11.18.24 TAB Agenda 3.b. 09.09.24 TAB DRAFT MinutesTAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 1 of 7 City of Boulder, Boulder Colorado Boards and Commissions Meeting Minutes Name of Board/Commission: Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) Date of Meeting: September 9, 2024 Board Members Present: Tila Duhaime, Chair; Triny Willerton, Vice Chair; Darcy Kitching; Michael Mills Staff Present: Valerie Watson, Interim Director for Transportation and Mobility Gerrit Slatter, Principal Transportation Projects Engineer, Capital Projects Devin Joslin, Transportation Engineering Senior Manager Veronica Son, Transportation Senior Engineer Chris Hagelin, Transportation Principal Planner Jean Sanson, Transportation Principal Planner Lindsay Merz, Transportation Engineering Manager Veronica Son, Senior Transportation Engineer Stephen Rijo, Transportation Planning Manager Melanie Sloan, Transportation Principal Project Manager Sydney Schieffer, Transportation Senior Planner Daniel Sheeter, Transportation Senior Planner Sydney Schieffer, Transportation Senior Planner Erika Amador, Transportation Senior Planner Anna Kramer, Transportation Planning Intern Kathleen King, Comprehensive Planning Principal Planner Kristofer Johnson, Comprehensive Planning Senior Planner Annie Scott, Grants Program Administrator Meredith Schleske, Board Secretary Also Present: Nicole Speer, Mayor Pro Tem Gregory Baker, HDR Inc. Type of Meeting: Advisory/Regular 1. Call to Order 6:00 PM 2. Technical Rules 6:00 PM (not an agenda item) – Veronica Son, technical host reviewed rules and technical operations on the virtual platform. 3. Approval of August 2024 Minutes 6:02 PM – deferred to October 4. Public Comment 6:04 PM – there was none TAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 2 of 7 5. Staff Presentation and TAB Feedback regarding East Boulder Subcommunity Plan – Connections Plan edits as part of Form-based Code Update (P&DS – Kristofer Johnson, Kathleen King ) 6:06 PM a. Executive Summary - In 2022, the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan (EBSP) and the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan were adopted. In 2023, the East Boulder Zoning Update considered whether Form Based Code (FBC) should be applied to “Areas of Change” identified in the plan and the city’s Form Based Code be updated. FBC establishes building form and design standards for development within designated areas with the goal of ensuring that Boulder’s buildings and public spaces are designed to create high-quality, enduring places that are interconnected, accessible and appropriately scaled. The project team recommends an amendment to the EBSP to revise the Connections Plan to align with the proposed FBC and better meet the needs for future connection and redevelopment. The team seeks TAB feedback on the revised Connections Plan, to be presented for review and approval by Planning Board on October 15, 2024, and City Council on December 5, 2024. b. Key Issues i. Does the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) have any feedback regarding the proposed amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan? ii. Does the TAB support the amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan? 1. Valmont Park West - More equitably distribute right of way needs for new street connection, use existing bridge to provide pedestrian and bicycle access across Goose Creek. 2. 55th & Arapahoe Station Area – new connections for walkable blocks, new pedestrian/bike connection. c. TAB Clarifying Questions and Feedback i. Request to explain any need for new streets in this area. 1. Staff response: Community identified three neighborhoods for housing, commercial space, front/back of house solution, small scale, low speed, with developers bearing partial burden. ii. Question regarding revised use of bridge to pedestrian and bike, vehicles restricted; appreciation expressed for designed usage. 1. Staff response: no vehicular north end point, envisioning a pedestrian-oriented walkway with storefronts, view to the Flatirons. Lower maintenance costs. iii. Question if considering limiting access to utility vehicles plus bikes and pedestrians. 1. Staff response: public right-of-way (ROW), small scale, low speed streets with focus on safe, enjoyable walk/bike experience. iv. Inquiry about paseo. 1. Staff response: similar to Boulder Junction, using pavers with landscaping, count towards open space requirements, higher level pedestrian/bike experience. Also proposing paseos on north side. TAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 3 of 7 v. Inquiry regarding planned facility upgrade for 55th Street. 1. Staff response: EBSP included 55th & Arapahoe Station area plan, likely future corridor study. SH7- Arapahoe is in design phase; 55th Street is not a priority Core Arterial Network (CAN) corridor so looked at potential future alternatives to be more comfortable for bicyclists and pedestrians. vi. Appreciation expressed for vision and long-term commitment. 