2024 - 3574 - Krueger, Alexis - Request III Maim Ale)ds ILast IMaim Krueger AddIre ss* Riik Adih'a::Ss 1400 Goodale Blvd. Oty Rak:!/11 tcIv11ncI:!/ Grandview Heights OH 11 baa tJ/J113 Q IdI:, QIunhy 43212 USA EiIJIiI alkrueger@greeribergf,irrow.coi�n Maim /Type/IDe scirillpt!loin of 11 arn the structural engineer working on a teri ant improvement for IlRecoird(s) IlRequested* the MindZero going iInto The Village Shopping Center iIn Boulder, CO. 11 arn loolking for the original structural shell drawings through the Building Department for The Village Shopping Center- Building E, located at 2525 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80302. The Village seerns to have opened about 50 years ago, per Google, but not rnuch information could be found. nudh!III fi(IT-nt!(A�8S 3nsS11.*:'SudhaS dak:!' suty:d T'ntk:!r' S113W11 uC 11 M-IIT-IaS Of 113WSCIM S 8o KFOC dI::Sa'Ij3I.km IDo You IKinow What IDelpairtiIniis r Yes III !is IMallintallined II r No r Not Sure Spe clify IDe III int (11 a A ainsa a IM Planning& Develeopment Services Ilio You III We III Any Yes lRespoinsilve Records III Ilin a No III fin Accordance With the ALcessillblillilty ILaw®-Fair Colloirado State and ILocall GoveiriniI(III10)* Ateirinatilve Access Requested IDIIscIIaIIiI 11 agree III Ulplload