5B - Landmark Alteration Certificate for 800 Pearl St. (HIS2009-00092) MEMORANDUM June 31a, 2009 To: Landmarks Board From: Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Subject: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to remove 3,350 sq. ft. of the existing 6,450 sq. ft. building and rehabilitate the W.J. Chamberlain Sampling Works building 800 Pearl Street (pending landmark property), per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code. (HIS2009-00092) Statistics: 1. Site: 800 Pearl Street 2. Zoning: BMS (Business - Main Street) 3. Owner/Applicant Pearl Street Properties, LLC 4. Site Area: 14,100 sq. ft. 5. Existing Bldg: Approximately 6,450 sq. ft. 6. Proposed Demolition Approximately 3,350 sq. ft. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board make the following motion: The Landmark Board approves the proposal for the demolition, and rehabilitation at 800 Pearl Street (as shown on drawings dated May 7th, 2009), in that it meets the standards set forth in Chapter 9-11-18 (a)(b,1-4), B.R.C. 1981, is consistent with the General Design Guidelines, subject to the conditions below, and adopts this memorandum as findings of the board. AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE J S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HISPALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pearl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL i 1. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be constructed in compliance with all approved plans on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to a building permit application, the Applicant shall submit, subject to the final review and approval of the Landmarks design review committee final architectural plans showing details regarding stucco color and finish, proposed new door and window details, details regarding the design of the new south wall. The applicant shall demonstrate that the design details are in compliance with the intent of this approval and the General Design Guidelines. This recommendation is based upon staff's opinion that with the conditions listed above, the proposed construction will be generally consistent with the conditions as specified in Section 9-11-18(a)&(b)(1-4) B.R.C., and the General Design Guidelines. Summary: • On November 5111, 2008 an application to demolish 3,800 sq. ft. of the "Lolitas" building and construct 8,700 sq. ft. of addition was withdrawn by the applicant to allow time for redesign of the project to avoid demolition and possibly landmark the property. • Staff has met with the applicant on a number of occasions to discuss the redevelopment of the site with view to a portion of the property being landmarked. • The building at 800 Pearl Street was constructed in 1876 for Nathaniel P. Hill as a sampling works for ore from mines in the mountains west of Boulder. Though the building has been altered a number of times over the years, its basic form remains intact. • Because there is a pending local landmark application for a portion of a property, the demolition, rehabilitation, and addition are being reviewed as a landmark alteration certificate per 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code. • The proposal calls for the removal of approximately 2,547 sq. ft. (52%) of the existing building. 24% of the area proposed for demolition was constructed prior to WW-II, constituting the historic Chamberlain Assayer Building. • The proposed landmark boundary includes approximately 4,100 sq. ft. of AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE c2 S:IPLANIdataUongrang\HISMLTCERTS\Landmarks\Pcar1.80016.3.09 documents106.03.09 memo.doc the 14,100 sq. ft. lot; all exterior changes within the proposed boundary are subject to a landmark alteration certificate. • Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board approve the proposal for the removal of a portion of the building and the rehabilitation of the remaining 1876 section of the edifice in that it meets the standards in Chapter 9-11-18 (a)(b, 1-4), B.R.C. 1981, and is consistent with the General Design Guidelines. 4 ~4t "f ,.w ~ • ....+l►Y ~ it ter---. ~ . r.,m~r-•as..a. - . r a l-. cr .a<i'•?I. v' +~LZ"nY" Y.7a 'CIeT Figure 1. 800 Pearl Street northwest corner, 2007 Property Description: The 14,100 square foot lot is located on the southeast corner of 8t" Street and Pearl Street and contains a stuccoed brick building featuring a wide, low-pitch, front- gabled roof, with a one-story flat roof addition at the rear (south) elevation. Though the building has been altered a number of times over the years, the basic form of 1876 building remains intact. Exterior changes include the removal of tower sometime after 1930, the application of cementitious stucco to the exterior walls sometime between 1935 and 1943, and the replacement of the six-over-six double-hung windows and relocation of the entrance on the north elevation sometime between 1943 and 1965. A second-story window has been closed, the void covered with a sign. A still extant flat roof addition at the south side of the building appears in a c.1930 photograph (see figure 7.) and was significantly altered during the c.1950 remodel and addition. This property was surveyed in AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE 3 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pear1.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc 1988 by the Colorado Historical Society. (See Attachment A: Historic Building Inventory Record). The proposed landmark boundary includes 4,100 sq. ft. of the 14,100 sq. ft. lot; all exterior changes within the proposed boundary are subject to a landmark alteration certificate. 1 1Y ty~ j .I Designated Mapleton Hill Historic District Y I r Designated Downtown { - J Historic 1 1 1 y~ ` ~s ' District Identified Potential expanded 1 West Pearl Historic District `-t~ Subject Property Figure 2. Location Snap Demolition: The application calls for the removal of approximately 3,347 sq. ft. (48%) of the existing 6, 400 sq. ft. building. Roughly 2,550 sq. ft. (or 40%a of the existing building) proposed for demolition is flat roofed, constructed of concrete block and built or significantly altered after WW-II. The remaining 800 sq. ft. (or 12% of the existing building) features the gable roof and brick wall construction and appears to date from the original 1876 construction (see figures 3 & 4). AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE tj SAPLAN\lata\1ongrang\HIS-RALTCGRTS\Landmarks\Pear1.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc '6th SerecE - .f [ tt r rin n.aenwb.ri^S 'lrlll:vtlJ Co. u,b. rn~ C 40% to b. Raa..d r l } r A.p M.ll v..yley Lot I _ rr ~...r.r>u fb XJ S.a.. .)'.v .i.f Sr.o' f.s:•, as.• a c. s.i ircv I l Figure 3. Site Plan showing portion of building proposed for demolition Figure 4. 8`k' Street elevation - hatched line showing areas of building proposed for demolition Rehabilitation/Reconstruction: The proposal calls for the rehabilitation of the building and the reconstruction of a number of lost exterior features. On the north (front) elevation of the building, plans show the storefront to be remain much as it presently is with contemporary storefront windows, a side entrance, and re-stuccoing of the exterior finish. In addition, plans call for the gable end double-hung (see figure 5 & 6). In this scheme a six over six, double- hung window is to be installed in an existing opening in the gable per the c.1900 photograph of the building (see figure 7). The proposal also calls for a door to be inserted in roughly the same location as the door shown at the east end of the north elevation in the c.1895 photograph. AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longranglHIS'11ALTCAR'l-S\Landmarks\Pear1.300\6.3.09 documcnts\06.03.09 mcrno.doc Figure 5. Existing North elevation of 800 Pearl Street ~D WppD DCIUUF NJhY. WNJOW OOSfY.G S1:X16 RONT TO eLMY+ ;rW^WUTA7T0 5 WC0 wN! nr tgf Figure 6. Proposed north elevation of 800 Pearl Street On the west (8th Street) face, plans show for the fenestration to recreate the pattern of windows and doors on that face of the building as shown in the c. 1900 photograph (see figures 7 & S). At the north end of the west face of the building, plans show the installation of a six over six, double hung sash in an existing opening (see figure 9). All other openings on this elevation are shown to remain enclosed as is currently the condition. Finally, plans show a new, reconstructed wall at the south (rear) side of the building to feature a gable end window mirroring that on the north gable, and a centrally located two leaf door flanked by smaller divided light casement windows. The roof of the rehabilitated is shown to be covered with a metal roof (colour and profile unspecified). AGENDA ITEM 45B PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longrarig\IIIST\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pcarl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc ':1 `1 R LAM IIM~ w ~ Its Vjr Ura Figure 7. c. 1900 photograph showing north and Nicest elevation of building I! ~ I "1,•il'I ~'I;'~' I i l l~j ~li~ i ;l l ~ ~ I ! I+ ' I I I I I I I ~ I I ' 1 ~ 1 1 1 1' ~ 1 ji~I ' '!I ~ III II~j II! , II I ,I Ti I j l Ilr Figure 8. Proposed reconstruction of west face of building GTIS~TU 14s~'.NlOITY"li 1?awrt,~.8.Yn0 I ~ I I I1 1 1 1 ~ I I I' I I, I~ I I I i I I ! 