03.13.24 OSBT MinutesApproved as Amended 4/10/24
Action Minutes
Meeting Date March 13, 2024
Record of this meeting can be found here: https://bouldercolorado.gov/government/watch-board-
meetings (video start times are listed below next to each agenda item).
Dave Kuntz, Chair
Michelle Estrella, Vice-Chair
Jon Carroll
Brady Robinson
Harmon Zuckerman
Dan Burke Jeff Haley Jennelle Freeston Heather Swanson Lauren Kilcoyne
Leah Russell Sam McQueen Bethany Collins Don D’Amico
Representatives from Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal Nations: Chester Whiteman, Fred Mosqueda and Ben
Janet Michels, Senior Council, City Attorney’s Office
Teresa Tate, City Attorney, City Attorney’s Office
Joe Taddeucci, Director, Utilities
Brandon Coleman, Civil Engineer Manager, Utilities
David Gehr, Senior Council, City Attorney’s Office
AGENDA ITEM 1 – Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m.
AGENDA ITEM 2 – Fort Chambers/Poor Farm (1:00)
Dan Burke, Open Space and Mountain Parks Director, Kacey French, Planning and Design Senior
Manager, and Katie Knapp, Principal Planner, presented this item. Staff and the board welcomed
designated representatives from Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribal Nations to join this meeting and
AGENDA ITEM 3 – Approval of the Minutes (1:00:00)
Michelle Estrella moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to adopt the minutes from February 14, 2024.
seconded. This motion passed four to zero; Jon Carroll abstained as he was absent last meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 4 – Public Participation for Items not Identified for Public Hearing (1:02:42)
Hal Hallstein spoke about the disposal process for open space land.
AGENDA ITEM 5 – Matters from the Board (1:12:44)
The board asked about the “Shanahan Tall Oatgrass Project Update.” Questions asked were about
resource impacts related to cattle being on the land, effects of fire on tall oat grass, if grazing has more of
a lasting impact than prescribed burns, and if there has been any change in native grass growth yet in this
The board reviewed their response to City Council’s inquiry of what “what two to three community issues
or opportunities are on OSBT's minds in 2024.”
Michelle Estrella moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to request staff submit these priorities
to City Council on their behalf. Jon Carroll seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
Staff and the board acknowledged Dave Kuntz for his tenure on the Board. While the March OSBT
meeting is his last meeting, his proclamation will be read during the April OSBT meeting.
AGENDA ITEM 6 – Continuation of the February 22, 2024 Public Hearing to consider a request
from the City of Boulder’s Utilities department to use and manage an approximately 2.2-acre
portion of the Van Vleet Open Space property to construct, access, operate and maintain elements
of the South Boulder Creek Flood Mitigation Project, pursuant to the disposal procedures of
Article XII, Section 177 of the City of Boulder Charter, and related matters (1:29:47)
Bethany Collins, Real Estate Senior Manager, Joe Taddeucci, Director of Utilities, Brandon Coleman,
Utilities Civil Engineer Manager, and Don D’Amico, Senior Resource Project Manager, presented this
item. The meeting held on Feb. 22 consisted of a staff presentation, clarifying questions from City
Council and OSBT, and public testimony. During this meeting, the OSBT discussed remaining thoughts
and considerations from the February meeting and deliberated on the staff recommendation regarding this
Jon Carroll moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to adopt Resolution 2024-01 and approve and
recommend that City Council approve the request from the City of Boulder’s Utilities Department
to use and manage an approximately 2.2-acre portion of the Van Vleet Open Space property to
construct, access, operate and maintain elements of the South Boulder Creek Flood Mitigation
Project, pursuant to the disposal procedures of City Charter, Article XII, Sec. 177. Michelle
Estrella seconded. This motion passed unanimously.
Harmon Zuckerman moved the Open Space Board of Trustees recommend a statement
emphasizing to staff the importance of public access and recreation in the project area:
Recognizing the intense public desire for continued use of the "CU South" property, OSBT
recommends to OSMP staff that it pursue avenues to keep recreational access open on the 119 acre
OS-O Site prior to and until restoration and/or construction on the OS-O Site begins.
After the restoration of the OS-O Site, site planning and public access should be a priority. OSBT
therefore recommends that public recreational access be restored as soon as practicable and at
levels which appropriately balance conservation, restoration, and recreational needs. To facilitate
the foregoing, OSMP should work with the University of Colorado to keep recreational access open
to CU’s remaining lands.
The OS-O Site represents not only a great opportunity for riparian restoration and reconnection of
the South Boulder Creek floodplain, but also a great recreational and interpretive opportunity for
the public. Allowing the public to observe, at close range, the restoration of floodplain and the
native ecosystem on the OS-O Site, and also to invite the public to recreate there, as the public has
for decades, is vital to achieving the balance of open space land for open space purposes which is
specified in the Charter.
Michelle Estrella seconded. This motion passed 4-1; Dave Kuntz dissented noting he supported the
concept but felt it needed further vetting.
AGENDA ITEM 7 – Request for a recommendation to City Council on the proposed annexation of
approximately 4.06 acres of land located at 5600 Table Mesa Drive, currently managed as open
space within Area III and designated as Open Space-Acquired (OS-A) under the Boulder Valley
Comprehensive Plan (3:21:30)
Bethany Collins, Real Estate Senior Manager, presented this item.
The board asked why US 36 was included in the annexation and how the annexation statue allows for
annexation of streets and right-of-way adjacent to the portion of property being added. Harmon added that
removing the multi-jurisdictional aspect of this is good.
Public Comment
Lynn Segal spoke against this annexation.
Jon Caroll moved the Open Space Board of Trustees to recommend that City Council approve the
annexation of approximately 4.06 acres of land located at 5600 Table Mesa Drive (LUR2024-
00001), currently managed as open space within Area III and designated as Open Space-Acquired
(OS-A) under the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan. Harmon Zuckerman seconded. This motion
passed unanimously.
ADJOURNMENT – The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
These minutes were prepared by Leah Russell