Minutes - Parks & Recreation - November 24, 2008 City of Boulder
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway
Monday, November 24, 2008
Action Meeting Minutes
To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety,
please go to the following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org
Board Present:
Norm Murphy, Chad Julian, Todd Bryan, Joel Davidow, Pete Webber
Board Absent: Frances Hartogh
Staff Present:
Jan Geden, Alice Guthrie, Teri Olander, Abbie Novak, Sally Dieterich, Perry
Brooks, Matt Clausen, Mike Gurrola
Guests Present:
Bill Fox, Fox Higgins Transportation
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m.
The agenda was approved.
Public participation was opened.
Nicole Duryea, city of Boulder resident, representing Boulder Community
Rowing, spoke about the proposed fee increases and access restrictions at the
Boulder Reservoir. She said the proposed fee increases are prohibitively
expensive and that the group will most likely not be able to exist if the fees are
Alex Berlin, city of Boulder resident, representing University of Colorado
Rowing, spoke on the need for less restricted entry to the Boulder Reservoir
during early morning hours.
Joanne Tilley, city Boulder resident, representing Boulder Community Rowing,
questioned proposed fee increases for rowing groups at the Boulder Reservoir.
Jerry Allen, city of Boulder resident, spoke about lack of safe access to Valmont
City Park via the bike path blocked at Butte Street.
Ronnie Pelusio, city of Boulder resident, spoke about the proposed off-leash dog
park at Holiday Park and his support for the proposal.
David Secunda, city of Boulder resident, representing Holiday Association Master
HOA, spoke in support of the proposed off-leash dog park at Holiday Pazk.
Rob Smoke, city of Boulder resident, spoke in favor of banning power boats
and jet skis at the Boulder Reservoir.
Jeffery Erickson, city of Boulder resident, representing Colorado Junior Crew,
expressed concerns relative to fee increases and access restrictions for rowing
groups at the Boulder Reservoir. He said fee increases of 300% could cause the
demise of the Colorado Junior Crew.
Helen Killeen, city of Boulder resident, member of Colorado Junior Crew, spoke
against proposed fee increases and access restrictions for rowing groups at the
Boulder Reservoir. She explained that the proposed 300% fee increase would
prohibit her from continuing her relationship with Colorado Junior Crew.
Public pazticipation was closed.
Geden noted that acting the Boulder Reservoir Administrator, Stacy Cole, would
be meeting with rowing community representatives. Geden noted that the Boulder
Reservoir access will continue to be a challenge as the gate must be staffed
continuously due to the zebra mussel issue.
Relative to power boating at the Boulder Reservoir, Geden said that there are
currently no plans to change any uses in 2009, but that this issue will be discussed
in the near future. Guthrie added that open water petroleum testing will be
conducted next season.
Brooks said that staff is reviewing the access options at Valmont City Park and
that the city of Boulder Transportation Department is working on several
Minutes from October 27, 2008 were approved as amended.
A. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion on the East Boulder
Community Park Phase Two Concept Plan -continuation from October
Geden explained that as this item was continued from the October 27, 2008 Boazd
meeting and that there would be no presentation.
Public presentation was opened.
Sylvia Rognstad, city of Boulder resident, spoke against the East Boulder
Community Park Concept Plan and stated that more development is unnecessary.
Gabriele Sattler, city of Boulder resident, suggested moving the dog pazk to the
east, thereby increasing parking and eliminating the need for 104 new parking
spaces at East Boulder Community Pazk.
Joanie Cazdone, city of Boulder resident, stated that the East Boulder Community
Pazk Concept Plan Phase Two should be postponed due to sluggish sales tax
receipts. She added that additional parking spaces would cause increased traffic.
Mireille Key, city of Boulder resident, spoke against continued development of
East Boulder Community Pazk, as it would be detrimental to wildlife.
Jessica Sandler, city of Boulder resident, suggested that more development at the
Park is unnecessary due to the current economy, pazking lots are never full and
that there would be more destruction of wildlife.
Suzanne DeLucia, city of Boulder resident, asked that staff reconsider this
development. She added that it is irresponsible when the tax base is eroding.
Steve Bauhs, city of Boulder resident, spoke on the need to postpone this project
due to troubled economic times. He also said it does not benefit the neighborhood.
Karen Lewinn, city of Boulder resident, asked that this project be moved to
Cherryvale where traffic would not be an issue.
Geden said that this is an approval of a concept plan, not approval of a
development plan. She added that this project is not completely funded and
development would not begin right immediately. She explained that the Boazd
discussed this project in the 2008 CIP and chose to reallocate some funding from
this project until completion of the concept plan in order to determine how this
project would move forwazd.
