2024 - 3577 - Carlson, Amber - Request 1:11irst IMaim Arnber
ILast IMaim Carlson
Addiress* & ::k Adih'a::Ss
3350 Arapahoe Avenue
Oty uta 11 b vill xx::'
Boulder CO
11 bEtJ/J113 Q IdI:, Q�Iunhy
80303 USA
EiI Addire ss„* 11 lffisf:'be advlsa::d.11 is a::n'ndl adih' Ss W 111111 Ilae usa::d to Q'](P:6113n11�d ut111 x.1111 1111
'a::gards to iiii rf annnfia �-m�d sIaI.m
Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of 11 arn requesting data on properties iIn Boulder, frorn January 2019
IlRecoird(s) Requested* to the present date,where five or rnore public nuisances have
been reported within a calendar year. Please note where each
property is located, how many dwelling units are on site, how 1I
public nuisances have been reported iIn each calendar year,and
what the nature of the cornplaints/violations are.
If there is any information on how or if property owners, landlords
and/or residents responded to the complaints,that M.uld be very
helpful as well.
Please let rne Iknowiif you need any further iInforumkatiion,and
please also let rne Iknow ahead of tirne if there will be a charge for
these records. 11 loolk forward to hearing back frorn you within three
business days pursuant to the Colorado Open Records Art.
Thank you!
11 nudh!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S VsnsS11111.uNa:'11,udhaS dak:!' suty:d T'ntk:!r'
u113X JI k;11 M-M T-IaS a if 113M'S1M S 8KIA CAI:GAN1131.km
IDo You IKnowWhat IDelpairfiIniis r Yes
Re coird !is IM a!I in ta!I in e d 11 in?* r No
r Not Sure
Spe clify IDD pairtim int IM
Ilio You IlRequilire We IPirovilde Any Yes
lRespoinslive Records III Ilin a No
FoiI fin Accordance With the
Accessillbliflity ILaw fair Colloirado State
and ILocall Goveirinimmint(IIHII321--111O)*
Ateirinatilve Access Requested
IDIIscIIaIIiI 11 agree
Fille UpIload