5F - Consideration of Landmark Alteration Certificate (HIS2008-00055) for 1507 Pine St MEMORANDUM December 3rd, 2008 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Allison Hawes, Historic Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to rehabilitate and construct atwo-stoxy, 5,000 sq. ft. rear and side addition to the Iandmarked Temple-Bowron House at 1507 Pine Street per Section 9-11-18 of the T3oulder Revised Code (HIS2008-00055). STATISTICS: 1. Site: 1507 Pine 2.Z..oning: RMX-1 (Residential Mixed Use-1) 3. Owner Clifford I. Neuman 4. Applicant: Craig Bundy, Architect 5. Site Area: 13,962 sq. ft. 6. Existing Bldg: 5000 sq. ft. 7. Proposed addition: 5000 sq. ft. 8. Proposed I~t: 28' .STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board make the following motion: The board denies the proposal for the rehabilitation and construction of a two- story, 5,000 sq. ft. rear and side addition to the Iandmarked Temple-Bowron House (as shown on drawings dated March 19, 2008), in that it fails to meet the standards in Chapter 9-11-18 (a)(b, 1-3), B.R.C. 1981, and is not consistent with the General Design Guidetines, in that the proposed work will damage the historic character of the property. AGENDA I'1'F:M #SF PAGE I S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pine.I507\12.U3A8.I507 Pinc.doc 2 SUMMARY: • On March 19, 2008 the Landmarks design review committee (Ldre) reviewed a proposal to construct an approximately 5,000 sq. ft., two-story addition at the north and east elevations of the Temple-Bowron house and referred the application to the full Landmarks Board for a public hearing. • Constructed in 1883 for prominent Boulder businessman Edwin J. Temple, the property was designated an individual landmark by the Boulder City Council on January 18, 1977. • The proposal calls for the reconstruction of tl~e front porch based upon tax assessor photographs of the house. • Staff considers construction of the proposed addition would damage or adversely affect the historic or architectural value of the landmark property in that the building is of high architectural or historic significance and would be overwhelmed by the new construction. Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board deny the proposal for the rehabilitation and construction of atwo-story, 5,000 sq. ft. rear and side addition to the landmarked Temple-Bowron House (as shown on drawings dated March 19, 2008), in that it fails to meet the conditions required for a landmark alteration certificate per Chapter 9-11-18 (a)(b, 1-3), B.R.C. 1981, and is not consistent with the General Design Guidelines, ui that the proposed work will damage the historic character of the ro ert . ! `b ~ , s tam ,.trz"r-~' ~f,'X I~E ~R r ~ e t~~"`` ^ •.it ate: n~ r ! r --•6~ ~ b+l'~ 1 ~ ' ~ ~ y- ~ ~ ^r~. ,T`a2`x rev _ r,' I ~ ~r n, S~ 1 v, .~a . _.r ~ f.P y,.~. .dam Kr~ - :4Ji t.i I+~i~ure 1. l~fi7 Piitc, north«~cst earner AGENDA ITL;M #$F PAGE S:\PLANldatallongran;\ffiS'f\AL'I'CL•'RTS~L,andmarks\Pine.i5U7\12.03.b8.1507 Pinc.doc PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Located at the southwest corner of Pine and 15w Streets the 13,9b2 sq. ft. lot contains an imposing two and one-half. story Italianate house constructed for local businessman and early regent of the University of Colorado, Edwin J. Temple. The prominent location and generous size of. the lot affords the Temple- Bowron house high visibility in the potential Whittier Historic District in which if is located, especially when approached from the north, south, and west. -L.---- ~ - - - f- , _ - A ~ - 1 If'.- _ - ~ ~ _ - _ f~ . f.