FactSht_2130Arapahoe_04-12-2024_v1Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 1 Project Fact Sheet For Land Use Review Applications Accurate and complete information about a project is integral to a timely and thorough city review. Please fill out answers to the items listed under the boxes that relate to your project. While some of this information may be included on the project site plans or discussed in the written statement, please also enter it here. All Projects KEY INFORMATION Subject property address/location: Owner name and address: Legal description (or attach): Age of existing structures: Gross size of site: sf Acres Net size of site (after public dedications): sf Acres Current zoning designation: Proposed zoning designation (for rezoning and annexation applications only): Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan land use designation: Previous approvals (specify project name, review type): Solar Access Area designation (check one): Area I  Area II  Area III PLAN 2130 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder CO 80302 Naropa University 2130 Arapahoe Ave, Boulder CO 80203 attached varies - see existing PUD Public (P-E) n/a Public UR-99-7, SI-99-4, AR-94-108, ADR-2004-00056, ADR2012- 161,825 see survey 3.7 see survey 4 Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 2 Does the project include the demolition of any structures?  Yes  No If yes, what year was the structure built? Please list any requested modifications to the Land Use Code (specific modification information is requested later in the project fact sheet): Is the proposed development meeting the inclusionary housing requirement for another development (sending site)?  Yes  No If yes, what is the address of the sending site? Solar Access Area Designation (circle one):  Area I  Area II  Area III  PLEASE INDICATE WITH A CHECKMARK IF YOUR PROPERTY IS AFFECTED BY ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:  Wetland area  Airport Influence Zone  Historic landmark designation/district  Boulder Valley Regional Center  100 Year Flood Zone  North Boulder Subcommunity Plan  CAGID parking district  UHGID parking district  Other local improvement district  Form Based Code Area n/a - no new development proposed 4 4 4 4 4 Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 3 LAND USE Please describe the proposed use(s) of the property, including activities conducted on site, number of seats, number of guest rooms, number of residents, number of employees, hours of operation and any other unique operating characteristics. Also, please specify which use type(s) in the Schedule of Permitted Land Uses (Section 9-6-1) that most closely describes the proposed use: UTILITIES Are existing buildings hooked up to city water?  Yes  No Are existing buildings hooked up to city sewer?  Yes  No Are there city water mains adjacent to the property?  Yes  No Are there city sewer mains adjacent to the property?  Yes  No Please name any utility districts that currently serve the property: Use by right. University. Refer to approved PUD. see current approved PUD 4 4 Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 4 PARKING  EXISTING total # off-street parking spaces Standard size (Dimensions: 9’ x 19’) Small car (Dimensions: 7’9 x 15’) Accessible (Dimensions: 12’ x 19’+3’) Bicycle (Type: ) Other (Dimensions: )  TOTAL  PROPOSED total # off-street parking spaces Standard size (Dimensions: 9’ x 19’) Small car (Dimensions: 7’9 x 15’) Accessible (Dimensions: 12’ x 19’+3’) Bicycle (Type: ) Other (Dimensions: )  TOTAL PARKING REDUCTIONS OR DEFERRALS Parking reduction requested % spaces where are required Parking deferral requested % spaces where are required 60 52 5 see TDM see TDM 117 60 52 5 see TDM see TDM 117 Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 5 SETBACKS Certain streets are categorized in the city code as major streets and have more restrictive setback requirements. Does your property abut a Major Street?  Yes  No What is the setback requirement? Are any setback modifications requested?  Yes  No If yes, please specify request: feet for the yard setback, where feet is required feet for the yard setback, where feet is required feet for the yard setback, where feet is required feet for the yard setback, where feet is required Are you requesting any other modifications to the Land Use Code?  Yes  No If so, please list the specific modifications requested: 25' (see approved PUD) n/a 4 Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 6 Projects With Residential Dwelling Units (existing or proposed) EXISTING PROPOSED Total # of lots: Size of lots: Total # of buildings: Size of each building: Total # of dwelling units: Total # of permanently affordable dwelling units: Total # of kitchens: Total floor area: Number of stories: Maximum building height: EXISTING PROPOSED FLOOR AREA/UNIT Specify the number of units with each bedroom configuration. ELU* ELU* sf ELU* 1 BR 1 BR sf 1 BR 2 BR 2 BR sf 2 BR 3 BR 3 BR sf 3 BR 4 BR 4 BR sf 4 BR Other Other sf Other *Efficiency Living Unit Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 7 PROJECT DENSITY EXISTING PROPOSED Gross units/acre: Net units/acre: Lot area/unit Total useable open space on the lot or parcel Useable open space/unit Floor area ratio Is open space reduction requested? (If yes, specify %) Projects With Non-Residential Uses (existing or proposed) EXISTING PROPOSED Total # of lots: Total # of buildings: Size of each building Total floor area: Floor area ratio: Total building coverage: Number of stories: Maximum building height: Ratio of non-residential floor area to # of parking spaces: Ratio of non-residential floor area to residential floor area: What type of building code occupancy classification is required? see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD see approved PUD no new development no new development no new development no new development no new development no new development no new development no new development no new development no new development see approved PUD; no new development Updated Oct. 2023 Planning & Development Services 303-441-1880 I boulderplandevelop.net Page 8 Projects With a Mix of Non-Residential and Residential Uses In addition to the information above, please describe the proposed project, and any project characteristics or requestion modifications of the mixed-use project. n/a, no new development