4 - Call Up: Denial - Spud Brothers Restaurant Use Review for 2010 10th St (LUR2008-00050) ' MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Charles Ferro, Case Manager DATE: July 9, 2008 SUBJECT: CaII Up Item: Staff level disposititon of denial to extend the closing time of Spud Brothers restaurant at 2010 10°i Street from 11:00 p.m. on Thursday through Saturday to 2:30 a.m. This denial is subject to call-up no later than July 22, 2008. Attached is the disposition of denial for Use Review application #LUR2008-00050. The initial request was to allow Spud Brothers Restaurant to modifiy the hours of operation of the existing 936 square foot restaurant from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. 7 days a week to 11:00 a.m. to ] 1:00 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday and 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. Thursday through Saturday. The existing restanrant does not sell alcohol and has not proposed to add liquor sales as a part of the application. The site is zoned Downtown Two (DT-2). Per Section 9-6, B.R.C. 1981, restaurants that remain open until 1 I:00 p.m. are required to complete a Conditional Use application. In February, 2008, the applicaut received a staff level approval for a Condiotional Use application to remain open until 11 p.m. seven days a week. Applications for Conditional Use are adminstrative and are not subject to call-up by the Planning Board or the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant also received a revocable lease permit for the installtion of an outdoor patio with 9 seats. Restaurants in the DT-2 zone which close after 11 p.m. are required to undergo Use Review. The applicant held the required neighborhood meeting on June 26, 2008. Six neighbors attended the meeting and five attendees were opposed to the extended late-night hours of operation based on impacts to the neighborhood. Staff also received several written correspondences from the neighborhood opposing the proposed application as well two correspondences in support of the proposed application. The applicant distributed a draft management plan to neighbors to illustrate how impacts from ]ate-night hours of operation would be managed. Subsequent to the neighborhood meeting on June 26, 2008, the applicant refined the proposed management plan indicating a closing time of 130 a.m. All con~espondence received from the neighborhood as well as the applicant's draft management plan are attached. As indicated by the attached disposition of denial and analysis of the Use Review criteria found in Section 9-2-15(e), B.R.C.,1981, staff found the proposed use inconsistent with the Usc Review criteria based on the intent of the zone district as well as compatibility with the established character of the area along ] 0°i Street (as all other restaurants close at or before 1 I p.m.). The Use Review proposal was denied by staff on July 8, 2008 and the decision maybe called up before Planning Board on or before July 22, 2008. There is one Planning Board meeting within the 14 day call up period on July 10, 2008. Questions about the project or decision should be directed to the Case Manager, Charles Ferro at (303) 441-4012 or ferroc~bouldercolorado.QOv Attachments: A: Vicinity and Zoning Map B: Disposition of Denial dated July 8, 2008 and staff analysis of Use Review Criteria C: Neighborhood Correspondence D: Draft Management Plans dated June 26, 2008 and Jm~e 27, 2008 a ATTACHMENT A i City of Boulder Vicinity Map ~i - ~ RMX~=1 ' Mapleton Av - I - ~~BT-2 - RH 2 RH=2 DT-3 t - Pine S - RMX-1 m~ _ ~ ~ ~ ~o~ . ~ ~ - Sp~u~e gt ~ ~I ~ _ a RL-1 s ~,o,~_- ,N~, ~ pT_2 DT_4 e s i N r~;~" ~ ~ ~ N: `~st Pea' l _ _ DT-5 X-1 BMS Subject Area ~ 2010 10th St Walnut gt I BT-2 - RH-1 4m. - ~ ~Q on~;6~P'~ , - Gant' f Subject _ e, , I-.i _ - - - - . f - - - - j Location: 2090 10th St ~~jj~~~~//~~ Cih> of Project Name: Spud Brothers Restaurant Review Type: Use Review T1~ Boulder 1 1 5 The iMOrmation depicted on Ihis map is provided as graphical representation Doty. The City of Boultler REVIEW NU tuber: LURZOOH-00050 - provltle~s no wa^ranty. expressed orimplied, as to 1 inch equals 300 feet the accuracy antl/or completeness of the InFOrma ion ATTACHMENT B CITY OF BOULDER Planning and Development Services ~ ~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-2, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: DENIAL PROJECT NAME: SPUD BROTHERS RESTAURANT USE REVEIW DESCRIPTION: Use review to modify hours of operation to allow Spud Brothers restaurant to extend the closing time from 11:00 p.m. on Thursday through Saturday to 2:30 a.m. LOCATION: 2010 10`h Street COOR: N03W07 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See Attached APPLICANT: Spud Bros/JR Simplot Co. OWNER: Sax Family/Flagstaff Properties APPLICATION: Use Review #LUR2008-00050 ZONING: Downtown-Two (DT-2) CASE MANAGER: Charles Ferro VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT: NO; the owner has waived the opportunity to create such right under Section 9-2-19, B.R.C. 1981. FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL, SEE THE FOLLOWING PAGES OF THIS DISPOSITION. Denied On: ~ ~c~~-.y 2(•7(5' Date By: ~L-Beth McHeyser, Acting Planni Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: 22 ~ 2C,U ~ Address: 2010 10'" Street USE REVIEW CRITERIA (indicates compliance) (1) Consistency with Zoning and Non-Conformity: The use is consistent with the purpose of the zoning district as set forth in Section 9-2-1, "Zoning Districts Established," B.R.C. 1981, except in the case of anon-conforming use; Section 9-5-2(c)(3)(A), B.R.C. 1981 defines the Downtown-2 (DT-2) zone as a transition area between the downtown and surrounding residential areas where a wide range of retail, office, residential, and public uses are permitted. A balance of new development with the maintenance and renovation of existing buildings is anticipated, and where development and redevelopment consistent with the established historic and urban design character is encouraged. The subject area of 10th Street is zoned Downtown-2 (DT-2) and is considered a transition zone from the higher intensity commercial and mixed-use activity along Pearl Street, into the lower intensity, residentially zoned Mapleton Hill neighborhood located approximately 75 feet north of the site. A few restaurants have recently been approved through the Use Review process to operate after 11 