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5A - Demolition Permit (HIS2008-00229) for 501 Evergreen Ave
MEMORANDUM December 30, 2Q08 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Allison Hawes, Historic Preservation Intern Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a demolition permit for the building located at 501 Evergreen Avenue, per Section 9-11-23 of the Boulder 12evised Code (HIS2008-00229) for non-landmarked buildings over fifty years old. STATISTICS: 1. Site: 501 Evergreen Avenue (5th Avenue unti11953) 2. Date of Construction: c. 1900 3. Zoning: RL:-1 (Residential -Low 1) 4. Owner/Applicant: Edward & Rorie Duggan STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion: The Landmarks Board approve the demolition permit for the house alid garage at 501 Evergreen Avenue, finding that the building is not eligible for designation as an individual landmark and does not contribute to the character of the neighborhood. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: On September 28, 2008, the Planning Department received. a demolition permit application for the house and garage at 501 Evergreen Avenue. The building is not in a designated historic distxict or locally landmarked, but is over fifty years old and meets the criteria for demolition defined under Section 9-11-23 of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. On October 1, 2008, the I.andmaxks Design Review Committee referred the application to the Landmarks Board for a public hearing, finding there was probable cause to believe that the building may be eligible for designation as an individual landmark. The board review fee was paid on October 16, 2008. After detailed analysis, staff considers the building to be significantly altered, and not to meet the significance criteria for individual landmark designation and does not have a Agenda Item # S~PaQe 1 Memo to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 Re: 501 Evergreen Ave -Demolition Permit significant relationship to the character of the surrounding neighborhood. Therefore, staff recommends that the Landmarks Board issue the demolition permit for the house and garage. I~ESCRII'TION: Located in the Newlands neighborhood in north Boulder, on the northeast corner of 5'h Street and Evergreen Avenue, the 12,500 squaxe foot lot contains the approximately 2,240 sq. ft. one-and-one-half story brick and frame house and a wood frame detached garage. oa~~,( a _ - ~ 501 Evergreen .'_3- O O - a _ 0 - - - Ev R ~ a~ _ ~ ~ o a - I ~ i ~ Figure 1: Location Map, 501 Evergreen Avenue It is unclear exactly when this hc:titse was constructed, hourever a loan (deed of trust) was . taken out on the property in January of 1900 by Ernest and John Stilts, who purchased the property iz1 1898 from the original developer of the Newland Subdivision. The original portion of the house is constructed of brick, and was assumed to have been one-and-a-half stoxies. The house appears to Have originally had windows with segmental-arched lintels and stone sills, with multi-light over one windows. A decorative course of brick runs along the upper portion of the first floor walls. A two- brick tall water table course also runs around the bottom half of the first floor walls. In the 1950s a significant addition was constructed onto the house, which included significant alterations to the existing brick house. The .roof line appears to have been modified, although it is unknown if this was done as part of the 1940's or 1950's alterations to the house. Tl1e windows were shortened and replaced, and the decorative brick course extended through the former openings. Additional window openings were added to the facade facing Evergreen. The 1950's addition and the gable ends of the original house are clad in asbestos shingles. S:~t'LAMdata\loograoglHlS'I1Dernos\evergreen.501\12.30.2008 L13 memo.doc Agenda Item 5A Pale 2 Merno to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 . Re: 501 Evergreen Ave -Demolition Permit A one-car frame garage is located on the rear of the lot, on the alley. The garage has a concrete foundation, and appears to have possibly been originally clad in simulated brick asphalt siding, which has been covered over by horizontal wood lap siding. Based on aerial photography, photographs of surroundiing houses, and building permit information, fhe garage was constructed between 1938 and 1946. In May of 1940 a permit to remodel the house was issued, but assumed to be fairly minor based on the estimated cost of $175. In July of 1946 $200 of repair to the garage and dwelling was permitted. 