1 ~ , 1 I I ' l! I ~ ' I I I I I I I' I i I I ~ i I I I ~ ~ I i I I I~~I I~j~ ll~ I I I I' I i t l i I I~ I! I 1 1 1 I I I I ~ _ 1 ~ II I' I II . _ I 3 ' sra• - sn.;covi.urw:+r ~ aia xomoamai+a~M>¢oa Figure 9. Proposed treatment of east face of building AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE' S:TLANIdata%longrang\HIST\AI:1-C:L-:R'CS\Landmarks%,Pcarl.800\(i.3.U') dn,uments\06.03.09 mcmo.doc ara w9m mvacc rune zrrior -y ---1 :riw mrsaucior+ r+Ewsnxcn wnu Fr, asr+ Ywt tfwcwie u.w •RwPOauut hvNGwtwGw Figure 10. Proposed construction of east face of building Adjacent new construction: Outside of the proposed 4,100 sq. ft. landmark boundary, plans are for the construction of a three-story, free standing building. The site plan shows the building to be set between 14 and 20 feet east of Lolita's east wall; the north wall of the building being set back approximately four feet from the plane of the historic building's north wall (see Figure 9). 1 ~ ~6:h5tre: ~ II ii 1 :<V - - __T7 71TR_FI;I I ~ _ Lollo a r'~.,P r a• v s e d S i v a P I, n,_ + ljk o ~ • - L :car. env - .r Figure 9. Site plan showing proposed new construction in relation to proposed landmark While detailed elevations were not included with the application, the height of the new construction will likely be close to 36', the maximum allowed in the Business-Main Street zone district. The north elevation indicates the building will be two-stories on Pearl Street and designed in a neo-traditional manner characteristic of historic buildings in the downtown area (see Figure 13). As the AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE `~i S:IPLANIdatallongranglHIST1ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pcari.80016-3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc building steps up to three-stories at the south, the design is decidedly more contemporary in inspiration. LL J Y r Figure 10. Aerial rendering of 800 Pearl Street from northwest Showing Lolita's and proposed adjacent new construction I ~ ft t ~ J - Y My1 ' t- 6 r it } Vit ii re 11. Rendering of development from the north Criteria for the Board's Decision: Subsection 9-11-18(b1-3)(c), B.R.C. 1981, sets forth conditions an application must meet in order for the Landmarks Board to issue a Landmark Alteration Certificate. AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE S-\PLAN\data\longrang\IIIST\ALTCERTS\ andmarksTear1.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city council shall approve a landmark alteration certificate unless it meets the following conditions: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark; (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site; (4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above. (c) In determining whether to approve a landmark alteration certificate, the landmarks board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled. Analysis: . 1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy significant exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district? Staff finds the proposed demolition of the southern 16', 8' feet (or 24%) of the 1876 building will not damage or destroy the exterior features of the landmark as a who The removal of this rear and significantly altered portion of the historic i. ilding-and tre demolition of the post WW-II additions will not damage significant architectural features of the building and will maintain the strong horizontality of the gable form when viewed from the west and northwest. Staff also considers the exterior rehabilitation and reconstruction of lost features will restore the west elevation of the historic building to the c.1900 period, while generally maintaining the east and west faces of the building as currently configured. 2. Does the proposed application adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark? Staff finds that the proposed application will not adversely affect the special character of the landmark. The retention of the characteristic horizontal gable roof and wall forms and restoration of the west wall to the c.1900 period will AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE t O S:\PLAN\data\longrang\IIIST\ALTCERTSU.andmarks\Pearl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc preserve this distinctive building as a familiar visual feature of the west Pearl area of Boulder. 3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and taterials used on existing and proposed structures compatible with the character of the historic district? Little detail is provided as to materials proposed for refinished stucco, roof, and new doors and windows. These details may be provided for review and approval by the Landmarks design review committee. 4. With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above. Not applicable. c. The Landmarks Board is required to consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enhanced access for the disabled in determining whether to approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate. Plans call for the construction of universal access features to the building. No information on the economic feasibility of alternatives was submitted. Design Guidelines The Board has also adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpret the historic preservation ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposed new construction with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used only as an aid to appropriate design and are not intended as a checklist of items for compliance. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR ALTERATIONS TO LANDMARK BUILDINGS ALTERATIONS TO CONTRIBUTING BUILDINGS, 3.0: 3.1 Roofs The roof is one of the primary character-defining features of a historic building, and the repetition of similar roof types creates part of the visual consistency that defines a historic area. Alterations or additions to roofs must be given careful consideration to ensure that they do not compromise the integrity of the historic structure. Typical roof shapes are gabled or hipped. Shed roofs sometimes occur on historic additions and accessory buildings. AGENDA ITEM #513 PAGE f S:\PLAN\data\longrang\H1ST\AL.TCER"rS\Landmarks\Pear1.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc Meets Guideline? Maintain the roof form, slope, Proposed removal of rear Yes height and orientation to the additions and portion of historic street. building generally preserves the profile and slope of roof as well as its orientation to the street. 