p.m. in the immediate vicinity (Tahona, Epazote, and Seven located at 1035 Pearl Street), however, all of the approved late-night establishments are located along the more intensive Pearl Street corridor and close between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. All other restaurants in the immediate area along 10th Street close by 11 p.m. (Sushi Tora, Saxy's Cafe, The Oxygen Bar), therefore, staff finds the proposed use inconsistent with the intent of the transitional nature of the DT-2 zone district. (2) Rationale: The use either: (A) Provides direct service or convenience to or reduces adverse impacts to the surrounding uses or neighborhood; Restaurants provide a direct service to the surrounding neighborhood by providing a variety of dining and entertainment options, however, the impacts resulting from late-night operations (discussed below) will likely result in impacts on the surrounding residential properties. (B) Provides a compatible transition between higher intensity and lower intensity uses; The subject area of 10th Street is zoned Downtown-2 (DT-2) and is considered a transition zone from the higher intensity commercial and y mixed-use activity along Pearl Street, into the lower intensity, residentially zoned Mapleton Hill neighborhood located approximately 75 feet north of the site. A few restaurants have recently been approved through the Use Review process to operate after 11p.m. in the immediate vicinity (Tahona, Epazote, and Seven located at 1035 Pearl Street), however, all of the approved late-night establishments are located along the more intensive Pearl Street corridor and close between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. All other restaurants in the immediate area along 10~h Street close by 11p.m. therefore, staff finds the proposed use inconsistent with the intent of the transitional nature of the DT-2 zone district. (C) Is necessary to foster a specific city policy, as expressed in the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP), including, without limitation, historic preservation, moderate income housing, residential and non-residential mixed uses in appropriate locations, and group living arrangements for special populations; or Section 5 of the BVCP encourages a productive retail base, however, Section 2 of the BVCP contains several policies regarding the protection neighborhood from impacts of non- residential uses as well as the compatibility of adjacent land uses. Section 5 of the BVCP contains the following policies regarding economic vitality and support for a productive retail base: 5.01 Economic Vitality. Economic vitality in Boulder will be pursued through a partnership among the public, private and nonprofit sectors. The city's primary contribution is through the provision of efficient processes and procedures required for site development, the investment in municipal infrastructure, and consideration of other initiatives on a case-by-case basis. The city will adopt economic vitality programs and strategies that foster innovation, enhance competitiveness and expand markets. The city and county will support a diversified employment base within the Boulder Valley, reflecting labor force capabilities and recognizing amenities for emphasizing scientific, technological and related industries. Inclusion of elements in the economic vitality program should enhance the community's role in the global and domestic marketplace. 5.09 Vital and Productive Retail Base. With Boulder's retail role in the region changing, the city and county recognize the need for the city to actively support its retail base. a) The city will update its land use regulations to encourage and facilitate private reinvestment and redevelopment of its retail centers. Particular emphasis will be focused on creating opportunities for mixed use centers incorporating retail, entertainment, office and residential uses served by transit. b) The city will coordinate its Capital Improvements Program in a manner where public infrastructure investments maybe completed in conjunction with approved city adopted plans as incentives to encourage private investments to occur. c) The city will support coordinated public/private initiatives at the regional activity centers, including downtown Boulder, University Hill and the Boulder Valley Regional Center. It will also consider, depending upon specific circumstances and opportunities/needs, initiatives designed to facilitate mixed use development at community retail centers where appropriate. d) The city will develop and implement a retail strategy that will address the market opportunities and shopping needs of the community and identify strategies to improve the retail base and the city's sales tax revenues. Section 2 of the BVCP contains the following policies regarding the protection neighborhood from impacts of non- residential uses as well as the compatibility of adjacent land uses: 2.13 Support for Residential Neighborhoods. In its community design planning, the city will support and strengthen its residential neighborhoods. The city will seek appropriate building scale and compatible character of new development or redevelopment, desired public facilities and mixed commercial uses, and sensitively designed and sized rights-of--way. 2.17 Protection of Residential Neighborhoods Adjacent to Non-residential Zones. The city and county will take appropriate actions to ensure that the character and livability of established residential neighborhoods will not be undermined byspill-over impacts from adjacent regional or community business zones or by incremental expansion of business activities into residential areas. The city and county will protect residential neighborhoods from intrusion ofnon-residential uses by protecting edges and regulating the impacts of these uses on neighborhoods. 2.18 Mixture of Complementary Land Uses. The city and county will strongly encourage, consistent with other land use policies, a variety of land uses in new developments. In existing neighborhoods, a mixture of land use types, housing sizes and lot sizes may be possible if properly mitigated and respectful of neighborhood character. Wherever land uses are mixed, careful design will be required in order to ensure compatibility, accessibility and appropriate transitions between land uses that vary in intensity and scale. 