09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 E Boulder Subcommunity Plan Connections Plan2 Transportation Advisory Board September 9, 2024 3 AGENDA →Staff Presentation →Clarifying Questions →Board Discussion 4 KEY ISSUES Does the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) have any feedback regarding the proposed amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan? Does the TAB support the amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan? SUBCOMMUNITY PLAN Vision for the Future Through city investments, local partnerships and community member initiatives, East Boulder will evolve to be a better place for businesses, a new home for new residents and an artful community that is well connected to the surrounding city and the region. 5 6 WHAT IS FORM-BASED CODE? Establishes BUILDING FORM and DESIGN standards Focuses on the CONNECTION between BUILDINGS and PUBLIC SPACE Provides a high level of PREDICTABILITY Guides where USES are located within a building 7 TRANSLATING CONNECTIONS PLAN TO REGULATING PLAN New STREETS mapped per plans; Type A, B, and C street frontages designated ENHANCED PASEO along Goose Creek & multi-use path extension from 55th to Valmont Park Connections Plan FBC Regulating Plan 8 CONNECTIONS PLAN N p. 3 9 CONNECTIONS PLAN N Valmont Park West 55th & Arapahoe Station Area p. 5 10 WEST VALMONT NEIGHBORHOOD 11 WEST VALMONT NEIGHBORHOOD - NEW •More equitably distribute right of way needs for new street connection •Use existing bridge to provide pedestrian and bicycle access across Goose Creek 12 55TH AND ARAPHOE STATION AREA 13 55TH AND ARAPHOE STATION AREA - NEW •Reduce the planned curb cuts along Arapahoe •Provide midblock access •Create new path for pedestrians and bicycles 14 FBC Adoption Process Acceptance of Subcommunity Plan Amendments Title 9 Ordinance to update form-based code, use table, other relevant sections 15 NEXT STEPS September 16 Public review draft of proposed code updates posted on project website October 22 Planning Board Meeting November 21 City Council Meeting: 1st Reading of Ordinance December 5 City Council Meeting: 2nd Reading and Public Hearing 1 6 KEY ISSUES Does the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) have any feedback regarding the proposed amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan? Does the TAB support the amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan?