Minutes - Landmarks - January 7, 2009 CITY OF BOULDER
January 7, 2009
1777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room
6 p.m.
The following are the action minutes of the January 7, 2009 City of Boulder Landmarks Board
meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of
seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to
the recording on-line at: www.bouldetplandevelop.net.
Nancy Kornblum
Leonard May
Tim Plass, Chair
Lisa Podmajersky
John Spitzer
*K. C. Becker *Planning Board representative without a vote
Deb Kalish, Assistant City Attorney
Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager
James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner
Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner
Allison Hawes, Historic Preservation Intern
Juliet Bonnell, Administrative Specialist
The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declazed a quorum at 6:07 p.m. and the following
business was conducted.
John and Lisa Goodson, 607 Forest Ave, spoke in support of lifting the stay-of-demolition on
607 Forest Avenue and in opposition to initiating landmazking of this property.
607 Forest Avenue, stay-of-demolition expires April 15, 2009
On a motion by J. Spitzer, seconded by L. Podmajersky, the Landmarks Boazd requested
(4-1, T. Plass opposed) staff to schedule a public hearing for the potential lifting of the stay-of-
demolition for the property at 607 Forest Avenue on February 4, 2009 during the Landmarks
Board's regularly scheduled meeting.
T. Plass opposed adding this public hearing because he saw value in the timeframe imposed by
stays-of-demolition. He expressed concern that this could set a poor precedent and encourage
additional applicants to request stay-of-demolition lifting, resulting in fuller board agendas.
A. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the house and a portion
of the property at 3015 Kalmia Avenue as a local historic landmark per Section 9-11-5
of the Boulder Revised Code, -1981 (HIS2008-00216) Applicant/Owner: Harper Hollow,
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass, N. Kornblum, L. Podmajersky, and J. Spitzer reported site visits.
L. May and K. Becker revealed no ex-pane contacts.
Staff Presentation
C. Meschuk presented the item to the board.
Applicant's Presentation
J. Kirk Hendricks, 67 Wild Horse Circle, presented the item to the boazd. He spoke in
opposition of landmazk designation with proposed boundary. The applicant would prefer if the
garage were not included in the landmark designation application because they hope to demolish
the garage and reuse the materials. The applicant is also interested in possibly constructing an
addition to the west side of the gazage. He mentioned that if the property is landmazked it will
have a negative economic impact on the applicant.
Gary Calderon, co-owner of the property, also presented information to the board. He
requested that the board amend the boundary line to reduce the size of the landmark area. He
suggested that the boazd only landmark the house and exclude the surrounding property and
garage from the designation.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, spoke in support of landmark
designation. She strongly advocated that future development be compatible with the surrounding
Applicant's Rebuttal
Gary Calderon mentioned that when he first applied for landmark status he thought it only
applied to the house rather than the entire lot. He inquired if it was possible for him to withdraw
his landmark application if the boundaries defined were not suitable to him.
Board Discussion
C. Meschuk informed the board of the implications for the property's annexation status if the
applicant withdrew his landmark application.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by J. Spitzer, the Landmazks Board recommended to City
Council to designate the house, gazage, and a portion of the site at 3015 Kalmia Avenue as a
local historic landmark, finding that it meets the standards for individual landmazk designation in
Sections 9-11-1 and 9-11-2, B.R.C., 1981, and adopted the staff memorandum dated 1.7.09
including the following as findings of the board:
The Landmarks Board found, based upon the application and evidence presented, that the
proposed designation application, subject to the conditions of approval, will be consistent with
the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance, and:
1. The proposed designation will protect, enhance, and perpetuate buildings, sites, and azeas of
the city reminiscent of past eras, events, and persons important in local, state, or national
history and provide a significant example of an architectural style of the past. (9-11-1(a),
B.R.C. 1981)
2. The proposed designation will develop and maintain appropriate settings and environments
for such buildings, sites, and areas to enhance property values, promote tourist trade and
interest, and foster knowledge of the City's living heritage. (9-11-1(a), B.R.C. 1981) The
boundary shall be established to follow the property lines of the proposed Lot 23, as shown
on page 8 of this staff memorandum.
3. The proposed designation draws a reasonable balance between private property rights and the
public interest in preserving the City's cultural, historic, and azchitectural heritage by
ensuring that demolition of buildings and structures important to that heritage will be
carefully weighed with other alternatives. (9-11-1(b), B.R.C. 1981).
