Minutes - Beverage Licensing - December 16, 2009
* * * MINUTES * * *
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16,2009, 1:00 P.M.
NAME OF BOARD/COMMISSION: Beverage Licensing Authority (BLA)
DATE OF MEETING: December 16, 2009
PREPARING SUMMARY: Mishawn J. Cook - Deputy City Clerk
Board Members: Tim McMurray (recused for items 5, 7, 10, and 11), Lisa Spalding, Steven
Wallace, and Dave Zessin.
Staff Present: Sandra Llanes, Assistant City Attorney, and Mishawn J. Cook, Deputy City
1. Roll Call, Approval of Beverage Licensing Authority (BLA) Minutes from November
18, 2009, and Hearing Conductor Assignment Approval for hearing.
Roll Call was taken. Four Authority members were present, with Member David Cheval
being absent, thus there was a four member quorum.
Member Spalding provided Mishawn Cook with some changes to the November draft
minutes. Ms Cook stated that she would be able to incorporate the changes prior to the end
of the hearing. Member Spalding moved, seconded by Zessin, to approve the BLA
November 18, 2009 minutes as amended with Wallace abstaining from the vote due to his
absence from the November hearing. Motion approved 3:0 with Wallace abstaining.
Chair McMurray commented that in Member Cheval's absence, McMurray as BLA Chair
would take over Cheval's hearing conductor assignments. Chair McMurray also stated that
he would be recusing himself from agenda items 5, 7, 10 and 11, and in his absence, Vice
Chair Wallace would conduct his designated hearing items. Chair McMurray then requested
public comment on hearing conductor assignments for this hearing's agenda, but none was
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provided. Member Wallace moved, seconded by Spalding, to accept hearing conductor
assignments as listed on the agenda. Motion approved 4:0.
2. Matters from the Boulder Police Department (BPD).
Officer Carlene Hofinann appeared on behalf of BPD. Officer Hofinann commented that
BPD had completed some undercover over-service checks at Conor O'Neill's, Sundown
Saloon, Dark Horse, Lazy Dog, and The Foundry on its day of closing, and all five of these
establishments did well in these checks. Chair McMurray asked how these cheeks were
done and Officer Hofinann explained that two plain clothes officers were assigned to stay in
the establishment to observe if any patrons that would usually be sent to the Alcohol
Recovery Center (ARC) by the BPD because they are so intoxicated that they are unable to
care for themselves are served by the licensed establishments employees.
Member Spalding asked if this standard for service of patrons that would be sent to ARC
allowed too much alcohol consumption, stating that someone who would be sent to ARC
was already very intoxicated. Officer Hofmann stated that BPD would send someone to
ARC even if they were stumbling and unclear in speech so she felt that this was an
appropriate standard. Member Wallace asked what days of the week these undercover
operations took place and Officer Hofinann replied that The Foundry's check occurred on
Saturday, and that all other checks occurred on Tuesdays and Fridays.
3. Matters from the Responsible Hospitality Group (RHG).
Chris Emma appeared on behalf of the RHG. Old Chicago, Boulder Beer Company, and
Boulder Chophouse have become RHG members again for 2010. Chris Emma announced
that the RHG has selected their officers for 2010 and that he will serve as President, Iva
Townsend with Big Red F Restaurants will serve as Secretary, and that Jay Lohuis with
Shooters Grill & Bar will serve as Treasurer. Mr. Emma introduced Iva Townsend to the
Authority and Ms. Townsend stated that the she had been a Boulder resident for about I 1
years and has worked for Dave Query with Big Red F Restaurants for about 10 years.
Mr. Emma noted that in the last RHG meeting a new program was discussed where licensed
establishments are able to purchase cab vouchers at a discounted rate. Mr. Emma stated that
five restaurants in Boulder, and his employer Liquor Mart, are participated in purchasing
these cab vouchers. Mr. Enema also noted that RHG had participating in an outreach
meeting with Pizzeria Basta, a new Beer and Wine licensee, last month and that this new
establishment is expecting to open on January 1.
Mr. Emma stated that in 2010 the RHG would like to be more timely with monthly meeting
minute circulation, more diligent with attendance records, and that RHG expects to
participate in a day long forum with the Responsible Hospitality Institute in Denver or
Boulder in 2010. Chair McMurray asked if RHG does door to door outreach to already
operating liquor licensees in Boulder, and Mr. Emma replied that currently the RHG does
not, but that it is a goal for 2010 that the RHG does some mass mailing to all boulder
licensees to inform them of the existence of the RHG group. Mr. Emma noted for Authority
that Shooters Grill & Bar and Baker Street Pub and Grill are current RHG members.
