09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans editsC I T Y O F B O U L D E R TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: September 9, 2024 AGENDA TITLE: Mobility Amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan PRESENTER/S: Valerie Watson, Interim Director, Transportation and Mobility Brad Mueller, Director, Planning & Development Services Kristofer Johnson, Comprehensive Planning Manager, Planning & Development Services Sarah Horn, Senior City Planner, Planning & Development Services Kathleen King, Principal City Planner, Planning & Development Services Stephen Rijo, Transportation Planning Manager, Transportation and Mobility Jean Sanson, Transportation Principal Planner, Transportation and Mobility EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In 2022, Planning Board and City Council adopted the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan (EBSP) and an attachment to the subcommunity plan, the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan. In 2023, implementation of the subcommunity plan began with the East Boulder Zoning Update, a project identified in the EBSP, to consider whether Form Based Code (FBC) should be applied to “Areas of Change” identified in the plan and to update the city’s Form Based Code (B.R.C. 1981, Appendix M). Form Based Code establishes building form and design standards for development within designated areas with the goal of ensuring that Boulder’s buildings and public spaces are designed to create high-quality, enduring places that are interconnected, accessible and appropriately scaled. As the project team considered regulations within these areas of change, some connections identified in the EBSP Connections Plan were reconsidered for quality of connection and feasibility. The project team recommends an amendment to the EBSP to revise the Connections Plan to align with the proposed Form Based Code and better meet the needs for future connection and redevelopment. The team seeks TAB feedback on the revised Connections Plan, which will be presented for review and approval by Planning Board on October 15, 2024, and City Council on December 5, 2024. 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 1 of 7 KEY ISSUES: 1. Does the Transportation Advisory Board have any feedback regarding the proposed amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan and the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan? 2. Does the Transportation Advisory Board support the amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan and 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan? BACKGROUND: Subcommunity Plan Connections The EBSP describes a future for the East Boulder subcommunity where: East Boulder residents, employees and visitors of all ages and physical abilities will safely navigate multi-use paths, public transit, protected bike lanes, and roadways as they make their way around the community. Future infill and redevelopment will enhance streetscapes to create places where people want to be, while businesses have reliable access to move goods and freight through the subcommunity. (pg.49) The Connections Plan includes two components (1) New Connections and (2) System Enhancements. The proposed amendment would revise new connections 1A and 1E in the plan (highlighted in red boxes on the diagram below): 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 2 of 7 Figure 1: East Boulder Subcommunity Plan Connections Plan The plan describes these New Connections: 1A. Southern extension of Sterling Court (Park West) Sites, buildings and parcels located south of Sterling Drive and north of Pearl Street are currently accessed through a series of parking lots. To support redevelopment, potential residential access and create safe walking/biking/scooting options for residents and visitors, Sterling Court will be extended south of Sterling Drive. The proposed connection is located along 4850 Sterling Dr. and 4840 Sterling Dr. The blockface distance between Valmont City Park and the proposed connection is approximately 325 feet, creating an easy-to-walk block size. The proposed street type is Local as described in the Design and Construction Standards (DCS). 1E. New North-South Street (Station Area) A new north-south street from Arapahoe Avenue to Western Avenue, between Conestoga Street and 55th Street, consistent with the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan. This connection supports a pedestrian-scale street grid and 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 3 of 7 additional access to the core area businesses and placemaking amenities. The street will provide on-street parking and better connectivity to the planned BRT stations at the corner of 55th Street and Arapahoe Avenue. Connection 1E’s designation as a Local Street, is reinforced in the 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan: Figure 2: 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan Street Types Diagram 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 4 of 7 Proposed Revisions TAB is asked to consider the following revisions to Connection 1A to align with the regulatory needs of the Form Based Code and be consistent with the described intent of Connection 1A: - Terminate the vehicular connection north of Goose Creek. - Create a new north-south Off-Street Bike/Ped Facility using the existing bridge that crosses Goose Creek to connect this area with Pearl Street (Connection 1N). Figure 3: Proposed Amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan Connections Plan TAB is asked to also consider the following revisions to Connection 1E to align with the regulatory needs of the Form Based Code and be consistent with the described intent of Connection 1E: - Terminate the planned north-south vehicular connection one block north of Arapahoe and extend a new east-west connection north of Arapahoe Avenue and south of Conestoga Court (Connection 1Q). - Create a new north-south Off-Street Bike/Ped Facility to connect Arapahoe with the realigned street (Connection 1M). 