10.14.24 TAB Agenda 7 Narrow Trench DCS
MEETING DATE: October 14, 2024
AGENDA TITLE: Staff briefing regarding Design & Construction Standards Update: Proposed
Standards for Narrow Trenching
Valerie Watson, Acting Transportation & Mobility Director
Mike Giansanti, Innovation and Technology Deputy Director
Mark Garcia, Civil Engineering Senior Manager
Gerrit Slatter, Principal Transportation Projects Engineer
Dan Nelson, IT Senior Project Manager
This memo provides a summary of the revisions and additions to transportation and utilities related
portions of the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards (DCS) . These updates will allow
narrow trenching for the construction of telecommunications infrastructure.
Narrow trenching, also known as Micro-trenching or shallow trenching, is a newer but mature method of
trenching used throughout the state and country to increase the speed of telecom construction and reduce
cost compared to traditional trenching or boring. By creating a narrow trenching standard, the city will
minimize the impact to the community and create an incentive for increased telecommunications
investment within city limits. The DCS is a standard set of requirements by which infrastructure built by
both private development and city funded capital infrastructure and maintenance projects must comply.
The development of the narrow trenching standard began in November 2023, with a preliminary study
conducted by consulting firm RMS, followed by survey of peer cities, the creation of a cross-department
working group, a site visit to Salt Lake City where several different approaches have been used over
time, followed by community engagement in August 2024. Staff have considered the feedback provided
and integrated additional changes included in this final document of proposed changes.
Not Applicable
Staff asks that the TAB provide feedback regarding the addition of a Narrow Trenching Standards
Subsection to the Design & Construction Standards. Specifically, whether this proposed update of the
DCS is consistent with Transportation Master Plan policies and objectives to preserve existing
The DCS exists to prescribe minimum standards to be used in the design and construction of
infrastructure located in public right-of-way/easements of the City of Boulder. The DCS is enacted
through the BRC, and changes are adopted by City Council with recommendations and/or feedback
from appropriate boards, such as TAB and Planning Board. This DCS Update is intended to add
standards for narrow trenching in the city for the purpose of installing telecom infrastructure.
The following introduction comes from the Micro-Trenching Best Management Practices study,
completed for the city by RMS in January 2024. Narrow trenching and micro-trenching should be
considered interchangeable in this context.
Micro-trenched installation of telecommunications infrastructure is the practice of cutting
narrow trenches between 1 to 3 inches wide and 4 to 24 inches deep into roadways and surfaces
in the public right-of-way. After conduit or direct bury cable is placed in the trench, it is
backfilled with a suitable filler material. The first city to adopt the technique of micro-trenching
was New York City in 2013, and now requires it unless there is a good reason to use another
technique (Dawson 2017). According to the Fiber Broadband Association (FBA), a single
micro-trench can accommodate up to 2,000 strands of fiber and have been used in major cities
including Chicago, Los Angeles, and Nashville (Goovaerts 2022). According to Ting Internet,
micro-trenching teams can lay as much as 3,000 feet of conduit per day, compared to 500 feet
using traditional construction methods (Goovaerts 2022). In July of 2022, John Geoge of FBA’s
Technology Committee stated that “most below grade fiber installations are by directional
boring or direct trenching” but micro-trenching is “sometimes used when those methods are
cost prohibitive. Where pole attachments are difficult or unavailable, or the subsurface is rocky
or rock” (Goovaerts 2022). The following is a list of the advantages and disadvantages of
micro-trenching (Vermeer BC 2023, Dawson 2017, & Goovaerts 2022).
Advantages of micro-trenching (per RMS Report)
• Cost effective based on the following factors: o With reduced roadway or ground impacts, it is possible to cover more area with smaller
crews, which reduces labor costs. o The excavation produces less spoils and less material and effort is required to restore the
worksite, which reduces overall restoration costs.
• Less disruption and increased accessibility o The minimal disruption to traffic around the worksite is one of the biggest advantages.
With the trench width only being a few inches wide, it does not pose much of a safety
hazard to vehicles, which greatly reduces the number of street and access closures and
impacts to the traveling public during installation. o Provides minimal disruption to the local ecosystem and is a sensible technique for
sensitive areas. o The shallow depth of installation reduces impacts to tree roots, existing utilities, and rock,
making the overall installation easier, efficient, and safer.
• Disadvantages of micro-trenching (Per RMS Analysis) o Shallow installation creates a higher burden on future ROW construction
Can cause problems in the future when roadways have full depth reconstruction if
construction crews are unaware of how shallow they are installed.
Installation of future utility facilities that must cross microtrenched facilities.
Requires adjustment of expected installation depths and locations within the
roadway section.
Increased long-term maintenance of street surfaces and fiber access
• More and higher long-term maintenance related to shallow installation and
road deterioration than conventional methods. o Safety concern for bicyclists
Uneven finished asphalt sealant installation, which is not typically noticed by
vehicles, may be a hazard for bicyclists.
Narrow micro-trenches left open during construction are not an issue for vehicles
or pedestrians, but they can be a hazard for bicyclists and should be adequately
protected when adjacent to bicycle facilities.
Many of the disadvantages listed above, including concerns with on-street bicycle lanes, can be
addressed through various best-management practices and technical requirements. The City has included
best-management practices and technical requirements in the proposed update to the DCS to reduce
potential negative impacts of narrow trenching.
Community engagement has included targeted outreach to groups that would use the narrow trenching
standard or potentially be impacted by its use, e.g., regional retail internet service providers (ISPs) and
local cycling and disability advocacy groups, including Coalition 4 Cyclists, Community Cycles, It
Could Be Me, and Center for People with Disabilities. Two remote meetings were held via Zoom, one
with the community advocacy groups on September 27 and another for ISPs September 28. The drafted
DCS updates were provided before each session, and additional feedback and materials was received
afterwards by email. All feedback and materials were then shared with the cross-department working
group for consideration.
Feedback from local advocacy groups consisted of:
• General concern about surface remediation and cuts parallel to the direction of travel, e.g.,
bumps, divots, trip hazards.
• Positive statements about shorter construction and road closure timelines the standard requires.
• Questions about community communication, notice, and marking plans.
• A preference of center line trench placement to minimize impact to cyclists. Site-by-site
placement focused on safety. Counter concerns for center line placement, e.g., increased lateral
cuts and additional vaults/handholes on both sides of street.
• A preference to minimize or forbid narrow trenching in bike paths.
Feedback from Regional ISPs consisted of:
• Calls for clarifications in the technical drawing regarding utility separations.
• Success of curb lip-adjacent runs and recommendation to allow in standard.
• Requests to add additional allowable conduit materials and widths.
• Calls to allow pneumatic underground piercing missiles, also known as “missile” or “mole”
• Adjustments that allow for graduated depth requirements.
• Expectations vs reality for sealant reservoir approach versus over-banding on top of flowable
filled trench.
• Call to consider allowing 24-inch depths for directional boring and its benefits.
• Call to consider allowing field approved variations in some circumstances versus traditional
memo submission for variance.
• Recommendations on additional flowable fill allowances that are a different mix design than
current city standards. And an alternative water-to-cement ratios for flowable fill remediation.
The following table demonstrates how feedback informed the proposed standards changes.
Topic Feedback Updates
Allowable Depth Preferred 8” depth for residential streets or
a graduated approach based on street type
Depth of cover to be 10’’-24’’
for narrow trenching allowing
different depths by pavement
thickness. If pavement is 6’’
thick or greater, minimum
conduit depth must be
additional 4’’ from bottom of
Horizontal Location
Preferred centerline versus within travel
lanes. Approved of 10-day restoration
Technical feedback preference to allow
trenching directly adjacent to lip of curb.
Claim it’s less intrusive to the overall street
infrastructure given the trench is at an
existing joint.
City to allow narrow trench at
lip line of curb with exception
that min. depth of conduit shall
be 12'' to ensure future
curb/gutter concrete work does
not come in close contact with
the narrow trench conduits.
Backfill and Pavement
Provided example mix designs for review
that have better outcomes
Asked to consider Flowfill to top and allow
Practical issues with sealant reservoir
Keep existing City of Boulder
flowable fill standards, add
material alternative for use of
Mastic One material for
narrow trench roadway
restorations with 1’’- 6’’
reservoir depths.
Bike Lane
Full mill and overlay of bike lanes
significantly increase cost per linear foot.
Preference to stay out of bike lanes.
Technical drawing note that
allows for trenching at lip of
bike lanes wider than 3’
(exclusive of gutter pan). This
is a workable compromise
between the two groups’
interests. If bike lane is less
than 3’ wide, full mill and
overlay will be required.
Conduit materials Request to allow different materials as
current standards state PVC or Schedule 40
Addition to allow SDR 9 and
11 HDPE conduit materials to
meet current application
Lateral Tie-In Method Request to allow Missile method, a
pneumatic piercing tool, used for
penetrating under curbs and sidewalks.
Traditional bore method has greater
impacts and is a higher cost.
Addition to allow use Missile
method for lateral tie-in's.
Locate & Warning
Tape Requirements
Difficult installing tape at right depth and is
disruptive to smooth and fast installation
process. Adds too much cost and has
logistical impacts to a project.
Removed requirement for
warning tape placement
associated to narrow trenching
The scope of the narrow trenching recommendations is focused on utilities and transportation standards
and a new technical drawing as detailed below.
Chapter 8 Transportation Standards
Section Additions
Section 408, Joint and Crack Sealant
(New Subsection 408.02)
Allows the use of Mastic One material for narrow
trenching roadway restorations.
Section 703, Aggregates
(New Subsection 703.05)
Allows use of Cover Coat material for the
purpose of adding on top of Mastic One while
temperature is still hot, during narrow trench
roadway restoration, with the purpose of creating
a non-slip surface. Material would be black in
color, made of crushed stone, crushed slag,
crushed gravel, expanding shale, clay, or slate in
a rotary fired kiln or natural gravel, that meets the
purpose of use.
Chapter 9 Utility Standards
Section Additions
9.02 Excavation and Trenching(B) Materials
(12) Restoration
(C) Execution
(8) Trench Excavation
(C) Execution (10) Installation of Trench
9.02 Excavation and Trenching – continued
(C) Execution
(12) Restoration
Allows use of Flashfill as an alternative flowable
fill material for trench backfilling including
Narrow Trenching and larger application needs.
Narrow Trench widths to be minimum 1’’ with
3’’ max.
Requires Narrow Trench backfill material to be
flowable fill per Table 9-2 of Chapter 9 standards.
Alternative use of Flashfill added.
Specific information for roadway restoration
including use of flowable fill, cleaning surfaces
prior to use of mastic one, applying mastic one &
top coating for surface grip.
Restoration associated to bike lanes: Requires
restorations to be completed within 10 days,
compared to the standard 14 days. Requires mill
and overlay for entire width of bike lane, with
exception to trenches located at lip of curb and
bike lane is greater than 3’ in width (exclusive of
gutter pan). Also includes full width restoration
requirements for fiber service lateral tie-in's &
street cuts within bike lanes.
Utility Potholing Restoration: Utility potholes
have been on the rise after the Colorado
Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) law (SB18-
167) passed in 2018 due to an increase in
damaged utilities. City of Boulder current design
and construction standards does not provide
requirements for temporary or permanent utility
pothole restorations. New additional wording
requires use of flowable fill subsurface, with use
of concrete vibrator to fill voids in full, and full
depth like-for-like surface restoration for both
concrete and asphalt. This also requires a flush
surface between repaired utility pothole and
existing roadway, therefore no deviation or
deflection +/- will be considered.
Addition to require restoration for street striping
and markings within 10 days, using approved
9.21 Telecommunication or Cable System
(A) General
(2) Construction Plans Required
(B) Underground Facilities
(1) Cable Protection
(2) Depth of Cover
Requires directional boring or narrow trenching
construction plans to meet subsurface engineering
(SUE) level B design standards. The city can
request full engineered plans and profile
Changed conduit material from PVC to SDR 9 or
11 HDPE pipe to meet current application
Narrow Trenching Exception: For existing
pavements 6 inches or less, distance from top of
pavement to top of conduit is 10 inch minimum,
24 inch maximum. For Existing pavements
greater than 6 inches thick, distance from top of
pavement to top of conduit equals the pavement
thickness plus 4 inches minimum, 24 inch
If Narrow Trench abuts lip of curb & gutter,
minimum depth of conduit is 12''.
9.21 Telecommunication or Cable System
Standards - Continued
(B) Underground Facilities
(3) Trench Specifications – Roadway and
Other Paved Surfaces
9.21 Telecommunication or Cable System
Standards - Continued
(B) Underground Facilities
(3) Trench Specifications – Roadway and
Other Paved Surfaces
(B) Underground Facilities
(4) Trench Specifications – Landscape Areas
(5) Alternative Installation Methods
Narrow Trench minimum width of 1’’, maximum
of 3’’, but no greater than 1’’ max of conduit size.
This is to ensure flowable fill surrounds conduit
and does not leave any voids for future
subsurface failures. Example: 1’’ conduit cannot
be placed in a 1’’ trench. Proposed 1’’ conduit
would require a 2’’ trench minimum, to allow .5’’
gap on each side for flowable fill.
Allow narrow trench to abut the concrete lip line
of curb and gutter with a 12’’ minimum conduit
depth. This is to prevent future curb/gutter
projects from potential fiber conduit damages.
Wheel path alignment with trench. Written to
keep narrow trenches a minimum of 2’ away
from common wheel paths on roadways,
including streets signed or marked as shared
roadways for bicyclists and vehicular traffic.
Wording requires the contractor to layout the
trench running line so they follow a straight path
and not be allowed to eyeball or “freehand” the
machine’s path. This is to create clean and
straight trench paths with greater final product
Exception to the 10’’ width current standard and
placed a minimum of 1’’ and 3’’ max for Narrow
Trench applications.
Added to allow use of Missile method for lateral
tie-in tunneling associated to narrow trenching.
Staff researched and found this to be less of a
public impact compared to traditional boring
where large rigs are used and block sidewalks,
bike lanes and paths, whereas Missile method is
mostly limited to a setup on private property.
Wording added to require use of flowable fill.
(B) Underground Facilities
(7) Warning Tape
Warning tape, typically required for open trench
pipe installations, is only a recommendation for
Narrow Trenching and not required. Based on
technical feedback, staff determined that it’s not
financial practical to partially flow fill a trench,
place warning tape, and then walk a concrete
truck backwards to continue filling the open
trench. Locates will be marked upon 811 request
prior to anyone excavating in the future.
Chapter 11 Technical Drawings
New Technical Drawing, numbered 4.05A, Titled:
Telecommunications Conduit and Cable – Narrow
Update to Chapter 11 table of contents adding the
new drawing.
Created to demonstrate the expectations for
trench dimensions, utility separation, placement,
and remediation. Includes specific information
regarding impacts to bike lanes and associated
After the October 2024 TAB meeting, the proposed changes will go to Planning Board for feedback and
then to City Council in November 2024 for final approval.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8 DCS Changes
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9 DCS Changes
Attachment C - Markup of Chapter 11 DCS Changes
Attachment D – Chapter 11 Drawing Addition
Attachment E – Advocacy Group Meeting Notes
Attachment F – Internet Service Provide Meeting Notes
Effective: November 6, 2009 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 8-i
Section Page
SPECIFICATIONS WITH MODIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................... 1
(A)SECTION 401, PLANT MIX PAVEMENTS - GENERAL ......................................................................................... 1
(B)SECTION 403, HOT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ................................................................................................... 2
(C)SECTION 608, SIDEWALKS AND MULTI-USE PATHS ......................................................................................... 3
(D)SECTION 610, MEDIAN COVER MATERIAL ....................................................................................................... 4
(E)SECTION 703, AGGREGATES ............................................................................................................................. 4
(F)SECTION 612, DELINEATORS AND REFLECTORS ............................................................................................... 5
(G)SECTION 614, TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES ...................................................................................................... 5
(H)SECTION 627, PAVEMENT MARKING ................................................................................................................ 6
(I)SECTION 713, TRAFFIC CONTROL MATERIALS ................................................................................................. 7
(J)SECTION 408, JOINT AND CRACK SEALANT ...................................................................................................... 8
8.02 TRAFFIC SIGNALS ..................................................................................................................................... 8
8.03 TRAFFIC SIGNS AND MARKINGS ......................................................................................................... 8
(A)REQUIRED ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
(B)SIGNING AND STRIPING PLAN .......................................................................................................................... 8
(C)CONFORMANCE WITH MUTCD ........................................................................................................................ 8
(D)MATERIALS ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
(E)PRIVATE STREET SIGNS.................................................................................................................................... 9
8.04 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN ........................................................................................... 9
(A)REQUIRED ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
(B)INTENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
(C)TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN .................................................................................................................... 9
(D)OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
(E)CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 9
(F)CONFORMANCE WITH MUTCD ...................................................................................................................... 10
(G)GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................. 10
(H)NON STANDARD CLOSURES ........................................................................................................................... 10
8.05 FIRE LANE SIGN SPECIFICATIONS .................................................................................................... 11
(A)SIZE................................................................................................................................................................ 11
(B)MATERIAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 11
(C)COLORS .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
(D)WORDING ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
8-ii DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS Effective: November 6, 2009
8.06 SIGNING FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING .............................................................................................. 13
(A) MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................................... 13
(B) REQUIRED SIGNS ............................................................................................................................................ 13
(C) SIGN PLACEMENT........................................................................................................................................... 13
8.07 SIGNING FOR PARKING RESTRICTIONS ................................................................................................ 13
(A) SIZE................................................................................................................................................................ 13
(B) MATERIAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Table Number Page
Table 8-1: Marshall Method by Street Classification .................................................................................. 2
Table 8-2: Hot Bituminous Pavement Design Mix ....................................................................................... 3
Table 8-3: Minimum Voids in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA) .................................................................... 3
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
8.01 Adoption of the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
Specifications with Modifications
The current edition of the “Colorado Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for
Road and Bridge Construction” is hereby adopted by reference in these Standards as the City of
Boulder transportation construction standards, except as specifically amended by the provisions
of this chapter.
(A) Section 401, Plant Mix Pavements - General
(1) Subsection 401.02, “Composition of Mixtures,” is amended to incorporate the
following additions:
(a) A job-mix formula shall be submitted to the Director of Public Works for
approval prior to placing any hot bituminous pavement. The formula shall
indicate the aggregate gradation, asphalt cement content, hydrated lime content,
and optimum density. If requested by the Director, a sample of the aggregate and
asphalt cement shall be submitted for approval (for test purposes) prior to placing
any hot bituminous pavement.
(b) The job-mix formula for each mixture shall establish a single percentage of
aggregate passing each required sieve size, a single percentage of bituminous
material to be added to the aggregate, and a single temperature for the mixture at
the discharge point of the plant.
(c) When submitting the job-mix formula, the contractor shall supply certified test
results on all asphalt cements, aggregates, and mixes used for hot bituminous
pavement, and certify that all materials meet or exceed all required specifications
and tests.
(d) The Director reserves the right to sample materials and mixtures throughout
project construction to determine whether specifications and requirements have
been met and to confirm the certified test results. The contractor is responsible
for providing a bituminous mixture that meets the job formula and specifications.
(e) The contractor shall be responsible for providing adequate field testing of
materials used on the project and providing copies of the test results to the City to
assure compliance with these specifications.
(f) The top layer of hot bituminous pavement shall not contain any reclaimed asphalt
material, unless approved by the Director.
(2) Subsection 401.11, “Tack Coat,” is amended to incorporate the following additions:
(a) A tack coat shall be evenly applied to all existing asphalt or concrete surfaces
that will be in contact with asphalt prior to hot bituminous pavement placement.
A slow-setting, diluted emulsion shall be used, diluted with one part water to one
part asphalt emulsion. The rate of application shall be 0.1 gallons per square
yard of diluted asphalt emulsion. Before dilution, the emulsified asphalt shall
comply with AASHTO M140 or M208.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
(b) Only the amount of tack coat necessary for the day's operation is to be placed on
the surface. All traffic not essential to the work shall be kept off the tack coat.
(3) Subsection 401.12, “Surface Conditioning,” is amended to incorporate the following
addition: All vegetation shall be removed from any existing surface to be overlaid.
(4) Subsection 401.16, “Spreading and Finishing,” is amended to incorporate the
following additions:
(a) The bituminous mixture shall be placed with an asphalt paver if possible. The
contractor shall receive permission from the Director to use placement methods
other than a paver. The lift thickness shall be at least twice the maximum particle
size for the hot bituminous pavement mix. The maximum lift thickness for the
final lift shall be 2 inches, unless otherwise approved by the Director.
(b) Areas to be patched shall be excavated and squared to a neat line, leaving the
sides of the excavation vertical. Prior to placement of the patch, the exposed
sides of the existing pavement shall be thoroughly coated with slow-setting
Emulsified Asphalt. Hot bituminous pavement shall then be placed and
compacted in succeeding layers; no layer shall be more than 3 inches deep.
(B) Section 403, Hot Bituminous Pavement
(1) Subsection 403.02, “Materials,” is amended to incorporate the following additions:
(a) Design mixes shall be established using the Marshall Method of compaction.
The method will be applied based on street classification according to Table 8-1,
“Marshall Method by Street Classification.”
Table 8-1: Marshall Method by Street Classification
Design Method Laboratory Compaction Street Classification
Marshall Method, ASTM D 1559
Asphalt Institute MS-2
50 blows per side Local, Collector, and Minor
Arterial (ESAL < 1 million)
Marshall Method, ASTM D 1559
Asphalt Institute MS-2
75 blows per side Major Arterial (ESAL < 1 million)
(b) The design mix for hot bituminous pavement shall conform to Table 8-2, “Hot
Bituminous Pavement Design Mix,” and Table 8-3, “Minimum Voids in the
Mineral Aggregate (VMA).”
(c) The addition of any recycled material is subject to approval by the Director prior
to use in any asphalt mix. All mixes including recycled material shall meet all
standard specifications and contain no more than 10% recycled material.
(d) Hot bituminous pavement for patching shall be Grading C with AC-10 asphalt
(e) A minimum of one percent hydrated lime by weight of the combined aggregate
shall be added to all aggregate for hot bituminous pavement.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
Table 8-2: Hot Bituminous Pavement Design Mix
Property Test Method Value
Voids, Percent MS-2; AASHTO T269 3-5
Stability, Minimum MS-2; AASHTO T245 1800
Flow (0.01") MS-2: AASHTO T245 8-16
Aggregate retained on the No. 4 Sieve with at
least two Fractured Faces % Min.
CP-45 70
Accelerated Moisture Susceptibility Tensile
Strength Ratio (Lottman) Min.
AASHTO T283 80
Minimum Dry Split Tensile Strength, PSI AASHTO T283 30
Voids in Mineral Aggregate, VMA, % Min. MS-2 See Table 8.01-3
Grade of Asphalt Cement AC-10
Table 8-3: Minimum Voids in the Mineral Aggregate (VMA)
Design Air Voids **
Nominal Maximum Size*, Inches (mm)** 3.0% 4.0% 5.0%
1 ½ (37.5) 11 12 13
1 (25.0) 12 13 14
¾ (19.0) 13 14 15
½ (12.5) 14 15 16
3/8 (9.5) 15 16 17
* The Nominal Maximum Size is defined as one sieve larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10%.
** Interpolate specified VMA values for design air voids between those listed.
(C) Section 608, Sidewalks and Multi-Use Paths
(1) Subsection 608.03(e), “Joints,” is amended to incorporate the following additions:
All jointing of bikepath, bikeway, and bike trail concrete pavement shall be saw cut at the
nearest contraction joint and shall be removed and replaced full width. No partial
removal and replacement will be allowed. No longitudinal joints will be allowed in
either sidewalk or bikepath concrete pavements.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
(D) Section 610, Median Cover Material
(1) Subsection 610.02, “Materials,” is amended to incorporate the following additions:
Patterned concrete shall be colored concrete and meet the requirements of Section 601
with the following exceptions:
Field Compressive Strength (28 days), psi
(Not a specification requirement)
Cement Content, lbs./cu. Yd., minimum 610
Max. Water/cement ratio lbs. Water/lbs. Cement 0.44
Entrained and Entrapped Air, percent 4 - 8
Slump, AASHTO T 119, inches 2 – 5
Coarse Aggregate, AASHTO M43 Size No. 8
Fine Aggregate, AASHTO M6, percent of total aggregate 50 - 78
(a) An approved water reducing admixture shall be used in the mix.
(b) The coloring agent shall be integral to the concrete mixture.
(c) The color and pattern shall be as defined in the plans as approved by the City.
(d) Colored wax curing membrane shall be as recommended by the supplier of the
coloring agent.
(2) Subsection 610.03, “Construction Requirements,” is amended to incorporate the
following additions: Patterned concrete may be used for median cover material.
Construction shall conform to the requirements of CDOT Subsection 608.03 with the
following exceptions:
(a) While the concrete is still plastic, a special pattern forming tool shall be applied
to the concrete surface to form the specified pattern. All tears and voids resulting
from the pattern forming shall be repaired.
(b) Curing shall include application of two coats of colored wax curing membrane.
The first coat shall be applied within 2 hours of finishing. The second coat shall
be applied between 10 and 20 days following the first application.
(E) Section 703, Aggregates
Subsection 703.04, “Aggregate for Hot Plant Mix Bituminous Pavement,” paragraph 3 is
deleted and replaced with the following revision:
(1) The aggregate from individual sources shall have a percentage of wear of not more than
40 when tested in accordance with AASHTO T96 after 500 revolutions. The aggregate
from individual sources shall contain no more than a 1 percent deleterious material
including clay lumps, vegetable matter, friable particles, and other deleterious substances
tested in accordance with AASHTO T112.
(2) For quarries or sources which contain minerals which are not of similar composition, the
abrasion and friable particle requirements shall be applied to each mineral composition.
(3) All aggregate shall meet the sodium or magnesium sulfate test in accordance with
Subsection 703.05, “Aggregate for Cover Coat Material”, is incorporated for the purpose of
Narrow Trenching, and any other uses determined by the Director.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
(F) Section 612, Delineators and Reflectors
Subsection 612.02, “Materials,” is amended to incorporate the following additions: All
delineators shall be “safe hit” reflective delineators, and shall be anchored according to
manufacturer’s recommendations.
(G) Section 614, Traffic Control Devices
(1) Subsection 614.02, “Sign Posts and Sign Structures,” is amended to incorporate the
following additions:
(a) All signs must be mounted on “TELESPAR” posts or approved equal. These
installations shall be per manufacturer’s recommendations and be constructed in
two sections including the base and the post.
(b) The post size shall conform to manufacturers recommendations according to the
total sign area square footage and wind loading, but in no instance shall post size
be less than 2” square, 12 gauge material, affixed to base by means of two (each)
drive rivets with washers on the back side of post and right or left side of post, at
a length to accommodate the proper mounting height of sign to be affixed per the
(c) The “TELESPAR” sign base shall be 2 ¼ x 36 inches in length and shall be
driven into the ground 33 to 34 inches with 2 to 3 inches exposed above final
(d) Sign Bolts: Sign shall be affixed to post with a minimum of two (each) 5/16 x 2-
¾ inch bolts with locking nut and vandal proof (Gator Lock or approved equal)
hardware on each side (front/back) with nylon washer or equivalent behind the
Gator lock on the sheeting side.
