WrtnStmnt-2024-04-12-L1_v1 (2)caddis collaborative1521 Easy Rider Lane #102 ·Boulder CO 80304 ·(303) 443-3629hello@caddispc.com ·www.caddispc.com WRITTEN STATEMENT Date:04.12.2024To:City of Boulder Planning and Development ServicesFrom:Caddis Collaborative on behalf of Naropa UniversityRegarding:Amendment to Approved Site Plan (Standard)– Parking reductionmodification with sale of property at 2111 Arapahoe Ave (1) A statement of the current ownership.Naropa University, A Colorado non-profit corporation. (2) An explanation of the objectives to be achieved by the project, including without limitation buildingdescriptions, sketches, or elevations that may be required to describe the objectives.Naropa University has sold a portion of the campus property located at 2111 Arapahoe Ave (Parcel#146330846008), referred to as “Parcel B” in the PUD. The most recent approved site plan includes both the maincampus property (“Parcel A”) at 2130 Arapahoe Ave and the 2111 Arapahoe Ave property. The current parkingrequirements are calculated for BOTH properties. At present, the combined properties provide 140 total parkingspaces, 22 of which are assigned to 2111 Arapahoe. The remaining 118 spaces are located on the main campusproperty at 2130 Arapahoe. The most recent minor modification approval (ADR2012-00267) for the property identifies an approved parkingreduction of 46%, based on a maximum approved floor area of 72,000sf (per SI-99-4 and UR-99-7). As outlined inthat ADR notice of disposition, the utilization of a 1/300 parking requirement for the applicable use, 72,000sf/300equates to 240 required spaces, with a 46% reduction resulting in a required 130 parking spaces. The current totalof 140 spaces meets that requirement (the previous total of 138 identified in the referenced ADR has beenconfirmed as 140 based on site observations). However, with the sale of 2111 Arapahoe, 22 spaces are omittedfrom the overall parking total. The remaining 118 spaces are located on the main campus, however one stall will beremoved to accommodate the need for an additional ADA stall. The existing parking total is therefore 117 stalls(see parking analysis on attached Site Plan Amendment). Proposal: OPTION ‘A’:This option asks that the currently approved 46% parking reduction be applied to the ACTUAL total net buildingarea for the main campus of 48,311sf rather than the previously identified ALLOWABLE building area of 72,000sf. In Contents: Criteria for Written Statement as outlined in Site Review application checklist (SITE_REVIEW_JAN2024)1. A statement of the current ownership.2. An explanation of the objectives to be achieved by the project, including without limitation buildingdescriptions, sketches, or elevations that may be required to describe the objectives.3. A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the project orphases of the project can be expected to begin and be completed.4. Copies of any special agreements, conveyances, restrictions, or covenants that will govern the use,maintenance, and continued protection of the goals of the project and any related parks, recreationareas, playgrounds, outlots, or open space. 2 |P a g e this case, 48,311sf / 300 results in a total of 161 spaces. A 46% reduction of 161 spaces results in a revised requiredtotal of 87 spaces. In this case, the existing 117 spaces would represent only a 27% reduction in the required total. OPTION ‘B’With the elimination of 6,667sf of building area at 2111 Arapahoe from the overall site area, the 72,000sf ofallowable building area should be adjusted by that same amount, resulting in 65,333sf of allowable building area.Applying the same 1/300 calculation results in 65,333/300, or 217 required spaces, rather than 240. When thesame 46% reduction is applied to that new total, the revised parking requirement is reduced from 130 spaces to117 spaces. Because 1 of the 5 total required ADA parking stalls was assigned to 2111 Arapahoe, the existing 118spaces on the main campus will need to be reduced to 117 to accommodate that 1 relocated ADA parking stall. Theadjusted available parking of 117 stalls represents a 46% reduction of the adjusted requirement and would requireno change to the already approved parking reduction. Either method for identifying parking calculations require no additional parking reduction request. (3) A development schedule indicating the approximate date when construction of the project or phases of theproject can be expected to begin and be completed.No new construction is proposed. Only the sale of the property at 2111 Arapahoe applies. Closing occurred on April1,2024. (4) Copies of any special agreements, conveyances, restrictions, or covenants that will govern the use,maintenance, and continued protection of the goals of the project and any related parks, recreation areas,playgrounds, outlots, or open space.See the attached site plan with existing campus building areas, parking analysis and land use analysis.