PMT - 2130 ARAPAHOE AVE - Engineering Report - Drainage Report (2) ' 1�re zen�tir Jnr 2-1 ?o A�%VA�kgF, 2- 6262C) 0 IZ106 ' Final Drainage Report for ' THE NAROPA INSTITUTE, PHASE 1 Boulder,Colorado May 23,2000 5�zsl 2ZC) o ' THE NAROPA INSTITUTE REDEVELOPMENT,PHASE 1 ' Final Drainage Report May 23,2000 1 GI ' Prepared By: CRB Engineering,Inc. 1701 South Valentine Way Lakewood, Colorado 80228 = ;v 19481 n (303)980-0245 =9'•,5�,23�00,:\\0�� I Prepared For: Architecture DenverONA\- r-�, 730 17'' Street, Suite 420 Denver,Colorado 80202 (303) 893-160 TABLE OF CONTENTS ' General Location and Description Page 1 ' Drainage Basins and Sub-basins Page 2 Drainage Design Criteria Page 3 ' Drainage Facility Design—Phase 1 Page 5 ' Erosion and Sedimentation Control Page 6 Conclusions Page 6 ' Vicinity Map Page 8 Appendix Drawing 1 —Phase 1 Grading and Drainage Plan i ' The Naropa Institute Redevelopment,Phase 1 ' Final Drainage Report ' General Location and Description This report presents an analysis of the drainage issues related to the proposed first phase of redevelopment of the Naropa Institute site. The site is located along the south side of Arapahoe Avenue between 21"and 22 n Streets in Boulder, Colorado. Specifically,the site is located in the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 31, Township 1 North,Range 70 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, County of Boulder, ' State of Colorado. See "Vicinity Map",page 8. The existing site encompasses a parcel of land consisting of approximately 3.83 acres. Arapahoe Avenue borders the site on the north,the ' University of Colorado(CU)day care facility lies to the east, an open grassed area, a parking lot for the CU housing, as well as Marine Street,border to the south, and an apartment complex and ' commercial building border on the west. Boulder Creek is the major drainageway,which passes west to east, off-site,to the south through the CU property. ' The site currently consists of developed ground with nineteen buildings and associated landscaped ' grounds and parking areas(gravel and asphalt). The site generally drains northwest to southeast at approximately 1.4%. There are three primary outfall points from the site. A number of locations ' were observed throughout the site that do not provide positive drainage and could cause flooding to adjacent buildings. There are no apparent public storm sewer systems in the area. A private ' irrigation ditch crosses from west to east adjacent to and along the Arapahoe Avenue frontage. This irrigation ditch is piped from approximately the eastern third of the site on downstream and off the ' site. No information was available from the City regarding the flows down Arapahoe Avenue. The site is located within the Boulder Creek drainage basin. A soils report by Ground Engineering was provided. Soils conditions consist of a thin topsoil layer over natural sand, sandy gravel,and ' gravelly sand. Claystone bedrock was encountered at a depth of approximately 22 feet below the existing surface. Based on this report, soil group "A", per the Soil Conservation Service(SCS) ' classification system, is assumed. Phase 1 of the development plan consists of demolishing two existing buildings, building a 6400 square foot building,Nalanda Hall, and expanding the existing parking areas adjacent to the private ' I drive. A 1,630 square foot building will be torn down to make way for Nalanda Hall. The"tea house", a 100 square foot building, located on the western side of the site will be torn down and