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7C - Public hearing for the repeal and reenactment of the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines section of the Chatauqua Historic District Design Guidelines
MEMORANDUM February 4ei, 2009 TO: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Allison Hawes, Historic Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing for the repeal and reenactment of the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines section of the Chautauqua Historic District Design Guidelines, administrative regulations adopted by the Landmarks Board pursuant Section 9-11-24 and the rulemaking procedures set forth. in Chapter 1-4, B.R.C. 1981. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Landmarks Board repeal and xe-enact the Sign Guidelines section of the Chautauqua Historic District Desi~,m Guidelines as proposed in Attachment B, adopting this memo as findings for this decision. PURPOSE: ' The purpose of this item is for the Board to: review the proposed administrative regulations/revisions to Sign Section of the Chautauqua Historic District Guidelines and if appropriate, to repeal and reenact the Guidelines. If the Board chooses to repeal and reenact the guidelines, the revisions will become effective immediately. BACKGROUND: • The Signage Guidelines for the Chautauqua Historic District were adopted in 1987, and ilcorporated into the Chautauqua Historic District Design Guidelines in 1989 (see Attachment A), following the 1978 designation of the area as a local historic district. • In 2006, the Colorado Chautauqua was designated a 1Vational I-Iitoric Landmark by the United States Department of the Interior, one of only twenty properties so designated in Colvrado. Agenda Item # 7C Page # 1 • In 2006 the Colorado Chautauqua Association was awarded a Colorado Historical Society grant to undertake an update of its Interpretative Services Plan for the entire 40 acre property which is co-operatively managed by the Chautauqua Association, the city's Parks and Recreation Department, and city's Parks and Upen Space and Mountain Parks Department. • Irt May and November of 2008, the Landmarks Board preliminarily reviewed the draft Interpretive Services Plan. • On December 3rd, 2008 the Landmarks Board made a site visit to Chautauqua to better understand the need for updated and additional signage. • On December 30~', 2008 the Landmarks Board preliminarily reviewed and commented on the draft guideline revisions and initiated the rulemaking process per Rulemaking, Chapter 1-4, of the Boulder Revised Code. • With the exception of changing "should" to "shall" staff has made the suggested changes to the proposed Chautauqua Sign Guidelines per the Board's 12.30.2008 review of the proposed revisions to that document. • The City Attorneys Office has reviewed the guidelines as to form and legality. • A copy of the proposed revision to the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines was filed at with the City's Central Records Department on January 16th 2009 and published in the Boulder Daily Camera January 18'x', per Rulemaking, Chapter 1-4, of the Boulder Revised Code. • At the time of writing this memo, no comment had been received from the public regarding the proposed. revisions to the guidelines. PROPOSED GUIDELINE AMENDMENTS Ssee Attachment I31 Chautauqua Design Guidelines Proposed Discussion Changes Introduction: The current guidelines do not contemplate signs Proposes language that introduces other than those considered to be "identifying and provides for "way finding" and and informational". Proposal represents "interpretive" signage at Chautauqua. evolution of approach to the identification and interpretation of historic sites while staying true to the original intent of the guidelines to "preserve and continue the style which has been present since the inception of the Chautauqua . . Agenda Item # 7C Page # 2 1. "should" added to language. On 12.30.2009 the Landmarks Board recommended that "shall" should be used in place of "should" in the guidelines. Staff recommends that the use of "shvuld" is consistent with purpose of document as guidelines rather than regulations. Use of should is consistent with the General Design Guidelines and district specific guidelines including other sections of Chautauqua Guidelines. 2. No change to language N/A. 3. Proposes language to provide far Original guidelines do not consider possibility "embellishments" surrounding of interpretive signage. Limited use of lettering on signs. appropriate graphics on interpretive signs will be consistent with original intent of guidelines. 