Re_ Question about the netting at NBRC 3_RedactedF omTo Cc Rhodes Al son B ggs Tina Bulge Conno B a y B yanSubjectRe Quest on about the n tt ng at NBRCDateTuesday O tobe 1 2023 2 40 36 M A tachmen s Hi Sco tI thought it best to keep all your colleagues in on this so e eryone would be up to speed. Besides it’s always better to ha e more people trying to figure out a solut on han just a few. I’ e include a photo of the ce on he court when we ried to play today. As you can see two enti e courts were unusable due to se eral inches of ice buildup rema n ng at 10 30 am -noon. Presently the NBRC pickleball cour s are now reduced from 8 (a few mon hs ago) o 2. This is extremely frust a ing and upse ting to he players at NBRC. I’m glad you sa d that “ I we dete mine hat the shade c eated by the wind sc eens s mpact ng play I wou d be happy to have a ol ow up discussion to b a n to m utu e options ” Looks like we definitely need to brainstorm future options. I think it would be really produc i e to meet out at the cour s and brainstorm ideas . I’d like to in ite anyone on this thread o join us. Let me know a con enient ime to meet. Thanks On Oct 30 2023 at 6 10 PM Schut enberg Sco t <schut enbergs@bouldercolo ado.go > wrote Sounds goo eel ee to each out to me di ect y and thanks o shove ing oday e ee e p onouns He H m H s) ' O 303-44 - 943 schuttenbe gs@Boulde Colo ado gov Bou de a ks & Rec ea ion3 98 B oadway | Boulde CO 80304 s s ae a ks- e s a am T e @ e a ks e om Sen To Schuttenbe g Sco t <schuttenbe gs@boulde colo ado gov> Cc Rhodes Al son <RhodesA@boulde co o ado gov> B ggs T na <b ggst@boulde colo ado gov> Bu ge Conno <Bulge C@bou de co o ado gov> Bea y B yan <Bea yB@bou de colo ado gov> Sub ect Re Question about the ne ting at NBRC Hi ScottThanks o the quick esponse to my que y I app ecia e it Othe places that have windsc eens do o l up hei sc eens and it ha n t esul ed in any wea and ea Not only is the shade om the sc eens esult ng in shade but n a ew inches o ce ( om ou i st sto m) We can t shovel it because (as equested by &R) we only use p as ic- edged shove s and we ake g eat ca e not to damage the cou ts I helped shovel today and I m go ng to play at 10 30 tomo ow so how about i I epo t back on the shape o the ice? Maybe it w ll have melted despite be ng in the shade today That wou d be the best scena io I ll keep my nge s c ossed and et you know Sound good? Thanks aga n On Oct 30 2023 at 5 23 M Schuttenbe g Scott <schuttenbe gs@bou de colo ado gov> w ote H Thank you o eaching out about the wind sc eens that we e instal ed on the tenn s pickleball cou ts at the No h Boulde Rec eation Cen e this summe The sc eens we pu chased a e ve y du able and a e intended to stay up all yea They we e p o es iona ly instal ed and the metal zip ies help educe damage om the wind and ensu e he nets stay n place Tak ng the sc eens down wou d equi e sto age o the w n e and hav ng them p o e siona ly instal ed aga n next sp ing so we ve dec ded o leave them up this w n e to see how they ai Wh le I app ec ate you sugges ion o swapping he me al ies with ca abine s I don t bel eve o l ng up nets and p ov d ng ca ab ne s is a good opt on at this t me I wo y that o l ng up the ne s would be di cu t and esult in damage to he wind sc eens I know shade esults in slowe me ting imes but ou hope s hat once snow has been c ea ed the e wi l be m nimal impact on p ay I we de e mine that he shade c eated by the wind sc eens is impact ng p ay I would be happy to have a o low up d scuss on to b ainsto m utu e op ions ease let me know i you have any addi ional ques ions Thank you Scott Scott Schut enbe g Depu y Di ecto (p onouns He H m H s) What s Th s? O 303-441-1943 schuttenbe g @Bou de Colo ado gov Boulde a ks & Rec ea ion 3198 B oadway | Bou de CO 80304 --- -O ginal Message-- -- om Rhodes A ison <hodesa@boulde colo ado gov> Sent Monday Octobe 30 2023 12 57 M To Schut enbe g Scott <schut enbe gs@boulde co o ado gov> B ggs T na <B ggsT@bou de co o ado gov> Subject e Question about the netting at NBRC Hey team - See below Can the app op ate pe son p ease espond di ect y to Ba b on ou behal ? Thank you! A i --- -O ginal Message-- -- o Sen To Rhodes A ison <> Subject Quest on about the nett ng at NBRC Ex e nal Sende Notice This email was sent by an exte nal sende Hi Ali Happy Monday! I ve got a ques ion o you ega ding the nett ng on the ickleball cou ts Would it be poss b e to emove he me al z p t es? It wou d be eal y g eat o put on ca ab ne s so that on snowy days we cou d oll them up and et the sun melt the ce and snow I you look at the cou ts ight now you ll see that the e is so id ice whe e he cou ts a e in the shade due to he nett ng Eve ything e se was me ted by noon today Othe w se I m not su e i we ll be able to use two o the ou ema n ng cou ts Rega ding cost I d be happy to check with C i and Boco ck eba l to see i they could pay o the ca ab ne s i that is an issue Thank you so much Al ie I app ec a e all you he p