relocated at the southeast corner of the site. An existing drive runs north to south, through the ' western third of the site, from Arapahoe to Marine Street and ties all the parking areas together. This drive, along with the associated parking areas adjacent to it,will be removed and replaced in approximately the same location as they exist now. See Drawing No.1,enclosed, for existing versus proposed alignment and expansion. The proposed pavement, "grasscrete",will be utilized as a pilot project to replace the gravel and asphalt pavement surfaces. This product is intended to reduce runoff due to development as well as enhance the overall water quality from the site. Asphalt pavement will be utilized down all the drive lanes to minimize traffic impact on the grasscrete and to ' allow for easier maintenance. There is no storm sewer system on or near the site. Detention storage will not be provided, as approved following the preliminary drainage report submittal. This is due to the insignificant increase in runoff coefficients and subsequently the resultant runoff. The proposed improvements will not affect the existing drainage patterns. The composite site ' imperviousness,based on Table 3-1 in the appendix, is approximately 29 percent. The proposed site imperviousness is approximately 34 percent. ' Drainaee Basin and Sub-basins ' The site is located within the Boulder Creek drainage basin. The major basin that contains the Naropa Institute is located on the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map for Boulder County Colorado ' and Incorporated Areas, Map Number 08013CO395 F, Panel Number 395 of 595, dated June 2, 1995. This map shows that the area is located within a 100-year flood zone. The basin currently ' drains west to east to the St. Wain Creek and on to the South Platte River. The Boulder Creek Flood Hazard Delineation, By Muller Engineering Company,Inc.,dated January 1983,also ' indicates the site is within the 100-year floodplain. Development in the area is primarily commercial and residential buildings with facilities associated with the University of Colorado to the east, south and west. Development in the area does not appear to have had an impact on the overall historic drainage patterns for this site. However, development on the CU property appears to have created a low-lying swale along the south side of the Naropa site,which does not appear to be naturally occurring. In addition,this swaled area does ' not appear to provide a continuous positive gradient to Boulder Creek. Intermittent pooling of water will occur along the conveyance route through the CU housing to the southeast. These areas will 2 ' overflow,then continue on to the creek. No drainage reports for the offsite developments affecting the site were available. Due to the ' relative insignificance of the changes being made in the parking area and since only minor changes in the drainage patterns are being made(to develop some degree of minimal standards), a detailed analysis of runoff for the offsite areas was not considered pertinent at this time. This flow will be ' addressed in the final drainage study for the proposed phase 2 improvements. Drainaffe Desien Criteria Methodologies included herein are consistent with the City of Boulder Design and Construction ' Standards(CBDCS)and the Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual(USDCM)by Urban Drainage and Flood Control District. No relevant design information was found for this site. Runoff from the adjacent development will need to be