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00 - Environmental Advisory - Cover Sheet - August 13, 2008
~ CITY OF BOULDER Environmental Advisory Board Agenda for August 13 , 2008 Where: 1300 Canyon Blvd. When: 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Agenda 1. Public Participation for Items Not on the Agenda 6:00 2. Approval of Minutes 6:10 3. Updates 6:15 4. Discussion Item: Green Building 6:20 Valmont Butte 7:20 5. Matters from Staff 7:50 6. Matters from the Board 7:555 7. Adjournment 8:00 Agenda Packet Contents Discussion Item: Green Points Ordinance Change Commercial and Residential Green Building Code Adoption Schedule Valmont Butte WIP Valmont Butte Memo (August 5, 2008} Valmont Butte Memo (July 22, 2008) Valmont Butte Memo (May 15, 2008) Updates: