4A - Draft Minutes - Parks & Recreation - October 27, 2008 City of Boulder
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway
Monday, October 27, 2008
Action Meeting Minutes
To listen to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meetings in their entirety,
please go to the following link: www.boulderparks-rec.org
Board Present:
Norm Murphy, Todd Bryan, Joel Davidow, Pete Webber, Frances Hartogh
Board Absent: Chad Julian
Staff Present:
Jan Geden, Alice Guthrie, Sarah DeSouza, Teri Olander, Abbie Novak, Sally
Dieterich, Perry Brooks, Matt Clausen
Guests Present:
Bill Fox, Fox Higgins Transportation+
Bill Bobzien, Shapins Belt Collins
Bobby Noyes, Boulder Mountainbike Alliance
The meeting was called to order at 6:03 p.m.
The agenda was approved.
Public participation was opened.
David Sugunda, city of Boulder resident, representing the Holiday Master
Homeowners Association, spoke in favor of establishing an off-leash dog park at
1-loliday Park.
Ronnie Pelusio, city of Boulder resident, spoke on the need of an off leash dog
park at holiday Park.
Rob Srnoke, city Boulder resident, spoke in favor of establishing a moratorium
restricting the use of power boats at Boulder Reservoir.
Olivia Mazal, city of Boulder resident, pooled minutes with Cyndi Wright, city of
Boulder resident, who spoke on the need for repair and renovations at melody
Public participation was closed.
Geden noted that staff' would respond to the proposal of an off-leash dog park at
Holiday Park at the November 24, 2008 Board meeting.
Relative to power boating at Boulder Reservoir, Geden said that there are
currently no plans to change any uses in 2009, but that this issue will be discussed
as part of the 1eservoir Master Plan, scheduled to be completed in 2009.
Relative to Melody Park, Guthrie responded that staff will review criteria in 2009
to prioritize park renovation priorities.
Minutes from September 22, 2008 were approved unanimously.
A. Public Hearing and Consideration of a Motion on the East Boulder
Community Park Phase Two Concept Plan
Geden explained that this action item was not advertised in the News from City
Hall section of the Boulder Daily Camera, thereby not permitting public
attendance. Por this meeting she said staff would make a presentation and have a
public meeting with questions following. At that time the item would be
suspended to the November 24, 2008 meeting when a second public hearing
would be held. The Board would then deliberate and vote on the last Boulder
Community Park Concept Plan. Geden said that staff would prepare a summary of
this item to be presented at the November 24, 2008 meeting. She indicated that
the recording of the October 27, 2008 meeting can be accessed vn the city of
Boulder website along with the f
uIl meeting agenda packet.
Public participation was opened.
Stan Wolpofi; city of Boulder resident, representing Colorado Handball, spoke of
the need for more handball courts at East Boulder Community Park.
Jessica Sandler, city of Boulder resident, questioned the placement of a parking
lot in a high traffic area at East Boulder Community Park.
Gabriele Sattler, city of Boulder resident, spoke against a new 104 space parking
lot at Fast Boulder Community Park, citing issues with increased traffic in the
Gary Haraldsen, city of Boulder resident, spoke in favor of installing tennis court
lights at East Boulder Community Park.
Karen Lewinn, city of Boulder resident, spoke in opposition to the East Boulder
Community Park project due to the increase in traffic it would cause.
Hardy Kalisher, city of Boulder resident, representing Boulder County Force
Soccer Club, spoke in favor of this project and artificial turf for the fields at East
Boulder Community Park.
Claire Douthit, city of Boulder resident, representing the Boulder Tennis
Association, spoke of the need for lights at the East Boulder Community Park
tennis courts.
Janice Jennings, city of Boulder resident, felt that increased traffic from this
project would cause issues at SSt~' Street and Baseline Road.
John Hinkleman, city of Boulder resident, spoke in favor of adding turf fields to
the East Boulder Community Park site.
Public participation was closed.
Brooks explained the history of this project. He said the land was purchased in
1986 with a bond issue for the purpose of becoming a community park. The
Concept Plan was approved in 1989 with initial development beginning in 1991.