3.6 Exterior Materials - Masonry Guidelines 1 Original historic finish materials should Proposal calls for walls to be re- Maybe be preserved and repaired - when stuccoed to match existing. repairing masonry use appropriate Physical investigation has techniques and mortar. revealed that original masonry behind stucco is in poor condition and removal of the Portland based stucco would likely result in significant damage to the brick. Detail regarding new stucco finish and colour should be submitted to the Ldre for review and approval 3.7 Windows - - - - - - - Windoitis, the elements that surround them, and their relationship to one another are one of the most important character-defining elements ofp historic structure and should be preserved. Improper or i insensitive treatment of the windows 'on a historic structure can seriously detract from its architectural character. Windows on facades visible from public streets, particularly the front fagade, are especially important. Guideline Meets Guideline l Retain and preserve existing historic With the exception of three c.1950s Maybe windows including their functional steel casement windows at the north decorative features In some cases, it end of the west elevation, all might be appropriate to use window windows on the building are elements front the side or rear elevations to repair those on the front. contemporary. Replication of windows based on c.1900 photo a west face, north gable, and north end of east face generally appropriate. Details should be provided to the Ldre for review and approval. AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE S:\PLAN\datallongrang\HIS'r\AL'fCERTS\Landmarks\Pcarl.800\6.3.09 documents106.03.09 memo.doc Preserve original window locations; do Windows are to remain or new Yes 2 not move windows from their historic windows installed based upon c.1900 placement. photograph. Existing historic window openings Replication of windows based on Yes 10 should be reserved and should not be preserved c.1900 photo a west face, north gable, made larger or smaller to accommodate and north end of east face generally a differently sized window appropriate. Shadows of historic window openings will be maintained on east face of building. .14 All replacement windows must match With the exception of three c.1950s Yes the historic feature as closely as steel casement windows at the north possible. end of the west elevation, all windows on the building are contemporary. Replication of windows based on c.1900 photo a west face, north gable, and north end of east face generally appropriate. Details should be provided to the Ldre for review and approval. 3.8 Doors Front doors and primaw entrances are among the roost important elements of historic buildings. The original size and proportion of a front door, the details of the door, the door surround, and the placement of the door all contribute to the character of the entrance. Guideline Meets Guideline 2 Retain and preserve the functional, Existing (non-historic) storefront and proportional and decorative features of entrance to be maintained. NIA a primary entrance. =These features. include the door and its frame, sill, head, jamb, moldings, and any flanking windows. 10 Doors in additions and new buildings More information needs to be Maybe should reflect door patterns and provided regarding proposed doors proportions of the existing for on addition. elevations visible form public streets, relationship of voids to solid should also be compatible. 4.0 Protection of Historic Buildings and Sites Meets Guidelines? .1 Construct new additions so that there is Proposed addition of new rear wall Yes the least possible loss of historic fabric will not result in significant loss of and so the character-defining features of character defining features. the buildings are not destroyed. AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE , S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIS'1'\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pcarl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc .2 New additions should be constructed so Removal of 800 sq. ft. portion of Yes that they may be removed in the future 1876 portion of building is without damaging the historic building. irreversible. However, its removal will not result in a loss of intact character defining features. It is not appropriate to construct an In mass, scale, and location Maybe 3 addition that will detract from the proposed new south wail will not overall historic character of the detract from historic character of building. historic building. However, fenestration might be refined in more contemporary manner - review details at Ldre. 4.2 Distinction from Historic Buildings All additions should be discernible from the historic structure. When the original design is duplicated the historic evolution of the building becomes unclear. Instead, additions should be compatible with the historic architecture but clearly recognizable as new construction. 1 Distinguish an addition from the Fenestration on proposed new south Maybe historic structure, but maintain visual wall might be refined to be more continuity between the two. One contemporary in manner - review common method is to step the addition details at Ldre. back andlor set it in slightly from the historic structure. Every project is different and successful designs may incorporate a variety of approaches. 2 Do not.directly copy historic elements. Historic elements on proposed new Maybe Instead, interpret historic elements in south wall, perhaps, too direct simpler ways in the addition. interpretation of historic sections of building - review details at Ldre. 3 Additions should be simpler in Proposed new south wall is simple Maybe detail than the original structure. in form - detailing may be An addition that exhibits a more simplified (see above)- review ornate style or implies an details at Ldre. earlier period of architecture than that o the original is inappropriate. 4 The architectural style of additions Fenestration on south wall might be Maybe should not imitate the historic style but refined to be more contemporary in must be compatible with it. manner - review details at Ldre. Contemporary style additions are possible, but require the utmost attention to these guidelines to be AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE I q 5:\PLAN\data\longranglHISTULTCERTS\Landmarks\Pear1.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 mcmo.doc successful. The use of two distinct historic styles, such as adding Tudor- style half-timbering to a Classic Cottage, is inappropriate. 43 Compatibility with Historic Buildings Introducing new construction that contrasts sharply with an existing historic structure or sine detracts from the visual continuity that marks our historic districts. While additions should be distinguishable from the historic structure, they must not contrast so sharply as to detract from the original building and/or the site. Additions should never overwhelm historic structures or the site, in mass, scale or detailing. 1 An addition should be subordinate to Proposed south wall is subordinate Yes the historic building, limited in size in size and scale. and scale so that it does not diminish or visually overpower the building, Z Design an addition to be compatible Proposed south wall is subordinate Yes with the historic building in mass, scale, in mass and scale - provide details materials and color. For elevations of finish and colour to Ldre for visible from public streets, the review and approval. relationship of solids to voids in the exterior walls should also be compatible. 4 Reflect the original symmetry or Proposed rear wall reflects Yes asymmetry of the historic building. symmetry of historic building. 5 Preserve the vertical and horizontal Horizontal proportion of the historic Yes proportion of a building's mass. building is not significantly impacted by removal of. 16', 8" - rear wall subordinate to side walls. 4.4 Compatibility with Historic Site chid Setting 1 Design new additions so that the No character-defining landscaping N/A overall character of the site, site features on the property. topography, character-defining site features and trees are retained. 2 Locate new additions on an Addition of south wall on most Yes inconspicuous elevation of the historic inconspicuous face of building, building, generally the rear one. Locating an addition to the front of a structure is inappropriate because it obscures the historic facade of a building. 3 Respect the established orientation of Proposed addition of south wall yes the original building and typical conforms with the historic building AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longrang\IIFST\AI.TCERTS\Iandmarks\Pcar1.