2 - Draft Minutes - Environmental Advisory - January 9, 2008CITY OF BOULDER, COLORADO
Nt~ME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Environmental Advisory Board
DATE OF 1VIEETING: Januaiy 9, 20~8
NA1I~IE/TELEPHONE OF PERSON PREPARING SL?Ml~I ~RY : Kelle Karp, 3f~3-441-194f~
Environmental Advisory Board Members Present: Francoise Poinsatte, Susan Iott, Bill Roettker,
Suzanne Jones
Board NIeinbei•s Elbsent: Leah Kuko~~~ski
Staff l~tembers Present: Jonathan Koehn, Office of Environmental Affairs; Sarah Van Pelt, Off~ice of
Enz~iroiune~ntal Affaii•s
Public Present: none.
1. CALL TQ ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. by acting chair Suzanne Jones
2. APPRQVAL OF NIINUTES. Nlinutes for the December meeting were approved.
4. UPDATE. Jonathan Koehn informed bo~rd members that the 2nd reading for Green Points, ~~vhich
was originally scheduled for January 29th, «~~ill be postponed to a later date. Staff ~~vill take advantage of
this e~tra time to include more items, such as parking lot issues with remodel thresholds, to the Green
Points NZemo. T'he board inquired if the commercial sector will be addressed at the 2n~ reading. Jonathan
indicated that the memo in question pertains to remodels and additions in the residential sector, and that
addressing the commercial sector i•equires separ~te codes and ordinances. Jonathan did reassure the
board that w°ork is in progi•ess foi• the comrnercial sector, and staff is expected to bring back options
dui•ing 2008.
5. NIAIN ~GENDA ITEMS. Sarah Van Pelt, with the Office of Environmental Affairs, was present to
discuss with the board the progress of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) and the CAP Advisory Group
{~G) with the goal of keeping the board up to date with the topics that the CAP AG are discussing. Prior
to the meeting, the board was pi•ovided u~ith a list of iterns the CAP ~G explored in 20~7 that the CAP
team wants to i•evisit, prioritize and take action on in 24a8. Before discussing the list of items, the board
asked Sarah to update them on percei~Ted impacts to the goal, such as CU's transition from Natural Gas
to coal and its effect on the CAP. Sarah confirmed that CU did change from Natural Gas to coal for their
source of energy, and took theit- cogeneration facility off line and that this will slightly impact Boulder's
carbon emissions. The bo~•d also asked Sarah to clarify how data is compiled for the emissions reports.
Sarah indicated that Xcel provides them with energy use data categorized by sectoY• (i.e. i•esidential,
commercial, and industrial) for each month. The board ~,sked for more clarity on ho«~ the CAP team
evaluates incorning topics and ideas. Sarah explained to the bo~u•d that topics and ideas that make it to
the top of the list are evaluated Uy cost effectiveness, and the ones that are the most fruitful are the ones
that get put into motion first. Sarah indicated that certain ideas are already incorporated in the CAP
while others are not, and that the CAP team uses this as a filter. For eYample, the CAP recommends a
primaiy focus on energy efficiency because it is the most cost effective, and secondary focuses on
reneri~able enei•gy and transpoi-tation. The CAP was e~rmarked to provide funds, prog7•ams and sei-vices
that aY•e intended to give the community the resources they need to make changes on their own.
Francoise noted items/topics from the list that may be tackled quickly and with minimal budget. The first
topiciidea is to provide infor~nation on ho~~~ residents can pei~or~n tlleir own energy audit, and their
expected benefit(s) for imnlementin~ t~echnic~tiies that lead to erlerw efficiencv. The second tonicl~idea is
Leah Kuko~vski, Chair Date
a volunteer program to distribute information (similar to how neighborhood eco passes happen). The
third topic/idea is to start discussions with the Landlord Association, and try to incentivize them with
programs like insulation rebates and/or energy efficiency ratings. Francoise also suggested there be
more coordination with Go Boulder and RTD to increase the number of hybrid buses, create a bike rental
program, and increase parking cash-out programs. Bill suggested that the CAP team increase
coordinating efforts with the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) goals. The board addressed the issue of
population density increases, and noted that plans moving forward need to make sure to incorporate
accommodations for density increases that do not have a negative impact on the environment. At this
point the board noted that they would like to bring the Xcel franchise and municipalization topic back as
a discussion item for future meetings, and they would like to be updated/revisit the CAP quarterly. The
last item addressed for this topic was by Susan asking staff if Solar Gardens are being considered.
Jonathan replied yes, and elaborated that there is a strategy being developed to move the project idea
The board began discussing items they want to present to City Council at their retreat. The board
decided to present their items to City Council in the form of a letter. Items the board decided to include
in the letter are (1) emphasizing the CAP goals and the need to be more aggressive with trying to achieve
these goals, in addition to implementing techniques to track and monitor the effectiveness of the CAP
programs. Also, increasing coordination efforts in the transportation sector to promote overall fuel
conservation. (2) Evaluate the Xcel franchise and whether the city of Boulder should proceed with
municipalization or what they intend to do if they do not proceed with municipalization. (3) Raising
renewable energy standards with the goal of phasing out the Valmont coal power plant. For example,
create solar gardens that allow residents and businesses to buy into a community wide renewable onsite
source. (4) Set a standard to make the Transit Village carbon neutral as well as the convention center,
should they proceed with that development. Achieving this standard can be attained by developing a
more comprehensive plan that is non-auto dominated and more pedestrian friendly. (5) Accelerated
implementation and design for cutting edge, aggressive commercial building energy codes and
programs. Considering run off water into the creeks with respect to IPM, and do as much as possible
to retain the run off and prevent it from reaching the creeks. (7) 1Vloving forward with the Zero Waste
1Vlaster Plan. (8) Getting the city of Boulder powered by 100% renewable energy. (9) Increasing
relocalization efforts to promote sustainability. Jonathan closed the discussion by informing the board
that at the Council Retreat the Council members plan to meld their own lists with those of the city
boards, and then prioritize the items. The board finalized the discussion by allocating which member is
responsible for writing about the topics listed above, and setting a deadline for submitting their letter to
Jonathan reminded the board that in February applications are due and interviews will be held to appoint
new board members. He asked the board to recruit friends and neighbors that may be interested in being
a city of Boulder board member. Jonathan also requested the participation of one of the board members
for the solar rebate grant committee. He and Sarah briefly informed the board what the commitment will
entail, which is reviewing grant applications (two rounds per year) and attending two meetings per year.
They also informed the board of the source of the grant money and how it is intended to be used. (The
money comes from the collected sales and use tax paid on solar systems, and its intended use is to assist
with the cost of new solar systems on low income housing and buildings for non profit organizations.)
Francoise volunteered to serve on the committee representing the EAB. Jonathan shared the final
document of Dialogue in a Box, and he informed the board that next week the city will be interviewing
candidates for the Urban Wildlife Coordinator position.
Susan Iott wanted to discuss the issue of dog feces being left in bags along trails. Jonathan suggested that
Leah Kukowski, Chair Date
the board revisit this topic as an agenda item that will also include the broader topic of open space and
the plan for increasing trail access.
8. ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.
TIME & LOCATION OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 2, 2008 1300 Canyon Blvd, 6
Leah Kukowski, Chair Date