7C - Handouts - Public hearing for the repeal and reenactment of the Chautauqua Sign Guidelines section of the Chatauqua Historic District Design Guidelines
revision 12.9.08
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4' x 6"x 6"metal posts (painted)
e' c Color - CL 2725D Uissent
~~~uce`~ irtle_emblem:
Font: Univers 75 Black -All taps
Font Color. Black
Cap height - .70"
Chautauqua Park Background field color CL293M
Background mountain graphic color -Black
_ Mesh frame:
www.boulderparks-rec.org - _ - P;3dL~f/info plate: sizes Tx 2.6'
- Plate size: 6.S' x 1.8' Mesh -large gauge -2"
- Font: Windsor lJpper and lower case Color - CL 271.SD Dissent
lextcolor black
Title text cap height - 1.625"
Secondary info text cap height - 2"
Background field color -CL293M
_ Background mountain graphic color -
SU~~c of CL293M
REVISION 1 frame color antique white
~ ,
Background image behind titles.
Scale: 1"=1'