4 - Call Up: Approval of Minor Subdivision to replat 3 existing adjacent properties resulting in 2 lotsMEMORANDUM TO: Planning Board FROM: Elizabeth Lokocz, Case Manager DATE: April 4, 2008 SUBJECT: Call Up Item: Approval of a Minor Subdivision to replat three existing adjacent properties (861, 869 and 873 ]9'~' Street) totaling 18,786 square feet and zoned Residential Medium - 2(RM-2), into two lots (7,966 and ] 0,820 square feet) each large enough to accommodate a duplex. This proposed minor subdivision creates two legal lots from three currently nonconforming lots. The RM-2 zone permits duplexes and triplexes with a minimum of 3,500 square feet per dwelling unit. The current development on the three lots is: 861 19°' Street (6,260 sq. fr.) has a nonconforming duplex. 869 19°i Street (6,262 sq. ft.) is a vacant lot; an existing single family dwelling was demolished prior to this application. 873 19'~ Street (6,264 sq. ft.) has a nonconforming duplex. The owners intend to redevelop both resulting lots with new duplexes meeting all applicable city of Boulder codes. This is an estab]ished residential neighborhood adjacent to the University of Colorado campus with a mix of single family, duplex and triplex homes. All lots in the proposed minor subdivision are accessed from an existing alley. The proposal was approved by staff on Apri14, 2008 and the decision may be called up before Planning Board on or before May 4, 2008. There are two Planning Board meetings within the 30 day call up period on April 17 and May 1, 2008. Questions about the project or decision sl~ould be directed to the Case Manager, Elizabeth Lokocz at (303) 441-3138 or lokocze cr,bouldercolorado.~ov . CITY OF BOULDER -/~},~Jir~ Planning and Development Services ~~~`i'' ~ 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 fax 303-441-3241 web boulderplandevelop.net CITY OF BOULDER PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF DISPOSITION You are hereby advised that the following action was taken by the Planning Department based on the standards and criteria of the Land Use Regulations as set forth in Chapter 9-12-5, B.R.C. 1981, as applied to the proposed development. DECISION: APPROVED PROJECT NAME: UNIVERSITY PLACE REPEAT 8 DESCRIPTION: MINOR SUBDIVISION: Adjust the lot lines between the parcels addressed 861-863 19th St, 869 19th St., and 873 19th St resulting in 2 lots sized 7,966 s.f. and 10,820 s.f. LOCATION: 861 19TH ST COO R: N 01 W 05 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 39, Block 18, Subdivision UNIVERSITY PLACE City of Boulder, County of Boulder, Colorado APPLICANT: Michael Stengel OWNER: LLC 861 APPLICATION: Minor Subdivision Review, LUR2007-00087 ZONING: RM-2 CASE MANAGER: Elizabeth Lokocz THIS IS NOT A SITE SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL AND NO VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT IS CREATED BY THIS APPROVAL. Denied On: 7 / 7 / Date Ruth McHeyser, Acting Planning Director This decision may be appealed to the Planning Board by filing an appeal letter with the Planning Department within two weeks of the decision date. If no such appeal is filed, the decision shall be deemed final fourteen days after the date above mentioned. Appeal to Planning Board expires: y ~~8 ~ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL None. Address: 861 19TH ST - - - - City of Boulder Vicinity Map ~ ~ p . R H - 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,.o ! % Regenf Dr 1 ~ ~~~~~Il: Aurora Av r Su ject Area ~ _ ~ 869-863, 869 & 873-87519th St _ p y I I w ~ w~i ~ w w M _ ~ ~ j m ~ I ~ ~ - ~ _ a ~ I_____ e - ~ Cascade Av RH-5 t I - ~ J__ - ~ _ ~ _ i . ' ~ _ Baseline Rd r' kM1.~ ~ ~ Subject ~ ~ _r1. ~ ~ ~ ~I Location: 869-863, 869 8 873-875 19th St I Project Name: University Place Replat Ciry of Review Type: Minor Subdivision Boulder n N ~ RT H The Informellon daplctsd on thls map Is proNded Review Number: LUR2007-V0~87 as graphical representetlon only. The CltyofBoulder provldas no warranty, expressed or implied, es to 1 inch equals 250 feet the eecuracy and/or complelenass oflhe IMOrmMlon Applicant: Mike Stengel cornslnsdhereon. ~ - - UNiVERSlTY PLACE REPEAT B ~°~~"r T, REPEAT OF LOTS 39, 40, 41, 42, 43 AND 44, BLOCK 18, UNfVERSITY PLACE ~ ~J~jl_* LOCATED IN THE S`dd1~4 AND THE S4N1~4 OF THE SE1~4 SEC. 31, T1N R70W SfXTH P.M. i ~ I CITY OF BOULDER, COUNTY OF BOULDEP,, STATE OF COLORADO DEa1CAAON i Axp'M N1 ECx BY T65E PxEYxS TOTAL AREA = 18,78 SQ. FT. (0.43 ACRE} I~ A C YNPEfl9pMD. 4.tY1JEl h SiT'G1. NO]` %I, N.Ya6Ni M1NO .^.aSRE KEV "I ''r-l OAU4M0 LL41RA LA411tt 0.YIPMY 1H ?!E OMNFAi Q A!Ai REK PR:.F_Htt . SHEET 1 OF 1 ~ _ § _ 3 CE~xAA f41CwS BIXNLQ. CGVIiI w BJVUW. SA ~ G' CA4IFLU. IASS ]Y. M, hl. 4y y 4p M BN? to'-KVtAS'tt Y. ACf ~t> Ce Bl4~U':A. j t MtlryiT w IXXADfIY`$U'15 CP C(/bypb R c RAS w Mp('1 S LEiIBEBiCC119NS S98t ,9tN 91xE£5, {59 lHM 61pFR, P>J IVM 61pcT7 C ~ ~ _ 14 IRLamEn M PtAi Bb J% 2 ro)u¢m nr BbsLIX CaN acnAU4 ih.E CAUSED SW RFN PI{PaCtry p ~ tW tl]i g. vCvE9 AS „ f tt1P:NAfNE] N£sfBY Cp,Sti3 tn'{h PLPiT!lu' w SYJ NrFC,Ia ^5 J!` Pi A~ . M,£x51t•' PIAtt 3YtAT & Ptt [f MNDFR MUN w D-ikws, _iatE CG r MLMapy f ~ 1~ F- ' S 8958'37" £ 123.60 ~ t" t i GIXARM1O" ~~u °a - s.;fi`~`a'ru `+sw ~ ~ sY_lf.~" s'~~>m ~ a w f n+a~azm ~s'EN z _ '~I ~_E `a =r.~ ~ ~~p ) ; M LOT 1 B M ~ - ~ caJ.vn w BovtPev j ~ ttAj - - _ _ IP 7.856 SO. FT. m snre aP COIONAUb 1 i ,n W 4.18 AC, f cwwx w arvuxx i~ i i --i mE tixuuF:xr wAS ewaE NE nis T PhY~_~~DO &Y WO,PFt w_..RN¢i L. ~ ';N ~ r~~~~ TIC FCRGCMC wS1RVN[Ti nM1S FPNOW.ESL£d WPpC 4E 1 ` YnMESS HY x.Wb M9 RN.. iV u~ N, 1 -^J uY cwwsua nvwfs Lsfaw4anxe = ~ _ _ g yg +ws~.7 w Aa:1 _ io4. av 'wL.YC T. 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