5D - Landmark Alteration Certificate for 2008 Pine St. - Whittier School (HIS2009-00102) MEMORANDUM August 51h, 2009 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to construct approximately 10,000 sq. ft. in additions to the sides and rear of Whittier School, a local historic landmark located at 2008 Pine Street per section 9- 11-18 of the BRC. (HIS2009-00102). STATISTICS: 1. Site: 2008 Pine Street 2. Historic Designation: Individual Landmark 3. Zoning: RH-2 (Residential high-2) 4. Applicant: SlaterPaull Architects 5. Date of Construction: 1882 6. Historic Name(s): Pine Street School, Whittier School 7. Lot Size: 103,693 sq. ft. 8. Building Size: 35,123 sq. ft. 9. Request: Construction of approximately 10,000 sq. ft. in additions. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board make the following motion: The Landmarks Board approves the proposal to construct additions to the Whittier School at 2008 Pine Street which generally meets the standards in Chapter 9-11-18 B.R.C. 1981, and is generally consistent with the General Design Guidelines, subject to the conditions below, and adopts this memorandum as findings of the board. AGENDA ITEM #51) PAGE 1 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\H[ST\ALTCSRTS\Landmarks\Pine.2008\080.05.09 memo.doc CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be constructed in compliance with all approved plans on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall provide details regarding exterior wall materials, door and windows, and roofing materials to staff for review and approval. The applicant shall demonstrate that the design details are in compliance with the intent of this approval and the General Design Guidelines. `Mis recommendation is based upon staff's opinion that with the conditions listed above, the proposed construction will be generally consistent with the conditions as specified in Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code, and the General Design Guidelines. Summary: 9 Designated a local Landmark in 1997, the Whittier School (originally Pine Street School) was constructed in 1882 after plans by Denver architect Frank Edbrooke. It is the oldest, continually used school in the state of Colorado. a This proposal to construct a 5,980 sq. ft. addition at the east and 41022 sq. ft. at the south of the c.1950 addition to the school was referred to the full Landmarks Board by the Landmarks design review committee on June 3, 2009. ® Staff considers the proposal generally consistent with Section 9-11- 18(a)&(b)(1-3) of the Boulder Revised Code and the General Design Guidelines subject to the conditions outlined in this memorandum. AGENDA ITEM #51) PAGE S:\PLAN\datallong;ang\HIST\AI;I'CERTS\Landmarks\line.2008\080.05.09 memo.doc 1 6, Figure 1. Newly Constructed Pine Street School c.1882 Background: In June of 2009, the application to construct additions at the east and south elevations of Whittier School was reviewed by the Landmarks design review committee (Ldre). A member of the committee considered that, because of the scale of proposed new construction, the Landmarks Board should consider the application in a public hearing. J T 4 S t.e,, h r A - 1 ~ ~ }a.Ti'•x i Figure 2. Whittier School facade, 2009 AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE S:\PI.AN\data\longrang\HISI'\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pine.2008\080.05.09 memadoc. Request: The application calls for the construction of two one-story additions to the non- historic 1950 and 1986 portions of the Whittier School. In addition, the proposal calls for the construction of a two-story elevator tower and relocated stair at the west elevation of the historic 1916 addition. The building is currently approximately 36,000 sq. ft. in size. _ tee. ~i• y r t ' i ~ y` X11} . . ti!y IITI . - _ - t ' 411 i 4 ; ~ ti Yrt't~ .tr • ell, Ilk Figure 3. Site Plan showing existing and proposed (hatched area) construction At roughly 10,000 sq. ft. the proposed additions will increase the floor area of the school by approximately 27%. A site plan shows the south addition to be located 75' from the 1916 addition to the school, and the east addition 65' away from the 1916 addition. The proposed additions are shown to be 150' and 85' away from the original 1882 school. Existing mobile classroom units are to be removed to make way for the south addition. AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE S:\PLAN\data\Iongrang\TIIST\ALTCBR'I'S\Landmarks\Pine.2008\080,05.09 memo.doc ya xa ~ --r,-~ Figure 4. Existing west elevation 19 l Figure 5. Proposed west elevation Submitted drawings indicate the south and east additions are to be lower than the portions of building to which they are to be attached and between 25' and 33' lower than the historic portions of the building. Elevations show the south addition to have a flat roof, to be constructed of brick and to be simply fenestrated with windows reflecting the proportions of those found on the historic school building. The east addition is shown to partially connect with the 1984 library addition and to reference that portion in material, roof form, and fenestration. P r. M.. i 1 ' 1 ~ Figure 6. Location of proposed elevator tower AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE S:\PLAMdata\longrang\HISTIALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pine.2008\080.05.09 