'This may have been when lap siding was added to the garage, as a c. 1949 photograph of 535 Evergreen shows this garage in the background with wood siding as it exists today. In September of 1949 an 8 foot by 6 foot bathroom was added onto the house. In January of 1953 a permit fora 4 room addition to the house at a cost of $8,000~was applied for. See Attachment D for a copy of the buildin% permits. Cr ' I ~ a'' ~ - - L- ~ i e , ~ tIr t i ' • ~ ~ ~ ~ a~ ~I r Figure 2: 501 Evergreen Avenue, c. 1949, as seen in the background of 3091 6~'' Street. Photo courtesy the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History. S:\f'LANWatallongrang\HIS'11Ucmos\evergreen.S01\12.30.2008 LQ memo.doc Agenda item SA Page 3 Memo to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 Re: 501 Evergreen Ave -Demolition Permit • ;f 'r1~i'• `.Ili1111 ~ 117ii>< 1. ~ ti..r Lill: '1111 t'.rIIA~;1 .'n'~~''-}}r '~4'~T., ~ _ •,i Figure 3: 501 Evergreen Avenue, c. 1954 Tax assessor card. Photo courtesy the Carnegie Branch Library for Local History 1;!!~~ d' -r' r? ` ~ - ~ - cs ~ i:~ 1 ' rte,' rd- l ' _ - _ r _.i. r ~ ~ ~r~ - - I ~J fem. ~1~ I , ~ { I ~ 1 t _ ~ _ - t _ _ Fi~~~t~re ~l: 501 Evergreen Avenge, 2008 CRITERIA FOR THE BOARD'S DECISION: 'I`he Historic Preservation Ordinance states that the Landmarks Board shall consider and base its decision upon any of the following criteria [9-11-23(f)]: (1) The eligibility of the building for designation as an individual landmark consistent with the purposes and standards in Sections 9-11-1 anal 9-11-2, B.RC. 1981; (2) The relationship of the building to the character of the neighborhood as an established and definable area; S:\PLAN\dataUongrangU-IlS'i~Demos\evergreen.501\12.30.2008 LB memo.doc Agenda Item SA Page 4 Memo to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 . Re: 501 Evergreen Ave -Demolition Permit (3) The reasonable condition of the building; and (4) The reasonable projected cost of restoration or repair. When considering the condition of the building and the projected cost of restoration or repair as set forth in paragraphs (3) and (4) above, the Board may not consider deterioration caused by unreasonable neglect. As detailed below, staff considers this property not eligible for designation as an individual landmark, and that it does not relate to the character of the neighborhood. The house appears to be in fairly good condition although limited evidence has been provided suggesting that the condition of the building is a factor ul the request for demolition. Alt-hougll all four criteria have been considered, staff concentrated on criteria 1 and 2, the building's eligibility for landmark designation and its relationship to the character of the neighborhood, in the analysis below. CRITERION 1: INDIVIDUAL LANDMARK ELIBILITY The following is a result of staff's research on the property relative to the significance criteria for individual landmarks adopted by the Landmarks Board on September 17, 1975. See Attachment F• Individual Landmark Significance Criteria HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE: Suznrnary: The house and garage located at 501 Evergreen is not believed to have historic significance. . 1. Date of Construction: 1.900 Elaboration: The Boulder County Assessor lists a construction date of 1900. A deed of trust was taken out on the property in January 1900 by Earnest and John Stilts. It is assumed that this was a loan to construct the house, as the property was purchased in 1898 from the original developer, Mollie T. Dyer. See Attachment C: Assessor Card Z. Association with Persons or Events: None observed.. Elaboration: The property does not appear to have been associated with any persons of local, state, or national significance. See Attachment B: DirectorU and Deed Research for more information. 3. Development of the Community: None observed 4. Recognition by Authorities: None observed S:\PLAMdata\longrang\HIS'IlDemos\evcrgeen.501\12.30.2008 LB memo.doc Agenda Item 5A Page 5 Memo to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 Re: 501 Evergreen lave -Demolition Permit Elaboration: The building was surveyed in 1995 by Front Range Research Associates, and found to be not eligible for individual listing on the National Register. See Attachment A: Historic Bttildin~Inventvr~ Record. ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: Summary: The house and garage at 501 Evergreen Avenue is not believed to have architectural significance. 1. Recognized Period or Style: Vernacular masonry and wood frame Elaboration: It is unknown what the original design of the house was. Currently the house has across-gabled roof. plan, and rectangular in form. Due to significant alterations, staff considers this house to no lon~;e.r retain anv architectural significance. ~a®® - ~ - ~ ~ _ _ . - - - W _ [ ~TM I °~s~ -r ~ r ~ y ~ ter. ~1 i •_I ~ ~ ~ 1 s I k '1 tir.. ~ I ~ w ` 1 . _ {"Y~'`~ ~aea~l l~eesl ~ c~~~ ]i~t~.'i ~ y~.~~ ~ f.~f'ty ~ I rr . e 1,~ ~ ti jt ~ '1. ~ ~ ~ rc ~ it ...~1 ~ - - ttiJ rM1 ^ ~ ~ _ 'tif•~~ ~ ~ r Figure 5: Note window not extending tv Figlere 6: Windvzv opening on rear -not sill, lintel disconnected from top of window. Altered. 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: None known Elaboration: No information was found regarding John or Earnest Stilts. Y 3. Artistic Merit: None observed 4. Example of the Uncommon: None observed 5. Indigenous Qualities: None observed ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE: S:\YLAN\Aata\longrano\HISTIDemos\evcrg>ccn.501\12.30.').008 LE3 memo.dnc Aeenda Item ~A Ya~e Memo to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 . Re: SO1 Evergreen Ave -Demolition Permit Summary: The house at 501 Evergreen is not believed to have environmental significance. 