Minutes - Landmarks - February 4, 2009 CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD February 4, 2009 1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 5 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the February 4, 2009 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the recording on-line at: www.boulderplandevelop.net. BOARD MEMBERS: Nancy Kornblum Leonard May Tim Plass, Chair Lisa Podmajersky John Spitzer *K.C. Becker *Planning Board representative without a vote STAFF MEMBERS: Debra Kalish, Assistant City Attorney Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Julie Johnston, Senior Planner 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 5:05 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATION ON PROPOSED STRATEGY FOR COMPATIBLE DEVELOPMENT IN SINGLE FAMILY NEIGHBORHOODS PROJECT K. Becker arrived at 5:14 p.m. Staff Presentation J. Johnston and S. Richstone presented the item to the board Public Hearing Robert Sharpe, 5995 Mazshall Dr, spoke regazding the tools and neighborhood input. Motion On a motion by J. Spitzer, seconded by T. Plass, the Landmazks Board supported (5-0) the revised problem definition, and the proposed strategy and tools related to landmazked properties regarding the Compatible Development for Single-Family neighborhoods project. 1 L. May proposed a friendly amendment noting that there was an omission of impacts on the streetscapes, alleyscapes, and neighborhoods in the revised problem definition. J. Spitzer and T. Plass accepted the friendly amendment. The board also recommended that: The problem definition address public ways, including streetscapes and alleyscapes which are important components of compatibility. Tools should be considered to address these areas. • The 25 percent building coverage limit may create unwanted designs in some historic districts and within one-story neighborhoods. A larger building coverage percentage should be considered for these areas. Wall plate height of 22 feet is too tall fora 45 foot wall length and does not provide enough relief to the street front. • Covered porches should be omitted from building coverage in an effort to encourage this type of architectural detail. • Overall, the combination of tools is good, if refined correctly. The board does not want to see the numbers for each tool increased to become more permissible to additional development. The board supports the creation of a "safety valve" to ensure that the application of the compatible development regulations does not create an undue hardship or inequitable result when applied to lots with unique or unusual conditions. Such a "safety valve" might take the form of a design review process with established guidelines, which an applicant may request if he desires to deviate from the by-right regulations. The design review process would operate in a full cost recovery mode. 3. RECESS FOR DINNER, 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. The board recessed at 6:12 p.m. and resumed at 6:37 p.m. 4. REVIEW OF MINUTES FROM DECEMBER 30, 2008 and JANUARY 7, 2009 LANDMARKS BOARD MEETINGS On a motion by N. Kornbum, seconded by T. Plass, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the minutes of the December 30, 2008 board meeting. On a motion by N. Kornblum, seconded by T. Plass, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the minutes as amended of the January 7, 2009 board meeting. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None 2 6. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION, DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AND PENDING 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Update and potential action on stay-of-demolition at 607 Forest Avenue (HIS2008- 00234) imposed December 3, 2008, expires April I5, 2009. Staff Presentation J• Hewat presented the item to the board Applicant's Presentation John Goodson, 607 Forest, spoke in support of issuing the demolition permit. Public Hearing Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, spoke in opposition to lifting the stay-of- demolition at this time because it would not provide the full time frame for altemative exploration. She was concerned about the precedent that lifting this stay-of-demolition could set. Beverly Potter, 3201 11`~ Street, also spoke in opposition to lifting the stay-of-demolition at this time because it would not provide the full time frame for alternative exploration. No action was taken by the board. B. Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit for the building at 1535 Spruce Street, per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2009- 00005) Applicant/Owner: E-Town Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item. All board members received emails and made site visits. T. Plass, and L. May, reviewed the project at a Design Review Committee meeting. K. Becker received emails. Staff Presentation C. Meschuk presented the item. Applicant's Presentation Nick Forster, 458 Marine Street, owner, spoke in support of the demolition application. Jim Logan, 973 Poplar, part of the design team, spoke in support of the demolition permit application. Public Hearing Tom Lyon, 506 Arapahoe, spoke in support of the demolition permit application for the adaptive reuse of the building. Ralph Sorenson, 603 Spnzce, spoke in support of the demolition permit application because of the benefits that the remodel of the building would provide to the community. 3 Richard Tucker, 1719 Mapleton, spoke in support of the demolition permit application because the proposed changes would signify great improvements to the building and the community as a whole. Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce, spoke in support of the demolition permit application because of the community benefit that ETown Hall provides to the Whittier neighborhood. Motion On a motion by J. Spitzer, seconded by L. Podmajersky, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) the issuance of a demolition permit for the building located at 1535 Spruce Street in that the property does not have any significant historic significance due to major alterations to the building in 1944 and lacks distinction as a significant example of architecture to the Whittier neighborhood or the city of Boulder as a whole, per the criteria set forth in Section 9-11-23(f) B.R.C and the Individual Landmark Significance Criteria (1975). The board based this decision upon the findings of the staff memorandum dated 2.4.09. C. Public hearing for the repeal and reenactment of the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines section of the Chautauqua Historic District Design Guidelines (administrative regulations), adopted by the Landmarks Board pursuant Section 9-11-24 and the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981. Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the item to the board. Applicant's Presentation Susan Connelly, Colorado Chautauqua Association, 900 Baseline, spoke in favor of the amendments and approval. Public Hearing Lisa Green, city of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department, spoke in favor of the amendments and approval, and presented a sample of a city park identity sign. Motion On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Board (5-0) repealed and re- enacted the Sign Guidelines section of the Chautauqua Historic District Design Guidelines as proposed in Attachment B of the staff memorandum dated 02.04.09 and adopted the same staff memorandum as findings of the board. 8. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND CITY ATTORNEY A. Update Memo B. Planning Board Calendar C. Discussion regarding potential rules related to the process of lifting astay-of- demolition 4 The board agreed to write a letter to City Council regarding the Platt Farmhouse Landmark Alteration Certificate application. 9. DEBRIEF MEETING/CALENDAR CHECK 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Approved on March 4, 2009 Respectfully submitted, Chairp son 5