Mumhv made the following motion:
That the PRAB approve the Phase Two Concept Plan for East Boulder
Community Pazk and as the plan develops staff will return to the Board with the
phasing strategy and review the costs and the prioritization in the CIP.
Julian seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
B. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion to name the pocket park at
Alpine and 17`n' Ann Armstrong Park.
Gurrola gave a brief presentation on this item. He said the city acquired the
12,000 sq. ft. site in 1997. He explained that Patrick Murphy approached staff
proposing the site be named Ann Armstrong Park to honor former department
employee, Ann Armstrong, for making a significant contributions to the
community over an extended period of time. He added that Ms. Armstrong
worked for both the Pazks and Recreation and Open Space Departments for
seventeen years, being instrumental in the identification and cataloging of plant
species in the city and was an active member of the Colorado Native Plant
Public participation was opened.
Mary Reilly-McNellan, Boulder County resident, spoke in favor of naming
the park at 17~' and Alpine, Ann Armstrong Pazk.
Patrick Murphy, city of Boulder resident, spoke in favor of naming the pazk at
17~' and Alpine, Ann Armstrong Pazk.
Megan Bowes, city of Boulder resident, spoke in favor of naming the pazk at 17~'
and Alpine, Ann Armstrong Park.
Julian made the following motion:
That the PRAB recommend naming the site Ann Armstrong Park.
Murphy seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Geden noted that an additional item would be added to Matters from the
Department. She explained the department transition plan relative to the
Department and its leadership indicating that as of Decemberl, 2008, Tracy
Winfree, city of Boulder Transportation Director, would become'/< time Acting
Director of Parks and Recreation. She added that Alice Guthrie would move from
Parks and Planning Superintendent to Interim Recreation Superintendent and
Felix Gallo will move from the city of Boulder Transportation Department to
act as Interim Parks and Planning Superintendent. Geden also thanked Teri
Olander for her nine months serving as Acting Recreation Superintendent.
A. Plan for Off-leash Dog Park Proposal at Holiday Park
Guthrie explained the procedure to be followed regarding this item. She indicated
that in order to proceed with the request for anoff--leash dog pazk at the site, staff
would need to conduct a public meeting, prepare a cost analysis, prepaze a report
for the PRAB's recommendation and obtain an ordinance from the City
Attorney's Office for City Council consideration,
B. Valmont City Park (VCP) Design Process Update
Webber recused himself from this due to his role as asub-contractor on this
Brooks gave a brief verbal update on the status of this project.
• Christian Moeller is the artist chosen to design the site specific public art
and become a member of the design team
• Relative to the ditch azea there are three options:
1. Developing the park site "as is."
2. Eliminate trails and have a more passive recreation azea geazed
towazds more wildlife habitat
3. A combination of the aforementioned options
Murphy added that the cost to move the Platt farmhouse could cost $400,000 and
that there aze concerns about the functionality of the farmhouse.
C. Boulder Reservoir Master Plan Update
Brooks said that the Planning Board approved the site plan for the Fire Training
Center. He added that staff approached Boulder County relative to installing a
dedicated right hand turning lane along the property line for fire truck access, and
received a positive response.
D. Recreation Program Plan Update
Olander gave an update on the status of this item including a draft timeline.
She added that there will be four study sessions, the first occurring ip February,
detailing the preliminazy SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats)
analysis, trend analysis, program viability report and the citizen survey. In April
results from the open houses, the final program viability report, analysis, revenues
and survey results will be discussed. In June or July the study session will focus
on the draft framework for decision -making. The September study session will
address the results from open houses and draft plan recommendations. The public
hearing on the Recreation Program Plan will occur with consideration for
adoption occurring in October 2009.
Bryan suggested that there be an opportunity to have a closer look at user groups
and how the Department might utilize them.
E. Flatirons Golf Course Report
Guthrie explained that a consultant has prepazed a draft report with options for
facilities and upgrades at Flatirons Golf Course. She added that further analysis
will be conducted with staff providing recommendations after Thanksgiving. She
said staff anticipates scheduling a study session with the PRAB on this topic in
Davidow provided a handout detailing his observations as PRAB liaison on
Thunderbird Lake. This draft communication can be accessed.on the Pazks and
Recreation website: www.bouldemazks-rec.or¢, November 24 PRAB meeting,
Agenda item VIII.
The next Boazd meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2008 at the West Senior
Center Creekside Room, 909 Arapahoe Ave.
The meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m.
o d Chair
Att~est~: Q
Sally Diete ch
Recording Secretazy