Re_ Question about the netting at NBRC_RedactedF omTo be g Sco tCcGazd k Ma t Rhodes Al son
Subject Re Quest on about the nett ng at NBRCDateTuesday Octobe 31 2023 4 41 13 MAt achments image001 png
ScottMay I be included in the meeting?Thanks
On Oct 31 2023 at 16 PM Schuttenberg Scott <schuttenbergs@bouldercolorado.go > wrote
Thank you fo the fo low up ema l and attach ng the pictu e. I just walked out to the cou ts at the NBRC and saw fo myself the ce.
I will schedule a meeting to b ainsto m solutions w th ou staff in the next couple of days. We wi l make su e to do what we can to add ess the issue in a timely manne .
Thank you fo you patience.
Sco t SchuttenbergDeputy D rector
(pronouns: He/Him/His) Wh t' Thi ?
O: 303- 1-19 3 sc tte e gs@Bo de Colo ado go
Boulder Parks & Recreation3198 Broadway | Boulder, CO 8030
Find us or follow us at:www Boulderparks rec org Instagram: @b ulderparksrecwitter: @boulderparksrec
Sent uesday, Octobe 31, 2023 2 40 M
To Schuttenbe g, Scott schuttenbe gs@boulde colo ado gov>
Cc Rhodes, Al son RhodesA@boulde colo> B iggs, Tina b iggst@boulde colo> Bulge , Conno Bulge C@boulde colo> Bea y, B yan Bea yB@boulde colo>
Subject Re Quest on about the netting at NBRC
Hi Scott,
I thought it best to keep all you colleagues in on this so eve yone would be up to speed. Bes des, t s always bette to have mo e people t ying to figu e out a solution than just a few.
I ve nclude a photo of the ice on the cou t when we t ied to play today. As you can see, two enti e cou ts we e unusable, due to seve al inches of ce buildup emaining at 10 30 am -noon.
P esently, the NBRC p ckleball cou ts a e now educed f om 8 (a few months ago) to 2. This s ext emely f ust ating and upsett ng to the playe s at NBRC.
I m glad you sa d that, “ If we dete m ne that the shade c eated by the wind sc eens is impacting play, I would be happy to have a follow up discussion to b ainsto m futu e options.”
Looks like we def nitely need to b ainsto m futu e options. I th nk it would be ea ly p oduct ve to meet out at the cou ts and b a nsto m ideas . I d like to invite anyone on this th ead to join us. Let me know a convenient t me to meet.
Ba b
On Oct 30, 2023, at 6 10 PM, Schuttenbe g, Scott schuttenbe gs@boulde colo> w ote
Sounds goo
Feel f ee to each out to me di ectly and thanks fo shovel ng today.
Scott SchuttenbergDeputy Director (pronouns: He/H m His) What's This? O: 303- 1-19 3 schuttenbergs@Bou derCo orado gov
Boulder Parks & Recreation3198 Broadway | Bou der, CO 8030
Find us or follow us at:B ulderparks rec rg Instagram: @boulderparksrecwitter: @b ulderparksrec
Sent Monday, Octobe 30, 2023 6 06 M
To Schuttenbe g, Scott schuttenbe gs@boulde colo>
Cc Rhodes, Alison RhodesA@boulde colo> B ggs, T na b ggst@boulde colo> Bulge , Conno Bulge C@boulde colo ado gov> Bea y, B yan Bea yB@boulde colo ado gov>
Subject Re Question about the netting at NBRC
Hi Scott,
Thanks fo the quick esponse to my que y. I app ec ate it.
Othe places that have w ndsc eens do oll up thei sc eens and t hasn t esulted in any wea and tea .
Not only s the shade f om the sc eens esulting n shade but in a few inches of ice (f om ou fi st sto m). We can t shovel it because (as equested by P&R) we only use plastic- edged shovels and we take g eat ca e not to damage the cou ts.
I helped shovel today and I m going to play at 10 30 tomo ow, so how about if I epo t back on the shape of the ice? Maybe t will have melted despite being in the shade today . That would be the best scena io. I l keep my f nge s c ossed and let you know.
Sound good?
Thanks again,
Ba b
On Oct 30, 2023, at 5 23 PM, Schuttenbe g, Scott schuttenbe gs@boulde colo> w ote
Thank you fo each ng out about the wind sc eens that we e installed on the tennis/pickleball cou ts at the No th Boulde Rec eat on Cente this summe . The sc eens we pu chased a e ve y du able and a e intended to stay up all yea . They we e p ofessionally insta led, and the metal zip ties help educe damage f om the wind and ensu e the nets stay in place. Taking the sc eens down would equi e sto age fo the winte and having them p ofessiona ly installed again next sp ing, so we've decided to leave them up this winte to see how they fai . Wh le I app eciate you suggestion of swapping the metal ties with ca abine s, I don't believe o ling up nets and p oviding
ca abine s is a good opt on at th s time. I wo y that oll ng up the nets would be difficult and esult in damage to the wind sc eens.
I know shade esults in slowe melting times, but ou hope s that once snow has been clea ed the e wi l be minimal impact on play. If we dete mine that the shade c eated by the w nd sc eens is impacting play, I would be happy to have a follow up d scussion to b ainsto m futu e options.
Please let me know if you have any add t onal questions.
Thank you,
Scott Schuttenbe g
Deputy Di ecto
(p onouns He/Him/His) What's Th s?
O 303-441-1943
h g @B l C l g
Boulde Pa ks & Rec eation
3198 B oadway | Boulde , CO 80304
-----O iginal Message-----
F om Rhodes, Alison hodesa@boulde colo ado gov>
Sent Monday, Octobe 30, 2023 12 57 PM
To Schuttenbe g, Scott schuttenbe gs@boulde colo> B iggs, Tina B iggsT@boulde colo ado gov>
Subject e Question about the nett ng at NBRC
Hey team -
See below. Can the app op iate pe son please espond di ectly to Ba b on ou behalf?
Thank you!
-----O iginal Message-----
F om
Sent Monday, Octobe 30, 2023 12 39 M
To Rhodes, Alison hodesa@boulde colo>
Subject Quest on about the netting at NBRC
Exte nal Sende Not ce This email was sent by an exte nal sende .
Hi Al ,
Happy Monday!
I ve got a quest on fo you ega ding the netting on the P ckleba l cou ts. Would it be possible to emove the metal z p ties? It would be eally g eat to put on ca abine s so that on snowy days we could oll them up and let the sun melt the ice and snow.
If you look at the cou ts ight now, you ll see that the e is solid ce whe e the cou ts a e in the shade due to the netting. Eve yth ng else was melted by noon today. Othe wise I m not su e if we ll be able to use two of the fou emaining cou ts.
Rega ding cost, I d be happy to check with Cliff and Boco P ckleba l to see if they could pay fo the ca ab ne s if that is an issue.
Thank you so much, All e, I app eciate all you help, Ba b