L. May suggested (possibly as a friendly amendment) increasing the azea around the north and
east side of the property to maintain more of the rural feeling of the site.
N. Kornblum expressed problem with the suggested boundary. She felt that to celebrate the
house's original rural setting it should be given a bit more breathing room. She suggested
moving the boundary further east.
L. Podmajersky wanted to know what the setback is from the road to the house. She supported
extending the landmark boundary to the north to encompass the lateral ditch to acknowledge the
significance of its agricultural history.
T. Plass invited the applicant to discuss whether or not he would like to withdraw his application
given that the board supported the landmarking of the property including the garage.
G. Calderon declined the opportunity to withdraw his application. He informed the board about
the affordable housing restrictions on the site being discussed and the economic impact
landmarking of all of the structures would have on the number of units that could be added to the
L. Podmajerksy suggested moving the landmark boundary 5-10 feet further on the northeru
S. Richstone noted that it would be appropriate for the Landmarks Boazd to recommend to City
Council particular boundaries for annexation.
The board did not vote on T. Plass's motion because T. Plass withdrew his original motion
and J. Spitzer withdrew his original second.
On a motion by L. May, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Boazd moved (5-0) to
continue the matter of 3015 Kalmia Avenue to the regulazly scheduled February 4, 2009
Landmarks Boazd meeting.
B. Public hearing and consideration of the initiation of individual landmark designation for
the property at 955 Broadway Street per Section 9-11-3 of the Boulder Revised Code,
1981 (HIS2008-00184). Applicant: Landmarks Board, Owner: Colorado Acacia
Fraternity House Corporation
Staff Presentation
A. Hawes presented the item to the board.
Owner Presentation
David Carson, 3085 6`~ Street, member of the Board of the Acacia Fraternity House
Corporation, spoke in opposition of individual landmark designation due to the lack of integrity
of the building and the economic impacts of continued maintenance of the building.
Ronald Mitchell, P.O. Box 1705, spoke in opposition of individual landmark designation and
detailed the ways in which the building is environmentallyand economically obsolete.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, spoke in support of initiating landmazk
Tim Campbell, Louisville, Acacia Fraternity Alumni, spoke in opposition of individual
landmazk designation and supported demolishing the building and replacing it with a more
functional building.
On a motion by L. Podmajerksy, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmazks Board issued a
demolition permit (3-2, L. May and J. Spitzer opposed) for 955 Broadway, conditioned upon
submittal of fully annotated drawings of the existing building and archival quality photographs
of the exterior and interior of the building consistent with HABS level I documentation
requirements for azchiving at the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History and adopted the
staff memorandum dated 1.7.09 as findings of the board.
J. Spitzer opposed issuance of the demolition permit because he wanted preservation
opportunities for the building explored further due to the building's significance to the history of
the Acacia Fraternity in Boulder and its familiarity as a structure. L. May opposed issuance of
the demolition permit based on his feeling that the option to landmark this building should
remain open while further exploration is done into [he integrity of the building.
C. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark alteration certificate to relocate and
add 218 sq. ft. to a contributing garage at 652 Concord Avenue in the Mapleton Hill
Historic District per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2008-00254).
Applicant: Kristin Lewis, architect, Owners: Elizabeth Yodice & Greg Althaus
T. Plass recused himself at 8:37 p.m. because he was noticed about this item due to his
proximity to the property.
N. Kornblum acted as chair for this item.
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-parte contacts they may have had on this item.
T. Plass received notice about this item and recused himself from the discussion.
N. Kornblum and L. Podmajersky made site visits and reviewed the project at a Design
Review Committee meeting.
J. Spitzer made a site visit.
L. May and K. Becker revealed no ex-parse contacts.
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat presented the item to the board.
Applicant's Presentation
Elizabeth Yodice, 652 Concord, owner of property, spoke in support of a landmark alteration
certificate to relocate the contributing garage in order to save a tree on the property.
Public Hearing
Kristin Lewis, 511 Pleasant Street, architect, spoke in support of a landmazk alteration
certificate to relocate the contributing garage and noted that the structure would be well
reinforced during the move if it is approved.
The board took a straw poll and determined that:
L. Podmajersky recommended that the boazd deny this request. She did not support moving the
historically contributing building in order to save a tree.
L. May was also leaning towards denial because he felt the proposed move of the original garage
and the (previously approved LAC for an addition) was significant given the context.
