2 - Draft Minutes - Landmarks - November 5, 2008 e CITY OF BOULDER LANDMARKS BOARD November 5, 2008 1.777 Broadway, Council Chambers Room 6 p.m. The following are the action minutes of the November 5, 2008 City of Boulder Landmarks Board meeting. A digital recording and a permanent set of these minutes (maintained for a period of seven years) are retained in Central Records (telephone: 303-441-3043). You may also listen to the recording nn-line at: www.boulde landevelo .net. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Nancy Kornblum Leonard May Tim Plass, Chair Lisa Podmajersky John Spitzer BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: *Andrew Shoemaker *Planning Board representative without a vote STAFF MEMBERS: Sue Ellen Harrison, Assistant City Attorney Susan Richstone, Long Range Planning Manager James Hewat, Historic Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, Historic Preservation Planner Juliet Bonnell, Administrative Specialist 1. CALL TO ORDER The roll having been called, Chair T. Plass declared a quorum at 6:05 p.m. and the following business was conducted. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES On a motion by N. Kornblum, seconded by L. May, the Landmarks Board approved (4-0, J. Spitzer absent) the minutes of the October 1, 2008 board meeting. 3. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION FOR ITEMS NOT ON TI3E AGENDA 4. DISCUSSION OF LANDMARK ALTERATION AND DEMOLITION APPLICATIONS ISSUED AMID PENDING • 955 Broadway Avenue, Acacia Fratenuty Building, stay-of-demolition expires January 19, 2009 C. Meschuk updated the board on this item. 1 5. ACTION ITEMS LAI~IDMARK ALTERATION: A. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to rehabilitate and construct atwo-story, 5,000 sq. ft. rear and side addition to the landmarked Temple- Bowron House at 1507 Pine Street, per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (>rIIS2008-00055). Owner/Applicant: Clifford 1. Neuman/Craig Bundy, Architect ITEM SA .HAS BEEN POSTPONED LANDMARK ALTERATION: B. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to demolish a non-contributing garage and in its place construct a new 576 sq. ft. two-car garage at 504 Marine Street in the Highland Lawn Historic District per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Revised Code (FIIS2008-00222). Owner/Applicant: Scott Dale Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. J. Spitzer arrived at the meeting at 6:12 p.m. T. Plass, N. Kornblum, and L. Podmajersky all made a site visit and reported email correspondence. L. May and J. Spitzer reported email correspondence. Staff Presentation J. Hewat presented the item to the board. Applicant's Presentation Scott Dale, 504 Marine Street, owner, spoke in support of a landmark alteration certificate to demolish the non-contributing garage and in its place construct a new two-car garage at 504 Marine Street. He discussed the limitations he faced regarding the slope of the land (ridge height), building height restrictions, and solar limitations due to code requirements and the solar ordinance and urged the board to consider design aesthetics as well as requirements. He noted that he intends to use recycled asphalt rather than concrete for the driveway. He requested that the board not require any alterations to the proposed design. Public Hearing Caroline Geer, 512 Marine Street, neighbor, spoke in support of the landmark alteration certificate. Motion On a motion by T. Plass, seconded by J. Spitzer, the Landmarks Board approved (5-0) with the conditions below, a landmark alteration certificate to allow for the demolition of the non- contributing garage and construction of a new 576 square foot, two-car garage at the contributing property at 504 Marine Street in the Highland Lawn Historic District in that the proposed construction meets the requirements set forth in Chapter 9-l 1-1.8, B.R.C. 1981, subject to the conditions below, and adopted the staff memorandum dated November 5, 2008, as findings of the board. 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 1. The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring that the development shall be constructed in compliance with all approved plans on file in the City of Boulder Planning Department, except as modified by these conditions of approval. 2. Prior to a building permit application, the applicant shall submit, subject to the final review and approval of the Landmarks design review committee, paving material in front of garage more in keeping with the design guidelines, details regarding roof, windows doors and siding materials. The applicant shall demonstrate that the design details are in compliance with the intent of this approval and the General Design Guidelines. The board agreed to hear and discuss items 5C and 5D jointly for clarity. LANDMARK DESIGNATION: C. Public hearing and consideration of an application to designate the property at 800 Pearl Street as a local historic landmark per Section 9-11-5 of the Boulder Revised Code, 1981 (HIS2008-00148). Owner/Applicant: Pearl Street Properties, LLC/Morgan Creek Ventures LANDMARK ALTERATION: D. Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to remove 3,800 sq. ft. of the existing 6,400 sq. ft. building, rehabilitate the W.J. Chamberlain Sampling Works building, and to construct 8,700 sq. ft. of additions to the building at 800 Pearl Street (pending landmark property), per Section 9-11-18 of the Boulder Kevised Code (HIS2008-00149). Owner/Applicant: Pearl Street Properties, LLC/Morgan Creek Ventures Board members were asked to reveal any ex parte contacts they may have had on this item. N. Kornblum recused herself for items SC and SD due to a conflict of interest. T. Plass discussed this item at a Landmarks design review committee meeting and made a site visit. L. Podmajersky discussed this item at a Landmarks design review committee meeting. J. Spitzer reported email correspondence. L. May revealed no ex-parte contacts. Staff s Presentation C. Meschuk presented item SC to the board. J. Hewat presented item SD to the board. Applicant's Presentation Andy Bush, Morgan Creek Ventures, 2345 Bluff Street, spoke in support of landmark designation and issuance of a landmark alteration certificate. He noted that the applicant submitted these applications jointly and if the landmark alteration certificate was not approved, the application for the designation might be withdrawn. Libby Cook, owner of 800 Pearl Street (Lolita's Grocery Store), noted that with its current size and condition, Lolita's grocery store is no longer able to meet the needs of the neighborhood or 3 its customers. She felt their proposal respected historic aspects of the building while allowing Lolita's to continue its viability as a grocery store. Public Hearing Kelly Davis, 2455 lOt~ Street, spoke in support of the landmark designation. I Ic expressed concern about an all or nothing approach to historic preservation and encouraged the board to consider approval with conditions to the landmark alteration certificate. Darrin Harris Frisby, 163 Skyview Drive North, spoke in support of the landmark designation and demolition/reconstruction/rehabilitation of this property. Tom Keller, 612 Spruce Street, spoke in support of the landmark designation and protecting the institution of Lolita's. He spoke about the run-down condition of the building and encouraged the board to approve the proposed demolition, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of this building. Mary Ellen Vaughn, 839 Gold Run Road, spoke in support of the landmark designation and demolition, reconstruction, and rehabilitation of this property. She was impressed with the current rendering of the proposal and Iughly supportive of Lolita's. William Horton, 838 Spruce, spoke in support of Lolita's and its preservation as an institution, -but he did express concern about the proposed new construction dwarfing Lolita's and emphasized the importance of preserving the character of the building and the neighborhood. Abby Daniels, Historic Boulder, 1123 Spruce Street, supported landmarking this building, but noted that the Historic Boulder board has not had a chance to review the design of the proposed changes yet. Applicant's Rebuttal Andy Bush expressed the applicant's willingness to continue working with staff to achieve the best and most appropriate outcome for this historic building. Board Discussion The board took no action on items SC and SD, but made the following comments/suggestions to the applicant regarding these items: The board unanimously supported the designation of 800 Pearl Sireet as a historic landmark. The board was split on how the boundary of the property should be defined. Some board members supported using wider boundaries to protect the surrounding context of the building, while others felt comfortable accepting the applicant's proposed boundarics. Board members generally agreed with staff's recommended reasons to deny the landmark alteration certificate for removal and reconstruction of part of the building. The Landmarks Board suggested looking at alternatives to reduce the percentage/amount of the proposed demolition. The applicant withdrew both applications. 6. MATTERS FROM THE LANDMARKS BOARD, PLANNING DEPARTMENT AND CITY ATTORNEY S. Harrison announced that she would no longer be acting as the Landmarks Board Attorney. The December Landmarks Board meeting will be S. Harrison's final meeting. Debra Kalish 4 will be the new Landmarks Board Attorney and will attend the December Landmarks Board meeting. The board recessed at 9:25 p.m. and resumed at 9:33 p.m. N. Kornbium returned from her recusal at 9:33 p.m. A. Planning Board Calendar B. Presentation by Chautauqua Association regarding proposed revisions to signage section of the Chautauqua Design Guidelines. J. I-Iewat introduced the item. He indicated that the Chautauqua Association will be revising the signage section of the guidelines and outlined the process that will be taken. Jim Turner, Director of Operations of the Colorado Chautauqua Association, provided the board with background inforniation regarding the Chautauqua Association's Design Guidelines. Seth Frankel, Ecos Communications, 400 Marine Street, presented the item to the board along with Michelle Wolf of Ecos Communications and Lara Ramsey. C. Mesehuk updated the board on projects in progress that will be heard by City Council withui the next month as well as items that will be heard by Landmarks Board. The board decided on the following topics as agenda items to be discussed at their special meeting on 11/19/08. 1. Preservation Plan Scope --content and timeline for project (30 min) 2. Ordinance code changes and undesignated resource protection (1 hour, 30 min) 3. Staff recommendations vs. board actions and board/staff roles (30 min) Landmarks Board noted that they will write a letter to City Council for council to discuss at its retreat in January. 7. DEBRIEF 11ZE:ETINU/CALENDAR CHECK 8. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:43 p.m. Approved on December 3, 2008 Respectfully submitted, Chairperson 5