5D - 2135 11th St (HIS2008-00157) Landmark Alteration Certificate to install a set of round arch walnut doors and a decorative tra...he facade of the non-contributing property MEMORANDUM August 20'h, 2008 TO: Landmarks Board FROM: Susan Richstone, Long Kange Planning Manager James Hewat, I Iistoric Preservation Planner Chris Meschuk, 1istoric Preservation Planner Allison I Iawes, Historic Preservation Intern SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a Landmark Alteration Certificate to install a set of round arch walnut doors and a decorative transom light on the facade of the non-contributing property located at 2135 11~h Street per Section 9-11-18 of t11e Boulder Revised Code (HIS2008-00157). STA'T'ISTICS: 1. Site: 2135 11"' Sircet 2. I Iistoric District: Mapleton Hill 3. Zoning: RI,-1 (Residential Low - 1) 4. Uwner: Sett Woodard 5. Applicant: Scott Woodard 6. Date of Construction: 2008 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board adopt the following motion: The Landmarks Board denies the application for the proposed doors and transom on the east elevation of the house at 2135 11tt, Street as shown on plans included in the application dated 06.18.2008 finding that it does not meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, 13.R.C. 1981 and is substantially inconsistent with sections 6.4 & 6.5 of the General Design Guidelines and section U of the Mapleton Hill Histnrir District Design Gzudelirtes. '['h~~ I~~~ard ad(~pts this mr~ni~~ findings fog" its d~~cisiun. AGENDA ITEM #SD YA(:F; ~ ti \PI.~\N~ilny~Uunerut~yllti_I\_\I_._fO~I2:1;5\I_lislurie Districts\\1ai~lrtnn II-ill\1 Ith 2135\08.06.03 rncmc~ ~I~~~• SUMMARY: • The house at 2135 11th Street was constructed after plans were reviewed and approved by the Landmarks Board in March of 2008. • On May 14t'', 2008 the Landmarks Design Peview Committee reviewed the application to install double walnut doors and decorative transom light on the east elevation of the house at 2135 11'h Street modifying the March 2006 plans that called for the installation of an eight-light, single door and transom. • The Board considered the application to be inconsistent with Section 6.5.2 of the General Design Guidelines and referred the application io the full Landmarks Board for review in a public hearing. • Staff recommends that the Landmarks Board deny the application in that it does not meet the standards for issuance of a Landmark Alteration Certificate in Chapter 9-11-18, B.R.C. 1.981 and is substantially inconsistent with sections 6.4 & 6.5 of the Gerrcrat Dc~sigrr Guidelines and section U of the Mapletcm lull 1listc~ric' 1~istrict Desi~~~rr Grrirfelinc~~. ~ o a a _ ~J 11 t h S r-e l - --1 0 0 ~ ~ Figure 1. Location NLip ;1(~h;~il),1 ITEM#Sll Yr1Gl? Z 5.'PI.:AV~~,~Li~a11~n~;-.:;ui~~~~llfi"I'~•,Ai.TCl~hlS`~.lli~~~nic 11:~~Ir'~;~t~A~~1.;:~le:~ui HillAI Ilti:?13S\Uti OGUS men:n.d~~c PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: The construction of the house at 213511th Street was given Einai approval by the Landmarks Board in March of 2006 as part of the larger review for the redevelopment of the 25,000 sq. ft. Howe Mortuary property. ~[`he adjacent former mortuary building is a tall one-story neo-classical brick building with a footprint of approximately 9000 sq. ft. set at the south end of the lot. Its foundation is of sandstone slab construction from which sand struck brick walls rise. The flat roof of the building is dominated by a large projecting eave upon which is constructed a balustrade set between brick piers. The facade of the mortuary features a colonnaded portico accessed from ground level by a wide set of flagstone steps. Additions to the east (11th Street elevation) include a projecting bay and enclosed porte-cochere which was constructed in 1975. Unti12007 the Howe Mortuary site consisted of three lots from Spruce Street on a steady rise to Pine Street. A lot line adjustment was recently completed and consolidated the three parcels into a single Iot. ANALYSIS OF HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE OF PROPERTY: Constructed in "1921, the former I-love Mortuary building, originally part of the property in question, is considered a contributing resource to the Mapleton Hill Historic District for its distinctive Neo-Classical architechtral design, its operation as a mortuary for veer 80 years, and for its associatiozl with A.E. Howe and fhe locally prominent Howe family. Following the 1994 survey of the district, the period of significance for the district was determined to extend from 1.865 (the date of construction of the Squires house at "1019 Spruce St.) to 1.946. A(YENDA I'T'EM #SD PAf.TE S:\PLAN\data\lonQranr~\t1IS71AL'fCERTS\I-listoric DistrictsWlapleton hill\1 ]th 2135\08.06.08 memo.doc f - - _ L - r I- ~ ~ , . _ ~ F rr ~ 1.. r ~r ;.;J Z.Q~ F ~ _ ~Sa - ~ I I -~J-- CI v~ ~ SR a.~ Figure 2. East elevation of 2135 11'h Street - scheme approved by Landmarks Board 03/06 . -#t ~ ~f. p _ As .~~~3' ~ a K;~+i ^i:,':. ~ ~ yc.J ~ ~ .,I _ f~ ~1 _ .f' Vr~ ~ i. yr ~ l b Y '~~4 ~ ~ f ~ I ;ill~fll~; 3fIlI;;, i d~l.6'I~~~~ .Figure 3. East elevation of 2135 11~'' Street, as built BACI<GROUND: On May"14, 2008 the Landmarks Design Review Committee (LDRC) reviewed drawings to modify the eight-light, single door and t.ransozn on the east elevation AGENDA TTF.M #SD PAGE S:\PLAN\da~a\lonerane\H15"I~LTCGRTS\I listonc llistricts\Ytaplc~on 1-liil\I Ith 21'i5\OS OG OS mcmo.Juc of 2135 11 Street (approved by the' full Landmarks Board in March of 2006) (see figure 4), with double doors constructed of walnut featuring inset decorative glass (see figr~re ,5). Tl~e application also requested a single transom light above the doors (see figure 6). The LDRC considered that the installed double walnut doors and decorative transom light were inconsistent with section 6.5.2 of the General DesigrT Guidelines and referred the application to the full Landmarks Board for review in a public hearing. LANDMARK ALTERATION CERTIFICATE REQUEST: The applicant requests approval to change the front door and transom on the east of the new house located 213511'h Street (see figures 5 ~ G) from what was approved by the Board at the March 2006 hearing (see figs{re 4). This change is based upon the new owner's preference for double doors with decorative glass and a single transom light above the doors. !i ~ - - a IY • A ie :7; 0 ~ 1' ~L; ~ l _ _ f ~ 1• v~+ •w ~r. _ V ~ r, • a ~ a ~ ~ ..p r ~ • 1 ~ ~ Figure =1. Doors and Transom approved by Landmarks Board 03/08 AGENUA I`I'I+;NI #5D l'AG1~, S_~~,PI.:1A~,i,d,~Alun~~i;tnF~\Illti"11_~1L"I'('E}t_I:ti~Fli~i~~nc 1>~>Iric1~\~1a, lcl~~n_1{tll~.l lth 2135\0~{.O1i.08 i:;cmo_c7oc