accommodated through the site to the existing swaled area on the CU property along the south property line. This proposed development will accommodate the offsite flows and storm ' runoff from the site will be less than or approximately equal to existing flows. Existing drainage patterns for this development have not been significantly modified and the existing drainage patterns ' appear to be consistent with available mapping of the area. ' Significant site constraints consist of very flat grades with an overall lack of adequate drainage throughout the site and surrounding area. The site as a whole is considered sub-standard with regard to adequate drainage. As indicated above, a number of locations were observed throughout the site that do not provide positive drainage and could cause flooding to adjacent buildings. This is especially true in the area of the parking renovation. The design intent relative to the parking area, with the exception of some minor expansion,was to basically remove and replace the parking surface with paved drive lanes and grasserete while maintaining the existing grades and drainage ' patterns. However, in an effort to provide some form of safeguard to prevent pools of water from forming on the surface,which could eventually cause the new asphalt pavement to fail, some ' regrading of the area is proposed. An absolute minimum slope of 1.0 percent was provided on all new pavements, Concrete pans and curb and gutter are proposed only in those areas where ' concentrated flows are anticipated. A minimum of 0.5 percent gradient shall be maintained on these structures. Due to the number of existing design constraints,coupled with development and budget ' 3 limitations, deficiencies will remain and the potential for flooding in the area is still a possibility. However,overall the proposed development is an improvement over the existing condition. These design parameters and remaining deficiencies were discussed with the architect, City staff, and ' subsequently the owner(through the architect)to clarify and identify restrictions in the design. Considering the phase 2 portion of development will correct the remaining drainage problems, it was decided to limit the extent of improvements and deal with the remaining deficiencies as needed through regular maintenance. Detailed information for the offsite flows from the surrounding developments were not available, and as discussed above,runoff from the area will be addressed, in detail, during the final drainage study for the phase 2 improvements. Runoff for the site has been computed using the Rational Method: ' Q = CIA Where Q = Storm flow, cubic feet per second(cfs) ' C = Runoff Coefficient I = Rainfall intensity(in./hr.) A = Drainage area(acres) Runoff coefficients were obtained from Table 3-1 from the USDCM. Runoff coefficients for the "grasscrete"product were determined utilizing a composite"c"value based on a surface area of 47 ' percent concrete and 53 percent grass. Detention volumes were calculated for the 10-year storm in accordance with the CBDCS. Due to the location of the site within the 100-year floodplain and the insignificant increases in runoff from the proposed improvements,the City of Boulder waived the 1 detention requirement for the 10-and 100-year storms. Design rainfall data was obtained from Figure 7-1 of the CBDCS. The 5-year and 100-year storms are used for the minor and major storm ' designs. The design of the storm drainage system conforms to the criteria set forth in the CBDCS. Copies of pertinent charts and nomographs utilized for design and analysis of the storm sewer system are included in the appendix of this report. Existing runoff calculations were conducted for those areas that will impact adjacent development. Flows were checked for these sub-basins to ensure developed runoff was less than or approximately equal to existing conditions. ' 4 i Drainage Facility Design—Phase 1 Runoff from the site will be conveyed by surface sheet flow to the existing site outfalls. No storm sewer piping is proposed for this expansion and existing drainage patterns in this area will remain unchanged. Within the site,the storm drainage system will be privately owned and maintained. The enclosed Phase 1 Grading and Drainage Plan,Drawing No.1, in the rear pocket of this report, illustrates the drainage facility design for this site. The proposed drive and parking areas will utilize cast perforated concrete paving integrated with recessed grass pods. The main drive lanes will be paved with asphalt, as shown,to minimize the impact of heavy traffic on the grassed pods. It is our understanding, runoff from this perforated pavement will approximate that of an ordinary grassed area, provide erosion protection, and enhance the water quality of the runoff by allowing storm water to pool and percolate into the subgrade. Based on available information, it appears that by substituting a gravel filler in place of the typical topsoil and grass, infiltration rates as high as 12 inches per hour can be achieved with the proper subgrade material. This would further reduce runoff from the area and thereby reduce detention requirements. This perforated pavement is intended to be used as a pilot project to test the effectiveness of "grasscrete"to reduce excess runoff due to development. As indicated above,the City of Boulder has waived site detention storage for the 10-and I00-year 1 storms. Even though the developed areas have been revised from that shown in the preliminary report, the phase I improvements do not significantly increase storm runoff from the site. Basin E-1/P-1 increases by 0.52 cfs(2.72 cfs to 3.24 cfs)and by 0.90 cfs(7.79 cfs to 8.69 cfs)for the 5-and 100- year storms,respectively. This increase correlates to a required detention volume of 724 cubic feet for the 10-year storm. Basin E-2/P-2 increases by 0.01 cfs(0.21 cfs to 0.22 cfs) and increases by 0.09 cfs(0.66 cfs to 0.75 cfs)for the 5-and 100-year storms,respectively. This increase does not correlate to any detention storage being required for the 10-year storm. Basin E-3/P-3 increases by 0.07 cfs(039 cfs to 0.46 cfs)and by 0.11 cfs(1.31 cfs to 1.42 cfs) for the 5- and I00-year storms, respectively. This increase correlates to a required detention volume of 149 cubic feet for the 10- year storm. The maximum increase in flow occurs in basin P-1; however,neither the 5-or 100-year flows are considered significant changes and will not cause an adverse impact to downstream areas. In addition, both flows are reduced over what was presented in the preliminary report. Consequently, a waiver of the I0-year detention requirement for the entire site is still pertinent due ' to the relatively small volumes required and the insignificant change in flowrates. ' 5 Offsite runoff from the west will continue to be conveyed through the site as it does now. There apparently have not been any significant flooding problems in the past due the offsite flows. However, as noted above,a number of areas were observed that do not provide positive drainage throughout