6A - Update Memo November 4th, 2009 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: James Hewat, Chris Meschuk SUBJECT: Update Memo Post WW-II Residential Subdivision Survey and Context A draft of the context, survey, and management recommendations have been submitted by the consultant and are currently being reviewed by staff and the Colorado Historical Society. The information will be presented to the Board in January and presentations to the public will follow. Valmont Mill and Depot Staff has completed Colorado Historical Society historic structure assessment (HSA) grant application for the Valmont Mill. A Depot task force will be convened in the near future to review the Depot FISA grant application and commence planning for the rehabilitation and re- use of the building. Mapleton School Coalition A request to the Boulder Valley School District to lease the school for use as an early childhood learning center will be taken up by the School Board. The October 13, 2009 school board meeting has been postponed. 2009 CLG Grant The grant to digitize the survey forms and photographs is continuing 2010 CLG Grant Application Staff will be submitting a grant on November 151h for the 2010 grant cycle, a portion of which will be in request of funds for Board and staff members to attend the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Forum in Grand Rapids Michigan in July of 2010. New and Pending Land Use Review Applications See attached Planning Board Calendar See attached. Stay-of-Demolition Status Summary, November 411,, 2009 None Landmark Applications: , Second reading of 114313th Street landmark designation, October 24t11, 2009 Second reading of '1155 1311 Street landmark designation, October 24t", 2009 ~ ~ _ ~+FIY IQaAWC• W ~ A .:1: ,:7t1RNAk0Urld - ._:T• IN - eB ` r , sm O > HH e s:. ~r . ■ i:1~. RR . O A' a • i ^ ' ry r FR*POS- sraw uvr is Lo" I ecrornrrr ruzAftA,vreR ZZM I ' a R0 nF PARKWO CARAG- ffywreu) • - ill: ~u EE j Error a+. ■~''d• rvlreNCwy~ sod r Ny. ra sec plant FF : s r` nNISWO FW notes 9 i ` - / - ' I 53P&0 ~ ,y I GA G~ OE Y! r~ IN v E I AIM API' 1NSC~`PING - - - t 10 AIN ! 6. AMP I y PL" Fir I • • r • • • • lrl t.Tl5.7N3 JO, R.Cl _ E"SnNC 30'R Planting Utility 2. Staff previously commented (#8) on the use of clump trees in the right-of-way and recommended large maturing shade trees. The proposed Pyramidal Hornbeam is not acceptable street tree and shall be revised per one of the approved street trees in Chapter 3 of the Design and Construction Standards large maturing tree category. Note again the Ash is not acceptable. An Elm variety, any of the approved Oaks, Hackberry or an alternative as approved by staff may be specified. 3. Staff previously commented (#2) that the grading plan did not protect the existing Pine on Aurora. Although a wall may be a reasonable way to accommodate for the proposed grading around the tree, it may not be located as currently shown. Relocate the wall to the outside edge of the tree's dripline or revise the proposed grading to eliminate the need for a wall entirely. If a wall is needed, include the Design and Construction Standard Detail 3.04 Grade Change Around Existing Trees on the plans. 4. Update the plan on sheet A8, Open Areas, to accurately reflect the stair alignment on Aurora and current site layout. Legal Documents Julia Chase, City Attorney's Office, Ph. (303) 441-3020 Prior to signing the Development Agreement, if approved, the Applicant shall provide the following: 1) An updated title commitment or attorney's memorandum current within 30 days; and 2) Proof of authorization to sign on behalf of the owrier, such as a Statement of Authority. Plan Documents Charles Ferro (303-441-4012) 1) Indicate accessory structure setbacks (elevator and trellis structures) on sheet AO. 2) Indicate height of accessory structures on sheet A4. III. INFORMATIONAL COMMENTS Drainage (Steve Buckbee, 303-441-3279) 1. Drainage easements are required over the detention ponds and in a width of 10 feet to connect the ponds to other easements and right-of-way in cases where a pond is not located directly adjacent to city right-of-way or easement. 2. The location of the detention pond directly adjacent to the north foundation wall requires a letter from the structural and/or soils engineer indicating that water storage and infiltration next to the foundation will not present any structural problems. An engineer stamped copy of the letter provided will be required before the final engineering plans can be Address: 900 28TH ST approved. Additionally, the letter will need to address the wet soil conditions that the detention pond will create next to the foundation. Any proposed foundation drain or water proofing systems will need to be finalized and included with the technical document submittal. 3. Provide an engineer stamped copy of the soils report with the technical document submittal. 