4. Proposes letters on buildings be Original guidelines do not consider possibility limited to upper case lettering, but of way folding or interpretive signage. Limited allows for use of lowercase in use of lowercase lettering as proposed on way appropriate font on way finding and finding and interpretive signs will not detract interpretive signage. from the original intent of the guidelines. 5. "should" added to language. On 12.30.2009 the Landmarks Board recorninended that "shall" should be used in place of "should" in the guidelines. Staff recommends that the use of "should" is consistent with purpose of document as guidelines rather than regulations. Use of should is consistent with the General Design Guidelines and district specific guidelines including other sections of Chautauqua Guidelines. 7. Proposes use of italics, script, and Interpretive signage will be clearly condensed lettering on interpretive contemporary, but should be compatible. signage. Allowance for wider range of type variations of serif font vn interpretive signage will allow historic information about Chautauqua to be expressed in a manrier that engages the public. Agenda Item # 7C Page # 3 8. Provides for background color Current guidelines do not provide color palette, palette fvr signage based on historic but vnly call for "plain" background with colors on the property while requiring "contrasting lettering. Revision consistent with contrast of letters to background original intent of guidelines. consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 9. Establishes hierarchy of size of Revision consistent with original intent of signage with largest at defined guidelines -existing "organic" nature of entranceways getting pxogressively signage will be maintained with preservation of smaller. historic signs. 10. Allows for the limited possibility Revision. consistent with originalvntent of of installing perpendicular "blade" guidelines -rare nature of such signs should be signs on buildings acknowledging emphasized. current location of such signs. 11. Revision. allows for wider variety Limitation of way finding signage to wood and of materials fvr way finding signs bronze appropriate. Allowance for expanded (bronze} and interpretive signs materials for interpretive sign manufacture will (painted metal, porcelain enamel, allow Chautauqua to be interpreted to the dil~ital embedment, power coat, etc). public through signage that is in keeping with historic character given the proposed graphic and color palettes. 12. No change N/A 13. Insertion of should N/A 24. "should" added to language. On 12.30.2009 the Landmarks Board recommended that "shall" should be used in place of "should" in the guidelines. Staff recommends that the use of "shauld" is consistent with purpose of document as guidelines rather than regulations. Use of should is consistent with the Generat Design Guidelines and district specific guidelines including other sections of Chautauqua Guidelines. 15. No change N/A 16. Specifies "identity" signage for Existing signage as specified in existing Agenda Item # 7C PaQe # 4 buildings. Does not require guidelines should be preserved. Single sign "restoration" (preservation) of existing limitation on select buildings should be signs on Dining Hall, Academic Hall maintained. "Free-standing" identity signage and Auditorium. Allows for "free- inconsistent with existing guidelines. standing" identity sign near building's entrance. Removes limitation of one identity sign on Ranger Cottage, Community House, and Columbine Cottage. 17. Removal of references to existing Does not change intent of guideline signage specified in #16. Refers specifically to Boulder landmark designation to differentiate from National Historic Landmark Designation. 18. Increases number of allowed Additional gateway sign will not have an "gateway" (currently referred to as adverse effect on the historic district. Consider identification signs) signs from three reducing proposed maximum gate sign size to four. Maximum size of each from 24 sq. ff. to 20 sq. ft. to be more in keeping gateway sign increased approximately with existing guideline which allows for a 60% from 15 to 24 square feet in a rea. maximum of 15 sq. ft. per gateway sign 19. Proposed change calls for Does not change intent of guideline "gateway" signs to identify the site as a National Historic Landmark. 20. No change N/A 21. Proposes that signage landmark Signage u1 the Downtown and Mapleton Hill alteration certificates may be reviewed I-iistoric District are reviewed administratively by the design review committee. or by the design review committee. Does not change the intent of guideline. 