(e) Banded Sign Mount: All banding material shall be ¾ inch wide stainless Steel
banding. Hardware for installation of signs less than 30” attached to a
signal/light pole shall consist of a buckle bracket. For 30”or greater signs, Sign
Fix is required to be mounted on the sign and a slider bracket to affix sign to the
(f) Other Sign Mounts: Utility wood poles can be used when the location is
appropriate for signs with prior approval from the Director. The mounting
hardware shall be lag bolts with washers, with nylon washer or equivalent against
the sheeting side.
(g) Cantilever Mount: Cantilever mounts shall be approved by the Director prior to
being used.
(h) CDOT Breakaway Post System: Signs placed in rights-of-way under the
jurisdiction of CDOT shall provide a breakaway system in accordance with
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
CDOT standards (M & S Standards section S-614-5).
(2) Subsection 614.04, “Sign Panels,” is amended to incorporate the
following additions:
(a) All reflective sheeting shall be ASTM D 4956-04 Type XI Diamond Grade
Cubed (DG3) or equivalent approved by the Director.
(b) All sign blanks shall be constructed using 0.100 gauge aluminum material.
(c) All public street name signs shall be constructed using extruded aluminum alloy
6063-T6, or approved equal, with 0.091 inch thick web, 0.250 inch thick edges,
and square corners. All non-extruded signs shall be mounted on 0.100 gage
aluminum with rounded radius corners. All public street name signs shall be
constructed using reflective sheeting stated above and have a blue background
with white lettering.
(H) Section 627, Pavement Marking
Subsection 627.03, “General,” is amended to incorporate the following additions:
(1) White and yellow skip markings shall be 4 inches wide and 10 feet long with a 30 foot
gap between.
(2) All crosswalk lines shall be applied longitudinally, and shall be 24 inches wide by 10 feet
(3) On concrete surfaces all curing compound shall be removed prior to the installation of
any pavement marking.
(4) Maintenance Striping
(a) All lane, center, and channelizing lines shall be striped with epoxy pavement
markings at 15 mm thickness with glass beads.
(b) All crosswalk lines installed on asphalt surfaces shall be provided using pre-
formed plastic pavement markings 3M A270 E/S series tape. On concrete
surfaces, an equivalent pre-form thermoplastic marking can be used if approved
by the Director.
(b) All lane use arrows on concrete surfaces shall be Premark Brand Elongated
Series Contrast Arrows.
(c) All lane use arrows on Asphalt Surfaces shall be pre-formed plastic pavement
markings, 3M Elongated L270 ES Series.
(d) Adherence to manufacturer’s installation recommendations (method) is required.
(5) New Striping
(a) Approval of final lay-out is required prior to placement of pavement markings
(b) On concrete surfaces all curing compound shall be removed prior to the
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
of any pavement markings.
(c) Adherence to manufacturer’s installation recommendations is required.
(d) All lane use arrows on concrete surfaces shall be Premark Brand Elongated
Series Contrast Arrows.
(e) All lane use arrows on Asphalt Surfaces shall be pre-formed plastic pavement
markings, 3M Elongated L270 ES Series.
(I) Section 713, Traffic Control Materials
(1) Subsection 713.04, “Sign Panel Backgrounds,” is amended to incorporate the
following addition: Aluminum sign panels may also have a Class II (A-1) anodic coating
clear finish as defined in the “Aluminum Association Standards for Anodically Coated
Aluminum Alloys for Architectural Applications.”
(2) Subsection 713.06, “Messages,” is amended to incorporate the following additions:
(a) All street name signs on non-signalized intersections shall be 9 inches wide with
6 inch, upper-case, series D capital letters, together with 4 ¾ inch, lower-case,
series D letters for the name of the street, and a 3 inch, upper-case, series D
capital letter together with 2 ¼ inch, lower- case, series D letters for “Avenue,”
“Street,” 3 inch block numbers below the abbreviation of “Ave.,” “St.,” etc.
The “Ave” etc. and block numbers shall be centered on the sign with a 1 inch
separation between them. When block numbers are not used, “Ave”, “St”, “Rd”,
etc. shall be 6 inch upper case with 4 /4 inch lower case letters series D. On
numbered streets, a 6 inch, series D number shall be used with 4 ¾ inch, lower-
case, series D letters for “th”, “st” and “nd” to be held in line with the number
that it follows.
(b) All reflective sheeting for street name sign faces shall be Type XI 3M - Diamond
Grade Cubed sheeting or approved equal.
(3) Subsection 713.08, “Glass Beads for Traffic Markings,” is amended to incorporate the
following addition: Glass beads shall be applied on Epoxy Pavement Markings Lane
Lines at a rate of 15 to 18 pounds per gallon.
(4) Subsection 713.13, “Preformed Plastic Materials,” is amended to incorporate the
following additions:
(a) Preformed Plastic: material shall be 3M Stamark Series A270 ES for all
transverse & longitudinal lines. All lane use symbols shall be 3M Stamark Series
L270 ES.
(b) Preformed Plastic: (New Concrete Application) “white only” material shall be
3M Stamark Series A380I-5 ES (contrast) for all longitudinal skip lines or
channelizing lines.
(5) Subsection 713.14, “Preformed Thermoplastic Material,” is amended to incorporate the
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
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following additions:
(a) Preformed Thermoplastic; Materials shall be alkyd based materials for transverse
& longitudinal lines, or approved equivalent.
(b) All materials shall be 90 mm thick with beads. Only preformed thermoplastic
marking material listed on CDOT’s approved products list may be used.
(6) Subsection 713.19, Methyl Methacrylate Pavement Marking,”
Methyl Methacrylate material shall be approved by the Director prior to being used on
transportation facilities in the public right-of-way.
(J) Section 408, Joint and Crack Sealant
(1) Subsection 408.02, “Materials,” is amended to incorporate the following addition: Use
of Mastic One or equivalent materials, for Narrow Trenching restoration, shall be listed
on the CDOT approved products list. The contractor shall provide to the city, material
certifications and manufacturer’s instructions for heating and application prior to use.
8.02 Traffic Signals
All traffic signal design and construction shall be performed in accordance with the Section 2-2-11,
“Traffic Engineering,” B.R.C. 1981 and these Standards.
8.03 Traffic Signs and Markings
(A) Required
The applicant shall be responsible for the installation of all traffic control devices, street name
signs, and pavement markings prior to opening or reopening any public transportation facility.
(B) Signing and Striping Plan
A complete signing and striping plan shall be submitted as part of project or development
construction plans, to be approved by the Director prior to installation. The plan shall specify the
locations, types, and combinations of approved signs, pavement markings, and barricades
required for each project or development.
(C) Conformance with MUTCD
All signs, sign materials, and barricade warning lights shall conform to the standards set forth in
the current edition of the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD)”, and these
(D) Materials
The quality of material used in traffic signs, type and quality of all vandal-proof sign hardware,
and quality of all metal square sign posts shall be in conformance with these Standards, subject to
approval by the Director.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
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(E) Private Street Signs
Private streets shall be signed as such and shall include the message “NO CITY
MAINTENANCE”, and be installed on the same support as the street name sign. Any private
street name signs should be fabricated and installed according to the specifications for a public
right-of-way street name sign except that the sign shall have white lettering on a green
8.04 Temporary Traffic Control Plan
(A) Required
The Director of Public Works may require a Temporary Traffic Control (TTC) Plan for any work
that impacts a public right-of-way or easement.
(B) Intent
The purpose of this section is to establish standards and methods for handling traffic to be applied
when work or work activity in the public right-of-way or public easements impedes or obstructs
any mode of transportation, including but not limited to pedestrian, bicycle, transit, or vehicular
traffic. These standards are intended to ensure safe and effective work areas, and warn, control,
protect, and accommodate all modes of transportation.
(C) Transportation Master Plan
All temporary traffic control plans shall comply with the goals, policies, and standards adopted in
the Transportation Master Plan (TMP).
(D) Objectives
Primary objectives of a TTC plan are as follows:
(1) Prevent accidents and injury for both the public and for workers, by providing a safe
work area;
(2) Prevent damage to public and private property, including damage to vehicles and
construction equipment;
(3) Ensure well defined and safe traffic movements through work areas and temporary traffic
control zones;
(4) Efficiently and equitably accommodate pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and vehicular traffic;
(5) Support mode prioritization goals established in the TMP;
(6) Provide effective communication with the public; and
(7) Ensure conformity with these standards for work zone temporary traffic control.
(E) Certification Requirements
(1) Traffic Control Plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of a person
certified as a Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) by the American Traffic Safety Services
Association (ATSSA) or with equivalent certification as approved by the Director.
(2) Traffic Control Plans shall be implemented under the direct supervision of a TCS,
certified Traffic Control Technician (TCT), or person with equivalent certification as
approved by the Director.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
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(F) Conformance with MUTCD
All traffic control plans, signs, sign materials, barricade warning lights, and other temporary
traffic control measures shall conform to the “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices”
(current edition), except as specifically amended or supplemented by the provisions of these
(G) General Requirements
All proposed Traffic Control Plans shall include the following:
(1) The location of work
(2) A description of work to be performed
(3) A construction schedule identifying duration and extent of impacts
(4) A delineation of the proposed work area including any staging, storage, and delivery
(5) Proposed measures to address impacts to vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, multi-use path
facilities, transit facilities, and persons with disabilities.
(H) Non Standard Closures
Traffic control plans which due to their location, duration, extent, hours of operation, or impact
will result in more significant impacts to the traveling public require additional information to
demonstrate that impacts have been avoided, minimized, and mitigated. The Director may
approve the following Non Standard closures upon finding that the applicable criteria have been
(1) Work Hours: Plans which propose to close a vehicular travel lane on any weekday prior
to 9 a.m. or later than 4 p.m., or on any weekend shall demonstrate that such impacts
cannot be reasonably avoided or that the proposed schedule reduces impacts to the public
compared to closure during normal work hours.
(2) Multiple Vehicle Lanes: Plans which propose to close all or multiple vehicle lanes in a
single direction of travel shall demonstrate that such impacts cannot be reasonably
avoided through alternative scheduling or phasing of work.
(3) Vehicular Detours: Plans which propose to detour traffic to another roadway shall
demonstrate that such impacts cannot be reasonably avoided and that impacts to the
detour route have been mitigated to the extent practicable. Impacts to the detour route
shall be evaluated including, without limitation, intersection level of service, traffic speed
and volume in residential neighborhoods and school zones, and impacts to all modes of
(4) Flagging: Plans which propose use of flaggers shall demonstrate that the duration or
scope of work is such that more permanent control measures are not practical.
(5) Transit Facilities: Plans which propose impacts to a transit facility or transit stop must
demonstrate that such impacts cannot be avoided and provide for appropriate detours and
alternative stop locations.
(6) Sidewalks: The following special considerations shall be given to proposed closures of
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
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a) Adjacent to streets not classified as “Local” in the Transportation Master Plan;
b) Located in the CAGID or UHGID boundary areas;
c) Impacted for more than seven days;
d) Where no other sidewalk exists adjacent to the roadway;
e) Serving a school zone or transit stop, or
f) Requiring pedestrians to detour to a facility on a separate parallel roadway. Such
proposed closures must demonstrate that impacts cannot be avoided through
alternative construction methods, that the duration and extent of impacts has been
minimized, and that an adequate detour has been provided.
(7) Bicycle Lanes: Special consideration shall be given to proposed closures of on street
bike lanes along roadways with a posted speed limit of 40 mph or greater; or bike lanes
that involve contra-flow lanes. Such proposed closures shall demonstrate that impacts
cannot be avoided through alternative construction methods, that the facility cannot be
reasonably relocated through reassignment of vehicle lanes or other existing facilities,
that the duration and extent of impacts has been minimized, and that an adequate detour
has been provided.
(8) Multi-Use Paths: Special consideration shall be given to proposed closures of sidewalk
facilities which have been designated as multi-use paths. Such proposals shall
demonstrate that impacts cannot be avoided through alternative construction methods,
that the facility cannot be reasonably relocated through reassignment of vehicle lanes or
other existing facilities, that the duration and extent of impacts has been minimized, and
that an adequate detour has been provided. Detours routes must be of similar width and
surface type to the permanent facility.
(9) Signage: Where detours or closures impact pedestrian, bicycle, or multi-use path
facilities, additional signage as required by Director shall be utilized to supplement the
requirements of the MUTCD.
8.05 Fire Lane Sign Specifications
(A) Size
Fire lane signs shall be 12 inches by 18 inches.
(B) Material
Fire lane sign material shall be 0.100-inch thick aluminum alloy 6061-T6 with 3M Diamond
Grade Cubed (DG3) sheeting Type XI.
(C) Colors
Fire lane sign colors shall be red letters on a white background. The letter on the symbol shall be
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
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(D) Wording
Fire lane signs shall including the wording “FIRE LANE” with an appropriate arrow and a no
parking symbol (“P” with a slash).
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
8.06 Signing for Accessible Parking
Accessible parking signs required for accessible parking spaces shall meet the following standards:
(A) Materials
Sign materials shall conform to the standards set forth in the MUTCD and these Standards.
(B) Required Signs
Three signs shall be required for accessible parking spaces as follows:
(1) Sign #1: Sign #1 (R7-8) shall be 12 inches by 18 inches with green lettering on a white
background. This sign shall read, “RESERVED PARKING”, followed by a blue
accessible symbol and a green arrow indicating the stalls restricted to accessible parking.
(2) Sign #2: Sign #2 shall be 24 inches by 18 inches with white lettering on a blue
background. This sign shall read, “VEHICLES NOT DISPLAYING THE STATE
display a symbol of accessibility.
(3) Sign #3: Sign #3 shall be 12 inches by 6 inches with white numerical numbering on a
blue background. This sign shall read in numerical value, “$112.00,” centered with a
white border.
(C) Sign Placement
The accessible parking signs shall be placed as shown on Technical Drawing 2.86, “Accessible
Parking Sign Details,” in Chapter 11 of these Standards, and are to be set directly facing or no
more than 45 degrees from the line of travel of a vehicle entering the stall. These signs may be
mounted on a post or may be mounted permanently on an adjacent wall using anchor bolts. Such
signs shall be placed at the center of the end stalls of each accessible parking area and at every
second stall in-between.
8.07 Signing for Parking Restrictions
(A) Size
Parking restriction signs shall be 12” x 18”.
(B) Material
Sign material shall be 0.100-inch thick aluminum alloy 6061-T6 with 3M DG3 (Diamond Grade
Cubed) sheeting Type XI.
Attachment A - Markup of Chapter 8
Transportation DCS Changes
Section Page
9.01 GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
(A)INTENT ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
(B)SCOPE ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
(C)REFERENCE STANDARDS .............................................................................................................................. 1
(D)CITY APPROVAL REQUIRED .......................................................................................................................... 1
9.02 EXCAVATION AND TRENCHING........................................................................................................... 1
(A)GENERAL ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
(B)MATERIALS .................................................................................................................................................. 2
(C)EXECUTION .................................................................................................................................................. 4
9.03 DUCTILE IRON PIPE (DIP) ..................................................................................................................... 10
(A)GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 10
(B)MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 11
(C)THRUST RESTRAINT ................................................................................................................................... 12
(D)CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING SYSTEM................................................................................................... 12
(E)EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 13
9.04 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PRESSURE PIPE ............................................................................. 15
(A)GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 15
(B)MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 15
(C)THRUST RESTRAINT ................................................................................................................................... 16
(D)CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING SYSTEM................................................................................................... 17
(E)EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 18
9.05 WATER SERVICES ................................................................................................................................... 20
(A)GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 20
(B)MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 20
(C)EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 24
9.06 GATE VALVES .......................................................................................................................................... 25
(A)GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 25
(B)MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 25
(C)EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 26
9.07 BUTTERFLY VALVES ............................................................................................................................. 27
(A)GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 27
(B)MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 27
(C)EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 28
9.08 TAPPING SLEEVES AND VALVES ....................................................................................................... 28
(A)GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 28
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(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 28
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 29
9.09 FIRE HYDRANTS ...................................................................................................................................... 30
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 30
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 30
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 30
9.10 COMBINATION AIR VALVE .................................................................................................................. 31
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 31
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 31
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 32
9.11 PIPELINE FITTINGS ................................................................................................................................ 32
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 32
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 32
9.12 DISINFECTING WATERLINES .............................................................................................................. 33
(A) SCOPE ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 33
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 33
9.13 TESTING OF WATER PIPES .................................................................................................................. 34
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 34
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 34
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 34
9.14 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) NON-PRESSURE PIPE ................................................................... 36
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 36
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 36
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 37
9.15 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE .......................................................................................................... 39
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 39
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 39
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 40
9.16 MANHOLES AND INLETS ...................................................................................................................... 42
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 42
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 43
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 44
9.17 TESTING OF GRAVITY SEWER PIPELINES AND MANHOLES .................................................... 45
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 45
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 45
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 45
(D) SANITARY SEWER MANHOLES ................................................................................................................... 47
9.18 CORRUGATED METAL PIPE ................................................................................................................ 48
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 48
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 48
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 49
9.19 CURED-IN-PLACE PIPE (CIPP) ............................................................................................................. 50
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 50
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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Effective: June 20, 2019 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS 9-iii
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 50
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 51
9.20 PIPE BURSTING NON-PRESSURE PIPE .............................................................................................. 53
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 53
(B) MATERIALS ................................................................................................................................................ 54
(C) EXECUTION ................................................................................................................................................ 54
9.21 TELECOMMUNICATION OR CABLE SYSTEM STANDARDS ....................................................... 54
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 54
(B) UNDERGROUND FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 55
(C) ABOVEGROUND FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 57
9.22 ELECTRIC POWER FACILITY STANDARDS .................................................................................... 58
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 58
(B) UNDERGROUND FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 59
(C) ABOVEGROUND FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 60
9.23 GAS DISTRIBUTION FACILITY STANDARDS ................................................................................... 60
(A) GENERAL .................................................................................................................................................... 60
(B) UNDERGROUND FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 61
(C) TESTING REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................................................ 62
(D) ABOVEGROUND FACILITIES ........................................................................................................................ 62
Number Page
Table 9-1: Granular Bedding Material .................................................................................................................... 2
Table 9-2: Flowable Fill Requirements ................................................................................................................... 3
Table 9-3: Tube Size and Sheet Width for Pipe Diameter .................................................................................... 11
Table 9-4: Ductile-Iron Pipe Deflection ................................................................................................................ 13
Table 9-5: Pipe Laying .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Table 9-6: Required Manhole Diameters .............................................................................................................. 43
Table 9-7: Specifications for Air Testing of Sanitary Sewer Pipes ....................................................................... 46
Table 9-8 : Corrugated Base Metal Specifications ................................................................................................. 48
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
9.01 General
(A) Intent
The Utilities Standards are intended to complement the design standards specified in Chapter 4,
“General Utilities Design,” Chapter 5, “Water Design,” Chapter 6, “Wastewater Design,” Chapter
7, “Storm Water Design,” and Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of these Standards, and provide
minimum standards for the construction of public utilities improvements in public rights-of-way
and public easements.
(B) Scope
These Standards apply to all city-operated public utility improvements within the City of Boulder
service area. This chapter describes the construction of public utilities and other work within the
public right-of-way and public easements including, but not limited to, work activities involved,
materials used, installation methods, and required testing. The utilities construction requirements
of this chapter are in addition to those set forth in Chapter 4, “General Utilities Design,” Chapter
5, “Water Design,” Chapter 6, “Wastewater Design,” Chapter 7, “Storm Water Design,” and
Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of these Standards and the B.R.C. 1981.
(C) Reference Standards
Where not specified in these Standards or the B.R.C. 1981, in order to protect the public health,
safety, and welfare, the Director of Public Works will specify the standards to be applied to the
design and construction of utilities and may refer to one or more of the references listed in the
References Section of these Standards.
(D) City Approval Required
All work associated with the construction of public utilities within or upon any City of Boulder
public right-of-way or public easement is subject to City of Boulder approval or permit issuance
as set forth in Chapter 8-5, “Work in the Public Right Of Way and Public Easements,” B.R.C.
9.02 Excavation and Trenching
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes excavation and trenching, which includes the following:
(a) Necessary clearing, grubbing, and preparation of the site;
(b) Removal and disposal of debris;
(c) Excavation and trenching as required;
(d) The handling, storage, transportation, and disposal of all excavated material;
(e) Necessary sheeting, shoring, and protection work;
(f) Preparation of subgrades;
(g) Pumping and dewatering as necessary or required;
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(h) Protection of adjacent property
(i) Backfilling;
(j) Pipe embedment;
(k) Placement of fills;
(l) Surfacing and grading; and
(m) Other relevant work.
(2) Quality Assurance: All tests required for the preliminary review of materials shall be
made by an acceptable independent testing laboratory at the expense of the contractor.
Two initial gradation tests shall be made for each type of pipe bedding, fill, or backfill
material, and one additional gradation test shall be made for each additional 500 tons of
each material. The contractor shall pay for all in-place field density tests, Proctor
moisture-density tests, and relative density tests on the materials as required.
(B) Materials
(1) General: All bedding and backfill material shall be free of frozen material, organic
material, and debris.
(2) Pipe Bedding: Bedding materials shall conform to the following requirements:
(a) Bedding Materials: Bedding materials shall not contain cinders or other material
that may cause pipe corrosion.
(b) Concrete Arch Encasement: A concrete arch encasement is not required unless
improper trenching or unexpected trench conditions require its use, as determined
by the Director.
(c) Granular Bedding Material: Granular bedding material shall consist of well
graded sand or squeegee meeting a fine aggregate standard shown in Table 9-1,
“Granular Bedding Material.” Instead of a material meeting the requirements in
Table 9-1, the Director may approve 3/8-inch chips conforming to the grading
and composition requirements of Course Aggregate No. 8 in Table 703-1,
“Concrete Aggregate Gradation Table,” of the CDOT Standard Specifications for
Road and Bridge Construction, 2017, due to lack of availability of the materials
meeting Table 9-1 requirements.
Table 9-1: Granular Bedding Material
Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight
3/8-inch 100%
No. 4 60-100%
No. 8 0-45%
No. 16 0-30%
No. 50 0-6%
No. 200 0-2%
(d) Compaction: All granular bedding material shall be compacted by vibrating or
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
slicing with a shovel and placed in layers no more than 6 inches thick.
(3) Stabilization Material: Stabilization material shall be placed on suitably prepared
subgrades and compacted by vibration. Stabilization material shall be crushed rock or
gravel; free from dust, clay, or trash; and graded 1 ½ inch to No. 4 as defined in ASTM
C33, and shall be compacted to not less than 70 percent relative density as determined by
ASTM D4253 and D4254.
(4) Trench Backfill: Trench backfill is material placed above the pipe bedding and shall
meet specifications for Class 1 structural backfill material of Subsection 703.08
“Structural Backfill Material,” of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge
Construction (2017), or shall be flowable fill as specified in Subsection 9.02(B)(6) of
these Standards.
(5) Groundwater Barrier Material: Groundwater barrier material shall be flowable fill or
meet AASHTO soil classification SC or CL, free from stones, organic material or debris.
(6) Flowable Fill: Flowable fill, meeting the standards outlined in Table 9-2, “Flowable Fill
Requirements,” shall be used for trench backfill or for groundwater barriers.
(7) Flashfill: Use of Flashfill is permitted as an alternative material for trench backfilling,
consistent with Subsection 206.03 of the CDOT Standard Specifications for Road and
Bridge Construction (2023).
Table 9-2: Flowable Fill Requirements
Ingredients Lbs./C.Y. Kg/m3
Cement 50 30
Coarse Aggregate (AASHTO No. 57 or 67) 1,700 1,009
Fine Aggregate (AASHTO M 6) 1,845 1,095
Water (39 gallons) (147L) 325 (or as needed) 193 (or as needed)
(a) Enough water shall be used so that the flowable fill flows into place properly
without excessive segregation. Approximately 39 gallons of water per cubic yard
(193 liters per cubic meter) of flowable fill is normally needed. Additional water
shall not be added to the mixture at the project site.
(b) The contractor may use aggregate that does not meet the specifications in Table
9-2, “Flowable Fill Requirements,” if the cement is increased to 100 pounds per
cubic yard (60 kilograms per cubic meter) and the aggregate conforms to
following gradation:
Sieve Size or Designation Percent Passing
1 inch (25.0 mm) 100%
No. 200 0-10%
(c) The contractor may make the following substitutions in the flowable fill mix:
(i) Thirty pounds per cubic yard (18 kilograms per cubic meter) of cement
and 30 pounds per cubic yard (18 kilograms per cubic meter) of fly ash
for 50 pounds per cubic yard (30 kilograms per cubic meter) of cement,
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
(ii) Sixty pounds per cubic yard (36 kilograms per cubic meter) of cement
and 60 pounds per cubic yard (36 kilograms per cubic meter) of fly ash
for 100 pounds per cubic yard (60 kilograms per cubic meter) of cement.
(d) The City reserves the right to review the use of recycled broken glass (glass
cullet) as part or all of the aggregate.
(e) Compaction of flowable fill shall not be required
(f) The maximum layer thickness for flowable fill shall be 3-feet. Additional layers
shall not be placed until the flowable fill has lost sufficient moisture to be walked
on without indenting more than 2-inches. Any damage resulting from placing
flowable fill in layers that are too thick or from not allowing sufficient time
between placement of layers shall be repaired at the Contractor’s expense.
(8) Rock Backfill Material: Rock backfill material shall be an imported graded material
that meets either the 57/67 size requirements of ASTM C33 or the requirements for
stabilization material specified in Subsection 9.02(B)(3) of these Standards.
(C) Execution
(1) Site Preparation
(a) All sites to be occupied by permanent construction shall be cleared of all logs,
trees, roots, brush, tree trimmings, and other objectionable materials and debris.
All stumps shall be grubbed. All waste materials shall be removed from the site
and properly disposed.
(b) In natural areas where excavation will occur all topsoil shall be stripped or, in the
absence of topsoil, the top 6 inches of surface material shall be stripped and
stored separately from other excavated materials.
(c) For concrete walks, roadways, parking areas, and road crossings existing
pavement shall be cut full depth to a true line before excavation. For Portland
Cement pavements, cuts shall be made at existing joints.
(2) Classification of Excavated Materials: Excavated materials shall not be classified.
Excavation and trenching work shall include the removal and subsequent handling of all
materials excavated or otherwise removed in performance of the work, regardless of the
type, character, composition, or condition thereof.
(3) Unauthorized Excavation: Undermining or tunneling under walls, footings, slabs on
grade, foundations, sidewalks, concrete or bituminous asphalt pavements, or any other
surface or subsurface facilities or structures shall not be permitted unless authorized by
the Director. If unauthorized tunneling or undermining occurs, the contractor shall pay
for all repairs and restorations the Director deems necessary. The repairs and restorations
may include removing and replacing part or all of the affected facility or structure.
(4) Stabilization of Subgrades
(a) Subgrades for concrete structures and trench bottoms shall be firm, dense,
thoroughly compacted and consolidated, and free from mud and muck.
(b) Subgrades for concrete structures or trench bottoms that are otherwise solid, but
become mucky on top due to construction operations, shall be reinforced with
crushed rock or gravel meeting the requirements for stabilization material,
described in Subsection 9.02(B)(3) of these Standards and approved by the
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(c) Stabilization material shall be spread and compacted to a depth of not more than
4 inches. However, if the required depth exceeds 4 inches, the subgrade for
concrete structures or trench bottom shall be re-excavated and all mud and muck
removed and replaced with stabilization material, as required by Subsection
9.02(B)(3) of these Standards and approved by the Director.