6. Public Hearing and TAB Recommendation regarding Core Arterial Network (CAN) Iris Avenue Transportation Improvements Project - Community and Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) (Rijo, Sloan) 6:35 PM Introduced by Watson, pleased to bring forward, proud, grateful for community involvement, thanks to TAB for time, CAN initiative. Presented by Stephen Rijo and Lindsay Merz, Devin Joslin support. a. Executive Summary – purpose is to make Iris Avenue between Broadway and 28th Street safer, more comfortable, and connected; address actions of the Vision Zero Action Plan by implementing proven safety countermeasures as a priority Core Arterial Network (CAN) corridor that is also on the High Risk Network (HRN). It is expected to reduce crashes up to 50%, speeds by 7 m.p.h. Tradeoff could be up to two minutes, nine seconds with changes and lane reduction focused between 13th and 25th Streets. b. Board Action Requested: Staff is seeking a recommendation to the City Council regarding the Iris Avenue Transportation Improvements Project CEAP. i. Staff Recommendation: The CEAP identified Alternative B as the recommended alternative because it best balances community priorities, plan and policy guidance, and issues identified by the existing conditions data which demonstrate the need for crash reduction, moderating vehicle speeds, providing bike and pedestrian safety and comfort and preserving existing public street trees. Alternative B can achieve these safety benefits with minimal added travel time and lower costs and time to implement than other conceptual design alternatives. c. TAB Clarifying Questions i. Mills – inquiry regarding current lane widths on Iris, and if travel lanes could be narrowed/sidewalks expanded. 1. Staff response: Lane widths are currently 50’ curb to curb, with four travel lanes, two sidewalks. Retaining existing curb alignment enables quicker, easier, cheaper install. ii. Willerton – question regarding sidewalk improvements and if south sidewalk can be expedited within the project. 1. Staff response: No funds are currently allocated to the project or to address this component sooner, but sidewalk improvements would be included in any grant application. iii. Duhaime – questions about final design timeline, time required for procurement and funding, reliability of travel time application analysis, any peer projects with similar information. TAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 4 of 7 1. Staff response: Need to collect a lot data, guessing 18 months. Procurement and funding will be synchronized with call for grant applications. Time of day is the critical factor in travel time; 95th % accuracy, expected to perform well as compared to similar streets in Boulder and per Department of Transportation fact sheet. d. Public Hearing i. Chuck Brock – family moved to Newlands area to bike to work, NOAA and NCAR Foothills campus. Wife has very complex commute and no transit options, looking forward to Iris improvements. ii. Martha Roskowski – thank you for thoughtful work on this project, support alternative B. Understand resident concern about cut-through traffic and traffic flow on Iris, think change will be better. Transportation professional starting in Boulder, now at national level. It will be OK to go to three lanes, will be easier. iii. Gary Sprung – very often cross Iris Avenue on bike or car, feel like I put my life in jeopardy, think that reducing travel lanes will greatly reduce risk/be much easier with center aisle. Many in my neighborhood are concerned about cut-through traffic but traffic calming is needed anyway. iv. Alexey Davies – thanks to staff for all the work, encourage maintaining momentum to complete a safe and direct network for cyclists to get to their destinations. v. Sue Prant – Executive Director, Community Cycles (CC). Thank staff for leadership, commitment and many hours on this project. Also CC Advocacy Committee for communicating to community. Look forward to helping to find funding, very important with current leadership on staff, TAB, City Council. vi. Pete Carney – appreciate presentation, most important the either alternative A or B is done. Close call example from bicycling yesterday, almost hit by car at the lighted crosswalk from Safeway at 28th and Iris. Need to build streets so that can’t happen, can’t have a blind spot/hit pedestrians. More people may end up biking, fewer cars. Saving lives is more important than a minute or two. Thank you. vii. Natalie Orphan – live on Iris, have four kids going to different schools in different directions, so excited for improvement on this street. I see fewer safety issues with alternative A , especially with e-scooters. Live on south side, sidewalks aren’t very appropriate for bikes, nor pedestrians in winter. Hope you can stress sidewalks should be multi-use path width, city should take on snow removal. Thank you. viii. Mozelle Sutton – live on Kalmia, very aware of Iris, attended almost all engagement events, dismayed that staff was putting in protected bikepaths