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4. Show Cause Hearing concerning a May 10, 2009 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license held by The Reef Piano Bar & Grill, Inc. d/b/a Shooters
Grill & Bar, 1801 13th Street, Suite 190, Boulder, CO, should be suspended or revoked.
When the item was called to order, Bob Keatley, BPD Prosecutor, asked the Authority to
allow this agenda item to proceed after agenda item 5 because he was still negotiating a
possible stipulation with the licensee's attorney.
This item was reconvened after completion of agenda item 5. In David Cheval's absence,
Chair McMurray acted as hearing conductor. No ex-parte communications or conflicts of
interest were disclosed by Authority members. Vince Linden, Esq. appeared as licensee's
attorney. Hearing procedures reading was waived by Mr. Linden. Brad Hogan, registered
manager and licensee co-owner, and Jay Lohuis, licensee co-owner, were both sworn in and
testified in this matter. Bob Kcatlcy, BPD Prosecutor, advised that a stipulation to the facts
had been reached but that, due to pending civil and criminal court proceedings, the licensee
would only enter a conditional stipulation and that the licensee would, while maintaining
their innocence, accept responsibility for a conduct of establishment violation only insofar
as the licensee did not call emergency responders soon enough when there was an injured
party on their premises. The Authority members discussed the possible impact to a future
civil trial of the Authority's non-acceptance of this conditional stipulation. Member Wallace
moved, seconded by McMurray, to accept the offered conditional stipulation. Motion
approved 3:1 with Spalding opposed.
The Authority members and Messrs. Hogan and Lohuis discussed the timeline of the
incident and no ambulance being called, and mitigating and aggravating factors. Mr. Hogan
referenced an employee handbook but did not submit it into evidence. The Authority
discussed that 20 suspension days was the appropriate penalty for this manner of conduct of
establishment violation. Member Wallace moved, seconded by Zessin, to set the penalty for
this violation at 20 days with 40 days held in abeyance for 1 year. Motion approved 4:0.
Member Spalding moved, seconded by Wallace, to determine that the 20 suspension days
should be served from Sunday December 27, 2009 to Friday January 15, 2010. Motion
approved 4:0.
5. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 16, 2009 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license held by Baker St. Boulder, LLC d/b/a 221 B Baker St
Pub & Grill, 1729 28"' Street, Boulder, CO, should be suspended or revoked.
This agenda item occurred prior to agenda item 4. Mishawn Cook noted for the Authority
that they had been provided with additional evidence of alcohol server training which would
be accepted as agenda item 5, exhibit 1. Chair McMurray recused himself from this matter,
and departed the hearing. No other ex-parte communications or conflicts of interest were
disclosed by Authority members. Due to McMurray's recusal, Vice Chair Wallace acted as
the hearing conductor. Steve Lee, Esq. appeared as licensee's attorney. Todd Bowman,
licensee's area director, and Leah Hanson, violating employee and location's assistant
manager, were both sworn in and provided testimony in this matter. Mr. Lee noted that two
owners of the restaurant, Larry Martin and Edgar Carlson, and vice president for restaurant
operations, Steve Reilly, were also in attendance at the hearing. Bob Keatley, BPD
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prosecutor, stated that a stipulation had been reached. Mr. Lee confirmed the stipulation and
waived hearing procedure reading for his client. Member Zessin moved, seconded by
Spalding, to accept the stipulation to the facts. Motion approved 3:0.
The Authority members noted significant evidence of community involvement submitted in
their hearing packet. However, the Authority and Mr. Lee discussed that vertical underage
IDs had not previously been covered in the company's training. Edgar Carlson was sworn in
and addressed questions related to company server training and differing violations types
between Texas and Colorado. Vice Chair Wallace moved, seconded by Spalding, to set the
penalty for violation at 3 suspension days served with 11 days held in abeyance for 1 year.
Motion approved 3:0. Mr. Lee asked to pay a fine in lieu of the 3 suspension days served.