(d) This material shall be placed, and compacted, as prescribed in these Standards.
The finished elevation of stabilized subgrades shall not be above subgrade
elevations indicated on the drawings.
(5) Blasting: Blasting or other use of explosives for excavation will not be permitted.
(6) Shoring
(a) All excavations shall be properly shored and braced to meet federal, state and
local laws governing safe working conditions. The shoring shall be arranged so
that no stress is placed on any portion of the completed work until the general
construction thereof has proceeded far enough to provide ample strength.
(b) Shoring shall be removed as the work progresses. Trench sheeting shall not be
pulled before backfilling unless the pipe strength is sufficient to carry trench
loads based on trench width to the back of sheeting, nor shall sheeting be pulled
after backfilling.
(c) Where trench sheeting is left in place, such sheeting shall not be braced against
the pipe, but shall be supported in a manner that will preclude concentrated loads
or horizontal thrusts on the pipe. Cross braces installed above the pipe to support
sheeting may be removed after pipe embedment has been completed.
(d) The contractor shall pay to repair any damage to pipes or structures resulting
from missing, failed or improper shoring, sheeting, or bracing or any negligence
on the part of the contractor.
(7) Water Control and Dewatering
(a) Dewatering equipment shall be provided to remove and dispose of all surface
water and groundwater entering excavations, trenches, or other parts of the work.
Each excavation shall be kept dry during subgrade preparation and until the
structure to be built or the pipe to be installed is completed to the extent that no
damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause will result.
(b) All excavations for concrete structures or trenches that extend down to or below
the groundwater table shall be dewatered by lowering and keeping the
groundwater level 12 inches or more below the bottom of the excavation.
(c) Surface water shall be diverted or otherwise prevented from entering the
excavated areas or trenches to the greatest extent practicable without causing
damage to adjacent property.
(d) The contractor shall be responsible for the condition of any pipe or conduit used
for drainage purposes. All such pipe or conduit shall be left clean and free of
(8) Trench Excavation: Trenches shall be excavated so that pipes can be laid according to
the profiles, grades, elevations, and minimum cover shown on the drawings or specified
in these Standards. Trench subgrades shall be clean and free of loose material of any
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(a) Excavation in Streets and Other Paved Surfaces: Excavations in streets with
asphalt paving must be confined to the minimum width required to maintain a
safe trench condition. The contractor shall pay for replacing any pavement
damage resulting from their construction work. The Director will determine the
limits of the damaged pavement needing replacement.
(b) Minimum Cover: Where pipe grades or elevations are not definitely fixed by the
approved plans, trenches shall be excavated to a depth sufficient to provide a
minimum depth of backfill cover over the top of the pipe as follows:
(i) Water lines require at least 4.5 feet of cover;
(ii) Sanitary sewers require at least 3 feet of cover; and
(iii) Storm sewers require at least 1.5 feet of cover.
(c) Trench Widths
(i) Trench widths shall be as shown below where the maximum trench
width is measured at the top of the pipe barrel:
Pipe Diameter
Maximum Trench
Pipe Diameter
Maximum Trench
4 24 24 48
6 26 27 52
8 28 30 56
10 30 33 60
12 34 36 68
14 36 39 72
15 37 42 76
16 38 48 82
18 40 54 90
20 42 72 110
21 44
(ii) If the stated maximum trench widths are exceeded, and if the Director
determines that the combined dead- and live-loads will exceed the design
loadings on the pipe, the Director may require the contractor to either
cradle the pipe in concrete or use a pipe of a stronger class. Remedial
measures shall be entirely at the contractor’s expense.
(iii) As illustrated on Drawing No. 4.03 in Chapter 11, “Technical
Drawings,” of these Standards, the pipe trench shall be excavated to a
depth below the bottom of the pipe, backfilled with the specified granular
bedding material, and compacted to the requirements of these Standards.
(iv) Narrow Trenching Widths shall be 1 to 3 inches but no more than 1 inch
greater than conduit size.
(d) Trench Walls
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(i) The contractor may slope or bench trench sidewalls in areas where an
increased trench width will not interfere with surface features or other
utilities. Such sloping or benching shall terminate at least 1 foot above
the top of the pipe barrel; from that point down, the trench wall shall be
(ii) The trenching operation, including the spoil bank and the sloping of
trench sidewalls, shall be confined to the width of any permanent and
temporary rights-of-way or easements.
(iii) A sufficient clear area shall be maintained away from the top edge of the
excavation to avoid overloading that may cause slides or caving of the
trench walls. The excavated material shall be kept trimmed to avoid
inconveniencing the public and adjoining property owners. Unless
otherwise authorized by the Director, all public thoroughfares and
crossroads shall be kept open to traffic. When required by the Director,
the contractor shall, at their own expense, provide open-cut bridging at
street crossings, sidewalks, and other necessary points to prevent serious
travel interruptions and to provide access to fire hydrants and public and
private premises.
(e) Trench Preparation
(i) The trench shall be excavated only so far in advance of pipe laying as
permitted by the Director. Trench preparation shall also conform to the
details shown on the drawings in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of
these Standards.
(ii) Bell holes in the trench bottom shall be provided at each joint to permit
the jointing to be made properly and to prevent the pipe from bearing on
the pipe bells.
(iii) After excavation, the trench bottom shall be uniformly graded and hand-
shaped so that the pipe barrel (exclusive of the joint) will have uniform
and continuous bearing on thoroughly compacted pipe bedding material
throughout the length of the pipe.
(iv) The trench grade shall permit the pipe spigot to be accurately centered in
the preceding laid pipe joint, without lifting the pipe above the grade and
without exceeding the permissible joint deflection. If raising the pipe
subgrade is necessary, and approved by the Director, compacted bedding
material may be used at the contractor’s expense.
(f) Excavation Material: Excess excavated material shall be removed from the
construction site and disposed of by the contractor.
(g) Rock Excavation: In the event of rock excavation, the bottom of the trench shall
be lowered so that the bottom of the trench is 6 inches below the outside surface
of the pipe. The space between the rock and the pipe shall be filled with granular
bedding material. During its placement, the bedding material shall be shaped to
provide support along the full length of pipe.
(9) Installation of Pipe Bedding
(a) Pipe bedding material shall consist of the material as specified in Subsection
9.02(B)(2) of these Standards. Bedding material shall be placed to provide the
grade and elevation specified on the approved plans.
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(b) After bedding material has been placed and approved, and after the pipe has been
installed and approved, the additional granular bedding material shall be installed
to an elevation 12 inches above the top of the pipe.
(10) Installation of Trench Backfill
(a) Backfilling during freezing weather shall not be performed, except by permission
of the Director. No backfill shall be installed on frozen surfaces, nor shall frozen
materials, snow, or ice be placed in any backfill.
(b) Unless accurate results cannot be obtained, the compaction requirements shall
conform to maximum dry density according to ASTM D698, Moisture- Density
Relations of Soils (Standard Proctor). When the ASTM D698 test is not
applicable, the percentage compaction requirements shall conform to ASTM
D2049 Test for Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils.
(c) When required by the Director, the contractor shall excavate backfilled trenches
for purposes of performing compaction tests at locations and depths determined
by the Director. The contractor shall be responsible for reinstalling and
recompacting the test excavations.
(d) All backfill above the bedding material shall be carefully placed and compacted.
Except for the backfill requirements as set forth under Section 8-5-12, “Standards
for Repairs and Restoration of Pavement or Sidewalks,” B.R.C. 1981, approved
backfill material shall be placed in loose lifts, not exceeding 8 inches thick, and
shall be compacted by equipment and means approved by the Director. If the
contractor wishes to use equipment and means other than what was approved for
the project by the Director, the contractor shall submit, in writing, a request for
approval of the proposed equipment and means to the Director for review and
approval. Any approval by the Director, of an alternate method of compaction
shall not relieve the contractor from providing a finished product that meets or
exceeds all the intents and requirements of the approved plans and these
(e) All backfill shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum laboratory dry density
or 70 percent relative density. The material shall be within 2 percent of optimum
moisture content.
(f) A loose layer of backfill material not more than 8 inches deep may be placed
over concrete arch encasement or concrete reaction blocking after the concrete
has reached its initial set, to aid curing. No additional backfill shall be placed
over arch encasement or blocking until the concrete has been in place for at least
3 days.
(g) Backfill material for Narrow Trenching shall be flowable fill per subsection (B)
or Table 9-2 of this section.
(11) Structural Excavation and Backfill
(a) All structural excavations shall provide adequate working space and clearances
for the work to be performed therein and for installation and removal of concrete
forms. In no case shall excavation faces be undercut for extended footings.
(b) The quality and moisture content of materials for backfill around and outside of
structures shall conform to the requirements for materials used for earthfills and
embankments. Backfill materials shall be placed in loose lifts, not to exceed 8
inches in thickness, and shall be compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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dry density at optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698.
Compaction of structure backfill by rolling will be permitted, provided the
desired compaction is obtained and damage to the structure is prevented.
Compaction of structure backfill by inundation with water will not be permitted.
(c) No backfill shall be deposited or compacted in water.
(d) Particular care shall be taken to compact structure backfill that will be beneath
pipes, drives, roads, parking areas, walks, curbs, gutters, or other surface
construction or structures. In addition, wherever a trench is to pass through
structure backfill, the structure backfill shall be placed and compacted to an
elevation not less that 12 inches above the top of pipe elevation before the trench
is excavated. Compacted areas, in each case, shall be adequate to support the
item to be constructed or placed thereon.
(12) Restoration
(a) Streets and Roadways: Any pavements disturbed during construction shall be
repaired in accordance with the requirements as set forth in Section 8-5-12,
“Standards for Repairs and Restoration of Pavement or Sidewalks,” B.R.C. 1981.
All dirt and debris, including dust shall be removed from streets and paved
surfaces within 3 days of the restoration of streets and paved surfaces. Initial
removal of dirt and debris shall be made using a vacuum sweeper, after which the
paved surfaces shall be cleaned using water hoses.
(i) Restoration associated with Narrow Trenching in roadways: Narrow
trenching within asphalt roadway shall backfill using flowable fill and allow for
1’’ minimum to 6’’ maximum depth of Mastic One material to restore surface,
where patch must be cleaned, material flush with existing asphalt pavement grade
and top coated with black colored surface aggregate material per CDOT specs
703.05 – Aggregate for Cover Coat Material, for the purpose surface grip.
Narrow trenching within concrete paved roadways shall not be permitted unless
otherwise approved by the director. Mastic One, or equivalent material, shall be
listed on the CDOT approved products list.
(ii) Restoration associated with Narrow Trenching in Bike Lanes: Asphalt
pavement within a designated bike lane shall be completed within 10 calendar
days of backfilling and include, flowable fill, Mastic One, mill & overlay the full
width of the bike lane, or from center of roadway to edge of concrete lip line. If
trench abuts curb & gutter concrete lip line and the bike lane is greater than 3 feet
wide, measured from edge of striping to edge of concrete lip edge, mill & overlay
is not required. Pavement cuts for lateral tie-in’s that extend beyond the width of
the parallel trench require full width restoration of the bike lane.
(iii) Restorations associated with Underground Utility Potholing: All potholes
must be filled with flowable-fill within 10 calendar days per mix design outlined
in Table 9-2 of these standards and use of a concrete vibrator is required at time
of flowable-fill backfilling operations. All surface restorations within concrete
must be restored with approved concrete mix. All surface restorations within
asphalt must be restored using hot-mix asphalt. Temporary and Final restored
surfaces must remain flush with adjacent roadway grade at all times. Any utility
potholes that are found failing, and are still within the warranty period, must be
restored by the contractor within the timeline the city determines necessary for
the safety & security of the public.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(iv) Any street markings or striping removed, damaged or impacted, must be restored
within 14 days, 10 for bike lanes, using approved materials.
(b) Fencing and Culverts: Restore all existing structures to conditions equal to or
exceeding existing structures.
(c) Landscape
(i) After other outside work has been finished, and backfilling and
embankments completed and settled, all areas that are to be graded shall
be brought to grade at the indicated elevations, slopes, and contours. All
cuts, fills, embankments, and other areas that have been disturbed or
damaged by construction operations shall be surfaced with topsoil to a
depth of at least 4 inches. Topsoil shall be of a quality at least equal to
the existing topsoil in adjacent areas, free from trash, stones, and debris,
and well suited to support plant growth.
(ii) Use of graders or other power equipment will be permitted for final
grading and dressing of slopes, provided the result is uniform and
equivalent to hand work. All surfaces shall be graded to secure effective
drainage. Unless otherwise indicated, a slope of at least 1 percent shall
be provided.
(iii) Final grading and surfacing shall be smooth, even, and free from clods
and stones larger than 1 inch in greatest dimension, weeds, brush, and
other debris.
(iv) The top portion of backfill beneath established lawn areas shall be
finished with at least 12 inches of topsoil corresponding to, or better
than, that underlying adjoining lawn areas.
(v) The Director will clarify restoration of other minor items as construction
proceeds. Such items must be restored to equal or exceed existing
(13) Cleanup: The contractor shall maintain a clean site at all times. Prior to final inspection
and acceptance, the contractor shall remove all rubbish and excess materials and leave the
area in a neat, satisfactory condition.
(14) Maintenance of Backfill: All backfill shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition and
all places showing signs of settlement shall be filled and maintained for a period of 2
years following the date of final acceptance of all work. When the contractor discovers
or is notified by the City that any backfill is not in compliance with City standards, the
contractor shall correct such conditions. Any utilities and road surfacing damaged by
such settlement shall be repaired by the contractor to the satisfaction of the City. In
addition, the contractor shall be responsible for the cost of all claims for damages due to
settlement of backfilled areas.
9.03 Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP)
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of ductile iron pipe and
appurtenances for potable water mains, water services and fire lines in the pipe diameter
size range of 4 inches to 30 inches.
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(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Ductile Iron Pipe
(a) Unless revised on the approved drawings, the ductile-iron pipe shall conform to
ANSI A21.51, AWWA C151, Class 52 thickness. The interior of each length of
pipe shall have a cement-mortar lining, conforming to the requirements set forth
in ANSI A21.4, AWWA C104, of standard thickness. The exterior of the pipe
shall be coated with standard coating approximately 1 mil thick.
(b) Unless otherwise specified, the pipe joint shall be the “push-on” type, made in
accordance with ANSI A21.11, AWWA C111, and the gaskets shall be standard
for buried water service and as provided by the pipe manufacturer.
(2) Polyethylene Wrap
(a) All ductile iron pipeline and fittings shall be wrapped in polyethylene film in
accordance with the requirements of ANSI A21.5, AWWA C105 and in
accordance with all recommendations and practices of the AWWA M4 l, Manual
of Water Supply Practices - Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings.
(b) The polyethylene wrap shall be overlapped 1 foot in each direction at all
(c) The polyethylene wrap shall consist of three layers of co-extruded linear low-
density polyethylene (LLD PE), fused into a single thickness of not less than 8
(d) The inside surface of the polyethylene wrap to be in contact with the pipe
exterior can be infused with a blend of anti-microbial biocide to mitigate
microbiologically influenced corrosion and a volatile corrosion inhibitor to
control galvanic corrosion.
(e) Tube Size or Sheet Width: Table 9-3, “Tube Size and Sheet Width for Pipe
Diameter,” shows the tube size or sheet width for each pipe diameter.
Table 9-3: Tube Size and Sheet Width for Pipe Diameter
Nominal Pipe Diameter (Inches) Flat Tube (Inches) Minimum Sheet Width (Inches)
4” 16” 32”
6” 20” 40”
8” 24” 48”
10” 27” 54”
12” 30” 60”
14” 34” 68”
16” 37” 74”
18” 41” 82”
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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20” 45” 90”
24” 54” 108”
(C) Thrust Restraint
Where designated by the Engineer with expertise in thrust restraint systems, or where existing
conditions do not permit the use of concrete thrust blocks, individual joint restraint systems shall
be provided as follows:
(1) Alternative A: Full length tie rods between joints. “Star” systems fabricated from “Cor-
Ten” steel or an equivalent according to the requirements of ASTM A-242 with a
minimum yield stress of 46,000 psi. The number and diameter of tie rods shall be as
shown on the detail drawings.
(2) Alternative B: Pacific States Lock Mechanical Joint with Tyton Joint Core, or equivalent
fittings with ductile iron joint restraint features conforming to ANSI Standard A21.10.
Push-on joints for such fittings shall be in accordance with AWWA Standard A121.11.
Assembly of the joint portion of the product shall be in accordance with AWWA C600-
(3) Alternative C
(a) Follower gland type systems may be used for 12-inch diameter pipe and smaller.
Pipe clamps shall be fabricated from “Cor-Ten” steel or an equivalent according
to the requirements of ASTM A-242 with a minimum yield stress of 46,000 psi.
The number and diameter of tie rods shall be as shown on the detail drawings.
The follower gland shall be manufactured of ductile iron conforming to ASTM
A536. Dimensions of the gland shall be such that it can be used with the
standardized mechanical joint bell and tee head bolts conforming to AWWA
C111 and C153.
(b) The restraint mechanism shall consist of numerous individually activated
gripping surfaces to maximize restraint capability. Twist-off nuts, sized the same
as tee head bolts, shall be used to ensure proper actuating of restraining devices.
When the nut is sheared off, a standard hex nut shall remain. The device shall
have a working pressure of at least 200-psi with a minimum safety factor of 2:1.
(c) Follower gland joint restraint devices shall be of the type listed below:
(i) “EBAA Iron, Inc.,” Megalug 1100 Series (4 -12 inches)
(ii) “Uniflange,”1400 Series (4 -12 inches)
(D) Connections to the Existing System
(1) System Operation: Operation of the existing system must at all times remain under the
control of the Director. The contractor shall operate no valves or hydrants on the system
without permission from the Director.
(2) Connections: All points at which the existing water systems are to be disconnected and
connected to the new mains must be shown on the approved drawings.
(3) Utility Service Interruptions: The contractor shall take all precautions necessary to
minimize interruption of all utility services and will be responsible for the restoration of
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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the affected service. The contractor shall schedule existing valve locates with the Director
at least 3 days before scheduling a shutoff.
(4) Customer Notification: Unless otherwise specified, at any time a customer on the
existing system will be deprived of a supply of water, the contractor shall advise such
customer in writing 24 hours in advance of when the supply will be disconnected and
(E) Execution
(1) Installation of Ductile Iron Pipe: Except as specified herein or unless specifically
authorized by the Director, all installation of pipe shall conform to the recommendations
contained in “Installation Guide for Ductile Iron Pipe,” published by the Ductile Iron
Pipe Research Association. The contractor shall assure that a copy is available at the job
(a) Pipe Laying
(i) Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of laying, unless
directed otherwise by the Director. Pipe shall be laid on the bedding
with support over the full length of the pipe barrel.
(ii) Table 9-4, “Ductile Iron Pipe Deflection,” shows the maximum
allowable pipe joint deflections.
(iii) The information in the columns referring to the deflection and the
approximate radii shall be adjusted for pipe lengths different than 18-foot
lengths. Shorter pipe lengths will be required if a shorter radius is called
for on the approved construction plans. Double hubs may be used to lay
pipelines on curved alignment.
Table 9-4: Ductile-Iron Pipe Deflection
Approximate Radius of Curve Produced by:
Size of Pipe (Inches) Bend in One Joint (%) Deflection in One 18-
Foot Length (Inches)
Succession of 18-Foot
Joints (Feet)
4 -12 4 15 250
14 - 24 2 7.5 510
(iv) Vertical deflections shall not exceed any of the above values.
(v) When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed
by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Director.
(vi) The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall
be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe
or cement lining so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of
the pipe. The flame cutting of pipe by means of an oxyacetylene torch
will not be allowed. The pipe end shall be beveled and free of sharp
edges that could damage the gasket during installation.
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(b) Mechanical Joints: Mechanical joints shall be installed per the manufacturer’s
specifications and guidelines.
(c) Push-On Joints: For push-on joints, the exterior 4 inches of the pipe at the spigot
end and the inside of the adjoining bell and particularly the groove for the gasket
shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oil, grit, tar (other than standard coating),
and other foreign matter. The proper gasket supplied with the pipe shall be
placed in the bell in compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications and
guidelines so it will spring into its proper place inside the pipe bell. A thin film
of the pipe manufacturer’s joint lubricant shall be applied to the gasket over its
entire exposed surface. The spigot end of the pipe shall then be wiped clean and
inserted into the bell to contact the gasket by crowbar, or by jack and choker
slings. The location of the gasket shall be checked with a gauge or tool designed
for that purpose to assure that the gasket is in the proper position.
(d) Installation of Polyethylene Wrap
(i) All pipeline and fittings shall be wrapped in polyethylene film in
accordance with the requirements of ANSI A21.5, AWWA C105 and in
accordance with all recommendations and practices of the AWWA M4 l,
Manual of Water Supply Practices -Ductile Iron Pipe and Fittings.
(ii) The polyethylene wrap shall be overlapped 1 foot in each direction at all
(iii) The polyethylene wrap shall consist of three layers of co-extruded linear
low-density polyethylene (LLD PE), fused into a single thickness of not
less than 8 mils.
(iv) The inside surface of the polyethylene wrap to be in contact with the pipe
exterior can be infused with a blend of anti-microbial biocide to mitigate
microbiologically influenced corrosion and a volatile corrosion inhibitor
to control galvanic corrosion.
(2) Installation of Thrust Restraint
(a) Thrust blocks shall be poured between undisturbed solid ground and the fitting to
be anchored. The area of bearing on the undisturbed trench wall shall be that
shown on the thrust block detail or directed by the Director. The concrete shall
be placed so that the pipe or fitting joints will be accessible for repair. A bond
breaker shall be placed over the fitting before placing concrete.
(b) Full length tie rods between joints with pipe clamps shall be assembled using
clamps on each side of pipe bells with tie rods extending the full pipe length for
the dimensions shown on the drawings each direction from the restrained fitting,
valve or joint. Clamps shall be installed tight enough to prevent twisting around
the pipe. A washer shall be used at each clamp and tie rods shall be located on
each side of the pipe. The tie rod nut should first be hand tightened with a 12-
inch wrench (approximately 50 to 100 foot-pounds torque). Threaded tie rods
shall extend two full threads past each nut in the final position.
(c) Follower gland type joint restraint systems shall be assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
(3) Testing: Testing of ductile iron pipe shall be as specified in Section 9.13, “Testing of
Water Pipes,” of these Standards.
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(4) Backfilling and Restoring Surface Conditions: Surface conditions shall be backfilled
and restored as specified in Section 9.02, “Excavation and Trenching,” of these
(5) Disinfecting Potable Pipelines: Ductile iron pipe shall be disinfected as specified
Section 9.12, “Disinfecting Waterlines,” of these Standards.
9.04 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
pressure pipe and appurtenances for potable water mains, water services and fire lines in
the pipe diameter size range of 4 to 12 inches.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) PVC Pressure Pipe
(a) All PVC pipe shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-900-16, Polyvinyl
Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings (4 – 12 inches) and shall be
Pressure Class 305 psi (DR 14), or shall meet the requirements of AWWA C-
905-08, Polyvinyl Chloride Pressure Pipe and Fabricated Fittings (14 – 48
inches) and shall be Pressure Class 235 psi (DR 18).
(b) All pipe shall be suitable for use as a pressure conduit. Provisions must be made
for expansion and contraction at each joint with a rubber ring. The bell shall
consist of an integral wall section with a solid cross-section rubber ring which
meets the requirements of AWWA C-900-07.
(c) Laying length of pipe shall be 20 feet for all sizes of pipe.
(d) Each length of pipe shall bear the date manufactured, type, grade, length,
manufacturer's name, and NSF seal of approval.
(e) Pipe joints shall be made using an integral bell with an elastomeric gasket push-
on type joint.
(f) Solvent cement joints are prohibited.
(g) The manufacturer shall furnish a certified statement that all specified tests and
inspections have been made and the results thereof comply with the AWWA
standards specified in this Subsection 9.04(B). A copy of the certification shall be
sent to the City upon request.
(2) Polyethylene Encasement
(a) All pipeline fittings and appurtenances shall be encased in polyethylene film in
accordance with the requirements of ANSI A21.5, AWWA C105.
(b) The finished polyethylene film shall have a minimum nominal thickness of
0.008-inch (8 mil), and the minus tolerance on thickness shall not exceed 10
percent of the nominal thickness. The film shall have at least 1200-psi tensile
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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strength of with an elongation of 300 percent minimum. The dielectric strength
shall be at least 800 volts per mil thick.
(3) Tracer Cable: Tracer wire shall be Type THHN, AWG size #12, UL listed with a single
copper conductor, PVC insulation, and nylon jacket. Test stations at fire hydrants shall
be CP Test Services, Glenn Series Glenn-4 with locking lid, 3½ x 4 inches, or approved
(C) Thrust Restraint
(1) Required: All fittings and joints shall be restraint from movement due to hydraulic
forces with concrete thrust blocks as shown in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of
these Standards except where existing conditions or other practical difficulties do not
permit the use of concrete thrust blocks. Where the applicant demonstrates to the
satisfaction of the Director that existing conditions or other practical difficulties do not
permit the use of concrete thrust blocks, individual restraint systems shall be provided
meeting one of the following:
(a) Alternative A - Full Length Threaded Tie Rods: Threaded rods shall be Type
316L stainless steel coated with an anti-galling compound. Connecting T-bolts
and nuts shall be Type 316L stainless steel coated with an anti-galling compound
or corrosion resistant fluorocarbon coating such as “NSS Industries” Cor-Blue or
“Star Pipe Products” Core Blue. The number and diameter of tie rods shall be as
shown on the approved plans.
(b) Alternative B - Follower Gland Type Mechanical Joint Restraint Systems:
Follower gland type mechanical joint restraint systems may be used only for 16-
inch diameter and smaller pipe. Restraint rings shall be manufactured of ductile
iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 with a factory applied fusion
epoxy coating. The mechanical joint follower gland shall be incorporated into the
restraint. Connecting T-bolts and nuts shall be as required in Alternative A.
(c) Alternative C - Bolt-Through Positive Restraint Mechanisms: A bolt-through
positive restraint mechanism may be used only for connecting 12-inch diameter
and smaller mechanical joint valves and fittings. It shall not be used for pipe
attachment or fire hydrant connections. Adaptor body shall be made of ductile
iron, conforming to ASTM A536 80-55-06 with styrene butadiene rubber gaskets
conforming to AWWA C111. Connecting T-bolts and nuts shall be as required in
Alternative A.
(2) Bell-And-Spigot Joints: Restraint devices for PVC pipe bell-and-spigot joints may be
used, if approved by the Director, for sizes 4 to 16 inches. Devices shall be of ductile
iron conforming to ASTM A536. Connecting T-bolts and rods as required in Alternative
(3) Mechanical Joint Restraint Required: Mechanical joint restraint devices are required for
the following installations:
(a) Fire hydrants;
(b) Fire line connections;
(c) Three inch and larger domestic line connections;
(d) Reducers;
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(e) Vertical and horizontal offsets (all angles);
(f) Bends, line valves, and fittings;
(g) Bulkheads and plugs;
(h) Bored casing carrier pipe; and
(i) When the bearing capacity of the soil is not sufficient to provide adequate restraint,
as determined by the Director.