J• Spitzer and N. Kornblum indicated they would support the proposal to relocate the garage.
Given the board's split feelings that would ultimately result in a denial of the application, N.
Kornblum gave the applicant the opportunity to withdraw.
Elizabeth Yodice withdrew the application to relocate and add 218 sq. ft. to a contributing
garage at 652 Concord Avenue in the Mapleton Hill Historic District per Section 9-11-18 of the
Boulder Revised Code (HIS2008-00254).
T. Plass returned from recusal and resumed his role as Landmarks Board Chair at 9:18 p.m.
The boazd recessed at 9:18 p.m. and resumed at 9:27 p.m.
D. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark alteration certificate to relocate and
restore the landmarked house on the property at 3160 Airport Road per Section 9-11-
18 of the Boulder Revised Code (HIS2008-00271) Applicant/Owner: City of Boulder,
Parks and Recreation Department
Board members were asked to reveal any ex-pane contacts they may have had on this item.
N. Kornblum made a site visit and reviewed the project at a Landmarks Design Review
Committee meeting.
L. Podmajersky made a site visit and discussed superficial issues regarding this topic with a
T. Plass and J. Spitzer made site visits.
L. May reviewed the project at a Landmarks Design Review Committee meeting.
K. Becker revealed no ex-parte contacts.
Staff Presentation
J. Hewat presented the item to the board.
Applicant's Presentation
Perry Brooks, City of Boulder Parks and Recreation Department, spoke in support of a
landmazk alteration certificate to relocate and rehabilitate the Platt Fazmhouse at 3160 Airport
Road. He noted that the proposed relocation of the house closer to the road produces a layout that
is more conducive to park design as well as safety and security in deterring vandalism.
Chuck Sanders, 2055 Kohler Drive, OZ Architecture, noted that they are open to lowering the
grade of the house for accessibility purposes, but they value keeping the look of the original
concrete foundation. He emphasized the reasons for orienting the house towards Airport Road
rather than the irrigation ditch as it is currently situated. Rotating the house to face Airport Road
would present the more attractive facade to the street.
Public Hearing
Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, spoke in support of staff's
recommendation to relocate the farmhouse. However, she also expressed support of the
applicant's current proposal that the house be oriented towards the west, facing Airport Road.
Norman Murphy, PRAB Chair, spoke on his own behalf. He wanted to make sure that the
Landmarks Board had a copy of PRAB's motion. He also expressed that PRAB did not look at
rotating the house; they only considered moving the house in order to make the park as
functional as possible.
Board Discussion
L. May felt that the relocation of the building was warranted.
J. Spitzer agreed that it made sense to relocate and rotate the building to provide it with a more
prominent location on the site.
L. Podmajersky liked the proposal to restore and make more use of the building. She felt there
would be a lot of community benefit which led her to consider the request for such a large move
that she would not consider under different circumstances. She would like to see more of a
celebration of the site's agricultural past.
N. Kornblum liked the heightened visibility that this proposal would bring to the Platt
Farmhouse. She was in favor of elevating the house, but felt that the reorientation of the house
would be somewhat awkward. She expressed some concern about making sure that the rural
agricultural context of the house be preserved.
T. Plass did not support the move of the farmhouse. He felt that it failed to meet the criteria in
the code. He thought that the location of the house by the ditch is integral to the context of the
historic character of the house. He supported adaptive use of the building, but felt that this could
be accomplished without moving the building.
N. Kornblum argued that the proposal was a good balance between historic preservation and
community benefits.
The board took a straw poll and determined that:
T. Plass did not support the move of the farmhouse.
J. Spitzer supported the move of the farmhouse.
N. Kornblum supported the move provided she felt the context was right and well defined (not
as is currently planned).
L. May could support a move, but did not support the proposal for this particular move.
L. Podmajersky felt she could not support the move as proposed.
C. Meschuk noted that the applicants could go back and redesign their proposal or ask the board
for a decision which they could choose to appeal.
P. Brooks noted that they have explored all the other options for relocating the house onto other
portions of the property, but they face many constraints from Fire, Transportation, ADA
accessibility, etc. regulations that must be met. In order to meet all the legal requirements, the
house would need to stay where it is or be moved to the proposed location- there are not many
other options.
Chuck Sanders replied that there might still be other options to explore. The relocation of the
house may already be acceptable with a few tweaks here and there for a more rural aspect.