4. A construction storm water discharge permit is required from the State of Colorado for projects disturbing greater than 1 acre. The applicant is advised to contact the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. (http://www.cdplie.state.co.us/wa/PermitsUnitistorniwaterlconstruction.html) Engineering (Steve Buckbee, 303-44'1-3279) The applicant is notified that any groundwater discharge to the storm sewer system will require both a state permit and a city agreement. The steps for obtaining the proper approvals are as follows: Step 1 Identify applicable Colorado Discharge Permit System requirements for the site. Step 2 Determine any history of site contamination (underground storage tanks, groundwater contamination, industrial activities, landfills, etc.) If there is contamination on the site or in the groundwater, water quality monitoring is required. Step 3 Submit a written request to the city to use the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). This submittal should include a copy of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) permit application. The written request should include the location, description of the discharge, and brief discussion of all discharge options (e.g., discharge to MS4, groundwater infiltration, off-site disposal, etc.) The request should be addressed to: City of Boulder, Stormwater Quality, 4049 75th St, Boulder, CO 80301 Fax: 303-413-7364 Step 4 The city's Stormwater Quality Office will respond with a DRAFT agreement, which will need to be submitted with the CDPHE permit application. CDPHE will not finalize the discharge permit without permission from the city to use the MS4. Step 5 Submit a copy of the final discharge permit issued by CDPHE back to the City's Stormwater Quality Office so that the MS4 agreement can be finalized. For further information regarding stormwater quality within the City of Boulder contact the City's Stormwater Quality Office at 303-413-7350. All applicable permits must be in place prior to building permit application. Utilities (Steve Buckbee, 303-441-3279) 1. The private sewer service and associated easement serving 910 28th must be abandoned before this final engineering can be approved. 2. The applicant is advised that any proposed street trees along the property frontage may conflict with existing utilities, including without limitation: gas, electric, and telecommunications, within and adjacent to the development site. It is the applicant's responsibility to resolve such conflicts with appropriate methods conforming to the Boulder Revised Code 1981, the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, and any private/franchise utility specifications. 3. Maintenance of sand/oil interceptors and all private wastewater and storm sewer lines and structures shall remain the responsibility of the owner. 4. Floor drains internal to covered parking structures, that collect drainage from rain and ice drippings from parked cars or water used to wash-down internal floors, shall be connected to the wastewater service using appropriate grease and sediment traps. 5. All water meters are to be placed in city R.O.W. or a public utility easement, but meters are not to be placed in driveways, sidewalks or behind fences. 6. Trees proposed to be planted shall be located at least 10 feet away from existing or future utility mains and services. Signs Mary Margaret Little 303-441-3137 Sign permits are required. Existing signage on this parcel has been installed without the appropriate permits. Signage installed without a permit are charged double. No new signage will be allowed until all signs have permits. Utilities (Steve Buckbee, 303-441-3279) 1. The applicant is advised that any proposed street trees along the property frontage may conflict with existing utilities, including without limitation: gas, electric, and telecommunications, within and adjacent to the development site. It is Address: 900 28TH ST 1~ the applicant's responsibility to resolve such conflicts with appropriate methods conforming to the Boulder Revised Code 1981, the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, and any private/franchise utility specifications. 2. Maintenance of sand/oil interceptors and all private wastewater and storm sewer lines and structures shall remain the responsibility of the owner. 3. Floor drains internal to covered parking structures, that collect drainage from rain and ice drippings from parked cars or water used to wash-down internal floors, shall be connected to the wastewater service using appropriate grease and sediment traps. 4. All water meters are to be placed in city R.O.W. or a public utility easement, but meters are not to be placed in driveways, sidewalks or behind fences. 5. Trees proposed to be planted shall be located at least 10 feet away from existing or future utility mains and services. VI. Conditions Conditions of approval will be drafted upon a recommendation for approval. Address: 900 28TH ST /n lJl