2.19 Compatibility of Adjacent Land Uses. In order to avoid or minimize noise and visual conflicts between adjacent land uses that vary widely in use intensity or other characteristics, the city will use tools such as interface zones, transitional areas, site and building design and cascading gradients of density in the design of subareas and zoning districts. With redevelopment, the transitional area should be within the zone of more intense use. N/A (D) Is an existing legal non-conforming use or a change thereto that is permitted under subsection (e) of this section; Not applicable. The use is not considered non-conforming. 3) Compatibility: The location, size, design, and operating characteristics of the proposed development or change to an existing development are such that the use will be reasonably compatible with and have minimal negative impact on the use of nearby properties or for residential uses in industrial zoning districts, the proposed development reasonably mitigates the potential negative impacts from nearby properties; As noted above, the subject area of 10`h Street is zoned Downtown-2 (DT-2) and is considered a transition zone from the higher intensity commercial and mixed-use activity along Pearl Street, into the lower intensity, residentially zoned Mapleton Hill neighborhood located approximately 75 feet north of the site. A few restaurants have recently been approved through the Use Review process to operate after 11 p.m. in the immediate vicinity (Tahona, Epazote, and Seven located at 1035 Pearl Street), however, all of the approved late-night establishments are located along the more intensive Pearl Street corridor and close between 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. All other restaurants in the immediate area along 10`h Street close by 11p.m. therefore, staff finds the proposed use inconsistent with the intent of the transitional nature of the DT-2 zone district. Based on the proximity of the proposed use (approximately 75 feet to the nearest residential unit) staff and surrounding neighbors are concerned the proposed late-night hours of operation will result in impacts on the surrounding property from patio noise, trash removal, parking, noise, and increased late-night local pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Additionally, the proposed 1:30 and 2:30 a.m. closing times are comparable to the closing times of the late-night establishments that operate along the more intensive sections of Pearl Street. (4) Infrastructure: As compared to development permitted under Section 9-3.1-1, "Schedule of Permitted Uses of Land," B.R.C. 1981, in the zone, or as compared to the existing level of impact of anon-conforming use, the proposed development will not significantly adversely affect the infrastructure of the surrounding area, including, without limitation, water, wastewater, and storm drainage utilities and streets; While the use is not considered non-conforming, suitable infrastructure exists to serve the proposed use. (5) Character of Area: The use will not change the predominant character of the surrounding area; and The subject area of 10`n Street between Pearl and Spruce is considered a transition area from the higher intensity commercial and mixed-use activity along Pearl Street, into the lower intensity, residentially zoned Mapleton Hill neighborhood located immediately north of the site. A few restaurants have recently been approved through the Use Review process to operate after 11p.m. in the immediate vicinity (Tahona, Epazote, and Seven located at 1035 Pearl Street), however, all of the approved late-night restaurants are located along the more intensive commercial area of Pearl Street and close between 1:30 and 2 a.m., additionally, all adjacent restaurants along 10cn Street close at or before 11 p.m. (Sushi Tora, Saxy's Cafe, The Oxygen Bar), therefore, staff finds the proposed use inconsistent with the intent of the transitional nature of the DT-2 zone district as well as the established character of the subject area of 10th Street. N/A (6) Conversion of Dwelling Units to Non-Residential Uses: There shall be a presumption against approving the conversion of dwelling units in the residential zoning districts set forth in Subsection 9-3.1-1(a), B.R.C. 1981, to non- residential uses that are allowed pursuant to a use review, or through the change of one non-conforming use to another non-conforming use. The presumption against such a conversion may be overcome by a finding that the use to be approved serves another compelling social, human services, governmental, or recreational need in the community including, without limitation, a use for a day care center, park, religious assembly, social service use, benevolent organization use, art or craft studio space, museum, or an educational use. Not applicable. The proposed application does not involve the conversion of dwelling units to non-residential uses. ~D 7/9/2008 Charles Ferro - 2010 10th Street - S ud Brothers ATTACHMENT C ,~,..~._._,s_) ,~.~..~.~__~.,________.~.__-_P _ From: "William Horton Consulting' To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 6/6/2008 12:54 PM Subject: 2010 10th Street -Spud Brothers Hello, We received the notice for a hearing on the change of hours for Spud Brothers restaurant. Our big concerns for any restaurant in this area are noise and parking. Spruce Street is already an adjunct parking lot for all the bars and restaurants on and near the Mall. There is constant traffic of people trolling for parking spaces throughout the evening. There needs to be a connection between the number of service establishments and the availability of OFF-STREET parking. As for noise, starting on Wednesday evening, there is always a loud drone when the bars and restaurants close at 2:30 am. People talking, yelling, and staggering back to their cars on our street make ALOT of noise. No kidding, you'd be surprised. So, no. 11 to 11 is plenty of time to sell the spuds. Wasn't this issue addressed at the initial neighborhood meeting? Thanks for the opportunity to comment on this issue. William and Katherine Horton Concerned neighbors within 600 feet 838 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303-545-6964 (voice) 303-447-0366 (fax) www.horton.com 'I _ (7/9/2008 Charles Ferro -Spud Brothers _ - _ _ From: Sarah Larrabee • » To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 6/13/2008 8:19 AM Subject: Spud Brothers Not a rowdy bunch- let them stay open and