- ` - 1-~_1 - - - ~ l~ 1 - - ~r r~ ~ _ - - -r - ~~,t _ . - ~ , ~ Figure 2. Location map REQUEST: This application requests an addition to create two age restricted congregate care units and to convert the existing third floor unit to an age restricted unit. The project calls for attached garages for all units. The site plan for the property shows the proposed addition to extend 32' north from the rear of the house, 2T east from the side of the house and 1T west toward 15~'' Street to add approximately 5000 sq. ft. of floor space on the property. The rear (north) wall of the house is shown to be set back the required 25' and the first floor level to contain three, two-car garages to be accessed from the back alley. AGENDA ITEM #S~PAGE ~~7 S:\PLAN\data\longxang\HIST\ALTC);RTS\Landmarks\Pine.1507\ Pine.doc A L.LEY 100•-0- i i i ~ ~I i i i i i I i I ~ PROPOSED ADDITION i!- .r i i o~ I~ i :rcr i ( 1 P•r•~ ~ ( i ~ ~ f i 1` - ~ i _ i i i I a-------------------~------------------ Figure 3. Proposed Site Plan z ~ ._.~~.i~ n~ in 1r D~~~~i iii i~1~_. ~~n .fl-,?t ~t i1-i~t_~_i~. ;,,Ij i I~ I n i1Ci if ~ : s. _ ~ i~-~ ,,-I~ ~ ~,~~i ,~IjI___~_~JI~~~.• ! I Ii.,i ~;~r! LLf ~~!Ir ~-.i~ il~ I 1 1:.-'-1 I 1 ~__I - I_-TIk3 - lt..:: 1. _ I I -1. f S Figure 4. South elevation) -existing and proposed AGENDA ITEM # ' ~ PAGE ~ S:\P1_AN\data\longrang\I1[S1'\AI;I'CER'I'S\Landmarks\Pine.]507\11A~.U8.1507 Pinc.doc i f I I I _ ~ Il ~i~_l~ r ' ~ f~-lti G- ~ li-,- it i - .:-~li'f s,:~t;s.~ a;~~ _ a-,~ t~~..~, ~ «.i I ~f~ . ~ ~ J ,~I~.L. of ; IY~"~~ iIL Ll r- I f ~ 1~1{4~{ IJ-•) I I ~tt '+•r,~~~`~ ~ILIC <-I~ IL II~~~I~ ~ll^LI~~~~ Y=1 ~II[I~JIIIIII Figure 5. West elevation -existing and proposed Elevations show the proposed two-story addition to be constructed of brick, more simply detailed than the main house and to feature a flat roof, glass connector at the east elevation, double hung windows with lintels and sills, a second story bridge connecting east and west portions of the addition, and overhead garage doors facing onto the alley. The third floor is shown to extend 8' south to'provide for approximately 160 sq. ft. of floor area and space for an interior stair and elevator. Plans for the restoration of the front porch based upon the 1949 tax assessor photograph show a stepped porch extending south, to the west side of the house, and providing access to the front door of the house. _J I ~ _ 1 _ _ i]_ _ -I ~ -nip-- ' I ' - - - _ .1i 0 ~~1~ ~ ~ ~ - ~~l I L~-~,1[~,~>, ; illy ?f= li_~i1-1~ ~ - Figure 6. North elevation -existing and proposed --L~ ~--,~L_~ _ _ ~ , j1:1!111~~1 l 11all~f~ I_i..~.~ L.[I I I i - - - - ~cl ii _ Figure 7. East elevation -existing and proposed AGENDA ITEM #SG PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longrang\IIIST\AL,TCERTS1Landmarks\t'ine.1507\ Pine.doc CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: Subsection 9-11-18(b1-3)(c), S.1Z.C. 1981., sets forth conditions an application must meet in order for the Landmarks Board to issue a Landmark Alteration Certificate. (b) Neither the landmarks board nor the city council shall approve a landmark alteration certificate unless it meets the following conditions: (1) The proposed work preserves, enhances, or restores and does not damage or destroy the exterior architectural features of the landmark; (2) The proposed work does not adversely affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark; (3) The architectural style, arrangement, texture, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures are compatible with the character of the existing landmark and its site; (4) With respect to a proposal to demolish a building in an historic district, the proposed new construction to replace the building meets the requirements of paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) above. (c) In determining whether to approve a landmark alteration certificate, the landmarks board shall consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, crnd enhanced access for the disabled. ANALYSIS: 1. Does the proposed application preserve, enhance, or restore, and not damage or destroy significant exterior architectural features of the landmark or the subject property within an historic district? Staff finds the proposed rehabilitation of the historic house will not damage or destroy