4 - 607 Forest Ave. - stay-of-demolition (expires April 15, 2009 Dear Landmark Committee, I live around the corner from the above property, which is requesting a demolition permit. As a neighbor and property owner, I feel that the permit should be granted. The existing structure is not, in my opinion, worth preserving as it does not sufficiently meet the Landmark criteria (architectural significance, historically significant occupants/occurrences, etc). I think you would agree that there are a number of homes in our neighborhood and in the City that better exemplify the Landmark criteria. I am generally familiar with the plans for the new home the owners are proposing and feel the proposed home will be better suited for our neighborhood than the existing structure for a number of reasons. The proposed home will fulfill the needs of the neighborhood's market which is young and growing families. On the bases o-f design, amenities, and square footage, the current home is not safe or suitable for the market nor a young family. The proposed home will be more ecologically friendly and environmentally efficient, values I'm proud much of the neighborhood shares. I do hope the Committee considers seriously allowing the owners to move forward with their plans without the 6 month stay. Should you have questions or need additional input, I may be reached at 720.289.5947. Sincerely, Chris 7acobs 3132 Sth Street Bonnell, Juliet From: Julie Benjamin [jebster12@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:46 PM To: Ipab Subject: 607 Forest Ave Dear Landmark Committee: I am writing in support of a demolition permit for 607 Forest Ave. I live on the adjacent corner of 6th and Forest (555 Forest), and wonder why there is even a question regarding the tear-down of this property. The house at 607 Forest is ugly and old; it lacks any architectural or historical significance. It is constructed of vinyl, and I know the roof leaks. I'm not sure its truly safe in its present condition. I also don't believe it meets any of the three criteria which would classify it for preservation. I'm sure you know that the plan of the owners is to build a safe, sustainable, and ecologically friendly home. The construction of such a house will enhance the character of the neighborhood, as well as add to the value of all the surrounding homes. I realize neighbors wishes don't really come into play in your decision making, but I wanted to add my "two cents". Thank you for your time, and for all the work you do in helping keep Boulder the wonderful place it is to live. Sincerely yours, Julie Benjamin 1 t3onnetl, Juliet From: Hewat, James Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 10:00 AM To: Ipab Subject: FW: 607 Forest Ave see attached From: Steve Remmert [mailto:steve@steveremmert.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 9:46 AM To: 'jgoodson'; Hewat, James; Meschuk, Chris Cc: 'Lisa Goodson' Subject: RE: 607 Forest Ave Hey James, I enjoyed working successfully with you and the Landmarks Board on the difficult Uberoi / Hobart Wagner home. ft seemed that a reasonable resolution was found and I feel that Cheri appears to be doing a great job of respectfully contributing to the home. It appeared to me that there were a variety of reasons for the Landmarks board to