see if it works...) see no problem. Let's support the entrepreneurial spirit that Boulder is famous for! Sarah Larrabee It's easy to add contacts from Facebook and other social sites through Windows Live TM Messenger. Learn how. https:/(www.invite2messenger. net/im/?sou rce=TXT_EM L_W LH_Learn How (7/9/2008) Charles Ferro -Spud Brothers request -From: "sandy h" To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 6/17/2008 4:23 PM Subject: Spud Brothers request To: Charles Ferro I live at 910 Spruce Street. I am against Spud Brothers restaurant request to extend their closing hours Thursday through Saturday from 11 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. This will bring additional unwanted traffic, congestion and noise to our nearby residential area that already has enough restaurant disruption. Thank you for considering the quality of life concerns of the existing neighborhood over the monetary avarice of yet another new restaurant. Sandy Hale 303-442-6118 sandy h ?3 .,(7/9/2008) Charles Ferro -Spud Bros late night _ F From: "Collinge, Susan" _ To: "Charles Ferro" <Ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 6/25/2008 9:56 AM Subject: Spud Bros late night Charles, Here are some positive comments we received from a customer regarding our late night proposal. Susan Collinge R&D Director JR Simplot Co. Gate 1, Hwy 19 W of City Caldwell, ID 83605 phone:208-454-4638 fax: 208-454-4636 cell: 208-250-5907 From: Gregg Le Blanc i] Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:45 PM To: James Rinker Subject: Re: Thanks from spud tiros That's great news! You know, there are a lot of hungry actors up here on The Hill at the Colorado Shakespeare Festival that need some starchy goodness after rehearsal. The problem is that many rehearsals get out after 11 PM (and the shows certainly do since they start at 830PM most nights). I hope that "stay open late" pass gets approved soon! We'll see you real soon no matter what! Mmmm... taters! TTFN Gregg From: James Rinker <mailto:james@spud-bros.com> ~ G~ e.. (7/9/2008) Charles Ferro-Spud Bros late night Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 8:15 PM To: Subject: Thanks from spud bros Greg, Thanks for your comments we have gotten some sweet potatoes in and are doing some sample recipes, we also now have some salt with Italian herbs. Olive oil and garlic is a great idea we will look into getting some and adding it to the menu. Thanks again for your feedback we hope to see you back again soon. -Erin and James at Spud Bros James Rinker General Manager Spud Brothers 2010 10th Street Boulder, Colorado 80302 303-444-1836 303-444-2187 (7/9/2008) Charles Ferro - FW: Strong Objec4iori to Expanded Hours at Spud Brothers Restuarant Page 1 From: Brad Farkas To: "ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov" <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 6!25/2008 12:44 PM Subject: FW: Strong Objection to Expanded Hours at Spud Brothers Restuarant From: Brad Farkas Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 2:41 PM To: 'ferroc@bouldercolorado.com' Cc: Carla Morrison; Catherine Snhwainar Subject: Strong Objection to Expanded Hours at Spud Brothers Restuarant Dear Mr. Ferro, I won't be able to attend the June 26th neighborhood meeting, so instead wanted to drop you a note on the proposed topic. As I live around the corner from 2010 10th street, I must object strenuously to expanding to 2:30AM the operating hours of a restaurant that is quite literally steps from what is now a quiet residential neighborhood. Please note that I am generally in favor of commerce, and welcomed both Spud Brothers and the other 2 restaurants that opened within the last 24 months just down the street. However my neighbors and I did so with the assurances that these establishments would shut down at 11 PM and would therefore not detract from the peace and tranquility of the neighborhood. There can be no dispute as to whether expanding Spud Brothers hours will adversely affect the neighborhood. Since the restaurant is basically a fast food joint with very limited internal seating, most patrons already loiter about the block to consume their purchases. However, if this were to become one of the very few late night refuges for college students (their primary demographic) seeking late night munchies and a place to hang out, the noise and disruption that would result would be extremely unpleasant. Furthermore, once Spud Brothers is granted such an extension in hours, it is inevitable that the 10 other eating establishments located within a hundred feet of it would request the same, transforming our once peaceful neighborhood into a boisterous late night venue. I implore you and the board not to allow this to happen, and to respect the fact that the neighborhood has been supportive of the greatly expanded number of restaurants on West Pearl street based in no small part on the city and the establishments' own representations that the hours of operation would remain reasonable. Thanks, Brad Farkas 1019 Spruce Street j ~D (7!9/2008) Charles Ferro -Spud Brother Extended Hours of Operation From: Larry Lackey _ _ To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 6/26/20081:11 AM Subject: Spud Brother Extended Hours of Operation CC: <MapletonHillNeighborhood@yahoogroups.com> Dear Mr. Ferro, Because of work travel I will not return in time Thursday for the neighborhood meeting. Living on the same block and same street (10th Street) as the applicant, I am concerned about keeping a true transitional zone between Pearl Street and residential areas separated by only an alley. Until recently the businesses on 10th Street were quiet and conducted their business indoors. This was broken with the cafe on the alley and then with normally more people outside than inside at Spud Brothers. The result for those of us unfortunate enough to live on the same street is: Trash in our yards People eating on our porches People blocking the sidewalk Additional noise, especially in the evening. Late night fights on 10th street are already all too common. For these reasons I strong oppose extended hours and outside operations in these transitional areas as they continue to destroy the residential character of the immediately adjacent historic district. Thank you, Larry 1002 Spruce Street Boulder, CO 80302 303 786 9298 (7/9/2008) Charles Ferro - RE: Spud Brothers Use ,Review Application - 2010.10th street From: ford brown a To: Charles Ferro ~ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 7/1/2008 11:25 PM Subject: RE: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 10th street Hi Charles, thanks for forwarding the revised management plan... I had a couple of thoughts and afterthoughts that I wanted to share with you... IMPACT AND TRAFFIC: W e all know that most of the business opportunity for Spud Bros. will be in orders taken as the bars close... In other words, there will be light customer flow from midnight to 1 am and then business will spike as people leave the bars near closing time. Currently all bars in this area announce last call at 1:15 and have last call at 1:30. People begin to crowd west pearl street in this 15 minute window of time. Judging by the business at the hamburger stand in front of Old Chicago, by my count last Friday night, app. 220 people were served between the hours of lam and 2am.. We will most likely have 60-80 people served by Spud brothers between 1 am and 1:30 am... Please do not let Spud brothers extend their hours so they can catch this spike of business.. The size of their restaurant and the configuration make it ill equipped to handle such a crowd. THIS PARTICULAR MANAGEMENT TEAM: I am sure you have seen many restaurant and bar managers apply for these special use reviews and how things turned out with them. Well, I only get a sense of forboding with this staff. This particular managment team did not honestly listen to our neighborhood concerns. The did not offer any spontaneous compromise and this revised management plan was only done at your gentle insistance. Please consider how this manager responded to our specific complaints at the neighborhood meeting. This will be how he handles us in the future. LOITERING: Spud Bros. management cant re-define what loitering is. Thats defined by local and state law. And allowing these extended hours will contribute significantly to loitering in this area. A PUBLIC OUTCRY FOR STAYING OPEN LATE: Spud Bros. management has often cited enthusiastic customers wishing them to stay open later. 1 think we all know that the reality is that yes, a few drunk people have banged on the window at 11:05 begging for food. However, this sampling does not represent the public at large and should not be represented as so. Thank you Charles for looking at all sides of this issue. The bottom line is that Spud Bros. will succeed with the current hours of operation. And right now, the way things are, they make a great fit in our community. Lets keep it that way. thanks again, Ford Brown 720-339-7243 Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 16:33:32 -0600From: Ferrnrnhn~ ~i,tA~~..i.,.~.~.. ~~~~T~ _ _ com; 7/9/2008 Charles Ferro - RE: S ud Brothers Use Review A lication - 2010 10th street Pa e 2 ' ~ ) p - - pP- r - ~ - ~ _ - 9-- Dear Neighbor: Thank you for taking the time to attend the neighborhood meeting last week regarding the hours of operation at Spud Brothers. As discussed at the meeting, please find the attached revised management plan addressing concerns heard by the applicant at the neighborhood meeting. It would be helpful to have any neighborhood comments back to me by July 7, 2008. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Best, Charles Charles Ferro, AICPSenior PlannerCity of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department303.441.4012 - Direct303.441.3241 - Faxferroc@bouldercolorado.govwww. bouldercolorado.gov The I'm Talkaton. Can 30-days of conversation change the world? http://www.i mtalkathon.com/?sou rce=EM L_W LH_Tal kathon_ChangeW orld 7/9/2008) Charles Ferro -Spud Brothers application From: "sandy h" To: <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 7/2/2008 11:00 AM Subject: Spud Brothers application Hi Charles, Thank you for the excellent manner in which you conducted the neighborhood meeting at Spud Brothers. I echo the thoughts sent to you by Ford Brown. I think that extending the restaurant hours beyond its current allowed 11 p.m will bring a considerable increase in late night and early morning noise, traffic and congestion to an otherwise quiet street that will adversely affect our residential neighborhood. Thank you for your careful consideration of our concerns. Sandy Hale 910 Spruce Street 303-442-6118 sandy h vvny Wait? Move to EarthLink. , (7/9/2008) Charles Ferro - RE: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 10th street From: ford brown ~ . - To: Charles Ferro <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 7/2/2008 1:19 PM Subject: RE: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 10th street Hi Charles, one other afterthought, I wish I wouldnt keep having these...:) As you know, Sandy Hale and I are 3-4 houses down from Spud Bros. and you may have found it odd that the more immediate neighbors didnt show up at the neighborhood meeting. I think Sandy and I are the closest homeowners to this part of 10th street. The houses nearest to Spud Bros. are actually rental units and I am sure that these tenants may not have known about the meeting or cared as much as the long term residents. (For instance, if they are moving out in August) But I think its reasonable to assume that whoever lives there after August will feel the same as we do, even though they may not have been accurately represented at the meeting. Thanks again for your consideration. Ford Brown Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 08:07:10 -0600From: Ferroc@bouldercolorado.govTo: fordbrown@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 10th street Ford: Thank you for the input. I will include it in the file and forward it to the applicant. Best, Charles Charles Ferro, AICPSenior PlannerCity of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department303.441.4012 - Direct303.441.3241 - Faxferroc@bouldercolorado.govwww.bouldercolorado.gov»> ford brown <fordbrown@hotmail.com> 7/1/2008 11:23 PM »>Hi Charles, thanks for forwarding the revised management plan... I had a couple of thoughts and afterthoughts that I wanted to share with you... IMPACT AND TRAFFIC: We all know that most of the business opportunity for Spud Bros. will be in orders takan as the bars close... In other words, there will be light customer flow from midnight to 1 am and then business will spike as people leave the bars near closing time. Currently all bars in this area announce last call at 1:15 and have last call