5B - Handouts - Consideration of a recommendation to the City Council concerning the 2009-2014 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Open Space Board of Trustees motions -Budget and CIP - 07/09/08 Return to Board & Staff Allyn Feinberg said that she was primarily concerned about the Lottery Fund allocation reminding the Boazd that the agreement was to return to the original allocation formula ($150,000 to Greenways, $100,000 to OSMP -for deferred maintenance in Mountain Parks -and the remaining balance split 50/50 between OSMP and Pazks & Recreation) after the two-year deferment of OSMP's shaze to Parks & Recreation. The new allocation proposed by [he City Manager's Office is a departure from this commitment. Allyn thought it would be important to either return to the original allocation agreement or come up with a settlement on how this will be negotiated for the next six years. Delani clarified that Allyn's intent is to settle on an arrangement for allocation now rather than having to reevaluate it again next year. Pat Billig and John Putnam agreed with Allyn's recommendation. Mike Patton admitted that the ambiguity would make planning more difficult for the department. Allyn asked if an "either/or" recommendation would be appropriate. Mike Patton said that the Board could either give staff direction for conversation with the city manager or make a recommendation to council by a motion. Allyn reiterated that her preference was to return to the original agreement if the recent proposal would not extend through the six-year life of the CIP. MOTION Allyn Feinberg moved that the Open Space Board of Trustees approves and recommends that City Council approves the appropriation in 2009 of $26,036,018 from the Open Space Fund and the General Fund to cover the 2009 Open Space and Mountain Pazks Deparnnent expenditures and transfers as outlined in this memorandum and related attachments. John Putnam seconded the motion. VOTE The motion passed unanimously. MOTION Allyn Feinberg moved that the Open Space Board of Tmstees approves and recommends that Planning Board and City Council approve $4,150,000 annually from the Open Space Fund CIP 2009 through 2014 budget as outlined in this memorandum and related attachments, with the exception of the Lottery Fund. John Putnam seconded the motion. VOTE The motion passed unanimously. The Board decided to make recommendations concerning the city's Lottery Fund CIP as a separate motion. MOTION Allyn Feinberg moved that the Open Space Board of Tmstees recommends that City Council use the original formula for allocating lottery funds (Greenways - $150,000, Open Space and Mountain Parks - $100,000 and the balance split 50/50 between OSMP and Parks & Recreation) as articulated in documents from the city manager's and budget offices including, but not limited to, the next six-year CIP, or the Open Space Board of Tmstees approves the allocation as recently proposed by the City Manager's Office (Greenways - $150,000 and the balance split 50/50 between Parks & Recreation and OSMP) as outlined in the memo if, and only if, said allocation will be in place for [he six-yeaz CIP, 2009-2014. John Putnam seconded the motion. Mike Patton noted that the original agreement, prior to the two-year deferment of funds to Parks and Recreation, was along-term agreement which would extend beyond the six-yeaz CIP. Board members agreed that this allocation is critical for the department to cant' out [he commitments made by council in order to move the Visitor Master Plan forward and [o fulfill the expectations of the public. VOTE The motion passed unanimously. rnuri;ty su~ta;,,~~ ~I,o'~''~~~,ey C©mpr~~~ ~~i~J,, ~ ~ ~,a~- 's~ r;,~ Business Plan Department Subcommunity ~ Fiscally constrained Strateg iCf and Master Plan Area Plans .Vision Ay operating Gapitallmprovement Development Budget Program Standards and Zoning Capital Improvement Projects 2009 through 2014 eµ G`y d- ~c^~. 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Gree Color Designating Year of Project $`t f ~ 2009 2012 °1 2010 ~ 2013 ~ ~e/jj ~ 2011 zola s9h ~ 15 Department Symbology ` Rd p Ftd NPLNI Flood Control Utility ~ ~ \~Y o ~ vale ~~lNl Transportation ~ ~i \~J s U WI Tributary Greenways ~ ~Wl Water Utility 136 . Parks and Recreation ~ ~ l~ ~ General Fund ~ ~ ~ ~ its Open Space 8 Mountain Parks PW! Facilities & Asset Management ' f-? PWI Flood Control Utility MershaU~ ~ PWI Municipal Airport ~ Lake r PWI Transportation ~ PW/ Tributary Greenways PWI Wastewater Utility PWI Water Utility A Parks & Recreation ~A; Downtown University Hill E ` ~ Municipal Division k Cjeck ® Open Space & Mountain Parks 135 ® PWI Flood control utility - 135 Roc Roads Arterial t~; Highway Street Hydrology Lake . ~ - Creek City Limits ~ Area 2 ~ ~ ` _ ti y „H.~. ' ~t m. ' , ~ r~