6 - Communication concerning 800 Arapahoe Ace - request for extension
Meschuk, Chris
From: Meschuk, Chris
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 12:02 PM
To: Ipab
Cc: 'Bruce Dierking'; Kalish, Debra; McLaughlin, Elaine
Subject: FW: 800 Arapahoe -Request for Extension
Attachments: Bruce Comments.doc
Dear Board members,
Please see the letter below regarding 800 Arapahoe Avenue, and a request for extension to April 30, 2009. The
subdivision request for this lot includes a request for an 8 foot setback off the alley for the new lot, where 25 feet is
required. The idea of this is to have the greatest separation between the new construction and the historic Barker
house. The best way to achieve this is through a special ordinance by City Council.
Staff is in support of drafting a special ordinance to facilitate the setback variance, and therefore also supports an
extension of the landmark application, and recommended the date of April 30, 2009, as the ordinance must be reviewed
by both Planning Board-and City Council. The Landmark designation and special ordinance are anticipated to be heard
by City Council at the same time, in March 2009.
As the board is the applicant, you must agree to the extension for review before the City Council. As you will recall, the
board reviewed and recommended approval of the designation in September of 2007. Since then, the board and
owners have agreed several times to continue the application in order to process the subdivision application and
conduct a Historic Structure Assessment. A grant from the State Historical Fund was received, with the cash match
coming from the owners and the City. Historic Boulder is the grant administrator.
However, this extension request was not listed on the agenda as an item under matters, so staff will introduce the issue
this Wednesday, but no action will be taken. We will formally list the request on your special meeting agenda later this
month, where action will be requested.
Let me know if you have any questions regarding this request.
Chris Meschuk, AICP
Planner 1(Historic Preservation Planner
City of Boulder Planning & Development Services
PO Box 791
Boulder, CO &0306
ph: (303)441-4293
fax: (303)441-4210
From: Bruce Dierking [mailto:Bruce@packarddlerking.com]
Sent: Monday, December Ol, 2008 5:00 PM
To: Meschuk, Chris
Cc: mcame56129@aol.com; abby@historicboulder.org; Tom Hand
Subject: 800 Arapahoe -Request for Extension
As we discussed, we have now received favorable comments from the Staff on the proposed 2-lot subdivision of 800
Arapahoe and a schedule for the completion of that process. Because this subdivision requires action by City Council, we
believe it will be most efficient for the subdivision and the landmark designation to proceed to Council as one package. As
you can see from the attached Staff mema, the subdivision is scheduled to go before Plarining Board in February, with
Council action to follow in March. Accordingly, we respectfully request that the Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board
extend the deadline to complete the historic designation process until April 30, 2009. The additional month is just to cover
any unexpected delays that may arise.
As a related update, the Historic Structure Assessment is scheduled_for comple;ion byt_h_e end of this month._The owners
and Historic Boulder have been working closely with the consultant, Fred Andreas, to coordinate the completion of this
work under a grant from the State Historical Society. The owners have also instructed me to further negotiations with
Historic Boulder about a potential charitable gift of the Hannah Barker House to Historic Boulder, and Abby Daniels and I
will be meeting to discuss those details this month.
Please let me know if you require any further information in order to bring this extension request before the Board. I can
attend the meeting on Wednesday if necessary, but I am hopeful this a-mail will suffice.
Best regards,
Bruce D. Dierking
Packard and Dierking, LLC
2595 Canyon Boulevard, Suite 200
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Voice: (303) 447-0450
Fax: (303) 447-0451
bruce ~ oackarddierkina.com