the site that may cause flooding to adjacent buildings. These flows will be analyzed in detail during the final drainage study for phase 2 to determine the quantity of flow and any potential ' hazards the runoff may present. Except for basin E-3/P-3, existing and proposed runoff from the site is directed toward the swaled area immediately south of the property and conveyed to the east,through the CU housing area,and then to Boulder Creek. Basin E-3/P-3 will remain unchanged and discharges to Arapahoe Avenue near the northeast corner of the site. As indicated above,these flows are less than or approximately equal to the existing flow rates. In addition,the proposed development will not significantly change the hydrologic character from its existing state. The flows will leave the site in the same manner as the existing condition. Consequently,velocities will also be less than or approximately equal to the existing conditions. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Erosion and water quality control during construction will be provided by way of straw bale barriers at all temporary and permanent outfall locations to provide sediment traps. Silt fencing will be provided around the perimeter of the construction limits to further mitigate erosion. Vehicle tracking pads will be provided at the construction access point to prevent the transport of mud and sediment onto any paved surfaces. All temporary and permanent sedimentation control features ' shall be maintained and repaired on a regular basis during construction to ensure adequate performance of their intended function, including inspection and repair following each precipitation 1 or snowmelt event that results in runoff. Permanent erosion and water quality control will be provided by means of grass buffer strips, and grassed swales. rConclusions Development of this site will comply with the City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards and with the USDCM. Erosion and sedimentation control has been addressed herein and will be provided. This report formulates a storm water management system,which provides controlled developed peak flows produced by the 5-year and 100-year frequency rainfall. Flows from the site described herein have been controlled to the development requirements and are consistent with the 6 existing rates. Consequently,the drainage system of the developed site does not appear to adversely 1 affect off-site/downstream areas. 7 Grove St. a a y � C � N N M N N Arapahoe Ave. > a s o `*4 Marine St. Project Site Athens Boulder Creek ' VICINITY MAP Scale: NTS 8 References iBrater and King,Handbook of Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill Book Company,New York 1976. Chow, Ven Te, Open-Channel Hydraulics,McGraw-Hill Book Company,New York 1959. City of Boulder Design and Construction Standards, July 2, 1998. CRB Engineering, Inc.,Preliminary Drainage Report for The Naropa Institute, dated July 30, 1999. Muller Engineering Company, Inc., Boulder Creek Flood Hazard Area Delineation, January, 1983. Wright-McLaughlin Engineers,Inc., Urban Storm Drainage Criteria Manual, Denver Regional Council of Governments, Denver 1969. ' 9 ' DRAINAGE CRITERIA MANUAL RUNOFF ' TABLE 3-1 (42) RECOMMENDED•RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS AND PERCENT IMPERVIOUS LAND USE OR PERCENT FREQUENCY SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS IMPERVIOUS 2 5 10 100 ' Business: Commercial Areas 95 .87 .87 .88 .89 ' Neighborhood Areas 70 .60 .65 .70 .80 Residential : Single-Family * .40 .45 .50 .60 Multi-Unit (detached) 50 .45 .50 .60 .70 Multi-Unit (attached) 70 .60 .65 .70 .80 1/2 Acre Lot or Larger * .30 .35 .40 .60 Apartments 70 .65 .70 .70 .80 Industrial : Light Areas 80 .71 .72 .76 .82 Heavy Acres 90 .80 .80 .85 .90 Parks, Cemetaries: 7 .10 .18 .25 .45 ' Playgrounds: 13 .15 .20 .30 .50 Schools: 50 .45 .50 .60 .70 I Railroad Yard Areas 20 .20 .25 .35 .45 Undeveloped Areas: Historic Flow Analysis- 2 (See "Lawns") ' Greenbelts, Agricultural Offsite Flow Analysis 45 .43 .47 .55 .65 (when land use not defined) Streets: Paved 100 .87 .88 .90 .93 Gravel (Packed) 40 .40 .45 .50 .60 ' Drive and Walks: 96 .87 .87 .88 .89 Roofs: 90 .80 85 .90 .90 Lawns, Sandy Soil 0 .00 .01 .05 .20 ' Lawns, Clayey Soil 0 .05 .15 .25 .50 NOTE: These Rational Formula coefficients may not be valid for large basins. *See Figure 2-1 for percent impervious. 11-1-90 URBAN DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT �� ' L)HAMAGE CRITERIA MANUAL RUNOFF 50 ' 30 — ' o f- 20 3 �� w ee ' r U ie 'Zo W tl Ar rh V d 10 d Jr0 v JeW Ve AWe h O 5 ih J� Qe ewe yQ o3. gyt 3 me 4" wee eev °e' W O 3 3 oe y 's 2ILI ti O h'r 0r h v e 11 4 4D O 1 a� L 1 1z ' 5 .1 .2 .3 .5 1 2 3 5 10 20 VELOCITY IN FEET PER SECOND FIGURE 3-2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH THE RATIONAL FORMULA. • MOST FREOUENTLY OCCURRING "UNDEVELOPED" LAND SURFACES IN THE DENVER REGION. REFERENCE: "Urban Hydrology For Sm411 Watersheds" Technical Release No. 55, USDA, SCS Jan. 1875. 5-1-84 URBAN DRAINAGE A FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT •a low .. "Will112 ■ •IS �1 oilis Imma . : . qw1 WE .1..1 N■ ■1 IA..on �H•.y.■�la••j,� O ' 1 ` • tl1\ �.' u� ' ■ 4 '� 1Gi ■ 1 ► _ ■. MAIN ma "INU ROOM ROOM ENO L' 1 RISEa nohow ' �' I a •� Y■. ■ ■ ■. ■� NN ■tl C.1 ■ Imm Em Hal qK.Y�. �%i l��• � 'j hh'�. �.1 t1 �{i,P�1b,�Ft ��If `��. °��� �N NATIONAL III INSURANCE ! s ° id' 7 !6 1 fis , d Yiti , ° x s tY ��i,�C�4�;r,�['rTj.iit4C i.�'d�nr^�'fi�rA+r: y�M^l�4iti�� a(i�' v'f �t 't{thw�p tl'i�✓ y" �rvR�V4x4f"f f F� k r 74 it !ter id\,� � f� ; :� w"'es :, iy e �ar,�> t:f �dY(��i nye ��', c kd•3.gngFdt�1 Ja, rr �d5�,f r.Nr �N+, uX�`. i'N T1, a" yr u�rr�`y: yYIJf. 0 FLOOD NI I N MAP BOULDER f* . SY� b°k 11�#Tr COLORADO 1 INCORPORATED • • • AREAS ! 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All ela"tlo., FMSOM FCJ)' MOGE smium 0 MOD MOME'W� 13 ATCH CJW�SREET 4 MG MOSSNGS:vem mjq +� es URBAN DRAINAGE AND )ODC JTROL DISTRICT FLOOD HAZARD AREA 01;EUN;ATION BOULDER CREEK SHEEr $ at[ CITY OF BOULDER BOULDER CR FLOOD PLAIN: 1161-10 701141+30 OF 19 ARAPAHOE AVE.,6 JOB NO.8130 MStrmFLOODING SOURCE FLOODPLAIN DATA FLOODWAY DATA DOSS 1 IOO Tr dNJY11DE TNALWED IQOT F1OpOPLAPI FLOOOWAT •IDTN FLOODWAY t swrm STATION (CFS) TLE wrq Mr.FLOOD ELEVGISL) a�MN4R) LEFT Ii TI RRHT(M TOTAL(FT) EtEv.lY9J 25 (36+60) (4200) (5270.3) (5272.0) (700) 26 1121+30 (38+70) 7300 (4200) 5260.1 (5271.8) 5271.2 (5273.2) 760 (910) 27 1126+50 (40+90) 1300 (4200) 5263.7 (5273.4) 5274.0 (5274.8) too 830 28 1130+50 (45+05) 7300 (4200) 5265.3 (5277.0) 5277.4 (5279.3) 5024 (830 25) 29 1134+15 (48+40) 7300 (4200) 5269.0 (5280.11 5279.0 (5281.9) 210 (800) 30 1135+15 730U 5274.2 (5281.9) 5280.4 2504 31 (49+60) (4200) (5281.9) (5284.3) (890) 28th Street 32 1136+65 (50+95) 8000 (3500) 5274.4 (5282.4) 5284.9 (5285.4) 760 (1230) 33 1141+00 (54+75) 8000 (3500) 5278.1 (5286.2) 5286.9 (5288.7) 1090 (1370) FLOODWAI DATA WILL BE PURL HED AT b Hilton Harvest Hous 33.1 1141+70 (57+65) 8250 (3500) 5278.6 (5288.2) 5287.6 (5290.6) 1060 (1280) A LATER DATE. CON ACT=URBA