intervene in the demolition of that specific property. I see absolutely no way that 607 Forest should fall into that same category. don't see any historical significance with the architect, if the architect can even be identified, the home certainty has no character or defining architectural elements and it does not appear to contribute to the neighborhood. Unlike areas tike Mapleton Hitl, this neighborhood has virtually no consistent theme and has perhaps come to be more defined by larger nicer homes than small shacks. I am respectful of the Landmark Board and appreciate their efforts as I too believe in preservation. With that said, I think attempting to Landmark this home makes a strong negative statement about the rote and potential overuse of authority with no specific justification and undermines the Landmark Boards entire objective. I do not think it would be fair to the community and especially fair to the Goodson family to impose this burden on them, especially given the fact that the neighbors are in support and also see no historic contribution. know John and have worked with him in years past. John is committed to building aesthetically interesting, environmentally friendly and of course safe homes. He is a wonderful person that is mindful of the importance of a home and it role within a community. So please see what others see as common sense and allow the Goodsons to move forward on what will be a beautiful home that will ultimately contribute to the neighborhood and serve the community for years to come by providing a tax payer with a great functional place to live. Thanks, Steve steve remrnert From: jgoodson [mailto:jgoodson@meritosolutions.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 7:05 AM To: hewatj@bouldercolorado.gov; meschukc@bouldercoiorado.gov Cc: Lisa Goodson Subject: FW: 607 Forest Ave Importance: High James-- I'm a bit confused as to the power of the board.... In my understanding they are in place to keep homes that may have potential for landmark from slipping through the cracks. Yet after yesterday's meeting, it seems they are there to really do whatever they want. Your research says this house doesn't fit any landmark criteria, and there has been no neighborhood interest in landmarking the property--even Bili yesterday said the neighbors didn't want to keep the structure--they are only interested in what we are going to put in it's place. When do the boundaries of the board get enforced? We don't know what we are going to put there and we won't know until we are given a green light to demo and therefore can start planning. It seems to me the board is forcing us to begin our planning process--when that (according to the code) has no relevance as to whether or not a property is landmarked... appreciate your standing strong yesterday on not supporting another sign in front of our property--is seemed to me like they want to change the rules that they have been following for the last 10 years just for this one property? But I think I'm going to put my own sign out front b/c if I don't then I fear that Plass will say he wants to initiate landmarking just so a sign can "again" be placed outside our property?? Is there any protocol in place here? Do they have to follow the rules of the existing code or can they change them on the