memoAoc Drawings show the elevator tower to be 39' in height, to be clad in brick, and to feature a hipped roof similar in form to the original school and 1916 addition. An exterior stair is proposed at the south side of the elevator tower and 1916 addition providing access to the 1St level of the 1916 addition. To achieve this access plans call for a window on the south (tertiary) face of the 1916 addition to be converted into a door. _ lr r ~ A-2 soUni E3 F ,4nc,+ Figure 7. Existing south elevation n- i_ I_, F SouTit n r.v,~nov 113 4..... Figure 8. Proposed south elevation Board's Decision: The Historic Preservation Ordinance specifies that a Landmark Alteration Certificate may not be approved by the Board or City Council unless it meets the conditions specified in Section 9-11-18 B.R.C. Specifically: (a) The landmarks board and the city council shall not approve an application for a landmark alteration certificate unless each such agency AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE (0 S:IPLAN\dataVongranglHIST\ALTCRRTS\Landmarks\Pinc.20081080.05.04 nacmo.doc finds that the proposed work is consistent with the purposes of this chapter. (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city council shall approve a landmark alteration certificate unless it meets the following conditions: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district; (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district. (c) In determining whether to approve a landmark alteration certificate, the Landmarks Board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled. Analysis: 1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy significant exterior architectural features of the landmark? Staff finds the proposed additions will not damage or destroy the exterior features of the historic Whittier School as they are generally compatible and consistent with the General Design Guidelines. 2. Does the proposed application adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark? Staff funds that the proposed application will not adversely affect the special character of the landmark. Approximately 10,000 square feet in size, the proposed additions location, mass, and scale are generally compatible with the General Design Guidelines, and will not have an adverse effect on the landmarked AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE SAPLAN\data\1ongrang\IIIST\ALTCHRTS\I2ndmarksTine.2008\080.05.09 inemo.doc property. However, it may be inappropriate to construct subsequent additions to the school in the future. 3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed buildings compatible with the character of the landmark? Little detail is provided as to materials proposed for the additions. Elevations do show the addition to be detailed more simply and with forms that reference the historic house. However, the general approach in terms of color, texture, and arrangement of materials appears to be compatible with the historic landmark. c. The Landmarks Board is required to consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled in determining whether to approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate. Plans call for the location of a universal access elevator in the proposed elevator tower. Currently the school does not provide adequate accessibility for the disabled. Design Guidelines: The Historic Preservation Ordinance sets forth the standards the Landmarks Board must apply when reviewing a request for a Landmark Alteration Certificate and the board has adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpret the Ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposal with respect to Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of the General Design Guidelines. It is important to emphasize that design guidelines are intended to be used as an aid to appropriate design, and not as a checklist of items for compliance. 3.1 Roofs The roof is one of the primary character-defining features of a historic building, and the repetition of similar roof types creates part of the visual consistency that defines a historic area. Alterations or additions to roofs must be given careful consideration to ensure that they do not compromise the integrity of the historic structure. Typical roof shapes are gabled or hipped. Shed roofs sometimes occur on historic additions and accessory buildings. Guideline Meets Guideline? Maintain the i•eof form, slope, Because of distance from historic portions YES height, and orientation to the of building (between 65' and 150') street. proposed on-story additions will not affect the profile and slope of roof of the AGENDA ITEM 45D PAGE S:\YLAndataNlongrangUiiST\ALTCLRTS\I.andmarks"iitc.2009\0R0.05.09 mcnio.doc Whittier School. Shown to be approximately 8' lower than the 1913 addition, the proposed hip-roof elevator tower will not disrupt the dominant form of the historic building; to the street. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS 4.0 Protection of Historic Buildings and Sites Meets Guideline? .1 Construct new additions so that there is The proposed one-story additions are to YES the least possible loss of historic fabric non-historic portions of the school and and so the character-defining features of will not result in the loss of character the buildings are not destroyed. defining features. Construction of the elevator tower will result in the removal of two windows and a portico. These elements are located at the rear of the 1916 addition and set back 20' from the west face of the building. Staff does not consider portico and windows to be important character-defining elements of the historic school building. .2 New additions should he constructed so Construction of the one-story additions YES that they may be removed in the future has no physical connection to the historic without dama 'n the historic building. building and is therefore reversible. It is not appropriate to construct an Given their location, profile, and YES 3 addition that will detract from the compatible design, staff does not overall historic character of the building. consider the proposed one-story additions will detract from the overall character of the historic Whittier School. Likewise, staff considers the proposed elevator tower a compatibly designed addition and placed in an appropriate location at the rear of the 1913 portion of the building. 4.2 Distinction from Historic Buildings All additions should be discernible from the historic structure. When the original design is duplicated the historic evolution of the building becomes unclear. Instead, additions should be compatible with the historic architecture but clearly reco nizable as new construction. 1 Distinguish an addition from the in mass, scale, height, design and finish, MAYBE - historic structure, but maintain visual proposed one-story additions will be AGENDA ITEM #51) PAGE S:\PLAN\dataVongrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pine.2008\080.05.09 memo.doc continuity between the two. One clearly distinct from the historic building. common method is to step the addition Elevator tower scheme is compatible, but back and/or set it in slightly from the will read distinct from building. Staff historic structure. Every project is considers that a condition of approval different and successful designs may should be reviewed and approval of incorporate a variety of approaches. brick, windows, and roofing on the elevator tower. 2 Do not directly copy historic elements. Historic forms and elements of the YES Instead, interpret historic elements in Whittier School and later additions have simpler wa s in the addition. been incorporated in the design. 3 Additions should be simpler in detail than Proposed detailing is simpler and YES the original structure. An addition that contemporary yet contextual to and exhibits a more ornate style or implies an compatible with the historic building. earlier period of architecture than that of the on inal is inappropriate. 4 The architectural style of additions Does not imitate design of the historic YES should not imitate the historic shjle but building and subtly contextual to the must be compatible with it. historic building. Contemporary style additions are possible, but require the utmost attention to these guidelines to be successful. The use of two distinct historic styles, such as adding Tudor- style half-timbering to a Classic Cottage, is inappropriate. 4.3 Compatibility with Historic Buildings Introducing new construction that contrasts sharply with an existing historic building or site detracts from the visual continuity that marks our historic districts. While additions should be distinguishable from the historic structure, they must not contrast so sharply as to detract from the original building and/or the site. Additions should never overwhelm historic structures or the site, in mass, scale or detailing. 1 An addition should be subordinate to the Proposed additions are subordinate to YES historic building, limited in size and scale historic building in terms of height, so that it does not diminish or visually mass, and scale. overpower the building. 2 Design an addition to be compatible with Relationship of solids to voids on YES the historic building in mass, scale, additions generally compatible with materials, and color. For elevations visible historic school. Lack of fenestration on from public streets, the relationship of solids elevator tower is perhaps to voids in the exterior walls should also be uncharacteristic of historic building. compatible. However, given the diminutive size and ' location lack of fenestration on this element will make it more inconspicuous. AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE 10 S:IPLAN\dataUongrang\HIST\AI,TCERTS\Landmarks\Pine.20081080.05.09 memadoc 4 Rejlect the original synnuetry or asymmetry Symmetry of proposed additions YES of the historic building. reflects the symmetry of the historic school building. 5 Preserve the vertical and horizontal proportion of Vertical. proportion of the historic YES a building's mass, building has been affected over the years by construction of additions. Proposed new one-story additions are between 65 and 150 feet from the historic building and will not noticeably further affect its vertical proportions, 4.4 Compatibility with Historic Site and Setting 1 Design new additions so that the overall With the exception of one or two trees YES character of the site, site topography, at the south end of the property, the character-defining site features and trees proposed new construction appears not are retained. to affect &aracter defining features of existing site features and overall school and context. 