1. Site Characteristics: None observed 2. Compatibility with Site: None observed 3. Geographic Importance: None observed 4. Environmental Appropriateness: None observed 5. Area Integrity: None observed CRITERION 2: RELATIONSHIP TO THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD: . This house is located in the Newland Addition to Boulder, platted in 1891 and developed primarily from the 1920s through the mid-1950s. The Newland Addition was annexed into the city in 1906. This house is believed to have been constructed in 1900, which puts the house in the oldest 3% of the still extant houses in the Newlands neighborhood. When the house was originally constructed, the property included all of the west side of the 3100 block of 5~ Street between Evergreen and Forest. It appears that throughout the 1940's the lots to the north of the house were sold off. The last tot was sold in "1.945, resulting in the parcel size as it exists today. The area was surveyed in the 1995 Boulder Survey of Historic Places report by Front Range Research Associates, which found no buildings in the Newland Addition survey area to be eligible for individual listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Staff, in assessing the house in the context of the surrouzlding neighborhood, does not believe the relationship of this house in the context of the neighborhood is significant. The neighborhood has experienced significant change, and many blacks now have such a varied character in terms of mass, scale, and type of housing. CRITERION 3: CONDITION OF THE BU [ LDING AND CRITERION 4: PROJECTED COST OF RESTORATION OR REPAIR: Because no claim has been made by the applicant about the condition of the building or cost of restoration or repair, staff concentrated on criteria 1 and 2, the building's eligibility for landmark designation and its relationship to the character of the neighborhood in making a recommendation on the appropriateness of demolition. Staff S:\PLAIV\dataUongrang\H1S71Demos\evergreen.501 V 230.2008 LB memo-doc Asenda Item SA Page 7 Memo to Landmarks Board 12/30/2008 Re: 501 Evergreen Ave -Demolition Permit has visited the site and observed the building to be in relatively good condition, with some settling and cracking of the brick portion of the house. NEIGHBORHOOD COMMENT: No comment has been received to date. THE BOARD'S DECISION: If the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished does not have significance under the criteria set forth in section 9-11-23(f) B.R.C., the city manager shall issue a demolition permit. If the Landmarks Board finds that the building to be demolished may have significance under the criteria set forth above, the application shall be suspended for a period not to exceed 180 days from the date the permit application was accepted by the city manager as complete, in order to provide the time necessary to consider alternatives to the building. (Section 9-11-23{h)]. A 180-day stay period would expire on Apri114, 2009. FINDINGS: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following findings: Demolition of the house and garage at 501 Evergreen Avenue is appropriate based on the criteria set forth in section 9-11-23(f) B.R.C, in. that the building: 1. Is not believed to be eligible for individual landmark designation based upon its historic, architectural, and environrnental significance; 2. Does not have a significant relationship to the character of the surrounding neighborhood ATTACHMENTS: A: Historic Building Inventory Record B: Directory and Deed Research . C: Assessor Card D: Building permit research E: Current Photographs I': Significance Criteria for an Individual Landmark S:\PLAN\data\longrang\I-IIS71Demos\cvergrcen.501\12.30.2008 LB mcmo.doc Agenda Item SA Pale 8 Attachment A CCLORA00 HISTCRIC.aL SOCIETY O~fJce of .tr:naeoLoyy and Historic ?raser•iatron NOT FOR FLELO USE 13CQ 3roaokay, Denver, Colorado 80203 J ci'rgiule ~ _ Nominated Oet. Not Eligible _ Certified Rehab. HISTORIC 3UILDING INVENTORY RECORD Date PROJEC' NAVE: Boulder Survey of Historic ':OUNTY: CITY: STATE ID NO.: 58LS351 Places, 1995 Zoulder Boulder TEMPORARY NO.: 1461-24-4-22-009 CURRENT BUILDING NAME: OWNED: DAVIS JAMES R & LOUISE W 501 EVERGREEN AYE BUULOER CO 80304-25?9 ADDRESS: 501 EVERGREEN AV BOULDER, CO 30304 TOWNSHIP 1N RANGE 71W SECTION 2J. SE 1/4 SW 1/4 HISTORIC NAF1E: :J.S.G.S. QUAD NAME: Boulder, Colo. YEAR: 1966 (PR1979) X 7.S' 1S' BLOCK: 32 LOT(S): 21-24 DISTRICT NAME: ADDITION: Nculands YR. OF ADDITION: 1891 FILM ROLL NO.: 95- 2 NEGATIVE NO_: LOCATION OF NEGATIVES: DATE OF CONSTRUCTION: ©Y: Roger Whitacre 18 Boulder City Ping. ESTIMATE: ACTUAL: 1900 _ SOURCE: l - ~ ~ ~r ~ r,~ l - Boulder County Assessor ~r t. a r• !4 ^(,~rt l ` i~ , ` ~ , ~ ..~r~; USE: fir ,T _ 'x ^~*o'* r t, PRESENT: ' s Residence J ~ l 1r~9 ~ - ~ ,M~~ i li _ N`±w~ HISTORIC: ` 'Q` r1~'a I r ' _ Residence _~.'Y - i~~E;:.~ - - - - i - CONDITION: Y ~~~".,Z~ a EXCELLENT X 6COD i ~ 1111 L _0¦®9 !.1 2. FAIR DETERIORATING ~r'. if ,~y{ ~ ~ L' I 11 ~ r y, ~ ~ - EXTENT OF ALTERATIONS: ra~~ ~ ~`y t' ll:n I i _ MINOR MODERATE X MAJOR }'~r1 'd M~Sd, ' ~ _i~ , ~~j' '1~,.._ DESCRIBE: k ~~~r-°~ aii ~ Ff~~~f :~J Original portion ofi house appears to a 1'~'" r.-~ •'F'~~+ ' 1 y;r ~ `r' ~ ti` ` F~-,; be front gabled brick; side gabled r ~ _u ~ , sr`,f ~'~z~s>'k~ ~ ;F,:,~ portion is addition. Windows altered, ~ ~ h:.~..~•., ~s--~~~ ~ ~ as can be seen in brickwork; addition T~' ~ :n ~ ~ r~ :r~p~; b ~ en east and roof line changed; wrought ~S+~,y:1 its-''rtl ~'sr:~WJ~~ ~~;r~~;s`_"r~~r ~ r ~Y~'~:~5~ ' ~ iron balustrade_ ash '~~`~•=y- ...'~Y~ ~d y~ y if.l t n 4:5; ~...,t ~ r _ ~~'t,~Ir .K, ~,~i{, CONTINUED -YES X N STYLE: Vernacular 'flood Frame/Masonry STORIES: ORIGINAL SITE X MOVED 1 1/2 DATE(S) OF MOVE: MATERIALS: Wood, Brick, Concrete, Store SQ. FOOTAGE: NATIONAL REGISTER ELIGIBILITY 2240 INDIVIDUAL: YES X NO ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION: one-and-a-halfi story dwelling with double front gable and intersecting side CONTRIBUTING TO DISTRICT: yable. Walls composed of wide lap siding on east half and brick on west halfi; YES NO decorative course of brick above windows on west half. Foundation concrete on LOCAL LANDMARK DESIGNATION: No east and stone on nest. Off center, paneled and glazed door. Shed roofed porch with concrete stoop and wrought iron balustrade. Casement, double-hung, and NAME: DATE: multi light fixed pane windows; original lintels were segmental arched brick and sills were stone. Two brick chimneys. ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS? X YES NO TYPE: Garage IF INVENTORIED, LIST ID NOS_: CONTINUED? YES X NO ADDITIONAL PAGES: YES X 40 PLAN SHAPE: ARCHITECT: STATE ID NO.: 58L5351 I I I I I i I I I I Unknown I~ I I I I ORIGINAL OWNER: I I I I I I I Unknown I I I I I I I I I SOURCE: I I I i I I SOURCE: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: ! i i I l i I I I Unknown { I I I I I THEME(S): I I I I I I I I I I- I I i I I I I SOURCE: Urban Residential Neighborhoods, I I I I I I 1858-present CONSTRUCTION HISTORY (DESCRIPTION, NAMES, DATES, ETC., RELATING TO MAJOR ALTERATIONS TO ORIGINAL STRUCTURE): The side gable frame additicn was completed prior to 1954. CONTINUED YES X NO HISTORICAL BACKGROUND (DISCUSS IMPORTANT PERSONS-AND EVENTS ASSOCIATED UITti THIS.STRUCTURE): In 1923, this was the home of Hugh B, and Nettie C. McCammon. Nugh 3. McCammon was a member of a pioneer Boulder family. He uas born in Boulder in 1885 to Hugh C. and Martha L. McLammon. Nis father came to Colorado in 1.864, engaged in farming, ranching, and mining in Boulder and Gilpin Counties, and was a member of the Territorial'Legislature. He lived on a ranch near BCackhawk after moving from Boulder and lived in Cheyenne and other Wyoming communities. .He died in 1965 in the Wyoming Pioneer Home. Nettie C. McCammon uas born in 1888, in Windsor, Missouri, and was married in 1908 in Boulder. She died in 1976. In 1930, Charles F. and Florence J. Nesmith lived here and were employed in ranching: CONTINUED YES X NO SIGNIFICANCE (CHECK APPROPRIATE CAT`rGCRIES AND BRIEFLY JUSTIFY BELOW): ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFICANCE: HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: REPRESENTS THE WORK OF A .MASTER ASSOCIATED WITH S~GNIFICAN7 PERSONS POSSESSES HIGH ARTISTIC VALUES ASSOCIATED WITH SIGNIFICANT EVENTS OR PATTERNS X REPRESENiS A TYPE, ?ERIOD, OR METH00 OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRIBUTES TO AN HISTORIC DISTRICT TIER EVALUATION: STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE: This house, alt;icugh altered, reflects residential construction of the early twentieth 'century in Boulder, as reflected in the multiple roof gables and decorative brick course, CONTINUED YES X NO REFERENCES <eE SPECIFIC): Boulder County Assessor records; Boulder City Directories; Boulder Daily Camera files. CONTINUED YES X NO SURVEYED 8Y: R.L. Simmons/J.E. Brooker AFFILIATION: front Range Research Associates, Inc. DATE: June 1995 Attachment B 501 Evergreen Avenue Deed & Directory Research Owners of 501 Evergreen Bold indicates long-term owners Dates Owners Pre-1898 Mary E. Newland 1898 Mollie T. Dyer l 898 to 1901 Earnest M & John R Stilts (1/20!1900 -Deed of Trust) 1901 to 1902 KL Cook 1902 to 1905 Jonas & Henrietta Bergheim (did not reside at house) 1905 to 1907 George W. and Margaret E. Murphy 1907 to 1911 IJarry A. and Emma Reiber 1911 to 1919 William N. Curtiss 1919 to 1920 Annie S. Adams. 1920 to 1922 Clarence Beach 1922 to 1924 Hugh B. McCammon. 