4 - Boulder County Consortium of Cities Draft Sustainability Energy PlanATTACHMENT A
'~~~ City of Bouldei•
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•~,~ ~~ Environmental Advisary Boaj•d
~ Updates for Febi•ua-•y 13, 2008
Boulder Countv Consortium of CitieS Draft Sust~~inable Enertrtr Plan
The Boulder County Consortium of Cities Energy Strategy Task Force was created in
E1pril 2006 tivith a goal ta: Create collaborahve approaches a~nQng the commusuties of
Boulder anci Broomfield counties, includuig businesses, non-profit arganiza~ians and
residents, to adciress ciitical energy concerns and strategies.
The Energy Strategy- Task Force has developed a draft Sustaulal~le Energy Pl~~i that is
beula nre:ented to each (~'itv/Town Council and the Board of (~'olulft- Comini::ioners for
Resolu~ion will be scheduled on an upcoming council business meeting
Highlights of the draft Sustainable Energy Plan include:
• 35 recommended actions for meaningful progress toward a sustainable energy
• 20 recommended "first tier" actions that will lead to:
o Eatimated annual cost sa~rings in 2020 ofmare than $445 million
o Estimated iune-year payback for a1120 actians
o Estimated emissions reductians u12012 that will achieve 46% of the
Kyoto target (7% below 19901evels by 2012)
o Estimated emissions reductions in 2020 that exceed the Kyato target b~T
11°lo and ~~-e dauble the tar~et of Governor Ritter's Climate :~ction Plan
for Colorado
Boulder Caunty staffwill provide an overview of the draft Sustainable Energy Plan for
baard discussion.l~ie Consortium of Cities is requesting that each City,rTawn Council
consider a Resolution of support far the plan. Staff has prepared a sample resolution far
the t~oarcl to consider.
Adopting a Sustainable Energy Plan for the City of Boulder
WHEREAS, Article 31-15-103 of the Colorado Revised Statutes enables the City Council to
promote the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the city; and
WHEREAS, the City of Boulder is committed to protecting and enhancing the quality of life and
environmental quality in the city now and for future generations; and
WHEREAS, the City of Boulder's greenhouse gas emissions are a known quantity as Baulder
County has fully evaluated greenhouse gas emissions through an im%entary of countywide and
municipal emissions; and
WHEREAS, there is increasing scientific evidence that carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases released into the atmosphere are currently impacting the Earth's climate and will continue
to have profound and potentially devastating effects, increasing the risk of extreme weather
events, increased flood severity, increased risk and intensity of catastrophic wildfire, increased
risk of forest die-offs due to insect invasions, changing rainfall and crap productivity patterns,
increased risk of drought, loss of alpine meadows, and migration of infectious diseases; and
WHEREAS, in February of 2005, the Kyoto Protocol, an international agreement was adapted in
December 1997 in Japan, setting binding targets for developed Gauntries to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions an average 5.2 percent below 19901evels, although the United States has not
ratified this protocol; and
WHEREAS, nationwide, over 770 municipal governments have already pledged to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions from their government operations and throughout their communities;
WHEREAS, in November of 2007 the Governor of the State of Colorado set a goal of reducing
Colorado's greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent below 2005 levels by 2020 and by 80 percent
below 2005 levels by 200; and
WHEREAS, local government actions taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through
increased energy efficiency, increased use of clean renewable energy, and reduced vehicle miles
traveled can reduce energy expenditures far local governments, businesses and citizens and create
jabs in the community; and
WHEREAS, the Boulder City Council desires Baulder to take a leadership role in increasing
energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from city operations.
The Boulder City Council hereby declares its intent that the city shall identify and implement
strategies contained in the countywide Sustainable Energy Plan developed through the
Consortium of Cities that will reduce Boulder's contribution to total global greenhouse gas
emissions and other strategies that support achieving the goals of the plan, as appropriate.
City Council hereby directs city staff to develop programs, projects, and policies that
reflect the strategies set forth in the Sustainable Energy Plan. City staff shall, where
appropriate, work in a collaborative manner with other public and private entities. The
city's efforts will receive appropriate funding, within budget constraints, and seek to
effectively, efficiently and quickly address greenhouse gas emissions in the city in order
to achieve the greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals set forth in the Sustainable
Energy Plan.
Be It Further Resolved by the City Council of the City of Boulder:
Council hereby declares its intent that the City will act as a cornrnunity leader and serve
as a role model for others striving to create a sustainable community.
Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the City Council held this day
of , 20U7.
City Clerk