P. Brooks requested an up or down action from the board based on the proposal that has been
On a motion by J. Spitzer, seconded by N. Kornblum, the Landmarks Board entertained a
motion to approve with the conditions below (2-3, L. Podmajersky, L. May, and T. Plass
opposed) the request to relocate and rehabilitate the Platt Farmhouse at 3160 Airport Road as
requested in the application dated 11.06.2008, finding that it meets the standards for issuance of
a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1981 and is substantially
consistent with the General Design Guidelines. The boazd adopted the staff memorandum dated
1.7.09 as findings for its decision.
1. The applicant shall be responsible for moving and rehabilitating the building according to
approved plans dated 11.06.2008, except as modified by these conditions of approval.
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3. The full foundation shall be reconstructed to match existing closely and the existing
historic stair shall be retained.
4. Prior to submitting a building permit application and final issuance of the Landmazk
Alteration Certificate, the applicant shall submit the following, subject to the final review
and approval of the Landmarks Design Review Committee: final azchitectural plans
detailing the methodology for the relocation of the building and plans for the new
foundation, details regazding the rehabilitation including paint colors to insure that the
approval is consistent with the General Design Guidelines and the intent of this approval.
5. Amore 1-ural setting will be created for the house; one that minimizes traffic impacts on
N. Kornblum made a friendly amendment and suggested changing the wording of condition of
approval #5 to: A more rural setting will be created for this fazmhouse to minimize traffic
impacts. The friendly amendment was accepted by J. Spitzer.
L. Podmajersky offered a friendly amendment to delete # 2. The friendly amendment was
accepted by J• Spitzer and N. Kornblum.
L. May offered a friendly amendment that in #3 all of the shoulds should be changed to shahs in
the conditions of approval. The friendly amendment was accepted by J. Spitzer and N.
The motion failed, so no action was taken.
On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by L. May, the Landmazks Board approved a motion to deny
(3-2, J. Spitzer and N. Kornblum opposed) the request for the proposed relocation of the Platt
Farmhouse at 3160 Airport Road as requested in the application dated 11.06.2008, finding that it
does not meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-
18, B.R.C. 1981, particularly section B-2 in that the proposed work will adversely affect the
special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark
and its site or district and the proposed move does not create an appropriate setting for the
T. Plass did not support moving this building because of the significance of its historic context
in relation to mature trees surrounding it, the Boulder and Left Hand ditch, and its rural and
isolated location near the center of the property. J. Spitzer and N. Kornblum supported moving
the building as shown, but expressed a desire that a more rural agricultural setting be
maintained. They suggested that the plan might be revised to keep the parking area further away
from the house in its new location L. May and L. Podmajersky stated that they could possibly
support moving the building if the location and context were more rural in chazacter, but could
not support the move as currently proposed. They suggested locating the house further back
(northeast) from Airport Road and maintaining the existing spatial relationship to the farmer's
ditch mentioned in the 1999 designating ordinance for the property.
The Pazks and Recreation Department was given the option to withdraw the proposal for
redesign and re-submittal per the board's comments, but requested that the board approve or
deny the current design.
K. Becker left the meeting at 11:22 p.m.
A. Update Memo
B. Planning Board Calendar
Staff asked the board if they'd like to meet from 5-6 p.m. to discuss Compatible Development,
break for dinner and begin their regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. on February 4, 2009. The board
C. Draft changes to the criminal penalty provisions of the historic preservation ordinance
D. Kalish briefly discussed the status of the project, and will be returning in a future meeting
with more information. .
T. Plass asked the boazd for feedback on the draft letter to City Council regazding Landmarks
Boazd recommendations about Work Program priorities.
The board provided some feedback to T. Plass about the Landmarks Boazd letter to City Council
and agreed to email him any additional comments. The boazd agreed that "stay of alteration" is
the language that should be used in their letter.
On the board's behalf T. Plass attended the Planning Board meeting to address the historic issues
as they relate to the context study of the University Hill business district. He then spoke on his
own behalf about the proposal T. Plass will be attending to the January 20, 2009 City Council
meeting to present his powerpoint presentation on demos that have not triggered review.
C. Meschuk reminded the board that there should be a board representative at the February 3,
2009 City Council meeting for the Municipal Building designation hearing.
C. Meschuk updated the board on the status of the surveying efforts underway for the Dushanbe
The meeting adjourned at 11:51 p.m.
Approved on February 4, 2009.
Respectfully submitted,