1924 to 1930 Nettie McCammmon 1930 to 1940 Nellie Rust (Died in 1939) 1940 H.A. Hutt 1940 to 1941 Oliver G. Warne 1941 to .1943 George R & Dorothy Jameson 1943 to 1945 John W. & Sarah Worthing 1945 to 1949 Clayton N. & Velma B. Weaver 1949 to 1973 John W. and Virgina B. Bartram 1973 to 1979 Walter & Elizabeth Seastone 1979 to 200$ James R. & Louise W. llavis 2008 Edward E. Duggan 2008 to Present SO1 Evergreen, LLC Residents of 501 Evergreen Avenue Bold indicates long-term residents. A full analysis of all city directories was not completed. llates Residents Pre-].926 Not Listed 1926 Mrs Nettie C. McCammon 1936 Frank M. Butler (trucking) 1943 George R. Jameson (subfoi-man, Public Service Co) 1951 to 1973 John W Bartram (Virginia B) (Asst to Pres, UofC, by 1960 Budget Dir, UofC) 1975, 1976, 1980 Not Listed Only one resident and owner's information was available, John W. and Virginia Bartram. Virginia Button was bom May 11, 1919 in Denver, and attended Denver Public Schools. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder . During that time she met John W. "Jack" Bartram. John was born December 9, 1919 in Ardmore, Oklahoma. He came to Colorado and attended the University, where he and Virginia were marned December 30, 1940. They left Boulder to Glen Brook, Connecticut until 1945, when they returned to Boulder where John started the Public Information office for the University. Virginia died in a Denver hospital after an operation in 196.5. John remarried in 1966 to ' ~ 1~°a .Peep Harriete Shaw. John was eventua}ly promoted to the Vice President of Budget and Planning, where he retired in 1980. He was awarded the Robert L. Stearns award in • 1966, and the University Recognition Medal in 1976. He served on the Community Hospital Association Board of Directors, and was elected President in 1983. John died November 14, 1991. I:Iis obituary stated that he was one of the organizers of Arapahoe Chemicals, which manufactured fine, specialized organic intermediates. Arapahoe Chemicals was incorporated in 1946 in Boulder, and merged with Syntex Corporation in 1965. Syntex was purchased by Roche Colorado in 1994. ' ~ . i. _ Y f~ John W. (Jack) Bratram, ].967 Coloradan Yearbook Mean ~ °2 ~`y~ 'i_ t T _ .L - ? W - - ~ 'f' 'yam ~ ~~j.,,~~yY~ r~ `arm! ` ' . ~O, * ~ a ti~ 7. -t,~.1'YYtil J _ wy ~ - ~t't~y' •~l ~ } it n ~ ' ,`r~ -...t.... ,,a;,,, . _ "'"fir-'w~ },~`e'~'s~ , ~ ~ - h , k~ j r ~ ..,.~M a ~ ~S _ ~ .ice ir.,y.,. ~ - ~ d .''~f~,~te.,d~ - `.ter. ~ ~ = Lam.. . ~ ~ ' , _ _ _ ~ . - ~ . ~ ~ t r` 'Iw Apraised I ~ . • - Aprrsased by - i 5e~tlc~ ~ r~.- _ ~ ~ . r r.:_ TRACTS ~ y` ~ ' ~ ,r LOTS _ BLOCK_ _ _ - ADDITION - ~ i ' a _ is ~ ~ ~ • ~ • ` ~ - ;s:. ~Y f.. = = < HOUSE Na. S~-REET . • • CITY ~ ~ I ~ ~ , _ mr 1. cttac~ _ 1 ~ ~ O Y V 1`! ,L+ll ? t~•~i . .~.i j;~L i : t.:%:.. • ' v-1 h t:l,.. : ~ ? ~ v<~ r 1" `II ` r'-,•..~ ~ ,f~ c ~ .F f~I" 4§idtl~ s Lenoti: Area ! Height ~ CI:U_c ceet 1 ~ I I ( I ~ , f ~ 1 i i ! ~ ~ - , l I I~- ~ ~a t I I I "Ti•'1 ratio Tnfal Sq. Ft, - S}~t~t~i;l: L•.I!l:i?t;; .Notes - - L~ESCRIPTIOId - Give Numbers ROO.lIS STORKS - - I i3~sem't 1 1 1 2) 3 1 Ati,^. _ - L`.V 111 S` }.;c~01Y1. --------i. - Dining fioam ---•.---•---I---- - Lunette - - _ - I --•--I---I---••I----•I----- - - - - - - - - I3ri•al;l;..,; 1'a k L (.--I i `,::o,n I - - - - - - - - -t Slerpin;< Parch (---------I I---i ~ Den l _ Storage Rcwm ! ~ ---{_---I_---!_-_. -•_,.e„ 3v ! I I I i!! I~ I! ~ I I I I I I i I! ~ ~ I t l I "'.;'-~t~; Lacul and L'uilding Values SL'~L~iAia_ - - .1.\\C':1I, A641~,S~1zI:\T full Anpraiscd lleseri;.it: n _ i Ataotal _ l'c;n• I,:~:--; Irr.h,tivemen[s TGt.tl value - ; i3uilding Pern-il- - _ - - 1`)•}~- ih - -.S 15----- I! Irk\TD - . ~ - - L'ai:;;a'.~;3 ctnci Ir:tovr_r1^ats Onert a Coat, In:pra~•uren;s Cittl i" : Y Iti 11950 ; $ c I:g _ II - - - - (This r:. _.~d'.tia:'. nor; ~i•! tcrm«.i:$ !gg7 ~c ~I S - _ ~ ~ 1' i1rWltC2'$}r.:.:l!?';t;!' 't; LJ 1'C':~^nC ~'J1LS C^ l:l:i - _'t'1V°tP. g~?Chi:iLt ti ___N.i:f I ' Trl~:: CC .'ce :J54 ~ 5 .i,_-..__ -t', II ~ :N-.;I ~Q. ~ II A'I~rlga_. li: IEISS ~ ''c~ I' . - - - - 'r.~t ,l Ftt;'Ir4inr. nnri BUILDING DESCRIPTION AND VALUE CALCULATION =zLti~°--`in"~ °"~"-':~'u - ROOI• IN"i'ERIOR FINISH Cube Area - LOC:~I. I.14P.tt01%EMENTS CL:'15SIFICATION No. 'i>-pe: ~,'Vallboard or Equal Fat D Pitched Low Strt~et rav;rg ?.I:ey Pavinb - TXPE AND USE Medium ? Steep Wood Pa.>seling: • Ca~c'.c y , ;;~;ing: Si;np]c - Eiiracl: S:cc~,valks - ~r 1-Single Reside^a= 3acra~e ~ Diiicu~t _ Sq. Ft. _ ..~cbina :r-Duplex - ROOFIiVG Tile Wall^• Sq. Ft. ~i'a:ez• 3-i3unga;c~ty, Apt. Crt. Pregarea Roll - Trim: Hat~citvd_ . ):'~IT1S. Stotnt: Scwet' - - 4-Flat cr Terrace - Buii;.-up Asphalt - - _ - _ Softwood Rms. Sanitary Ses~•er 5-Apartment House Shingle: LIGHTING ~I~iicci:•:ri: . G-Hotel '*~'ood Aaphalt Total ? - -'.ect G:;s !7 gone Gas - 7-Store Building _ Asbestos ? Slate _ti'G Telephone _ Rey:•oduct;,n Cost and Fini^I Value 8-Auto Touriut Cauri: Tile: _ -'r__'-ti` b'L'Ii.DIIQG 2ieial Gl Cement Ciay - ~ CHARACTER O~ CONS.:. ? 9-Office Building _ ~'lrarrl Air: Pipelrss p Ir.c::i ,Area or i Unit Tin ? Co>p.:- ` p02- - ~ \o. •faua_ntity Cost ~ Total ] o---Hwp. or Sanitac~urn Insulated Piped . - ~ ~i~;Lun: Ease j ~ f ] ]-Bank Puilding ATTIC Forcc*ci Circulation Gcod 12-The:2tre Finished Stairs _ 1-tot 1Vater rn• Vapor Dire Desisting - 13-Wssi•ehcu~e ~ Gas door Furnacea No. Von-E'ire I~csi~titT° - - : e, a.