at 1:30. People begin to crowd west pearl street in this 15 minute window of time. Judging by the business at the hamburger stand in front of Old Chicago, by my count last Friday night, app. 220 people were served between the hours of lam and 2am.. We will most likely have 60-80 people served by Spud brothers between lam and 1:30 am... Please do not let Spud brothers extend their hours so they can catch this spike of business.. The size of their restaurant and the configuration make it ill equipped to handle such a crowd. THIS PARTICULAR MANAGEMENT TEAM: I am sure you have seen many restaurant and bar managers apply for these special use reviews and how things turned out with them. Well, I only get a sense of forboding with this staff. This particular managment team did not honestly listen to our neighborhood concerns. The did not offer any spontaneous compromise and this revised management plan was only done at your gentle insistance. Please consider how this manager responded to our specific complaints at the neighborhood meeting. This will be how he handles us in the future. LOITERING: Spud Bros. management cant re-define what loitering is. Thats defined by local and state law. And allowing these extended hours will contribute significantly to loitering in this area. A PUBLIC OUTCRY FOR STAYING OPEN LATE: Spud Bros. management has often cited enthusiastic customers wishing them to stay open later. I think we all know that the reality is that yes, a few drunk people have banged on the window at 11:05 begging for food. However, this sampling does not represent the public at large and should not be represented as so. Thank you Charles for looking at all sides of this issue. The bottom line is that Spud Bros. will succeed with the current hours of operation. And right now, the way things are, they make a great fit in our community. Lets keep it that way. thanks again, Ford Brown 720-339-7243 719/2008) Charles Ferro - RE: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 ~Oth street ~ Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 16:33:32 -0600From: Ferroc@bouldercolorado.govTo: ; t; ee@hotmail.com; r5ub~ect: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 10th street Dear Neighbor: Thank you for taking the time to attend the neighborhood meeting last week regarding the hours of operation at Spud Brothers. As discussed at the meeting, please find the attached revised management plan addressing concerns heard by the applicant at the neighborhood meeting. It would be helpful to have any neighborhood comments back to me by July 7, 2008. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Best, Charles Charles Ferro, AICPSenior PlannerCity of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department303.441.4012 - Direct303.441.3241 - Faxferroc@bould ercol orado. govwww. boulder col orad o. gov The I'm Talkaton. Can 30-days of conversation change the world? Find out now. Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play chicktionaryl http://club.live.com/chicklionary.as px?icid=ch ick_wlhmtextl inkl _feb a~ (719/2008) Charles Ferro- RE: Spud Brothers Use Review... afterthought #3 From: ford brown To: Charles Ferro <ferroc@bouldercolorado.gov> Date: 7/2/2008 8:50 PM Subject: RE: Spud Brothers Use Review... afterthought #3 Hi Charles, wow, i have to stop writing you! but i keep thinking of long term implications with this Spud Bros. special use review.. no one really mentioned this the other day but wouldn't other businesses on 10th street near Pearl (such as Saxy's Cafe and the Tonic Bar)...Wouldn't they have good cause to stay open till 1:30 am if they wanted, because we allowed Spud Bros. to do so? I'm curious about that... if there is a precedent being set with Spud Bros. and this block on 10th street.. Ok, thank you again for all your consideration.... Ford Brown Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 16:33:32 -0600From: Ferroc(c~bouldercolorado.govTo: _ lames.rinker@simplot.comSubject: Spud Brothers Use Review Application - 2010 10th street Dear Neighbor: Thank you for taking the time to attend the neighborhood meeting last week regarding the hours of operation at Spud Brothers. As discussed at the meeting, please find the attached revised management plan addressing concerns heard by the applicant at the neighborhood meeting. It would be helpful to have any neighborhood comments back to me by July 7, 2008. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Best, Charles Charles Ferro, AICPSenior PlannerCity of Boulder -Planning and Development Services Department303.441.4012 - Direct303.441.3241 - Faxferroc@bouldercolorado.govwww. bouldercolorado. gov Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play chicktionary! http://clu b.live.com/chicktionary. aspx?icid=ch ick_wl hmtextl ink1 _feb ~3 ATTACHMENT D 1 Spud Bro. Restaurant Proposed Management Plan June 26, 2008 z ~I Business description: Spud Brothers is the product of many months of research across the United States, Europe and Australia. It is a new concept, based on a strong connection to the earth, our growers and our customers. Our fast casual menu is based on potatoes and offers, as our tagline modestly states, "Just Maybe the World's greatest Fries." Our potato dishes are garnished with gourmet sauces and toppings that make them into indulgent snacks and meals. We make our products by hand and proudly share the names and towns of our growers and the ingredients we use to make our potato dishes. We also serve fresh-brewed ice teas and ice cold soft drinks for our guests. Our food is primarily a take and go option where people leave after receiving their food. Hours of operation Spud Bros. Restaurant has been operating from 11:00 AM till 11:00 PM, and would not anticipate changing those hours Sunday through Wednesday. Thursday through Saturday, we would like to serve late night customers as they exit surrounding businesses, including those in our own building. Our intent is to serve hungry customers as they leave the neighborhood, closing by 2:30 AM. Client and visitor arrival and departure times Spud Brothers operates with a small crew, usually just three employees. These employees are expected to arrive around nine in the morning and be gone shortly after closing. Patrons are already near us and currently congregate on the sidewalks and street to socialize after closing. We offer an ideal late night snack before they head home. We