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc alignments in the area. and buildings in the area. 4 Preserve a backyard area between the Commercial context, not applicable N/A house and the garage, maintaining the general proportion of built mass to open space found within the area. See Guideline 2.1.1. 4.5 Key Building Elements Roofs, porches, dornlers, windows and doors are some of the most important character-defining elements of any building. As such, they require extra attention to assure that they compliment the historic architecture. In addition to the guidelines below, refer also to Section 3.0 Alterations for related suggestions. 1 Maintain the dominant roofline and Maintains dominant roof form to the Yes orientation of the roof form to the street. street. 2 Rooflines on additions should be lower Roofline not affected by proposed Yes than and secondary to the roofline of the south wall. original building. S The existing roof form, pitch, eave Gable form maintained with Yes depth, and materials should be used for proposed south wall. all additions. 5 Maintain the proportion, general style, Fenestration on south wall might be Maybe and symmetry or asymmetry of the refined to be more contemporary in existing window patterns. manner - review details at Ldre 6 Use window shapes that are found on Window, and door locations, shapes Maybe the historic structure. Do not introduce and designs on south wall generally odd-shaped windows such as octagonal, compatible, though fenestration on triangular, or diamond-shaped south wall might be refined to be more contemporary in manner - review details at Ldre 8 Use materials and construction similar Application does not specify type of Maybe to historic windows. Do not use snap- windows - review details at Ldre. in muntins. Design Guideline Analysis Summary: Staff considers that the demolition of the c.1950 concrete block addition is appropriate as it is not an historic character defining feature of the property and AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE (6 S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\L.andmarks\Pearl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doe that the southern 16', 8"' feet of the 1876 building may be removed as it is significantly altered and its removal will not adversely affect the historic character of the building. Staff also appreciates the effort the applicant has made to rehabilitate the west elevation based upon the c.1901 historic photograph. Retaining the existing storefront and infilling the gable window with a six over six window as shown in the historic photograph is consistent with this approach and is consistent with the National Park Service's Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (upon which Boulder's design guidelines are based), which advises that reconstructions should: be based upon the accurate duplication of historic features and elements substantiated by documentary or physical evidence rather than on conjectural designs or the availability of different features. A reconstructed property will re-create the appearance of the non-surviving historic property in materials, design, color, and texture. A reconstruction will be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation". Staff considers that details of fenestration changes on the east, west, and north, and proposed new south wall should be reviewed and approved by the Landmarks design review committee to ensure consistency with the historic preservation ordinance and the General Design Guidelines. In terms of the new free-standing construction (which is shown to be out of the proposed landmark boundary), staff does find that it would not adversely affect and, overall, is sensitive to the historic building. Staff appreciates the amount of work put into the project and that the result is a redevelopment that is generally consistent with the historic preservation ordinance, the General Design Guidelines, and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Reconstruction. Staff encourages that the applicant take advantage of state and, possibly, federal historic preservation tax incentives. Findings: As outlined in the staff recommendation, the proposed demolition and rehabilitation at 800 Pearl Street will be consistent with the purposes and standards of the I-Iistoric Preservation Ordinance in that: 1. The demolition of the south 16', 8" feet of the 1876 building and 1950s additions to the building will not damage or destroy and will preserve the important historic form and features of the building. AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\Undmarks\Pearl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc 2. The proposed rehabilitation and reconstruction of exterior features will preserve or restore portions of the building to the turn-of-the- twentieth century period. 3. The request is generally consistent with the Historic Preservation Ordinance, Section 3 of the General Design Guidelines, and does meet the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Reconstruction. Attachments: A: Historic Building Inventory Form B: Application, Photographs, and Plans AGENDA ITEM #5B PAGE C S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HISVALTCBRTS\Landmarks\Pearl.800\6.3.09 documents\06.03.09 memo.doc Attachment A COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOT FOR FIELD USE Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation ELIGIBLE 1300 Broadway, Denver, Colorado -ELIGIBLE NOT ELIG HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD NOMINATED CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO Boulder County CERTIFIED REHAB DATE PROJECT NAME: BOULDER HISTORIC PLACES State ID#: 5BL2339 *Building Name: LOLITA'S MARKET *Building Address: 800 PEARL STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 Building Owner: THE MOUNTAINS DOWNTOWN Owner Address: 2336 CANYON, SUITE 1.01 BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 USGS Quad: BOULDER Quad Year: 1966 (REV.1979) Legal: Tnsp IN Range 71W Section 25 1/4, 1/4 *Historic Name: BOSTON & COLO. SAMPLING WORKS District Name: NOT APPLICABLE Block: 63 Lot: 65 Addition: BOULDER WEST Year of Addition: 1874 ilm-Roll By: ROGER WHITACRE Film Number: BL--16 "umber of Negatives: 26 Negative Location: BOULDER "Construction Date: ESTIMATE: PRE-1890 Source: ASSESSOR/SANBORN INSURANCE MAPS Present Use: GROCERY STORE Historic Use:` SAMPLING WORKS Condition: GOOD Extent of Alterations: MAJOR Description: NEW DISPLAY WINDOWS; STUCCO. ORIGINAL If Moved, Date(s): Style: VERNACULAR MASONRY Stories: 1 Materials: BRICK Square Footage: 6439 Field Assessment: NOT ELIGIBLE District Potential: NO Local Landmark Designation?: NO Name: Date: Associated Buildings?: NO Type: If Inventoried, List Id Numbers: Architect: UNKNOWN Source: Builder/Contractor: UNKNOWN Source: Original Owner: UNKNOWN Source: 800 Pearl Street Page 2 Flan Shape: . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Theme(s): The Urban Frontier (1860-1920). Architectural Description: Wide, low-pitched, front-gabled commercial building. Stuccoed. Recessed entrance with a ribbon of display windows. Corrugated metal roof. Construction History: Historical Background: Early Sanborn maps indicate that this building is located on the site of the Boston and Colorado Sampling Works, which by 1895 had become the W.J. Chamberlain and Company Sampling. Works. This building is located on the same site, and is of the same shape and size, as the crusher building ,f the sampling works. The company's assay office was located next door, A the 1895 Sanborn Map shows that a side track from the railroad ran 'irectly to the sampling works. Architectural Significance: Represents the work of a master. Possesses high artistic values. X_ Represents a type,_period or method of construction. Historical Significance: Associated with significant persons. _X_ Associated with significant events and/or patterns. Contributes to an historic district. Statement of Significance: Although remodeled, this grocery store appears to have once been part of the Boston and Colorado Sampling Works, which later became the W.J. Chamberlain and Company Sampling Works. Both of these early sampling operations were important to Boulder's economy, and are representative of the city's mining history. References: Boulder County Assessor's Records Sanborn Insurance Maps i.rveyed by Whitacre/Simmons Affiliation: Front Range Research Date: June 1988 Attachment B City of Boulder Planning and Development Services V000 ~ LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION Date of application: boa Case number: HIS-~ Property address: Bd d )OWL ~ Historic District/Landmark name: /t! A Applicant name: Relationship to project (e.g., architect, contractor): f Phone: - S ~L & 2 2 Mobile phone: Fax: 3 `F -f4° I Applicant's mailing address: 5 ~ N,~-4w lv~d✓v r 00 80 3 Street city State Zip Property owner's name: 0 19c4va- G~ L Daytime phone: ° s ' g I ! 