The Authority members discussed the allowance of a fine. Member Zessin moved, seconded
by Wallace, to deny the request to pay a fine in lieu. Motion for denial approved 3:0. Vice
Chair Wallace explained that it is not the Authority's practice to allow fines to be paid when
an establishment has something other than alcohol, such as food, to sell during a suspension.
Mr. Lee asked that his client then be allowed to serve the 3 suspension days from Monday
January 4 to Wednesday January 6. Member Spalding moved, seconded by Zessin, to set the
3 suspension days from January 4 to January 6, 2010. Motion approved 3:0.
6. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 16, 2009 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license held by Kasa, LLC d/b/a Kasa, 1468 Pearl Street, Suite
110, Boulder, CO, should be suspended or revoked.
Member Spalding was the designated hearing conductor. Bob Kcatley, BPD prosecutor,
advised that a stipulation had been reached in this matter. Wan Soo Kim, registered manager
and licensee co-owner, was sworn in, confirmed the stipulation, and waived reading of the
hearing procedure reading. No ex-parte communications or conflicts of interest were
disclosed by the Authority members. Chair McMurray moved, seconded by Wallace, to
accept stipulation to the facts. Motion approved 4:0.
Mr. Kim provided testimony regarding mitigation and Mr. Kim referenced information
regarding employee server training which was accepted as agenda item 6, exhibit 1. Chair
McMurray moved, seconded by Wallace, to set the penalty for this violation at 5 suspension
days with 9 days held in abeyance for 1 year. Motion approved 4:0. Mr. Kim requested to
serve the 5 days from January 2 to January 7 (closed Mondays). Chair McMurray moved,
seconded by Wallace, to set the 5 suspension days for this violation from Saturday January 2
to Thursday January 7, 2010 (exempting Monday January 4). Motion approved 4:0.
7. Show Cause Hearing concerning an October 16, 2009 violation and whether the Hotel-
Restaurant type liquor license held by SOBO American Bistro, Inc. d/b/a Murphy's,
657 South Broadway, Boulder, CO, should be suspended or revoked.
Member Wallace was the designated hearing conductor. Chair Tim McMurray recused
himself from this matter due to a conflict of interest. No other ex-parte communications or
conflicts of interest were disclosed by the Authority members. Bob Keatley, BPD
prosecutor, advised that a stipulation had been reached in this matter. Stephan Frye,
registered manager and licensee majority owner, was sworn in, confirmed the stipulation,
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and waived hearing procedures reading. Member Spalding moved, seconded by Zessin, to
accept the stipulation to the facts. Motion approved 3:0.
Mr. Frye gave testimony regarding mitigation for this violation. Mr. Frye submitted
additional information concerning server training which was accepted as agenda item 7,
exhibit 1 and the Authority noted that about 40% of the employees were not trained prior to
the violation date. Member Wallace stated that he was willing to extend some mitigation
because Mr. Frye was the GM and then Owner of the Murphy's Grill in North Boulder.
Member Spalding moved, seconded by Zessin, to set the penalty at 3 suspension days with
11 days held in abeyance for 1 year. Motion approved 3:0. Mr. Frye requested to be allowed
to pay a fine in lieu and Member Wallace replied that he did not feel that the lack of
violation at the other location should have a correlation with paying a fine in lieu. Mr. Frye
requested that he be allowed to serve the 3 days from January 3 to January 5. Member
Spalding moved, seconded by Zessin, that the 3 suspension days should be served from
Sunday January 3 to Tuesday January 5, 2010. Motion approved 3:0.
8. Public Hearing and Continued Consideration to determine if there is good cause for a
non-renewal of a July 30, 2009 License Renewal Application from The Reef Piano Bar
& Grill, Inc. d/b/a Shooters Grill & Bar, 1801 13"' Street, Suite 190, Boulder, CO;
Brad Hogan, President and Registered Manager, and Jay Lohuis, Vice President, with
a premise business mailing address, for a .Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Member Zessin was the designated hearing conductor. Vince Linden, Esq. appeared as
licensee's attorney. Brad Hogan, licensee president, and Jay Lohuis, vice president, were
both sworn in, testified concerning this non-administrative renewal application, and Mr.
Hogan confinned premise posting for the required 10 days. Hearing procedures were read to
the licensee. No ex-paste communications or conflicts of interest were disclosed by
Authority members. No third parties requested interested party status. No public comment
was given. Mishawn Cook indicated that the BPD had requested a renewal hearing. Ms.