~t of Ground Arta: - ~ - _ 14-Factory' - - - i i:usned Unfin. gt0~;rr2 _ . _ r . i Rr P.1IRS I ,P- q^-v. , - ONS .~~DIT ~.L'S) ]~---Public Garage r - Gas Steam F.adiators _ :6-Private Garage _ i it :.on:zitionirg _ 1 ~-Service Station - i;,,f':1ist;ed - ri_:_-:hc~•.'. _ At;torna±ic P.urner or Stoker _ , Goof ~ ~ I8-Hot fIouse or Gr. Iiousc Oi': y. G::ls Coal t TERRACES ExceCst ~ I FOUNDATION PLUIt•I);ING hied _ - - Ne:~• - - - None C 'GVater Only ' ~ ~ I ost a• Piers . L'ASEn4ENT Bathraoms Tiied - DEPi:ECIATiON - - ~ - W~tlls Area: Physical DEDUCTIONS (T4INLIS) IGt!`'% ? .5,m ? SD~~ Number of Fixtures: _ . EYTERIOR WALLS 25•a ? NOne ~Za~•~~~anda .ubs ~ ~ Wood Frame ~y~.=::-___=•--_-__-- No F.oor Waterclosets Shcvrs...-_. ~ Sheathing ? No sheathing Flustered Piastere,l Siiowet• Stalls ~ _ ~ 5~,~1id it2asonr~ i _ Ceiling ? Wcalls Automatic Wafer 7-ieater -I ~ _A ~';:'ls: Kir:d kitchen Laurvd2y - ~ ~ ~ Insulation :•~•z - Si: Tub, SIDIZG: :'ir.:•'r.•aa Rc::ms: '•^O I ~ TIiLI: TE115 I j Woc.iboard - Nv. ~i:ca Base Reproduction Board and Batten Natural Fireplaces - FLOORS Gus Fireplaces - Cast _ $ Shingle: 1'Pvod Sui;i<oo: 1st ,r'1„ Zn<1 up - Outside Cl:i;;:revs _ - Final Net Condition . % Asphal~E ? Asbestos _ - No 5ubfloor Isk ? 2nd up Stucco ,i ; e:2mirks: . _ - - • . Fi - Construe, nn: _ n<21 Value- Brick Veneer: VTood Joists - . - . Com- Face l1•:i.n Rtu c 2ng ? _ Concrete on Grade _ - : -i SCaie Veneer: _ _ - ~aa Native [ Cut t~ i::ish Fluorin . U;:':vT ^Rlr il~ g' %;IL]afh'~., Z,ALUE ? v t );rick Bolter: Hard~coccl I] Sottwooci - - - - _ - - - • - 1 Com_ Taco T"sle: Sq. Ft. - - - - - _ain Bui ding w - • Concrete Block Sq. F`:. _ Gara~e Date ADete of ConstruSotLCe >t,1~. ~~`.r Ater::I'e. 2 ..cAtlc:;:.^,.•sPE•rcent D;;tc rid or Ai.c:•zD0,ri20tiP_d^:itior.sPe. cent ,l;inorL'uildings ~ ~ : ~ I , i j Other - - T - - - Improvements 1 j ,GAR.AGE ?.11D MINOR BUILDiNC.S IRel~rodu.: j ~ Si::.,~ i I ~ C1;:,..; \o_ 111~'i;ith llc;~fr x iTt. E :1rea_;_Vv :'Is I'lc,~r- IZoo`' ~ "rIratin~; Lirl:ttng ; Unit-C'cst C>>; A c _~c;rec. ~l_nlu'~ 'Po1t: 3~ld2ngs t j Attachment D :~lpplieation No. 4180 ?,ddress 5c ~~'~-4 '"'•`~'ermit No. 7 "~'`fr /~pplie~tion foe Building Perm' ' Boulder ~ •l~b implication is hereby made for permission to build a • • • • • ~ 'II`o be located on Lot... 2 r..1~... Bll{...~ .add. .~'Z.s~.~~-~~r-.~2.0 ZOne tConaisting of .Rooms . Bath..... Water Closets....... Ft. Frontage Heating..... . I$ind of 11~aterial . Est. Cost $ Dimensions ft. long ..........ft. wide.........ftr high. :I~pplication is also made for a Certificate of Occupancy ~ Complianos to be issued after tie completion of the building. ...hereby agree to. construct this building in accordance with the plot, building l lens and specifications submitted herewith and in strict compliance with all provisions of t~e Zoning Ordinance, Building Code and Health Regulations of the City of Boulder. -APProved Owner............. . Signed Address ~ . denied Contractor. Q!' ~ r • ~ • Adare~8. . fee Collected by..T~.'`~.......•••••••••• Returned by co..r? f r y: )ro V L a ' r st' ~ , Y f"+'-Y`~~ ri-.c ~ :.x:•>;~ ti• ~ -T-z- r•, '~'+s{''~.:J},r~ ° , / ~ } •v'~"~i~ .rr ''>.ytf ~v`-'r~r~~ ,~~'~j+Fk h •-'^•~S, r{ t`:\Lr~. w'~~:1 ~.r' ieF .;Z~.i ~i i a~.. r. •~.'T ~ .ai S ~ r c ~ .,N. ^t-•~+1 : ~•'rr ~•ri{~ 4iM, l'~ ~ i"~) 'r~~ a~ 'k~.)rn~1Jr ::•i ~o Y i~ti. ~ i+y. s.,J 7~..., f -tr h ~~.r >a:t S' .1 . .r~ ' +f..!}\ :i ''*jr Sr~f~..•is ~~,;~,z, ~.'l~:{' ~ - -.J ~ - ' r ~1; N• r~~ .l, r-rTYj_ T,^.vr:; ni-S`. - '~j. :i n'~,5 ~'C'~. :lii. yJ. .ti::~Y .:,.o.~~ n~ 7,~ ~d~ rj.+ ;••y -'y+. tc _ ~:t:. - ~v.:l; -v~ f. `t+•'•' v`~ _ ~}~y.~/°.. _ ~:41'.K,. ..t:' ?f~1 ;r..,,; ;-C'; i i •jr`. }.s.,~t ir. r ; k . •r~ 'o,•.t ~ "~..v r 1 ~ r J r''~ '}-i : a y -r, ` h+t - d Y{ ^ ' . 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I - ..T~ r'Ir-Ll'~..A.,~ r ~ ~t J 4 i pp r, Z~ ~ ~~c ~ _ a • r ~ - . l ~ ~-;r~is R~~'.. rY-=K.' 1-4~=' .fir-'_~~," ~1~i) I ~.L~-_ ~ it~llaall~ ,1J,_-- I,Y_ 111 t , ~ ~ y - , t _Ir _ , - ~ - I R=~ - Y~~ i..l~.;" S ~,7~ ~ ~ r~!J L; -r --ter - s t r~~ `i~ 1 , r t `li:.i ~%i" I I ~ (r-8' f - .rJ ~.-f7" \ - ~ r ff - ~ { ._2.: ~~/~..1 ~1_ - - _ r_. _ ~ - t~ t 1 j - - ~ l r' •r !f 1(... i t:F _ S ,111:!tF l~i ny~...: ~i - C ~ t a _ - ~ f 'i 1......_.1~ l~~!~~II~L ~..1 tlf.'EI _F4tY ~ _1 ,f _ r•, 'r-y - I rtr I- ~~,'#:..'I~ - ~ ~ '.•y..1 41~V FitC rJ1~11~0~i~Z(~1y_il>~ ~Ii:..f.1~_{:1`{:~0<<;~~yP:~r ~~tl., HC~Ii 1~C-1N. - ( ~ -rfl~ '~1~ .r~/ r - ]CS r\L`l~11_;"r{I (IV r~!~7~1. I~Ij~ r I~T~-r. - `7 ~'•_i ..fi - _ _ ~ ~ ~ SS _ 1- - r _ -1..1.. _y. ~ ~ i f ~ 1 D f- i i r ^ ~ ~ i ~ (L ~ {1 , r t '1`i~ - ~ j - _ _ ~ _ ir- f a +..~t~~l`l~!!- 111,,,_ 1 ~ ~Jr r ± -t ~-•r r 11~;., r; j.i'ji } 1 1 Ir- "l,.l ~ _ •1._f s 1 1 9 {r,1` 1 ll %1 ' 1 : I 1 ~ i N11 •1 ( I I~ it ! •rf ~ L ~ ~~`J.. ~1~~ It ~ ~ ! f'' •"E. o ~ Y L.~ ,~?:;ti fl 6 4{~4? n / 1 t \ (''1 - /r` ~ _ -•.j-. ~~_tlt~.illli~ ,f IS .:_Ifl~~•v]..:r: ~~f'.t 'ii'•' 11/lR i ~ 1 r'iN~1~~"''•~,~=C: .wi r ~[1~ ~~~1~1~ ~.'/_1~.lf~n_•,(~-~-~~ 17 -l`~...ttl t}' i~/al~~l~:'t'I~I.'