3 Property owner's address: le / ° S /1B 0/tl. . ZrOAJq m d Nr co 0 0 5-0 3 Street City State Zip PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Please list all exterior alterations proposed for the property in the space provided below. Please see the following pages for submittal requirements. All 4 pages must be included in the application. fi,-4-f T- ✓ - JV,4rn r ~7~47, INITIAL CODE REVIEW The following applications require initial review and sign off by a project specialist or zoning administrator prior to acceptance of a landmark alteration certificate application. Please mark all applicable boxes. ONew detached construction (accessory structure, garage, new residence, shed, etc) ❑ Dormers ❑ Porches ❑ Fences ❑ All new additions THIS SECTION IS FOR STAFF USE ONLY Property Zoning:' SAALS Lot Size: L 3CL'~s`~" Required setbacks-FI OIVC)Ior- "l O Floodplain: ~-U t Prior Reviews (Use Review, PUD, etc) _j -ztyajrz c ~h41~- C Other Applications which may be required based on proposed application: Preliminary Comments: Reviewed by: Date: &< C)lt This section is a customer service review, and does not constitute a formal review of all applicable codes and regulations. Alf sections of the Qoutder Revised Code must still be adhered to prior to performing any work. Please submit this completed application, along with the required information outlined on the following pages to a project specialist. Applications for the design review committee must be received on the Friday prior to your requested design review meeting. If you have any questions, please call (303)441-1880 and ask to speak to a historic preservation planner. We look forward to working with you on your project! ..-1- r: :1 & A r:. 12-1 LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION (Page 2) Shown below and on the facing page is a list of the most common types of alterations. Please check off the type of work you are proposing and follow the application requirements listed to the right. TYPE OF STAFF REVIEW ALTERATION: City staff may review common types of applications, which involve minor alterations. This (Please check all type of review can have a quick approval turn-around providing the applicant submits a that apply) complete application form with documentation and the proposed alterations meet the ❑ Landscaping applicable design guidelines. ❑ Paint A complete_caplication submittal includes: ❑ Roofing ❑ This application: Completely filled out ❑ Fence (rear/ side yard only if ❑ Plans and elevations: All drawings should be to scale, with dimensions, and as maximum 5' tall with minimum detailed and clear as possible, whether or not an architect or contractor is 1"spacing between pickets) involved. Both existing structure and proposed changes should be shown. Fences: bring to-scale drawings showing dimensions and spacing between ❑ Restoration of Existing Features pickets. DOWNTOWN ONLY. ❑ Photographs: Comprehensive color photos of the structure and of details that relate directly to the requested alteration are required. ❑ Commercial awning ❑ Samples: Color chips of paint are required. Printed samples of roofing types are ❑ Commercial patios helpful. ❑ Commercial signs TYPE OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE (LDRC) ALTERATION: City staff and two designated members of the landmarks board review applications for alterations (Please check all to buildings or special features and determine within 14 days after a complete application is filed that apply) whether or not the proposed work would have a significant impact upon or be potentially ❑ Deck / porch detrimental to a landmark site or historic district. Large projects usually require more than one Doors / windows meeting and may be referred by the Committee to the full Landmarks Board for review. ❑ Dormers / skylights The following documentation is required to initiate review by the Design Review Committee: Additions 13 This application: Completely filled out E3 Fence (front yard or 13 Photographs. Photos of existing building and surrounding context rear/ side yard if over ❑ Drawings: All drawings should be to scale, with dimensions, and as detailed and clear 5' tall or less than 1" as possible, whether or not an architect or contractor is involved. Both existing structure spacing between pickets) and proposed changes should be shown. Examples are available if needed. ❑ New garage / accessory The following documentation is required for final review and approval: building (340 sq. ft. and ❑ Scaled site plans: including existing and proposed site plans under) ❑ Elevations: usually 114" = 1' scale including existing and proposed elevations ❑ Other ❑ Materials: Specific materials used should be noted on plans. Samples may be requested. ❑ Colors: paint/stain color chips ❑ Photographs: photos of existing building from all sides and existing context ❑ Manufacturers/catalogue "tear" sheets ❑ Fences: bring to-scale drawings showing dimensions and spacing between rails. ❑ Details The following may be requested prior to final approval: ❑ Building sections []Methods of restoration []Study model or 3-D simulated model TIP: For large or complex projects you are encouraged to contact a Historic Preservation Planner early in your project before detailed drawings are completed. All completed applications for LDRC review must be turned in by noon on the Friday prior to the requested meeting. Please note that your requested DRC meeting may not be available due to scheduling. The Committee meets at 9:00 a.m. every Wednesday (except holidays) at the P&DS Services Center on the V floor of the Park Central building, 1739 Broadway. Please call and ask for a Historic Preservation Planner if you have questions with any of the above alterations or submittal requirements. ^7 LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION (Page 3) LANDMARKS BOARD (LB) TYPE OF New free-standing construction greater than 340 square feet, or the demolition or moving of ALTERATION: structures requires review by the entire Landmarks Board. A public hearing is required in order to (Please check all issue an alteration certificate under these circumstances. The full board meets once a month, that apply) usually on the first Wednesday. Submittal deadlines are listed on the following page. All applications must be submitted to a project specialist by 4:00 pm 20 days prior to the hearing. E3 New free-standing Public hearings must be held within 60 days after a completed application is received. All public construction hearings for landmark alteration certificates are conducted as quasi-judicial proceedings. After a (over 340 sq. ft.) public hearing, a Notice of Disposition is served to City Council regarding the recommendation of the Landmarks Board. The City Council has 14 days to call up a decision to approve a landmark alteration certificate application made by the Landmarks Board. If the Landmarks Board votes to Demolition deny a landmark alteration certificate application, the City Council has 30 days in which to call up (includes primary the decision. and/or accessory buildings) A complete application submittal includes the same as that required for the Design Review Committee as listed on the proceeding page plus the following items: E] Application called 19/ up from DRC Previous Page requirements (Listed under LDRC) El" Written project description Qr 10 folded copies of project drawings, showing existing and proposed conditions (preferably 24"x36") plans, including: ■ Scaled site plan (existing and proposed) ■ Scaled elevations for all sides of the building (existing and proposed) at 1/4" or 1/8" scale. ■ Sketches, as needed C~ 10 copies of any color renderings or photographs, color samples, etc. (preferably no greater than 11 "x17") ET/1 reduced (8 1/2"x 111 copy of all materials submitted At the request of staff or the board, the following may alsooe required as part of your application: 13 Building sections LlMethods of restoration LdStudy model or 3-D simulated model TIP: Projects which are required to be reviewed by the full board should be presented to staff early in your project before detailed drawings are initiated. Please contact us prior to submitting an application as these projects and reviews are usually complex. We encourage you to complete the initial code review section on page 1 of this application prior to contacting us. Call (303) 441-1880 and ask to speak with a Historic Preservation Planner. agree to pr the work described' herein, in accordance with the plans and/or specifications submitted and with all provision he Historic Preservation Code, Building Code, Zoning Ordinance and Health Regulations of the City of Boulder s umerated in the Boulder Revised Code, 1981. 