Cook also noted that the sales tax issue present at the time of filing has since been resolved.
Detective Heather Frey with the BPD provided comment that she had requested the license
renewal hearing due to a pending violation affidavit that was being completed at the time.
Mr. Hogan stated that he had checked with his accountant and that there was a tax filing that
was inaccurately filed, but then was cleared up immediately after it was discovered. Chair
McMurray moved, seconded by Wallace, to renew this hotel-restaurant liquor license
application under the condition that renewal next year will be completed non-
administratively and will require a BLA hearing. Motion approved 4:0.
9. Public Hearing and Consideration to determine if there is good cause for a non-
renewal of a December 1, 2009 License Renewal Application from Pashupati, Inc. d/b/a
Namaste Nepal Restaurant, 4800 Baseline Road, Unit A-107, Boulder, CO; Jagganath
Gautam, President, Keshab Acharya, Vice President, and Neera Gautam, Co-owner,
with a premise business mailing address, for a Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
In Member David Cheval's absence, Chair McMurray acted as hearing conductor. Jagganath
Gautam, licensee co-owner, was sworn in, provided testimony concerning this renewal, and
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confirmed under oath premise posting for the required 10 day period. Hearing procedures
were read to the licensee. No ex-parte communications or conflicts of interest were
disclosed by Authority members. Mishawn Cook explained to the Authority that Mr.
Gautam wanted to appear at this license renewal hearing sooner than thirty days from the
date of filing, and as such, Mr. Gautam signed a waiver of 30 day written notice.
Ms. Cook also noted that this renewal hearing was convened because of late filing, and that
a sales tax issue that was present at the time of filing has since been resolved. Mr. Gautam
stated that he had taken alcohol server training on December 14"' No third parties requested
interested party status. No public comment was made in this matter. Member Wallace
moved, seconded by Spalding, to approve this hotel-restaurant license renewal application.
Motion approved 4:0.
10. Public Hearing and Consideration of a September 29, 2009 application from
Courtyard 11 Associates, LP & Courtyard Management Corporation, GP as joint
licensees d/b/a Courtyard by Marriott, 4710 East Pearl Circle, Boulder, CO; with a
business mailing address of 1 Marriott Drive, Department #52/923.27, Washington DC,
20058, for a Permanent Modification to a Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Chair Tim McMurray recused himself from this matter. In Chair McMurray's absence,
Vice-Chair Steve Wallace acted as the hearing conductor. Jon Stonbraker; Esq. appeared as
licensee's attorney. Fred Warren, licensee's registered manager, was sworn in and provided
testimony about this permanent modification. Mishawn Cook noted that there was a photo in
the hearing packet showing proper premise posting. Ms. Cook also noted that she had
requested that Mr. Stonbraker bring a complete copy of all lease agreements and
amendments indicating current premise possession to this hearing, and that Mr. Stonbraker
had provided this evidence, which would not be marked as an agenda exhibit, to Ms. Cook.
Max Scott with Oedipus, Inc. was sworn in and provided testimony about the petition results
submitted regarding this lobby renovation. No third parties requested interested party status.
No public comment was given. Member Spalding moved, seconded by Zessin, to approve
this application for a permanent modification to a hotel-restaurant liquor license. Motion
approved 3:0.
11. Public Hearing and Consideration of an October 16, 2009 application from Caf6
Boulder, LLC d/b/a Cafe Boulder, 1821 30th Street, Boulder, CO; Eddie D. Williams,
Sole Member and Manager, and Jill Shusterman, Registered Manager, with a premise
business mailing address, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Chair Tim McMurray also recused himself from this matter. Member Spalding was the
designated hearing conductor. Alan Dill, Esq. appeared as the applicant's attorney and he
waived the hearing procedure reading. Eddie Williams, LLC applicant's sole member and
manager, was sworn in and provided testimony about this new license application. Jill
Shusterman, LLC applicant's general manager, was introduced, but was not sworn in
because she did not give testimony. Mishawn Cook noted that there was a photo in the
hearing packet showing proper premise posting. No other ex-parte communications or
conflicts of interest were disclosed by the remaining three Authority members.
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Ms. Cook confirmed with Max Scott with Oedipus, inc. that he remained sworn for this
agenda item and Mr. Scott provided testimony on the submitted petition for this new license
application. Mr. Dill stated to the Authority that Ms. Cook had been provided at this hearing
with a complete copy of the master lease agreement and a confirmation letter fi-om the
landlord that their acknowledgement of the submitted sub-lease was not required, which
would be added to the file but would not be entered as an agenda exhibit.
