00 - Environmental Advisory - Cover Sheet - September 3, 2008 CITY OF BOULDER
~i`~' - Environmental Advisory Board
A end f r m r 2
~l g a o Septe be 3 , 008
Where: 1300 Canyon Blvd.
When: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
1. Public Participation for Items Not on the Agenda 6:00
2. Approval of Minutes 6:10
3. Updates 6:15
LiD Finance Memo
4. Discussion Item:
CAP work plan 6:30
5. Matters from Staff 7:50
6. Matters from the Board 7:555
7. Adjournment 8:00
Agenda Packet Contents
Discussion Item:
CAP Update
LID Finance Memo