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5A - Handouts - Continuation of a public hearing of the Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA) decision on Docket No. 2008-1; appeal of... the Nitro Club operation at 1124 Pearl St
NITRO CLUB SALES December 2007 Total sales 40,356 20,703 cover charge 13,980.50 beverage sales subject to food sales tax by city 5672.50 vip membership sales January 2008 Total sales 44,222.50 21,388.00 cover charge 18,511.10 beverage sales subject t food sales tax by city 4323.00 vip membership sales February 2008 Total sales 38,226.25 18,434.00 cover charge 16,931.25 beverage sales subject to food sales tax by city 2881.00 vip membership sales March 2008 Total sales 28,157.00 12,822.00 cover charge 12,935.00 beverage sales subject to food sales tax by city 2400.00 vip membership sales April 2008 Total sales 24,435.75 10,323,00 cover charge 10.915.75 beverage sales subject to food sales tax by city 3197.00 vip membership sales/alcohol consumpfion Mav 2008 Total sales 35,714.75 12,557.00 cover charge 16,957.75 beverage sales subject to food sales tax by city 6200.00 vip membership sales/alcohol consumption June 2008 Total sales 25,935.95 7919.00 cover chazge 14,704.95 beverage sales subject to food sales tax by city 3312.00 vip membership sales/alcohol consumption Nitro seldom explosive Page 1 of 3 ~ 1 ~r• _ Nitro seldom explosive Strip club's neighbors generate more police calls By Ryan Morgan Sunday, May 4, 2008 A strip club that opened just off the Peazl Street Mall late last year has gotten plenty of attention from the public and the city of Boulder but not much from the police department. Police records show a total of eight calls for service to Nitro Club since it opened in December. That puts the strip club at the low end of bars in its neighborhood when it comes to law-enforcement attention. Of seven bazs between Peazl and Walnut streets, from 11th Street to Broadway, Sundown Saloon had the fewest calls six while The Foundry and the Walrus Saloon tied for the most 34. Michael Gross, the attorney who represents Nitro Club's owner, Michael Cobb, said he's not surprised by the low numbers. "If you run a good business, you're not going to have a lot of police calls, and if you don't run a good business, you will," Gross said. "This is just about the quality of the business. Mike Cobb intends to be a long-term member of this community." Gross could be busy defending the club for the next few weeks. On Thursday, members of the Boulder Planning Boazd decided to review a zoning boazd's decision to allow Nitro Club to be considered a restaurant, which wouldn't require any regulatory review. If that designation is nixed and the club is instead classified as an "indoor amusement establishment," its owner would have to take it through a use review process before the Planning Boazd and possibly the City Council. 'A pleasant surprise' When the Nitro Club quietly opened its doors late last yeaz, it came as a surprise to just about everyone - - including police. Boulder police Sgt. Lauri Wegscheider, who patrols University Hill and also downtown, said she and her colleagues were worried it would cause problems. "I really think we thought,'It's going to be temble,"' she said. "It's been a pleasant surprise that it hasn't been drawing that big of a crowd." Wegscheider said she typically looks for one thing when trying to figure out whether a bar's going to result in a lot of calls: the amount of liquor it serves. "What kind of specials do they have and on what nights do they have those specials?" she said. "When aze the ladies' nights? If they're having two-for-ones, those aze also the things I know are going to cause http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/may/04/vitro-seldom-explosive/?printer=l/ 5/5/2008 Nitro seldom explosive Page 2 of 3 more people to become more intoxicated." Nitro Club doesn't serve liquor, and only a subset of its customers those with memberships can bring and drink their own. That, plus the lack of "wall-to-wall" crowds at the club, especially compared to other downtown bars that aze packed with partiers, helps explain the lack of problems, Wegscheider said. "We just don't have a lot of calls there," she said. "A lot of the students -the of-age students they more hang out at the Walrus and The Foundry or at Old Chicago. It's