(4) Mechanical Joint Restraint Design Requirements: The mechanical restraint mechanism
shall consist of numerous individually activated gripping surfaces to maximize restraint
capability; or a series of machined serrations designed to grip the entire pipe surface; or a
system that is integral to the gasket. For twist-off nut-type designs, the nuts shall be sized
the same as T- bolts and be used to insure proper actuating of restraining devices. When
the nut head is sheared off, a standard hex nut shall remain. All devices shall have a
working pressure of at least 200 psi with a minimum safety factor of 2:1.
(5) Follower Gland Type Joint Restraints: Follower gland type joint restraint devices shall
be of the type listed below:
(a) “EBAA Iron”
(i) Megalug 2000 Series for PVC (4 to 16 inches)
(ii) Megalug 1600 Series for PVC (4 to 12 inches) Pipe Bell Joints
(iii) Megalug 2800 Series for PVC (14 inches and larger)
(b) “Star Pipe Products”
(i) Domestic PVC Stargrip Series 4000 (4 to 12 inches)
(ii) Domestic 1100C Bell Restrainers Series 1100 for PVC Pipe Bell Joints
(c) “U.S. Pipe”: MJ FIELD LOK Gasket with MJ FIELD LOK Gland, Series for PVC
(4 to 12 inches)
(d) “Romac Industries”: PVC RomaGrip Series, fusion bonded polyester coating is
required if using C909 PVC
(6) Bolt-Through Mechanical Joint Restraints: Bolt-through mechanical joint restraint
devices shall be of the type listed below:
(a) “Infact Corporation”: Foster Adaptor (4 to12 inches) with fusion bonded epoxy
coating. Standard foster adaptor accessory pak is required for restraining C153
compact fittings and valves
(D) Connections to the Existing System
(1) System Operation: Operation of the existing system must at all times remain under the
control of the Director. The contractor shall operate no valves or hydrants on the system
without permission from the Director.
(2) Connections: All points at which the existing water systems are to be disconnected and
connected to the new mains must be shown on the approved construction plans.
(3) Utility Service Interruptions: The contractor shall take all precautions necessary to
minimize interruption of all utility services and will be responsible for the restoration of
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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the effected service. The contractor shall schedule existing valve locates with the
Director at least 3 days before scheduling a shutoff.
(4) Customer Notification: Unless otherwise specified, at any time a customer on the
existing system will be deprived of a supply of water, the owner-developer-contractor
shall advise such customer in writing 24 hours in advance of when the supply will be
disconnected and when the supply will again be available.
(E) Execution
(1) Installation of PVC Pressure Pipe: Unless specifically authorized by the Director, all
pipe shall be installed as follows:
(a) Pipe Laying
(i) Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing in the direction of laying. No
deflection in the joints shall be allowed. Whenever it is necessary to
deflect pipe from a straight line, either in the vertical or horizontal plane,
to avoid obstructions or to plumb valve operators, the pipe itself may be
uniformly curved as shown in Table 9-5, “Pipe Laying.”
Table 9-5: Pipe Laying
Approximate Pipe Size
Offset in 20-Foot Length
Radius of Curve
4” 15” 120’
6” 15” 160’
8” 15” 250’
10” 15” 300’
12” 15” 400’
(ii) Pipe deflection for curvature shall not be permitted at temperatures less
than 32o F ambient temperature.
(iii) When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of pipe shall be closed
by a watertight plug or other means approved by the Director.
(iv) The cutting of pipe for inserting valves, fittings, or closure pieces shall
be done in a neat and workmanlike manner without damage to the pipe
so as to leave a smooth end at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Bevel
the end of the pipe with a beveling tool after the pipe is field cut. Place a
clearly visible position mark at the correct distance from the end of the
field cut pipe.
(v) Tracer wire shall be attached to the pipe as shown in Chapter 11,
“Technical Drawings,” of these Standards.
(b) Mechanical Joints: Mechanical joints shall be installed per the manufacturer’s
specifications and guidelines.
(c) Push-On Joints: For push-on joints, the exterior 4 inches of the pipe at the spigot
end and the inside of the adjoining bell and particularly the groove for the gasket
shall be thoroughly cleaned to remove oil, grit, tar (other than standard coating),
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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and other foreign matter. A thin film of the pipe manufacturer’s joint lubricant
shall be applied to the gasket over its entire exposed surface. The spigot end of
the pipe shall then be wiped clean and inserted into the bell to contact the gasket
by crowbar, or by jack and choker slings. The location of the gasket shall be
checked with a gauge or tool designed for that purpose to assure that the gasket is
in the proper position. Position the completed joint so that the joint mark on the
pipe end is in line with the end of the bell.
(2) Installation of Thrust Restraint
(a) Thrust blocks shall be poured between undisturbed solid ground and the fitting to
be anchored. The area of bearing on the undisturbed trench wall shall be that
shown on the thrust block detail or directed by the Director. The concrete shall
be placed so that the pipe or fitting joints will be accessible for repair. A bond
breaker shall be placed over the fitting before placing concrete.
(b) Full length tie rods between joints with pipe clamps shall be assembled using
clamps on each side of pipe bells with tie rods extending the full pipe length for
the dimensions shown on the drawings each direction from the restrained fitting,
valve or joint. Clamps shall be installed tight enough to prevent twisting around
the pipe. A washer shall be used at each clamp and tie rods shall be located on
each side of the pipe. The tie rod nut should first be hand tightened with a 12-
inch wrench (approximately 50-100 foot-pounds torque). Threaded tie rods shall
extend two full threads past each nut in the final position.
(c) Follower gland type joint restraint systems shall be assembled according to
manufacturer’s instructions.
(3) Installation of Tracer Cable: Tracer wire shall be spirally wrapped around the pipe
exterior, 2 wraps minimum per 20-feet of pipe, as it is installed in the trench or taped to
the top of the pipe. Splices due to breaks in wire continuity shall be made by stripping
insulation coating from each wire with wire stripper pliers. Wires shall be joined with a
solderless connector, 3M Direct Bury Splice Kit or equivalent in suitability, strength,
effectiveness, and durability as approved by the Director. The join shall be made in
accordance with manufacturer instructions. The solderless connector shall be covered
with Emmerson Electric Seal-A-Conn II putty or approved equal.
The wire shall form a continuous electrical circuit between any 2 contact points on the
new pipeline, including branch lines and fire hydrant laterals. Wire shall be stubbed out
to the point where the new pipe connects to the existing main unless otherwise directed
by the Director. Where the wire terminates at a point where there is not an installed wire,
the ends of the wire shall be stripped bare a minimum of 18-inches and grounded into the
native soil material. Special care should be taken to avoid contact from the tracer wire to
steel gas service lines.
(4) Testing: Testing of PVC pressure pipe shall be as specified in Section 9.13, “Testing of
Water Pipes,” of these Standards.
(5) Backfilling and Restoring Surface Conditions: Shall be as specified in Section 9.02,
“Excavation and Trenching,” of these Standards.
(6) Disinfecting Potable Pipelines: PVC pressure pipe shall be disinfected as specified
Section 9.12, “Disinfecting Waterlines,” of these Standards.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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9.05 Water Services
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of water services and fire
lines in the pipe diameter size range of 3/4 to 2 inches. For water services and fire lines
greater than 2 inches in diameter refer to Section 9.03, “Ductile Iron Pipe,” Section 9.04,
“Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe,” Section 9.06, “Gate Valves,” and Section
9.08, “Tapping Sleeves and Valves,” of these Standards.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Pipe: Pipe shall be Type K copper, soft drawn, in accordance with ASTM B88.
(2) Curb Stops: All curb stops shall be manufactured in accordance with AWWA C800-05,
Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings, and shall be constructed of brass in
accordance with ASTM-B62 (common trade name 85-5-5-5). Curb stop valves shall be
ball type with a maximum working pressure of 300 psi and shall have compression
(3) Corporation Stops
(a) All corporation stops and threaded brass fittings shall be manufactured in
accordance with AWWA C800-05, Underground Service Line Valves and
Fittings, and shall be constructed of brass in accordance with ASTM-B62
(common trade name 85-5-5-5). All corporation stops shall be tested at the
factory and shall meet the following minimum physical requirements:
(i) Tensile strength 30,000 PSI minimum.
(ii) Yield Strength 14,000 PSI minimum.
(iii) Elongation in 2 inches 20 percent minimum.
(b) Corporation stops shall be ball valve type designed for a maximum working
pressure of 300 psi. The inlet side shall have AWWA taper thread (CC thread)
and the outlet side shall have a compression fitting.
(c) Corporation stops shall be the following type or a corporation stop approved by
the Director as equivalent in design and composition to the following types:
(i) Ford – FB1000-3-NLG.
(ii) Mcdonald – 74701BQ No lead brass.
(iii) Mueller – B25008N.
(4) Water Meters
(a) General: All water meter installations shall be in accordance with the following
standards and the drawings in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of these
Standards for all water services:
(i) All meters shall be “Badger” meters.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(ii) No connections shall be made in the meter pit other than those related to
the meter and bypass. Sprinkler system or backflow preventer
connections shall be made no closer than 5 feet from the meter pit or
vault on the downstream side of the meter.
(iii) The City will own and maintain the service line and fittings up to and
including the meter.
(iv) Residential 3/4-inch meters with transponders shall be provided and
installed by the City upon the contractor’s request for a final meter
inspection. All other meters and associated transponders shall be
purchased by the contractor and then provided to the City for testing
prior to installation.
(v) The contractor shall contact the City's Meter Shop prior to purchasing
meters and transponders to verify the type of meter that will be required.
The contractor shall also contact the City's Meter Shop to make an
appointment for delivery of the meter(s) to the City for testing. The
location of installation and manufacturer’s information shall accompany
the meter when delivered by the contractor to the City. The meter will be
tested and a schedule set for picking up the meter within two working
days by the contractor.
(b) 3/4-Inch and 1-Inch Meter Installations: 3/4-inch and 1-inch meter sets shall be
installed in accordance with the following standards and the drawings in Chapter
11, “Technical Drawings,” of these Standards:
(i) The meter shall be installed within right-of-way or a public easement.
(ii) No meter shall be set in a street, sidewalk, driveway alignment, or
other traffic or concrete area except where existing conditions or
other regulatory requirements prevent installation consistent with
this requirement. Where existing conditions or other regulatory
requirements prevent installation consistent with this requirement,
the Director may approve an alternative design that minimizes the
impact of meter maintenance and replacement activities on
adjacent structures, infrastructure, and paved surfaces.
(iii) In attached sidewalk areas, the meter shall be located a minimum of 18
inches from the back of the sidewalk to the edge of the meter lid.
(iv) Where no sidewalk exists, the meter shall be located a maximum of 6
feet behind the back edge of the curb.
(v) In detached sidewalk areas, the meter shall be located a maximum of 6
feet behind the back edge of curb but no closer than 18 inches from the
front edge of the sidewalk to the edge of the meter lid.
(vi) The dome or meter lid shall be level and 2 inches above the approved
final grade.
(vii) The copper setter shall be a minimum of 15 inches and a maximum of 17
inches below the meter pit lid.
(viii) Meter pits shall be constructed of modified hi-density polyethylene. The
size shall be as specified in the detail drawing in the appendix of this
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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Chapter. Grade adjustment shall be made at the top of the pit using
concrete rings. The trench floor under the concrete rings shall be
compacted earth. The concrete pit shall not bear on the service pipe.
(ix) Lids shall be a 12-inch cast iron lid and bonnet and shall have a 2-inch
diameter hole in the center to accommodate the transponder.
(x) Final inspections of the meter pit will be made at the time the meter is
set. The permit applicant is responsible for any required adjustments to
the copper setter or meter lid at that time.
(c) 1-1/2-Inch and 2-Inch Meter Installations: 1-1/2 -inch and 2-inch meter sets shall
be installed in accordance with the following standards and the drawings in
Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of these Standards:
(i) The meter model shall be Badger E112 SS 1 ½ Model 120 or Badger E2
SS 2 Model 170.
(ii) 1-1/2-inch and 2-inch meters shall be installed in a manhole.
(iii) A meter manhole shall be installed within the right-of-way or a public
utility easement.
(iv) No meter manhole shall be set in a street, sidewalk, driveway alignment,
or other traffic or concrete area except where existing conditions or other
regulatory requirements prevent installation consistent with this
requirement. Where existing conditions or other regulatory requirements
prevent installation consistent with this requirement, the Director may
approve an alternative design that minimizes the impact of meter
maintenance and replacement activities on adjacent structures,
infrastructure, and paved surfaces. If the meter manhole is approved for
construction in streets or other traffic areas the manhole shall use a 24-
inch cast iron ring and cover and shall be designed to accommodate and
protect the transponder.
(v) In attached sidewalk areas, the meter manhole shall be located a
minimum of 3 feet behind the sidewalk and in no case shall the manhole
be located more than 25 feet from the back edge of curb.
(vi) Where no sidewalk exists, the meter manhole shall be located a
maximum of 6 feet behind the back of curb.
(vii) In detached sidewalk areas, the meter manhole shall be located a
maximum of 6 feet behind the back edge of curb but no closer than 18
inches from the front edge of the sidewalk to the edge of the meter lid.
(viii) Meter manhole lids shall be a maximum of 2 inches above the approved
final grade.
(ix) A curb stop is required on the service line behind the back of curb and
outside of the manhole.
(x) Meter manholes shall use a 24-inch aluminum ring and cover, and the
outside of the aluminum ring shall have 8 mils of tar applied. Once the
tar is set, a 12-inch wide by 6-inch thick concrete collar shall be placed
around the manhole ring.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(xi) The manhole cover shall have a 2-inch diameter recessed hole in the
center of the cover for the transponder, and the cover shall have the
lettering “Water Meter” cast into the lid.
(d) 3-Inch and Larger Meter Installations: 3-inch and larger meter sets shall be
installed in accordance with the following standards and the drawings in Chapter
11, “Technical Drawings,” of these Standards:
(i) 3-inch and larger meters shall be installed in a vault.
(ii) The entry hole through the roof of the vault shall be aligned
perpendicular to the service line and adjacent to the water meter.
(iii) Vaults shall be sealed at all joints and made watertight.
(iv) Meter vault lids shall be a maximum of 2 inches above the approved
final grade.
(v) In attached sidewalk areas, the meter vault shall be located a minimum of
5 feet behind sidewalk or back of curb and no more than 25 feet from the
back of curb.
(vi) Where no sidewalk exists, the meter shall be located a maximum of 6
feet behind the back of curb.
(vii) In detached sidewalk areas, the meter shall be located a maximum of 6
feet behind the back edge of curb but no closer than 18 inches from the
front edge of the sidewalk to the edge of the meter lid.
(viii) A curb stop is required on the service line behind the back of curb and
outside of the vault.
(ix) The meter vault shall be installed within the right-of-way or a public
utility easement.
(x) No meter manhole shall be set in a street, sidewalk, driveway alignment,
or other traffic or concrete area except where existing conditions or other
regulatory requirements prevent installation consistent with this
requirement. Where existing conditions or other regulatory requirements
prevent installation consistent with this requirement, the Director may
approve an alternative design that minimizes the impact of meter
maintenance and replacement activities on adjacent structures,
infrastructure, and paved surfaces. If the meter manhole is approved for
construction in streets or other traffic areas the manhole shall use a 24-
inch cast iron ring and cover and shall be designed to accommodate and
protect the transponder.
(xi) Meter vaults shall use a 24-inch aluminum cover and shall have the
lettering “Water Meter” cast into the lid.
(xii) A 24-inch x 36-inch aluminum cover adaptor and ring shall be used to
enlarge the access opening, and the adaptor shall have a 2-inch diameter
hole for the transponder. The outside of the aluminum ring shall have 8
mils of tar applied. Once the tar is set, a 12-inch wide by 6-inch thick
concrete collar shall be placed around the manhole ring.
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(xiii) PVC pressure pipe shall be used on the service line outside the vault
except where the PVC pipe stubs through the vault walls. Ductile iron
pipe shall be used inside the vault.
(xiv) For all 3-inch and 4-inch meter settings, 4-inch service pipe will be
required on the City side of the meter. A reducer will be required before
the meter and on the bypass for 3-inch settings. Insulators shall be
provided between connections of dissimilar metals. Meter installations
larger than 4 inches shall require submittal of drawings for approval by
the Director.
(xv) A minimum of distance 5 times the pipe diameter of straight,
unobstructed pipe is required upstream of the meter.
(xvi) Final inspections of the meter vault will be made at the time the meter is
(5) Service Saddles: Corporation stops require the installation of a bronze or brass bodied
service saddle with 304L stainless steel double straps and studs, equivalent in design and
composition to “Mueller” BR 2 S series or “McDonald" 3855 series for cast iron or
PVC. All saddles require an AWWA tapered thread (CC) outlet. No direct taps to PVC
pipe are allowed.
(6) Insulators (Ferrous Pipes only): Insulators shall be installed at the inlet end of the
corporation stop and shall be Ford Service Insulators or an approved equivalent for
service lines.
(C) Execution
(1) General
(a) Size as shown, lay to grades and lines in accordance with pipe manufacturer’s
specifications. Thoroughly clean pipe interiors of foreign matter before placing
into trench. Replace with new pipe any laid section of pipe found damaged or
defective. All pipe fittings, valves, and appurtenances shall be installed
according to manufacturer’s instructions. Corporation stops shall be installed
with the appropriate tapping machine in the presence of the Director after the
waterline has been pressure tested.
(b) All bedding, pipe zone backfill, compaction, polyethylene sheathing and other
details of the water pipeline construction shall be returned to original condition
after service connections are completed.
(c) Service connections to all ferrous mains shall be electrically insulated by means
of a City approved insulating fitting.
(2) Pipe Cutting: Cutting shall be done neatly by methods that will not damage pipe.
(3) Testing: Testing of water service pipe shall be as specified in Section 9.13, “Testing of
Water Pipes,” of these Standards.
(4) Backfilling and Restoring Surface Conditions: Backfilling and Restoring surface
conditions shall be as specified in Section 9.02, “Excavation and Trenching,” of these
(5) Disinfecting Potable Pipelines: Water service pipe shall be disinfected as specified
Section 9.12, “Disinfecting Waterlines,” of these Standards.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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9.06 Gate Valves
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of gate valves and
appurtenances for potable water service in the pipe diameter size range of 4 to 12 inches.
(2) Quality Assurance
(a) Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation recommendations shall
be provided to the City inspector prior to construction. Installation
recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(b) All valves shall be tested in accordance with AWWA C500 or C509. Certified
copies of the results of all tests, together with an affidavit of compliance shall be
provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Gate Valves
(a) Gate valves are required for 4-inch through 12-inch valve sizes. The Director
may approve a different valve type where practical installation of a gate valve is
not feasible.
(b) Gate valves shall be iron body, resilient-seated gate valves with non-rising
bronze stems with design, construction, and pressure ratings conforming to
AWWA Specifications C-509-01, Resilient Seated Gate Valves, or C515-01,
Reduced Wall Resilient Seated Gate Valves, and with modifications specified
(c) Stem seals shall be triple "O" ring seals designed so that the seals above the stem
collar can be replaced with the valve under pressure and in full open position.
(d) Gate valves shall be one of the following types:
(i) American Flow Control, Series 2500 (C515 only).
(ii) Mueller, Series 2360 (C509 only).
(iii) American AVK.
(iv) Series 45 CLOW Valves, Models 2639 and 2640.
(e) With the exception of tapping valves and valves in vaults, gate valves shall have
mechanical joint ends.
(f) All ferrous internal and external surfaces of the valves shall be epoxy coated in
conformance with AWWA C116-03, Protective Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coatings
for the Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, and
C550-05, Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants. The coating shall
be a two-part thermosetting epoxy suitable for field over coating and for touch-up
with the same coating material without special surface preparation. The supplier
shall furnish detailed performance tests of adhesion, hardness, and abrasion
resistance of the furnished coatings when requested by the City. The coating shall
have a successful record of performance in valves, pipe, or other fittings for a
minimum of ten years.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(g) The resilient seat gate valve stem shall have external break-off capabilities for
over-torquing and positive stop to prevent over compression.
(h) All external bolts, nuts, and washers used in conjunction with valves shall be
stainless steel, and tee-bolts shall be "Cor-blu".
(i) Valves shall be delivered complete with bolts, glands, and rubber gaskets in
conformance with AWWA C111-07, Rubber Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron
Pressure Pipe and Fittings.
(2) Valve Boxes
(a) All buried valves shall be provided with valve boxes. Valve boxes shall be of
cast iron, 3 piece screw type, suitable for the depth of cover required by the
drawings. Valve boxes shall be 5 ½ inches in diameter, shall have a minimum
thickness at any point of 1/16 inch, and shall be provided with suitable cast iron
bases and stay-put covers. Covers shall have cast thereon “water” on the top.
They shall be Tyler 6860 series or approved equal.
(b) The valve box shall have at least 6 inches adjustment above and below specified
depth of cover over pipe.
(c) All parts of valve boxes, bases, and covers shall be coated by dipping in
bituminous varnish.
(d) Valves and valve boxes shall be set plumb. Each valve box shall be placed
directly over the valve it serves, with the top of the box brought flush with the
finished grade. After being placed in proper position, earth shall be filled in
around each valve box and thoroughly tamped on each side of the box.
(4) Special Wrenches and Keys: All tools needed to operate valve and to open valve box
lid. At least one of each type as required for each style and size of box and lid shall be
furnished by the contractor. Provide 1 key for each valve. Key lengths shall be as
approved by the Director.
(C) Execution
(1) Handling: All valves and actuators shall be transported and stored in a manner that will
protect them from damage.
(2) Installation: Install valves as indicated in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of these
Standards, and set plumb on a firm base. All foreign matter shall be removed from the
valve interior prior to installation.
(3) Valve Boxes: Install a valve box over the gate valve with the base section centered over
the operating nut and resting on well-compacted backfill. The top section shall be so set
as to allow equal movement above and below finished grade, with the final elevation to
be 1/4 inch below finished grade in roadways and 1 to 2 inches above grade outside of
roadways. The top of base section shall be placed approximately on line with the
operating nut at the top of the valve stem, and the entire assembly shall be plumb.
(4) Tests: Gate valve tests shall be with and part of the general tests on the companion water
(5) Disinfection: Gate valve disinfection shall be done with and as a part of the disinfection
to the companion water lines.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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9.07 Butterfly Valves
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of butterfly valves and
appurtenances for potable water service in the pipe diameter size range of 12 inches to 24
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s installation recommendations and certificates of
compliance shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction. Installation
recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(3) Testing: All valves shall be tested in accordance with Section 3.8 of AWWA C504.
Certified copies of the results of all tests, together with an affidavit of compliance shall
be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Butterfly Valves
(a) Butterfly valves shall be rubber-seated conforming to the AWWA C504 and
designed for buried service. The valves shall be designed to operate as open or
closed with a design velocity of 8 feet per second. The valves shall have a cast-
iron body with mechanical joint ends conforming to ANSI 21.11, AWWA C111
and shall be rated for a design working pressure of 150 psi. Butterfly valves shall
be one of the following types: Mueller, Lineseal III and XPII (sizes up to 48
inches), Pratt, Triton XR-70 (sizes 24 inches to 72 inches), or K-Flo 500 Series
(sizes up to 20 inches); unless a butterfly valve equivalent in design and
composition to these types has been approved by the Director.
(b) Discs shall be cast or ductile iron with stainless steel, type 304, either stub or one
piece shafts. Discs shall be secured to shafts by means of solid, smooth sided,
stainless steel or monel pins or dowel pins. Each taper pin or dowel pin shall
extend through or shall wedge against the side of the shaft and shall be
mechanically secured in place. The use of bolts, setscrews, knurled or fluted
dowel pins, expansion pins, roll pins spring pins, or other devices in lieu of the
pins specified herein will not be acceptable.
(c) Shaft bearings shall be the bushing type of nylon or Teflon. Thrust bearings that
are directly exposed to line liquid and that consist of a metal bearing surface in
rubbing contact with an opposing metal bearing surface will not be acceptable.
Shaft seals may be rubber ring or chevron packing.
(d) Seats shall be rubber vulcanized to the body and designed to provide bubble tight
shutoff with mating surface of Type 304 or 316 stainless steel or monel mounted
on the discs. Valve seat configurations that rely on the mating pipe flange to
hold the seat in position in the valve body will not be acceptable.
(e) The valve operator shall be the traveling-nut type designed for previous stated
conditions, in an enclosed body, sealed to prevent the entrance of groundwater up
to the depth of 5 feet above the valve. The operator shall have travel limiting
devices to prevent over closing or opening damage to the valve. Valves shall
open counterclockwise with the use of a valve key on a 2-inch square operating
nut. The housing of traveling-nut type actuators shall be fitted with a removable
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cover that shall permit inspection and maintenance of the operating mechanism
without removing the actuator from the valve.
(C) Execution
(1) Handling: All valves and actuators shall be transported and stored in a manner that will
protect them from damage.
(2) Installation: Install valves with the shaft horizontal according to the manufacturer’s
recommended installation procedures. Operate all valves from full open to full close
before installation. Check all seats, seat rings, shaft sleeves, disc connections, etc. prior
to installation.
(3) Valve Boxes: Install valve boxes over the valve operator with the base section centered
over the operator nut and resting on well-compacted backfill. The top section shall be set
to allow equal movement above and below finished grade, with final elevations to be 1/4
inch below finished grade in roadways and 1 inch to 2 inches above grade outside of
roadways. The top of base sections shall be placed approximately on line with the
operator nut at the top of the valve stem, and the entire assembly shall be plumb.
(4) Tests: Butterfly valve tests shall be done with and as a part of the general tests on the
companion water lines.
(5) Disinfection: Butterfly valve disinfection shall be done with and as a part of the general
disinfection to the companion water line.
9.08 Tapping Sleeves and Valves
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of tapping sleeves and
valves for potable water service in the pipe diameter size range of 4 inches to 12 inches.
(2) Quality Assurance
(a) Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation recommendations shall
be provided to the City inspector prior to construction. Installation
recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(b) The manufacturer of tapping sleeves and valves shall be experienced in their
design and construction, shall be regularly engaged in their manufacture, and
shall have produced tapping sleeves and valves of the sizes specified herein that
have given successful service for a period of at least 5 years.
(B) Materials
(1) General
(a) All tapping sleeves shall be constructed of stainless steel that meets or
exceeds the requirements of ASTM A240 Type 304 UNS designated
S30400. Tapping sleeves shall be “Romac Industries” SST, “Mueller” H-
304L, “Ford” FTSS, “JCM” 432, or a tapping sleeve of equivalent design,
material, and rating approved by the Director.
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(b) Extension stems, valve boxes, and special wrenches and keys shall be as
specified in Section 9.06(B), “Materials,” of these Standards.
(2) Flanges: Flanges shall be fabricated from steel plate, and all dimensions shall conform
to AWWA Standard C207, Class D. Flanges shall be machined to a flat rate with finish
of 250 micro inches or machined to a flat surface with a serrated finish in accordance
with AWWA Standard C207. In addition, the machined face shall also be recessed for
tapping valves in accordance with the MSS Standard SP-60.