the exterior features of the contributing house as it is generally compatible and consistent wit11 the General Design Guidelines. However, it is staff's opinion that the proposed addition will damage the architectural features of the landmarked property by overwhelming the Temple-Bowron house. The building is of high architectural significance and the defining feature of the desig~~ated property. In terms of mass, scale, and location the proposed new construction is not consistent with the GeTleral Design Guidelines (see Design Guidelines analysis section) and will. compromise the landmarked property. 2. Does the proposed application adver•sel y affect the special character or special historic, architectural, or aesthetic interest or value of the landmark? AGENDA ITEM #5~ PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HISTIALTCERTS\Landtnarks\Pine.1507\ Pine.doc Staff finds that the proposed application will adversely affect the special character of the landmark. Approximately 5,000 square feet in size, the proposed addition's location, mass, and scale is generally incompatible with the General Design Guidelines, will overwhelm the historic house and have an adverse effect on the landmarked property. It may only be appropriate to construct a smaller addition to the rear of the house. 3. Is the architectural style, arrangement, texi-ure, color, arrangement of color, and materials used on existing and proposed structures compatible with the character of the historic district? Little detail is provided as to materials proposed for the addition other than indicating that it would be constructed of brick. Elevations do show the addition to be detailed more simply and with forms that reference the historic house. c. TITe Landmarks Board is required to consider the economic feasibility of alternatives, incorporation of energy-efficient design, and enlTanced access fvr the disabled in determining zvlTether to approve a Landmark Alteration Certificate. Plans call for the construction of a universal access interior elevator in the proposed addition. Design Guidelines The board has also adopted the General Design Guidelines to help interpret the historic preservation ordinance. The following is an analysis of the proposed new construction with respect to relevant guidelines. Design guidelines are intended to be used only as an aid to appropriate design and are not intended as a checklist of items for connpliance. GENERAL DESIGN GUIDELINES FOR ADDITIONS TO HISTORIC BUILDINGS Windows 3.7 yG'indotia°s, the c~lc~ntr~rt;s tlu~i surrouml them, urnl thr~ir relationship io ure another are one of t12e most irtaportartt character-deJirting elements of a historic structure arzd should be preserved. Lrtproper or insensitive treutmerrt of the windniws ort a historic sU•tzclure cart seriously detract fi•an its cu•ehitecttu•al eJzaracter. I~indoia~s on fczcade..c visilile~i•om public streets, particularly the front faS~ade, are especially important. Guideline Meets Guideline ~ Retain and preserve elistin; ltlStOrl% Plans dot not Specify as !o whether in• Maybe AGENDA ITEM #51% PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HIST\AL'I'CERTS\I,andmarks\Pine.1507\11.OS.08,1507 Pine.doc zvir~drnvs including their functi.vnal not the windows and frames on the decorative features bi some cases, it historic house will be retained, might be. appropriate to use zvindozv rehabilitated, or replaced. Pour elements from the side or rear historic windows on the north elevations to repair thvse on the front. elevation and two windows on the west will be lost to accommodate the ro osed addition. 3.8 Doors Front doors and primary entrances are among the most important elements of historic buildings. The original size and prvportion of a fi•orrt door, the details of the dvor•, the door surrouraa; and the placement of the dvor all contribute tv tl~e character of ~tl:e entrance.. Guideline Meets Guideline 2 Retain and preserve the furrctiorral, Plans do not specify as to whether or proportional and decorative features of not the windows and frames on the Maybe a primary entrance, These features historic house will be retained, include tl2e door and its frame, sill, rehabilitated, or replaced. J7ead, jamb, moldings, and any arzkin windows. 