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 5 of 7 ANALYSIS: Connection 1A: The proposed revisions to Connection 1A will more equitably distribute right-of-way needs for a new street connection among property owners in the Valmont Park West neighborhood by better aligning the proposed connection with existing property/parcel lines. Additionally, it was determined that the feasibility of installing a new vehicular bridge over Goose Creek to connect with Pearl Street on the other side is unrealistic within the horizon of the subcommunity plan. A revised approach incorporates a north-south bicycle/pedestrian connection on the existing bridge that crosses Goose Creek, allowing bicyclists and pedestrians to move between neighborhoods on either side of the creek. Connection 1E: Access management strategies along the Arapahoe Avenue corridor include reducing the number of curb cuts and consolidating access off East Arapahoe when possible. For this reason, the proposed revision to Connection 1E uses an existing curb cut (and traffic signal) at Conestoga to provide north side access into the 55th and Arapahoe neighborhood rather than incorporating a new vehicular curb cut immediately to the east. Connection 1Q will provide east-west access at the mid-block between Conestoga St and 1E. While the vehicular connection has been revised, the proposed north-south connection (Connection 1M) will be designated as a paseo, creating pedestrian and cycling access through this area from Arapahoe Avenue to the new street and creating a new walkable frontage to this new block face in the neighborhood. Next Steps The project team will share TAB feedback with Planning Board on October 17, 2024 and City Council on December 5, 2024. Both bodies will consider amendments to the East Boulder Subcommunity Plan and 55th and Arapahoe Station Area Plan in concert with implementation of those plans through revisions to Title 9 of the B.R.C. including the city’s Form Based Code (Appendix M) and Form Based Code Areas Map (Appendix L). ATTACHMENTS: A. Proposed East Boulder Subcommunity Plan Amendment to the Connections Plan (Diagram) 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 6 of 7 51 52EAST BOULDER SUBCOMMUNITY PLAN MOBILITY AND CONNECTIONS THE CONNECTIONS PLAN 1 0 3 4 5 CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS WELCOME TO EAST BOULDER THE VISION FOR EAST BOULDER EVOLVING NEIGHBORHOODS: LAND USE MOBILITY AND CONNECTIONS: TRANSPORTATION ACHIEVING THE VISION: IMPLEMENTATION 2 Valmont City Park Valmont Bike Park 1A 1B 1D 1F 1J Valmont RdValmont Rd Pearl Pk wy Pearl Pk wy 55th Street55th StreetArapahoe AveAirport RdAirport Rd63rd StIndependence Rd Foothills PkwyBNSF Railroad Pearl StPearl St 48th Ct48th Ct49th St49th StPearl E CirPearl E Cir Walnut StWalnut St Sterling DrSterling Dr Sterling CtSterling Ct47th St47th StAirport BlvdAirport Blvd Airport RdAirport Rd Sterling DrSterling DrSterling CtSterling CtFlati r o n P k w y Flati r o n P k w y Central AveCentral Ave Central AveCentral Ave S F l a t i r o n C t S F l a t i r o n C tN 57th CtN 57th Ct56th St56th StConestoga Conestoga CtCt Conestoga StConestoga StWestern AveWestern Ave Range StRange StCommerce StCommerce St48th St48th StPeak AvePeak Ave Old Tale RdOld Tale RdCherryvale RdCherryvale RdOreg AveOreg Ave EisenhowerEisenhowerDrDrMacArthur DrMacArthur Dr Patton DrPatton Dr55th St55th St63rd St63rd StValmont RdValmont Rd CONNECTIONS PLAN Legend Existing Connections Roads/Streets Off -Street Bike/Ped Facility On-Street Bike/Ped Facility* EBSP Connections Street Off -Street Bike/Ped Facility City Limit Rail Proposed Area of Change Parks & Recreation Water Body Gerald Stazio Ballfi elds Flatirons Golf Course 1C 1E 1G 1H 1I 1L 1K TMP Connections Off -Street Bike/Ped Facility Facility Upgrade *For visual clarity, not all on-street facilities are displayed 1M 1N 1Q A hallmark of any great city is that its transportation system is designed with consideration for all people and designed in support of community values. Mobility is not a means in and of itself, but rather a function that supports a vital, healthy, and sustainable community. Today, East Boulder is an area that, over the years, has largely been designed for motor vehicles. Options to travel by any mode other than a vehicle are limited. Dispersed patterns of development have grown up around the car and street blocks are typically long and disconnected. As land uses change, and infill and redevelopment bring a greater mix of jobs and housing to the area, the transportation network and the mobility options will evolve to support this transformation and offer safe mobility choices. In the future, traveling in East Boulder will look remarkably different than what it does today. East Boulder residents, employees and visitors of all ages and physical abilities will safely navigate multi-use paths, public transit, protected bike lanes, and roadways as they make their way around the community. Future infill and redevelopment will enhance streetscapes to create places where people want to be, while businesses have reliable access to move goods and freight through the subcommunity. WHAT IS A CONNECTIONS PLAN? The East Boulder Connections Plan is created alongside the Land Use Plan to support proposed land uses and contribute to citywide and local goals for access and mobility. The plan includes two key components: (1) New Connections; and (2) System Enhancements. The plan serves as a right-of-way plan that will be land development and transportation connections as described in the Boulder Revised Code Section 9-9-8. The plan will be incorporated into the TMP and replace portions of earlier network plans that cover East Boulder. Transportation improvements included in the Connections Plan will be built by property owners as part of redevelopment and through city projects or a combination of the two.EAST BOULDER SUBCOMMUNITY PLANPROPOSED CONNECTIONS PLAN WITH DRAFT 2024 AMENDMENTSAttachment A Proposed East Boulder Subcommunity Plan Amendment to the Connections Plan 09.09.24 TAB Agenda 5 - EBSP Connections Plans edits Page 7 of 7