(3) Gaskets: Gaskets shall be compounded from new materials, and the shape and cross-
section of the gasket shall provide adequate seal for the design pressure. Gaskets shall be
shop glued to the groove provided in the body section.
(4) Fasteners: Bolts and hex nuts shall be stainless steel or an approved equivalent for
corrosion control.
(5) Testing Outlet: A 3/4 inch NPT by welded coupling shall be attached to the outlet
nozzle of each tapping sleeve assembly, complete with a 3/4 inch square head pipe plug.
(6) Tapping Valves: With the exception of the valve ends and other modifications necessary
for tapping service, tapping valves shall be as specified in Section 9.06(B), “Materials,”
of these Standards. Each tapping valve shall be provided with a flanged inlet end
designed, faced and drilled for attachment to the outlet flange of the tapping sleeve; an
outlet end provided with a tapping flange for attachment of a standard drilling machine;
and a mechanical joint bell end for connection of the branch main. The size of the
waterway shall include the appropriate clearance for the diameter of the tapping machine
cutter recommended by the valve manufacturer. Tapping valves shall be Mueller “No.
H-667" or equal.
(7) Painting: All ferrous internal and external surfaces of the valves shall be epoxy coated in
conformance with AWWA C116-03, Protective Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the
Interior and Exterior Surfaces of Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings, and C550-05,
Protective Interior Coatings for Valves and Hydrants. The coating shall be a two-part
thermosetting epoxy suitable for field over coating and for touch-up with the same
coating material without special surface preparation. The supplier shall furnish detailed
performance tests of adhesion, hardness, and abrasion resistance of the furnished coatings
when requested by the City. The coating shall have a successful record of performance in
valves, pipe, or other fittings for a minimum of ten years.
(C) Execution
(1) Tapping Valves: Install tapping valves in the lines as indicated on the drawings, and set
plumb on a firm base. All foreign matter shall be removed from the valve interior prior
to installation. Valves shall be securely bolted to the tapping sleeve in accordance with
the manufacturer’s instructions using the fasteners specified in Subsection 9.08(B)(4) of
these Standards.
(2) Tests: Valve tests shall be done with and as a part of the general tests on the companion
(3) Disinfection: Valve disinfection shall be done with and as a part of the general
disinfection to the companion waterline.
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9.09 Fire Hydrants
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of fire hydrants for potable
water service.
(2) Quality Assurance
(a) Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation recommendations shall
be provided to the City inspector prior to construction. Installation
recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(b) All valves shall be tested in accordance with Section 5.1 of AWWA C502.
Certified copies of the results of all tests, together with an affidavit of compliance
shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
(B) Materials
Fire hydrants shall be “Mueller” Super Centurion 250 A-423 or “CLOW” Medallion 395" (the
“CLOW” Medallion shall be a higher-pressure rating with chain tagged "heavy duty"), with
mechanical joint bottom connection and meet the following requirements:
(1) Inlet Pipe: 6-inch, mechanical joint inlet shoe and accessories.
(2) Trench Depth: 4-1/2 feet cover (Note: standard shipping depth is 5.0”).
(3) Operating Nut: 1-1/2-inch Pentagon National Standard Threads.
(4) Open: Left (CCW).
(5) Connection: Two 2-1/2-inch hose nozzles and one 5-1/4-inch pumper nozzle.
(6) Threads: National Standard Hose Threads.
(7) Pressure: 150 psi working pressure, 300 psi pressure.
(8) Break-Off Flange: Hydrants shall be provided with traffic break-off flange.
(9) Mechanical Joint Bolts and Nuts: The mechanical joint bolts and nuts shall be anti-
galling coated stainless steel, “NSS” Cor-Blue, or an equivalent in design, material, and
(10) Shoe Nuts and Bolts: Shoe nuts and bolts shall be corrosion resistant stainless steel,
Grade 304.
(11) Color: Color shall be Rustoleum No. 831 “restful green” or KWAL “hydrant green”
except for bonnet, weather caps and nozzle caps, which must be Rustoleum No. 2766
“reflectorized white.”
(12) Spares: A set of spare break-off parts shall be furnished.
(C) Execution
(1) Hydrants: Where applicable, hydrants shall be installed with pumper outlet facing the
adjacent roadway or parking area. Set hydrants at such elevations that the connecting
pipe shall drain to the main with a grade of not less than 1 percent, and upon a concrete
foundation not less than 6 inches thick and 18 inches square. The centerline of nozzles
shall be at least 18 inches above finished grade. Firmly block the back of the hydrant
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opposite the pipe connection with a concrete thrust block braced against the vertical face
of the trench to prevent the hydrant from blowing off the line.
(2) Drainage Aggregate and Backfill: Place not less than 1/3 cubic-yard of approved clean
gravel or crushed rock around the base of each hydrant and 12 inches over the top of the
supply pipe to insure drainage. A layer of 30-pound asphalt-saturated felt paper or heavy
vinyl sheet shall be placed over gravel to keep backfill material from sifting into gravel.
Thoroughly compact the backfill around hydrants, to the grade line, in an approved
(3) Operations Check: Clean hydrant interiors of all foreign matter before installation.
Stuffing boxes shall be tightened and the hydrant inspected in opened and closed
positions to see that all parts are in working condition.
(4) General: Hydrants shall be tagged “out-of-service” until the water system is operational.
It is the responsibility of the contractor to notify Boulder Police Communications
regarding the location of the tagged hydrants.
9.10 Combination Air Valve
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of combination air valves
for potable water service.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Manholes: Refer to Section 9.16, “Manholes and Inlets,” of these Standards.
(2) Combination Air Valve: The valve shall be a 2-inch combination air release vacuum
valve, “Vent-O-Mat” Series 050 RB X 25 2 1, or approved equivalent in design, material,
and specifications. The combination air valve shall be provided with a 2-inch diameter
hand wheel operated gate valve.
(3) Hose Gate Valve: A 3/4-inch hose gate valve is to be installed in the air release valve
manhole. The valve shall have a bronze body, threaded end, solid wedge, union bonnet,
inside screw rising stem gate valve. These valves shall be “Powell” 375 HS. Each hose
gate valve shall be equipped with a brass cap and chain.
(4) Ball Valve: Ball valves shall be of bronze or brass construction with two-piece end entry
body, bronze or brass ball, Teflon or Viton stem seal, reinforced Teflon seats and thrust
washer, a removable operating lever, and threaded ends. Valves shall be rated not less
than 500 psi non-shock cold WOG and shall be drip-tight in both directions. Valves shall
be “Conbraco Industries” Apollo 70-100 Series, “Powell” Fig 4210T, or “Stockham” S-
(5) Corporation Stop: A corporation stop shall be as referenced in Subsection 9.05(B)(3), of
these Standards.
(6) Insulators: Insulators shall be as referenced in Subsection 9.05(B)(6), of these
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(C) Execution
(1) Installation: Install valve, manhole, and appurtenances as indicated on Drawing No.
5.22, in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of these Standards, and in accordance with
applicable provisions of the related sections.
(2) Tests: Valve tests shall done be with and as a part of the general tests on the companion
(3) Disinfection: Valve disinfection shall be done with and as a part of the general
disinfection to the companion waterlines.
9.11 Pipeline Fittings
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of pipeline fittings for
potable water service.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Gray or Ductile Iron: Fittings shall be made from gray iron or ductile iron and
manufactured in accordance with AWWA C110-08, Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings,
or AWWA C153-06, Ductile Iron Compact Fittings.
(2) Rubber Gasket Joints: Fittings shall be furnished with rubber gasket joints in
accordance with AWWA C111-07, Rubber Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe
and Fittings.
(3) Design: Fittings shall be rated for a design working pressure of 350 psi pressure rating
and shall conform to the dimensions and weights shown in the tables of the AWWA
standards referenced in this Section 9.11(B) of these Standards.
(4) Certification: The manufacturer shall prepare a certified statement that the inspection
and all specified tests have been performed and the results thereof comply with the
requirements of the applicable AWWA standard(s) specified in Section 9.11(B) of these
Standards. The contractor shall cause a copy of the certification to be sent to the City
upon request.
(5) Ductile Iron Flanged Fittings: Ductile iron flanged fittings shall be manufactured in
accordance with the following:
(a) Integrally cast flange fittings: AWWA C110-08, Ductile Iron and Gray Iron
(b) Threated flange fittings: AWWA C115, Flanged Ductile Iron Pipe with Ductile
Iron or Gray Iron Threaded Flanges.
(c) Ductile iron flanged fittings shall be rated for 250 psi working pressure and shall
be installed with special gaskets that achieve 350 psi working pressure.
(6) 4 Through 6 Inch Fittings: 4 through 16-inch diameter fittings shall be furnished with a
fusion bonded epoxy inside and out, with a standard thickness as defined in AWWA
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C116-03, Protective Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coatings for the Interior and Exterior
Surfaces of Ductile Iron and Gray Iron Fittings. The Director may waive the requirement
for fusion bonded epoxy on fittings if the Director finds that specific fittings are not
(7) Bolts and Nuts: Fittings shall be furnished with tee-head mechanical joint bolts and
hexagon nuts, fabricated from corrosion resistant high strength, low alloy steel such as
"Cor-Ten" or “Blue Bolts.”
(8) Connection fitting: Mechanical joint anchoring fittings (swivel) shall also be used.
Infact Corporation’s “Foster Adaptor” may also be used to connect between mechanical
joint fittings, valves and hydrant connections.
9.12 Disinfecting Waterlines
(A) Scope
This section describes the disinfecting of all portions of the potable water system, including
buried piping, valves, hydrants, and any portion of the existing connecting system that might have
become contaminated during construction activities, and also any temporary water service piping
used during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Chlorinating Material: The chlorinating material shall either be a hypochlorite solution,
tablets or granules.
(2) Tablet Attachment: The hypochlorite tablets shall be fastened to the top of the pipe
using Permatex No. 1.
(C) Execution
(1) Disinfection
(a) Care shall be taken to prevent contaminating materials from entering the water
mains during construction or repair. Such materials that may accidentally enter
the main shall be removed by flushing. This flushing shall be done prior to
disinfection unless the tablet method of disinfection is used. If, in the opinion of
the Director, the contaminated material that has entered cannot be removed by
flushing, the interior of the pipe shall be cleaned by mechanical means and then
swabbed with a 1 percent hypochlorite solution.
(b) Upon completion of the water pipelines, all new pipe, valves, hydrants, etc. shall
be thoroughly flushed and disinfected, using a continuous-feed method of
hypochlorite and water mixture or hypochlorite tablets or granules in accordance
with AWWA Standard C-651, latest revision.
(c) The chlorinating material shall be introduced into the water lines and distribution
systems in a manner approved by the Director. After a contact period of not less
than 24 hours, the treated water in the lines shall contain not less than 10 mg per
liter chlorine using the continuous-feed method or 25 mg per l chlorine using the
tablet or granular method throughout the length of the line. The system shall be
flushed after successful completion of disinfection with clean water until the
residual chlorine content is no more than 1.0 mg per liter. All valves in lines
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being disinfected, except those being used as bulkheads, shall be opened and
closed several times during the contact period. During flushing and disinfection
the contractor shall make sure that none of the disinfection solution enters any
existing water main.
(d) Flushing shall be done with a flushing velocity of at least 2 ½ feet per second.
The contractor shall provide all fittings required to flush the line. Flushing will
be accomplished in such a manner that no erosion will occur and there will be no
damage to street, fish, animals, plants or other property.
(2) Bacteriological Examination: After the system has been thoroughly flushed and before
the new water line is connected to the distribution system, samples shall be taken from
representative points in the system, at intervals of 1200 feet, in sterile bottles treated with
sodium thiosulfate. Labeled samples shall be submitted to the City Drinking Water
Program staff, or designated certified laboratory, for bacteriological examination.
Submitted samples shall meet all City and State bacteriological standards, showing the
absence of both coliform and heterotrophic bacterial growths. If the initial disinfection
fails to produce satisfactory bacteriological results, the new main shall be reflushed and
resampled. If check samples also fail to produce acceptable results, the main shall be
rechlorinated by the continuous feed or slug method until satisfactory results are
(3) Disposal of Solution: Following testing, the solution and flushing water shall be
disposed of by the contractor into the nearest sanitary sewer line. The solution and
flushing water shall not be dumped into any lakes, streams, waterways, irrigation ditches
or stormwater drainage systems. If wasted water cannot be safely discharged into a
sanitary sewer system, and then a reducing agent shall be applied to the wasted water to
thoroughly neutralize the chlorine residual remaining in the water.
9.13 Testing of Water Pipes
(A) General
This section describes the testing of all water pipe including water mains, fire lines and services.
(B) Materials
The contractor shall provide all necessary test equipment including test pumps, pipe, connectors,
meters, gauges, instruments, and other equipment required. Pressure gauges used shall be
graduated in increments no more than 5 psi and shall have a range of approximately twice the test
pressure. Gauges meters and other instruments shall be calibrated prior to testing.
(C) Execution
(1) Notification and Witness
(a) The contractor shall notify the Director of all tests at least 48 hours prior to
testing so that the Director can witness the tests.
(b) The pipe may be subjected to hydrostatic pressure and inspected and tested for
leakage at any convenient time after the trench has been partially backfilled,
except at the joints, or backfilled as permitted by the Director. Where any
section is provided with concrete thrust blocks, the pressure test shall not be
made until at least 2 days have elapsed after the concrete was installed.
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(2) Pressure Test
(a) All new pipe shall be pressure tested prior to connection to the existing system.
All pipe shall be tested at a pressure of 150 psi at the lowest point in each section
or 1½ times the working pressure, whichever is greater.
(b) Prior to testing, all equipment that would be damaged by the test pressure shall
be removed. This equipment shall be replaced in the system after testing is
complete. All pipe and appurtenances shall be backfilled except for joints unless
otherwise permitted by the Director.
(c) The contractor shall slowly fill the pipe with water prior to testing and remove all
air from the piping system. Each valved section, unless otherwise directed by the
Director, shall be tested prior to connection to the existing system. The duration
of each pressure test shall be at least 2 continuous hours. Test time will be
accrued only while full test pressure is on the system. All water used in testing
the pipelines shall be provided by the contractor from a potable water source.
(d) The specified test pressure shall be applied by means of a pump connected to the
pipe in a manner satisfactory to the Director. The contractor shall furnish all
necessary labor, equipment, and connection corporation stops to the pipeline to
perform the test.
(e) No testing shall be permitted against valves or fittings that are part of the existing
system unless specifically approved by the Director. All exposed pipes, fittings,
valves, hydrants, and joints will be carefully examined during the test. Any
cracked or defective pipe, fittings, valves, or hydrants discovered during the
pressure test shall be removed and replaced by the contractor with sound
material. The test shall be repeated until the test is satisfactory to the Director.
(3) Leakage Test
(a) A leakage test shall be conducted after the pressure test has been completed,
unless the pressure test indicates that there are no leaks. The contractor shall
furnish the pump, pipe, connections, meters and all other necessary apparatus,
and shall furnish all necessary assistance to conduct the test. The duration of
each leakage test shall be two hours, and, during the test, the main shall be
subjected to a hydrostatic pressure specified.
(b) No pipeline installation will be accepted until the leakage is less than the amount
computed by the following formula:
L = SD(P)0.5
Where: L = Allowable Leakage (Gallons Per Hour)
S = Tested Length of Pipe (Feet)
D = Nominal Diameter of Pipe (Inches)
P = Average Test Pressure During the Test (psi)
(c) The contractor shall, at their own expense, locate and repair the points of leakage
until the leakage is within the specified allowance.
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9.14 Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Non-pressure Pipe
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
non-pressure pipe and appurtenances for storm sewer mains, sanitary sewer mains and
sewer services in the pipe diameter size range of 4inches to 15inches.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) PVC Non-pressure Pipe
(a) PVC non-pressure pipe shall be type PSM polyvinyl chloride (PVC) having a cell
classification of 12454 or 12454 or 13364 (with a minimum tensile modules of
500,000 psi) as defined in ASTM D1784. All PVC pipe and fittings shall meet
or exceed all of the material requirements of ASTM D3034 and thickness
requirements of SDR 35.
(b) Provisions must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint with a
rubber ring and integral thickened bell as part of each joint. Gaskets shall
conform to ASTM F477. Pipe shall be supplied in laying lengths of 19-1/2 to 20
feet. All pipe and fittings shall be assembled with a non-toxic lubricant. Each
length of pipe and all fittings shall have marked on the exterior the following:
(i) Manufacturer’s Name or Trademark;
(ii) Nominal Pipe Size;
(iii) PVC Cell Classification (e.g. 12454-B);
(iv) Legend - Type PSM SDR-35 Sewer Pipe; and
(v) ASTM - D3034.
(c) All fittings and plugs to be used with the PVC pipe shall be those manufactured
by the manufacturer of the pipe. Each special fitting shall be a completely
manufactured unit with either bells or spigots on each connection that are an
exact duplication of the bells and spigots on the pipeline. Fittings with any other
type of connections will not be accepted.
(2) Plugs: Plugs shall be specifically manufactured for the pipelines where they are to be
installed. The plug shall be constructed of a material approved by the Director and shall
provide a permanent watertight installation.
(3) Couplings
(a) Couplings shall be used only where shown on the approved drawings or where
approved in writing by the Director. The contractor shall provide a description of
an exact location of any couplings used.
(b) Flexible couplings shall consist of a rubber gasket or boot with a stainless steel
shield and tightening bands. Couplings shall be ASTM C1173 Type B couplings
and shall be “Fernco Strong Back” or an approved equivalent.
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(4) Grout
(a) Grout shall conform to the specifications defined in Section 9.16(B)(5). The
contractor may substitute a two-component, 100 percent solids epoxy resin for
the specified grout.
(b) Grout used for sealing service connections shall be a 2-component, waterproof
epoxy grout specifically manufactured for this application. The grout shall
adhere to any of the dissimilar materials.
(5) Sealants: Sealants used on manholes or pipe connections shall be equal to
SIKAFLEX-la, a one component polyurethane base, elastomeric sealant. When required
due to moisture or immersion, provide SIKAFLEX 429 or an equivalent primer for
application onto the substrate according to manufacturer’s recommendation.
(C) Execution
(1) General
(a) Each pipe length and fitting interior, interior surface of bells, and exterior surface
of spigots shall be cleaned of all foreign material before placement in the trench
and shall be kept clean at all times thereafter. Each item shall also be examined
for cracks and other defects before installation.
(b) Pipe shall be cut, only whenever necessary, to conform to location of manholes
or connections. All cuts shall be straight, true, and at right angles to the axis of
the pipe. The cutting process shall leave a smooth end without damaging the
pipe. All burrs shall be removed from the ends of cut pipe, and the end lightly
rasped or filed. All tools used in cutting pipe will be subject to the Director’s
(c) Pipe laying shall proceed with the spigot ends of pipe pointing in the direction of
the flow, unless otherwise approved by the Director. Each pipe length shall be
laid true to line and grade in such manner as to form a close concentric joint with
the adjoining pipe and to prevent sudden offsets to the flow line. Pipe shall be
laid in a dewatered trench and shall not be used for draining water from the
trench. Do not lay pipe when trenches or weather conditions are unsuitable for
such work.
(d) Whenever the pipe is left unattended or pipe laying is not in progress, temporary
plugs shall be installed at all openings. Temporary plugs shall be watertight and
of such design as to prevent debris and animals from entering the pipe. All
temporary plugs will be subject to approval by the Director.
(e) The contractor shall install the materials in accordance with the manufacturer’s
recommendations. If there is a conflict between the methods prescribed in the
approved plans and the manufacturer’s instructions, the contractor shall obtain
resolution from the Director, before proceeding with the work.
(2) Pipe Installation
(a) Pipe Laying: No deflection in the joints shall be allowed. All pipe shall be fully
supported along the full length of pipe barrel without support by the bell
(b) Pipe Joints
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(i) The outside of the spigot and the inside of the bell shall be thoroughly
wiped clean. Set the rubber ring in the bell with the marked edge facing
toward the end of the bell. Lubricate the spigot end using a thin film of
the manufacturer-supplied lubricant. Push the pipe spigot into the bell.
Position the completed joint so that the mark on the pipe end is in line
with the end of the bell.
(ii) Bevel the end of cut pipe with a beveling tool after the pipe is field cut.
Place a clearly visible position mark at the correct distance from the end
of the field-cut pipe.
(3) Connection of Pipe to Concrete Manhole Base
(a) The pipe shall be encased in the concrete poured for the manhole base as detailed
in Drawing No. 6.01, “Standard Sewer Manhole,” in Chapter 11, “Technical
Drawings,” in these Standards. Special provisions shall be made for water
tightness of the connection.
(b) The exterior circumference of the pipe where encased in concrete for water
tightness shall be uniformly roughened or scarified by sanding with coarse
sandpaper or emery cloth for at least 6 inches encased length.
(c) Additionally, gasket as specified elsewhere shall be stretched onto the pipe to
form a weep ring where encased in concrete. Any alteration to the above
specified methods for pipe connection to concrete shall be submitted to the
Director for approval.
(4) Grouting
(a) Any opening between the manhole wall and pipe made during construction shall
be closed and sealed with watertight grout. The opening shall be of sufficient size
to accommodate the pipe, “O” rings, and grout. The grout shall extend no less
than the full width of the manhole barrel.
(b) Channels that have been cut into concrete bases shall be smoothed to the
specified contour with grout. The grout shall extend no less than the full width of
the manhole barrel.
(5) Temporary Plugs: Where required on construction plans and at the end of each sewer
service stub out, the pipe shall be sealed with a removable plug. Plugs shall be
specifically manufactured for the pipelines where they are to be installed. The plug shall
be constructed of a material approved by the Director and shall provide a permanent
watertight installation without permanently sealing the joint.
(6) Sewer Services: The general location of the sewer service lines is detailed in Drawing
No. 6.06, “Sewer Service Line,” in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” in these
Standards. Actual locations of the service lines shall be determined by the approved
construction plans and in the field by the Director. The contractor shall notify the
Director prior to constructing each sewer main so that the Director may have adequate
time to determine the final location of each service tee or wye fitting to be installed in the
sewer main. Failure of the contractor to properly notify the Director as noted above may
result in the contractor’s removal of any portion of the sewer main that is necessary to
install the fittings in their proper location as determined by the Director.
(a) The contractor will be allowed to tap and install a service saddle to new sewer
mains only at those locations approved by the Director. Connections onto sewer
mains shall be made only by boring or drilling with equipment designed for this
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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purpose. Connections shall not be made by impact equipment. The contractor
shall request, in writing, Director approval of methods and equipment proposed
to be used for performing connections.
(b) The contractor shall remove from the sewer main all debris created by making
connections before the service line is connected.
(c) Service line saddle connections shall be attached to the sewer main with an
epoxy-bonding agent. Where the sewer main has been lined, the original sewer
main shall be removed and the saddle shall be attached directly to the liner. The
bonding agent shall be applied to a clean, dry surface. The connection shall
remain dry until the bonding material has set, depending upon environmental
conditions. Backfill around the connection shall not be attempted until the
material has hardened and been accepted by the Director.
(d) At the end of all sewer services, the contractor shall provide plugs and furnish
and set two marker posts. One marker post shall be buried at least 3 feet and
shall extend at least 2 feet above the ground surface and shall have a piece of
green flagging at the top or be painted green. The second marker shall extend
from the end of the service to 18 inches below the existing surface. The marker
posts shall be wood 2 x 4, 4 x 4 or #4 rebar.
(7) Backfilling and Restoring Surface Conditions: Shall be as specified in Section 9.02,
“Excavation and Trenching,” of these Standards.
(8) Testing: Testing of PVC non-pressure pipe shall be as specified in Section 9.17, “Testing
of Gravity Sewer Pipelines and Manholes,” of these Standards.
9.15 Reinforced Concrete Pipe
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of reinforced concrete pipe
and appurtenances for culverts and storm drains in the pipe diameter size range of 12
inches to 144 inches. Reinforced concrete pipe shall not be used for sanitary sewer mains.
(2) Quality Assurance:
(a) Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation recommendations shall
be provided to the City inspector prior to construction. Installation
recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(b) The pipe will be tested by the manufacturer based on the three-edge bearing test
for both the 0.01 inch crack and the ultimate strength as set forth in ASTM C-
497. The pipe shall be tested at the manufacturer’s plant. Not more than 1
percent of the number of pipe lengths, but no fewer than two pipes, for each size
of pipe, will be tested. The contractor shall provide copies of the test results to
the Director for approval. The Director may select pieces to be tested.
(B) Materials
(1) Reinforced Concrete Pipe
(a) The reinforced concrete pipe shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C76.
The pipe shall be Class III unless noted otherwise on the approved construction
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plans. The cement for the pipe shall conform to the requirements set forth in
ASTM 150 and shall be type II and shall have a minimum compressive strength
of 4,000 psi. All wall thicknesses shall be those established in “Wall B” in table
3, of said C76 specification, and the reinforcement shall be shown in the same
“Wall B.” Each section, or “stick”, of pipe shall be 7 feet-6 inches or greater in
(b) No elliptical reinforcement will be permitted except for any elliptical reinforced
concrete pipe designated on the construction plans.
(c) Lifting holes will not be permitted in any of the pipe. The following shall be
clearly marked on the exterior surface of the pipe:
(i) ASTM Specification;
(ii) Date of manufacture;
(iii) Class and size; and
(iv) Name or trademark of manufacturer.
(d) The joint design shall be tongue and groove, or bell and spigot. Joints for the
circular reinforced concrete pipe shall be all rubber gasket conforming to ASTM
C-443, latest revision. The gasket shall be attached to the spigot of the pipe and
shall make the joint flexible and watertight. The contractor may use butyl mastic
joint sealant in rope or trowel applied form in lieu of rubber gaskets for circular
pipe if approved in writing by the Director. For all non-circular pipe and
culverts, butyl mastic joint sealant may be used. The contractor shall submit test
results and material specifications on the sealant to the Director before the
Director gives written approval of its use. This sealant shall be made specifically
for permanently sealing joints in tongue and groove concrete sewer pipe, must
adhere tightly to the pipe surface, and form a tight flexible joint. The gaskets or
sealants shall be installed as directed by the manufacturer of the pipe.
(e) Flared end sections, bends and tees shall comply with the requirements of ASTM
C76 and shall be the same class and shall have the same joint design as the pipe
described above.
(f) Visual inspections of all materials shall be made at the job site, and pipe will be
rejected on account of any deficiencies covered by ASTM Specification
Designation C76 or on account of the following:
(i) Porous spots, inside or outside, having a greater area than 10 square
inches and a depth of more than 1/4 inch;
(ii) Patched or repair of porous spots or other defects that are not approved
by the Director; or
(iii) Exposure of reinforcement that indicates the reinforcement has been
(C) Execution
(1) Laying Pipe
(a) All materials shall be carefully lowered into the trench piece-by-piece by means
of a derrick, ropes or other suitable tools or equipment, in such a manner as to
prevent damage. Under no circumstances shall materials be dropped or dumped
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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into the trench. All pipe shall be inspected for defects prior to installation. Any
defective, damaged or unsound pipe shall be rejected.