at City Council direction. Extremely concerned about cut- through traffic, see it every time a lane is shut down on Iris. Don’t see why we should shut down lanes when a lot of people need it. TAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 5 of 7 Board Chair response: TAB has received a lot of public feedback including emails, all of which have been read and considered. e. TAB Discussion i. Willerton – very grateful, thoroughly in favor, supportive of alternative B. ii. Duhaime – believe outreach was overkill but in favor of CEAP process, will vote in favor. iii. Kitching – exemplary, impressive, commend staff, appreciate animation in presentation. Thank you. iv. Mills – support alternative B, not about just bicycles, studies show center turn lane improves movement, safety for all users. v. Duhaime – Iris is currently a functional highway, not something we want to see in our city. We expect this project to make life better for everyone. If we call it a priority corridor, need to treat as such in as near future as possible. Have a commitment to allow safe travel. Commend excellent work. f. Motion: support the staff recommendation identified through the Community and Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) for the Iris Avenue Transportation Improvement Project and recommend moving to final design. i. Motion: Duhaime ii. Second: Willerton iii. Motion Passes: 4-0 g. Motion Withdrawn, second motion: TAB recommends that the City Council accept the findings of the Iris Avenue Transportation Improvements Project Community and Environmental Assessment Process (CEAP) with staff recommendation for Alternative B, and recommends the project proceed to final design. i. Motion: Duhaime ii. Second: Mills iii. Motion Passes: 4-0 7. Matters 8:04 PM a. Matters from Staff i. Vision Zero Action Plan (VZAP): Signal Practices Update Overview (Joslin) – technical document used internally, no stakeholder group but periodic updates are made to TAB. Presenting to City Council 10/17/24; encourages TAB members to attend or listen to recording. 1. TAB Comments a. Question regarding recent implementation of “bands” of right vehicular turns on red lights and if feasible in City of Boulder. i. Staff response: Data doesn’t currently show severe injuries being caused by right turns on red signals; may be safer than holding to turn on green signals and potentially missing pedestrians. In addition, drivers may ignore restriction and turn on red signal anyway. b. Comment that there is not enough data on non-fatal and near-miss incidents/what is really happening, Regent and TAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 6 of 7 Broadway is an issue waiting to happen. Question whether a pilot could be conducted in Boulder. i. Staff response: Good point, many companies sell near-miss technology. Safer Signals project by Spring 2025 looking at different signal heads, may re- evaluate intersection with students back on campus. c. Inquiry about capacity to adjust timing by time of day, time of year, daylight savings time, presence-absence of pedestrians. ii. E-bike Incentive Application Cycle (Scott/Finance ) – introduced by Watson as a great example of interdepartmental work. 1. Question regarding how it is being advertised. a. Staff response: Community Cycles, city Transportation and Mobility Department. 2. Comment to include education, especially concerning what parents are purchasing for children, children’s appropriate behavior. 3. Question if there are e-bike restrictions. a. Staff response: Classes I and II allowed. iii. Access Management and Parking Strategy (AMPS): Code and Policy Enhancements – Request TAB member appointee for Technical Working Group (Hagelin), meet 4-5 times before June 2025 – Darcy Kitching. iv. East Baseline Mobility Enhancements (Rijo/Sheeter) – major corridor repaving summer 2024; mobility including post-separated bike lanes Brooklawn Drive to west of 55th Street. b. Matters from Board 9:11 PM i. City Council 2024 Retreat response letter to TAB (Duhaime) – appreciation for acknowledgement and clarification. ii. Open Board Comment 1. Mills – letter to City Council addressing concern over decreasing matching funds for Transportation Improvement Projects (TIP) grants – will draft for TAB members’ consideration. 8. Future Agenda Topics 9:15 PM – contact Duhaime with requests. 9. Adjournment 9:15 PM a. Motion to adjourn: Willerton b. Second: Kitching c. Motion Passes 4-0 Date, Time, and Location of Next Meeting: The next meeting will be a regular virtual meeting on Monday October 14, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise decided by staff and the Board. APPROVED BY: ATTESTED: ___________________________________ ____________________________________ Board Chair Board Secretary ___________________________________ ____________________________________ TAB DRAFT Minutes September 9, 2024 Page 7 of 7 Date Date An audio recording of the full meeting for which these minutes are a summary is available on the Transportation Advisory Board web page.