1414 y tooq Signature Y~klv er ar`au horized agent for owner Date Contact Us: Planning & Development Services - Historic Preservation Program 1739 Broadway, 3' Floor Boulder, CO 80302 (303) 441-1880 Http://www.boulderhistoricpreservation.net y LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE APPLICATION (Page 4) FOR STAFF USE ONLY Date completed application received by Planning and Development Services Date of initial DRC meeting Date(s) of follow-up DRC meetings Date of Full Board Hearing Date Application Approved/Denied Date of Building Permit Review Date Case Closed Date case sent to imaging 2009 Landmarks Board Meeting Dates and Application Submittal Deadlines Landmarks Board meetings are generally held the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Council Chambers Room, located at 1777 Broadway. Landmark Alteration Certificate applications scheduled for a public hearing before the full Landmarks Board are due by 4:00 pm 27 days before the meeting date. All applications must be submitted through a project specialist. Board Meeting Submittal Deadline February 4 Jonuary8 March 4 February 5 April 1 March 5 May 6 April 9 June 3 May 7 July 1 June 4 August 5 July 9 September 2 August 6 October 7 September 10 November 4 October 5 December 2 November 5 Danica Powell Pearl Street Properties 6105 Monarch Longmont, CO 80503 800 PEARL May 7, 2009 James Hewat and Chris Meschuk Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor Boulder, CO 80306 RE: 800 Pearl Street, Lolitas Landmark Designation and Landmark Alteration Certificate Dear Landmarks Staff and Landmarks Board: We are pleased to submit the revised plans for Lolitas and the proposed redevelopment of the 800 Pearl Street. As you know, we have been working on this project with Staff and the Board for almost two years and feel in that time the plans for 800 Pearl have gone through an incredible and exciting evolution. The design for 800 Pearl and the designation and preservation of Lolitas are an example of an excellent collaboration between the owner, Staff, and the Landmarks Board. We have voluntarily made this application For landmarking of this historic resource and will be proud to share the sites unique history through the rehabilitation of Lolitas and the redevelopment of 800 Pearl. The attached plans represent an elegant design solution for a challenging and unique site. Balanced and Respectful Solution The buildings at 800 Pearl Street have undergone extreme alterations and change, beginning in 1890 (just 14 years after being built) and continuing through the years. The existing structures on the site are very different from the original Sampling Works building, and the context of West Pearl has significantly changed from the days of large, separated industrial buildings that dominated this end of town. The proposed landmark designation, landmark boundary, and rehabilitation efforts for the building serve to protect, enhance and commemorate the historical use, architecture and heritage of the site. The proposed redevelopment on the remainder of the site respects this historical resource without crowding or overshadowing, and provides a contemporary backdrop for the unique architectural style of the historical building. Our proposal reflects a thoughtful, balanced solution for an incredibly complex, unique and interesting part of Boulder. Highlights of the Proposal We have carefully listened to the Landmark Board, Staff, neighbors, and the customers of Lolitas throughout this process. The changes to the landmark proposal and design address the questions and concerns that the Landmarks Board and Staff had in our last hearing in November 2008. Highlights of the proposal include: 5/7/09 Page 2 • Extended length of gabled building to be preserved to ensure the form of building is very prominent and the experience is similar to historical perspective - preservation of 80% of the contributing structure • Commitment to restore the fenestration back to their original configuration • Establishment of a protective buffer around the historic building • Thoughtful redevelopment of the site that gives breathing room to the historic resource and establishes architectural harmony while integrating the historical architecture into the activity and experience on the site • Commitment to installation of an educational, interpretative area along Pearl Street to encourage understanding and experience of the mining and sampling works history of the site • Commitment to replacement of roof with historically appropriate materials • Integration of the original design elements into the project identity - making reference to the original Chamberlain logos • Renovation of Lolitas grocery to allow for timely equipment upgrades, energy efficiency improvements, handicapped accessibility, and to enhance indoor/outdoor activity between the market and the public areas surrounding it (Pearl Street and the open spaces) • Contemporary and respectful design for the site that celebrates both the history and the future of Boulder We are very excited about sharing the vision for 800 Pearl Street with you on June 3rd. The longtime owners of Lolitas plan to live in two of the future units of this project - which will ensure that this story will continue to be told well into the future. We look forward to discussing these options with you and moving forward with this project. Sincerely, Pearl Street Properties Danica Powell 8 0 0 P e a r l S t r e e t L a n d m a r k s S u b m i t t a l u 800 PEARL TABLE OF CONTENTS Y r{t ` _ r Street level view 1 Aerial context view 2 Existing site plan 3 Proposed site plan 4 ' ~ j - - :h ti y~ I ~ ROOF plan S Photos of existing building 6 1v Photos of existing building 7 I~66 ? f r .n ` I 1 Lolita's proposed west elevation 8 4.. Lolita's proposed south and north elevation 9 J4~ .ry - Lolita's proposed cast elevation 10 Proposed west elevation 11 l` - - Proposed north elevation 12 Proposed south elevation 13 View from southwest 14 View from across Pearl Street 15 0a~"i.L__~ 7~•.rcr'Y.':"n:~.~-.sue. ._.'._d'.~'.i~ew:_ . _ - _ - S U R R O U N D . . ~I 'r ~Ka ~f ~w d f t N7. - i' 3 ~WF 'r• -.rte -r- - -d - - - ~ - - Y •rr. S t r e e t L e v e l V i e w P a s e 1 oN ..a'nam,' 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 0507.2009 N all S U R R O U N D Boulder, Colorado J N 6100 PEARL a . :1 -ter - sd ' .P - X11• - . I%v frl.r > rl i ;w , i - ~ .?fir r„,✓`. ~fqy~~~ ~•T~ ( 'i~Pr f',~. , f r v* 1 rJ r f l f ~ ~ ` 1.'~' T + j Fem., .0 - A e r i a C o n t e x t i e w~ p a g e 2 t J I _ 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences - 0507.2009 301 Hoag„ Boulder, Colorado S U R R O U N D G. 800 PEARI 8th Street SL's ~Y 1 { j t~ r Non• G on tribui,ng - .`:pa ~Onlnbuling orc•St Oly SIru CSU rt onr-sloly 5t1uCl uri I x,547 5F 1 3,899 SF _ i i L 20% to be Removed 1 ~ Existing Fence T Asphalt Parking Lot 1 1 M.M L.,4, To1.I 5F Munl.ln.d SF %M,1 t 1.sd Ro."