eady in place by the municipal
treatment liicility. In addition, all dog rooms and suites have a screened, trench drain system to
facilitate frequent cleanings. A hose reel system is used to wash any liquid Let waste down the
trench and regularly clean dog rooms and suites. 'french drains and grates are checked for
debris and sanitized at Icast weekly. Depending on use, the drains and ;;rates may be
checked and cleaned as often as once a day. Pet waste from our feline guests occurs in
individual litter boxes with natural pine based media which is disposed of in the garbage. All
trench and floor drains are screenedigrated to prevent hair, solid waste, and other foreign objects
from entering the sanitary sewer system.
In order to confirm these practices, PetSmart commissioned an odor study of two operating
I'etsHotels by the Taste and Smell Laboratory at Duke ~Jniversity Medical Center. ?he surrunary
of their report is as follows:
"Odors ra~ere evaluated ut PetSnlarl/Pet.rHotels in Car•>> and Raleigh, North
Carolina. The odors were either nonexistent or insi;tli~ccrnt, .and ra~ere far less
than those at most cvmnlerciul establishments in the .carne geographical
V7CIrTlty. fll1)~ faint odors thin were perceived were rated as pleu.cant ar nctrtral.
Overall the odors at PetSmart/PetsHotels were lower them those odors
measured crt a luggage cnld gift store, calendar store, leather store, food cold
cooking supply Slare, deparnrrent store, chicken sandwich shop, perfiune store,
doughnut s11op, gifl card ,store, gift shop culcl phvtograplrt> shop. lhrrs, most
connnercia! establishments have odors Ihat are greater than those mecrszn•ed a1
PetSmart/PetsHotels. "
City of Bou Ider ilicin ity Map
BC-2 C,s~ .
- ' - Walnut St
Subject Area
1850 30t1~ St
• I
_ -
- ~ Si.~ta~c I't i
RL-~ Arapahoe AW ~
Location: 1850 30th St r
Rroject Name: PetSmat7-PetsHotel c.`rr~~ ref"
Review Type: Use Retrieve _ _ _ I~!~ttlcler
'lie Ir^rrrniAiu~~ r)r•p!rinrJ pq Ihls rn6p IS pror~l lsc
Review Number: L UR2Dt?8-OC}028 ~r. pru:..r r.:f raat,rta!i,n only Thr.:;it~~ ,r U:u d,a
lift ,::tdF; ro °'crrenf•,'. r.:p rPSdPtl cr Imp IeC n~ in
1 Inch equals ~10U f~0t ,t:a arcur:r.y arr,!;-rant plalynr:;-r`1hr: r`.~rra i'ni
Applicant: PetsMart< lr~c
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PelSmart and its architect or engineer wip work with the city, to include uaoxroleuuxrs ~ vr,wNnonrwl,a.vWna
in the architectural plans and builQ~ny design, the necessary grease cur°w Iw tl°~ ~
interceptor requued by code PetSmad has confirmed wi!h Edc Saunders r \ f
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