.ly _ - ~ - . y 3 ~ ~ ~ _S C f4•t~. l~l~t~~ `I~ i• ~ ! j f ~ (t f ~ 4, ` - _ ,1 ~ , ~ - - d r v rte., 1 : _ . - - - : r z ~ r..... r. .f ' ^-f r J ! r~_i ~ _ r .r~ ~T!'r•A 1'~4 . - _ _ ^''~.)._l_t_• r _ ~ ; r rr - i. - -';105 t ~ ! ' 1 1 a ~ ` i r l ' J, r ~1 r _ i ! i ~ h:< }4 Y l~.aJ ; Slr3 yl~? - -'R+!1~1 • 5 ~ tltf Apptiestioa Na ~~'~l 'A,dd=ea~ ~t"o G,y„" f,,,,~,r,,,~ ~,.r~~ermft Afa G / y j` Applicstion for Building Permit . r Baal . cdor.~a ---7 ~ ~ Applkatioci is hereby made for permission to bold e_ _ • • ~ ~ • to betocated on LotL~__~ Rlock______~.-~/__A~dition --_~=..~ed~rlr`~--------- 7,one_ oomristing of____--.. Rooms-_-__-- Bsthe..___-- WaterCloeets____-- Ft. Fmntage. Heating------------- = Kind of Material_~.~o_~__ Fast. Coat ~ ZQ m_~ Dimensior~____________________ f!. lang ----------__it, arias //------------ft. high. Applieaticx? is also made for a Certificate of Oxupaaey and Compliance to ba issued after the completion ,oi the bolding. _ hereby agree to ooaLatruM this building in accordance with the plot, buildinu plane and specifi- ationa submitted here+srith, a.~d in strict compliance with all the ptsoviaiorts of the Zoning Orwnenc®, Bu~7di~ Code and Aealth Regulation of the City of Baader. Owner~G.. v - ' AM?tHOOed r Aadre~ si ed Denicd g" Contractor Fee >T--- - r Addreea Fes Collected by Returned by_______.___________..___--.____--_--- to ~l ~~a 21~~. •,5 ~ ~ X11 ~ ,~j ` < r t 1 - ~ ~i-rYt 'r ~~,,j r I~f A{trtl~cation2.o. ~]sX1 ~0/ .5•` ~ _ - Application for Building Perm(~i_t Application is hereby tn;tde ft,r p,•r•~~i:x`on t••'.:uad a _..d1=--- ~'~n''--~--- t,~ 1„~located on I.~t_a~~:a_y 111. ~k_--3.~. -Acldit~n^ _~!6!t•t~N.1eQ+e_-_--•_-_--- ct•nsistinR of__ ~ - Rnnm~-. _I R,iths____.. 1V:,ler Clo~et..lOII Ft. Fr*~nt;tGc. 1f,•atin{L.._ • • _ l~st. (•r•.t ~ ~QQ~ Ditr~.^.:ion~--~ ft. I•m•= Kind ~f lllatcrial_ _ - --•-~------tt. wide a -ft. high. Application i~ .d-o madi• for n ('~tt~ticatr i~f ~lieap, nc~• a•••! i.'umpli.::••e t„ bo i~-v•~1 after th••,n;•:r•.eii•~t~ ~i hi• buildin<<. t . ~ ~ in accurdan••r wit?: ;hr plat. hu ldin•_ ~+1:•r.~ and ~prrili• herd,}' nerrc t~ rntstru••t t ti, hu~l c:Nt~,n:+ suhmittrd horowith• and in strict corral;;mcc ~~•it?i all th~~ 1•rn:i~inns of thr. 7~m•n_ t'rnn:::nrr• Ru~l•ling ('ud~ nnrl ilellth Re~ulat uas ,,f lhv ~ it~• of Bould,•r. [laaiod Sier,••1 t•ontract r i . / r Returned liy-------------• - ~ (ovorl ' t ~ f .ti,y ,F ~y . ~ ~ , a•F.. {r T• R 4, ~~r ~i .'r'te. i ~ \ . ~-~„^I sir ~ r I - 1 Y ...r , ~ I ~ _ 1. r r 3`r.~ ~x2}eii"I~1 a(J1f^ 1•`1.tre~l(•~.~ ~fi w`~C^~4' ~3 ,~,!(4'r>M r `~fr Va v~ ~1 ~1 f ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ rt f '>"r ~ ~ ~ . at, t ~7` !.r t ~ ~ ~ fi .f' r j r y-.... z -,.~.'t - 'aP Y: - i . - Y t~r'ti 1 'Y ~5~.~~,.\ t ! .c r _ -4~-~~.,..r ~yt• c~i `1 ~ ~ : • ' yd ,4t'~'~( '.dye .f ~Qr'S~~ .gee'; 1' r J ' '~''~r f - 1~ r u .a _ 1 7 ~ F l,ya 0 ~1 r'- Q,t1~P i1'.I_' c,_s r-~ .s -i_ r` 1 ~ ' 1 x' Y Y.ai~ t ` t'„ i~ ~ ,v, s 4 r t 'i~~,r y t ,~+rt'~^~ I ,,S' fa i.i:_ j - !:.j,`,I ~+~t. ~,,~\/~.lc~t\~~~>,'^ sY I ~~~~f ~ .-<s-~,~`j: .,t. ~ 5T . •ti'.^, ti".,"a?'~`= k~.CeJf ...+_--~.r~- 3~`~t[ 4'~-\ o'~'tf r: ~ ~ J; _ ~e~..y... ~*o- `'~~`~=a y ~ ~:~';r"~"• Y '7'r~~ r c N - r, ti '1r ice-- ` ~ wr C'eii~'Yar~~w r :t+r."'- y. - ~t J ^ ~ ~ e r ~ opt{, r~S r I r<~ r~:~ - ~ [ ,..'.5..~„~~'~ a- e., Y _s ~r i ~ 1~1 f l~ I {~~,~i_' 2'-"'r'~~~s :l.J 1. 5.~4-z~~l~'"f ° ~r r + r ~ ~ . ~-7 r a :,~r"o. ~'t ~ - ~ $ ti r... y } a.„ v.t . _ 7 -,ri,~""_i 11 1. _'M".tlf ) - .,.-..wa+t\ i~ ~ t.... _ 1 ~ •r ~ ~'C"~~'Y1'"-t I~. ,7.~ 'f air~.;~ f ,~t. 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L ~ f - r° ~ _ ~ r I t 'traq ~ of .~iLr~l}l-Ul - _ _ - ~r _ _ _ ~ a_\\\!L~'~~:~ _ r ~ ` .t ~ , - 1 1x - . ~~'~=`~F! SC ~ ~.'1 1 ( lY/rli t r'~j4 ttV _ ~ Y-7i~-: tf ~ F I` a T S~'~~~nl) `Si~lr`ti SD j iq li ~3t1. 1 t t ~ } .r - , - e - { r 7 ~ - sl c`t4Tt :i { r ty<.i•r > ^ r - , .,r° L - \r~il )I lf~V trt -ii_~ (il~r r l+ - ~ i~c t''7 0. .,a 'I -I t~t, ti Jr)'! Ij(_{( l~ ~ art 1 ili{.` it<L Jf}7s r~l IS I :r i,~f t - t I . ~ . ~ - . ~l'VrTT Y .?'a-+ fi~ z ~ ~ /f ~ ~.,~q~ `.4~ Sri ~~r ~ ~~r"~"1~,t~,~ r_-rrt! yti 1 n~,~ - - s n7 r_ ~ , N 11 0^( ~uF^t~t„ s ~ { y; + - i t.- _ 'S .-U,;:~ ~ yrl~, 'Ck/~ j}}'t{y';~}71,at.s ..rn i :il,~.i~rr;.r~'~ xrc - y ~r~ Jn :G 1 ~ 0 4 'A„ - r y, ~~~f:X~-. ~ _,f~ 3. ~Fn~'~• :ti.~ ~~i'1~;f2:".~ 'Cq?:. Sri. ~.t^.°-2:•.:..1v= = ~ c 7, w~ ~ ~ ' . , 7' L~,. _)Y Y.:. ~ A- _,c.G,,,,h ~ . r:.~} a ,fti _ ~ _ i ? I '.~r 'I j ryt~ k - f._ rs.~. 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No.`~3 Will this aeata another dweltinp7 tL ~0 sl A ~ Yes No ZQ DESCRIPTION OF WORK: v/~~,N~IG F-so% ~ Was {or is) this building an a DE8CRBE 13tAO,U9E L~7!)?~4Cy~ gp,FT ~Q accessory buildinp7 Yes No s"~~ Ftaod Etetr. Cart Red ELECTRICAL PERMIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION Temp, CanU.Pwr./Per, No Fee- Lot _ 8fock Contractor Name Rep. No. No, Units V+I____ New Work AddJRam. Sq. Ft. Unit No. S Sq. Ft. Unit No. 2 Fea_ Sutxlirislon New Src. Chg. Svc. Sisa/Main Baseboard Elec Hip. w 1 hereby state the rebore is correct, and I agreo to comply 1 apre¦ to perform this work in mmptiance Fotctd Air Furnace 4 O wit a C' y Or iiranoes repula':np construction with the Codas of the City of Boulder. Other I~ Z Irtswctd 6Y Data Spmtun of Applicant Date ~hh ' not Orrnar or A Ilunt ~ PLllM61NG PERMIT DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE i 1 Type of Cvr,ri. Occ. Group Contractor Name Lit. 