(b) All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the inside of the pipe and fittings
before the pipe is lowered into its position in the trench. Every precaution shall
be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe while it is being
placed in the trench. If the pipe-laying crew is unable to place the pipe into the
trench without getting foreign matter or dirt into it, the Director may require that,
before lowering the pipe into the trench, a heavy, tightly woven canvas bag of
suitable size be placed over each end and left there until the connection is to be
made to the adjacent pipes.
(c) An approved snug-fitting stopper or plug shall be installed in each pipe
immediately after it is laid and prior to any further excavating, or backfilling. All
openings along the line of the main shall be securely closed as directed and, in
the suspension of work at any time, stoppers shall be placed to prevent dirt or
other substances from entering the main. During laying operations, no debris,
tools, clothing or other materials shall be placed in the pipe.
(d) Pipes shall be laid to a true line and at uniform rates of grade between manholes
as shown on the approved construction plans. Fine grading to the bottom of the
barrel shall proceed ahead of the pipe laying. The grade shall be accurately
established for each joint by laser beam, or other means approved in writing by
the Director. The laser beam shall be checked with a level each time it is moved
and each day before construction proceeds, and thereafter as required to assure
that it is set at the correct alignment. If any errors of grade are observed, pipe
laying shall stop until the grade is corrected.
(e) Pipe laying shall proceed upgrade with the spigot ends pointed in the direction of
flow. No pipe shall be laid in water or when the trench conditions are unsuitable
for such work. The contractor shall make all connections of pipe to the manholes
that have previously been constructed. When connecting to existing sewers, the
contractor shall take every precaution necessary to prevent dirt or debris from
entering the existing lines.
(f) Bedding shall be placed under and on both sides of the pipe as each length of
sewer pipe is installed.
(2) Joining Pipe
(a) Use a method of joining pipe sections that ensures that ends are fully entered and
inner surfaces are flush and even. The equipment used to force the joints
together must be adequate enough to overcome the gasket pressure involved.
(b) Just prior to joining the pipes, the ends of the pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned to
remove all foreign substances that may have adhered to the pipe surface. All
dust and dirt shall be removed with a clean rag. A lubricating solution that is not
injurious to the gasket or concrete, such as flax soap or water glass, shall be
liberally applied to the gasket groove and to the entire surface of the bell ring.
Following this operation, a thin film of lubricant shall be applied to the gasket
that shall then be snapped into place in the groove, after which a small diameter
smooth steel rod shall be inserted between the gasket and groove and run
completely around the gasket to equalize the gasket tension.
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(c) In the event that any foreign matter becomes imbedded in the lubricant, or the
lubricant becomes contaminated by water or other substances before the joint is
started, the area affected shall be re-cleaned and new lubricant shall be applied.
(d) The pipe being jointed shall be carefully moved into position, be line and grade
checked, and as the spigot end is started into the bell of the section previously
laid, the gasket position shall be checked to ensure uniform entry into the bell at
all points.
(3) Testing and Flushing Pipe
(a) Prior to acceptance of each section of storm sewer line, the contractor shall jet
clean all sewers up through 18 inches in diameter. Larger storm sewers shall be
cleaned by other appropriate methods approved by the Director. All dirt and
debris shall be prevented from entering the existing storm sewer system by
means of watertight plugs or other suitable methods.
(b) If the Director finds it necessary to clean the mains immediately after
construction by rodding, jetting, or both, the Director shall assess the contractor
for the cleaning at a set per foot charge with a minimum dollar amount.
(c) The Director will televise all mains as part of public inspection, and will bill the
contractor for the televising at a set per foot charge with a minimum dollar
amount. Any defects found during the televising shall be repaired by the
contractor, in a manner approved by the Director.
(d) Any visible infiltration, that the Director finds to be the result of poor installation
of the specified materials, shall be repaired by the contractor in a manner
approved by the Director before the work will be accepted.
(e) Before acceptance of the work, the Director will survey the manhole invert and
surface elevations. Any inverts or surface elevations not meeting the approved
design in the construction plans shall not be approved and shall be redone to the
satisfaction of the Director.
(f) Upon completion of construction, the Director will carefully inspect all sewers
and appurtenances. Any unsatisfactory work shall be removed and replaced by
the contractor in a proper manner. The invert of sewer and manholes shall be left
smooth, clean, and free from any obstructions throughout the entire line.
Manhole rings and covers must be raised to finished grade before final
acceptance of the sewer.
(g) For sanitary sewers, testing shall be as specified in Section 9.17, “Testing of
Gravity Sewer Pipelines and Manholes,” of these Standards.
9.16 Manholes and Inlets
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of precast concrete
manholes, storm sewer inlets and appurtenances.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
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(B) Materials
(1) General
(a) Manholes shall be constructed of precast concrete riser sections, in accordance
with Drawing No. 6.01, “Standard Sewer Manhole,” in Chapter 11, “Technical
Drawings,” of these Standards. The concrete sections shall conform to ASTM
C478. The top section required for change of diameter shall be concentric cone
or flat slab. Invert channel shall be smooth and semicircular in shape conforming
to the inside of the adjacent sewer section. The minimum internal diameter of
the manhole barrel shall be in Table 9-6, “Required Manhole Diameters,” for all
manhole installations:
Table 9-6: Required Manhole Diameters
Pipe Size (Diameter) Inner Manhole Section Diameter
18 Inches (and Smaller) 4 Feet
21 - 36 Inches 5 Feet
42 - 48 Inches 6 Feet
54 Inches (and Larger) Special Detail
(b) The minimum internal diameter of the manhole barrel may also be determined by
the number and size of pipes junctioning at a manhole. In such cases, the
Director may modify the minimum internal diameter of the manhole barrel as
(c) To bring the manhole cover to the correct elevation, the adjustment section of
each manhole shall be constructed of brick that is sound and true in shape and
size and shall be Grade S-W from clay or shale. Precast concrete grade
adjustment rings may be substituted for the brick. These rings shall be not less
than 6 inches wide and furnished in heights to allow for 1-inch adjustment. Total
adjustment height, with grade rings or bricks, shall not exceed 12 inches.
(2) Joints: Precast manhole and inlet joints shall be made watertight with RUB’R-NEK,
Kent Seal No. 2, or LO-MOD GEL material, or approved equivalent. The diameter of
gasket shall be as recommended by the manufacturer.
(3) Frame and Cover: Manhole frames and covers shall be of heavy duty traffic lids,
Colorado Springs pattern, round base, 22-1/8 inch opening lids 1 inch thick, non-locking
type with frame and cover weighing approximately 327 pounds. The cover and frame
seat shall be machine finished to prevent any rocking of the cover in its associated frame.
The cover shall have the word “SEWER” for sanitary sewer manholes, or “STORM
SEWER” for storm sewer manholes clearly cast on the surface. Covers for other utility
manholes shall also be marked with the appropriate utility designation. Frames and
covers shall be CASTINGS, INC. MH 310 COVER B, or approved equivalent.
(4) Manhole Steps: Manhole steps shall be built into and thoroughly anchored to the
manhole walls at time of fabrication and shall be positioned as shown on the approved
construction plans, and in accordance with the technical drawings in Chapter 11,
“Technical Drawings,” of these Standards. The steps shall be made of polypropylene
coated reinforcing steel.
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(5) Grout: Grout shall be “non-shrink” type with aluminum filings; grout with iron filings is
not acceptable. Grout shall be “Five Star Grout,” “Embeco Grout” or equivalent.
(6) Concrete: Concrete for cast-in-place manhole bases shall have a 28-day compressive
strength of not less than 3,000 psi. The maximum water content shall be 0.5 pounds of
water per pound of cement. Entrained and entrapped air shall be between 4 and 9
percent. All reinforcement shall be standard deformed reinforcement conforming to the
requirements set forth in ASTM, A615, Grade 60.
(7) Inlets: Inlets shall be constructed of reinforced concrete and shall conform to the
dimensions and specifications as set forth for Type “R” Curb Inlets in Chapter 11,
“Technical Drawings,” of these Standards, and CDOT’s M & S Standards. Inlet steps
shall be built into and thoroughly anchored to the walls at the time of inlet construction.
These steps shall conform to the requirements for manhole steps and shall be positioned
as shown on the technical drawings.
(C) Execution
(1) Construction of Manholes
(a) Concrete bases shall be poured on undisturbed ground. Pipe sections shall be
flush on the inside of the structural wall (except as noted below) and project
outside sufficiently for proper connection to the next pipe section. All pipelines
into a manhole shall have a joint located no more than 12 inches from the
exterior wall. Where incoming pipes enter a storm drain manhole at an elevation
3 feet or greater above the base, the incoming pipe shall project 2 inches inside
the manhole. All annular spaces around the pipe opening shall be grouted.
(b) For all precast manhole bases, the ground surface below precast concrete bases
shall be excavated 6 inches below the elevation of the bottom of the base and
backfilled with bedding material, meeting the requirements of Subsection
9.02(B) of these Standards. The bedding material shall be carefully leveled and
smoothed as to give uniform support to the precast base over its entire area.
(c) The invert channels of manholes shall be constructed in accordance with the
Drawing No. 6.03, “Manhole Invert,” in Chapter 11, “Technical Drawings,” of
these Standards. They shall be smooth and semicircular in shape, conforming to
the inside of the incoming and outgoing sewer pipelines. Changes in direction of
flow shall be made with a smooth curve of as large a radius as the size of the
manhole will permit. Where differences of 24 inches or less in invert elevations
are called for, sloped flow channels shall be formed so the water does not
undergo a vertical drop. A drop manhole shall be installed where the specified
distance in the manhole inverts exceeds 24 inches. The inlet channels may be
formed directly in the concrete of the manhole base. The floor of the manhole
outside of the channel shall be smooth and shall slope towards the channel not
less than 1 inch per foot nor more than 2 inches per foot. The manhole covers
shall be set with a final elevation of 1/4 inch below the finished grade in
roadways and 1 to 2 inches above grade outside of roadways. When a manhole is
located in the pavement area, it shall not be constructed to final grade until the
pavement has been completed, unless directed otherwise by the Director.
(d) Install joint material per manufacturer’s instructions so that no voids are present.
Grout all joints inside and outside after manhole assembly is completed.
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(e) Gaskets for connecting PVC pipe to manhole sections shall be specifically
manufactured for that purpose. The gasket shall provide for at least five bearing
points on the pipe surface. The interior circumference of the gasket shall be
approximately 5 percent less than the exterior circumference of the pipe. The
gasket shall be as manufactured by Hamilton Kent Mfg. Co. of Kent, Ohio, or
approved equivalent. All annular spaces around pipe openings must be grouted.
(f) Stubs shall be provided at manholes when indicated on the construction plans.
Such stubs shall be sealed with a removable plug. Plugs shall be specifically
manufactured for the pipelines where they are to be installed. The plug shall be
constructed of a material approved by the Director and shall provide a permanent
watertight installation.
(2) Adjusting Manhole Tops: When grade adjustment of an existing structure is specified,
remove frames and covers and reconstruct as required. Reset cleaned frames at the
indicated elevation. Prior to final acceptance, clean structures of accumulations of silt,
debris, or foreign matter.
(3) Testing Manholes: Refer to Section 9.17, “Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipelines and
Manholes,” of these Standards.
9.17 Testing of Gravity Sewer Pipelines and Manholes
(A) General
This section describes the testing of gravity sewer pipelines and manholes including sanitary
sewers and storm drains.
(B) Materials
The contractor shall provide all equipment and material specifically designed for the testing
specified in this section.
(C) Execution
(1) Notification and Witness: The contractor shall notify the Director of all tests at least 48
hours prior to testing so that the Director can witness the tests.
(2) When to Test: The pipe shall be tested for leakage after the pipe has been installed and
the trench has been partially backfilled, except at the joints, or backfilled as permitted by
the Director.
(3) Testing Procedures
(a) General: All sanitary sewer mains and appurtenances shall be cleaned, tested,
and PACP TV inspected after backfill operations have been completed. The
contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, and equipment necessary to
clean the pipe and appurtenances, perform the tests and all work incidental
thereto. Any damages to the pipeline caused by cleaning or testing operations
shall be repaired or replaced by the contractor
(b) Alignment and Grade: Gravity sewer pipelines will be checked by the Director
to determine whether any displacement of the pipe has occurred after the trench
has been bedded. The maximum vertical deflection allowed for PVC pipe is five
percent. The City may require the contractor to perform deflection tests of the
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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pipe before acceptance. Optional devices for testing include calibrated television,
photography, properly sized go-no-go mandrel, sewer ball, or deflectometer. The
method used shall be approved by the City. To ensure accurate testing, the line
shall be thoroughly cleaned prior to testing.
(4) Air Tests
(a) Air testing of sanitary sewer pipes shall be done on all sections of pipe between
manholes. The pipe shall be cleaned and may be wetted before air testing. The
section of pipeline being tested shall be plugged at each manhole with pneumatic
(b) Low-pressure air shall be introduced into the plugged line until an internal
pressure of 4 psig greater than the average backpressure of any ground water
pressure that may submerge the pipe would cause. At least 2 minutes shall pass
to allow air temperature to stabilize before the test time is started.
(c) No pipeline installation will be accepted if the pressure drops 0.5 psig or more
during the time and for the length of pipe shown in Table 9-7, “Specifications for
Air Testing of Sanitary Sewer Pipes,” of these Standards:
(d) If the pipeline installation fails the air test, repairs shall be made and the pipe
shall be retested until it passes the air test.
(5) Deflection
(a) All PVC non-pressure pipes shall be tested for vertical deflection after placement
and compaction of backfill. The maximum deflection allowed is 5 percent.
(b) Method of testing shall be by calibrated television, photography, properly sized
go-no-go mandrel, sewer ball, or deflectometer. The method used shall be
approved by the Director. Any and all pipe with vertical defection greater than
the allowable shall be excavated, and removed from the pipeline, replaced,
backfilled and compacted as specified, and retested at the contractor’s expense.
Table 9-7: Specifications for Air Testing of Sanitary Sewer Pipes
Pipe Diameter
Minimum Test Time for
Pipe Lengths up to Lengths
in Column 3 (min:sec)
Maximum Pipe Length
for Minimum Time
Testing in Column 2
Minimum Test Time for
Pipe Lengths Greater than
Column 3 (Seconds)
4 1:53 597 0.190 x Pipe Length (Feet)
2:50 398 0.427 x Pipe Length (Feet)
8 3:47 298 0.760 x Pipe Length (Feet)
10 4:43 239 1.187 x Pipe Length (Feet)
12 5:40 199 1.709 x Pipe Length (Feet)
15 7:05 159 2.671 x Pipe Length (Feet)
(6) Television
(a) Following completion of sewer line work, the contractor shall perform and
supply the City with a PACP TV inspection report and digital video of the sewer.
TV inspections shall be performed by a PACP certified inspector. Prior to
performing the TV inspection, the sewer improvements must be complete,
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accessible, and cleaned using pressurized water sufficient to allow for a detailed
inspection. The City will not accept inspections for lines that have not been
(b) Following TV inspections and any necessary repairs that the contractor may have
identified, the City will review the inspection data. If the condition of the pipe is
determined to be free of structural defects, deflections, debris, defects in pipe
material, and other installation errors, the work will be eligible for acceptance.
(D) Sanitary Sewer Manholes
(1) General
(a) During the construction of the manholes, the contractor shall, in accordance with
good construction practice, insure that no earth, sand, rocks or other foreign
material exists on the joint surfaces during assembly of the sections. The
Director shall check each manhole to determine whether the manhole fulfills the
requirements of the construction plans and these Standards.
(b) The Director shall visually check each manhole, both exterior and interior, for
flaws, cracks, holes, or other inadequacies that might affect the operation or
watertight integrity of the manhole. Should any inadequacies be found, any
repairs deemed necessary by the Director shall be made by the contractor.
(c) Exfiltration tests as specified above shall be performed on all sanitary sewer
(2) Vacuum Testing: When required by the Director, sanitary sewer manholes shall be
vacuum tested with the following procedure:
(a) Each manhole shall be tested immediately after assembly and prior to backfilling.
(b) All lift holes shall be plugged with an approved non-shrink grout.
(c) No grout will be placed in the horizontal joints before testing.
(d) All pipes entering the manhole shall be plugged, taking care to securely brace the
plugs from being drawn into the manhole.
(e) The test head shall be placed at the inside of the top of the cone section and the
seal inflated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.
(f) A vacuum of 10 inches of mercury shall be drawn and the vacuum pump shut off.
With the valves closed, the time shall be measured for the vacuum drop to 9
inches. The manhole shall pass if the time is greater than 60 seconds for one 48
inch diameter manhole, 75 seconds for 60 inches, and 90 seconds for 72 inches.
(g) If the manhole fails the initial test, necessary repairs shall be made with a non-
shrink grout while the vacuum is still being drawn. Retesting shall proceed until
a satisfactory test is obtained.
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9.18 Corrugated Metal Pipe
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the furnishing and installation of corrugated metal pipe
and appurtenances for drainage culverts in the pipe diameter size range of 12 to 54
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Corrugated Metal Pipe
(a) Pipe shall be fabricated from zinc-coated (galvanized) iron or steel sheets
conforming to AASHTO M-218 except as modified herein. The diameter or
span by rise dimensions indicated on the drawings shall mean the nominal inside
dimensions of the conduit. The widths of the laps and depths or corrugations
shall be as specified in AASHTO M-36. The pipe shall have the following
minimum gauge (specified thickness) for the sizes shown in Table 9-8,
“Corrugated Base Metal Specifications,” of these Standards:
Table 9-8: Corrugated Base Metal Specifications
Diameter (Inches) Gauge Number Specified Galvanized
Thickness (Inches)
Specified Galvanized
Thickness (Inches)
21 and Smaller 16 0.064 0.0598
24 14 0.079 0.0747
30 - 54 12 0.109 0.1046
(2) Dimpled Coupling Bands: The dimpled coupling bands shall be the same thickness as
that used for the pipe and shall be at least 12 inches wide. The dimples shall conform
substantially to the shape and depth of pipe corrugations and shall be in circumferential
rows. Each row shall contain dimples so spaced as to effectively engage all corrugations
of the pipe ends. All bands shall have at least two zinc coated bolts per connection,
conforming to ASTM A 307, grade A, electroplated in accordance with ASTM A 164,
Type RS, not less than ½ inch in diameter. The bands shall have end connection angles,
conforming to ASTM A 36, zinc-coated in accordance to ASTM A 153, not less than 2
inches by 2 inches by 3/16 inch by 11 inches, adequately fastened to the band.
(3) Fittings (Including Flared End Sections) and Specials: Fittings and specials shall be
of the same material, coating, and wall thickness, including the same structural qualities,
as the adjoining pipe. Steel flared end sections shall be furnished complete with field-
bolted toe plates.
(4) Repair of Damaged Spelter Coatings: Units such as tees, angles or bends on which the
spelter coating has been burned by flame cutting and gas or arc welding, or otherwise
damaged in fabrication or shipping, shall be wire-brushed and painted with two coats of
Haltz-Rust HR-54-53 or equal conforming to Federal Specification and Standards, TT-P-
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641, or as otherwise approved by the Director. Culverts, pipes, fittings, specials, etc., on
which the spelter coating has been bruised or broken either in the shop or in shipping, or
that shows defective workmanship, will be rejected.
(C) Execution
Installation of corrugated steel pipe is considered to be a flexible conduit and, therefore, special
care must be taken during the bedding and backfilling operations. Installation and backfilling
operations shall be in accordance with the recommended practices set forth in the “Handbook of
Steel Drainage and Highway Construction Projects,” published by the American Iron and Steel
(1) Bedding
(a) All pipe shall be bedded with an approved granular bedding material. The pipe
shall be bedded true to line and grade with uniform and continuous support from
a firm base. Blocking shall not be used to bring the pipe to grade.
(b) The bedding material shall be placed evenly on both sides of the pipe to a point
12 inches above the top of the pipe. Special care shall be taken to insure that all
voids are filled beneath the pipe haunch and that the bedding material is properly
placed and compacted to provide lateral restraint. The trench sidewall shall be
adequately braced, shored or sheeted as necessary to stabilize the trench walls.
The trench shall not be any wider than necessary for proper installation, and pipe
jointing. The bedding material shall be placed under haunches and around the
pipe alternately in 6-inch layers on both sides of the pipe to permit thorough
consolidation of the bedding material. This material is placed alternately to keep
it at the same elevation on both sides of the pipe at all times.
(2) Backfilling: After the pipe has been properly installed and bedded, the remaining trench
excavation shall be restored as set forth in Section 8-5-12, “Standards for Repairs and
Restoration of Pavement or Sidewalks,” B.R.C. 1981. Pipe installed outside of public
rights-of-way where no pavement is impacted may be backfilled in the following manner.
The backfill shall be placed in 8 inch loose lifts and compacted to 90 percent Standard
Proctor density (AASHTO T-180) with mechanical hand tampers, for the first 2 feet. At
least 4 feet of cover over the top of pipe shall be provided before the use of wheel-
mounted mechanical tampers (free drop hammer), hydraulic tampers, (Hydraulic ram
hammers) or other heavy tamping equipment will be permitted. Puddling or jetting will
not be allowed.
(3) Removal of Trench Protection: Extreme care shall be taken in the removal of cribbing,
shoring, sheeting, etc., so as not to disturb previously constructed foundation, bedding
and initial backfill. If it was necessary to place or drive sheeting or other trench
protection below the top of the pipe, the sheeting, shoring, etc., shall be cut off at a point
1 foot above the pipe and the remaining material shall be left in place. Removal of this
portion could seriously jeopardize the side support necessary for “flexible conduits” and
create excessive lateral soils pressures and pipe deflections.
(4) Protection of Conduit During Construction: Maximum supporting strength in flexible
conduits does not develop until the fill consolidates. Therefore, excessive concentrated
loads or heavy equipment on top of or along side if the pipe shall be avoided.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
9.19 Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP)
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the reconstruction of pipelines and conduits by the
installation of a resin-impregnated flexible tube that is inserted into the original non-
pressure conduit.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
(B) Materials
(1) Resin-Impregnated Tube
(a) The tube shall meet the requirements of ASTM F1216 and shall have a uniform
thickness that, when compressed at installation pressures, will equal the specified
nominal tube thickness, with a -5 percent manufacturing tolerance. The tube
shall be fabricated to a size that when installed will tightly fit the internal
circumference and length of the original pipe. Allowance should be made for
circumferential stretching during insertion. The minimum length shall be that
deemed necessary by the contractor to effectively span the distance between
respective access points unless otherwise specified. The contractor shall verify
the lengths and diameters in the field before fabricating the tube. Individual
insertion runs can be made over one or more manhole sections as determined in
the field by the contractor. The maximum allowed insertion run is 1,200 feet.
Intermediate manholes will be reopened as directed by the Director.
(b) The outside layer of the tube (before insertion) shall be translucent plastic coated
with a flexible material that clearly allows inspection of the resin impregnation
(wet-out) procedure. The translucent plastic coating on the tube will allow visual
proof that the resin has wet-out the entire tube and that there are no dry areas. A
vacuum shall be used to ensure the resin fills all dry areas. The plastic coating
shall not be subject to delamination after curing of the CIPP.
(c) The tube shall be homogenous across the entire wall thickness containing no
intermediate or encapsulated elastomeric layers. No materials will be allowed in
the tube that is subject to delamination of the cured CIPP.
(2) Resin: The resin system shall meet the requirements of ASTM F1216.
(3) Structural Requirements
(a) The CIPP wall thickness will be measured in accordance with the applicable
sections of ASTM Test Method D2122. Sufficient readings, at least eight, will
be made to ensure that the minimum thickness has been determined. A
cylindrical anvil tubing micrometer accurate to +0.02mm (+0.001 in) will be
used. The minimum wall thickness at any cross section shall meet or exceed
those shown on the proposal forms and the approved plans, with the allowable
minus five (-5) percent tolerance. The wall thickness tests will be performed by
a Certified Independent Laboratory, approved by the Director. All costs, for
testing, shall be borne by the contractor.
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(b) The layers of the CIPP shall be uniformly bonded. It shall not be possible to
separate any two layers with a probe or point of a knife blade so that the layers
separate cleanly of the probe or knife blade moves freely between the layers, nor
shall separation of any layers occur during testing performed under the
requirements of this specification.
(c) The cured pipe material (CIPP) shall conform to the minimum structural
standards, as follows:
(i) Flexural Stress (ASTM D-790) 4,500 psi
(ii) Modulus of Elasticity (ASTM D-790) 250,000 psi
(d) The liner shall be designed assuming a fully deteriorated host pipe.
(C) Execution
(1) Cleaning
(a) The contractor shall be required to remove all internal debris from the line by use
of water jet equipment prior to inserting the CIPP tube. The cleaning operation
shall remove any and all debris so that each joint of pipe can be thoroughly
inspected and successfully reconstructed.
(b) All sludge, dirt, sand, rocks, grease and other solid or semi-solid material
resulting from the cleaning operation shall be removed at the downstream
manhole of the section being cleaned. Passing material from one manhole to
another will not be permitted.
(c) All such debris resulting from the cleaning operations shall be removed from the
site and disposed of in the proper manner. The contractor shall bear all costs
associated with testing of debris and proper dumping. Dumping of the debris
shall be in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.
(d) All debris shall be removed from the downstream manhole and the site no less
often than at the end of each workday. The contractor shall leave no debris
unattended at the site. Under no circumstances will the contractor be allowed to
accumulate debris beyond the stated time. In the event the contractor has not
removed the debris generated by the cleaning operation, the contractor will not
be allowed to proceed with the work until the debris is properly removed.
(e) During all sewer cleaning operations, satisfactory precautions shall be taken to
protect the sewer lines from damage that might occur by improper use of
cleaning equipment. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that the cleaning
operation will not cause any damage or flooding to public or private property
being served by the section of sewer line being cleaned. The contractor shall
bear all costs associated with any flooding or damage to basements or structures.
(2) Bypassing Flows: The contractor shall provide for flows around the section(s) of pipe
designated for rehabilitation. The bypass shall be made by plugging the line at an
existing upstream manhole or adjacent system. The pump and bypass lines shall be of
adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. Bypassing includes any main lines and
service lines, street gutters or open excavations. Any spills that occur must be
immediately cleaned and the affected area disinfected.
(3) Inspection of Pipelines: Inspections of pipelines shall be performed by trained personnel
experienced in locating breaks, obstacles and service connections by closed circuit
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
television. The inspection of pipelines is also to determine active service connections and
the addresses that they serve. The interior of the pipe shall be carefully inspected to
determine the location of any conditions that may prevent proper installation of the CIPP
into the pipeline and it shall be noted so these conditions can be corrected. The
contractor shall perform and supply the City with a PACP TV inspection report and
digital video of the sewer prior to and after installation of the CIPP lining.
(4) Line Obstructions: It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to clear the line of
obstructions such as solids and roots that will prevent the insertion of the CIPP. If pre-
installation inspection reveals an obstruction such as a protruding service connection,
dropped joint, or a collapse that will prevent the inversion process, and it cannot be
removed by conventional cleaning equipment, then the contractor shall repair the
excavation to uncover and remove or repair the obstruction. Such excavation shall be
approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of the work.
(5) CIPP Installation
(a) CIPP installation shall be in accordance with ASTM F1216, Section 7, with the
additional following requirements. The resin shall be cured by circulating hot
water within the tube. After curing, the finished pipe (CIPP) shall be continuous
and tight fitting.
(b) The contractor, and the Director, shall designate a location where the tube will be
impregnated with resin prior to installation, in order that an inspection can be
made to determine proper materials and procedures. A resin and catalyst system
compatible with the requirements of this method shall be used.
(c) The heat source shall be fitted with suitable monitors to gauge the temperature of
the incoming and outgoing heat supply. Another such gauge shall be placed at
the remote manhole to determine the temperature at that location during the cure.
If air pressure and steam are used with styrene based resins, the compressed
atmosphere shall be monitored with a safety gas detector to ensure that it does
not reach the explosive limit.
(d) The finished CIPP shall be continuous over the entire length of an insertion run
between two manholes and be free, as commercially practicable, from visual
defects such as foreign inclusions, dry spots, pinholes, and delamination. It shall
also meet the leakage/pressure test requirements specified below (water
(e) Before the insertion process begins, the minimum pressure required to hold the
tube tight against the existing conduit and the maximum allowable pressure so as
not to damage the tube shall be provided by the tube manufacturer, and it will be
the contractor’s responsibility to obtain and submit this information to the
Director. Once the insertion has started, the pressure shall be maintained
between the minimum and maximum pressures until the operation has been
completed. If air pressure is used for inversion, the equipment shall be fitted
with a pressure gauge accurate to 0.01 psi. Should the pressure deviate from
within the range of minimum and maximum pressures, the installed tube will be
rejected and the contractor will remove and dispose of the tube, at their expense.
(f) Before the curing process begins, the pressure required to hold the flexible tube
tight against the host pipe shall be provided by the tube manufacturer and
submitted to the Director prior to any inversion process. Once the cure has
started and dimpling for laterals is completed, the required pressure shall be
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
maintained until the cure is complete. Should the pressure deviate more than 1
psi (2.3 feet of water) from the required pressure during the critical curing period,
the tube will be rejected and the contractor will be responsible for its removal and
disposal and replacement with new CIPP at, at their expense. A complete log of
the pressures shall be maintained on site and shall be offered to the Director after
each inversion.
(6) Sealing at Manholes: A hydrophilic end seal shall be installed at the upstream and
downstream manholes prior to installation of the CIPP liner. The end seals shall be LMK
Insignia End Seals or equivalent.
(7) Service Connections
(a) After the curing of the CIPP is completed, the contractor shall restore the existing
active service connections and branch connections. The connections shall be
reopened without excavation, and in the case of non-man entry pipes, from the
interior of the pipeline utilizing a remotely controlled cutting device, monitored
by a closed circuit television camera, that re-establishes them to not less than 95
percent capacity, while conforming to the shape of the existing opening. All
reinstated openings shall be smoothed by brushing with a wire brush.
(b) The contractor shall verify the possession of at least two complete cutting devices
in good working order before each insertion.
(c) If excavations for the purpose of re-opening connections are required, the
contractor will be responsible for all costs and liability associated with such
excavation and restoration work.
(d) No service connection shall remain out of service for more than 24 hours at a
time unless the contractor has provided temporary facilities or other appropriate
accommodations for the affected service.
(8) Testing: CIPP samples shall be prepared and tested in accordance with ASTM F1216,
Section 8.1, using both methods 8.1.1 and 8.1.2 if so required by the Director. The test
will be performed by a Certified Independent Laboratory, approved by the City. Tests
results shall be submitted to the Director. Costs of the tests are considered to be
incidental to the project.
(9) Visual Inspection: Visual inspection of the CIPP shall be in accordance with ASTM
F1216, Section 8.4. The contractor shall perform and supply the City with a PACP TV
inspection report and digital video of the sewer prior to and after installation of the CIPP
9.20 Pipe Bursting Non-Pressure Pipe
(A) General
(1) Scope: This section describes the reconstruction of pipelines and conduits by which a
bursting unit splits the existing pipe while simultaneously installing a new polyethylene
pipe of the same size or larger where the old pipe existed.
(2) Quality Assurance: Manufacturer’s certificates of compliance and installation
recommendations shall be provided to the City inspector prior to construction.
Installation recommendations shall be followed during construction.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
(B) Materials
(1) Polyethylene Plastic Pipe: The pipe shall be high density polyethylene pipe and meet
the applicable requirements of ASTM F714 Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe (SDR-PR).
Sizes of the insertions to be used shall be such to renew the pipe to its original or greater
flow capacity. The pipe shall be homogenous throughout and shall be free of visible
cracks, holes, foreign material, blisters, or other deleterious faults.
(2) Dimension Ratios: The polyethylene pipe shall meet or exceed the thickness
requirement of SDR 17.
(C) Execution
(1) Bypassing Flows: The contractor shall provide for flow around the section(s) of pipe
designated for reconstruction. The bypass shall be made by plugging the line at an
existing upstream manhole or adjacent system. The pump and bypass lines shall be of
adequate capacity and size to handle the flow. Bypassing includes any main lines and
service lines, street gutters or open excavations. Any spills that occur must be
immediately cleaned and the affected area disinfected.
(2) Inspection: Inspection of work shall be in accordance with Section 9.17, “Testing of
Gravity Sewer Pipelines and Manholes,” of these Standards.
(3) Equipment: The pipe bursting tool shall be designed and manufactured to force its way
through existing pipe material by fragmenting the pipe and compressing the old pipe
sections into the surrounding soil as it progresses. The bursting unit shall be pneumatic
and shall generate sufficient force to burst and compact the existing pipeline. The
bursting tool shall be selected in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations to
meet the project specific requirements for the type and size of pipe being burst and
upsized if specified. The pipe bursting tool shall be pulled through the sewer by a winch
located at the receiver pit. The bursting unit shall pull the polyethylene pipe with it as it
moves forward.
9.21 Telecommunication or Cable System Standards
The installation and construction of telecommunication or cable systems shall comply with the
requirements as set forth in Chapter 11-6, “Boulder Cable Code,” B.R.C. 1981, and these
(A) General
(1) Applicable National Standards: All telecommunications and cable system construction
shall conform to the requirements of the following standards:
(a) American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI), Electronic Industries
Association (EIA), and Telecommunications Institute of America (TIA)
Standards: EIA/TIA Standards Proposal No. 2840-A, Proposed Revision of
EIA/TIA-568 (if approved to be published as EIA/TIA-568-A), EIA/TIA-569
Commercial Building Standard for Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces,
and TIA/EIA-607 Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements
for Telecommunications.
(b) National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) C2-1993, published by the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(c) National Electrical Code (NEC), published by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA).
(d) Federal Communications Commission.
(e) Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
(f) Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
(2) Construction Plans Required: Detailed construction plans, as outlined in Chapter 1,
“General Requirements,” of these Standards, showing the specific underground and/or
aerial cable routing and associated conduit, manhole and/or pole locations and
specifications, shall be submitted to the Director’s office for review and approval.
(a) Construction plans for Directional Boring or Narrow Trenching operations shall
meet design standards of Subsurface Engineering (SUE) Level B or above. At the
City’s request, the applicant shall provide full engineered plan & profile
(3) Protection of Systems: All systems shall be protected from washouts, floods, unstable
soil, landslides, or other hazards that may cause the facility to move or fail.
(B) Underground Facilities
(1) Cable Protection
(a) All buried telecommunications cable, shall be installed in conduit, SDR 9 or 11
HDPE pipe, or equivalent. Cable placement by means of direct plow-in will not
be allowed within the City’s rights-of-way.
(b) Major conduit duct banks (more than 4 conduits) and those comprising a portion
of the City’s telecommunications conduit backbone infrastructure shall be
encased in concrete with a minimum strength of 2000 psi. When encased in
concrete, conduit may be PVC Type EB, DB, or equivalent. The concrete
encasement shall have a minimum thickness of 4 inches around the entire conduit
or duct bank.
(c) Multiple duct systems shall have spacers installed at intervals to allow the
concrete mix encasement throughout the entire duct structure.
(d) Conduit placed by directional bore method will be allowed subject to approval by
the Director.
(2) Depth of Cover: The minimum depth of cover over the conduit shall be 30 inches.
(a) Narrow Trenching Exception: For existing pavements 6 inches or less, distance
from top of pavement to top of conduit is 10 inch minimum, 24 inch maximum.
For Existing pavements greater than 6 inches thick, distance from top of
pavement to top of conduit equals the pavement thickness plus 4 inches
minimum, 24 inch maximum.
(i) If Narrow Trench abuts lip of curb & gutter, minimum depth of conduit
is 12''.
(3) Trench Specifications - Roadway and Other Paved Surfaces
(a) All trenches shall be open cut unless otherwise permitted by the City.
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(b) Trenches shall have a minimum width of 10 inches unless Narrow Trenching is
proposed where minimum trench width is 1 inch and maximum is 3 inch, but no
greater than 1 inch maximum of conduit size.
(c) Trench backfill and surface restoration shall comply with the standards as set
forth in Section 8-5-12, “Standards for Repairs and Restoration of Pavement and
Sidewalks,” B.R.C. 1981.
(d) Narrow Trenching can abut the concrete lip line of curb gutter with 12 inch
minimum conduit depth.
(e) Narrow Trench cannot be placed within 2 feet of vehicle wheel paths. If street is
signed, labeled or striped as a shared roadway for both bicycle and vehicular
traffic, narrow trench cannot be within 2 feet of the common wheel paths.
(f) Narrow Trench alignment on roadways must be marked out and follow the
designated path so that the finished product has straight lines. Trenches that
deviate from a straight path will be subject to mill and overlay, at the city’s
discretion upon inspection.
(4) Trench Specifications - Landscaped Areas
(a) All trenches shall be open cut unless otherwise permitted by the City.
(b) Trenches shall have a minimum width of 10 inches, with exception to narrow
trenching where minimum width is 1 inch and max is 3 inches.
(c) Trenches shall be backfilled and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum
density at optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698.
(d) The City shall be contacted if there is any question whether or not the proposed
work will cause any damage to trees shrubs or other landscaping or if
construction is within 5 feet of a tree. All utility construction near existing trees
shall abide by the tree protection requirements specified in Chapter 3,
“Streetscape Design,” of these Standards.
(5) Alternative Installation Methods: Boring or Narrow Trenching methods may be
allowed by the Director if the Director finds that these methods are advantageous to the
City or if industry standard open trench methods are impractical.
(a) Missile method for tunneling under curb/gutter and sidewalks can be used as an
Alternative for lateral installation associated with Narrow Trenching. Any voids
must be between tunnel walls and conduit placed must be filled with flowable fill
and use of a concrete vibrator is required.
(6) Joint Use Trench Requirements
(a) Joint trenching operations require advanced planning and coordination with the
utilities involved.
(b) Vertical and horizontal separations between telecommunications or cable systems
and other facilities shall be maintained as required by NESC Section 32,
Underground Conduit Systems. Conduit systems for telecommunications and
cable systems shall be separated from conduit systems for power supply systems
(i) 3 inches of concrete,
(ii) 4 inches of masonry, or
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
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(iii) 12 inches of well-tamped earth.
(7) Warning Tape: A cable warning tape shall be placed 12 to 18 inches above the conduit
in the trench.
(a) For Narrow Trenching, warning tape is recommended but not required.
(8) Manholes
(a) All cavities required for cable pulling purposes shall be constructed as load
bearing manholes or handholes. Handholes shall not be placed in any traveled
lane, road shoulders, sidewalk, multi-use path, or bike lane.
(b) Manholes or handholes shall be placed at maximum 1,200 feet intervals. In no
case shall conduit bend radius exceed 180 degrees between manholes. Manholes
shall be installed at each street intersection at a minimum. Manholes shall be
rectangular: 6 feet wide by 7 feet long by 4 feet deep; or circular 4 feet diameter
with a nominal depth of 4 feet minimum.
(c) Manholes or handholes shall be installed flush or ¼” below the surrounding
(C) Aboveground Facilities
(1) Facility Protection: All aboveground facilities shall be protected from accidental
damage by vehicular traffic impacts or similar causes either by being located a safe
distance away from traffic or by structural barricades.
(2) Obstruction to Traffic Prohibited: All aboveground facilities shall be located so as not
to cause unnecessary obstruction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(3) Clearances: All aboveground telecommunications facility construction shall conform
with the minimum clearances as specified in Section 23 of the NESC.
(a) Cables shall maintain the following minimum clearances between any adjacent or
crossing power cables under all conditions of cable loading:
(i) Horizontal clearances shall be at least 5 feet from power cables at a
potential of up to 129 kV, and at least 5 feet plus 0.4 inches per kV over
129 kV from power cables exceeding a potential of 129 kV.
(ii) Vertical clearances shall be at least 4 feet from power cables at a
potential of up to 750 V, at least 6 feet from power cables at a potential
of 750 V to 22 kV, at least 6 feet plus 0.4 inches per kV over 22 kV from
power cables at a potential between 22 kV and 470 kV. Vertical
clearances shall comply with NESC Rule 233C3 for minimum clearance
from cables at a potential greater than 470 kV.
(b) Cables, poles, and stubs shall maintain the following minimum clearances from
power conductors, power poles and other objects:
(i) Poles shall have a minimum clearance of 4 feet from fire hydrants, signal
pedestals, and call boxes.
(ii) Cables shall have a minimum horizontal clearance from power poles in
no wind conditions.
(iii) Poles and stubs shall have a minimum horizontal clearance of 5 feet in
no wind condition from power wires up to 50 kV.
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(c) Poles shall have a minimum separation of at least 2 feet from the street side of
the curb to the nearest part of the pole and shall be located a sufficient distance
from the street side of the curb to avoid contact with ordinary vehicles using the
(d) Poles shall have at least 12 feet horizontal clearance from the nearest rail to the
nearest part of the pole.
(e) Cables shall have at least 2 feet vertical clearance from Police and Fire Alarm
(f) Cables shall have at least 3 feet clearance in all directions from signs, chimneys,
tanks, and other installations.
(g) Cables shall maintain the following minimum vertical clearances as measured
from the lowest point of the cable when crossing the following objects:
(i) Roads, Streets, and all areas subject to truck traffic: 18 feet.
(ii) Alleys, Driveways, and Parking Lots: 18 feet.
(iii) Railroad tracks: 28 feet.
(iv) Roofs, not accessible: 4 feet.
(v) Spaces and Ways, accessible to pedestrians only: 12 feet.
(vi) Roofs, accessible to vehicular traffic, but not trucks: 12 feet.
(h) Cables shall maintain a minimum vertical clearances of 16 feet as measured from
the lowest point of the cable when running alongside but not overhanging roads,
streets, or alleys.
(i) A minimum vertical clearance of 40 inches shall be maintained between
telecommunications cables and power cables at the attachment points on joint use
9.22 Electric Power Facility Standards
The following standards shall apply to all electric power related facilities constructed within the
City’s public rights-of-way or easements.
(A) General
(1) Undergrounding Required: All electric power facilities constructed in the City’s public
rights-of-way or easements shall be underground unless otherwise permitted by franchise
or the Director.
(2) National Standards: All electric power facility construction shall conform to the
requirements of the following standards:
(a) 1993 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) C2-1993, published by the
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.
(b) National Electrical Code (NEC), published by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA).
(c) Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
(d) Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
(3) Construction Plans Required: Detailed construction plans, as outlined in Chapter 1,
“General Requirements,” of these Standards, showing the specific underground and/or
aerial cable routing and associated conduit, manhole and/or pole locations and
specifications, shall be submitted to the Director for review and approval.
(4) Protection of Facilities: All facilities must be protected from washouts, floods, unstable
soil, landslides, or other hazards that may cause the facility to move or fail.
(B) Underground Facilities
(1) Underground Cable Protection
(a) All primary circuits (greater than 600 volts) located under concrete road surfaces,
where circuit density is high, and in all arterial roads shall be installed in conduit,
4 inch minimum diameter, PVC Type EB, DB or equivalent. All conduit joints
shall be solvent welded. The conduit shall be encased in concrete with a
minimum strength of 2000 psi and have a minimum thickness of 4 inches around
the entire conduit or duct bank.
(b) All secondary circuits (600 volts or less) supplying services larger than 800
amperes shall be installed in conduit, 2-inch minimum diameter, PVC Type EB,
DB or equivalent. All conduit joints shall be solvent welded. The conduit shall
be encased in concrete with a minimum strength of 2000 psi and have a
minimum thickness of 4 inches around the entire conduit or duct bank.
(c) Multiple duct bank systems shall have spacers installed at intervals to allow the
concrete mix encasement throughout the entire duct structure.
(2) Depth of Cover
(a) The minimum depth of cover over primary circuits (greater than 600 volts) shall
be 42 inches.
(b) The minimum depth of cover over secondary circuits shall be 30 inches (600
volts or less).
(c) The minimum depth of cover over circuits for street lighting and signals shall be
18 inches.
(3) Trench Specifications - Roadways and Other Paved Surfaces
(a) All trenches shall be open cut unless otherwise permitted by the Director.
(b) Trenches shall have a minimum width of 10 inches.
(c) Trench backfill and surface restoration shall comply with the standards as set
forth in Section 8-5-12, “Standards for Repairs and Restoration of Pavement and
Sidewalks,” B.R.C. 1981.
(4) Trench Specifications - Landscaped Areas
(a) All trenches shall be open cut unless otherwise permitted by the Director.
(b) Trenches shall have a minimum width of 10 inches.
(c) Trenches shall be backfilled and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum
density at optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698.
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(d) The City shall be contacted if there is any question whether or not the proposed
work will cause any damage to trees, shrubs or other landscaping or if
construction is within 5 feet of a tree.
(5) Alternative Installation Methods: Boring methods may be allowed by the Director if
the Director finds that these methods are advantageous to the City or if open trench
methods are impractical.
(6) Joint Use Trench Requirements
(a) Joint trenching operations require advanced planning and coordination with the
utilities involved.
(b) Vertical and horizontal separations between electric power facilities and other
facilities shall be maintained as required by the NESC section 32 Underground
Conduit Systems.
(7) Warning Tape: A cable warning tape shall be placed 12 to 18 inches above the conduit
or cable in the trench.
(8) Manholes: All cavities required for cable pulling purposes shall be constructed as load
bearing manholes or handholes. Handholes shall not be placed in any traveled lane
including road shoulders, sidewalks, multi-use paths, or bike lanes.
(C) Aboveground Facilities
(1) General
(a) All aboveground facilities shall be protected from accidental damage by
vehicular traffic impacts or similar causes either by being located a safe distance
away from traffic or by structural barricades.
(b) All aboveground facilities shall be located so as not to cause unnecessary
obstruction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(2) Clearances: The minimum overhead transverse clearance shall conform to National
Electrical Safety Code Standards, but shall not be less than 18 feet measured from the
highest point of the road prism to the bottom of the cable.
9.23 Gas Distribution Facility Standards
The following standards shall apply to all gas distribution related facilities constructed within the
City’s public rights-of-way or easements.
(A) General
(1) Undergrounding Required: All gas distribution facilities constructed in the City’s
public rights-of-way or easements shall be underground unless otherwise permitted by
franchise or the Director.
(2) National Standards: All gas distribution facility construction shall conform to the
requirements of the following standards:
(a) Minimum Federal Safety Standards for Natural Gas Pipelines in the Code of
Federal regulations 49 Part 192.
(b) Colorado Public Utilities Commission.
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(c) Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA).
(3) Construction Plans Required: Detailed construction plans, as outlined in Chapter 1,
“General Requirements,” of these Standards, showing the specific gas distribution line
and appurtenances locations and specifications, shall be submitted to the Director for
review and approval.
(4) Protection of Facilities: All facilities must be protected from washouts, floods, unstable
soil, landslides, or other hazards that may cause the facility to move or fail.
(B) Underground Facilities
(1) Materials
(a) Steel or plastic material shall be used for the gas distribution pipe.
(b) All plastic pipe must be installed below ground level.
(2) Depth of Cover
(a) Depth of cover shall be measured from the final grade to the top of the pipe.
(b) Minimum depth of cover for shall be 36 inches for transmission lines and 30
inches for distribution lines.
(c) Minimum depth of cover for service lines shall be 24 inches.
(d) Transmission and distribution lines installed under streams and ditches must have
minimum cover of 48 inches.
(3) Trench Specifications - Roadways and Other Paved Surfaces
(a) All trenches shall be open cut unless otherwise permitted by the Director.
(b) Trenches shall have a minimum width of 10 inches.
(c) Trench backfill and surface restoration shall comply with the standards as set
forth in Section 8-5-12, “Standards for Repairs and Restoration of Pavement and
Sidewalks,” B.R.C. 1981.
(4) Trench Specifications - Landscaped Areas
(a) All trenches shall be open cut unless otherwise permitted by the Director.
(b) Trenches shall have a minimum width of 10 inches.
(c) Trenches shall be backfilled and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum
density at optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698.
(d) The City shall be contacted if there is any question whether or not the proposed
work will cause any damage to trees, shrubs or other landscaping or if
construction is within 5 feet of a tree.
(5) Alternative Installation Methods: Boring methods may be allowed by the Director if
the Director finds that these methods are advantageous to the City or if open trench
methods are impractical.
(6) Joint Use Trench Requirements
(a) Joint trenching operations require advanced planning and coordination with the
utilities involved.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
(b) Vertical and horizontal separations between gas distribution facilities and other
facilities shall be 6 inches minimum.
(7) Warning Tape: A cable warning tape shall be placed 12 to 18 inches above the conduit
in the trench.
(8) Components
(a) Transmission line valves shall be installed in boxes or be otherwise readily
(b) Transmission line pressure relief and pressure limiting devices shall be installed
in underground vaults, unless aboveground installation is permitted by the
(c) All service lines shall be equipped with shutoff valves.
(d) An electrically conductive tracer wire shall be installed with all plastic and non-
conductive pipes.
(9) Casing Pipe: Gas pipe shall be installed in casings under all highways. Casing pipe shall
be steel pipe with a wall thickness of 1/4 inch minimum extending at least 5 feet beyond
the limits of any highway improvements.
(10) Corrosion Protection
(a) All pipes susceptible to corrosion shall be cathodically protected and have a
protective coating.
(b) All corrosion susceptible pipes must also be electrically isolated from other
metallic structures.
(C) Testing Requirements
All newly constructed pipes shall be tested prior to placing the line in service. No pipe shall be
placed in service, or returned to service, with leaks or without adequate corrosion protection.
(1) Pressure Testing: All pipes shall be pressure tested for leakage as described in CFR 49
part 192. In order to establish the maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP), pipes
shall be tested at 1-1/2 times the MAOP.
(2) Corrosion Control Testing: Corrosion control devices shall be tested whenever the pipe
is exposed for maintenance or repair. Additionally, all corrosion control devices must be
tested at least once each calendar year.
(3) Records Retention: Records of the testing shall be maintained for the life of the pipe.
(D) Aboveground Facilities
(1) Facility Protection: All aboveground facilities shall be protected from accidental
damage by vehicular traffic impacts or similar causes either by being located a safe
distance away from traffic or by structural barricades.