fly? How can they initiate landmarking if there has been no public interest and the research done by you (which I had to pay for) doesn't support it?? We're meeting with all the neighbors Monday or Tuesday of next week to discuss what we want to do there. I don't mind doing this b/c I'm not hiding anything, but it's delaying the process for us and I don't see where the rules are that allow this to happen. I have a business I run and I travel extensively for it at week-long intervals--this process is now costing me income because I have to stay in town for these meetings. Here's another email that was sent to the LPAB email address (which you said may not be working correctly...) Please ensure it gets to the board. Sincerely, John Goodson From: jebsterl2@msn.com To: Ipab@bouldercolorado.gov Subject: 607 Forest Ave Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2008 12:46:16 -0700 Dear Landmark Committee: I am writing in support of a demolition permit for 607 Forest Ave. I live on the adjacent corner of 6th and Forest (555 Forest), and wonder why there is even a question regarding the tear-down of this property. The house at 607 Forest is ugly and old; it lacks any architectural or historical significance. It is constructed of vinyl, and I know the roof leaks. I'm not sure its truly safe in its present condition. I also don't believe it meets any of the three criteria which would classify it for preservation. I'm sure you know that the plan of the owners is to build a safe, sustainable, and ecologically friendly home. The construction of such a house will enhance the character of the neighborhood, as well as add to the value of all the surrounding homes. I realize neighbors wishes don't really come into play in your decision making, but I wanted to add my "two cents". Thank you for your time, and for all the work you do in helping keep Boulder the wonderful place it is to live. Sincerely yours, Julie Benjamin z ~ . f 1 ~ ~`•(y,.,, ,.I 1 ~ ~ I ~ rIR I- 7 K' 1• Ty' ~ 1~r 1 ~v1 ~ ~rl ' iM1.r~1 ~w ~1~ t rte, ' _ =y:.- r 1 ~y ~ ~ I h _ v- ~ z ~ i..,I:. .I , .1 a~ t + i ~ ~ ' --fi~r Ir 7 11 ~ •a w~ ~ ~ ~ '_A M, a - ~ ~ ~_t^{ ' r- v •-tom r ~ ~v, s _I ~ ~fl ~Af !ti~ ~ ~`Ji a.. _ _ ~ f fi •.9. ~ ~ r . ~ ~ ~~y ~ - I - ~7 F ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ r sail ' ~ fe ~ 20f33 Brnildvr Courtly, ~rlrnado (Aerial F4ntcgraphs. Sprint,~Currurer, 7l_iCh i ~a f,~~` , t ~ ; • • ~ ~ Boulder County Fri Dec 2614:07:45 MST 2008 'ibis map is intended for display purposes only and is not intended for any legal representations 607 Forest Avenue Houses that support the Goodson's and signed the petition Houses not in support of the Goodson's 607 Forest Avenue Demolition We the undersigned are in support of the demolition of the current structure at 607 Forest Avenue Boulder, CO 80304. We believe that the house offers no architectural significance. Further, we don't believe the home is suitable for the Goodson family and would like to see them given the ability to build a new ecologically sustainable home. Printed Name Address Signature / r~l 2 ~ ~ r ~ ' - y~ _'t~- 4 13 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 a ~ ~ 14 15 _ 15 ~ oc S 17 ~ ~ l~ Y~ V~o 23 _ ~ 31 ~ o ~T N- S 24 ~ `j ~ p bD ~t~ J~ _ 607 Forest Avenue Demolition We the undersigned