22. No change N/A Staff considers the proposed amendments to the Sign Guidelines section of the Chautauqua Park Design Guidelines to be consistent with the intent of that document. Allowing for limited way finding and interpretive signage at Chautauqua, as proposed in the revisions, will preserve the historic character of the place while allowing for an enhanced visitor experience. The City Attorney's Office has reviewed the proposed amendments and find them to be legal and as Agenda Item # 7C Page # S to form. At the time of writing this memo, no comment had been received froze the public regarding the proposed revisions to the guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: A: Current Chautauqua Sign Guidelines B: Proposed amendments to the Chautauqua Park Sign Guidelines C: Notice of 1Zulemaking for Amendments to the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines of the Chautauqua Historic District Design Guidelines per Chapter 1-4 of the Boulder Kevised Municipal Code, 1981 S:\PLAN\dala\longrang\FiISTiDesign Guidelines\Chautauqua Signage Guideline Revisions\02.04.09 landmarks memo.doc Agenda Itemt # 7C Page # 6 ATTACHMENT A ~ CE-~A~ITAUQUA S~CCN J 'r G EJ[I~E~.~[I~tES The intent of the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines is to offer a frame- work or a guide for signs that will preserve and continue the style which has been present since the inception of the Chautauqua at the turn of the century. After 1899, the original tent dwellings of the grounds were grad- ually replaced by simple, one-room cottages with broad porch- es, designed for sununer use. The prevailing style for public buildings, as well as for cottages and signs, was simple and plain, and did not inctucle ornate "guigerbread" Victorian styles. "Signage" refers to signs or lettering on huitdings, or to other stnutures within the park, and to lettering relating to Chautauqua. The sign code encompasses all identifying and informational signs within the Chautauqua Park Historic District, with the exception of traffic signs, which are governed by City ordinances. Where the Chautauqua Historic District Signage guidelines are different from the existing City of Boulder sign code, the more restrictive requirements shalt prevail. The Chautauqua Sign Guidelines areas follows: That: 1. Signage be kept to a minimum and be in the simple style of the period of the Chautauqua movement as described in these guidelines. 2. A single lettering standard is not required, and varieties are allowed within the basic style described herein. 3. Signs be done in simple lettering with no surrounding embetl- ishtnencs or decoration. Lettering be all capitals, ~illere needed, smaller capitols may be used in place of lower case type. 5. Nfedium or bold (block) typeface (style) letters be used. 6. Lettering be unadorned serif or sans serif type, imprinted by sand blasting and/or high contrast paint. 7. Lettering not be in italics (slanted), condensed (closed), script, extended (stretched out), or routed (grooved). Plain background be used, with high contrast lettering i.e. dark letters an white, or light letters on dark background. t,~: Cfluttfct[i<'juU U<•.tiir~n Guictc~lirus 37 Agenda Item # 7C Page # 7 9. The basic sign For,n be horizontal, rectangle or square, not round or any unusual geometric shape. 10. Signs be placed flush to the savcture and not perpendicular to is or protruding front it I1. Signage be of wood, bronze, or natural materials tLith no internal or back lighting. I2. If color is used a,~ a building sign, it should be compatihie with the established color palette of that building. 13. On public buildings, the original name be used on the iden- tifying sign. 14. For public restrooms, a single sign, not to exceed 100 square inches, will be place on the outside of the building which houses the restrooms. The i,iternational cymbals far men. and for woriien may be installed on the appropriate entry doors. I>. "Name" signs for residential cottages will be placed above the front porch, or above, an, or immediately beside the front door and wi11 not e:cceed 1~0 square inches in size. 16. Signage for Chautauqua's Dining Hall, Academic Hall, and Mission House will have the origina( names restored. f1 single identifying sign for each of tl~e following buildings will be installed: The Ranger Cottage, the Chautauqua Carnmunity House, and Columbine Lcxige. >=.:rch of the aE~ove signs ~vili not exceed 300 square inches and will lie mounted above the main entry staircase. 1?. Signs which have been present on Chautauqua residences as wcU as on public buildings, other than chose listed in item ;xiC, prior to Ch:n?tauqua's historic designation in 19?) may remain unchanged. 1$. A maximum of three free standing identification signs Rill be allowed, one at the Gt:r,it Place entrance, one at the 12t1, Street entrance and one at the pedestrian entrance (bus stop at 10th Street); each of these signs will not exceed 15 square feet, and, with supporting posts, may not exceed six feet in height. 19. Identifying signs at the Park entrances will refer to the Chautauqua as "Chautauqua Park Historic District". 