2024 - 3609 - Coleman, John - RequestFirst Name * Last Name * Addre ss * Email Addre ss:* Name / Type / De scription of Re cord(s) Re que ste d * Do Y ou Know What De partme nt This Re cord is M aintaine d In?* Spe cify De partme nt John Coleman City Frederick State / Province / Region CO Postal / Zip Code 80530 Country United States Street Address 6673 14th St. Address Line 2 Please be advised this email address w ill be used to correspond w ith the requester in regards to inf ormation and status. public.records.requests.us@gmail.c om Dear City of Boulder, Following is a request for public records. Time is of the essence in receiving this information; please provide it promptly. Please provide cover letters, project team organizational charts, individual consultant resumes, individual consultant qualification descriptions, and any other individual consultant qualifying information, as applicable, contained within statements of qualifications, or proposals, received in response to the following solicitation. Information provided may be limited to design consultants. SINGLE-STEP REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS / REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL RFP NO. 87-2018 Boulder WRRF Biogas Use Enhancement Project ISSUE DATE: October 31, 2018 Please provide information from all submissions, not just the awarded or short-listed teams. In addition, please provide copies of any attendee sign-in sheets for any pre-RFQ, pre-proposal meetings, or site visits, as applicable. Please provide this information in an electronic format. Electronic documents are preferred for environmental consideration and reduced cost. Thank you Please include as much information as possible such as date, date range, subject matter, specific names of persons and/or description Yes No Not Sure (Please choose one) Public Works Do You Re quire We Prov ide Any Re sponsiv e Re cords Found In a Format in Accordance With the Acce ssibility Law for Colorado State and Local Gov e rnme nt (HB21-1110)* Alte rnativ e Acce ss Re que ste d Disclaime r * File Upload Yes No Please note any specific accommodations, modifications or alternative access you w ould like to request. I agree RFP 87-2018 Specifications 10_31_18.pdf 7.51MB