Re_ Thank you 5_Redacted From: To: Cc: Nison; Beans.Tina:-;O"Donnell.Gnrloae: subject: Re:Thank Date: Thur ay,October 5,2023 8:99:56 AM External Send I completely agree with what wrote here! On Oct 412023, at 10:57 PM, wrote: Tina, Charlotte, Ali, and all, Thank you for the positive meeting today. For the first time since Fve been involved with you, tonight felt like a game-changer. You're listening, and it feels like you'll help us. We need year help, and we're willing to help you get this job done. Mike is impressive and seems to be unbiased. Let's make progress and have a fur 2024 pickleball and tennis season. Together, we can make that happen. Be of good cheer, 0