Mr. Dill confirmed with Mr. Williams that the cafe area would include a kitchen with
everything but the hood. The Authority members and Mr_ Williams discussed that there
would also be a snack bar alcohol service area by the pool which was not yet built, but that
members of the club would not be allowed to carry alcohol beverages between the cafe
service area and the pool service area. The Authority members and Mr. Williams discussed
alcohol absorption by dehydrated persons. No third parties requested interested party status
and no public comment was given. Vice-Cliair Wallace moved, seconded by Zessin, to
approve this new Hotel-Restaurant liquor license application. Motion approved 3:0.
12. Public Hearing and Consideration of an October 19, 2009 application from Cafe
Nostro, Ltd. d/b/a Caffe Sole, 637 South Broadway, Unit R, Boulder, CO; Suter
DuBose, President, Ashkan Angha, Vice President, and Erik Williams, Manager of
Record, with a premise business mailing address, for a New Beer and Wine type liquor
Member Wallace was the designated hearing conductor. Erik Williams, licensee's general
manager, was sworn in, testified about this new license application, and confirmed under
oath premise posting for the required 10 day period. Mr. Williams brought for the Authority
a petition summary, several affidavits of circulator, a food menu, and letters of support
which were accepted as agenda item 12, exhibit 1. Hearing procedures were read. No ex-
parte communications or conflicts of interest were disclosed by Authority members.
The Authority members and Erik Williams discussed that some of the petition signatures
listed addresses outside of the designated Neighborhood. Mcmbcr Spalding and Erik
Williams discussed that the notice of disposition of zoning approvals from the Planning
department indicates that the occupancy is twenty-four seats and that the submitted premise
diagram indicates more than twenty-four seats currently. No third parties requested
interested party status. No public comment was given. Member Wallace moved, seconded
by McMurray, due to the submitted petitions and the allowable seating, to continue this new
beer and wine license application to BLA January 20, 2010 hearing. Motion approved 4:0.
13. Public Hearing and Consideration of an October 22, 2009 application from Lone Tree
Restaurants, LLC d/b/a Bacco Trattoria Boulder, 1200 Yarmouth Avenue, Suite A,
Boulder, CO; Leslie Young, Managing Member and Registered Manager, Thomas
Leovic, Member, and Melissa McKay, Member, with a premise business mailing
address, for a New Hotel-Restaurant type liquor license.
Member Zessin was the designated hearing conductor. Gregory Goodman, Esq. appeared as
the applicant's attorney. No ex-parte communications or conflicts of interest were disclosed
by Authority members. Hearing procedures were read to the applicant. Leslie Young,
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applicant's co-owner and proposed registered manager, was sworn in, testified about this
new license and application, and Ms. Young confirmed under oath premise posting for the
required 10 day period. Ms. Young gave testimony about this new restaurant's business
plan. Ms. Young also summarized the petition results gathered by her business and
submitted to the Authority in their hearing packets. No public comment was given on this
However, Mike Wussow, Esq. appeared at the hearing for the purpose of representation of
Martin Hammer and asked that his client be allowed to act as an interested party in this
matter. Mr. Hammer was noted to be both a resident and a business owner of 4580
Restaurant in the designated Neighborhood. Martin Hammer was sworn in and testified
about his opposition to this application. Mr. Wussow opined that because a termination
agreement has not been signed between the landlord and the prior licensee, Organic Orbit,
LLC, that Lone Tree Restaurants, LLC did not currently have valid possession of the
proposed licensed premise as required by the state liquor code.
The Authority requested a copy of the portion of the lease related to the termination
agreement which was reviewed and entered into the record for agenda item 13, exhibit 1.
Mr. Wussow submitted a series of emails between Mr. Hammer and Four Mile Canyon
Creek, LLC (landlord of the building that both 4580 Restaurant and Bacco Trattoria Boulder
are located in) concerning a non-compete clause related to the definition of
"Mediterranean", which were all accepted as agenda item 13, exhibit 2.
The Authority members, Ms. Llanes, and Messrs. Goodman and Wussow discussed the need
for a termination agreement to support the validity of the submitted lease agreement.
Member Wallace moved for denial of the license application, but withdrew his motion.