..d SF % K-o 1 i Conwbwns 1876 G.61ad Snun"r. 47'-4' a7 Y 04'-B' 84.667 3899 I E x i s t i n g Curb C u 1 1 iA Tomn.e iT-4' a7 4 66'-0' Ee.000 3113 tta% T. b.,ev..d a)'-4' a7.Y 1d '-B' 16.667 7b 409E 1 1 1 I I - ~1 NonranulbW„y 1950 FI.1 Roof Sun.. AV-2' 47,4 54',0' 54.000 2S47 0 U'-°Sa1 I:{-? O a, 16 37 z x i s t i n g i t e a n i E ~ P a g c 3 SCALE: 1/16"= 1'-0" - - - - 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05,07.2009 ]U1 ..66964.6 Boulder, Colorado ~.`a.. - S U R R O U N D l 800 PEARL r ~ I8th~Str 'et r ~u X I X11 6' 6' Pro Pvr ry ! izz- Ly 3-- % `r Lolitas I 3 3 1 1 3 tf 4 Publllc open spac+c t I ~ H~stor~c Desrgnat~on q t Boundary l 5'•0' on E.,t 5,d< 11 2 3 G' 6"on Soorh $ d< % `Y ` 5 Trash p1 Secure ger< eeure solc ^ N Brryclc Pa,krn9 al GuOdlns r 1 above n7 I' `Hrslorrca y Secured Parking - E n .Ca ` I .r,<r.<„~~,• T O-t,heed garage door • ~r I I 6 I I J 1 Retail -I a 5 6 7 8 i 9 - 86s IF I 7 t I ~ 1 1 t6' 3:' P r o p o s e d S i t e P I a n Gz P a g e 4 SCALE: 1/16' = IV - - - " i 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the 'West End Residences- 05.07.2009 s C o l o r a d o S U R R O U N D B o u l d e r , 800 PEARL ` f M 18th Street 1 I Pu-lal.ic open s~'Pac¢r c-i f Proposed 8uildin9 I ,a 32' R o o F P l a n Z P a g c 5 SCALE: 1/16" = T•0" i 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 ~o3..oaoao sos.~~o.eve~ i Bouldcr -Co lorado S U R R O U N D - - - 900 PEARL ~i , Bo% of contt 6Wing c 0% of contnbutam rtructun; to bt caved :uudure to be sevcd s 71- 1 r ` t 1 , ` - - e Non-contn%uting _ L if ',t • Nan-m Ny 1 x~ partim to 6c removcd poalon to to b k>c e renmved TII - ' 775m r, "r X M ? Bo% of contributing Bo% of conlri6Wir,g f „ a fr slo tum to be ssved I` y rrf structure to 6c saved 1~. fJ+~ R ` ~ - ti t ~ 4 Sir II{. ~ _ I` P h o t o s o f E x i s t i n g B u i l d i n g~ P a g e 6 SOO Pearf - Lolitas and the West End Residences - 05.07.2009 ..a0000, f ® R0uIdcr, C0J0radO so,~:so.oevT S U R R O U N D ~e~ 800 PEARL SSW Wes[ Alt ~*f ~~y`~ i•~' ~ ~ ,tJ ll ( fir,. North South ..'yam. f 1. ;.►'y '~3 t Y' - - c East P h o t o s o f E x i s t i n g u I I cl i n g p • g e 7 $00 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 Bauldrr, Colorado ^v"" S U R R O U N D -_-....._....,.h...,,... .j_ 800 PEARL .I I N o r t h E I e v a t i o n~ MIA i 0 514, 104, 21 A' S o u t h E l e v a t i o n p a 9 r 7.2 SG\LF: 3/34` = V-Q" 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05:07.2009 ,o, ..a,o... S U R R Q U N D " nxc~:,ec uca 600 PEARL, - NW.+V ~'Ni LLC1G+~l _ b1f11A CLTN9IWR _ - ~Tt f_. 1 I t e~ E a s t E l e v a t i o n ~ nu+wr wrw+cr aruaanvarm anonircrrcn 11 rxw..wnex~ i .rm rrsmrtwoar< <+WN~M014tAG ~p.1YrOMWG fl0ellg4pplR n'ioiwOOI MOOt1wM111R.wNi{ o s'A' W.8' Qr.+• W e s t E l e v a t i o n I SCALE 3/32' = t'A' P• g c 7. 1 i 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 ,,,..o..o.,, 007...o.ea~+ r S U R R O U N D Boulder, Colorado a.,<ti . RCC Pf.ARI cl V1000 DOUtL HUNG" MOW r I Z NFW CO'6At1Cf10N FF- Srmco / rraH V[/ 114/fJUD CLm WOOD =UM HUNG WKO'~V S o u t h E l e v a t CUD WOOD DCQNU HUNG vTAO'.o I° DOSTW G STCWIR ONT TO ME " 9fIiA& f,%M STUCCOWALL FWWH 0 B. 16' 1 `I o r E l e v a t P a g e 9 SCALE: 118" = 1'-0' 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 ' Boulder, Colorado S U R R O U N D - - - -i Boo P K A R ! l~ NEW METAL e00i EXTB1T Of PEMOVED POCEK)N 7171.77 i i F I' 11 I i t r r, I ! III I! ~ i l i I i (I I I I ( I o ~ I I ~ I~ ~ I. 1 ~ I i' i t I I ` I r i' ~ I i V I I I i I I I 1 I I I 1 l i F I" i t ° 1 -I [E M.liATm Et mobs opMtk ' °e+a Ea~ r ere• REHMiLrTATED H07MCOPENING WAi,' WTAED STUCCO WALL FINISH - CLAD WOOD DOUILL HUNG WINDOW 0 4' B' I b' Y Y e S t E e v L~ t n I P a g e 8 I SCALE: 118" = V-0" - 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07,200e Boulder Colorado S U R R 0 u N U ~...~....F..I...",.~. I- ..<CM~rr_-uc r- 8001 1) FAR,L CT' M l~ PR107T Cf REPA RD PORTION I NEW I&T,.L EOOFiRK. 1 jj ~I I I I ` f ' A l i i ~ l r, ~J IyI i • 1 ~ I I ~ I l I I Y 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I It .I srucco iN OK"NG Iea• eeo eo-r ROWILITAED SNCCO WALL FNISH ---J CLAD WOOD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW w 16 E a s t E l e v a t i o n ,m I P a g e 10 I SCALE: a /8" = 1'•0' - 800 Pearl - L.olitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 lD~..3nDrv~ IY] •.o 8001 I S U R R O U N D BouldeF,_Colorado BOO PEARL 1 a .ate-. - ,,T-- - - - - - x ' ~ LL J . t• } I - - a . i F t C-: ~ / i ~ 1M 0 S• 4' 10-8' 211-41 S o u t h E l e v a t i o n SCALE7 3/32'= 1'-0" P a g r 1 3 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.072009 ' Boulder, Colorado S U R R O U N D - 800 P E A 11 L ~'y 2.'r''.saP y~.. r.}.'~ r. .>a.i T<•r~ ~k{e. tr+ft 1[ Wy _ {r = S . r T i X11 . . r f'~jp✓ Ire V i e w F r o m S o u t h w e s t A a g e 14 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05,072009 Boulder, Colorado """9P1 S U R R O U N D J...w........ 9 n O P E 14. R ! 2 r ~ - wx Tv Y ~l i !re v i •r 4~y~I► Yi :J ~!+w~~( 3~''d• :sty r,', , 's- ,~,~i~ ~i''~~ in l:?'gfpjj ti y _ - " = - WIN, IC. 7- V i e w F r o m A c r o s s P e a r I S t. i P a g e 1 5 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences - 0507.2009 J"J JJa gas..' M Boulder, Colorado h D ~ r n. 1 1 n i' l i'j l~ f. f t~ ft 8 0 0 P e a r I S t r e e t L a n d m a r k s S u b m i t t a l 9 .800 PEARL .K TABLE OF CONTENTS Street level view 1 ' Aerial context view 2 Existing site plan 3 4 pg1 _ Proposed site plan 4 Roof plan 5 Photos of existing building 6 Photos of existing building 7 Lolita's proposed west elevation 8 Lolita s proposed south and north elevation 9 Lolita's proposed east elevation 10 Proposed west elevation 11 Proposed north elevation 12 Proposed south elevation 13 View from southwest 14 View from across Pearl Street 15 ~rr ~.{,r.~ ~ ens X:•~ i~►.,~, ~ _ _ S U R R O U N D A R C H I T E C T U R E ' ..a.~.' .m,... Yd! 111 0301 fc ldRAS SMNAGE ~i- E7ttSIING SIORLRONI Aa5pNG 8+tAY N o r t h E l e v a t i o n 4 I F105f11JG CGH09'KE+ Wtt5 .Q I V.-.a I CMCA 1913-0 S"MK-M V V-4' 1V-sr 21-411 S o u t h E l e v a t i o n SCALE: 3132" = 1'•0" 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 303.++0.6069p ~ 3016440 6981 1 S U R R O U N D Boulder, Colorado www.rurrou".1- Itecture.cem 800 PEARL ERDSliTKi COfJQtNSER UNR DCIENT EX PRODOSED REMOVED PORTION ASPHALT SHINGLES CIRU IP"'M"CTURE AI FENCE OUNWSIERANDRECYCUNG DOSING CCNOENM LNIrs _Fri T 7'r, TI ; 1 ~r. ~1 4 .I 1 I ,II POARWD OPENING ROARDED OKNING 00MOMOVENING L L 9OMDEO[WEMNG ROAPOFO Ira' PR R' E a s t E l e v a t i o n SMNGIFS EX1ENf OF 9ROP05ED RF/A0VED PORTNJN i CIRCA 1 PSO SFRI.10 c E ~I ' 1 I i I r J i 7t, 51&1 CASFh1ENT WINDOW NONFIINCIKkXNG OPENRaG [16AROEDOPE?tlNG STORUROM OffNm VAMOL6 METERS. SVAICHM MID FIECL MASTS Rrx ua 0 51.40 10'-8' 211-411 W e s t E l e v a t i o n ALF SCV'1I.L; 3134° = 1'•(}u P a g e 7. 1 800 Pearl - Lvlitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 303-440 8080p B o u l d e r , C o l o r a d o www 1ona~n30 .4 00 8 0 8 1 1 S U R R O U N D 800 PEAR L l 1 ~ fJ ;r r ~ r • r j ! `r..r, lf~ + • 'rI J.r. r ,r, .,y r.. .fir c~ 1 • ~ p1 r~r j er ~ ~{"7s'._ y f R~_ >H. rr 'rte 1 v•s4 ~I ! s':' 'Y~' vf• ~~tleet _ t .i~~ '1r~ . ril:~' d~~"~',~ I ' f' ~ r~~~ ~ ` + s IM r III rl ~ pp- 'r r ~ F ! r } 1, ~ - , :ry /<<t l:•.r ,a f .i, f , Y' r - rr i's. •f- rrs r6,~r~' , ~ l y r .lv., ~ r• ryJ ! / a - t r . r e ' ~~i!r l r ~ y ' A j' , ~s ri"r rr 1 .r'. .1~. l {•..y" ~ :o /rr: I~ rf /✓l+ °'i, r'! ,ar t ' y, l y, ! ~ rr ~°~.rr° „ 3 l .rr~ '.>r. •l'r J 1;~ ~i/ /I..°, ' t i 'r ~'f, ,~1; t.d •z .'l Ir f l •r J,l. :f .d ~ r ~ ~!1 ~ . 1 r, ~ h,., a C¢ r,• i. f :r • r c i ~,r "v,' r °rat. , r :,r i. . l y- s w ~ ? ~ r .r°' r•y ,j. ? .rl ,ri '4 li. r) r ij.°, 'l r .^f i{' •i' j~. r r / r, Ji/.f ,"r' rr !'i• °',;F .(1 :S~.E! ~mnyuf~ f•' ~ -..~-11J'.u ~1t:?.t~.~ r__•-...y;7~=e.~[..i!_~..c:.;. a~._. ~Y_i.. :',t,•ar~=s -~~f l-~_d_.'.~ S t r e e t L e v e l V i e w P a g e 1 ( I 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07,4009 B 303.4 40.8089p ~ 303 440.a9aI r S U R R O U N D oulder, O I O f a d o w-surround-chuecture.<om . ~ 800 PEARL e v I + v s r f 1 FY/~l~~hY f r/. r r~'t Z if ' it ~ • j . 01, wow- t !f rl W ~ ~ r 1i` J ✓ ~ ! f(,p '~.%v l r.. J . Y'. ~,~r/ ? J v` / s / v° , 4 r f / _~~~yy F y', - li~ / 1~ rC// _r .•'G,~lr. 1;,,~ J rr. l fr8ir 1 ~/,,c/ J! ' 9'ri lrr .f J r r I f low r q~ I' f ~Y.r"~ / d%~/ ev , r . F f -8'Lf•` f •:i;. fr,: r 4 j • t° fl e r l cl C o n t e x t e w I P a g e 2 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2049 303.4408089p I 303 440 8981 I S U R R O U N D "'r"" Boulder, Colorado °"`°m 800 PEARL 8th Stret It 7" I --5 4 : b - - . r r l r r r r wr...~~r, H r r..>•r~+rr.y r r I W, r CA Non•contribu#ing Contributing one-story structure one stor structure y a 2,547 sf 3,899 sf 1 rr 43 Q } - 20% to be Removed l`e ti ro i Existing Fence a Asphalt Parking Lot r Width Length Total SF Maintained SF % Maintained Removed SF % Removed , i Contributing 1876 Gabled Structure 47'-2' 47.2 62'-8' 82.667 3899 E x i s t i n g Curb C u t f To remain 47'-2' 47.2 66'-0" 66.000 3113 BOW f/~f T. be removed 47'-2' 47.2 16'-S" 16.667 786 20% I i Non-contributing 1950 Flat Root Structure 47'-2' 41.2 54'.0' 54.000 2547 0 0% 2547 100% , ° g, , 61 34 E x i s t i n g S i t e P I a n I z P a g e 3 I SCALE: 1/16" = V-101" - 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.0.2009 303.4408084v ~ 303 440 0981 I S U R R O U N D B o u l d e r , Colorado ,ur,uond.rtfii,ecturc tum _ www 800 PEARL I 8th S t r et i ~b b bb'-0' ~ 2 5 Property Line r YF c. f Lolitas 3113 sF 3 Pub1lic open space AK, t I Historic Designation 4 1 Boundary I 5'•0" on East Side 1 I 2 3 6% 6"on South Side 1 rash I d I ~ I { 1 i t - Secure gate secure gate (j') I Line of Building I Bi ycle parking above L~ - - - - - I +~o H i s t o r i c a y Secured Parking Interprets e d Experience f Overhead garage door 1 1 ~ 6 I F 6 ' Retail L.4 5 6 7 8 9 865 :f 7 I I T t T 5tarage torage Storage o 0 8' 16' 34' ' P r o p o s e d S i t e P I a n Z P a g e 4 { SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" _ 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 303.4 40.6089p ~ 303-440.8981 I S U R R O U N D Boulder, Colorado 800 PEARL 8thlStreet IT, Public open space Lolita's )A" _ y 12 I Proposed Building 0 81 16' 32' P o o F P l a n Z Page 5 l SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-U' I 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.01.2009 303.4 40.19089P - J 303.440.8981 f S U R R O U N Boulder, Colorado www.surroundarchiteCture.com l 80(} PEARL 80% of contributing 80% of contributing structure to be saved stnicture to be saved ae, ti C •'L , 74 Non-contributing Non-conAuting portion to be removed portion to be removed s ~ i. it 80% of contributing 80% of contributing K~, structure to be saved I structure to be saved -=4E- - - 4 P h o t 0 s O F E x i s t i n g B u i l cl i n g , P a g e 6 I 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 303 440-10089p, Boulder, Colorado .,,..,~„d~~d°3h'4°B9~o- S U R R O U N p 1800 PEARL III I , ti „ West Ali, "a -Jw Aft a 17, "q North South '1~t .Vr 5 ~ 5! rft r ,J,. ~I ✓ 1! 't}e n ~Q7~ 5 6. to ' '!7F}+ e ~ s { -ell F y ti Y,. , i dik East P h o t o S 0 f E x i s t i n B u i I cl i n g p a g e 7 $00 Pearl ~ l.alitas and the Wes.t End Residences- 05.07.009 3034+0.8089p ~ Boulder, Colorado 303 ++a.eaa+ I S U R R O U N D - - - www.suuoundrrrohnealureeom - 800 PEARL NEW METAL ROOFING BMW OF REMOVED PORTION I I~ I I C I I~ ~ ~ 1 I!~~~ f 11~ ~ I i I I ~ I I ~ l yy I 1 i i W1111 Il I~ ; to ; fi- • t:, ~ ;.1 f REHA80.1TATEA HISTORIC OPENNG 66'•G' 16'•B' B9'•8' REHASIMATFD HISTORIC OPENING REHABLMAED STUCCO WALL FINISH CLAD WOOD DOUBLE WANG WINDOW 41 81 'b' W e s t E l e v a t i o n P a g e 8 SCALE: 1/8, = 11.0" - - $00 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 303..,0.vu 89c1 ~ Boulder, Colorado 303 440.098111 S U R R O U N D - www iut rouadntfiltaaurosom 800 PEARL CLAD WOOD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW i i ~ i I f Tif v L ; d L NEW CONSTRUCTION NEW STUCCO WALL FINISH YEAR PLACARD CLAD WOOD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW u t h E l e v a t i o n CLAD WOOD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW 4 1 0 T_ 1^ A' KL i V EXISTING STOREFRONT TO REMAIN REHABILITATED STUCCO WALL FINISH ° 81 16' N o r t h E I e v a t i o n P a g e 9 `J I SCALE: 1/8" = V-0" - 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 303.440.8 0 8 9y ~ 303.440.8981 1 S U R R O U N D B o u l d e r , Colorado www.SUrroundarchItacture.com Lr-- 800 PEARL EXTENT OF REMOVED PORTION NEW METAL RCIOFlNG I I ~ i I II ~ I ~ I ~ i I ~ ~ ~ I II I ~ ' I ~ j~ i I I I I! I, i I ( I I ~ I 1 ~ I ~ I 1111,1~~1~j1~Iljl~ 777 o { ~ I I I I ilc I II I 11 STUCCO IN OPENING 16'•B' dd'.LY REHABIUTAED SRKCO WALL FINISH CLAD WOOD DOUBLE HUNG WINDOW 0 4 9' 16 I E a s t E l e v a t i o n P a g e 10 0" - - SCALE: 1 /8" = V-0" 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.01.4009 303440 0089o I 303 ++0 8981 I S U R R O U N D Boulder, Colorado ~ - - .w ,~„a.~d.«til~.<<~,.. ~ I 800 PEAR L ' r rid ss Crl't` ~ /r ~r1!194 f !r r~ r j r J r r t ~ "M wrY u-f~ jr ~ r s J ; rf Jr J , ,Jr f yff ~.l. r~, r r,:'t,,+/,•1~~~T ,✓r~' if ;Y ir.l l f jN ~ 1 ~ r y l r:. - J / . t ~1" ~ ~r ~ , 3 i1 Y's'" r J i~ `t r . , . ~ ~ 1. ll r r , r tMWf,. ~4,f' r y1f ➢ s 4 , 'r. r` r r ~ ro +1dyd p iM4 " 1 0. P a g e 11 0 5'•4' 10'.8' £1.41, VV e s t I e v a l i 0 n SCALE: 3/32" = V.0" 800 Pear! - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 303440.6069P ~ - 303.440.6981 1 S U R R O U N D - Boulder ! Colorado www surfounduchffeuure,com 800 PEARL Y ~s J• f . , r 1 . ~ 4/r 1 s l / e,.. r. 1,.,!f ' ; v.j ?j,tf', } ~ '{'~1.2 r j~ it .l / ~ ~ ~f? •'t•, r , r -1.. r:~f ~ aJ :C. ''I /,•i ' A r•_. ~ t~ -live! .;;41. r a rrl: rr i r y+~ . 1 4, , /A'd~4w' /r. } SJIR'ci9niJtle! r24~~1aa"~ 5'~C fr;f h~E:Ir, lrY.• 1 % y/~ 1~ r jwy l.n nrA~wS ,r h• t a `dr r -s ac~r, .kr s .M :A_' ~r~ ' 7 + p ~JtJ7r~ilYw' ' ~ if.~ AJ~g t•" r 7'j' h• / ~l'J 'Y~ rJ 4 ` Q r J 0 I , 1 L f .fig { r, r I • y:~ ~ • i, r I is _ _ 1 J: I .YO - - ' •'rtrs~rr .r . T r r r q , t- r u' ~7;ir"' r I b r• 4, f r ~1 ~ly~ .s+l illiYiy~I ~ I•C i _ ~ ® r,u 'i - - iW~l I I• i {1:Y, tl~lllll ~11I I I 1i ' I f' 0 5'-4' 10'-8' 211-4" N o r t h E l e v a t i o n SCALE: 3/32' = 1'A° P a g e 1 2 I moon 840 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.2009 303.440.8089p + J 303.440. 9 8 .898 c I S U R R O U N D Boulder, C O I O f d Cl 0 www surraunderchite0tom 800 PEARL A. r 0 v 0.1 O1 a L f _ - rs 7 4 F W' I J . ~ amaaz rvs FFF _ --~i v r. t ~ fi y ~ ~r ~ .LJ ~I~ ~1~~~ ~ kl ;p✓ p~~" ltd wFTJY13~} '~~L+/ 1 " J0 7. f 0 5'-4' 10'-8' 41' 4" 10 - S o U t h E l e v a t i o n g I SCALE: 3/3411= 11.011 P a e 1 3 i 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.07.4009 303.440 8089p ~ - 303 440 8981 11 S U R R O U N D Boulder, Colorado www.cunaundarchu com! 800 PEARL J y J~~ ~ b I i. . r i~l r r r . 40. S V` i -Agw . r ~~~~ia~'~rr. ~ ri /i • r ^y ~r ~ ~ _ ~r ~Jyt~, hfi t f i r Y.. r 'r r r •F, - ~f 1.~ r 11 r s r j f%'' r!r r ;t '1 l ' r / f l ~ lt`, r r I 1 +~r, 1 ~ ! ~ r it Lfr'~,~~ c~ r~:A r r~ +L~ r Y~r' I r ~:r r. v f'r ~ i r .i/ 1 1 ~iq ,r.. Y r. iJ v: ,~r/~ //rr .f~ rl. t':, vl t~i,la i,l~' A'. .ray rrr ~,er r. - ~~.•~.'r'-,..;,~j-~..., ;!y,J ,./p,,r l~ / 5 rJ W: r lwri~ % ! :4 r/ I. 1 ~ f, rr n,4'r. •,f ' i.r •u ✓ Fr, . r •r ~ r r ! v. .f ~ rr~v~ , 4 .r t• r l.yi r r 'I. A' .e r: r rt f v',;! f ,r, ~ t~ ''>a ~ II. •rra` _ ;;y rr l f r n r ._r•. ~i'" - I -.i.' - i t' _ ~ ,'a ,.~d/ r h ' / f "S~ i Jfit, ( {lr•" I {~.{l...r. ri :(r. ? .J r.7'Y ~~d r(, Y!~ .f. / %~f ! J~ 4n ff--~ .Y r ,:V t, f> p.. i../ J.A.ft • ~.II:;v { - •r' ~'a :~src.Ilx.~:y~.rl fi.L.:~.~~,. • S A,.+'r ✓ ~ r.r' ¢i ~.fr r Krr -f. .g ! .ru ,,.y ~J r~•. e w F r o m o u t w e S t l P a g e 14 I I 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences - 05.01.2009 3034408089p Boulder Colorado 303 440 8981 f S U R R O U N D - _ w.su.rounda.chi~ecture.<om ~ _ - _ - - 00 PEARL 1 ~ f ~ r' hYVr• 71-Tyl -I r ' 1 • _ ~ ~ i " ~ ~ sly ~ f r t Sf - •Y a : r, • ~ !!yyy$'~~yffb • ~ ~ ~ +ll ~~~41.. 111 I 'l 0 4$ Lolita.'s IVX ar3r,e.t' ply J 1 ~I. i 00 - -Y- - Y s ~ .fir ~ . • _ ~~...~-~--r"_~.~,--«•~•-r_~'•" ' - a.t,rs.=~1-.... _:.:~f. .__ss:.~. 1. 1:..f _ S._a.•~=i~SFs+~1. eG +~s. V i e w F r o m c r o s s P e a r l S t. P a s e 1 5 I 800 Pearl - Lolitas and the West End Residences- 05.01.2409 3034408089p I B o u l d er, C o l o r a d o ~3 .0 ,3h4e0 eresom S U R R O U N D - - - 800 PEARL