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Attachment F Landmark Preservation Advisory Koard Adopted 9/17/75 Secretary to the Board SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA Individual Landmark September 1975 On September 6, 1.974, the City Council adopted Ordinance #4000 providing procedures for the designation of Landmarks and Historic Districts in the City of Boulder. The purpose of the ordinance is the preservation of the City's permitted cultural, historic, and architectural heritage. The Landmarks Board is permitted by the ordinance to adopt rules and regulations as it deems necessary for its own organization and procedures. The following Significance Criteria have been adopted by the Board to help evaluate each potential designation in a consistent and equitable manner. Historical Significance The place (building, site, area) should show character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage, or cultural characteristics of the community, state or nation; be the site of a historic, or prehistoric event that had an effect upon society; or exemplify the cultural, political, economic, or social heritage of the community. 1. Date of Construction: This area of consideration places particular importance on the age of the structure. 2. Association with Historical Persons or Events: This association could be national, state, or local. 3. Distinction in the Development of the Community of Boulder: This is most applicable to an institution (religious, educational, civic, etc) or business structure, though is some cases residences night qualify. It stresses the importance of preserving those places which demonstrate the growth during different time spans in the history of Boulder, in order to maintain an awareness of our cultural, economic, social or political heritage. 4. Recognition by Authorities: If it is recognized by Historic Boulder, Inc. the Boulder Iistorical Society, ]veal historians (Barker, Crossen, Frink, Gladden, Paddock, Schooland, etc), State Historical Society, The Improvement of Boulder, Colorado by F.L. Olmsted, or others in published form as having historical interest and value. 5. Other, if applicable. Architectural Significance The place should embody those distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, a good example of the common; be the work of an architect or master builder, known 04.OSsignif-indiv nationally, state-wide, or locally, and perhaps whose work has influenced later development; contain elements of architectural design, detail, materials or craftsmanship which represent a significant innovation; or be a fine example of the uncommon. 1. Recognized Period/St~ It should exemplify specific elements of an architectural period/style, ie: Victorian, Revival styles, such as described by Historic American Building ,Survey Criteria, Gingerbread Aye (1Vlaass}, 76 Boulder Homes (Barkar), The History of Architectural Style (Marcus/Wiffin), Architecture in San Francisco (Gebhard et al), History of Architecture (Flectcher}, Architecture/Colorado, and any other published source of universal or local analysis of "style." 2. Architect or Builder of Prominence: A good example of the work of an architect or builder who is recognized for expertise in his field nationally, state-wide, or locally. 3. Artistic Merit: A skillful integration of design, material, and color which is of excellent visual quality and/or demonstrates superior craftsmanship. 4. Example of the Uncommon: Elements of architectural design, details, or craftsmanship that are representative of a significant innovation. 5. Indigenous Qualities: A style or material that is particularly associated with the Boulder area. • 6. Uther, if applicable. Environmental Significance The place should enhance the variety, interest, and sense of identity of the community by the protection of the unique natural and man-made environment. 1. Site Characteristics: It should be of high quality in terms of planned or natural vegetation. 2. Compatibility with Site: Consideration will be given to scale, massing placement, or other qualities of design with respect to its site. 3. Geographic Importance: Due to its unique location or singular physical characteristics, it represents an established and familiar visual feature of the community. 4. l::nvironmental Appropriateness: The surroundings are complementary and/or it is situated in a manner particularly suited to its function. 5. Area Tnte~rity: Places which provide historical, architectural, or environmental importance and continuity of an existing condition, although taken singularly or out of context might not qualify under other criteria. 6. Usher, if applicable. U4.USsiy/gnif-indiv