20. Bronze plaques may be installed for historic identification purposes on}y, and not as memorials or as commemorations. 2I. r11f Signage must be approved by the Boulder City Lanclrnarks Board. 22. Replacement of dZC street identification signs with original concrete pylons or replicas is encouraged. l~)~ C CJ)r+lrfUUrirr<.r t)csit)n Guitl~~(iurti Agenda Item # 7C Page # 8 Attachment B Proposed Amendments t~_ Chautauqua Sign Guidelines as adopted in 1987 [pp. 27 - 29 of Chautauqua Design Guidelines (1989)] (Strike indicates deleted language, underline indicates new language) Chautauqua Sign Guidelines The intent of the Chautauqua Design Guidelines is to offer a framework or a guide for signs that will preserve and continue the spirit of the style which has been present since the inception of the Chautauqua at the turn of the century. After 1899, the original tent dwellings of the grounds were gradually replaced by simple; ens-ree~r cottages with broad porches, designed for summer use. The prevailing style for public buildings, as well as for cottages and signs, was simple and plain, and did not include ornate "gingerbread" Victorian styles. "Signage" refers to signs or lettering on buildings, or to other structures within the park, and to lettering related to Chautauqua. The sign code encompasses all h~e~i€3~g a~nfar-m~ti~lwayfindin~; and inter~rctive signs within the Chautauqua Park Historic District, new the_Colorado Chautau ua \atonal Historic Landmark, with the exception _ - - of traffic signs, which are governed by City ordinances. "Wav#indin~" suns include identitv~directional and_ a~ teway_s.~ns. "Interat_etive" suns tell the story of t~ie_.~lace and mawinclude free standvla ssuns (such as low-angle sloners) and wall-mounted si~~s. Where the Chautauqua Historic District signage guidelines are different from the existing City of Boulder sign code, the more restrictive requirements shall prevail. The Chautauqua Sign Guidelines are as follows: That: 1. Signage should be kept to a minimum and be in the simple style of the period of the Chautauqua movement as described in these guidelines. 2. A single lettering standard is not required, and varieties are allowed within the basic style described herein. 3. Signs should be done in simple lettering witl~ no surrounding embellishments or decoration except that the gra hi~ortions of-L~ interpretive si ns ti~a_ iy iy iiclude cn~~ellishment_drawn fi-on1_hi_st~ric. sow-ces, including nhot illustrations anti ~i-al~hie decoration. 4. Lettering on hist~-ic buildin.~s. should be all capitals--Where needed, smaller capitals may be used in place of lower case type. a mdin sg inns in~~ise initial ca~~ lai-ae ai d small cans for better readability and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Aet_.(A.DA). Interurztve AGAIN©A ilTl~Ap t# 7C ~ACf= signs will use initial c~~s for titles and header.~and sentence case for body conv and captions. 5. Medium or bold (block) typeface (style) letters s o ls~be used. 6. Lettering fc~~_wa~finciing si~1s should be simnlcrrnate~l serif or sans serif type Tempe on si~Jn_faces maybe fab_ricate_dusinQ vinvl ap~~lications,_silk screening--}~ri~tE or high contrast paint.- Letteringfor i-nter~retive signs maybe serif or sans serif type and maybe fabricated usin seve~a ' ferent methods. including but not limited to ~r_cel~in enamel f,~rl~ color digital embedment, powder coat output on steel, or similar technology. 7. Lettering f~r.wayfindin~sit;rrs shall not include be-~t-italics (slanted), condensed (closed), script, or extended (stretched out}, Lettering for interpretive signs may include italics. script and c ndensed fop s. 8. I'-lain-bBaekground colors should be neutral in palette and drawn- from actual colors in use in the ilsto_ric b_»<ildiri~s an_ei i~Ittst comply withAD~ guidelines for contrast_h~ „~°~r, ,,,;~r, ~^ntrast-lette~g--i-.°tters-o~~+~-er Bette-r3-on-~l ark-~aEkgr'eund: 9. The basic sign. format should he horizontal, rectan~larle or square, not round or any unusual geometric shape._Si~n size shall follow_~ierarch~,with ~atewav si ns_havin the lar est si face and t ~e • identify and directional si s being successively smaller in size. 10. F3uilding identit~_s~signs should be placed--flush to the structure=-a~-net pYerpendicular buildin~iclentity_s~ns are general.l~discoura~ed but maybe appropriate on certain buildings, such as on the north side of t_he te-i-t-er- Community House where then alrea~~ex;st.- 11. The materials used for wavfindin~ sSignage ,~.~n face anal structt~re/~P s u be of wood, bronze or natural materials with no internal or back lighting The materials used for interpretive sign ign_face and structure/basel may include wood.