2 Locate new additions on an inconspicuous Proposed locations for additions are at YES elevation of the historic building, generally rear and in most inconspicuous the rear one. Locating an addition to the locations. front of a building is inappropriate because it obscures the historic facade o a building. 3 Respect the established orientation of the Neighborhood context is residential. YES original building and typical alignments Additions do respect the original in the area. building's orientation and alignment. 4 Preserve a backyard area between the house Lot coverage will more than double YES and the garage, maintaining the general from existing .33 floor area ratio to .43 if proportion of built mass to open space addition is constructed. New found within the area. See Guideline 2.1.1. construction will not significantly affect open school and area. 4.5 Key Building Elements Roofs, porches, dormers, windows, and doors are some of the most important character-defining elenients of any building. As such, they require extra attention to assure that they complement the historic architecture. In addition to the guidelines below, refer also to Section 3.0 Alterations for related suggestions. Maintain the dominant roofline and orientation Maintains dominant roof form to the 1 YES of the roof form to the street. street. 2 Rooflines on additions should be lower Rooflines are lower and secondary to YES than and secondary to the roofline of the historic school building. original building. AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE ~ f S:\PLAN\data\longrdn.-\HIST\ALTCERTS\iandniarks\Pinc.2008\080.05.09 memo.doc 3 The existing roof form, pitch, eave depth, While roof on the proposed south YES and materials should be used for all addition is flat, it is compatible with the additions. 1950 addition onto which it is being constructed. Adding a hip roof to this addition would raise the profile and make it more conspicuous. East elevation utilizes hip roof reflecting those on historic and 1980s addition to which it is being constructed. 5 Maintain the proportion, general style, and Proposed windows reflect proportion YES symmetry or asymmetry of the existing and pattern of windows on the historic window patterns. building. 6 Use window shapes that are found on the Window shapes and designs are found YES historic buildings. Do not introduce odd- on historic school. shaped windows such as octagonal, triangular, or diamond-shaped. Based upon analysis of the application against the General Design Guidelines, staff considers the proposed application generally meets the conditions of Subsection 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981. Findings: The Landmarks Board finds, based upon the application and evidence presented that the proposed Landmark Alteration Certificate application, subject to the conditions of approval above, will be consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, and: 1. The proposed alteration preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within a historic district. (9-11-18(b)(1), B.R.C. 1981) 2. The proposed alteration does not adversely affect the special character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark and its site or the district. (9-11-18(b)(2), B.R.C. 1981) 3. The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site or the historic district. (9-11- 18(b)(3), B.R.C. 1981) AGENDA ITEM #5D PAGE / 02 S:IPLAMdata\longranglHIST1ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pina2008\080.05.09 mcmadoc Attachments: A: Historic Building Inventory Form S: Drawings C: Photographs AGENDA [TENT #SD PAGE ! 5:'YTANldata'tlongran~,11 iltiTtAL!'C-RT~~] ~an~in~a-ks`?_nc.'OI)3\OSQ0~.09 me_no.dor. Attachme:,t A COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOT FOR FIELD USE Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation --ELIGIBLE 1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado -DET NOT ELIG HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD _-NOMINATED CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO Boulder County -CERTIFIED REHAB DATE PROJECT-NAME: BOULDER HISTORIC PLACES^ State ID#: 5BL1113 *Building Name: WHITTLER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Temporary #-_80__ r----_-_ *Building Address: 2T6'$ PINE STREET- BOULDER, COLORADO 80302---_~_ Building-Owner BOULDER VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT RE-2 - Owner Address: 6500 ARAPAHOE BOULDER, COLORADO 80303 USGS Quad BOULDER Quad Year: 1979 7.5'_- -------r~ *Legal: Tnsp 1N Range 70W Section 30 NE1/4 SE1/4 *Historic Name: WHITTLER ELEMENTARY SCHOOL - District Name: Block:-12$ Lot: 1~7, 9-14 - Addition: BOULDER EAST _ - - Year of Addition: 1872 Film Roll By: WHITACRE Film Number: BL1 Number of Negatives: 15,16 Negative Location: BOULDER Construction Date ACTUAL 1882 - Source: BLDR DAILY HERALD,JUL 4 1882 Present Use: SCHOOL - Historic Use: SCHOOL Condition GOOD - - Extent of Alterations: MODERATE - Description: NEW ADDITION - O R I G I N A L If Moved, Date(s): Style:ITALIANATE~ Stories: 2 1/2 Materials: BRICK Square Footage: 31,694 Field Assessment: ELIGIBLE -District Potential:YES CONTRIBUTING- - Local Landmark Designation?: NO Name: Date _ - M Associated Buildings?: Type - If Inventoried, List Id Numbers: Architect FRANK