10 Windows in additions and rrem Proportions and patterns on addition No buildings should reflect window are generally compatible with main patterns and proportions of the house -French door and balcony on existing ...for elevations visible horn west elevation are uncharacteristic public streets, relationship of voids tv and should be addressed. North alley solid should also be compatible. elevation should be resolved - row of three two-car garages is uncharacteristic. .13 Symmetry or as~mrnetn~ of operTings Symmetry of fenestration on Yes should be maintained, proposed addition appears generally com atible with historic house. 4.0 Protection of Historic Buildin sand Sites Meets Guidelines? .1 Construct new additions sv that there is Entire wall including small rear No the least possible loss of historic faln•ic addition, rear shed dormer and four and sv the character-defining features of historic windows nn the north the buildia~gs are not destroyed. elevation will be removed or obscured by proposed addition. Reduce size of connection of addition to preserve northwest corner and as much of north wall as ossible. AGENDA ITEM #5F PAGE S:\PLAN\data\longran~\1115I'\ALTCIRTS\L,andrnarks\Pinc.1507\ Pine.doc .2 New additions should be constructed so .Removal of the addition would No that they maybe removed in the future result in damage to the north and without clatnaging the )hstoric building. east (both secondary) elevations of the building. North addition, dormer, and six windows will be lost as a result of ro osed addition. It is not appropriate to construct arz Mass and scale of addition is No 3 addition thaE will detract from the inappropriate. West wall of addition overall historic character of the should be setback behind west wall building. of historic house, south elevation of addition should be setback at least to north wall of house. 4.2 Distinction from Historic Buildings All additions should be discernible from the historic structure. When the original design is duplicated the historic evolution of the building becomes unclear. Instead, additions should be compatible with the historic areizitecture but clearly recognizable as new construction. ~ Distinguish an addiEion from the Addition should be more clearly No historic structure, but maintain visual distinguished from the historic continuity between the two. One house by way of connector, setback, common method is to step the addition and difference of material/fitush. back and/or set if in slightly from the historic structure. Every project is different and successful designs may incorporate a variety of ahprvaches. 2 Do not directly copy historic elements. Historic elements are generally yes Instead, interpret historic elements in referenced through fenestration anti simpler ways in the addition. forms. 3 Additions should be simpler in Addition is relatively simple in yes detail tfzan the original structure. design. An addition that exhibits a more ornate style or implies an earlier period of architecture than that of the on final is ina ro riate. ~ The architectural style of additions Stylistically references house in an yes should not imitate t)ze historic style but appropriate mariner. must be compatible with it. Contemporary style additions are possible, but require the utmost attention to these guidelines to be success 1. The ztse n two distinct AGENDA ITEM #5~ PAGE ~ S:\PLAN\datauongrang\HIS"1'\AL"i'CERTS\Landmarks\Pine.1507\ Pinc.doc historic styles, sur_h as adding Tudnr- style half-timbering to a Classic Cotta e, is ina rro riate. 4.3 Com atibilit with Historic Buildin s Introducing crew construction that contrasts sharply with an existing historic structure or Bile detracts from the visual continuity thnt marks our historic districts. While additions should be distinguishablefrom the historic structure, they must not contrast so sharply as to detract from the original building and/or the site. lldditions should never overwhelm historic structures nr the site, irr mass, scale or detailin . 1 /ln addition. should be subordinate to Though Iower, the addition '~'o the historic building, limited in size overwhelms the historic house in artd scale so that it does not diminish or mass and scale. Reduce size visualh ove ower the buildin significant/ . 2 Uesign an addition to be compatible Mass and scale of addition are No with the historic building in mass, scale, incompatible with historic house. materials and color. For elevations Fenestration appears generally visible from yublic streets, the appropriate. No detail provided relationship of solids to voids in the rel;arding material and color. exterior walls should also be com atible. 4 Reflect the original synrrnetry or Proposed addition should not No asymmetry of the historic building. extend beyond west wall of historic building to preserve symmetry of historic house when viewed from Pine and 1St?~ Streets. 5 Preserve the vertical and horizontal Mass and scale of proposed addition No proportion of a building's mass. creates form that is significantly more horizontal and is incompatible with verticals of historic house. 4.4 Com atibilit with Historic Site and Setting 1 Uesign new additions so that the LandscapuZg plan not submitted, Maybe overall character of the site, site however, it appears that several topography, character-defining site mature trees would be lost as a features and trees are retained. result of the construction of the ro osed addition. 2 Locate new additions on an Addition is to be constructed at the No incorupicuous elevation of the historic rear and side of the historic building, generally the rear one. building. However, projection of Locating an addition tv the front of a addition IT west of the primary structure is inappropriate because it elevation toward 15th Street is highly obscures the historic facade of a conspicuous and obscures the building. historic west face of the house. 3 Respect the established orientation of Proposed addition disrupts No the on final buildin and ty seal established orientation of the AGENDA ITEM #51% P aGF. IO S:\PLAN\data\longranglT-IIST\ALTCF_RTS1Landmarks\I'inc.1507\ Pine.doc alignments in tlTe area. historic house. Addition should be set back from primary west wall (facing 15r~~ Street). At east wail., addition should be set further back (north). ~ Preserve a backyard area between the Lot coverage will more than double Ma be house and the garage, maintaining the iE addition is conshucted resulting y general proportion of b2tilt mass to in elimination of backyard area. opetl space found •within the area. See Average built mass in immediate Guideline 2.1.1. area is high. 4.5 Ke I3uildin Elements Roofs, porches, dormers, windows and doors arc some of the most important character-defining elements of any briilding. As such, they require extra attention to assure that they compliment the historic architecture. In addition to the guidelines below, refer also to Section 3.0 Alterations for related sue 7estions. 1 Maintain the dominant rooflilie and Does not maintain dominant roof No orientation of the roof fo17n to fhe form to the street. street. Z Rooflines on additions should be lower Rooflines are Iower than historic yes than ar2d secondary to the roofline of the building. on final buildin . 3 The existing roof form, pitch, eave These elements on addition are Yes depth, and materials should be used for generally compatible writh those on all additions. the historic building. 5 Maintain the proportion, general style, General proportion, style, location Yes and symmetry or asymmetry of the and symmetry of window patterns existing window patterns. referenced in design for the addition. 