are in support of the demolition of the current structure at 607 Forest Avenue Boulder, CO 80304. We believe that the house offers no architectural significance. Further, we don't believe the home is suitable for the Goodson family and would like to see them given the ability to build a new ecologically sustainable home. Printed Name Address Signature , 26 ~ 3~go l~~S~ 27 - L acl~~ ~ ~ ~ L , 28 M ~ ~rl(~ Sl S~ -art S~ ~ ~ 30 ~ l~ -'..r7~rLS 3J I ~ 7~` 3~ce~ 31 ~~L~~ 3 Z/ l ~ll S~ - 32 _.J ol-~ N t_ ~ (3 o t_ q~ ~v G 3 Z 3 ~ Ste` ~7C 34 ~-~nnrr__ ~1~Z,~~?rtahS _~_~3 3 S~. 35 Ub r`~V U~~~ 33 ( t 36 ~ ~ l Ge I .j z Z ~ iJ~h S`~ I/ - 40 (,~fZ.~ C.~~flit ~ BUD ~ L J ~ S~ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1' IC'N ' mt~ '~111~11'~~~'~~i~~ ~~11 382 tt?tt AV~P,i~~~ ~J. BI «~:k 3t~, FAX: {`3d3~ X43-~.9~i3L} ~v, ww~r. ftat_crr~•_corr er, !a. r '~iny'I tiidinq--nit crig;n~~l addition--not arigin~l struct~?re ; S~:AL:~ 1"=~~' Vin~~~ VV:ndov~~5--tzat original ~ 30' `I T ~ ~ 'a :n ~ ~J~ t II l ~i K X-ii-~- ~ FRAJ~E 2~, ~ SIizD ~ " LC7T $ z2.o' 1h N~ ~ f 30' W ~ \ FRkldE ~ e ~ ur I_ j ~ - _ ~ \ \ M G;tRAv^E 14.6' `9. FR Atli E ~ concszErE r l ~1 ~ ~ • ~nl • . ~ C~I~CR£?F WALK ~ : -o - - - - T DEIAOLITICN APPLICATIONS 1990.2005 OE/AO CONS. GATE NE3GHBORHOOD ADDRESS APPLICATION DEMO RENEW TYPE HEARING DATE BOARD ACTION NOTES CALL•UP Sta im osed F3NAL RESULT tyt0 Fmlards 23A: 11tH St 3'22005 32'2.005 180•da^ sow sla Idtod, damo a D. A rovad •as ves dcmnrshen :y47 Kean Newlznds 3t?~ EroaCwa; 2;!912004 ro:.:y Full Cerro UernoLs'ned t?49 r:?at Newldndt. 't rO5151n $I 7~1921)D$ a;.~ rUVed dard EdCmD dnmGl: ;ned 7831 tl•: a'':v.vWndi ntc„un rAve. F1.2008 a[~prG':r~a pemd of pnrCrrya Slrc^:u'eSaoe55oN Bldd. dnm.ol ;hnd 1926 K'@:•:%aryS `29271r~!.h 4127!1594 ;~rn~:E'. dCCeSSar h3alUrn. 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OIU ~.7•_•~vI::I•.ed t Bay r: e;d nr:ls 2?744th '6'2004 a ora•: ed ron~d~s:gnatad cool domd O•+ar 50 w3 Osd Bern;r•.!.rdd t 947 me:: ~-as 3 ;_+0 5T SL e`~2a~2Cv?a an raven - a,e dan..~ .r,r., ~;l,rr.,•d t??g r:c-:., ~~m:as 31n::91n S1 ;KtODb 07/07/04 aCareved '1~rCeme aryl dzra ademo 'es :fa.-ol~g!:ed '939 r.e.::n n75 3, 86 ,nth 51 77!12%2004 a rGrnd r,,oUimp of t3lCr. ovar 50 S. OIq d::•va~~~~.n..d t 854 r:c:v ianrts 26356nt SI ;282004 02r02/O5 a .rc: ed Mo es rro d^~.•, .=d t?25 Nev,iands 3`53 9:r. St. tH2••2C05 aaGrc.'ad ;u', d?mv of house 8 Parana d^.^~-~''aned t 450 r;c;.lands 2928 <tn St ut2'2CO5 ahcwved 1u~l Cerro cons ml?4J d~mn~,:;ned :846 r:e;•4n`1s 3vt6 c!h 5t trtb%2CJs as rm:ov hri demo dnrno'„5'+cd t 924 r: e:,lanCO 307? tern S: 2~m2Cf.& a .rcva;t ;7nraae Certm demcb5ned 1050 r;c:,im,s 2861 ;:'1+ S; Z~ar1.U05 ac ravad Ful' damo of non~dwi naiad SFR ewer 50 ors old demo'.!shed t 846 h~:,',ar-~ds 2978 3rd St 3'7:2W5 a `rc: e7 run damo o' S.F F. o•:ar 5G rs. OId ;rn o::sned 7954 'dmvlan;ts 3J5 E+ergr?en Ave 3~.2CQ5 +3n D:r:v:.~ 4l demo aemeasnev 1940 Nnt•,Iar,dS 3229 f01h Si. 3'23'2.GJ5 - lull Como Iti. acessa• h!d demo'ahed 1950 Nera,ln:;; 933 Farngi Av.' RCtiS - - - SFO Cnm~^ Cerr,o'~5hrd 1904 t.'av.lans 3773 Pan S! ~'[7:2cC5 ~ccrc de'no of SFR and rarare ;don 50 s. Old ^es no remmrShed 1928 rJS I,9ay5 727 •:Mg Gan Ave 2u:° 7G'7° ~d lull UVma vt $F: cony In 1429 Cs rq r~mef6hed 1842 NE~nlany; tiS E:'@rdre9n e. 592005 ,rl lull dem0 dPmo!shfd 1900 Kevaands 3134 'O;h S1 5~62"v45 a,: r+r~: EJ D]rUal demo of roar or: t?,ry, SFR CrmNrSMtl 795! ~e-;,lands 3727 5!n Sl St7i2G35 al•nrov:^y ':.'l ;am remofshea c. 1947 Neelznds 3031 Slh S7. °f!!?r{,15 lrCnrovud lu'I U';rr.r; dr:mofr5hco tii5 I•i~.