Minutes - Parks & Recreation - November 13, 2008 City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway Monday, November 13, 2008 Action Meeting Minutes To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety, please go to the following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org Board Present: Norm Murphy, Chad Julian, Frances Hartogh, Joel Davidow, Pete Webber Board Absent: Todd Bryan Staff Present: Jan Geden, Alice Guthrie, Teri Olander, Abbie Novak, Perry Brooks, Matt Claussen Guests Present: Molly Tayer, Strategic Goals Facilitator The meeting was called to order at 5:35 p.m. I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The agenda was approved. II. FUTURE BOARD ITEMS AND TOURS Geden said that information relative to the Department's transition would be provided at the next PRAB meeting on November 24, 2008. III. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There was no public participation. IV. CONSENT AGENDA V. ITEMS FOR ACTION A. Public Hearing and consideration of a motion to recommend that the Landmarks Board approve the relocation of the Platt farmhouse as part of the development of Valmont City Park -Phase One. Webber recused himself from this discussion because he works for a contractor hired by the firm designing Valmont City Park -Phase One. Brooks provided a brief update on the status of this item. He said that staff has proposed moving the historic Platt farmhouse closer to Airport Road, approximately 600 feet to the southwest, to use the farmhouse as community 1 space for Valmont City Pazk activities. He added that the farmhouse would be re- habilitated to be as it was when built in 1904. Staff was given a go-ahead by the Landmarks Committee and will go before the Landmarks Boazd on January 7, 2008 for final approval. Murphv made the following motion: That PRAB strongly recommend the Landmazks Boazd approve the relocation of the Platt farmhouse as part of the development of V almont City Park Phase One. Moving the Platt farmhouse is critical to the efficient use of the pazk land. Julian seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with one recusal. VI. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSIONIINFORMATION A. Valmont City Park Phase One -Draft Plan Review for activities between the irrigation ditches Brooks provided a brief update on this item. B. PRAB Strategic Goals Tayer facilitated this item to deterune how the PRAB can effect changes in future work both broadly and specifically. Attachment A reflects the discussion of the Board. VII. MATTERS FROM THE DEPARTMENT A. Board Liaison to Blue Ribbon Commission 2 (BRC 2) The Boazd deferred choosing a liaison until the December PRAB meeting. VIII. MATTERS FROM BOARD MEMBERS IX. NEXT BOARD MEETING: November 24, 2008 X. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. 2 APPROVED BY PARKS AND REC TION VISORY BOARD o y Board Chair Attest: Q~~ ' Sally Dieterich Recording Secretary 3 Attachment A PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Discussion with Director and Staff on 2009 Projects and PRAB Goal Setting November 13, 2008 Jan Geden provided overview of the economic climate and anticipated impacts to municipal government, and specifically the Pazks and Recreation department. Jan and department staff discussed the proposed projects for the coming 12+ months and the implications of these projects on staff resources and other resources needed. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS FROM PRAB: ? Public information regarding costs/tradeoffs in P&R decisions • Could we put some form of "dashboazd" up on the website to provide info regazding deferred maintenance and CIP expenditures? ? List of non-core businesses and their costs to the P&R budget (ex: train in Central Pazk) • Provide information regarding any bamers/challenges to removing these items ? Could PRAB members help by raising issues of importance or providing intermediary role with Council and the public? MAJOR PROJECTS IDENTIFIED BY STAFF Comments and request for PRAB members assistance Recreation Program Plan: ? Will come to PRAB for review and input ? Expect several community meetings -would like to have PRAB members present ? Plan for study sessions throughout process Golf Course Strategic Business Plan: (Three PRAB members -identified as key) ? Bring to PRAB for study session (proposed Januazy 12) ? Need to plan timing for input to CIP, if applicable ? Question from PRAB: Does recent Valmont City Pazk process instruct or provide an example of how to move this? Reservoir Master Plan: ? Start process eazly in 2009- awaiting project lead from Planning Dept. ? Boater program -letters go out in December with changes to fees in coming yeaz; no changes regazding power boats in 2009 ? Need PRAB help with public engagement Valmont City Park -Phase 1 Development: ? Monthly updates at PRAB meetings 1 Other projects from list ? Partnership/Sponsorship Model: (One member raised as area needing work) We have beta test in place with bike pazk and Valmont City Pazk Announce info about the paztnership program/opportunities at next PRAB? ? Staff plans to get info out to community groups- not ready for "big broadcast" OTHER QUESTIONS/COMMENTS: ? Need good financial information (data and forecasts) to know what is really happening and what the depaztment will be able to do ? How to get to more diversified funding sources? (Special use district info) Topics Identified during discussion: PRAB GOALS 2009 ? Putting P&R information in front of City Council. ? Help paint the picture they face ? Help frame decision-making and trade-offs for City Council. ? PRAB member presence at public meetings/events for core work plan projects ? Should we assign PRAB rep (and alternate) by issue azea? ? Collaboration between Boazd and department ? Invite department staff to see us as partners Next Meeting: ¦ Take the suggested performance practices and test against the projects listed by staff and other suggested key Parks and Recreation activities. ¦ Select one to three goal(s) for 2009. 2