Phase Two was begun in June 2008 and is based on community input from four
public meetings. He said Phase 1'wo would include the fallowing:
• Two artificial turf multi-purpose fields
• Surface parking
• Sustainable irrigation pond
• Improvements to existing handball courts
• Restroorn/picnic shelter
• Lighting two tennis courts
• Pedestrian bicycle connections
• Infrastructure improvements
He added that a traffic study was conducted to determine anticipated traffic
impacts. An additional parking lot has been planned adjacent to the multi-use
fields, adding 100 spaces. He said that completion of the Phase Two Concept Plan
would provide the following:
• Contribute economically to the city of Boulder
• Provide environmental benefits
• Increase social development for residents and visitors using the park.
B. Public Hearing and Consideration c>f a Motion to Support the Use of
Fundraised Monies by the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (BMA) for the
Enhancement of the Valmont Bike Park at Valmont City Park
Webber asked to be recused from this discussion because he is a member of the
fundraising committee for the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (BMA) and also
works for a contractor hired by the firm designing Valmont City Park.
DeSouza presented an overview of this item providing information about the
partnership between the city of Boulder and BMA for development of the bike
park at Valmont City Park (VCP). She asked the DRAB to make a
recommendation on the use of funds that arc donated through the partnership for
Valmont Bike Park by considering the following options:
• Option l : Supplemental Use of Funds
• Option 2: Establishment of Quasi-Endowment Fund/Supplemental Use of
• Option3: Off-Set /Reallocation of Funds
She indicated that staff recommended Option 1, adding BMA donations to the
existing budget. She added that staff would like to set March 3I, 2009 as the
fundraising deadline. For future fundraising partnerships, she stated that staff
recommends Option 2, establishing aQuasi-Endowment Fund.
Bryan made the following, motion:
That the PRAB adopt staff's recommendation for Option 1 until March 31, 2009,
at which time we would go with the split.
Murphy seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
A. Sesquicentennial Celebration Presentation Video
Geden explained that this item would not be discussed due to the unavailability of
the presenter.
A. Ilarlow Platts Cyclocross Race Neighborhood Meeting Update
Brooks gave a bricf~ update on this item. He said the first race would be held at the
Boulder Reservoir oil Saturday, November 1, 2008 and the second race would be
held at Harlow Platts Community Park on Sunday, November 2 2008.
I;. Recreation Program Plan Update
Olander provided an update on the status of this item. She noted that she and
Abbic Novak will be co-leaders of the project. A decision on hiring a contractor
will be. made in October.
C. Valmont City Park (VCP) Design Process Update
Brooks provided a brief update on the status of this item. He said staff is in the
process of finalizing the design plan for the bike park. He added that staff will be
going to the Landmarks Board in November to obtain authorization to move the
Platt farmhouse closer to Airport Road. He mentioned that staff is anticipating
going to the Planning Board in December or January for site review. He noted
staff is looking at potential re-use of the old chicken farm building as a gazebo for
an indoor bike park, staging for races, astart-stop area and a venue for race
D. Boulder Reservoir Entrance gate Update
Brooks provided a brief update on this item. I Te said there has been discussion
with Boulder County relative to developing a right turn lane at the entrance gate
to alleviate traffic concerns in that neighborhood. There is potential construction
of a wash station to address the zebra mussel issue.
E. Update on the Municipal Complex Plan
Brooks provided information on this item. He indicated that this is the land
between 9`" and 14°i Streets and Canyon Blvd. and Arapahoe Avenue. He added
that staff is currently working with the non-profit group, Project for Public
Spaces, to take a comprehensive look at how to have this area function in the best
way. He said there will be a public meeting in the near future to hear community
input and that this is the basis for completion of the Concept Plan.
F. Strategic Goals Study Session November 13
Geden suggested having a meeting for discussion of goals, priorities and issues
facing the Department and areas of focus prior to her retirement. She said a
facilitator has been selected to facilitate the discussion.
G. Proposed December Meeting Date
Due to the Christmas holiday, the December PRAB meeting was rescheduled to
December 15, 2008 at the West Senior Center Creekside Room, 909 Arapahoe
H. Update on the Boulder Transit Village Concept Plan
Ueden said the Boulder "transit Village Concept Plan was submitted to staff by
the Planning and Transportation Departments to be shared with the PRAB.
A. Thunderbird Lake Liaison Statement to City Council
PRAB liaison llavidow suggested having a discussion at the next Board meeting
to determine contents of a statement to City Council.
The next Board meeting is scheduled for November 24, 2008.
The meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m.
Norman Murphy
Board Chair
Sally Dieterich
Recording Secretary