2 - Handout - Compatible Development in Single-Family Neighborhoods Landmarks Board Meeting February 4, 2009 Compatible Development in Single-Family Neighborhoods Questions for the Board: 1. Do you agree with the refined problem dei'inition? The proble»z is new single family construction and additions that are viewed as being incompatible with adjacent homes and the surroaazding neighborhood in three key respects: • They ar•e overly large in relation to their lots • They negatively impact the privacy of neighboring lots • They cover too much of their lots yr result in a loss of mature trees or vegetation 2. Do you agree with the proposed strategy and set of tools? Do you have any suggested changes? • CotYelate overall building size to lot size. • Reduce the perceived mass of a building. • Preserve open space in the rear of properties. Recommended Tools: Lot Size 7,000 SF Max. Building Coverage 2S% Max. FAR 0.42 SF Excepted from FAR and Bldg. Cover for a Detached Accessory 3S0 Structure Max. Wall Piate Height at Side Setback 22' Max. Len rth for Walls over 12' in Height 4S' Min. Offset at Max. Wall Length S' 3. Do you anticipate that these tools would help address issues with additions and new conshuction in residential historic districts?