E. EDBROOKE Source Builder/Contractor: Source: Original Owner: Source: 2008 Pine Street Page 2 Plan Shape: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • Theme(s): Architectural Description: Red brick, white wood trim; carved wood above windows. Segmental arched brick lintels, stone sills. Soldier course. Hipped roof with gabled projections and cupola. Construction History:. Historical Background: This school was originally call Pine Street School. It was renamed Whittier in 1903. After hearing some poems by poet John Whittier, the 6th gra class wrote him a fan letter, and Whittier wrote a letter thanking the student Boulder citizens felt that there should be recognition of the exchange of correspondence with the literary figure of the time, and changed the school's name to Whittier. The building was designed by Frank E. Edbrooke, who also designed the original Boulder County courthouse which burned down in the 1930' .rchitectural Significance: _X_ Represents the work of a master. _X_ Possesses high artistic values. Represents a type, period or method of construction. Historical Significance: `X^ Associated with significant persons. Associated with significant events and/or patterns. X Contributes to an historic district. Statement of Significance: Designed by Frank Edbrooke, one of Denver's most prominent architects, Whittier School was Boulder's second permanent school and now survives as its oldest. It is the oldest, continually used school building in Colorado. References: Susan Baldwin, Boulder Historic Places Inventory 1977 Boulder County Assessor's Office Boulder Daily Herald; July 4, 1882 specifications and Plans by F.E. Edbrooke (in possession of Lawrence Paddock - Boulder Historical Society) Daily Camera, Jane Barker, February 18, 1973 Sanford Gladden, No. 3A Education-Public Schools, p. 39-45 Surveyed by Whitacre/Simmons Affiliation: Front Range Research Date: 1986 ' w ~L • -44 - AR "If 25- Tom { ti lDel5G100L msDw6 9 ~1~ - -..,7, Llr'`, Y .iF l ~ L HM'IERA4f jm 31 I- Vh f ...&r•~ll}.y.'~ 4, Hw er-rv~aer ,r ' ' L . ~ • ~ ?tsJe: ~,c~ , r ~ ;M ~ \ ;TOy.~w,~. A. ~ ~_i ~ yet 4 ~y. - ~Ap . f t / • -AV Alt N SITE PLAN A•101 sawreis.erw, uLz WHITTIER INTERNATIONAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2008 Pine Street JULY 09, 2009 Boulder, CO 80302 i I~ II A '1 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION A3 NORTH ELEVATION J1 t. -7 r- A 1 WEST ELEVATION ~wtt-rte E_ElATION kET !Y7:ES PROPOSED BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-201 S 1.AT F. A PA4L1. Whittie. International Elementary School 2008 Pine Sueet , JULY 04, 2004 Boulder, CO 80302 I i r~ L- 1 zt~ ~ eur, n~ rt-.a ie0 ~4~YPaP•r PwVi+r• Ks>•"P a v ~s..+.~v-_~..r.nc l4C42 NS! ~ SOUTH ELEVATION a HMI fr ~ ~n¢f • ~ Y~ - {~}wq~--~ [[mom-~ Ld LLl2"L1 MYrLCii RHFR- e` xKV wnor nu~..r ~ ' r.~..-.+~ ~e:.xr,..xc. r P'r«•w•.~-m..r A I WEST ELEVATION' EXISTING BUILDING ELEVATIONS A-203 Whittier Intemational Elementary School 2008 Pine Street S L A, . a P A U L L Boulder, CO 80302 JULY 09, 2009 A3 SOUTH ELEVATION C s = - I S. r i ' EAST ELEVA , TION A2.,.,~,~ ~ NATION K°Y w t' 5 A 1 sU RTV SECTION PROPOSER BUILDING ELEVATIONS & SECTIONS A-202 5 LATcEB PA9LL Whittier International Elementary Schook - 2008 Pine Street o , _ . , JULY 09, 2009 Boulder, CO 80302 kiN ~Y a. - -r~l •l 1 ° ,Mr I o.r;C rl a. ~~I z iEl i I-tP~`ilr { I ♦ --~.fl. ~ 'F- ~~'1 ~ +_rlff ~i - ~ .I~I ~r t ~ • - T r. 1 ~G - I.... -.:j J S. 1 - - _ } ~a 1 11n11 U _ ~ ~i r. 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J C✓.✓ f ~ p.~-~T A"rz►a" y"' ...Ai - East Elevation of 1984 Library addition with historic school beyond .I r r ~ 1 N Existing portico on Southwest corner of historic building to removed for new elevator tower S L A T E R P A U L L A R C(,/~ H- I T E C T S 1F1• ~~~y ri `r ~~1 r or I, r {J a i i` 4 - l ~ t'y• Reconstructed cupola South Elevation of historic 1916 building S L A T E R P A U L L A R C a I T E C T S r ~ 2~ S~- I_ _ yN.i 14R+►~.1 East Elevation of 1950 Classroom & Gymnasium addition r iZ4,1 / Jt z~ _ _ I I T rf East Elevation of 1950 Classroom addition with portable classroom to be removed S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H I T E C T S m47!'- fJ ✓f ~ ~ '~f~ ~ ' r~ 11111i~~ ~ -44 - _-c,~,tt{. ` PPP 1 4G West Elevation of 1950 Classroom addition with the 1916 historic building beyond _ ra+v~ 'Tat+3tsl~~'4 i~' ark ~,r ] I M) P } 41- I':tip i •i Northwest comer of 1984 Library addition S L A T E R P A U L L A R C 11 1 T E C T S .a ' r, WA, ~ t Existing playground at south end of site fir' yS• ~ ~ ' S~ ~t ` f t `f t: Looking east towards playfield S L A T E P P A U L L R C U 1 T E C T 5/ .ice 51 10,9 f 9 tiffs r I` M` I i L ~ 1 1976 Gym Storage addition to be removed h Ln' Y ( y ~ •-Kr~r~`"''-n'om' 4CL ~ l Portable Classroom building to be removed S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H I T E C T S City of Boulder Planning and Development Services J LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION Date of application: July 9, 2009 Case number: HIS 2009-00102 Property address: 2008 Pine Street Historic District/Landmark name: Whittier School Applicant name: SLATERPAULL ARCHITECTS Relationship to project (e.g., architect, contractor): Architect Phone: 303-607-0977 Mobile phone: Fax: 303-607-0767 Applicant's mailing address: One Park Central, 1515 