6 Use window shapes that are found on Some window and door locations, yes the historic structure. Do not introduce shapes and designs on the addition odd-shaped windows such as octagonal, are incompatible with historic house. Irian ular, Or dtat110121~-S11a ed. S Use materials and construction similar Application does not specify type of Ma be tv historic windows. Do not use snap- windows, though are drawn as one- y fill muntins. over-one, double hung with no muxrtin. The proposed application does not meet the conditions of Subsection 9-11-18(b,l- 3)(c), B.R.C. 1.981 of the Boulder Revised Code in that the addition would significantly alter the special historic character of the iandmarked house by overwhelming it in mass and scale. It may only be appropriate to construct a AGENDA ITEM #5~ PAGE ~ S:\PLAN\data\longrang\HISTWLTCERTS\LandmarkslPinc.15 07\ 11.05 A8.15071' ine.doc smaller addition to the rear of the house; one that does not greatly exceed the width of the historic building. FINDINGS: As outlined in the staff recommendation, the proposed rehabilitation and construction at 1507 Pine Street will not be consistent with the purposes and standards of the Historic Preservation Ordinance in that: 1. The proposed addition would damage the special historic exterior architectural features of the Temple-Bowron house by overwhelming it in mass and scale. 2. The mass, scale, and location would have an adverse effect on the historic character of the Temple-Bowron house. 3. The request is generally inconsistent with the Historic Preservation Ordinance and Sections 3 & 4 of the General Design Guidelines. ATTACHMENTS: A: Designating Ordinance for 1507 Pine Street B: Application and Plans C: Photographs AGENDA ITEM PAGE r S:\PLAN\data\longrang\NIST\ALTCERTS\Landmarks\Pine.l 507\11.05.08. ] 507 Pine.doc , Attachment A AN ORDINANCE PERTAINING 'T~) i'HE "iilS'I.'U1dIC PRESERVATION CGDE," CHAPTER 51 UI•' 'I'Hi REVISFU CODE OF THE CITY OF BUULI?I;R, 7.965, AS AMENDED; DESIGNA'.CING AS ~1 I.AIVDMARK THE 'TEMPLE-BOWRON HOUSE, 1507 PINE STREET, $C~tfLDER, COLORADO; AND SE'T'TING CORTH bETAILS IN ItELAl.'IUN '1'EI'F.RETU . WHEREAS, pursuant to Article III of Chapter S1, "historic Preservation Code," of the Revised Code of the City of Boulder, 1965, as amended, the City Council may designate as a land- mark a structure having a special character or special his- torical, architectural o•r aesthetic interest or value; ti,THER.EAS, upon the application of the Landmarks Board, landmark designation proceedings were duly commenced with rzspect to the Temple-Bowron House, 1507 Pine. Street, Boulder, Colorado; j~TIiEREAS, a public hearing on the proposed landmark designation was duly held before the Landmarks Board on August 4, 1976 and thereafter the Landmarks Board referred the proposed designation to the City Council with a copy of its report an~3 recommendation thz.t the proposed designation be approved; ti+~.EREAS, upon public notice as required by law a pub- lic hearing on the proposed designation was duly held before t:he City Council on January 4, 1977 and upon the basis ;~f the presentations at the said hearing the City Council rinds tzat the Temple-Bowron House does possess a special. character or special historical, architectural, or aesthetic ir.~`rest or value e~ar•snting its designation as a landmark: • r .AAetde pem _ _ .i~eg6 NOW, 'I EiSREFURE, BE 'i'r ORDAIN}sD f3Y T?-IF CI1:'Y C(iU~f(.,'.I I. OF THE CITY OF BUU,.DER, `1'H~,T: Section 1. The~~c is hereby c?esz.