~n Ave. ORC aDD:av rd ~ ~ rna'rt 'dl,u„ ~'ure rent; e 2,t93 sq, it. rc~sa ~,u 50 ~ c:d 1953 Neer tdawlanCS ~ ::,%2775 ,vr~d ;h:~r; LPL L• ac2SSCrv ;;u'n:;lo< c_ncLFheC 1947 Near NewiaMS ~C7 Vaasa Vrow Dr. &•320",{ pRC a -Droved 7oln; Cerro dl ncn-day;natdd SFD a: er 50 ors. dhrnW.isndd !947 Noar N7,v:ands 2885'Nashin ton St. 9.'7X05 DRC a rov W Damo U SFR anv gars a crass. In 1?47 ,tr•mrssr ed 3"5 G~oaov; ay Ada. DRC improved Enclose Cr es s: rr, :.un. c^•c^ t^"=. s•ree: sale v! n no~rdNs:gnat~d SFD ;921 `J? 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Ceae Number Canst C Ciry Neighbonc~ Addrwe Received Review Type LPAB Meetfr Approved Approved @fr Oaaeription Stayed Finel or tetaat Actlon Final or l.eteet Action Data HIS20C7-00319 C NEW:-ANDS 2860 TH ST 11720!2007 Ncn-D~es~gnatad Poat•1840 ComoJOB Site Relocation t 1r26ie~07 SWtt Review for proposes denwGtion of a SFO 8 detached garage built in 7952 Appticatron Approved 1112&'2007 HIS2CC7.00029 19^?J NEWLANDS 323' "H ST 02'16'X0? Non-,^.es'gnatee Accessory Oemolindn C2i27i2007 Statr Entire demaD.tioo of a detached accessory structure !ahed) Apptcaoor Approved 02127%?007 HIS"<007-00165 79.79 NEW'~..ANDS 535 ALPINE AV 07/0?++2007 Non-Ces.cnatea Pra•1940 Cemoiptf She Aelocetion C7/t 3/X07 LD?C Landmark review for damo'ilcr of slnq!e lami'ry house and garage. APWica?cr. Approved 07/13r2007 HIS2007.00326 19tC NEW;ANOS 2004 4'H ST 11,291200? Non-]esgratad Prat 940 DemolOL Site Reloc 1110iX07 C<111i2tx08 LpAB Futl structure dorno o' SFD Applicat:oc Approved 04117+2009 HIS200?•00256 7973 NEWLANDS 3.25 5'H ST 09+14/2007 Nan-Des grated Pre•t940 Coma%Of' Sito Relocation 03!27:2007 LDRC Enti!e shucfuro domohtion of sipgle•fami(y res~ence. Apptica!ior. Approved 09!2172007 HIS20C6.00006 7420 NEWt.AN05 443 ALPINE AN 0110?+2006 Nen-Des~grated Pre-1940 Demd/0ff S•'e Roiocadon 0117512008 LDRC Ertire stroctare demeLtion of dOClox consuuclod In 7920. Appfica5on Appraded 01/16+2006 HiS2008.00235 1920 NEWLANDS 2939 • •'H ST 10102@000 Non-0esgnatad Post•194D DemaOB Siva P,etocation iCr09'2CC8 Stoff Demo detached garage Applicaron Approved 10'178+?006 N152008.00044 7927 NEWLANDS 3'. 6. 4TH ST 031OM'2068 Nan-Cesynateo Pre•194G hma+0f7 Slte Relocation 03.'13'2008 LDRC Proposed demolition of a SFD, bu'It ci,:a'927 Appiratior. Approved o9rt 3+2006 HIS7006-00211 1927 NEWLANDS 3:71 9TH ST O6Je^5r'LCOB Nort•Ces:gneted Accessory Demo:itcn C9r'031"eC08 Sta}t Dameitor cf de;ached accessory a7ruc'uro,'.vitl retain facade !acing s?eet (east wall) and north wall. App!ieatron Approved 09,03+2008 HIS2007-00240 1959 NE1N:.ANDS 3730 9TH S'f 08!3112007 Non•Desigrato,: Pre-1540 DemoiDtf Site Raloeetion 09105!'2007 LDRC Crtl•e st•uctu•a den•oUtion of srgle-faml'y resdertca and deterhed garage. Apaticat~n Approved 09+05'2067 HISe 0P.-00241 1435 NEIb'-ANDS 3' •3 "'H ST 10i1070C8 Non-i;esgr,ateo Pra-1940 Com~'Of` 5^.e 4uloc 12~C37009 1!73'2009 _PAd Demo app•oval'o• Fcwe S~ It r 19:19 App'icart Fas p•cposec tc ads seccrd s7oy [o eY.isting'1o^m, r A:ci,cat or Approved 12~03120Cro