RE_ Tennis__RedactedFrom: Rhodes, Alison <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2023 10:16 AM
Subject: Tennis?
Hi –
I hope this note finds you doing well. I’m writing with an ask.
I *think* I recall that you’re a tennis player – is that right?
If so, I’d love to connect you with our planning team for engagement on our Court System Plan. We
have a LOT of engagement with the…. Very engaged. We’re hoping to talk to some more casual
players and I thought of you. It’d simply involve less than hour of talking to our team.
Let me know and thank you so much for considering! On an aside, there’s probably plenty of other
things we could connect on professionally and maybe we could get coffee or go for a hike
My best,
Ali Rhodes
O: 303-413-7249
Parks and Recreation
3198 N. Broadway | Boulder, CO 80304