~;nated a5 s landr~iark the 'Te~r;~le-Bowron House, 1507 Pine Street, l3aalder, Colorado, ar_d as tine corresponding Landmark site the real property 1orated in the City oz Boulder, County of Boulder, Stare of Colorado, particularly described as follows: Block 1~:5> Lots 7 and 8. The characteristics of the Temple-Bowron House which justify its designatio~-r. include its construction in 1883 as one of the early Boulder residences; its association with an his- torical person of local prominence, E. J. Temple; and its geographical importance as a familiar visual feature of the community J.ue to its unique location< Zn view of these character:Lstic.s, the building itszlf as an integrated strur:ture should be preserved. Section 2. The City Council .finds that the foregoing landmark designation is necessary to promote the public health, safety and welfare. Section 3. The City Council deems it appropriate that this ordinance be published oy title only and dlrel`.tS thA City Clerk to make ;ailable in his office copies of the text of the ordinance for public inspection and acquisition. 'i'he City Council further directs the Planning Department to give prompt notice of the designation. to the property o~m er and cause a copy of this ordinance Co be recorded, as ~ro- vided by Section 31-305(c) of the %tevised Code. INTt:iODUCED, IZEt^~D, AND OI~DI:CZED PlJ1iI.'i.SFirD tiY 'Fl'i't.(.'. ~.s"1i.~ ~1.~ttU~.C~ , t:hi5 41-h day of ~ ~ A.;:). ' ~ ~ ayor Ar.test: d f~ Direca~o of~Finat~ee and Record Ex-oi~~icio City Clerk 1tEAD 0^I SECOND LZEADrNC, PASSEL), ._D(3PTED, AND ORDELZL?D PUBLISHED BY TITLE, ONLY this ]'8th day of :Ja .uary A . D . 1 y?.',~ • Mayo Attest; / • .lJl Dire t o Finance and Record Ex-officio City C~.erk i c~.v i ~ ...3~JC?1:_.+ 1_ 11U_^-------~.-..r--~- Cii.rn~car cf ~ ir.u...., ~ hn%vt.+l ,,:.r~ •f[_ . ~lez< o. s___' in t_he County and 1'~ atu afuncsnid, do i.er4by :ertify that r_;+e Ec,t ~~;ui ;y ~_:.u:.; r u:.. r read on :irs_ main, at a regulaz w:cing of the C::ty Ccu:;cil of said ;:ity, n~lu oz chF~ ~,d~;. of vQ"..~aix A.iS. 19 , and that attcraarJ&, to-wiL; on c:..~ day o° A. D. 19 I caused the sauu: co bs 1.uLl ishad (hy title c:.ly, l~~€F4.) in ~':e o:ftc:vi i•~i:er ~.,F s._: i _icy {c:~e aru:~= Beira a ~a?Er •af gerzral circulal•ion p:lfllished in said City), chat sai•I ~u_*.lica:_nr, w.,s m~'c t.n cads GF:!;_a tn~• ?assaye of said ordirat:ce. I hereby certify that the Eoragoi~:g ordinance was afteawrar?s duly a-^.3 re•,~,la<_~Lj Fass^d !~y City ::o~_neil of said City on second reading at a regular rr«zeting therecf held cr. the LSC}~ d.~y of SarttaYy ~ A. D. 29 77 a.13 that thereafter, to-wit: on the 27.5t day of` 73nllc'aY~j A, D. 19 z caused the sar;e to h> published (~y title only, y`C~S~atQ:t} in the official paper. WTTt,=.SS urn han3 an3 th.~ seal of said City oc Boulder hereto affixe3, this ~~f~r~ c1ay of `7~t'~1c~~~~ _ a.O_ 19 77 / ~ ~ .lam Ui rect~ r Fina-:ce ar,d Reco.d Ex officio City Clerk COLORADO HISTORICAL SOCIETY NOT FOR FIELD USE Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation ELIGIBLE 1300 Broadway Denver, Colorado -'DET NOT ELIG HISTORIC BUILDING INVENTORY RECORD NOMINATED CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO Boulder, County 'CERTIFIED REHAB DATE " " ' " " Project Name: BOULDER HISTORIC PLACES State ID~~: SBL609 Bui ding Name: TEMPLE-BOWRON HOUSE Temporary 15 ui ding A dress: 150 PINE STREET BOULDER, COLORADO 80302 Building Owner: MORRIS E. HUTCHINSON Owner Address: P.O. BOX 3524 BOULDER, COLORADO 80307 USGS Quad: BOULDER Quad Year: 1979 7.5 *Legal: TNSP IN RANGE 70W SEC 30 NE1 4 SW1 *Historic Name: TEMPLE HOUSE District Name: Block: 146 Lot: 7-8 Addition: BOULDER EAST Year of Addition: 1872 Film Roll By: WHITACRE Film Number: BL- Number of Negatives: 8,9 Negative Location: BOULDER onstruction Date: ACTUAL 1882-83 Source: BOULDER LANDMARK DESIGNATION Present Use: RESIDENCE/CONDOMINIUMS Historic Use: RESIDENCE Condition: EXCELLENT Extent of Alterations: MAJOR Describe Alterations: SEE ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL If Moved, Date{s): Style: QUEEN ANNE Stories: 2 1 2 Materials: BRICK Square Footage: 3352 ie ssessment: ELIGIBLE District Potential: YES ~3`~i=CONTRIBUTING oca Lan mar Designation? Name: CITY OF BOULDER Date: 1977 Yes: X No: Associated Buildings?: YES Type: ROWHOUSES If Inventoried, List ID Nos.: Architect: Source: Buildez/Contractor: JOHN HAMMER Source: Original Owner: EDWIN J. TEMPLE Source: . ~ Z 1507 Pine Street Plan Shape: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Theme(s): Architectural Description: Originally Queen Anne style, dramatically remodeled. Queen Anne tower removed and hipped roof replaced with mansard roof to accommodate more living units. Painted brick, stone sills and lintels. Cons"t ruction History: The hipped roof was changed to a mansard roof in 1947 by Mrs. Beaulah Shuey. The one-story brick addition at the northeast corner was added in 1922 Sometime after 1964, the roof of the original Queen Anne tower was removed and the one-story wood porch on the south side was removed. Historical Background: The original owner of this house was Edwin J. Temple, who was engaged in many business enterprises during his life. He worked in the milling business and in a grocery business in Blackhawk. He later began freighting goods in the vicinity of Leadville and became interested in mining. He moved to Boulder in !881, although he continued to have scattered business interests. He had a ranch in Routt County, and investments in property and cattle in New Mexico. f was vice president of the Pawnee Cattle Company of Colorado. In addition to his business activities, Edwin Temple was involved in Boulder's educational institutions. He was a member of the Board of Regents o: the University of Colorado, and served on the Boulder School Board for ten years. He was a member of the City Council, a director of National State Bank and the Boulder Electric Light Company. Edwin Temple was married to Nina M. Smith, daughter of pioneer Nelson K. Smith. Architectural Significance: Represents the work of a master. -X' Possesses high" artistic values. " ' Represents a type, period or method of construction. Historical Significance: 'X'• Associated with significant persons. Associated with significant events or patterns. Contributes to an historic district. Statement of Significance: Constructed in 1882-83, this is one of Boulder's earliest homes and due t~ its location, the house is a familiar visual feature of the community. The building is also significant for its association with Edwin Temple, a member o the Boulder City Council and an influential businessman involved in real estat~ ranching, mining, and freighting. ram bx:~x~ ~,~~t~,~~ ~ y 1507 Pine Street References: Susan Baldwin, Boulder Historic Places Inventory 1977 Boulder County Assessor's Office Portrait and Biographical Record of Denver and Vicinity, Chapman Publishing Co. 1898, p.351-53 Daily Camera, Feb. 4, 1929 Bixby, Amos The History of Clear Creek and Boulder Valleys, 1880 p.683 Surveyed by Whitacre/Simmons Affiliation: Front Range Research Date: 1986 Attachment B Square Footage Calculations Project Program u~ll ~ 4 Rl:.cidl:ntiatl Housing Units nnw zm at Unit A Age restricted housing unit (new) z~- tl~nr 172N si total 1929 sf 1429 st ,,.,K~ ste sf 57g,t Unit B Age restricted housing unit (new) 1'ni~ R Unit C Age restricted housing unit (renovated 3"' floor) i ~ •a,KK SSSsf lour 14to of Unit ll Nnn-Hattie;cd housing unit (existing 1" and 2n0 flo,~rsl 1965 si 19rSJ ~.,~ruµu 4311 of 440 of linil C Flnw 1545 sJ 1541 sf 1545.E - - - ,~~,,,.~c,~~,nrr _c,<ist z6o.t Ci COVER SHEET I:r!, P C2 PROPOSED SITE PLAN C3 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS C4 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS Ph,ar 16k1 0l J,:,,d vs2>J 92ti2.t C5 PROPOSED BASEMENT PLAN ~,~,Y~ s~2.r 53z.t C6 PROPOSED t ST FLOOR PLAN "'iWH10f1 '16sf C7 PROPOSED ?_ND FLOOR PLAN Cummun 4p°ce - C8 PROPOSED 3RD FLOOR F'IAN C9 EXISTING ELEVATIONS ~0sf C 10 EXISTING F_LEVA-PIONS 1~- Plnur 470:J Nt<x,r 16i sf C 1 1 EXISTING FLOOR PLANS rlaor 1~Usf f_1 i „~~1 ion .r tan .r F+-I Grand "Co1~iv a tr~o.r toa4z.t Q .-a w (j o Q z . r_ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ P~ w - - - - ~ w b. 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