expect our quick service to meet the needs of these customers, without changing their departure time. Coordinated times for delivery and trash collection Spud Bros. is working with our fellow tenants and suppliers to coordinate both pickups and deliveries with existing routes and schedules, so that incremental activity will be minimized. We will not have any deliveries in the late night hours and will instruct our employees to make their last trip to the dumpster by midnight. Mitigation of noise impacts Spud Brothers restaurant does not sponsor live entertainment or other noise generating activities. Our restaurant has background music only, played through ceiling speakers, located only inside our building. We have seating for nine people on the sidewalk. Our total seating capacity inside and out is 19. The sounds of conversation are already present, since customers are already in the area. Our management team plans to manage noise by closing the windows to the sidewalk if necessary. We will be not play outdoor music on the patio after 11PM as required by the land use code. ~7 Security Spud Bros. is equipped with security cameras, which act as a deterrent to negative behaviors and security issues. We will never have employees working the open store alone and will conform to the practices of our building in assuring safety and security. We have observed that the Boulder police department patrols the area regularly during our proposed hours of operation. Drug and alcohol policy Spud Bros. Restaurant does not serve alcohol and uniformly applies a zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. Adherence to this policy will continue to be a condition of employment for all of our staff and management. This includes drug screening and random testing for our employees. Loitering Our operation has only 19 seats and serves no alcohol. We do not, therefore, anticipate loitering as a significant issue. We will politely invite any potential loiterers to move on. Employee education Spud Bros. Restaurant requires training of all its employees. Our training program is specifically designed to assure the safety of our food, our employees and our patrons. In addition to employment, we offer educational benefits and career options to those who come to work with us. Responsibilities as good neighbors Spud Brothers management and ownership have a strong belief in the importance of community and citizenship. We began meeting our neighbors and our suppliers months ago and have joined the Boulder chamber of commerce and the downtown business association. We have already sponsored two charity events and intend to continue to engage the community as responsible citizens. We have made extensive improvements to our space and take pride in our neighborhood. Neighborhood outreach and methods for further communication We believe our participation in community organizations and our anticipated support of chanties enable us [o continue to engage and communicate with neighbors and the community as well as with our customers. We have welcomed the neighborhood to two open house activities, and aze proud to have many surrounding residents and businesses as regular customers. Dispute resolution with surrounding neighborhood Our experience in meeting and talking with our neighbors, potential customers and others in the community, leads us to expect very little in the way of disputes. If any should arise, we would expect to discuss and resolve them in a context of responsible discourse and avoid rancor or litigation. Questions and Answers for our Nei hbors: Q: Would this add to noise for those of us trying to sleep nearby? A: Noise should not be an issue for several reasons: o Our food is designed to be portable. Most of our customers take our food and leave the azea. o We aze very small. Our total seating capacity is just 19. o On a given night, there aze often crowds of young people in our neighborhood. We do not expect to increase the number of people, but to serve them food as they leave. o We plan to empty our trash before midnight, so that our personnel will not make noise in the alley. o We have an excellent management team that knows the importance of being good neighbors. They have the judgment and authority to do what it takes to assure a smooth, quiet winding down of the evening. Q: Would later hours add to already-congested pazking issues? What about traffic? A: We aze a little snack shop, designed to draw foot traffic that is already in our neighborhood. We haven't seen any issues during our operating hours and don't expect to add cars or pazking issues. Our goal is to serve hot food to people who are already in our neighborhood. Q. Why are you doing this? A. We consider it a significant opportunity to serve late night customers. They are asking us to stay open for them. We took a survey, which gave us the same answer. Customers want our food at night. Q: What else should we know about Spud Bros? A: Spud Bros. is not a chain or a franchise. We chose Boulder over other locations for both business and value reasons. Our business reason is to serve the people in a neighborhood with lots of foot traffic. The value reason is that the people in Boulder appreciate fresh, honest, food. We invite you to come meet us. 0 t~ li 1 ` Spud Bro. Restaurant Proposed Management Plan Updated June 27, 2008 Note to Readers: Spud Bros. began this process by requesting a 2:30 AM closing time to serve customers as other establishments close for the night. Evening hours are a very important part of our plans and finances. We consider them critical to our sales, our ability to generate tax revenues, and to serve our customers, who are insistent on that option. We understand the concerns of our neighbors and have therefore made several changes to the attached management plan, with earlier closing heading the list. As a compromise to our neighbors, we are now requesting a closing time of 1:30am, which coincides with many of the businesses in the immediate area as well as in our building. Please review all the highlighted changes below. Thank you for your consideration. Business description: Spud Brothers is the product of many months of research across the United States, Europe and Australia. It is a new concept, based on a strong connection to the earth, our growers and our customers. Our fast casual menu is based on potatoes and offers, as our tagline modestly states, "Just Maybe the World's greatest Fries." Our potato dishes are garnished with gourmet sauces and toppings that make them into indulgent snacks and meals. We make our products by hand and proudly share the names and towns of our growers and the ingredients we use to make our potato dishes. We also serve fresh-brewed ice teas and ice cold soft drinks for our guests. Our food is primarily a take and go option where people leave after receiving their food. Hours of operation Spud Bros. Restaurant has been operating from 11:00 AM till 11:00 PM, and would not anticipate changing those hours Sunday through Wednesday. Thursday through Saturday, we would like to serve late night customers as they exit surrounding businesses, including those in our own building. Our intent is to serve hungry customers as they leave the neighborhood. As mentioned above, we are now requesting an earlier closing time earlier at 1:30 AM, which coincides with last call at the businesses in the immediate area as well as in our building. We see this as a major compromise for us and ALL our neighbors. Client and visitor arrival and departure times Spud Brothers operates with a small crew at any given time, usually just three employees. These employees are expected to arrive around nine in the morning and be gone shortly after closing. Patrons are already near us and currently congregate on the sidewalks and street to socialize after closing. We offer an ideal late night snack before they head home. By closing at the same time or even before other neighborhood businesses, we will avoid any danger of prolonging the presence of late night crowds. Likewise, our employees will be gone from the area ahead of others around us. Coordinated times for delivery and trash collection Spud Bros. is working with our fellow tenants and our suppliers to coordinate both pickups and deliveries with existing routes and schedules, so that incremental activity will be minimized. Both deliveries and trash pickup are already a routine and we expected to remain so. We will not have any deliveries in the late night hours and we will instruct our employees, to make their last h'ip to the dumpster at the same time they do now, so that there is no late addition to our activity in the alley. Mitigation of noise impacts Spud Brothers restaurant does not sponsor live entertainment or other noise generating activities. Our restaurant will have background music only, played through ceiling speakers, located only inside our building. We do have seating a~ for nine people on the sidewalk. Our total seating capacity inside and out is 19. The sounds of conversation are already present, since the customers are already in the area. Although we will be closing ahead of our neighbors, our management team still plans to manage noise by lowering the volume of the background music inside the shop and by closing the windows to the sidewalk i f needed. Security Spud Bros. is equipped with security cameras, which act as a deterrent to negative behaviors and security issues. We will never have employees working the open store alone and will conform to the practices of our building in assuring safety and security. Boulder police heavily patrol our area at night, primarily to monitor drinking establishments, but they are available if needed to augment our security. Drug and alcohol policy Spud Bros. Restaurant does not serve alcohol and uniformly applies a zero tolerance policy for drugs and alcohol. Adherence to this policy will continue to be a condition of employment for all of our staff and management This includes drug screening and random testing for our employees. Loitering Our operation has only 19 seats and serves no alcohol. We do not, therefore, anticipate loitering as a significant issue_ We at Spud Bros. define loitering as creating a nuisance by lingering and disturbing others. We are vigilant and prepared as needed to politely invite loiterers to move on. Employee education Spud Bros. Restaurant requires training of all its employees. Our training program is specifically designed, to assure the safety of our food, our employees and our patrons. In addition to employment, we offer educational benefits and career options to those who come to work with us. Responsibilities as good neighbors Spud Brothers management and ownership have a strong belief in the importance of community and citizenship. We began meeting our neighbors and our suppliers months ago and have already joined the Boulder Chamber of Commerce and the downtown business association. We have already sponsored two charity events and intend to continue to engage the community as responsible citizens and neighbors. We have made extensive improvements to our space and take pride in our neighborhood. During our opening weeks, we sponsored two open house events, at which we fed the public, including a sizable group of homeless people. While we were pleased to provide that service, we do understand that others might be concerned about these people congregating near their homes. It is not our intent to repeat our grand opening activities during the late hours of the evening. 3~ Neighborhood outreach and methods for further communication We believe our participation in community organizations and our support of charities enables us to continue to engage and communicate with neighbors and the community as well as with our customers. We have welcomed the neighborhood to two open house activities, and are proud to have many sun-ounding residents and businesses as regular customers. We intend to continue our recent activities in support of local charities and invite our neighbors to join us in supporting worthy causes. At our last Neighborhood meeting our Spud Brothers' General Manager also provided business cards with contact names and phone numbers for the attendees as a gesture to keep open communication between neighbors regardless the outcome of our request for later hours. Dispute resolution with surrounding neighborhood Our experience in meeting and talking with our neighbors, potential customers and others in the community, leads us to expect very little in the way of disputes. If any such should arise, we would expect to discuss and resolve them in a context of responsible discourse and avoid rancor or litigation. We believe a considerate and reasoned approach to concerns will enable us to work with the city, our neighbors and our customers to the benefit of all. 31