Footbridge 34 1146+90 (60+45) 8250 (3500) 5281.9 (5293.7) 5291.9 (5294.6) 1005 (1190) DRAINAGE 8 FLOOD ONTROL STRI i' 35 1149+55 8250 5284.4 (5295.7) 5293.8 490 OR CITY OF BOULDER FOR DE ILS. 37 1150+10 11,750 5285.0 5299.1 8604 38 1154+70 11,900 5289.0 5300.7 1774 Folsom Field Bridge 39 1157+90 11,900 5291.3 5305.1 1200 t Stadium Footbridge 40 1159+95 11,900 5292.5 5306.4 12404 41 1165+50 11,900 5299.3 5310.1 5504 19th St.Pootbridge 42 1169+95 11,900 5301.5 5313.3 990 43 1173+55 11,950 5305.0 5316.9 9304 17th Street 45 1177+00 11,950 5310.6 5325.0 1860 High School Foot- 47 1184+80 12,000 5315.0 5330.5 1570 bridge 48 1189+10 12,000 5319.9 5333.6 1320 Arapahoe Ave. 50 1194+50 12,000 5325.5 5340.6 1100 51.2 1197+70 12,000 5330.0 5342.6 820 52 1198+10 12,000 5334.1 5343.5 890 1. Distance in feet above mouth. 2. From center of cbannel looking dovnsireaa. 3. ( ) values related to Arapahoe Avenue over£low. 4. Shallow flooding area not included. MULLER ENGINEERING COMPANY,INC. UmAN DRAMW• FLOOD eaNlRat amecr TABLE CONSTILTTNC VKX`IIFRS FLOODPLAIN AND FLOODWAY REFERENCE DATA �� H�pgp AREA DELINEATION ][ 741D VANCE Sr.,SM= LAKEWOOD,COLORADO`m' BOULDER CREEK CITY OF BOULDER CONT. 13m)73243tl Page 16 l�e 7 4 4 a 0 0.hS o.a- g� CL ' E �j �oai 4 .5o ac, o.as o.9.0 0 .9.0 �j0 m DCD tm w` 2.37 6.31 0.55 6.�5 /L oT Z4C,-At.Ea, XA, 1/5a)v3 zf a �r/��j�CY) . ! IC..YAoC3.i�) Ct.(c�R1h ,�p� CY�R' ✓wt'7aCt• CJ .Z.Sz7 R t LO c /lae,'E to �.Z.1.! r�.ti CL'onExi�lt .S�e �.3iliw : .3.76 i✓�e a� = X30 �,/�e _ 47 ti�(c ,2. X, CJs C;730� ' — 7 7.9 c-A CJ�, ' Quo a c 0 5 U N o. J � 16 N C O UZ W i La OJAI 9G U ti oa m Z W (� : + o.eza criI �5 a� C a = + 0-0& 0.. .3e4� �j s .3&ea -"294-el x2�-/ 1'1' Y,e I se : 1�+ n��1L nLE s1 a.cA am.. gZ,c,.n,ncau., GLCG(?1S FA.Lt.. E.•'y' � �wLttt7-AL. '@S�,l C.� �, v. }�w Al C44-6 IA 4c. lti P-1 &J. , �w b.-. zr..11 au^a L Lw�toti I��.lalsu� •� �a.ti Y• 1. .C.ondsca�o�.�.Poss = d .,1i8 ae, �.O I bAS 6..20 0 m /^I CL G.-en[.../L.nGC.S = 6.62oe- 6.$7 6.68 0,89 9!0 c 0 n CL 0.37 0� . 6. 22 6.210 6.37 ry 1 J d W hetilI --� II C I"�b&.4l0 I�G� lA -U L5 C %L. — OYLe edA"t d y� ,2.lez ,../�e ,Q = -583 ,�✓�c �d ' dm = p.37 C-43) a.37 CA c�uo r i r ' ,colnc ' R G� � 8fi a.8a a.87 9�a , Gra = d.Gti2sa. d, c 0 a 6.2/ 41.,8s 4j.37 U N N 1 r kn LO a) Z W _ 6.21 (3.SS)a.z9 6.37(e,,%S) d27 6. 75 r �7.' � 1 _ 1 1 1 1 .(oAo%tc/ae/mss = �. 7/1 d o CL oc. c 0 CL ' E _ n cG,fcl�.L ' w A 6.21 6.2.5 6.37 usL 39.x,1 ' hee+w �+ = 6.2/ (/.a3) /.o! c O.3!1 e.�s Qs 4 i M ' s14 o0 7 Geoo ^ 7� (andJcore B rs = 6.7.S sc. 6.01 o.oS p„2n n a o<l e. , 6.88 0.40 0.9 3 foo c - 0 aaa 6.89 96 5 qo 0 U m n L ' = c rz�Pcvt. = 6.03 n n . z w` 1� /.o o.`.. 6,.2� 0.27 a.39 1 r 6.39 C.s,so) Zo CCO.`lS(2d - I.�ic>�om�i!- I.o i r r ' LJf,XL L 6 DA444t 0— .Caw All fn 14AII IL o t - -e 31 c�i > Qs ` ? 2s��y .S eL koo � N Z W la.C. L.Y the lw7�n9 O[J O. f OII Ly I S7 226 0, 4 ° [O-e-7 (6,35) 4- /.57(0,74Au. - 6,59 13.9 Qy 6, bi (3,55) I2.2�. s Ile /oLrn<SMOCK FI NI aM. a, GENERAL NOTES � lwpw T1PIw91OK rR A 0 LEGEND DK 0M a 0[GIIRS«O L -M "M IMMOISM[m K rIJL[D •4 4""'D'A'�oDL Aa .' soi*w}L wa u.o1 FOR RAD[ t�aw'r11 ,o«'mac*w«'i�ie,'"«isLD�.. MM'otw¢a awvi s itz�z nw i�o rA¢ ,IT+• ,pRA I A.•,ym V.• Ko<LEi Z 6' }C: % I.1 A•[A1AMIDM A}MI 4 L K« Lm A1(N ALrli«r t}6,«G CDNOIL,L DR Gw xv E I •••:` +v p.1 yj•m t URMD TML F DVIM DI ml,CfWSWr RSIWL!E ,/Y nI1CA M1D SIMLL SIDEWALK �L Crw lK RAD[I Ca M f r Cum A m R "4 `� TRANSIfgN m K WtT wKl+m LL LVLT 'v�� Gil""(ITrt 2) WII[A(rrr[Z) ®—aTl[I OlOSS YOFK TI1,L4 K,/r/rT.104"DwL1L1C wv iIDY mvill Ab R NOT ICDUIm 6 KGWRFD /rt.I DRA<wC rOwARD CIM. SIDEWALK + DAf AFF/I Lwtl K IDLWm wa,plMCKly ATIM COIL Ab RIGFU O,bE(I GIK Alq DRRK 9uLl K LOG,tD AT M RA LK. 4LII,CI L Ib rat AS'LO<aR,C FA"W/2 •—I*c nL LAM AIE KDLrAm.M arr[R IIACKn LNwt K«CAfA.YD m r ROI lK LDGMA ML K(yTAR9(D h I/I 410<w C«FUI,I'A M FAYL,4M T1.IRK5 T. MM wwll K VOW.Lyim H carsMwwG m CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE MA o w 2"Ab W. r-r. TI•r 91Au K A RXD T/2 AMD ,/x CURB CUT FOR DRIVEWAYS GUTTERS AT INTERSECTION Lam^ N O M artLR. "/}•ew, C « C 1 / C w C r L Lx CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 CURB AND GUTTER TYPE 2 (SECTION E B) (SECTION I M) (SECTION It B) (SECTION RM) (SECTION MS) (6- BARRIER - I- GUTTER) (6- MOUNTABLE - T' GOITER) (6- BARRIER - 2' GUTTER) . (6- MOUNTABLE - 2- GUTTER) (4- MOUNTABLE WON SIDEWALK) i I GII,[R�—r AM SOEIF,L<(ILL FLAM]� WAJ•R -� rK"m Yr" fwpJdwf wtDwl Fw LK CWL iRw91Cw I SO[wYN,KMRfICw 1 A A r y r ANL mR l,I A1Q�' _ �•---vwMK[K>Q RAM aA^•t RORrE ML • • yy J L-1•' r '"F :•. /a�T' 1 ,p., 1w+.aoFL T jl" '. 1 '• '• •' . .' .. . .:. A' � a.YAR.ww. pY.,' .wA<. - ••• DRIVEWAY .. nAz ADwr aauwtD KItI[LLAGTw a - - . zW EIIG[l0S m rELr. ffF SW A«R sIWL K RI® OML a QRIG AA mOlm IL R[oLlRm rwFN «M SDErY<.l MEAVKz ar r t n�K WK yM lY�v ML K wLASUR�W TRANSVERSE CONTRACTION .•D1c Kw. �MAIELrIOI1 11W'AIL� br woK raw aa0 rt. Or o[r w we %=[)"A o "V Awa AwD Fb roR As-mwo1ET[ JOINT FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK aA05Yw«w r D KGT Dw «M a«s cu .al FA LitKr K vrww•m No Fb PAVEMENT (DRIVEWAYS) CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXPANSION JOINT GUTTER ME 2 ra,K qrL A<D army - L— m K Fp/1m wanLmrwL. CONCRETE PAVEMENT (DRIVEWAYS) r ,k" C L— rL`1 SECTION A—A r, ,. C •. C. wNd yynr r Kpww. �ynr • I FMLM r oI}cD Lws ' �FAKIr_vr ovoRwm urs - ~� DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ,Yt•/NOCK ' ' CO,OICII r rYt•/x0.[L 1 Ln CAD r�L- r 1A- (L tarn r-- (L root c.Re .� raLal Mor[ 31ACMT) •' 1'S' •�� 1 sFAorq ,•-0. I.,p. .. . . .. ir:/<Ir DLrwwm ALAspc«c sols Ar L root yACNG Lw5 Fr[wtYr Ar CURBS AND GUTTERS : m K GlalEo«t/}-/N m«FKSDa mN m. dart T101.aDG •-_�•. .�� .; .� - ro cows*ar x rAr,z a[A<iro wo,FKr.t[wLNf. ocsr v R1STAl1AFCN R m K«111Dm«M FACT LO iM Cw,L. CURB TYPE 2 CURB TYPE 2 CURB TYPE 4 CURB TYPE 4 CURB TYPE 6 6sum er STANDARD PLAN NO (6- BARRIER) (SECTION B) (6" MOUNTABLE) (SECTION M) (6- BARRIER) (SECTION B) (6- MOUNTABLE) (SECTION M) (4- MOUNTABLE) (SECTION M)QTEStAt I)EDGM LLAACN M-609-1DATE'NOV.L T992 SHEET i OF 1 A- i" ' LANDSCAPING SEPARATE CURB. PROVIDE (2) #4 REINFORCING BMS. CONCRETE PAVING: PORTLAND CEMENT1�2" PREMOLDED FILLER W/ ASTM C150 TYPE I OR 11. BTUMINOUS SEAL AT TOP DOWEL INTO GRASSCRETE AS REO'D. ASTM C33 SAND W/ 1" TOPSOIL 1/2" PREMOLDED FILLER W/ AND SEED ' BITUMINOUS SEAL AT TOP .) I' w.." 6"O.C. CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE BLOCKS SAND FILTER LAYER GRAVEL LAYER CDOT CLASS 6 AGGREGATE, FACTURED FACE ' ALL SIDES. COMPACT EARTH UP TO 959. RELATIVE COMPACTION. ' SEPARATE CURB. PROVIDE (2) #4 REINFORCING BARS. 1/2" PREMOLDED FILLER W/ B MINOUS SEAL AT TOP PRECAST BUMPER ASTM C33 SAND W/ DOWELED INTO GRASSCRETE 1" TOPSOIL AND SEED MODULAR BLOCKS ' SAND FILTER LAYER 6" b ' O GRAVEL LAYER CDOT CLASS 6 AGGREGATE, FACTURED FACE ' COMPACT EARTH UP TO 95% RELATIVE COMPACTION. ARNAROPA UNIVERSITY 05.23.00 FRC PROJECT TITLE DATE DWG. NO. ' 7 3 0 1 7TH STREET S U T E 4 2 0 DRAWING TITLE SCALE SK_1 D E N V E R C O L O R A D O a 0 2 0 2 GRASSCRETE PAVING DETAILS 1/2"=1'-0"