4 - Historic Preservation Reviews between May 22, 2009 and June 19, 2009 CITY OF BOULDER •r~; Planning and Development Services r` 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791, Boulder, CO 80306-0791 phone 303-441-1880 • fax 303-441-3241 • web boulderplandevefop.net Historic Preservation Reviews between May 22, 2009 and June 19, 2009 This report shows all historic preservation cases on which the application was approved, denied or withdrawn within the stated date range. This is based on the last action and the date shown on the main screen of the case. Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Case Count: 17 HIS2009-00009 900 BASELINE RD Chautauqua Park Installation of flagstone paving over existing concrete path specified on landmark alteration certificate application dated 05107/2009. Sequence 6 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 05/22/2009 DW LDRC HIS2009-00043 814 PINE ST Mapleton Hill Landmarks application for modifications and proposed 383 sf addition Sequence 30 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/09/2009 LDRC HIS2009-00062 1507 PINE ST LAC for congregate care facility. New attached garages Sequence 46 Decision: Application Denied Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/0912009 B y.' Staff HIS2009-00077 429 CONCORD AV Mapleton Hill Repair & limited replacement of porch as detailed on LAC application dated 04.23.09 and discussed at 04.28.2009 LDRC meeting. Sequence 58 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/01/2009 LDRC HIS2009-00081 520 CONCORD AV Mapleton Hill Installation of new windows on non-historic (west) addition (secondary elevation) of house as detailed on application dated 04.22.2009. Sequence 62 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/01/2009 LDRC HIS2009-00082 900 BASELINE RD Chautauqua Park Installation of free-standing directional pedestrian siagns as deatiled on drawings dated 06/17/2009 and identified as lac drawings. Sequence 63 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/17/2009 Bw. LDRC Printed on 06/19/2009 HIS Statistical Report Page 1 of 5 Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Case Count: 17 HIS2009-00096 512 MARINE ST Mapleton Hill Construction of picket fence to height of 42" and arbour, all to be stained opaque and as detailed on landmark alteration certificate dated 05/11/09. Sequence 71 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 05/29/2009 BY LDRC HIS2009-00098 72514TH ST University Place Replacement shingles for home (Weathered Wood Calor). Sequence 73 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 05/27/2009 Staff HIS2009-00099 900 BASELINE RD Chautauqua Park Installation of park identification sign at NW corner of "Chautauqua Park" as detailed on revised application dated 06.05.09 with condition that sign will be no wider than 7' (1.5 sq. ft. total size). Sequence 74 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 0 6/1 012 0 0 9 By. LDRC HIS2009-00100 201419TH ST Individual Landmark Remove remnants of brick chimney on flat roof and replace with a flue. Sequence 75 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 05/27/2009 Bw- Staff HIS2009-00103 650 BASELINE RD Chautauqua Park Masonry and wood repair of trolley house and arbor as detailed on landmark alteration certificate application dated 05.27.2009. Aprroval contingent upon mortar being removed by hand, that analysis of historic mortar occur to formulate appropriate new mortar for repairs, that the masonry not be powerwashed, and that no water repleents will be used. Sequence 78 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/09/2009 Q y Staff HIS2009-00105 2135 11TH ST 3 Mapleton Hill Relocation of metal fence at west side of property 8-10 ft. to line up with wooden fence along property as described on landmark alteration certificate application dated 0 512 712 0 0 9. Sequence 80 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/01/2009 B~L Staff HIS2009-00109 1302 BASELINE RD Individual Landmark Construction of wood lattice trellis for 136' along south property line reviewed by the Landmarks design review committe on 06.10.2009, as detailed on revised plan identified as LAC drawing and dated 06/15/09. Sequence 81 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/1512009 B y LDRC HIS2009-00111 421 HIGHLAND AV Mapleton Hill Rpleace door with fixed-glass window and eliminate double hung window (replace with siding to match existing) at non-historic addition on rear face as detailed on lac application dated 06/03/09. Printed on 06/19/2009 HIS Statistical Report Page 2 of 5 Landmark Alteration Certificate Reviews Case Count: 17 Sequence 82 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/10/2009 B y LDRC HIS2009-00116 1011 PEARL ST Downtown Installation of wall-mounted sign as detailed on landmark alteration certificate application dated 06.05.09. - "Envision Boulder". Sequence 86 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/09/2009 Staff HIS2009-00119 1111 MAXWELL AV 223 Mapleton Hill Replacement a/c unit on roof of building, replacement 80% furnace to utilize existing B vent. Sequence 88 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/16/2009 Staff HIS2009-00124 1111 MAXWELL AV 238 Mapleton Hill Installation of A/C on flat roof - will not be publicly visible. Sequence 90 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: James Hewat Date: 06/16/2009 Bv_ Staff Non-Designated Accessory Demolition Reviews Case Count: 1 HIS2009-00110 790 LINCOLN PL Not Landmarked DEMOLITION of roof of existing garage due to structural instability and rebuild to be higher. Sequence 3 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 06/08/2009 Bw. Staff Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation Reviews Case Count: 6 HIS2009-00090 680 IRIS AV Not Landmarked DEMOLITION of single family home with attached garage built in 1954. Sequence 16 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 05/22/2009 By., Staff HIS2009-00093 2915 17TH ST Not Landmarked Review for proposed demolition of 70% of the roof on a structure built in 1956. Sequence 17 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 05/22/2009 B v., Staff HIS2009-00108 235 29TH ST Not Landmarked Historical review for removal of more than 50% of the roof and a portion of a street facing wall. Sequence 18 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 06/08/2009 By: Staff HIS2009-00113 1627 COLUMBINE AV Not Landmarked Removal of roof on 1940 structure including bricks on gable ends of both sides. Printed on 06/19/2009 HIS Statistical Report Page 3 of 5 Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation Reviews Case Count: 6 Sequence 19 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 06/08/2009 ey_: Staff HIS2009-00117 3045 9TH ST Not Landmarked Remove roof of single-family residence and detached garage for pop-top additions. Sequence 20 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 06/1612009 B v.* Staff HIS2009-00120 504 GENEVA AV Not Landmarked Removal of more than 50% of roof structure for addition to single-family residence. Sequence 21 Decision: Application Approved Case Manager: Chris Meschuk Date: 06/16/2009 W Staff Printed on 06/19/2009 HIS Statistical Report Page 4 of 5 Historic Preservation Reviews Summary between 5/22/2009 and 6/19/2009 This summary shows all historic preservation cases on which the application was approved, denied or withdrawn within the stated date range. This is based on the last action and the date shown on the main screen of the case. The cases listed "in Review" have not yet been resolved and are not shown in relation to the start and end dates. The date on the "In Review" cases is listed as the current date on the main screen of the HIS case. Historic District Amendment In Review 1 Landmark Alteration Certificate Application Approved 16 Application Denied 1 In Review 72 Landmark Designation in Review 11 Non-Designated Accessory Demolition Application Approved 1 In Review 5 Non-Designated On Site Relocation In Review 1 Non-Designated Post-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation Application Approved 6 In Review 5 Non-Designated Pre-1940 Demo/Off Site Relocation In Review 3 Non-Designated Primary Demolition In Review 15 State Tax Credit In Review 10 Printed on 06/19/2009 HIS Statistical Report Page 5 of 5