2024 - 3633 - Hopley, Olivia - Request III Maim Olilvila ILast IMaim Hopley Addiress* Riik Adih'a::Ss 250 Peregrine Circle Oty Rak:!/11 tcIv11ncI:!/ Brooryffleld CO 11 baa tJ/J113 Q IdI:, QIunhy 80020 United States I Addire ss„* 11'a::gards to!III olilviial�iopley22@gi�naill.coisn Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of My inarne is Olivia Fbpley. 11 arn hoping to reach sorneone IlRecoird(s) IlRequested* regarding a request for a certified copy of a case disposition. 11 arn applying for rny motor vehicle sales license and this is a requirement that 11 submit dispositions for past traffic cases. 11 was hoping sorneone could ernaill rne a certified copy of rny case disposition frorn May 2018. The tilclket was issued on 5/31/2018 and the conviction was 6/15/18. The citation nurnber is 11'250206. 11 understand sauna courts destroy records after a certain period of tirne. If this is the case,could you please send a certified letter stating the case has been purged due to the length of turns since the citation occurred? Tharilk you so rnuch for your turns and 11 loolk forward to hearing froom you. If any costs are associated 11 arn happy to pay those. 11 indudI:!,as nudh!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S V3nsSullaNa::'Such as dak:!'dak::'rang:!'sulby::d u T'ntk:!r' S113W11 C 11 M-IIT-BS Of 113KSOS 8o KFOC dISa'Ij3I.km IDo You IKinow What IDelpairtiIniis r Yes IIIwird !is IM a!I in ta!I in e d 11 in?* r No r Not Sure Spe clify IDe III int (11 a A insa::,a IM Municipal Court Ilio You III We III Any Yes lRespoinsilve Records III Ilin a No III fin Accordance With the ALcessillblillilty ILaw®-fair Colloirado State and ILocall GoveiriniI(III10)* Ateirinatilve Access Requested IDIIscIIaIIiI 11 agree III Ulplload