Arapahoe St., #400, Deaver, Colorado 80202 Street City State Zip Property owner's name: BVSD - Dave Compton Daytime phone: 303-447-5081 Property owner's address: 6500 Arapahoe, PO Box 9011, Boulder, Colorado 80301 Street City State Zip PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Please list all exterior alterations proposed for the property in the space provided below. Please see the fallowing pages for submittal requirements. All 4 pages must be included in the application. In submitting this information for review and consultation with the City, please understand that the Boulder Valley School District reserves its ultimate authroity under Colorado law to construct schools, as has been recognized by the City in the case of other historic school properties. The project description is attached. INITIAL CODE REVIEW The fallowing applications require initial review and sign off by a project specialist or zoning administrator prior to acceptance of a landmark alteration certificate application, Please mark all applicable boxes. ❑ New detached construction (accessory structure, garage, new residence, shed, etc) ❑ Dormers ❑ Porches ❑ Fences ❑ All new additions THIS SECTION IS FOR STAFF USE ONLY Propery Zoning: Lot Size: Required setbacks: Floodplain: Prior Reviews (Use Review, PUD,.etc) Other Applications which may be required based on proposed application: Preliminary Comments: t'-rr r r ran ► c H n A a+ a a r a H c r e n J • trel ~ - `e Kr a e a sc° 4 n er ne x_ K s t ICrr rr:Hre cnl rn`A rry- n n Y ere IHn. fat i L p 1 1- i n J7frC 4 l I ] 7' I A J f H f r .1 1 tl✓ A Y+`} fr K K M1 H►~ 6 M 4 n r• ' f` ! t. Y ! r r[ 6r [~'QT a rF~Yi „Y C.f•G••R Sr` R 4 } ` r. r#F°r r• f,1iY rC~•r_ rtr KnG ar R h ~ AGr •IF -rirG f • G A ° v Al.nr,~rR N ~~r r L r r S r HFCC / f M n ff 1 r- t 5`rr F A 1. + Cr- ^ c n r hA. A r A {[hurl fr4`T-2' 4 K r _t'.:. r r r r . f r t _ t' fuYrlr.'. 9rnA?f fJar.H• I 1!' •:ti 4 .n Y`R-- . - .e" r..r rr~r` r n ` ~R`n"r•°. -w`IIAye [r°Ar. - Reviewed by Date: Mis section is a customer service revrew,-und does not constitute o forma! review of off opplicabie codes onci regulogons. All sections of the Souider Revised Code must s0lbe adhered io prior to erforr~in bn work. Please submit this completed application, along with the required information outlined on the following pages to a project specialist. Applications for the design review committee must be received on the Friday prior to your requested design review meeting. If you have any questions, please call (303)44 7-1880 and ask to speak to a historic preservation planner. We look forward to working with you on your projectl LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION (Page 2) Shown below and on the facing page is a list of the most common types of alterations. Please check off the type of work you are proposing and follow the application requirements listed to the right. TYPE OF STAFF REVIEW ALTERATION: City staff may review common types of applications, which involve rninor alterations. This (Please check all type of review can have a quick approval turn-around providing the applicant submits a that apply) complete application form with documentation and the proposed alterotions meet the ® Landscaping applicable design guidelines. ® Paint A complete application submittal includes: ® Roofing ❑ This application: Completely filled out ❑ Fence (rear / side yard only if ❑ Plans and elevations: All drawings should be to scale, with dimensions, and as maximum 5' tall with minimum detailed and clear as possible, whether or not an architect or contractor is 1" spacing between pickets) involved. Both existing structure and proposed changes should be shown. Fences: bring to-scale drawings showing dimensions and spacing between ❑ Restoration of Existing Features pickets. DOWNTOWN ONLY: ❑ Photographs: Comprehensive color photos of the structure and of details that relate directly to the requested alteration are required. El Commercial awning ❑ Samples: Color chips of paint are required. Printed samples of roofing types are ❑ Commercial patios helpful. ❑ Commercial signs TYPE OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (LDRC) ALTERATION: City staff and two designated members of the landmarks board review applications for alterations (Plecse check all to buildings or special features and determine within 14 days after a complete application is filed that, apply) whether or not the proposed work would have a significant impact upon or be potentially ❑ Deck / porch detrimental to a landmark site or historic district. Large projects usually require more than one Elevator gmeeting and may be referred by toe Committee to the full Landmarks Board for review. ® Doors /windows 1916 bldg The following documentation is required to initiate review by the Design Review Committee: ❑ Dormers / skylights Elevator~a ~ This application: Completely filled out ® Additions 1916 bldg I~ Photographs: Photos of existing building and surrounding context ❑ Fence (front yard or rear / side yard if over DO Drawings: All drawings should be to scale, with dimensions, and as detailed and clear 5' tall or less than 1 " as possible, whether or not an architect or contractor is involved. Both existing structure spacing between pickets) and proposed changes should be shown. Examples are available if needed. ❑ New garage / accessory The following documentation is required for final review and approval: building (340 sq. ft. and X Scaled site plans: including existing and proposed site plans under) N Elevations: usually 1/4" = 1' scale including existing and proposed elevations ❑ Other ® Materials: Specific materials used should be noted on plans. Samples may be requested. M Colors: paint/stain color chips IO Photographs: photos of existing building from all sides and existing context ❑ Manufacturers/catalogue "tear' sheets ❑ Fences: bring to-scale drawings showing dimensions and spacing between rails. * Note the r❑enderingsl in the application packet depict color and materials; samples not provided. The following may be requested prior to final approval: ❑ Building sections []Methods of restoration []Study model or 3-D simulated model TIP: For large or complex projects you are encouraged to contact a Historic Preservation Planner early in your project before detailed drawings are completed. All completed applications for LDRC review must be turned in by noon on the Friday prior to the requested meeting. Please note that your requested DRC meeting may not be available due to scheduling. The Committee meets at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesday (except holidays) at the P&DS Services Center on the 3' floor of the Park Central building, 1739 Broadway. Please call and ask for a Historic Preservation Planner if you have questions with any of the above alterations or submittal requirements. LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION (Page 3) LANDMARKS BOARD (LB) TYPE OF New free-standing construction greater than 340 square feet, or the demolition or moving of ALTERATION: structures requires review by the entire Landmarks Board. A public hearing is required in order to (Please check all issue an alteration certificate under these circumstances. The full board meets once a month, that apply) usually on the first Wednesday. Submittal deadlines are listed on the following page. All applications must be submitted to a project specialist by 4:00 pm 20 days prior to the hearing. ❑ New free-standing Public hearings must be held within 60 days after a completed application is received. All public construction hearings for landmark alteration certificates are conducted as quasi-judicial proceedings. After a (over 340 sq ft) public hearing, a Notice of Disposition is served to City Council regarding the recommendation of the Landmarks Board. The City Council has 14 days to call up a decision to approve a landmark alteration certificate application made by the Landmarks Board. If the Landmarks Board votes to ❑ Demolition deny a landmark alteration certificate application, the City Council has 30 days in which to call up (includes primary the decision. and/or accessory buildings) A complete application submittal includes the some as that required for the Design Review Committee as listed on the proceeding page plus the following items: ® Application called up from DRC Previous Page requirements (Listed under LDRC) X Written project description ~I 10 folded copies of project drawings, showing existing and proposed conditions (preferably 24"x36") plans, including: 0 Scaled site plan (existing and proposed) Scaled elevations for all sides of the building (existing and proposed) at 1/4" or 1/8" scale. ■ Sketches, as needed X 10 copies of any color renderings or photographs, color samples, etc. (preferably no greater than 11 "xl 7") X 1 reduced (8 1/2"x 1 1 copy of all materials submitted At the request of staff or the board, the following may also be required as part of your application: ❑ Building sections ❑Methods of restoration ❑Study model or 3-D simulated model TIP: Projects which are required to be reviewed by the full board should be presented to staff early in your project before detailed drawings are initiated. Please contact us prior to submitting an application as these projects and reviews are usually complex. We encourage you to complete the initial code review section on page 1 of this application prior to contacting us, Call (303) 441-1880 and ask to speak with a Historic Preservation Planner. I agree to perform the work described herein, in accordance with the plans and/or specifications submitted and-wRh- alf--provisions-of-t-he-Historic-Freservetion.-God- e; $dijdtng--Eode-caning-Ordinence--ar4 eolth--Regulations--of the-Cify- oi~Boulder-*s-enumerote44n-tie-Betrlder-Revised-Code, 1-981- "See project description Signature of owner or authorized agent for owner Date Contact Us: Planning & Development Services - Historic Preservation Program 1739 Broadway, 3`d Floor Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 441-1880 Htip://www.boulderhistoricpreservation.nef LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION (Page 4) FOR STAFF USE ONLY Date completed application received by Planning and Development Services Date of initial DRC meeting Date(s) of follow-up DRC meetings Date of Full Board Hearing Date Application Approved/Denied Date of Building Permit Review Date Case Closed Date case sent to imaging 2009 Landmarks Board Meeting Dates and Application Submittal Deadlines Landmarks Board meetings are generally held the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers room, located at 1777 Broadway. Landmark Alteration Certificate applications