2024 - 3642 - Connor, Anna - Request III Maim Ain in a
ILast IMaim Connor
AddiI Riik Adih'a::Ss
1925 Ballenger Ave
Suite 400
Oty Rak:!/11 tcIv11ncI:!/
Aley�-inclria VA
11 baa tJ/J113 Q IdI:, QIunhy
22314 USA
Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of The Property:: Hotel Boulderado,2115 13th Street, Boulder,
IlRecoird(s) IlRequested* Colorado 80302
1, EAsting or pending building code issues that may requ lire the
Property to be upgraded.
2. Any open or revolked permits associated with the Property.
3. The date of issuance of the Property's shell and core Building
4. The date of issuance of the Property's shell and core Certificate
of Occupancy,as well as a copy of the COO.
5. The date of the Property's last evaluation iiia regard to bu 1 Iding
code compliance.
6. Date of the last iInspectiion of the Property by the Fire
7. Any outstanding or uncorrected fire code violations at the
8. Any known conditions that may negatively iIrnpact the Property
(such as limited fire truck access, insufficient hydrant water
pressure, fire egress limitations).
9. Any eAsting or pending fire or lilfe safety code Tissues within the
municipality that may requilre the Property to be upgraded.
10. The zoning dilstrilct(s)Tiro which the Property is located.
11. Whether the Property's designated zoning allows for its current
12. Whether the eAsting improvements are Tiro compliance with the
zoning ordinance Tiro effect at the tirne of its construction.
13. Whether the eAsting improvements are Tiro compliance with the
current zoning ordinance.
11 indudI:!,as nudh!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S 3nsS11.*:'Such as dak:!'dak::'rang:!'suty:d u T'ntk:!r'
S113W11 uC 11 M-IIT-IaS Of 113KSCIM S 8o KFOC dI::Sa'Ij3I.km
IDo You IKinow What IDelpairfiIniis r Yes
IIIwird !is IM a!I in ta!I in e d 11 in?* r No
r Not Sure
Spe clify IDe III int (11 a A ansa a IM
Planning&Develeopment Services
Ilio You IlRequilire We IPirovilde Any Yes
lRespoinslive IlRecoirds Found Ilin a %
Foiriamt fin Accordance WhIh the
ALcessillblillilty ILaw®-Fair Colloirado State
and ILocall Goveirinimmint(IliIB21..IlIO)*
Ateirinatilve Access Requested you would lllllk�:,
MisclIallimmir* 11 agree
Flille Ulplload