(2) Traffic Obstruction Prohibited: All aboveground facilities shall be located so as not to
cause unnecessary obstruction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Attachment B - Markup of Chapter 9
Utilities DCS Changes
Drawing Title Drawing Number/Page
Drafting Standards .................................................................................................................................................... 1.01
Curb and Gutter ..................................................................................................................................................... 2.01A
Curb and Gutter Joints ........................................................................................................................................... 2.01B
Concrete Walk and Multi-Use Paths ..................................................................................................................... 2.02A
Integral Curbwalk .................................................................................................................................................. 2.02B
Concrete Walk and Multi-Use Path Joints ............................................................................................................. 2.02C
Multi-Use Path Section Detail ............................................................................................................................... 2.02D
Crosspan and Radii Curb Return Accesses ............................................................................................................... 2.03
Curb Extension Detail ........................................................................................................................................... 2.04A
Curb Extension Cross Sections .............................................................................................................................. 2.04B
Flagstone Walk ......................................................................................................................................................... 2.05
Typical Alley Paving Section .................................................................................................................................. 2.06
Curb Ramp Details & General Notes………………………………………………………………………….… 2.07A
Curb Ramp Type 1 Details……………………………………………………………………………….……….2.07B
Curb Ramp Type 2 Details…………………………………………………………………………………….….2.07C
Curb Ramp Type 3 Details…………………………………………………………………………………….….2.07D
Curb Ramp Type 4 Details…………………………………………………………………………………….….2.07E
Curb Ramp Style 5 Details…………………………………………………………………………………….….2.07F
Intersection and Crossing Island Details……………………………………………………………………….…2.07G
Cast Iron Detectable Warning Details………………………………………………………………………….…2.07H
Brick Paver Detectable Warning Details……………………………………………………………………….….2.07I
Temporary Perpendicular Curb Ramp Details…………………………………………………………………..…2.07J
Temporary Parrallel Curb Ramp Details……………………………………………………………………….….2.07K
Survey Monument Range Box .................................................................................................................................. 2.11
Intersection Pin Range Box ...................................................................................................................................... 2.12
Valve Box Adjustment ............................................................................................................................................. 2.13
Driveway Ramp, Detached Walk ............................................................................................................................. 2.21
Driveway Ramp, Curbwalk – CDOT Type 1 ........................................................................................................ 2.22A
Driveway Ramp, Curbwalk – CDOT Type 2 ........................................................................................................ 2.22B
Chase Drain, Curbwalk ............................................................................................................................................. 2.31
Chase Drain, Detached Sidewalk ............................................................................................................................. 2.32
Median, Paved Cover ............................................................................................................................................... 2.41
Median, Paved Curb Skirt...................................................................................................................................... 2.42A
Median, Brick Curb Skirt ...................................................................................................................................... 2.42B
Attachment C - Markup of Chapter 11
Table of Contents DCS Changes
Median/Curb Separated Bike Lane ....................................................................................................................... .2.42C
Bike Ramp & Pre-Case Curb Buffer ..................................................................................................................... 2.43A
Directional Indicate Strip ....................................................................................................................................... 2.43B
Floating Bus Stop Detail ........................................................................................................................................ 2.44A
Floating Bus Stop Cross Sections .......................................................................................................................... 2.44B
Floating Bus Stop Notes ........................................................................................................................................ 2.44C
Bicycle Path Cross-Section....................................................................................................................................... 2.51
Inverted “U” Bicycle Racks................................................................................................................................... 2.52A
Inverted “U” Bicycle Racks................................................................................................................................... 2.52B
Accessible Parking Stall ........................................................................................................................................... 2.54
Non-Residential Street Cross-Section Examples ................................................................................................... 2.61A
Non-Residential Street Cross-Section Examples ................................................................................................... 2.61B
Non-Residential Street Cross-Section Examples ................................................................................................... 2.61C
Residential Collector Cross-Section ......................................................................................................................... 2.63
Residential Street Cross-Section ............................................................................................................................... 2.64
Rural Residential Street Cross-Section ..................................................................................................................... 2.65
Residential Access Street Cross-Section .................................................................................................................. 2.66
Residential Access Lane Cross-Section .................................................................................................................... 2.67
Residential Alley Cross-Section ............................................................................................................................... 2.68
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement .................................................................................................................... 2.71A
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement .................................................................................................................... 2.71B
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement .................................................................................................................... 2.71C
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement .................................................................................................................... 2.71D
Straight Retaining Wall Expansion Joint .................................................................................................................. 2.72
Sign Installation Details ............................................................................................................................................ 2.81
Accessible Parking Sign Details ............................................................................................................................... 2.86
Street Name Sign Mounting Details ......................................................................................................................... 2.87
Streetscape Tree Spacing and Location ................................................................................................................. 3.01A
Streetscape Tree Spacing and Location ................................................................................................................. 3.01B
Trees and Shrubs Planting Detail.............................................................................................................................. 3.02
Tree Grate for Sidewalk Planting ............................................................................................................................. 3.03
Grade Change Around Existing Trees ...................................................................................................................... 3.04
Sample Landscape Protection Plan ........................................................................................................................... 3.11
Protected Root Zone and Drip Line .......................................................................................................................... 3.12
Root Loss from Tunnelling ....................................................................................................................................... 3.13
Irrigation Pressure Vacuum Breaker......................................................................................................................... 3.21
Irrigation Reduced Pressure Backflow Assembly .................................................................................................... 3.22
Irrigation Pressure Reducing Valve .......................................................................................................................... 3.23
Irrigation Gate Valve ................................................................................................................................................ 3.24
Irrigation Drain Valve .............................................................................................................................................. 3.25
Irrigation Quick Coupling Valve .............................................................................................................................. 3.26
Irrigation Control Valve ........................................................................................................................................... 3.27
Irrigation Valve Assembly Spray ............................................................................................................................. 3.28
Irrigation Drip Valve ................................................................................................................................................ 3.29
Irrigation Quick Coupler .......................................................................................................................................... 3.31
Irrigation Spray Head ............................................................................................................................................... 3.32
Irrigation Pop-Up Shrub Spray Head ........................................................................................................................ 3.33
Irrigation Bubbler Detail .......................................................................................................................................... 3.34
Irrigation Fixed Head and Riser ............................................................................................................................... 3.35
Irrigation Rotary Head .............................................................................................................................................. 3.36
Irrigation Drip Details .............................................................................................................................................. 3.37
Attachment C - Markup of Chapter 11
Table of Contents DCS Changes
Irrigation Typical Trickle Fittings ............................................................................................................................ 3.38
Irrigation Trenching and Pipe Installation ................................................................................................................ 3.39
Irrigation System Thrust Blocks ............................................................................................................................... 3.40
Irrigation System Controller ..................................................................................................................................... 3.41
Irrigation System Wire Connection .......................................................................................................................... 3.42
Utility Trenches, 16" Wide or Less .......................................................................................................................... 4.01
Utility Trenches, Wider than 16" .............................................................................................................................. 4.02
Pipe Bedding ............................................................................................................................................................ 4.03
Restoration of Asphalt Street Excavations, Streets Less Than 3 Years Old ............................................................. 4.04
Telecommunications Conduit and Cable Encroachments in Public Right-of-way ................................................... 4.05
Telecommunications Conduit and Cable Narrow Trench ..................................................................................... 4.05 A
Concrete Encasement ............................................................................................................................................... 4.06
Stream Crossing ........................................................................................................................................................ 4.07
Groundwater Barrier ................................................................................................................................................. 4.08
Pipe Casing With Casing Spacers ......................................................................................................................... 4.09 A
Pipe Casing With Wood Skids ............................................................................................................................. 4.09 B
Water Line Lowering, Utility Line Crossing Only ............................................................................................... 5.01 A
Water Line Lowering, Culvert Crossing Only ...................................................................................................... 5.01 B
Water Line Lowering, Drainageway Crossing Only ............................................................................................ 5.01 C
Sewer Crossing ......................................................................................................................................................... 5.02
Tie Rod Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 5.03
Tie Rod and Washer Details ..................................................................................................................................... 5.04
Tie Rod Coupling ..................................................................................................................................................... 5.05
Flange Lug Detail ..................................................................................................................................................... 5.06
Clamp Details for Use with Ductile Iron Pipe Only ................................................................................................. 5.07
Table of Dimensions for Clamps .......................................................................................................................... 5.07 A
Combination Flanged Harness Lug Details .............................................................................................................. 5.08
Mechanical Joint Restraint Details ........................................................................................................................... 5.09
Buried Ductile Iron Pipe Joint Restraint for 12" and Smaller Pipe .......................................................................... 5.10
Valve Box ................................................................................................................................................................. 5.11
Fire Hydrant Placement ............................................................................................................................................ 5.12
Fire Hydrant Installation, Types 1, 2, and 3 ............................................................................................................. 5.13
Horizontal Thrust Block ........................................................................................................................................... 5.14
Vertical Thrust Block ............................................................................................................................................... 5.15
Standard 3/4"- 1" Service ..................................................................................................................................... 5.16 A
Standard Meter Pit, 3/4" - 1" Services .................................................................................................................. 5.16 B
Standard 1 1/2" - 2" Service ................................................................................................................................. 5.17 A
Standard Meter Setting, 1 1/2" - 2" Services ........................................................................................................ 5.17 B
Standard 1 1/2" - 2" Meter Setting ........................................................................................................................ 5.17 C
Standard 1 1/2" - 2" Irrigation Service ................................................................................................................. 5.17 D
Large Meter in Precast Vault 3” or Larger ........................................................................................................... 5.18 A
Large Meter in Precast Vault 6” or Larger ........................................................................................................... 5.18 B
Meter Pit Depth Adjustment, 3" and 4” Service ................................................................................................... 5.18 D
Combination 3/4" Domestic/Fire Sprinkler Meter Setting ....................................................................................... 5.19
Combination 1" Domestic/Fire Sprinkler Meter Setting .......................................................................................... 5.20
Valve Box, 1 1/2" - 2" Fire Sprinkler Line ............................................................................................................... 5.21
Standard Combination Air Valve Manhole .............................................................................................................. 5.22
Standard Sewer Manhole .......................................................................................................................................... 6.01
Attachment C - Markup of Chapter 11
Table of Contents DCS Changes
Standard Drop Sewer Manhole ................................................................................................................................. 6.02
Manhole Invert ......................................................................................................................................................... 6.03
Standard Manhole, Bolt-Down, Water-Tight, Frame and Cover .............................................................................. 6.04
Extruded Aluminum Manhole Step ...................................................................................................................... 6.05 A
Polypropylene Reinforced Plastic Manhole Step ................................................................................................. 6.05 B
Sewer Service Line ................................................................................................................................................... 6.06
Storm Sewer Manhole .............................................................................................................................................. 7.01
Storm Sewer Manhole Base...................................................................................................................................... 7.02
Flat Top for Shallow Manholes Less Than 6' in Height ........................................................................................... 7.03
Single No. 16 Open Throat Inlet, Adjustable Curb Box ....................................................................................... 7.04 A
Single No. 16 Open Throat Inlet, Adjustable Curb Box ....................................................................................... 7.04 B
Double No. 16 Open Throat Inlet, Adjustable Curb Box ..................................................................................... 7.05 A
Double No. 16 Open Throat Inlet, Adjustable Curb Box ..................................................................................... 7.05 B
Triple No. 16 Open Throat Inlet, Adjustable Curb Box ....................................................................................... 7.06 A
Triple No. 16 Open Throat Inlet, Adjustable Curb Box ....................................................................................... 7.06 B
No. 16 Grate and Frame, Adjustable Curb Box ........................................................................................................ 7.07
Type “R” Curb Inlet ............................................................................................................................................. 7.08 A
Type “R” Curb Inlet ............................................................................................................................................. 7.08 B
Type “R” Curb Inlet ............................................................................................................................................. 7.08 C
Type “R” Curb Inlet ............................................................................................................................................. 7.08 D
Attachment C - Markup of Chapter 11
Table of Contents DCS Changes
Attachment D - Chapter 11 Drawing Addition
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 1
Meeting Notes
Innovation & Technology | Community Broadband | 2024
Meeting Name: Focus Group (advocacy)- Updates to Design & Construction
Date: 8/27/24
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Invitees (bold attendees): Vivian Castro-Wooldridge (City of Boulder)
Mike Giansanti (City of Boulder)
Dan Nelson (City of Boulder)
Matt Muir (Executive Director, Coalition 4 Cyclists)
Alexy Davies (Advocacy Manager, Community Cycles)
Sue Prant (Executive Director, Community Cycles)
Triny Willerton (President and Founder, It Could Be Me)
Craig Towler (Community Organizer, Center for People with Disabilities)
Scribe: Dan Nelson
Meeting Purpose
We are interested in your feedback on changes to our Design and Construction Standards to
allow for narrow trenching for telecommunications infrastructure. These changes are
necessary to complete the Community Broadband Connectivity Project and to encourage
providers to build infrastructure that continue to deliver world-class community
telecommunications services in Boulder.
The city would like to meet and hear your feedback on the draft changes to the Design and
Construction Standards. Specifically, we want to listen to any concerns and ideas to mitigate
any negative impacts to the extent possible.
Meeting Agenda
In particular, we are seeking your feedback on the following:
1.What are your biggest concerns with cutting the asphalt? Are there some cuts that are
more problematic than others (e.g. vertical cuts parallel to the path; versus horizontal
cuts perpendicular to the path)?
2.Do your concerns differ for different stretches (e.g. bike lanes vs. neighborhood streets
or others)?
Attachment E – Advocacy Group Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 2
3.Do you have a preference on where to locate the access vaults (e.g. handholes,
manholes, above ground vaults etc.)?
During the meeting we can answer any questions about the new draft standard and the
process for updating the standards.
Presentation: Narrow Trenching Community Feedback Deck
Decisions/Action Items
Item Decision/Action Owner
Share out these notes with invitees Action Dan Nelson
For additional feedback and board
sessions – include visuals of above
ground vaults, hand holes, manholes
(not typically used).
Action Dan Nelson
Share feedback with engineering
working group for proposed standard
Action Dan Nelson
Meeting Notes
o City staff introduction
o Craig – independent living center in Boulder and support surrounding counties
o Triny – Founder and president of It Could Be Me, crash survivor, and member of
the Transportation Advisory Board
o Matt – staff person for Coalition 4 Cycles, focused on rural county areas.
o Sue Prant – with Community Cycles
o Mike gave a recap of the overall Community Broadband project, goals of
increased connectivity, fiber backbone installation, City Council voted to pursue
ISP partner rather than potential alternatives.
•What does it look like when complete?
o Triny asked if the mastic surface in the picture was smooth or bumpy (across the
surface and at the edges). Mike shared that it was smooth, across and at the
edges. During the SLC trip, they observed another trenching approach that did
have divots around the edges [that our proposed standard would avoid].
Attachment E – Advocacy Group Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 3
•Scenario 1
o Would be like the picture from the previous slide (visible surface repair)
•Scenario 3
o Mike emphasized that if the trench did go within a bike lane, the entire surface
would be milled and resurfaced, with the goal of no visible impact to the surface.
•Proposed Updates
o Mike shared that vendors using the standard would likely avoid bike lanes, if
possible, to avoid the higher cost of surface remediation.
o Mike opened the floor to questions generally, before getting to the city’s
o Triny – is there anything we don’t know that creates pushback generally? To the
environment? To construction timeline?
Mark – typical impact when work is in progress, e.g., road closures, cone
zones, though for a shorter expected timeframe compared to traditional
Triny asked about non-bike lanes, Mark indicated 14 days is the standard
Mike highlighted that we hear the importance of the total construction
o Triny – what are the other location standards? Mark indicated our current
standards identify the placement restrictions in relation to other utilities, e.g.,
water, sewer, gas.
o Craig – What’s the communication plan for neighborhoods, sidewalk closures, if
narrow trenching is used? There’s been issues with closures and detours in the
past where the sidewalks do not have curb cuts and other mobility issues for
wheelchair users and people with low/no vision.
Mike clarified that the standard would be open for use generally, and for
the ISP the city is currently negotiating, there would be language in the
agreement about the communications plans and detour pathing.
Mark gave some clarifications about the permitting process, limits of what
the city can do.
o Craig - does the city’s permitting process have specific language about
accessibility, that would help with enforcement? Most construction he’s seen
(longtime resident), does not have consideration for mobility devices and service
Mark shared that outside this standard, the city is planning a larger review
of the mobility-focused standards in 2025.
Attachment E – Advocacy Group Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 4
o Craig – What is the notification process before construction begins?
Mark shared that it’s typically a hanger that goes on the main door of a
residence or commercial property.
o Triny – would it be possible to have ongoing engagement during construction
with Craig from the Center for People with Disabilities about future DCS updates
including accessibility and detour planning requirements
Matt – I second this recommendation, as a cyclist, we have to navigate the
detour as we get there, and see people with disabilities doing the same,
“Where do I go now?”
o Matt – our preference is the center line (Scenario 1). Parallel cuts (scenarios 1
and 2) create obstructions for bike wheels. The more we can get it out of lanes,
the better.
Matt – It would be great if there’s a manufacturer that created a trenching
saw that also milled along at the same time.
•Mark shared a brief description of his own investigation into this
idea, current machines on the market are designed to cut and
trench only, not mill (unfortunately).
o Mark asked for feedback on mastic application (now or by email)
Matt – it seems like there’s an art to it, how it gets applied.
Matt – it feels vaguely similar to when stripes are painted. Glass beads are
applied to the stripes to increase visibility at night. If cyclists try to ride on
those glass beads (shortly after), those beads are “like grease” (very low
friction) and cyclists crash. The danger needs to at least be clearly signed.
•Mark said he’d follow up with our signs group, he was not aware of
this risk.
Matt – Handholes are usually not a problem, nor are manholes. The vaults
are out of the path. In neighborhoods, if there are “construction artifacts”
along the rightmost side, this pushed the bikers away from the right-most
side, increasing bike/car conflicts.
o Craig – asked about trip hazards in pedestrian crossings.
Mark – the restoration would not allow for “over-banding” which would
create a bump over the original surface. The mastic surface remediation
must be flush, with no divots or banding. Inspection would fail that (before
closing the permit), and all permits require two years of warranty, so long-
term falling or other trip hazards need to also be fixed.
Mark suggested that we may want to consider requiring the use of an
alignment tool or layout that the saw would follow to create straight, clean
cuts, rather than something that zig zags.
Attachment E – Advocacy Group Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 5
Craig asked a follow up question, i.e., why we would allow bike paths at
all? To summarize, it may be the only option but, in most circumstances,
will be cost prohibitive, most milling companies will not do just a bike path,
and will quote the full width of the curb lip to the centerline.
o Craig – I'd like to make sure the crosswalks have the same level of care as the
bike paths.
Pre-meeting feedback from Community Cycles
Alexey Davies shared the following feedback by email to all attendees, prior to the meeting.
•When trenching, cuts perpendicular to the direction of travel are generally less
hazardous than those parallel. This applies to cyclists as well as pedestrians if the rise
is not enough for someone to trip on.
•Where sidewalks are attached to the street, they tend to place the vaults where a
detached sidewalk should go, making it more expensive in the future to retrofit detached
•During construction, any detours for cyclists and pedestrians should please follow the
existing DCS section 8.04, including "Efficiently and equitably accommodate pedestrian,
bicycle, transit, and vehicular traffic "
Post-meeting feedback from Matt Muir (Coalition 4 Cyclists)
•C4C favors the site-by-site selection of optimal placement for safety. This is, according
to my impression, similar to the standards the city is attempting to outline for the work.
•The glass bead dusting over striping was nothing more than an example of hazardous
artifacts for cyclists left after construction operations.
•I still like the re-milling idea in order to blend the cut back into the surrounding surface.
Attachment E – Advocacy Group Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 1
Meeting Notes
Innovation & Technology | Community Broadband | 2024
Meeting Name: City of Boulder Technical Community Engagement Session -
Narrow Trenching Design Standard
Date: 8/28/24
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
Invitees (bold attendees): Andy Davis (Comcast)
Guy C Gunther
Michelle Olivero (Google Fiber)
Jaime Espinosa
Nicole Banyai
Brieana Reed-Harmel (City of Loveland, Pulse Fiber)
Robert Beiersdorf (Allo Communications)
David Lindauer
Scott Allan
Jeff Christensen
Nicole Cozzo
Jacob Gerber
Patrick Rave (Google Fiber)
James Childs
Al Schroeder (Allo Communications)
William Smith (Allo Communications)
Alberto Garcia (Google Fiber)
Tim Scott
Dillon Beau
John Tayer (Boulder Chamber)
Aaron Menke (Lumen Fiber)
Erik Gaulrapp (Comcast)
John Surber
Todd Heyne
Joe Osborne
Mike Giansanti (City of Boulder, IT)
Vivian Castro-Wooldridge (City of Boulder, Communications & Engagement)
Mark Garcia (City of Boulder, Planning and Development Services)
Don Mulvey
Attachment F – Internet Service Provide Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 2
Dan Nelson (City of Boulder, IT)
Scribe: Dan Nelson
Meeting Purpose
I am reaching out on behalf of the City of Boulder to invite you to a virtual discussion on Wed., Aug. 28 from 1:30-
3 pm. As organizations who have previously expressed interest in building fiber plant in Boulder, we are seeking
your feedback on changes to our Design and Construction Standards to allow for narrow trenching for
telecommunications infrastructure. We believe these changes are necessary to encourage providers to build
infrastructure that continues to deliver world-class community telecommunications services in Boulder.
Staff would like your feedback on the draft changes to the Design and Construction Standards before making a
recommendation to decision-makers. We would like to listen to your ideas to improve our draft and make it more
viable to the technical community to the extent possible, while balancing the perspectives of others in our
In particular, we are seeking your feedback on the following:
-best practices for asphalt and concrete remediation
-optimal bike land specific standards
-specifications for install areas
Any other feedback related to the proposed change is welcome. During the meeting we can answer questions
about the draft standard and the process of updating the standards as well.
Meeting Agenda
•Summary of Proposed Updates
•Technical Drawing and Scenarios
•Next steps
Decisions/Action Items
Item Decision/Action Owner
Share out notes to invitees for comment,
Action Dan Nelson
Share with city staff flow fill mix design
specifications with Mark for consideration in
the standards.
Action Patrick Rave
Share revised standards with invitees prior to
Action Dan Nelson
Attachment F – Internet Service Provide Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 3
Meeting Notes
• Todd Heyne – on separations, 10’, is that horizontal and vertical? Have had problems with clarity in other
o 2.0.6 of the DCS. We have horizontal separations outlined in the drawing. Vertical separation in
that section is mostly 12-18” in most crossings.
• Patrick Rave
o How it aligns to their traditional methods – this draft is far from what we’ve seen works, in some
places, close in others.
Street center running line – lowers linear footage, street impact, but also impacts lateral
runs, crossings, construction closures.
• Is there a specific provider this aims at?
• Outside downtown Boulder, the scenario 3 does not seem to be the situation for
most roads. Mike shared that this scenario (sidewalks and bike lanes on both
sides) was trying to represent the most “difficult” scenario.
• Follow up – did the city have an idea of how the laterals would work with
centerline trenching? Mike – we did not.
o If there are bike lanes along residential streets, there would still be a need for narrow trenching
runs supporting distribution plant, residential runs within the bike lane.
• Brieana Reed-Harmel – share similar concerns above with vaults/handholes on both sides of the streets,
with lots of laterals with centerline placement, lots of concerns
• Brieanna Reed-Harmel – PVC is mentioned, but not HDPE or some others
o Mark – I would love to see additional materials recommendations too.
o Patrick Rave – we see 1.8 laterals for each run
• Erik Gaulrapp – this doesn’t replace current standards for ROW.
o Mike – correct, additional “tool in the toolbox”, no modifications to existing (boring/trenching)
• Patrick Rave - Running line, on non-bike lane streets, we see success with curb-adjacent runs, to not
create an additional seam on asphalt-on-asphalt, reduces water penetration. Recommend considering
additions to standard to allow curb lip adjacent trenching where there is a consistent gutter pan.
o Mark asked a follow up, research from other installations showed some issues including
potentially damaging the curb. Patrick – we’ve run “tens of millions” of miles of with this approach.
Do see problems if the roads maintenance is not upkept sufficiently. When done right, do not see
issues for both the municipality and the conduit installation.
• John Surber - Schedule 80/40 – We use the SDR standard for rating the thickness of the wall,
recommend including that over 80/40.
• Patrick Rave – sometimes we do curb cuts to reduce disturbance, when approved with the city.
• Todd Heyne – are missiles allowed?
o Mark – directional boring only.
o Patrick – Missiles for end point connections make it very easy to install. At our speeds, we see
we’re in and out of a residential area in a day.
o Todd Heyne – if missiles are not allowed, probably not worth writing the standard.
• Patrick Rave – warning tape would be very disruptive to the install workflow. Feel like it’s not needed in
most installation scenarios. Warning tape does not help more than “tribal knowledge” within a few months
Attachment F – Internet Service Provide Meeting Notes
City of Boulder – Meeting Notes Page 4
of city crews doing curb maintenance. See it’s very difficult to get the tape at the right depth, requiring two
passes of the flowable fill
• Patrick Rave – cover, for residential, we see 8” depth as the right depth. Also suggest graduated depth,
rather than a fixed depth “singular profile”. We’d never do 8” for an arterial road. Having residential roads
meet main road depth requirements significantly increases the overall cost, reduces the economic
proposition for wide deployments.
o Brieana Reed-Harmel – as a city, we see it as a tool for certain situations, balancing needs of the
utility install with the O&M on the road for something so shallow. They work closely with PW and
roads to make sure it’s the right approach.
• John Surber, Traffic control requirements – Do we want to discuss it now?
o Mark – our current traffic control and parking services are part of the typical permitting process.
o Patric Rave – we see a workflow of normal construction signage, no parking, door hangers, and
close coordination with door knocking for day-of car moving. Google Fiber tries to be proactive to
prevent calls to the city. For a city like Boulder (high parking density), it’s a partnership to make it
work. Parking issues that keep a crew working a few hundred miles or less, it doesn’t become
economically feasible.
• Tim Scott – question on shallow trenching, climates, and rocky terrain (regards to front range cities here
in CO have you seen anything specific to consider re. climate and rock?)
o Patrick Rave – Not really, for shallow trenching. In Denver and CO generally, we see fairly typical
temperature swings that will wear down OSP.
• Patrick Rave – Sealant reservoir approach – in theory, it works really well. With clean sidewalk lines. It’s
realistically very difficult to do the reservoir, end up with open trenches for a few days, blowing/spraying
out to get a clean sidewall, or skipping that creating a reservoir that delaminates quickly. Over band is
much more enforceable, and making the ISP responsible for maintaining it is even easier to enforce.
Flowable fill to the surface, flush, sealant on top like mastic over band or crack sealant. In practice, we’ve
tried reservoirs a few times and in the construction workflow, it’s very difficult to do reliable.
• Brieana Reed-Harmel – in general, directional trenching can be better for the roads, has there been any
consideration to allow 24” depths for directional boring to avoid utilities
o Mark – no, it hasn’t been considered, but we can now. Especially since the narrow trenching will
be much closer to the surface.
o Todd Heyne – sometimes you hit a rough spot of rock or cobble and being able to come up to 24”
can really help avoid the spot without significant additional cost. Even if it needs to be approved
by a city inspector beforehand.
o Mark – today, if you run into a horizontal or vertical separation, we do have a process to request a
variance via memo. It’s a lengthy process but does ultimately get to a “yes/no”. This may help
reduce staff time. Understand
o Briena – having to write a memo while you’re in the field is very difficult. Utilities is one thing, but
you can run into many different things underground. Dry utilities (like telecom). Highly recommend
field approved (versus memo).
o Patrick Rave - +1, shallower HDD is an incredibly useful tool in crowded utility corridors
• Patrick Rave – on flow fill, do you plan to have a spec specific to this type of deployment? What you
shared now would be challenging to use, the aggregate would likely bind in the trench and not flow well.
Sometimes up to an inch. Water/cement ratio is off as well, I would recommend increasing cement.
“Shark fin” nature sees a lot of different curing. Google has created a guideline for flow fills that will self-
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consolidate, stay put, and hold strength. Ends up being a higher PSI like surround materials, curb and
gutter, or asphalt, depending on the scenario. Will send over as a point of reference.
o John Surber – second, you get a honeycomb effect.
o Mark asked – does anyone use flash fill? (consensus via video and comment was “no”)
• Patrick Rave – Recommendation – on the mill and overlay for bike lane, that increases your cost per
linear foot back to traditional cost. For any road where you do have to be in the bike lane, I’d be worry
about being close to the wheel path. Second recommendation for considering allowing curb adjacent. If
you do need to be offset, just to the side of strip is also good. If these can not require a full mill and
overlay, then you keep the cost from increasing back to traditional approaches.
• John Tayer – will you send the revised standards to this group (after incorporating stakeholder feedback),
before the hearing?
o Mike Giansanti – Yes, we will, along with the notes from this meeting.
Post-meeting information shared John Surber on Conduit Specifications
Below is a summary of how HDPE pipe compares to Schedule 40 or 80 pipes. The SDR value will help align the
use of HDPE versus PVC in your technical spec sheet.
Selecting the Right SDR Size for HDPE Pipes in Communication Cable Installations
SDR Overview: SDR (Standard Dimensional Ratio) is a key metric in pipe design, representing the ratio of the
pipe's nominal outside diameter (OD) to its wall thickness. In the context of communication cable installations,
choosing the appropriate SDR is crucial for protecting the cables while optimizing the installation process.
SDR vs. Schedule 40 and 80:
• Schedule 40 and 80 Pipes: These schedules are commonly used for pressure applications and have
fixed wall thicknesses for specific pipe diameters. Schedule 40 pipes have thinner walls compared to
Schedule 80, which are designed for higher pressure resistance.
• SDR Pipes: Unlike Schedule pipes, SDR pipes maintain a consistent ratio between the pipe's OD and
wall thickness, meaning the wall thickness increases proportionally with the pipe's diameter. This allows
for more flexibility in choosing a pipe that meets the specific needs of communication cable installations,
where pressure resistance is less critical than in fluid systems.
Choosing the Right SDR Size for Communication Cable Installations: When selecting the appropriate SDR
for HDPE pipes in communication cable installations, consider the following factors:
1. Cable Protection:
o Lower SDR Values (e.g., SDR 9, 11): These pipes have thicker walls, offering greater protection
against external impacts, such as from heavy equipment or accidental digging. This is particularly
important in areas where the cables might be at risk of being disturbed.
o Higher SDR Values (e.g., SDR 17, 21): These pipes have thinner walls, which can be sufficient
in environments where the risk of physical damage is low, such as in controlled or low-traffic
2. Flexibility and Installation Ease:
o Higher SDR Values: Pipes with higher SDRs are more flexible, making them easier to handle
and install, especially in trenchless installations or areas with complex routing. This flexibility can
reduce installation time and costs.
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o Lower SDR Values: While less flexible, these pipes offer more rigidity, which can be beneficial
when laying pipes in straight runs or areas with minimal curvature.
3. Environmental Conditions:
o Buried Cables: For underground installations, consider the soil conditions and potential external
pressures. In rocky or high-traffic areas, a lower SDR (thicker wall) might be necessary to ensure
the long-term integrity of the cable.
o Above-Ground Installations: For above-ground runs, where UV exposure and temperature
fluctuations may be factors, choosing an SDR that balances protection with the environmental
demands is important.
4. Cost Efficiency:
o Higher SDR Pipes: These are generally less expensive due to the reduced material usage. They
are ideal for installations where cost is a primary concern and where the risk of damage is
o Lower SDR Pipes: Although more expensive, these offer better protection and may reduce the
risk of costly repairs or replacements in the future.
Attachment F – Internet Service Provide Meeting Notes