not a place where they're going, unless it's for a bachelor party." Police responded to Nitro Club twice on "attempt to locate" calls, typically made when an officer is trying to fmd a specific person. Four calls were classified as "pedestrian contacts," which means officers were helping passers-by. Those calls didn't result in police reports. There was one call for a disturbance and one criminal mischief complaint which Cobb, the owner, called in himself when someone stole a disfinctive skull-and-crossbones sign from the club's door. Unlike two of its neighbors, Nitro Club has not had complaints of indecent exposure. One of those was to Old Chicago, which had 22 calls for service from Dec. 1 through last week. The other was to Walrus Saloon. The numbers don't include "baz checks," which typically happen at officers' discretion. 'A stripper strip' Crystal Gray, Boulder's deputy mayor, said she's glad to hear that police haven't often been needed at Nitro Club. But, she said, she still thinks the city should pass regulations limiting where "sexually oriented businesses" can open. "If you look at the metro azea, there aze reasons that people do regulate sexually oriented businesses," she said. "It's because there has been a pattern of extra resources needed for these businesses. That's one of the reasons that cities regulate them, and want them to be in certain azeas of the city usually away from residential neighborhoods." Gross, the lawyer who represents Nitro's owner, said studies haven't been able to find a consistent correlation between nude clubs and increased crime. City Councilwoman Angelique Espinoza said it's her understanding that one club alone dcesn't necessarily create problems, but if more nude establishments shimmy their way in, problems could arise, she said. "I don't think we need to be in a big hung to do something about one club, so long as no excessive public risk is identified," she said. "I'm more concerned about making sure we don't end up with a 'stripper strip,' if you will." Espinoza said the bars that surround Nitro Club had to go through a review process to get their liquor licenses something the strip club's owner did not have to do. "Yet, as a sexually oriented business, it has a similaz potential impact, as evidenced, I guess, by the http://www.dailycamera.com/news/2008/may/04/nitro-seldom-explosive/?printer=l/ 5/5/2008 Page 3 of 3 , ~similaz number of calls for service" it had to some of its neighbors, she said. The Sundown Saloon, a Peazl Street neighbor of comparable size, and the Rio Grande Mexican Restaurant on Walnut Street respectively made only six and seven calls to police during the same timeframe. Christie Whitehill, Rio Grande's manager, said her business strives for afamily-friendly atmosphere. And, she said, it probably helps that it closes at 10 p.m. on weekdays and 11 p.m. on weekends. Whitehill said she wasn't surprised to hear that Nitro Club didn't have many police calls. "They seem pretty low-key," she said. "I don't heaz about them much." Gavin Harrison, a manager at Old Chicago, said he doesn't think employees usually have much reason to call police. But when they do, he said, it's often because of problems happening right outside the restaurant's front door on the Pearl Street Mall. "There's some times when it's right in front of us," he said. "You can't not call." Contact Camera Staff Writer Ryan Morgan at morganr~dailycamera. com. © 2006 Daily Camera and Boulder Publishing, LLC. http:(/www.dailycamera.com/news/20081may/04/nitro-seldom-explosive!?printet=l/ 5/5/2008 ~~m ' ~ , T. ~ ~ - -fjj x _ x~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 9. 5 ~'~h+ ,fi;~ d1 yg~ 'H k~'- b i P e ~ xE,, ~ rr .t.S w'~ks . `f ~ Y { r l' A ~ fr _ I } ~ r 2- i M ~ ~j 7~ r,: 1 Y. tiT' U~ I r'`. r^ Z~ "Si._ t l '~JJ.' l4 ~ Z"'.c A Z~ ~I A \ is ~ _ . ~ ~ s~ ~ J z~. ~ ~ r F p , ~$s_ e'~ , Q(C ~ i r ~id 1 1. $I `,3 ~ ~ ~ - - n~ r. ,M...t'. K 5. .~\:4~`.4}Y$FS'4P 3-r?SC~ ~ie~R i - _ 9 41'M-Q{455~~1'A~~M.c,f.~Y~.~fL.,Y.!I .^fm;T+ 'b'y R ,}Ya ryi ~ tS.ih. ~4~~4~~ ~ •T m yyxr .fNl9%*~:_ ~ ...,a. i~~~`3..~,a.+,~"',r~i~.....~,.~r.~s~a'x~,:. ~,`ArC ~ i a>:. ~ hl g ~ ~r1 _ rff~ip $"~L~'~f'+7._'+Y. ~i'".~ r. ~ ~,~M yyq rH Y i ~t' i a iJ.,.ra:, 5. aron.w& rrrr~•~• ~ Y ~J A-~a ~'~~LF~ r _ moire. r~`~ Y,_ i b e a a.. w,.. 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