Chair McMurray moved, seconded by Wallace, due to the questions raised related to the
termination agreement, to continue this hotel-restaurant liquor license application hearing to
the next BLA January 20, 2010 hearing. Motion approved 4:0.
14. Matters from the Licensing Clerk:
A) Nei,2hborhood Boundaries for BLA January 20, 2010- None:
Mishawn Cook noted that there were no applications requiring needs and desires boundaries
for next month's BLA hearing.
B) Information Items:
Mishawn Cook provided the Authority with an email noting David Chaval's absence from
this hearing which would be marked as agenda item 14, exhibit 1. Ms. Cook provided the
Authority with a draft summary of the city council study session about boards and
commissions, which would be marked as agenda item 14, exhibit 2, that the city clerk's
office was asking for BLA comment on, but Ms. Cook stated that this summary could be
discussed at next month's hearing.
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i) December Special Events and Temporary Modifications and Total Numbers for
Ms. Cook noted that the Authority had received both this month's list and 2009 totals.
ii) A-OK Liquor letter and Licensee response.
Ms. Cook noted that the an anonymous letter indicating that A-OK Liquor sells alcohol
regardless of whether a fake or real ID is used was sent to Council Member Ken Wilson,
was forwarded by Mr. Wilson for review by the BLA, and is included in the Authority's
hearing packet. The Authority members and Ms. Cook discussed the submission of
anonymous letters generally. Ms. Cook noted that Alex Lee with A-OK Liquors had
submitted two letters from BPD indicating that they had passed prior compliance cheeks.
iii) Weekly Information Packet for City Council concerning Beverage Licensing
Authority's early 2010 four hearing procedure changes.
Ms. Cook advised that there has been a suggestion that, if BLA wished to enact licensing
options before this topic returns to council later in 2010, that a Weekly Information Packet
on those four options might provide city council with notice of upcoming changes. Ms.
Cook also advised that, in order to comply with City Council's suggestion that boards and
commissions should meet in the evening, the City Manager's Office had consented to the
Authority's request, that as of January 1, 2010, the Beverage Licensing Authority hearings
would begin at 4PM and continue until all items were completed.
Member Wallace asked Ms. Cook if the fees charged for licensing covers the costs for
licensing tasks. Ms. Cook replied that this would depend on the licensing task, in that, the
city loses money on special events but might break even on new license applications.
Member Wallace asked if occupation tax covers the added costs for enforcement
departments to respond to liquor licensees. Ms. Cook replied that while the tax funds may
defray to cost, she does not believe the tax would entirely cover additional response costs.
15. Matters from the Assistant City Attorney
No additional matters were addressed.
16. Matters from the Chair and Members of the Authority
A) Debriefing from this hearing
All Authority members and Sandra Llanes noted that RHG Chair Chris Emma was still in
attendance at the hearing, despite the length of the hearing.
Member Spalding asked about Kurt Stiegelmeier's article related to Administrative
Sanctions of local licensing authorities concerning the first page, second column, and 5th
line down from top of page, questioning if the Authority might increase the abeyance period
from the current 1 year period to a 2 year term. Member Spalding also commented
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concerning this same article and the Authority's ability to add conditions on a liquor license
at the time of a prior disciplinary proceeding, which the licensee would have to confirm
compliance with when a renewal hearing is convened. Sandra Llanes stated that she would
like to complete research related to these questions.
B) Other matters from the Chair and Members
Chair McMurray asked Mishawn Cook if she could get the hearing packets to the Authority
members earlier, and Ms. Cook replied that she would try to get the packets to the Authority
members a day earlier each month. Member Wallace asked if there was a possibility of BLA
going "paperless" for their hearing packets. The Authority members and Mishawn Cook
discussed the applicable requirements of this change. Member Wallace suggested that the
member might receive their packets, whether paper, email attachment, or media download,
in their preferred format. Ms. Cook replied that she would be amenable to any change
determined by the city clerk's office.
Chair McMurray moved, seconded by Wallace, to adjourn the Authority hearing. Motion
approved 4:0. Thus, the BLA hearing was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
1:00 PM - 3rd Wednesday of Every Month in City Council Chambers for year of 2009 and 4:00
PM - 3rd Wednesday of Every Month in City Council Chambers for year of 2010
Attested: Approved:
Mishawn J. Cook, Deputy City Clerk ev 6rage Licensing Authority Chair
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