~ainted metal ponce gin namel, digital embedment. _c~w,~de_r cQ~~Qutput ~n stee or similar technolo y, 12. If color is used on a building sign, it should be compatible with the established color palette of that building. l 3. On public buildings, the original name should be used on the identi~€yi~~g sign. 14. T'or public restrooms, a single sign, not to exceed 100 square inches, be placed on the outside of the building which houses the restrooms. The ~,~~nr~~rgr~ ~ 7C _ 10 international symbols for men and for women maybe installed on the appropriate entry doors. 15. "Name" signs for residential cottages will be placed above the front porch, or above, on, or immediately beside the front door and will not exceed 150 square inches in size. 16. ~dcntit~Sig»age for all oth~{er ~hautauaua buildings+' n''~-n$ '11 1 *1+~+ ^i~,' ii~ti riaua ~7 i T _ 11' A _ ..7 U I•C~l r-CiZIC1~YYTS.7i~~e'~J ~ ~ • m + ~ ~ b ~ , ~ }}1St-a-~1{'El: T-i-i-iv~cirl ~l~~g~ae-}the-~-sigma will not exceed 300 square inches and will be mounted above the main entry staircase orb ced on free-standing elements near the building's entrance. 17. Signs which have been present on Chautauqua residences as well as on public buildings~e~hose-liste~~=z-#~; prior to Chautauqua's oulder landmark 1}ister~designation in 1979 may remain unchanged. 18. A maximum of fore free standing `~aateway" site identi~h~ signs will be allowed, one at the B_aselinc and Grant Place entrance, one at the 12`t' Sstreet entrance or ors 12t~' Street east of the Auditorium, ~~i-one at the K_ ink's Uat~edestrian entrance on Baseline near {tep~t-10`h Street), and gne at ~r near tie Ran~er_Cotta~e/Chautau. ua Tx ' ead_,-each of those sign faces will not exceed .24-5 square fect_-and, with supporting posts, willmay not exceed six feet in height above rade. " ~ ~~°-,~iraixc~'S-Will refer to 19. Gateway! site_i~denti~€ying-signs ut-~ Color~ido Chautauqua rational Historic Landmarlc~ ~1~~t~-ai-stH~t". - 20. Bronze plaques maybe installed for historic identification purposes, only, and not as memorials or commemorations. 21. The size} shape colors font usage, materialsrations and l~htin = of all signagc s~llmt~st be appxoved by the Boulder Ei~-Landmarks Board__2~its Desi~n.~v_iew onimittee Sign content shall not t~ectuirc; i-eyie~v-_ 22. Replacement of street identification signs with original concrete pylons or replicas is encouraged. ,~i~EPt~i~ ~S'~lt~ C~~~~ r~ Attachment C CITY OF BOULDER •r, ~ Planning and Development Services 1739 Broadway, Third Floor P.O. Box 791 Boulder, Colorado 80306 1j! Phone: 303.441.1880 Fax: 303.441.3241 Notice of Rule-Making The Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board of the City of Boulder proposes to adopt the following rule by the rulemaking procedures set forth in Chapter 1-4 of the Boulder Revised Municipal Code, 1981. The Secretary of the Board has filed three copies of the proposed rule with the City Clerk, located in the Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway, Boulder, Colorado, on January 16, 2009. Those copies are available for public review and comment until February 4, 2009. Written comments should be submitted to James Hewat at hewatj(a~bouldercolorado. ov or the above address by February 4, 2009. A public hearing will be held by the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board on February 4, 2009 sometime after 6 pm to consider adoption of these rules. The hearing will beheld in the City Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway, Second Floor. Public testimony will be accepted. The proposed rule was approved as to substance prior to publication by the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board at their December 30, 2008 meeting. The proposed rule was approved as to form by the City Attorney's Office on December 12, 2008. Notice of intent to adopt the rule was published in the Daily Camera on January 18, 2009. REGULATION RULE Amendments to the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines section of the 1989 Chautauqua Historic District Guidelines. This regulation is established to allow for limited way finding and interpretive signage at Chautauqua. As proposed, the amended design guidelines will preserve the historic character of the place while allowing for an enhanced visitor experience. The City Manager of the City of Boulder proposes to adopt a regulation to amend the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines section of the 1989 Chautauqua Historic District Guidelines. This regulation is established to allow fox limited "way- finding" and "interpretive" signage at Chautauqua. As proposed, the amended design guidelines will preserve the historic character of the place while allowing for an enhanced visitor experience. A full and complete copy of the revised guidelines are available for public review at Central Records at the Municipal Building, 1777 Broadway Street 2nd floor or online at www.boulderhistoricpreservation.net.