scheduled fora public hearing before the full Landmarks Board are due by 4:00 pm 27 days before the meeting date. All applications must be submitted through a project specialist. Board Meeting Submittal Deadline February 4 January$ March 4 February 5 April 1 March 5 May 6 April 9 June 3 May 7 July 1 June 4 August 5 July 9 September 2 August 6 October 7 September 10 November 4 October 5 December 2 November 5 ARCHITECTURAL Existing Building History and Assessment Built in 1882, Whittier International School is a designated Historic Landmark, Colorado's oldest continuously operating school. A subsequent historic addition was constructed in 1916, and major additions added in 1950 and 1984. The site is located on a compact building site bounded by residential properties. The site constrictions and the historic fagade informed the team on the building expansion. The playground and fields located to the east will require careful design for efficient use of space. Whittier is the only primary International Baccalaureate School in the district. A student population of 323 is funded for this facility. The current building size is about 35,123 square feet. Additions totaling around 10,000 square feet are anticipated as noted below. Architectural Design and Materials Using the historic building and subsequent additions as architectural influence, the new additions respond in scale, proportion and materiality to the existing school. The additions have brick veneer exterior walls with precast concrete banding, window heads and sills. The Kindergarten addition matches in height to the adjacent 1950 building with similar roof fascia. The Cafeteria addition includes a shingled, gable roof as a modern response to the language of the roof forms on the historic building. Aluminum windows are proposed for the building additions, referencing size, proportion and groupings from both the historic school and the recent Library addition. In keeping with the guidelines from the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation the intent of the new additions is to provide a design that is compatible with the existing school while creating architecture that is clearly of its own time. Addition Summary Music, Cafeteria and Kitchen: The 5,920 square foot addition to the northeast, is located adjacent to the playground and fields. This addition includes a cafeteria with a new kitchen, a music classroom, student toilets, new group instructional rooms and support spaces. These spaces are included to meet the schools educational programmatic needs as defined by the bond. Kindergarten, Art, Computer Classroom: A 4,075 square foot classroom addition to the east adds a kindergarten a classroom, a new art suite, a computer lab and associated support spaces. Elevators/Lift for Accessibility Accessibility issues have been addressed by providing a lift between the main entry level and the first floor of the 1916 building- In addition, the school district made a decision to add an elevator to the historic building that will allow ADA access to all floors of the building. The elevator addition is about 64 square feet Renovation Summary Administrative Office Area: Interior renovations will move the administrative area to the main entrance of the school off of Pine to address school safety and security issues. The current school administrative offices will then be renovated to provide the programmatic need for classrooms and group meeting spaces within the historic portion of the building. S~ l s .i i View looking west down 20th Street ' ire v:+:a ~1,.~ * - I at jJ6 -r AL, ~ r rH ssb - r,~~. i a - Adjacent residential neighborhood S L A T E R F A U L L A R C H I T E C T S " }At ` North Elevation of original 1882 building .l f 4 f C Y ~ w rF f West Elevation of 1882 building and 1916 addition S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H[ 7 R C T 9 1 i East Elevation of 1984 Library addition with historic school beyond or •r Existing portico on Southwest comer of historic building to removed for new elevator tower S L A T E R P A U L L A H C H I T B C T 9 8* ~ Icy Reconstructed cupola South Elevation of historic 1416 building S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H I T E C T S AL East Elevation of 1950 Classroom & Gymnasium addition v East Elevation of 1950 Classroom addition with portable classroom to be removed S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H I T E C T S ~Iv s jjji I West Elevation of 1950 Classroom addition with the 1916 historic building beyond i es. Northwest comer of 1984 Library addition S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H I T E C T S R J- ~l Existing playground at south and of site C'f' .rf l ~ry - ti - I Looking east towards playfield S L A T E R P A U L L A R C H I T E C T S r-~~ 5. N -.•L" 4 Tr.•?. ~ ~.~::ey Y.. LafS.~'a.A 1.. ^~Y ,.i-~.. - 1 976 Gym Storage addition to be removed M tz~ I Portable Classroom building to be removed S L A T E R P A U L L A H C 9 1 T 8 C T S r ' ' 11 f' JI II _ 11 rr. I _ - I a - n III rip! z I I: ELI:, r 19 A 1-1 In A n £ .r_ - ti -,L-' _ - - _ . - - _ - ; _ a.. T;R- - - I- - i ~ . , : . , - ~ .y~ f - - 15- r -.'cy" `G. It t:. ti ' `.t - - - -'f1 s' 1 ' - L_ «I t rr I r, cj; r - - L 1 H. i,-a, _ ~I F_ 1 _ fF,r re c . I YU,. i -'J "I 1 1 r_ ri,.. 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